The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 29, 1858, Image 1

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• . .•- ; '' - ■ - ’ ■ l * 1 - - ^-- j-* 1 —- ''' CMBK:sa>MinHaial 58, VOL. I ATLANTA, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1858 Kw» ■ " ■• -^ ' '■' ■•"■■■■' ' •■ ' - i ■- ■ - -1 ii i l i'irfi ■ n -r : ~ •'- - NUMBER 103 sssasss ■ h B '\ : *?-V- v. DUNCAN & U OGHRANE. . 'irkm$ o»i stiBaoiuttriosr.; g f Dally IntaUlgeooer, per.tuajm In advauqo, *8 Weekly, -.•‘t ■'•■•■■’> ■" -v - ■■ * A On Insertion, 60 otx. two !* :»;'■£» Thin, , .,• ... I », -Toov »:«t Five, » 1 76 On* wooU, 100 One month, MOO •£*•;• Ht Onoyoar, ?6 So ,toAlWte..l7l *5 60. f >< »e. • "< •—< - "• ' • GEORGE YONGE, 8uporintom!anl Moaataa Pausxous Ttuix. 1 LoivofiAtlshta-allyat'.-V1OO0 XM. Arrive* ol August*, at. 7 00 P.M. I,-ire* Augusta, daffy it... ;.V. ,8 39 A. M. Arrive* at Atlanta, at.11 ** A. M. Kvknino Papiemqkr Toaix. aave* Atlanta, daily, at........ IS 00 P.M; UDI WOOU| * A ' *.•■.■■ *i5S»»r.!«stsRa«ss ; 00l B«-Advortl(«me«t> ftom lrahMont parsons mailbe paid In advene*,. . ' t\ Legal advertisement! published at th* Kt II advertisement*. Announomgeuaiuare. 1 *®U^WU«*|bf jiiuly advertiser* l*, atrifiHj llmlUd^ to tnelr own Immediate and' Wgdl» * > Profoj l «jonal Card* notaxceedlngrix tthfi) »10 «ni innnm. > ..... P "ffi&hinU not ifnUM a* ta.Htdi wiRb* pabtlibed HUdrd«»d oat and charged at ragnlar r— r Adiariladmeita Inserted in the Weekly papat obItwIII bo ehargodat former^*!**- NEW AMBROTVPE AND photoohaphic gallery, Markhams Mov IftaVrooiMMln*. , . Whitohil Ijtttst, Atlanta, Qoo-gta. •m ir A. COOPER would' nxpaetfally Inform nil. tho moat artUUo *naUf**Uko noturm now tnndo In Ueun C. ft 8. would »y v» uwi r 1 - »a,u .jlVi • *Tri«»dt«ltr 0tt*d flrtor Udle. «0«y one of rtonoatntbweliy.' Indie* and Oentle- §23 liVttedt.gtT.tham .atoll. attention will to pald to taking °H.U-3l?!lcat.r attention Jill • -'* “ " Pictures of Children 'price* to int i hard those. HsmfW Apparatus, Chemicals Stock, to,, (urntilied to the u, x. COOPER J. S. LBONAKI • dwtfj . ...8 6fl A. M. ..A OO P.M. HH a:.m. Arrival at Augusta, at Iiaavca Augusta, dsily. at , . AriivaaatAtlknta at.. 1 04 GP* This Road runs in coonectian with tha w^uasftssssss?*? HOUSTON, TRZiS, \TTIIA proctieo In tha District' and lutar* fy lor Cou.ta at thla Aau. Oonful ottiDtioo paid to tha inveatiaating Land Titlea, tii the buying, selling and la* eating of Land, Cavtiteatna. ' Promptness givan to the eoDoclion of at| claims. ; V • Raainncn:—Hon. Wm. Saldtu, Wtsb- iugton, D C: A Austin Smith, Washington. D tff.lj ,.,L o' i.L atF-.v! . lan.u.. WotrentomrAftBr Rov.Ri) Johnson, Atlanta, Qat Vy W Oainss, Naw Orleans. La. ' Tista Ratriaaioia—Hon P H Ball, Pan .Western & Atlnntio (Stats)' Bail Bead. Atlanta to'ChatUnooga. 188 Miiea, Fata $5. ’Antonio; Judge Paaehal, San. Antonio; Judge W Paschal, Austin; ton; JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. Moiuutto PoEOairant Tiuik, Leavea Atlanta,' dally, at, :...... 1 45 A.M. Arrive! at Chattanooga at... .;. .0 45 A. Ml Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... I SO A. M. Arrive*at Atlanta at...,.. S3 A. M Ntatrr Passerorr Tbaix. Xcavea Atlanta, nightly,at....... it 30 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at. 8 18 P. M Leaves Chattanooga, niihtly, at, .3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at.. ....11 23 P.M HP*-This Road.connects naeh way with tha tRoma Branch Railroad at Kingston, tha East Tennsssee do Georgia "ailroad at Dalton, and tha Nashville dc Chattanooga Railroad at Cbnt- anoo ga, Q and JocaaBtraati Atlatta, Jan- S>, 1301 OEOROBO. HULL, Superintendent. MoRKtNO PjUBRMRIt TbAU. l.eavea Atlantadallv at.. 3 00 A. M. Arrive* at West Point at...... ,.7 28 A. M Leave* Weit Point dally et 4 00 A, M Arrtvos at Atlanta it. #37. A. M Ktikino .Pauenqii Train. Leave! at dally at....... ....... 