The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 28, 1858, Image 1

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i - j : a m m mm H - - JNOAN & LOOHRANB. ; ‘’ERROR CEASES TO HE DA.NliltUiMJh WHE,' .. ■ ■> I HKT KKBB-TO .COMBAT IT.’-jej-r b m SERIES, VOL. t ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1858 MR 103 SqHy WligMieet 1 fe £xql#t. DAILY * WEEKLY. DUNCAN ALOCt-mANE. T1RKI 0». lOMOWWI#*' Dally YqtaUlganoar, per annhm'ln adveno., W Weakly, “ “ " " RiTltrqy 1DVBHTIIHO Advirililng In tha Dally IntalllganoarwlU be Inaartad at thefollewlng ratal par aqaaia af tar Itoaa. , , , 60 Ota. I Oaa month, W M »l(M> Twa, « .» «« 1 Jl,l Thrna < JMJ l (0 | Roar, » M i nmi, " . »« 1 ,M I Oaa yaar, !»* M On® Insertion, Two * Throe, u Tour, 11 lira, “ Oaa weak. Spatial aontraoUwtll ha mula for yearly adver tliamenta eeanpyUg a quarter, half or whola tamt bo paid In advance. Legal aivertl*emant« pabllahad at tha niaa ratal. Obituary,notleaiaxcead In* tw. 1 ]"'* ad aa advertUamenta. Annomutageandideta. for •Baa, Id If} to ba paid 1b adraaea. Whanadvertiiomanti eraordarad_la bothtJa Dally, and, Weakly, *5 par oaatTwlU ba addad tothaaboro ratal. , ■ The Privilege of yatriy adrartUara la alrlatly limitaf to 'tbatr awn liamadlata aad r**ala» * Prafirienal Carte aaiaxoaadlaiaU llaaa, M» * AdwrtUementenotapcoified aata lima will ba pabllahad till ardarad obi aad charged at ragulai ,a AdraitlaataaBta inaartad ia tha Weaklypepar •air -»l b« oharrod at foraiar raUa. ATLANTA, JANUARY 28 1857 NEW AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOBRAm SALLERV. XXKT Markham* New Iron Front BnlldlDK. Whitahal Street, Atlanta, Oaor|<a. M l, COOrnt wonld laapaatfaRy Inform Me , r,<.n,l. and tha nnblta aanarallj. that ha baa eat oftbsoldssi tod most expert* 0 ®* 1 artiste In the i now mud® In ^Mwirao!VA«Bld ay to »Mr M«d* jh't th« P, priwl to Salt hard timM. Fatlefaetlon or no chnrw ia, Chemicals. 8te*k, 4w., furslebsd to tbo M. A. OOOPKR. J. 8. UBOKAKD, BOY. 14,17. M ^Aj>paratue, < ®t*nOeUfro tkr ctokfi Auguata to Atlanta. .171 Mile*.. Fare $5 SO, GEORGE Y.ONGE, Superintendent -Monni.o PiaaiuoRi Ttuix. 1 Laarra Atlanta bally at 10 00 A. M. Arrive. at Auguata, at..........7 UOP.M. 't-avaa Anruatn, dai'y at,.2 00 A. M. Arriraa at Atlanta, at; It 36 A. M. Etbnino PatisitNOEa Tanix. i aavn Atlanta, dally, at. 17 (10 P. M. Arriraaal'AUguita. at.. .........8 90 A. M. Leant.Auguata, daily, at, 4 00 P.M. Arriraa,t Atlanta at........... 1 04 A. W. Hr Thia Road runa in cnnmction with tha Tralna of tha South Carolina and tha Sarah, nth and Auguita Railroad., at Auguata. Weitern * Atlantia (State) Bail Boad. Atlaata to Chattanooga, 188 Milea, Fare $5 JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. MotiriNO PassiNoxn Taiia, Learea Atlanta, daily, at........ 1 45 4.M. Arriraa at Chattanooga at.. ... .0 45 A. M. Learea Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 30 A. M Animat AtlanU at.. 9 33 A. M Nioiit PASflBHoKa Thaw. Laam' Atlanta, nightly at 13 30 P. M ArHrea at Chattanooga at. 8 18 P. M Loam Chattanooga, nlrhtly, at..3 10 P. M Arriraa al Atlanta at It 23 P. M X3T Thie Road conn«.t» rush way with the tRome Branch Railroad at'Kingalnn, the East Tanntaaea dcdeorgia p ai'road at Dalton, and the Naahrille dc Chattanooga Railroad ai Chili an ooga. Atlanta* Atlanta to Wcat Point.8f Alilea,.Pare $3 50 QEOROEO. HULL, Suporintandent. Horxixo Paoseborr Trair. Laam Atlanta dailr at.. .3 0(1 A. M Arrirea at Weat Point it.. 7 28 A. M Laam Writ Point dally at 4 00 A. M Arriraa at Atlanta at ...0 27 A. M Evc.vino Pahsrnorb Train. Laam at daily at 1 1)0 P, M. Arriraa at Weat P int at 6 28 M. Loam Weat Point daily at 4 3U I*. M. Arriraa at Atlanta ati 10 15 P M W Thia Road connecti each way with the Montgomery dc Weat Point Itailroail. £rofeggiowl : 6qK\s, ! ®||j |s^bii3i)H)ei)ig. JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW * ll OUST OX, TEXAS, W lfiL practice in Uie District end Tn'er* iur'Uob.U Uuh aVutrt. Uarefpl hUention p^id to ihtt inYf»tip*ting of Land Titles, to the buying, felling ami lo- caling^Uahd