1 00 P. M. Arrivca at West Point at. 6 28 i\ M. Leivaa West Point daily it 4 30 P. M Arrival at Atlanta'at..........1016P M. A. JORfB. a. »• 80TT JON E 8I&IH O YT, ATT OBIT BY 8 A t LAY, t 'ffiea in Kile's Building, Comer of kiriatu and Feaeh-tm Btreets, ATLANTA, <3EOROIA Jah 18 - _dl» . "■tTHACKIeTT, aTiuKREY at LAW. AinggoU, Georgia, will practice ,_the following cbunliet; Coloooa, Chattooga, Murray OUmer, Whitfield, Oordon, Walker,- Dade. Hc/ceences/Maj.W. Y. Hanaell. Mari- etta, Hanaell U Simpson, MarieUs, Jamas K- Lawhon, Esq., liahlonegs. ^**?srticulsr attention paid to tha eoleeting business. v M*y Vi, 1867 d»wly ' Thia Road eonnecta each way with tha MMwmiMiHHiRajiNi Montgomery 6c West PoInt lUllroad NOTICE. D URING my absence from the State, Col. no nJannorr lfi; 1868 djtOm T Garden Seed **' v; WE have, ai usual, got out bur MACON & WE8TERN R. R. MACON, Uocember 14th, 1857, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On end liter Friday tha 18th tha trains will be fun at, follow*: Leevo Mvcon < a. m* err, Atlanta 8,15 a. m Leave Macon II 30,a m arr AUauta-6-20 pm ' anva Atlanta 12 night, air Macon 7.10 e. m. Leave Atlanta IS m. anivo at Macon 6.40 p,m Tho night trains will not be run on Sundays,' The high*, t-ain from Atlanta connects with the Central Road at 9,46 a.m,, and the 8outh-Wcslorn at 11,30 ajh.alao with tha Al bany Wain, tri-woekly, which ■ laavo* Macon v,l6 a. m, on Monday*, Wednesday! and Fri- days. OCHRANE & LAMAR— A7- l JTOKNIBS AT LA W-Maeon Georgia. O A..AOONRANR. >. tANAR. Having aasociated thcmselvas in buiiaei* will devote themaoivee axeluiively to the practice of thcln profession[Janl3lwly nriLLIAIKM. DANFORTO—- 'fy ATTORNEY AT LAW-Paitbum, Georgia. ' July 36, 1857. d awtf I ■ largo stock of Garden Seed, and fehthoso who have bought of u* here-. tofaie^cen^tUst to their fioe . *•" ehinte from tho country, we - parttailarfy in vite end hopo to secure tbe.t trado. Wo would eiso ssk e lihcrel ehare of paUonspe Road et 11,30 p.m.’ and South-weitern R. for Albany and Cola mbtte it 1.30 a. m. ALPRED L. fVLER.8up’L Doc S3,1867 ddew. from our cltiteni Call antl aee' SMITH dt E55ZARD. January 18, 1868 NOTICE mHB Sheriff'* 8#lei of Union county, now, I pub'iihcd fn the Intelligencof dc Examln- e^"at Atlanta, Georgia, will hereafter be pub- lUhed in the ; Mountain ^Signal, D,M SASuE“£ i Wh.EY,D.pnt, Sheriff Of Union County, Georgia. January 16,1868 - wlf NoW Uoute to the-South- Wei DOWNING HILL ilsmpus s Gturtsston usu-iusa uampisua i Connsctlng Chattanooga, Totm.; Chailciten, 8. C.l Savannah! <H.| and' all Horth-Rastern ef Ball-RMd botwean New York and the Mlasiasippi Tllwrrl qrf This Rondls now completed,' and opened for the ragnlar transportation ot Posiangeri and Freight, and will afford more expedition and lass - At.'-- * -IV ...s. L.a IT.toL jS'LANT’A, GEORGIA. lHBiubnibars offer at wholesale or ret^, , extensive collection of Fiuit Trees, Pstslognn sent by mall to ill applt. 6 **** free HARDEN & CO, Atlanta, Georgia. November 0,1867 «■<“ o H h®T O aS'A P I I . TO THOSE WANTING A PRIMB. .GaiBga^Mapgl. a heavy Stock, and allot onr.own Manafbetnring which we will sell at tan cants a pair lower than any house In this city will nil a* goed an .arUals —oompettUon no defy either la _ . Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, gW^Whdxof ^ Bnd WBITMtcd. nMflortumny chop ind wifTioUm ISSfewiawaw Atlanta Ooitpia. jqyob, t 00 DtMICK,. BROWN’S HOTE L [Opposito the Piaeongef DjFsVf . [Opposite the 1 W E.*E. uft’oWN & E’isAACB, Proprlqter* B- F. DENSE. Superintendent. Jan 17 - • d*wly Do yon Want to Buy B00K8 ? Do yon Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do yon Pay 0A8H fwBOCIkB t Come HERB to get your B00K8r 8QHOOL BOOKS;l ! T HE SUBSCRIBER ha onhond. fand daUy rcceivins adJIUuBi.thcroto,) j onc of a»asaeaBi!tfi8feraai eaSSRSHI Mftcheilr. Olneye, Herlr*. UNDERWOOD fin HARi IS, Attorneys at Law,. Atlanta, ... ..... Georgia. LUTHER J. GLENN At’to r ney at Law, Atlanta, f ... . . Georgia. Wiliattend the Coartl In the OainUasof Fnl- ton, OaKalb, Fayette, Oampball, Ifarlwathar, Oowete, Carroll, Henry, Treap, Hurd, Cobb, am* Spalding. FOR 8ALE. .-. LARGE iaaortment of Virginia Leaf Tobacco, Varying in price and quality, at, ' and nhtriotale, u cheap as the cbeapaat. a J. SHACKELFORD, Ag’ Nov 14, 1857 dtf ioItcsaccordingly ■■■crdlngiy.'m^pmBpmPPB^M Passenger Trains lento Stevenson daily at !11 mtegR. M., (after tha arrival , of the— tfempbli wma day at7, P. Mn n strain and-'arrive at connostlng with from Memphis eama nay an, r. su, conueouug was Pint Olnss Steam Packets to New Orlsani, sad *11 other Important points upon tha Western riv ers.* Goods consigned to Ball-Road Agents at Charleston ur Savannah, will-be forwarded to Memphis ud other pointer by Express Freight fjSp Freight In obarp of the Adam's Bxpresi Company, ts earriod over this rente dally; by tha Paiioncor Trains. , F. O. ARMS, Genera) Bap’t. HanUville, Ala., April 1st, 1867. •Through Ticket* to Memphis, to., sold Wilmington; N. O.; Charleston, 8. Oq Angnita, 8avonnah, Macon, Atlanta and Oolnmbni. Go., Montgomery, Ala., Chattanooga and Nashville: Torn. ,Te ebnnoet with the Western Trains ria^Betdrpatsanpn will teks the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. a; Angnste, Cbattenoop and Naahvllle, Tennq and tha day trains from Ohulosten and BlngsviUo, B. 0.; and Atlanta, ° April 1st.' : 1 1 dtf. 8MITH & FRANKLIN, Pnducc and CommUHn MrrthtnU, and Dtakn Fanil)) and Planlalim Ortarin, 4-f. Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia J. It,: SMITH* A. r. riUltKUK' SMITH & FRANKLIN, WOW® respectfully snnouuc# — ft y-.l h hs citizen* of AUsats and sa store, a splsnaid steakat FAMILY onOCURIKa, lbs are offering at- pries* that *ltl eomp*ts ny home In tha ally, aoO ask a shin ef rat- rwllittvbspMtsl'Sttsntln to thssals ofD* Htere on Ifsrtstts street, la ths kalldug I oeeaptsd byC.IXTarr. lUeamberJatMT. ; e . .^,d»t pTtha^BiH &.£.r£i,r.K ■■, Also, China and Queens V Voaoa, &Om to which I would lnvfte the at tcntlon of my former potrona |nd especially U,o Ladle. romU mtdoxmnt^^Y dff Nov. 16. 1867 T, R. BIPLEY. P.S.—A liberal discount by the Bbl, - JAMES M. SMITH, ' attorney at law i’Hbn Wm Smith, Wariiingten. D C; H >n Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov IVra Eaten, f Paaehal, Austin; Hon P W.Gray, Hou*. Perkins a Kcecb, Houston, jimhary 7,1868. dwly DR. T. 6. POWELL,1 FPIOB over Smith *’ Bsssrd', Dru; Store, whsre hi eon tsfouad daring th* day, sad sight, at bli residence an tha oornar el ( d JecagMBfiBMD dwial (NiELLlGENCER & EXAMINER OFFICE! THE PUtOI>lUBTOR« having raosatly added to tha JOB BEPARTKENT of th. Brisk k' llshment a LARGE ud VARIED tof tb* Laitll StfLt ef PLAIN AND FANCY are prepared to exeente in a neat and workman, ka meaaar, every dueriptlon of 1 ', Partloolarattention will ha given to tbs Print lag of Circulari, Way Bill*, Blank Hotel, Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Cheek*, Programme*, Bails ea* Card*, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. W# rospoatfully solicit tba patronago of oof frisnd, In tbs alty sad eonntry, ud assure than) tba tall ardors «U1 hs promptly ud satisfactorily TOiliF W. 'HEARD—ATTORNEY AT LA W^-Colqulu, Mills r, c* Georgia, march 8 1157 wTv- DR. Lr. J. HOBERT. Medical ^ Surgical 1 Practitioner. Marietta, . . . . . Georgia. OQce at hliresldenoe. , G. J. WRIGHT. At t or n e y a t La w Albany, ... . * . Georgia, May H, 1367. WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney at Law Itaballo, Worth Co., Goorrio. Rofor* to—MaJ. J. L. Harris, MlUodprilis; Hon. A. H. HaasslI, Thomuvills; Millar A Hall, rietborpe; Hon. A H. Clark, Macon; Col. J, .Ddocan, Atluta. Junsi-dly. (i. P. Eddy A Co., (80CCIS30R3 TO C. K. IUXIJOTXR * CO.) BOK JOB m CARD PRINTING WM. axn BooU.-Blm.doxT, Comer of Whitehall and Alabama tie., ATLANTA, OEORQIA. P. EDDY ft C.O;., TTsving jnit added to their H former sxtenaive assort ment of BOO K and JO B TYPB, OUTS, OBNA MBNTB, 4e., a vary largv variety of nsw materials, o/ |t6* laun ilyLt, together oas of Hoe's eeUbratod High, Peters & C COMMISSION MEBCHAHTS. vos rax rcacaxis ux.ials or iENNMBMlIi COTTON, GROCERIES, <&*., Alabama Strwfft, ftoatk'•> th* IkMa k Wsstsra Mflt,) ,.