CcrU'ficttce. Proruptnuas given to tbe coQeciitjn of aW claimi. RlfittijiclB:—H*>n. Wm, 8elJen, Wash* iugtun, D C; A Austin ftmi’hi Wsshingt/m. I) • >, Hon Wm 8raith, Warhington. D C; H iir K Johnson. Ballimore, Mil; fiov Hm Eaton, Warrenton, N C; Kfv RJ Johnson, Atlanta, Oa; W W Gaines, New I’rleans, La. Tjxis ItirESClfCM—Hon P H Dell, t*an Antonio; Ju.ige Paschal, .San Antonio; Jud^e G W Pavhal, Au*tin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Prrkins 6c Kecch, Houiton. jsnuary 7,1868. dwly { * DR. T. S. POWELL,i O FFTCB orer Smith A Kziard'a Dru fStorej /where hs con le found du ing the dsy, sad and Joces FfeeU. Atla ts, Jan* 20, 1858 dwSm W. A.JOKta. B. B. HUYT J O N E S7&IH O Y T , ATT0ENEY8 AT'LAW, • In Kilo’s Building, Corner of Marietta and Pcach-treo Streets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA Jsn!3 _ d2m T. 1IAC/KETT. ArnifUSEV AT jOL % L VW, Jitnggvld,ihurgia, will practice in the folio wing counties: Got».o«a, (*h*tt og«. Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon. Wnlker Dade. IleftrtnttM: Maj. W. Y. Hsiisell. Mari- etta, Hanse'l &, 8impiun v . Marietli, Juines K Lawhon, Esq , Dahlonega. Particular attention paid to the colrcling business. May 28, l8f»7 d*wly J OHN T. HRAKD- ATTOIINEY A'T J,A W ( -Colquitt, Mills* r, c«» Georgia march 6 18'»7 wlv D NOTICE.. URINO my abaenea from the State, Col. John Collier will «« » R 7 N 'J."' dwOm oey |JJanuir,l«. 1858 Seed! Seed! Seed! G-ardsn Seed. WE hare, •• aaual, got out our luge ajock of Oorden Seed, and _ .. a thoac who hara bought of ua here- totoie, can atteat to their fine quelitira. Jlfer- chants from the country, we^ psrticOlarly tn- ▼ite and hope to secure the r trade. We would a'ao taV a ' liberal ahue of patronage from our eitiuna C ‘» M ‘ n ^ ezz aRU . Januarr It, 1988 1 jjf- - NOTICE.' mKE Shcriff’aSalea uf Union county, now I apub’lahed lo the Intelligencer A-Eramin- erTet 4tlenU, Oeorgla.wlll hereafter be pub- liahed in tbe Mountain JBIgnol, publiahed at Dablooega, Ocorgia. , SAMUEL B. WILEY, Deputy Sheriff Of Onion County, Ororgia January It, 1858 W, I M ACON & WESTERN R. R. M At JON, UocemiHir 14th, 1K57. I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday. Iba 18th tha train, will be run ar follow,: I .one M*con t a. m. an Allanta 8.15 a. m. Leaea Macon 11 30 a m an Atlanta 620 pm ear* Atlanta 13 night, a:r Macon 7.16 t in. I.etre Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 5.4(tp,m The night trainawill ml be run on Sundaye. The nigh: t ain from Atlanta connecti with the Central Road at 9,45, and the South-Weetarn at 11,30 aun.alao wilhtho Al bany train, tri'Weekly, which leave. Macon or,|6 a. m, on Monday., Wodneadaya and Fri> OCIIKANK & I.AMAII —.47- iTOHKIKS AT L.4 IV-Maom Georgia, o k. iocurari. j. Uinta. Having avtociaied Iherntelveii in butiuem will devote thenwu’lvet inclusively ’o the prtciiceul thtfirt profeaMnn f^an(3lwly ATTOHNEX AT I,AW—Ftirburn, Georgia. July 26, 1857. UNDKKWOOl) A. IIAR; IS, Attorneys a l Law, Atlanta, Gcorjvia ' WhltebalUtiMt over a. V. HiU’. Jaw plry8iore. MarchUth, 1467. (41/) Hoy. Vf. H. Cxotswood.j [Wm tUaai*. d, 7r The aoan train connect# with the Central Road at 11,30 p.m.’ and South-western R. for Albany and CjIu mkua at 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. TV LER.Hup’t Dee 23,1867 dAw. FOR SALE. LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney ai L yw, Atlanta, Georgia Willnttcnd tbo Court* in tbe Counties of Ful ton, DeXalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether. Cowets,Carroll, Uenry, Tronp, Heard, Cobb, and dpaldiug. A LARGE issoitmeut of Virginia Leaf t Tobacco, varying in prico and quality, at retail and wbalerale, ae cheap n. the rhetpeat •J. SHACKELFORD Ac S . Nor 14, 1857 dif 1)K. L. J. HOHKRT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. Office at hirreaidenca. N«W Route to the Smith-'Vc-t Ooanoetlag Chattanooga, Tana.; Charleaton, S. O.i Baraanab, Oa.; aad all Korth-Eutern Oltiat, with Mamphla, Tana. ®-Tha laat conncoting Link of Rail-Road batwaao Haw York and tha Mlailulppi River! JE? DOWNING HILL 58 ^LANTA, OEOKG1A. fTIHB subsribars oflur it wholes tie or retaU. | a very extensive collection of Fruit Trece, (fii *“ tbe regular transportation ol Passengers and Fraight. and will afford more expedition and less expense, than any other route between the North Bast and Booth-West. Passengers and shir will 'Hake lue notice thereof, and govern U Irapd Vines, Ac,, Ate# Oatstogne sent by mall to all applicants, ‘'T^Teterb.haVdenaoo, Atlanta, Georgia. November 0,1.067. 'i^ m Mlrea accordingly." Faaienger Train, laava Steven.on dally at 1! dally i o’clock, X’ H„ (after tha arrival ef tha train Iron 0battaliong> aad Naabvllla,) and arrlvo al Mampbla aantt day at 7, P. St., connecting with NEGRO SHOES! ’ OBBAF1 OHB a P I! !&&. TO TH08R WANTING A PRIMB^w •SIarticle of doubla aola or welted brogani,FM( ' Kwa wllllaay that wo aaw bavai In Slora'Rt 4 heavy Stock, and all at oar own Manufacturing which wa wlU aril at tan nanta e palr lowar then asyhouaa In tbla ally wlU rail a* good aa ortlata —OompetltiOB we dafy cither Ib , Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, 0(*oy other raaka, end warrant tbam aagoodu arUolaaiheioverboon offarad In tbla BUte. AUklnda.of, prapor^wSfyo^e»P and warrant^ AllgoodaparchuadofaMapalradfraaofebarga At tbs alga of BIO BOOT, Paaohtm Btrcet AUuta Oo 'tala. DIMI(JKt J0 yoi, A 00 BROWN’S HOTEL, [Opposite tha Puaongvr Depot,; MACDNjJ. GEORGIA E. B. BROWN A B. 18 A ACS, Proprieb-ra D* F. DENSE, Superintendent Jen 17 -* 4W lT Do yon Wont to Buy BOOKS ,1 Do you W*nt 0he»p B00K81 Do you Pay CASH for BOOM! Cone HERE to gotyoorBOOKS! 80HOOLBOOKS M T HE SUBSCRIBER hta on hand, (end ie daily receiving additluna thereto,) one of ike largeat end moat exlenalve itock ofSchool and Mfacallaneoui Book. In tha Stala, which ha offera for aalo upon tha moat reaaonable term*—Conafctingiu part of Smliha, Olmatad Uullicu. Andrew*! Anlhow, PBrkeii, Oom- tincka, Phclpr, (Ooodrleh'a) Angala, Town*, Mitchell?, Olnnva, Hcrir*. -Corapelting Eng* IUb and Lit'n Gra.mmora, EngllahvaadaraMd datalca generally • Geogmphle*, PhllwopUet. ’ 1 Jitcrhlanti, nnd Quoatinn Booke, dtc, 4c. Al- ’i largo lot of RtallonerT- m Mlfacral dedurtion mad* lo Taaebar* and i purchaaing by the quantityi at the yen' hook storkt *t:-dAwU WM. KAY. Agent. ” Atlanta, 0*. IASON HAM8. “ r ' , *--‘-'"-, eurw| Bacon Hama, a rjompui* awuio umj at i, a • a,,, cuouoouilg n rvu Pint Clua Steam Paekati to Naw Orleana. and all atbar important poinu upon tha Weattm rlv ara.* Good, eonaignad to Rail-Road Agent, at Oharlaaton nr Savannah, will ha forwarded to Memphia tod othar point., by Expreaa Freight Tralna. Freight In charge of the Adam'i ExpreM Company, la carried ovar Util route daily, by tha Paaaanger Tralna. F. 0. ARMS, Genaral Sap'L. HoatavUla, Ala., April lit, 1857. •Through Tiokata 10 Mampbla. Ae., aold at WUmlagtea, N. C.| Charleaton, S. C.; Aqguata. Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and- Oolural Montgomary, Ala.; Chattanooga and Noahvlllci lean. : i*.To aoaneet with tha Waalern Traiaa on t la Hoad, pamongara will taka tbo Night Train, from Wilmington, N. C.; Auguau, Chattanooga and NnihvlUa, Tana.; and tha day trniui from Cbarlaatcn and KlngrviUa, S. 0.; aad Atlanta, 00. April tat.. dtf. 8MITH * FRANKLIN, Produce and Com^itfion Merchants, and Dealt re r> Faml)l and Plantation Groceries, fc- MkHttta Ktreot, AtJama.Goorgis n« SMITH* A. T. fRANKLt.V SMITH * FRANKLIN, WOULD rtspsatfully aanouocs til bs citfxsas of AiUata and »nr- saadtag country, that they are| " ' ’iffl/' • i.t tow resstvtng aad opsalsf, and will kssp in Tbsy wttiftvssysoial attsatlon to tbsi oo, Lard, Floor, Grain. Tobacco, Jko., ke. OoaitfamsoU rsspseifuk eoUcited. *TW»iiattsoUon stvea toCasb Onlo . oa Marietta ausst, in tbs boUjIipf formerly. . ibaf Jt,'! rt—— 20 Packages Glass Wore, Just Received IY the Sulscrlbor of tbo moat modemjj g a'ylca, and will bo oafd 25 m r cent W than! havd aver before been abletoaell tot Costa- Alio, China and Queena Ware, Plated Caitore, Plated Candlc.