- A tlanta, Georgia OhodTnuMMMliMM; Ukwn »t j*r for YrcAut* AtUmUCGwtgU.^»— > M>U* New Stock Oo&iiiig In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND GAPS. A T W. HERRING i SON'S Clothing Mono --factory ud Merchant Tailoring erUbti b Dent, fey Fall ud Whiter, aU tha latest stylet. meat, for FaU ud Winter, aU the latest stylos. One of the best itoeki ol Cloth*. Cssri meres ar a VssttoplnOsorgU,friim which temoks a srke- tl*. GLtkik ft-J.. n. l- tira. Hblrti, Dnwcrf, Under Oarmeat*, CrAYtU, (Jeoc’i Hoilerr, CHotm* TrmreHnr SbtwU tad BUnkeU- Tailor'i Trimming!, Ac., for ulo etthe levers p icc«, to tbcea«A t W» HERRING AEON'S. 40 Whitehall >L, AUn&U, Gjl AUo Bgcut* for 6ing«r8 Sewing MBebib««. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Adjoining tho corner of Ala. a Loyd Btrottr, Atlanta, Ora.. R O B>T. II . 31 A V , Gavinc removed his CARBIAGB SOB ABPQSITORY to the above ,Ugi-QfET5 alt stand opposite ths Wsshiegtoo Hall, ud enlarged his facilities, 1, prepared tor gll all orders with which hs*may be favored, or as good terms ueubt obtained in Havusab, with ths addiUon of Fndght. 11U stock embreest Oarrteges, Concord Buggios, 4 ud I MatRoekawtya, Slide EowU do., Fall Tops do., With ud without Top, PochMS. ndlsr Wagons, Corned, Topjtaggiss, do., Giig ^SbeHisehiei)^. X X. CLAlUtX. V r.-ORCB* Uarke& Grubb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agent* for collections of all kinds Arad Outer, la EICON LifiD. FEODOCI 07 ILL USLi, FJROOEHIES, *C At Uret M>tu4,ow WhJUh.D til., Xlitete. u, «w,Esees. Lord so4 Core alwsy. re te.i. Ptnet :tralten to ConrittmmU cl re.r, OreentUre. >4 Hralttux*. promptly mods. Ordre. -netted, .o dosrof.ny tJtfd—Far Cifl $L2bei* figeiTje!)! For jSale. A CONSTANT »«ppfy :pt tb*>stiy e«!«k*u4 EUR.EEA 0[Lsx vb«Iea«Jc trdrtUil Jrr% nductl— abdo U tbo*« WisMog tc«fl* tfdft a.J.BBlCKJBLFORD, —pVHS A40* Just Received. ■EEDDSIUETI JUST received, a first r»« Mtfcds of Bawtey, Svpt.T, dtt 2 per barbel. CLABKKi Tun ssdsnfresd has la iters, sad for 1 « tew frtem Th. fottewiag ortfslM. 3 Caaka raw LittEGsd OU, (Engliaii 2 “ boiled - “ do 2 m w ’“ ler strateM rvtre 8^“^ 20 Bbl*. tretmin# Ofl f-v? Tanners. Who wants any Eye. CUrt. k Crahk her tea h*.UC XfJ.-terSret. whtsdi they wtti mtl tew. «•»*.■» 1007. ji | BE Lfi. Pika’s .V .grot is Rhiskey, Jus iUnteiTd ud for ask ky ci_4LKE k GRUBS. Msrek 21. W h i sLcy! Whiskey 1 WbHfcey , TLAP.K K k GRUBB have jut received 36 L-'iiklr. Mrllraus'a Extra Copper DisriltedCore irkirlrey. and for sal. cheap. fourth 21- XLKX. M. WAIXaCE Wit. C EOBIXBOX Wallace A Robinson GENERAL. COMMISSION. MERCHANT3, AND DEALERS Dt TENNESSEE PRODUCE! Ws give special attention to tha a*U of Bacon, Lard, Floor, Onto, Wkirksy, Tobacco, Ac., Ac. Consignratuts respectfully solirited. JWTF : attention giver to r,,\ Ordcrr BYE A BARLEY. ^ tel of Ry. k Errirj watt metre ler m1* V. wre*'» vciutk a KomXsox. WHISKEY! WHISKEY!! OQnA b>1 * 7™““-' core Wkia.y, b &.nJV Ktcre, sad for el* as re.we.kt* term*, reyt It wtuact k ROBUtSOX. COEN' HEAL Ho Top Whips, Ac., of the beat manufac ture ud Uteet styl.T: A ahors of patron- NEW BACON ! •g* is respectfully sellrited. . Oylluder Presses, more faUy prepared tbu hsretofors, to giva dirpstoh to all onUrsforworkln thoirlino—which they wUl axaeate la tkabaatstyla of tba art, at fair prices for Cuh* Particular attention paid to the axaentlon o« FINK WORK for Railroad ud othar Jolntfitoek Companlos, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col lages and Schools, Attorneys, Public Ottoar Merclunti, iad oUmn. Books. Pamphlota, Oatolsguas, Circulars, Cords, Promlswry Notaa, BiaikDaadi, Chocks Way BUla, Progransmcs, Hud and Show Billt Posters, Aa., oxe*atod at short notiee. jUVPrinting in Sou ud Surras Baewas and Vtsov OonoasD Ixxs, or oa Vallum, Batin Kusiin, so., dona in beautiful atyls. Having llkawlM csunacted a Boob-Bindery with thslr Printing Ertahliehmaut, they ere pro- cther vehicles filled et ikon notice. Ws are also agent for Norwood A RokW Patent Fu. Atienta. Ge„ Dec. 4. 1864. stylo superior to any over before dons in this sta tion of the Bute. Their To ols being nil now ud ■■■ State. Tnetr toou nateg of tea latest patterns, their 8took of materials th* hast th* Northern mnrkots afford, ud their work, men equal to oisy to tea Booth, they fool confident oftboir ability to. give entire soUnfsetlon, ud ooasoqneotiy have so hesituoy In soUoiting ' patrooags of thslr friends and tea public. bak.Ordsrs for work, in either departmsi thslronilnosi,from any part of Georgia and Bilfkbbriaf State*, wilt moot with prompt at ten Usn. Atlute Go. Fob. X, 11*7. (dAwly.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! JARED IRWIN' 'WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, . Georgia. orgto. Offlco, front rooma ovar J.U 0.H, Wal- ce’a Store, earner Whitehall ud Atehama lU. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorn e; it Ltw, Oartersville, .... Georgia. Feb. 25. UJS. P. O. HARPER, Attorney at L»w, Ilutcblns & Young, Attorneys at Law, Lawrencovillc, ... . . . . Georgia. WflLproedMln’tha conutha of Gwinnett, IUU Walton, Foray th and DaKolb. Any basinets en- trotted to thsir care will ba raeslvod with plan nreudatten^rempUy^,,,^ to,#®.?™* bell fit Bro.,' Bern perform til operation, in’ ’tlo prefes-aion with durability and tkilb tudars Drugstore,'White UailL. W. T. 0. CAMPDBLL. O.P. OAMPHELL. Atlanta, Jnn. 3t dtf kit. U. T. PULLIAM having re- _ I tamaJ from a-vialt to Virginia will re sume tha practice ofhii proloexioa in tho city of Atlute ud Ha vicinity. Gan be fout d al hlooffieo st oil hours, except ■B-Cr'wtJniffiro»»Aou •oplMwtf rMPOHTfiNT INPOKAftTlON, by I b|Hnachetifivriai tafomrlteimaj Kntt^marricd tarn and those J [wADDlkCOjJn Of all DescriptioBiSe B LAN OF A i.L DESCRIPTIONS, eu be had at all times, at the Mpeetfolly relinled. , i l.nT cf prime wch dried New Bacon, Orders for Family or PlanUUoa Wagon, A [ ol , Wahlwlaa AMaJ at iIiap, actUe ^ ..... . . WALLACE dt ROBIN SON'S. *, l«M dtf NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- LARD1 LARD ! 1 .N *tid tt l^w down price#. \tj fisaorted Ycnds’oss. 95 per cent A'oobol. Burning Fhfid. Compbene Spirits Trapentfai*. 20,000 Ite Whit® lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glssa, assorted sizes. hBk.Bnrtfcaa, entered Point*, ud an forPabtea'urn Far aolaby AUute.ttoy t.mT. / t. augaxan mmx stmm® bw§c. Tha dtaaavrey af thfo Writhsg Fluid won tea raawkaf riisarlaal oeetdent. Itanrpaaneallete- raanuai cnenaeal acriaraL Itrnrpaaxse aueta- W lake in reiaSsa teeoisr, dnraMjfty aad easy fiew from th* mb. Whu hee thM^add s EtIU ijmo. wheaaeo rainwater. Itihenlinet be sized Inkx, bet alway, be wot Into eteu b kept corked from the air whew set fa lsa. 16L Ink will not eorreda the steolpsm, sad owsoS to swrtieseed in Us qieUty byuy ink laewaIntel s I to Europe or America. Orders tre reepeetfoily solicited, u Wt will pat np the store lak os tew at ear stfiea, as tt MMil L»lfT. Ait. stares. u btpaiapta PhHodaiphK Bortov, or N1 fSTHtit only by Drs. Blggsre A Guild, a to, Go. Bold at all tha bookstores. Mortal, dtfi \I7ILLattood U uyeoHsiahis V\ line efbasiaosa, such oartg. |BI slottcgof oetioe, eorarisg of hate- Irl mere, 1 felted or hnfihd,) laying of news triage kv tha octavo, whole crslnglc, At. •r na charge. All werk warranted. Ttruing hr tea Tear don. sr BsSaere Prices, AH orders should b* loft at Mean. WH- Hami' Furniture Store, on Fsaehtna §U Atlu- ta,0a. nor. tl,lt, . dwly. Bacon-Flonr-Corn-Pea*-Oaia! v Wallace a roeinhon. r|6;lttS8 dtf ATLANTA, OA. rpHB subscriber would tmono the cHlseni of At m tut t.YIoney Bonghb X lute sad vicinity tbar ha bes ronstenriy on ! #*• wf’l *ut the i ore. of tb* Tenne-eew band.athtx Confectionery ud Bskingo.tabU.b- i Banks, she*, K-ntuckr ud New Orirecs. out, all