-ticka, Fmkr, Snoona, Tea 8etta, Britain do, China FloXvre Vaaea, Ac., to which I would invite the at tention of my former patron, and especially tha Ladica to call and examine, Tt R. RIPLEY. Nov. 18. 1067 dtf land N ea r at l a n t a S£a iB • ONK bnadnd taiva of land near Allan ta, lylox between IVaebtna ana Matlatu | Roaoi, la oitemt (or Bala, them an *1 tj •era* of vary heavy tlmbvr, (wlr acrea of , exeelleot cliarea land, aboot thirty am It bottom. Than ara Ova hnnOrv.' etwm aaywhtra. ‘“" 4 ( JAS. a PLAPOUTER Atlaata, Oaaewta.Paa A ttfr. : - *u ! <1 had a uri aiiort-nqnt of Tfcraad'ftom tha nduagfour aiamp*. Ur G. W dDDl.-iCOMUE UrooUyn, JT. Y, Nov. IB, I86T JAw6m ^riLldUM M. D.iaVFOUTII-— • |Wtf IN l ELLKiENCER & EXAMINER JOB OFFIOB ! the pnopniBTonB haring rscsotly *4d#d to tbs JOB DBPARTHEBT of tba E>Ub Uihmont a LARON and VARIED lortmsniof tbs Latest .ityUt of PLAIN AND FANCY -to prepared to exeeuto la a neat and workman, k# manner, every deaeriplion of . Particular attention will ba glean ta the Print Ingof Oircnkri, Way Bills, Blank Notes. Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Gheofci, Programmes, Business Cards, RANgBILLS, POSTERS, Ae. We cpeotfitlly lolicK the patronage of our friendr lo the city a»a eonntry, and a*.ora them tba tall order, will b. promptly audiavUfactorily attended Lo. 0. P. Eddy & Co., (.•CCCES80IW TO C. R MAVj.inTKR*AtX),) BOi, m Nj iiti PR1KTISS mi OS. Boolx.-J3ixxdloiry» Corner of ft hii'hall and Alabama sU., ATLANTA, GEOKOIA. O. P. BDDY fit CO!. LT*rtng jutt tA*Jo4 to their O* formsr sxtsfliirs Assort- meat of B O O K And JOB TTPH, CUTS, 0RNA MBNTH, Ac., a r*ry Urgs TAriety of us* mAteruls, of the latest sly Is*, together witi oos of Hos's oslsbrsted Cyllndsr Presses, tro morsfullrprspArsd thin heretofore. u> gtrs dtrpatch to til orders for work in tbsiriioe—which they will execute In the best style of th* Art, *t fair prices for Cask. Particular attention pail to the execution o FINE WORE for Railroad and other Jofot'Stoclr Companies, Transportation A gents. Jinnies. Col leges and School/, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and others.*'' ‘ 6ilj (lflbdHjgeliieiils. High, Peters * Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ran van renewal* ar. .al* or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, ie., Alabamo S*troot, frtosth of ths tfascA k Wsttsrs DspotJ j Atlanta, Georgia New Stock Coming In GEMS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A TW.HERBIJfO A BON’A Clctbing Mann -afsetory «r,d Merchant Tailoring eetab!i-b meat, fer Fall and Winter, all tbe laud styics. One of tbe best stocks ol Cloths, Cairiaert* at n Ve»tingf inGeorpU, from wbieb temike a selre- tisr„ Shirts, Drawer#, Under Garments, Cravats, Cent's Hosiery, OJotm, Traveling fchawii and Dlaakets. Tailor’s Trimmlags, Ac., for sale at tbe lowest p ices, to thecask trade,at W. IfEP.RIXO A BON’?. —. 48 Wbitebell it, Atlanta, Ga. Also agents for linger# Sewing, 6iii) ^.ObeHisclffiepIs. €larke& (irubb, COMMISSION MKIlCHANTS. Agents lor collections of all kind.. - Abb licet.r, ' Idedjcl fi3eh)e«T For Sale •m A 'COX&TAXT supply ef tbs'*mriJyesW>tts4 L VH UK A OIL tt whstws*}* ardJroieil Are*. rtC j-f.aa ta*de U :Lc«« wishing trvet' 8 J. SHlCKKLFORD, s-pJ'J Agt*e tm ua, mz:i c? n is: GBOCKUIKS. dkO it the! Vhftehai * A* •• *.a f&JiaerAK. Vat A Cert. *r j* a!ta*'tae bsM to Corfflgmww:* a 4 . t - *»i KmllUere* f>nmpllrU*A*. (*tc*rnr*i~ *m4c*f*tnllf SUei-F<»f Cars- I Just Received, . 'T ; 11V. :r**r-i(t8d has In *ai *f«n fsr I A Si-9 jnt*4. Ia* fsU»wlnf ntiiil**. ^ Casks rdvr Linaedd Oil, (Ecgliak * " V-ntPf! u ““ —rTA— ■Sar;- 8EEDBAixi.Br I ■ ” BtneirM rme spr'ra Oi TUST rerdrei, a firvl rate arfHs of Kwriny, - whaleOI J for Price, j 2') Hbli. jreDDiliO C1j * ■ Fcti. Fcpt 7, iit. Ct AfcKH A GRCB3. Who waatt any By« Cierirv * Gmbb t»« Ito bsil I'-t'*** tbtj wHJ 3^ MsreV -L w i ttkfcj, y A GRUBB. vanr.era. W»t; nkc x • WLi&key! WI*l*ker s.'UKEV A G?. r .'LB h'.r* re'oive^ Zi v* Mr!i»iin'« £x*.:a Cc-ppsr I>iiiiTlo4Oorr VT* trir^r. f»*r ralo eh«ap. March.2L . ..WM. C ROfeJysos CARRIAGE BEPOSITORY I ! Adjoining the comer of Ain. A Loyd EtrooU, j Atlanta, O-o. ROB'T. II . MAY Ilario*removed hi. CABF.JAGB 8KP0EITORT totieebev. eiigi el. tund opporiu tbe Wochlogtoe Wallace & Robinson CQMMt SSI ON^MERCH A NT 3, AND DEALERS 15 Ito-in aX-wted Yara«'j2s. -jo per c<aii. A lcihol. B arcing I laid. Campbeca PpiriL* Turpoottec. 20,0f)0 lbs 'Vhito lead, aborted. 150 Boxes Glaa, assorted eiaw. ^S^BrsahcSgewiered Passu, sad all a Atjar.Arm &LA&K 0«X. Tlz di*:c veij of this Writicg Fluid was tbs resell of cbealca! seeldieni. IltzrpatMi all s<b- tr ink# fc relation to eolet, dsrsWIRj *a4 easy Cgw Crtn th* pen. When too flask, aM s lutU r»ic water. It sbos^d not Is tstied with sties. Ix.5», always be pat into risso bottles eaJ teu ex-rksi from tbs air wbsa set m ass. lbu Hall, and enlarged hi# facilities, ie prepared tor fill alt orders with which be may bs farored, on as good terms as can bs obtained In Augusta or Savannah, with the addition of Frstgbt, Hit stock embraces Carriages, , Conecrd Buggies, 4 and t isatRockavsys, 6Ud« Saats do*, Fail Tops do , Wish and without Top, Paehsas, Top Beggist, g dtar Wagons, 5o Top do., irnsss, Whips, Ae^ 0 . . 4 t k ^ , cf the bs/t manafaa- 1 T v -fTr,; ir £ tare and latott styis ‘ ‘ ‘’.ill A share of patrea* • NEW BACON age is respectfully solicited, Orders for Pa '* otbsr rebiclss filled We are also agent Patent Fan. Atlanta. Oa.. Pc*. 4. 1*SA. LA R*D~ML ARD NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY TEN1V ESSR B P K O D {’ C K J | fak viii SOI corroi* the staei pen,and ssnol be We rire rperial atterj*v*n to tb# »/*'e <-f B*e* z. i turptued. iz :tt q&a’ity by any ink ausaetori Lard, Fleur, Oralt, Wbi/kej, Tcrbir-% Ac.. Ac. * :t L-reps or Aoaerica. Ovoeigr.oecu reept t/tL> ► ^ j Otius art respectfully seliritadg as ws wlfl JHT* Prompt atu-t.uot t^tr. \ *»l i -torr/ j j it up ths aVcrelnk m l:r at *cr sffiea, as fl — j -i be jwt up is Pfcilad-Jphra, Boston, crST. . ..* -a.i by Dr*. Ittggars.A QaJid, -JU» A t*t»; 5.V * I si, Oa. g«Sieta!itl>efeer.t»ree. _ *J:. Xafcbf. Btf. i WH1S12ET : VTHISKXV:' n. vn~TYX' B A)n : ;’2300*i PutoForteaepurerandXaut I s.;: 1. -*J|I . ■ ■. a< ! 11 'III auvtd to nay nil. in hii_ — i — ^ . ; » » tint si baiiass*, sach u rsg- 002X MFAL n ’ ftialing of acrivn,'covering of haas- ’ •olieltcd. : ■ 4 *• 'T •» p*.©# w«!’ dried .Vet* Btco Family or Plantation Wagoti • r...., Usd at short notice. 4 tval T irr a- tu ipivufiv’s test for Norwood A robins' , ACE * ;V' . - (atv ; meiMfettad or nSefi^j laying of tswftrisp bw t'. n:v*t. - the KttT*. whole vr sisg'.e, Ac, ! SariffecvW* gi*« in evwry isrtanca tr ci } charge. Ail work wamnU-d. ) Tunlnf b/ th»y car dons »t Usdaert i Prle«a* AU erderr sboali be bft si bssci. W2- • Hams' Fnrcttnre Store, is Psaatm il, AUaa*. 'J , ta. nor. 28, '*4, dwly. -AND- * /.LLAf'E & * yv* dtf ATLANTA, OA. — * j ^HKsabscriber wouldimenn thecitUsnrof At Books. Pamnhlot*. CaUlorues. Circular*.: Untsatjd vicinitytbnc he has constantly on*. W a wi ! Cnrda. Fromi,xory KoUl, Blank Dead., Cheek, hend.ethl. Coufosttonatynnd Bekitjeauhlub. | Bink. — ■■ - - —- meat, all kinfi. of Confection*, Paatrlea, Fmit* At, Qs Is alio prepared tc furnish every ieaCripucn \ of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or 1 panics, at short notice, and oa accommodating 1 terms. 1 WIUU8, XIVUUBkVf J X1UVO*, UAAUJA J/OvU, vQrCAl Way Bills, Prograamsi, Hand and Show Bills Posters, Ac., exwatod at short notice. Aik*Printing in Oold and Bavka Baowta and Fancy CoLor.iD Inks, or on Vellum, Satin Muslin, ae., dons In beautiful style. Haring likewise connected a Rooh-Hindfry with their Printing Establishment, they art prs* pared to execots orders for every description of work ia that dspartwent—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style superior to any ever before dons in this sec tion of the Buts. Their Tools being all new and U. J. MjjUUIJT. Attorney at Lair, Albany Georgia. May 1*8. 1857. ' __ 'rdsrs for work, in either department of their business, from any part of Georgis ac-f neighboring States, will meet with promputtec tion. Atlanta Oa. Feb. 28. 