kinds of bEA«0. ABBOTT A CO. Confection*, Paitrim F’rniyik.c Bo Is also prepared to furnish ovary deaeription of plain ua ornamental Cakes, for waddings or parties, at short notice, and, on accommodating terms. Imported wins, ud bra-lie, of all description* for medical purport,,kep. always on hud. Aire, rennins Spanish Cigars, and ehoioe chewing To bacco—together with a Urge assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ae., Ac. Having recently returned from ths North, whsre in a las stock of Feney Articles ud ere- k* Uid ry thing nocesssry for sorrying on hi, candy man" afoctary ho would inform county dealers test he tr prepared to furnish euJlii st whoUsalsat 28 outs per pound. Order aooompuied with the cash or good elty reforest*,promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atluta, Nov. ifith 888. dr v-t PTiiunrrx'UMJBi FURNITURE!! bEA«iO. ABBOTT Ac. CO# Novrmlxtf II, 1W7 &\t Birds Eye Lime. We Aprsu for the uJ» of Hr. R L Rogtr' Birdft-ojt Lint, put op U i batbel bunk, w- rtnUd foil raeftjoro, asd of npericr onality to ftoj other iise raid io tbU avIteL Order! br the Car load nQl U tiled at kiln price*, bj 8^ A. d CO. .Mill Stonet, Bolting Cloths, Ac, W# »r* aUo afvaU for Mm- «r». MorHi ft TrtmbW, ftahi- mort, UA., 2a|«rt(ji and DoftUrt la froatb Barr, Co-, loftv ftod Liopct imi FtoMC, Bclttsf «oU>i, Jtr. OnSata ft<!lr*M«Pd u b« will W fftitk- fftUj axaeated bj tbaaa at mftaafaatariw frier*. S 09tali food a«v Taac fi,M« Iks. good Ssparfin* Fleur, fi,6W bushels goodWhlte Gore, «M beshalr So. 1 Peas for plodttem 4C3 barbell BUek Bead Oats, 3M buhsli good WUte Cess MooL Tk. shore articles will bo sold at fair market Wire lor Cate, ar good M or M dsy aotas. My * td 1 win StoreoH Prednreet low rotes, i AH produce toft trite mail os of, from ire ar stay other Ware Hears in tea city, ud eu to Urond if derire-L C.D. PASS, Jforeht*. PredureBre TOHUEF4CTCBEB8 CO. Hog Cloths, tec. : £Hk, TUB snbeeriton have on hud are now opening a Urge ud selected Stock from too Northern Manufactories. Attornics, 8herifls, Clerks of Courts, and Ordinaries, can be furnished,;at short notice, ahjr favorite form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO CESS which they may desire; ud all FORMS al legal inatnimenta, commonly in non, are al ways aa hand; to be sold at the lowest price*. Atlanta. M Beat Safas, Wardrobes, Barren,, Ooereter/i, Wssbstuds, Bed,teadr ud Tbrnln of uy destrod pattern ud price. A fine sssortmont oi Centre, Work, Saloon and Toiietu Toblss—Eugers'a.Cornsraod Side—Sofar.'Tete- s-Tote, etc. EtbIn addition to the above large #teck, we ar.receiving weekly enpplie,. Ttopnbliesrein vited to call ud examine our nock. ' fit J. fi. WILLIA.2IH, E. M. SEA60, 8UOCKSSORTO 9EAG0 ft LAW11KHCF WILL OOKTIHUB THE PRODUCE COM MISSION BU81 MESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Froat of AUftnU Dot*l, ftodoaxt door to F jUob Boom, ATLANTA, QEORG1A. *3_Tb• o«oftl r»cHltl#» offorod to Bhtppora. »wd#r* •pootfoUy ioltellod. Otto lithe 1IM. h B. WIU.UMR. BOleUVO BXIFJl. WILLIAMS & BAKER, (Successor, to WUUamt, Rhea <t Co.,) ■ GENERAL COMMISSION’ MERCHANTS, Athencum Bdi uilding, Decatur Street, At MMui lute, Georgia. Prompt and particular alien tinn given to the sale of Grain, Bacon, Lard, Float, Feathers,*and Tannrtre* Produce gen erelly Jen. *7,185* dtf 8TOP THAT PUFFING ! THE undersigned, for th* | sol* parpens of,suing Mu- I *y, offers his large stock af^ BOOTS AND SHOES At FIH8T COST' With freight expense* added. Th* Slock i* lugs ud complete. This is no bnmbag. ROBBJtT CARROLL. 