1S»7. (diwly.) WM. A. U VHUlSq Attorney n I l < n tv Isabella, Worth Co., Oeergia. Hefors to—Maj. J. L. Harris, MUtedgerille; Hon. A. U. Haosetl, ThomasviUs; Miller A Hal), Oglethorpe; Hon. R. H. Clark, Macon; Col. J. \V. Duncan, Atlanta. Juac2-dly^ JAUKD III WIN WHITAKER, Attorney nt Law, Atlanta, Ci.orcia, Office, front room, over J. It. A C. 11. LVat* loco'. Store, corner Whiloball^uiil. Alabama .u. May 3S. 1857. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Carlorsvillc Georgia FablW; 1558. *IX*1, P. O. I1AUPKH, Attorney at Law, Weit Point, Georgia April IS, 1855. ilAwif llutclllus 4i Yotlltg, Attorneys at L a »v , Lnwrcncoville, ^ ..... . Georgia. Will practice In the rounlle. of Owinneii, llall Walton, Furivlh and IleKalh. Aay bu.inef, en- trn.tod to tholr c»ro will bo recolvoj vritb plea/ nro and attaadod to promptly. NATHAKIKL H. UDTClIISS,.Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. July 77; 1857.■ IV. T. C. Campbell Aa lira.,." li.l^ arc prepared t. perform all operation. In tbe | profee-iion with durability aad .kill. 347- Office over Alex.ndare Oraq Store, Whit. Ua!l .U W. T. O. CAMYBKLL. U. V. OAMFBKLL. Atlanta, Jan. 3C d D R. il. T. PULLIAM having re turtle J from a lo Virginia will n>- .am, the practice of hie prole..ion in tho city of Atlanta and it. vicinity. C.n he foui d al hi.ofiico at .11 hour., except when, engaged. CT Office WASHINGTON IIALI.. .epIAdwtf CAMrilENE Borning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR T. R. RIPLEY. P. S—A liberal discount by the Bbl Oaa. 9 IM7. 4«il beet ths Northern markets afford, and thsir work men equal to any jn tbs Sooth, they feet confident of tbcdr ability to giro entire saUsfaotlon, and consequently have no hesltsney in soliciting tbs Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of nil Descriptions. B J.AN K8 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS,can be had at all times, at the [Milliner ffR CBST'Krxaci.ia:, Attornics, Sherifls, Clerks of Court#, and Ortlinaries, ran be furnished, at short notice, any fatemte form of DKE1),* WRIT, or PRO CES.Swhiehthey may draire; andallF<)KM£ ot legal instruments, commonly in use, are al ways on hand, to be sold at the lowest prices. \tUnta. VI w E, M. SEA60, .SUCCESSOR TOSUfiO A UWRD.LT WILL COST!XUH THU 1‘HOVOCS COX- xissro.v b csiyess. AT HIS XEff COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta Hotel, end nett door to Y olton Gosw, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ns-Th* oia»i KffiCiiItis»oflersd to Skippers ipeetfullr-utheitsd. Oct lOlti IK»6. (JAwly) A GREAT VARIETY. 100 IV.rhir ca. 10 com. each. 67 I’lum. free, 37 j - cent* «ch 36 Apricot Tree. 49 cent., each 28 llhcrrick I* cenu. 28 Apple tree., 35 cenu.each • 4 i'ervivn Ltlack, 35 cent#, 1300 Htrawlicrry Planto, I crnl each ' 21 Dei- narkil'U.I $i J.ncn 40 l).l fragrant Jnuqnill T.S cenu dn JjS Doi. Dnubh. Tulipl. $2 d.'X- 20 D-uDnubh. llj.und $2 dcr 36 lV'i In. $1 da*. VarietiM nfSuawbcnira.rniied- lloray. Hecdiing. Eeriy’Scar'd. Trill. (Jaaea Napoleon. Wa.hingl'n Nc/wn, Tor .ale ai the Aucinn Henre^hv Janl. 1818—dtf THOMAS T. I.OWF.. ini i .Moury Ido us lit. u' the l.clea rt f.r Tr:,:;r-w K't-'nckv ar, 1 X*— frtlctn.. SEA'.'O. ABBOTT dr CO. Nu-erahn <!, Ie57 dlf . Bncon-Flonr-Coru-Fena-Oat.l' 7 * .a •»<> gv’4 naw Teanaaeae Beet*. «,555 Se. g..*! 5apcrisa JWr, l,8M bctielr g»d TTiS. Cera, ! tfr# hukeda Ke. 1 Peaa for pledriat tOt raii.ii BUck crad Oau, I nr,A 1 e.Va'i tr.!.. r* i 2vd beihsli Vtjts Cent M**L Tit above arli'le* wiH be sbid at fiit market WL:* i.T Cs/h. or p<d il or W cotes. Mr prarthtft** it Terr largo, acd IwiUSwrvsa kii is - r Pro-i-:* o; Us roue. X A£ fj+duc* Ufl . wttt me ii raft from fire m s aay ether Wort Birds Eye Lime. meass tt tbs city, aadcaa Wiaowrod if 4sdr*L Ws ore.Areat* for the rale cf Mr. E L ! C*D. TAKE, for csuuifis Sfs: baeoo—togst Foaey Uariag rsesntly bs laid in a fine steek of Faney Aruelei aad svo-! K * %r * tl>c Vf:u *** ry thing uacamry for serryingos his esndj mao ! K> Vt.vrtr i Triable. Satti. uiactory he woold'afo.-ni county dealer* thst bait } rs*rr, Hi., laporten prepared to furnish tit lias at wholesale at 20 j r» :» Frvc»L S- lope* %»dT«op.e* Mill esnu per pound. Order accompanied with the eask or good city [ BoJtmr reference#promptly attended to ! L. VALENTINO. | tnUp exeestrt Atlanta, Nov. JOtb %bb. ds»-T | ' JtD * f *- cVcr PTTPLNriTimBl La-^ts, Pegs. Kit, aod ; ftvnrthing cocn*ctfd with the Boot on? FS lae:n»v*. which w:l! be #o!d at low prices FURNITURE!! 1 THE sobicriber* bars on band and are now opening a large and “ttllj selected Su*ek from tbe Northern Manufactories. Best Safes, Wardrobes, Bar sacs, Ssersta: .*•. Washstandr, Bedstead# and lhalri of any desired pattern and priee. A fine assortment of Centrs.Worka SoIoah and Tciiette Tables—Etagers’s,Corner and Side—Sofas. Tete* •Tets.ste. /SF*In addition to the above large stock. »< or* receiving weekly supplies. Tbe publie art tn ritod to eall end examine our stock. F. A. a j. ft WILLIAMS, N**t it:-n to Gilbert k Clark#, Pmettrw »t.. Stiaata, G»J ‘Burial Cane*. —tv . ara prepared u> furniah Filk'a M.uliic Bnr. 5 uum! at abort notice. Wa hare .rcnnG tba rarvirc. of a competent paraon to anon A to Uaia j*- - . 1 J. S. WILLIAMS, Peachtree m»l Joseph Wiiiship, COMMISSION MF.KCHANT. FOK THK PHRI-HASE, ajfd Sl.'tqtf cf I'rcsiucr.MBia ppnita the Wpidrrn A Atlan tic Rai'.ruaJ Depot. Novcmhetll. 1867 diwtf B l*BK WHEAT FLOnP. Ofnaburgs. Yarn*., 8hirtii’g« F,*>*m thr 11 Septmbc . PH. . .M. RIHKH. HOMCZOPATH1ST, O FFICE and K - -.ns in Lv. I'ca*r*n fi:e, cp&nite Pft:>? -ts.Ur. Net ember 20, 1857 James gg. Carter, All evacr. i.-ea=-.;xnK*i ami C,at w-3 h. p.-nsrptlt fiiW with i'v.J Go..’., and at low i ratca—at tb* Sign of the Big Boat, Peachtm* ) Krivt, I Ihcrnkae Bitck. i .pI-Mti DlVIdC A VIX. f pliolntcrlng and Ttalfmna ri. labllshment. r f’Ef ,ct«r.b*r ba*rra^t.-Tjy «w«aa« I ii-T.- ■»( V.*! i-»*vra « t *t ‘ ?rKA>£D-- fres lb* *l*t. *!,»» eictk it. I • it, tee ra.t r*Blt! Rats Katuaawa. vu | -vtitO tapartar V* at, atari. *>tr tu, t t-*». ■ t-»* *« oa Vaoi. Re aier. .ai J-J ; *»v* rpr»’»|ijisg v- o?L#o **i ! m(t«. - Alee tbs i *tri wu-v;#, .'■pj-atfprlar «»rru^. vxd M - 4 * * ■ - ALfi. rs^i s«-r»r fA.j uut food 4 « • » a- # * } tyne *, *V‘. t 0T r r V*T V !k H*ir,Chs<k, P7rakor % Beesl*\ : *'-‘t .zl. Sorrrea*’. BeiWmg, 4 « .Varima otmt j ^tluktv (to-. n y. YIWTCO. Forwarding CommivMon Vei cha tit. SAVANNAH. GA., ITh Jftceo New B-fct U* eee#j »- , P. S. Ltbcrii adrjiu'CA nu :<* c.n ■. sionmentr. KUTRENO '• k Cc . Jet: Jtp J. Bat*ri. . Hocc,» nujNO LAXint. XiAM*^ * »n'Kjrjuv. KNOXYl' •. "C 7 ‘ f-VSEE. BBILLIAKT PROSPECTUS I rornra ikkR c-f r,in | CosmtifniliUD An Associaiioo. rat rxwocn »* Dunneldorf llalery of Paintlnsn! j Tur'.KitcA at a Cost «/$l 50,000: t.\r rcvrvR’a wr>Ri.a niaowvxn mrrt cw THE GREEK SLAVE.’! Ke-,»rabiKc tt: ,u ttcajai*! coiiar., witi r. rersi bcndrtd Alher weris of art. ts Paialings, Sraif-tcrrs uyi RrWitvs tbe Premia os to U *■ srd«d r; ;hs sutocneer* ef ths Cosmofw •dsn ‘rt Asaocv?:.l, vlo nl-icnb* Were ths 2: pc‘Jsrnvj Isis, at which ttas ths awards tier Ilouyt, Macot. si* as.dSan.}soL L» e»«r, late of Tu«xrgee. A’# xa, vdi is b*rry to meet atl rrwml# and c." *mer# *: '.1* Lams: Hon*a. where they hare. *rrr!r iwtkc tar rw« tuwdrsd ana fcftT | &. l c LaNiKK,•Pn-prietova. Tobacco, Tobacco, UST .*vcr:*wxl - : irrc» fr'T» \ ,pginj».s efevre T n RAU t t, OaT.-.-ng srfjch ;• s or N.trt cf iLa* jnr.ri e«LdraU-J Btiim KWcAS TWIST. »ufwr if tf.o in !>js . at.'i t rij ^r. 1 off-rtBi k « or StMcxirttoa—Elery exUeriUt : i, nutio n a ccpv of tb. Jarg. i Mad ctv*. t.tfnTmfj camJed -ManifMI . .it. t > a copy of tb# Cf.tsipi5UE in ! -o. voir, tl.,i tc o rartlbctc taPtotwud ax*. ,5r 1.1 in. acxmua (. lb. Dta- at-4 ttaikrio^ ,ti»»ca:ikai!' r cor, ibroo dollar, paid, !y rocetvo. a op)tm3i4 tbrt, •io-.a: eagrat mg, but aha, too fcasnufaUy tUsa- (VitSh M.« NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS; F. LOWE, Atlanta Female College. 