4gt jattlfi,’68 dtf Whitehall street, A dents Atlanta Female College. mH <TON HE THIRD 8E8810N of this Instituticn wMI eotonsuc* on N DAY, th* 18th inst W* bare fitted up tee basement of tee Presbyterian Church with a new floor, and mw dask*,ar . affording a much more eoamodi mu sod comfocteb'a room than tea one seen, pied test year. Wa wiH occupy this room temporarily till amogmente can be completed fiw erecting permanent Coltega Buildings, i tea soma u bmetolore pnbiitbod. J.L lore pnMisl ROGERS, Fit*. Wrapping Paper. LARGE lot. jo,t received of oil sixes sod \ qnol tics, and for axle low. by Jan 3S. dwtf WM. KAY, Agant. ... mot «f thv abova, feat to hand an tonrifnmant. Mat in ■SSar“»aur,*i UU&tft, < ’Burial Cases. s-s prepared to farnlih Firk'l VeUlUrBori S Cases, at short notice. W* have secured tec asrviresof aeomp«tentpenontcsttesdtcthi, dv- partmext. F. A. A J. 8. WILLIAMS, Nos 78. 'Sl-Jwl t Peachtree rrect. COMMISSION MERCHANT. FOR THE PITROHASE, fSAiia.' a-d of PrtduttjfSBR StmaAop poits tbc Wrerero A Atlan tic Rsi'iruad Drpot. Norrmberlt. 1*57 daw if B l UBK WHEAT EL OUR. Osnnbnrgs, Yams, t* heelings, abittnyt. From ter V.-nu.o, Cucton eng.r an*' (.'..(be, FI ur and Mot awe A Sirup 109. Keg* N'.llr, A itmtnun* Pindles. All for Stic bv JOSEPH WIN8H1P, t*mi.rr 0,1 - dtf BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE supply on hand of superior A 1 .quality, ud far sale by JOSEPH WINSBIP. Nos 34, 1067 dawn SALT, , Bocks in store‘srd for sale by JOSEPH WINAHIP. 'Not 14,1857 dawtt S^BLIBIDS A. DOORS ANUFAt.TliA’EU to order, at our shop ovar Wirahip’s Iron Works. J08. W1X8HIP ft CO. Atlute.NcT 36.18*7 twim. Iron! Iron! A I,A RUE Stock ofhtowah Mannstsv- taring and Mioiag Company’s Iren, cop] etentiv on ha. ,st Muufsctatrn pri-c. by JOSEPH WtNSHIP November 11,185* dlW NOTICE. A LLpareoas Indebted-to teasstete afC. D. -fXPare, late of Jfarvay eouty daaaassd, are re- qnirai to make lacsedtats pyesat ud tears iliiu will mMit am ls< aeecnSics 4W * ft BwrUr hrtwf Sft/* w Vort priewSr U.. A. SEA 00, ABBOTT k September, U ( ISi*. Sft/M, t— ' A- ft Co*. CO. DK- . M. BABRR, HOMOEOPATH 1ST. ^~^FFICE and Rooms in Dr. Pomroy’e of- .‘free, opposite Pettis Ruble. November 30, 1867 dawly James M. Carter E on new receiving s y y large lot ofSok lawte- cr,Calf Shins, Mnings, Bind- I rags, Lute, Peg*, Kit, ud everything connected with tb e Boot~ud r b business, which wiDto sold et low prices Cash. A8 orders accompanied with Cash will to promptly filled with good Goods, and si low rate*—tl tha Sign of th* Big Boer, Peachtree. street, Cherokee Bfcck. ^aptOdtf ; D1MICK ft MIX. . C piiulstcrine"anil" .Mat*rax» Rs labUfibment. vpHI sctwcritor btiNututb -» but. lu. a fMtsrtag te srfier, sit teeCs awfi culiin « MlTnafitht. (no the etos, Mow, Cstseu, tetbs pure IXiXlJCh Oaf G Mst»a.m, war tub* sspvrter V. u. anirb »t.r .(««]!. lhti Vises. I k.n atoow hsafi, Bair Bofoirei set Pit kewt. PjSrsJ Spriag CeutbM a*4 I Mere*, ab. th. Wrcta renewed pstn] Victor MsttraM~, with Bto mrn * ft® *• 3*te» >tore faws 6O0P stoptH- ‘ prepared te Cphaiste-elttof s. Oskar. team with Hair. Ouh, Plo.hca.aree Lrt 1 an sb. y •awi-wrer I eft the stortestwauaa. *tetc ia1. VorerMW. Bslktmt, ,e Afarbtu etewet Forwarding fig Comm lesioner- chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. rle.Jaaaa’ Saw Bloet, Bay Street—(btaty oacckbC by J.Iwywnan. lto) P. S. Liberal advancer made on all eon* txgnmmU. KmxEsa IIERXSCIS —Nttes. Bitten, AOs. Job* ls(*r- noil. E*q., Rob*. & Tnof, E*q. fiftwasoftb. Gm..—N J. Rsyunl. Roxs*. 6ft.; P. B. OliYB, Em.. Xmmi fi* Birl»V.4k«l; KRliXC ULSTER, LkU»r PFAYUll * .3 '.'V V.irOOOU m KNOXVU ’oK. t> v »’FS. c EE. R. SrEKLUtG LANIE .late of th# La* star House, Marcs, 0- sod Sampson La- obe, lata of Tu.aegac, AW aa, will to happy w meet all friends and er -men at tee Lamar Bone*, store they hare ample accommodation for two hundred and fifty p a s. La: NIIR. Proprietor*. Tobacco. Tobacco. J I ST reccirej direct from Virginia,* rbofea k« ot TOBACCO, among which ia a i-w me of that ju.i't Celebes ted Brand KAN'riASTWIST. Noamur to any in this .*n) T FLO WE. NEW AUCTjON HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near HitchellSt, Atlanta Os utATftt'oaiioa t« thA pircbftJK ud *•> ot ftll t/Uft ot (TvJitCm. GroForW Vorthoociko, tod XV hkoUilM or Yociif quo • TvW* rtrefocilc!^ .oSiriieJftU prf»t3t<I» ft»i f« lift (wily ftt>oo4#4Xo. ft?