3 p HE THIRD SESSION of thU ! imcituiian W’ll com ncncc on ON DAY, the 18th Uuk W» ham fittrJ up the biMuncnl of the I’tiabvtorian Church with a new fixr, ami naw da»k>. artording a much nt*ra conimoill. nna an,I romforiabV room than the on« occn- pied laat vear. We will occupy ihia room tem|>oraiilr n I arrangmaata can ba eomjdcled foi .recline permanent College Buildingo thenmeaa terrmlore pnlilidaud. Jan 13 ddtwRm J, I*. KOiiEKS, F.raa, Wrapping Paper. TMPORT.4NTINFORMATI »N JLuhich mucu .uflcnng tnfamil-eamay KalvoMW.aehttn married men .ltd thow contemplating marriage. Addmw em sl .\Tue 4; 1.ARGR lot. jutt received of til eixc* tad qiul tiea, and for etle low. by an 73. dntf WM KAY, Agent. %■ If-ATr-’-rir-:- v , I'm ^**^0^ * B C0 ^* i,maKlt - W«0 low I JmttidwU 'Sn. KAYi Ajtah hnev »i- • f ' n e, iri no *7h! v re; A %rvp 100 Kfgv Neils; A-ismoutine C-sndW, All ft'r rislv bv JOSEPH WINSHIP, iannsrv 8. dif YTtitohal’. near Mitchell St, Atlanta Ga V UiteJ 1 BUTTER AND CHEESE. V L.IKGK •crHy on hsmi oi wjvwt ! qualitv, and lor sal# hv o|t)»F.PH WINS HIP. Nnr *4, 1*57 dawtl TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR- > At. esayrar. Eoea .cbocnaer i, au. proeeat. rJ vith « crnlcata iatke awa.-da of *'tV-h vyainMa week of Art. in Paiche* or may M roreivod in oJUiuoa, tin, giving i- retry .nkie.-her cn.oquiraien: tc ik. volnea fc irUr.s ac-i a rernf-ore graba. Ary ana' of tha Joaaiag gX .Voguiso. i.fern i.koi.tmtofcio! Eegrarisg *oi Art Joarul. 4w--vJ. So pome ii netrieted. la a .ingle vara*!, which coataiaa OT.r aixtyoplca ograti:;., price £fty cant. Mr nn'mkir.— to njr peu- o. aha SALT. - Q Q Sack, in attra aod for aale hy Nor la, 1857 JOSEPH WINSH1P. dawti | R#« to?kar>l Jctosa*. t . . ’ W Jcew, * ts »STwni j J*»«*;« l,\Kk S.20,001) Wanted t SASH BLINDS a DOORS ! A trt- pvaarar isil.w.l to tha ut.<tenl£8«d will NUFACTtiJfELI toordev. ot onr ahep ’*.1 M ANU FACT V RED lo order, at osrahep over Winahip'a lion Wnrka. ■tfr willboeett.. uhrcrile, oa reewipt if gvo \> cents. dlddrses C- L DEHBY, Actuary C. A. R 545 Broadway, Now Turk.or WAf, U. BAUNES, Hou'y Ssc'y Br? ib—dtf Atlasia, Oforti*. JiW. WIN8HIP & ai AlUtitn.Nov 55. 1857 »’w*m Loonier s favor fcy maataj iamed:s;* pay. | meat, as the abate amouu ami berai<e4. liU.NNKLir A SIEVEY. ! Per Ji, lei7 da in Iron! Iran! A LARUE Stock of Mowth Mannalxi* luring nod MWIng Campnny^e Iron, con} •unity on ba. • .at Manufacturer, pri-e, hy JOSEPH WiNSHIP NowmWr U. 185e 4ow NOTICE. Allfenena iedthtad ta tha aetata *f 0. D. A Pan. lata of Jfncroy county . J deooaaad, oro ro qnired to nuko immodial* payment aad thooa having demand* will radar than in, accordiag PNohelrUir <rt REMEMBER, O l’R sxreniite »tk f Pry Uoodv. Clcthicg, FumUhtag to., etc,, art pfftttd at reduced price* fer c*»h. Coil aci see fr.rtour ttlrou HUNNICUTT A SILVKY. Dkc lb, lno7 dwlui WHISKY. Wf 1 NEAL Mhrrs for tale. 60 Mds r\ tr* Ci'pptw diiUi «*d Wh‘aky. 50 • Tabs** Superior F»rther, WiWjUfV A Oliver's extra *• Pike's Alagdoxia “ Also a K>lot Fine T.»bsocO aad Sc^^r?, low for cash. Corns and ess before you bay. | Jw II, 41w Improved Cotton Giu an Ttarchiug 71 a chines, f T'HK •C4*fr*ifa«-i ks*«»c rt*eve4 tbrir w Tiiwnw 1 fro» Conti*, vis., AUoaU, W U*t. to tofara Wrix oH pattca* «»4 ika publft t*u*rx' r. xtoi iU* Ustho Uaosfactanar of Ottos Ciwul lint Tkrroksn esilhiix osos; ottoeoive Thf* r 4.UM are well kaewe aed umr^lli tp fl* VAntli Fahal* mm o. J It. L. - . * . proiol it itearxio, Corobu, ud xtaUma ola ij.nuft.rn, MUUlyri. Xcrab Carallu. lira — - rtrvora i ‘« of ai. V.rj trat ettonob i* rawol lc Cull tbrai roavramt lot -l«i»ol». If tot an n. nn of apao,!Cation loa.r -hoot tkra^wr. ra- -row at, aad., .IT, **t) a* V* u ,o. raiar U,Q. -*i«i»dran*)latntioa. >»4 oiS Uafirar tbaiaot ib. p’.ltbaan’i n-i iran or w.r«*t X. u. i.oi oi -r*mt.fHoni-.n aVatiaOii&ny oam.4. rf cwtifowtra u laUcrul aod Tinab.ra, ram. ^ whirk au . Ira ran .'a i -nUin lo AgvoU U '« ,1 — »tmowi lo y-rrfona watt.w X.nfr- iij.. .hert .*tu.an4ia tbaa.buer. JOWI Wltom-xm UAAh AGENCY. All®s Mo WaJlimcs, A-Jtntjir Ike Ban l of Can Jen S Confine. Offica at Waiiaca A Kohiupea Warvhraaa iornar ef Uanur ac4 Pryor itrtau,, On Cl give pcemft attention to onUw*Mi|pwie ,-^V- Ntc*: -J.-r-. ^ C ^.^0 VieJi'ooi; »:. ;