*e 16 THE ubtnhff propoN* opt , rxxaur fC}J£X>L u I (*•*« Via«!.tria Ifcft.b-VM foitaoth 1‘wafW k) Ni ■ ' - -------- loo Um M Mf/O. Mf * JwafW k) Kr i'a!f*f^t*r l m ft j ia Jftwtftrj en». la. • recoite**. Wfteeftot u*o*l!j toofftl U W|h ts bfttaiftthckfti'co. will oft«o tb* »U *7 oaooftloaal LV J. CBuVES. Rn/trr*tffte— Rrt. ftiftcnut ifttbwi; B»«, C. U lit; Ret. Eiefwri JeamtesiCoL a. a. Itemaasd; he. 1. W yewatJkdx. *■ bused. J.ausr* I, Ikt* dtw-wtf 620,000 Wanted! A LL persons indebted to .tea andarsigned wl - s-cotfir s Leer by mskisg immediate pa. moat, as tee shore amount mul to raised. UGKKICUrr A SILVEY. Doc Si, ISiJ dwlo REMEMBER, oxtansivs stek of Dry Goods, Clothing. I Fn rubbing Goods, te., aot, ar* e fared at rsdaced prices foe cash. Call ud tow foe your- wive*. BUNSICUTT A SILVKV. Doc Sfi, lfifit dwla WHISKY. W «. a NEAL offers for sib-. 60 bbl BETLIIAHT PSOSPECTUE'I rocorx txjls or ths Cosnopolitu Art Assodfttiofi. TUX TJkXOra Dnsscldorf Galery of Paint Ingaf Purtbated al a Cat! oft180,000! axd rows’* world RixowsxD min or THE GREEK SLAVE’! Re-parehated for six thoasud dollare, with re- vtraJ kukdred otbar warki of hit, te Paiatfaga, Sealpturat and Brossea, remprire tea Premtesos ta to awarded hy the wtoeritore of the ftomope- titan Art AoeoeUtfoe, who cnbeerito before the JSthef Junary lfiii, at which Uwre tea .ware, wBltakaptee*. laans or BcaaemirriM—Srary nbacritoe tfi three dohars in am tried ta * eepy of th* tare* ud,pleaded Steel Engraving, entitled -XulftM DeaUwy,”*leatea copy cf the -Cesmepelitu Art Jenraal ona year, tire to a aarofieata to lhaaward afprewaa*, ole* tea ires admieafoa te tto Dux- seldwf ud Coraepolitu Galleria*. Thu it is seen that for every throe dollar* paid, thv robreriber not cnly receives a >p!vsdid tens dollar engraving, but also, tea toudfalty Ulus- rated T.Y'2* D0L , L i kR v. A , RT jour nal, ore year. Booh retocritor is also present ed with a corticate ta lb* awards ef Prersisma, by •bieh a volnaUa work of Art, ia Pointing oe Sculpture may to rociivedinodditioa, thnsg to erer^ aohoeeitor u aqairetem te te* v fire .and n certificate gratis. Aty nee cf tha leaiiag 33 Jfagulu* is fern Istodftesfisadwf Kngrevteg sod An Joarool, So pfirvoa is nstristsd te a single shoiw Tkoea taking fire || cn taking fire mrmtorthips. remitting-It entitled loan ultra Kngre ring and six ticket 'nil perrienlers ef the Asteriama ora grisal . ths Arl Jearnsi, which contain over sixty splea did Engravings, pries fifty outi par umtor.— Specimen copies will to seat to all persaas ska dtsir* to retoerito, cn receipt of lrt postsgw sumps 16 cento, Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. R 64» Broadway, Now York,or WIt. H. BARNES, U.n'y Sec'y Dee 3i—dtf Atienta. Georgia. Improved Colton din an Tbresblng XbaeJUnc*. T ttt atosntgned remevet their tovteaes from Xce-t-1 Chanty, 0*^1* Atlanta, kn tore u iefons —-r. Cid piMt M tto pukfie (reanUy, teal teas w(U asutmea tto Muefoetattaxef cntua Giaaawi a keel Thtsskarj eu that! UMd astudre wuia TMrXtusute wwtlkaawu sad uhsnullyu srere4 te Btorpn, fiesth Ckrehea.vnd Akkuaa—ob Is parti al Tkxaa, Mtmforippl. Xerth Ctovtmu. Ttof are made et tea very tost materiel* a sow suss umakatkamvnereabeliad Jsrekla. ft you bUsaitn Cbppardbtil ad Whisky- 59 ■ «. Tthy’s Superior Farther, Wilshin’s ft Olirer’s extra like’s Magnolia . • • Tobacco ud Began, low Also a lot of Fiu Tobaeca ai fov cash. Corns a=d roc before IJMII. ira 'dwtnm.a H|■ ■ .. ... vxk4tsrevsefa.walravettae.tad wfllfi tea puretoaar's rwwdaoaa ar easrosL E. JbDvMt free Mvhvfgv to tre irerrtvrtse. Cbultostunur tomvla witfc oar trereliag av bare) Agrete, or by dlrret oaten* We hive er okenduca ef eottheutva us Oeteotwi rafarsbee* ef ear HS «d thaastotu, aemwef wklvb ■•7 b> *m w srphaetoa te Ageata. o*.A»e«s wurtumedte pertevwwrtt Oaraw- tag at tkart.ativ* endfo te staktu-r Josmt wtsKtr a m BANK Alvll.NCY. e^l<5S Mo WsiMnC®a Agent for ibe Back of Camden S CWsu*. OSes at ralfoe* A JUUasea* WsroAuro- jwSpuJwSS 8>n«&»nnfTdlV .oa;.*k