The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 31, 1858, Image 1

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oan & LOCHRANE.' , , *f ERROR CEASB8 TO BE DAMlUfeOUg WH~K\ ■ >y~lFLEPT PHKB To COMBAT IT.--jbi.Kt ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY & Sx^ineO DAILY & WEEKLY. DUNCAN & UOCHRANE. rwiin.orsijBMnwwo* Dally IotoUIgtaoeLRorauauatin ndvXnca, M WeiUly, 63. RATMO ok IDVBnTHIW^ ftdrertlelng In th* Dally Intelllj^noor wlll.b* Inserted at tbs following rale. p*r iquara.f U» lines, 60 ets. I One month, *100 Two, " 1 25-1 Throe,' 1 tO I Four, f 1 76 Six, “ m 2 00 | One year, SpeelaloontracU will bemad*for yearly ndrar tliemohta occupying a quarter, half or.whole Column, -0f Advertliement. from truilont poroou must be pold In advance, • • One Insertion! Two " Throe, “ Four, ** Fire, " One week, I* OO 8 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 JW'00 Legal adrartleoments published at' the nena ites. Obituary noUeeeaxeeodlng Ion 1 0(1 a, adrertlsemoute. Announolugeandldatoe for offlio,*S 00, to be paid In adranee . .jKaeawiRSssSiSW 1 °Tbe prWlU^of'yearlyadTMtlMrsIs limited to. their oyn liamodlaU and etrleUy regular Prbfe'iVtonal Cards ^ioxooodlnpU lines, *10 ^ AdTe°tls»'iuetu> notspeolded ae to. tlmawlll be published till ordered out and charged atregular r *Adrerll«emonl« Inserted in the Weekly paper Bn l- -111 he charred »* former rate,. . X NEW AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY a »'-■ IKT MirkhansNew Iron Front Building, Whltehel Street, Atlanta, Oeo'gia. COOPKR won'ld respoetfaity Inform hie ....... jjg._.SI_ et. lt hM Leonard, e of tb* oldest and mo«t oxporleooM attloto In the lh iM«r'- h C™as* »o uld i»yAo tbelr pim&Wjjju/, bate on® of lh« b#«t arraN#*! Sby and Sid# IJ|bM no* In «**. an® of th# lar*eal»od Unfit Camira'a, alto E splendidly flltfd parlor wb#w Udlei canio)«7 ona of thetoned HaooilotbeeHy. UdlwaodG#ntl#* ra?n are VMpectluily Invited , jy. h,—Particular attantlon will b# paid to taking ^Price# to «ul third tlraw. FatUfaatUm•}**[{• Apparatoa, Ch»mlo*l*. Stoek, Jco., for»l»h#d to tha r *“ #J He A. COOMB, J. 8. LEONARD, •OT.t4olT.S5 4wtf * DUfCtory - . ■ ■’ •- ■ Augusta to Atlanta. ,171 Mi!ea..Farc $5 SO. GEORGE YONOE, Superintendent Maaxixo Piianaui Tuetu;' Learee Atlanta cailyat........ ,10 00 - A. M. Arrive**! Augusta, at. 7 OOP.M. L'avta August a,' dally, at. i i.,2 30 A.M. Arrive. at Altana, at.... ,.....11 SO A. M. Bntxixa PisaiNOBB Taaiui ' eav«a Atlanta,dally,' at,.IS(10 P.M. Arrlrae at Augusta, at, 6.6 A. M. Leave. Augusta, daily,at.,......4 00 P. M. MMKStnSiaVnim Arrives at A tent. at........... 1 04 A. M. This Road tuna Id conneetloh with the Train* of the 8outh Carolina end the Boren': □air.and Augusta Railraidt, nt August*. 'Westom fic Atlintio’ (State) Bi Atlanta to Chattanooga, US Miles, Kail Hoad. Faroes. JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. MonNitto Passixoib Txaix, Leave* Atlanta, dally,'at....t... 1 46A.M. Arrives atOhattanooga at. ....946 A- M, Leave* Chattanooga, daily, at.;...I SO A. M. Arrive* at Atlanta at.. ....9 S3 A. M Ntmit PftiwxHOBit Txaix. Loarea Atlanta, nightly at.;. •12 30 P. M Arrirea at Chattanoogs at.........S IS P. M Leorta Chattanooga, nirblly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrireeat Atlanta at...... ■..... II 22 P. M GT Tbie Road eonnecteeaeh tray with the tRome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tontissaeo A Georgia "ti'rotd at Dalton, and the Naehrilla A Chattanooga Railroad at Chat* anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Kail Bead, Atlsnta to Waat Pouit. STMilea,. Fare $3 60 OEOROH O. HULL, Superintendent. Mouwtxo PabSKsaan That*. t.aarea Atlantadellr et. ...2 00 A. M. Arrirea at West Point at>. 7 28 A. M Learea Weet Point daily at.',....4 00 A. M Arrirae at Atlanta at..; .9 27 A. M Evxxino Pasaagoii TRii.r. Learee et daily et.. I OO P, M. Arrirea at Weet Piint at. 6 26 i*. M. Learee Weet Point doily at 4 30 P, M. Arrirea at Atlanta' et.-,........101ftP M. OT Thie Road , eonnecte eaeh way with the Montgomerr & Weet Point Railroad. MACON A W ESTE R N R, R D NOTICE. tIRINO my absence irons the State, Col. John Collier will aet ^.w^.Uor- dw6m G-arden Seed. MACON. December 14th, 1867. CHANGE OB SCHEDULE. On arid alter Fridty the ltth'the trains will lie run as follows: Ceaea Macon l a. m. an Atlanta 8.16 a. m, Loarc Macon 11 30 a m an Atlanta 6 20 pm ■ aura Atlanta 12 night, air Macon 7.16 a m. Lease Atlanta 12 m. antra at Macon 6.40 p.m The night trains will not be run on Sundays, The night Cein from Atlanta eonnecta with the Centrsl Road at 9,46 a.m., and the South-Weetern at 11^0 aun, aleo with the Al banytrain, tri-wecklr, which leases Macon 7,16 a. m, on Mondays, Wednesdsys and Fri 1 WE hare, ontonr large efock of Gordon 8oed, and a those who hare bought of us here- »dotu, • -an-attest to their fine qualities. Afer- chsnts from the country, we psrticulsrly m- rite ami hope to secure the'r trsde. Wo woulJ s'so ask a liberal share ofpstronago from our citixcn. EZZARD, January 18, 1858 Jtf DOWNING HILL ssr w SaSSSSa®* ATI.AfTl’A, GEORGIA. rflHE Bubwibers offer at wbolei»le or Mt»U, | a wor) extengWo collodion of Fruit Treeg» (Sapo Vine®, &c. f &c. (Julalogno sent by mail to all applicanta» froool ch ‘ r |,* BTEBgf HARDEN & CO, Atlanta, Georgia. Norember 9,1857 tl4m NEGRO SHOES 1 CHEAP! O HE API! . TO THOSE WANTING A PRIMK^ P.73 article of double eple or woltedbrorans.WII' * Kwe wllll eay that we now herein Store' a bury Stop!:, and all ol oar own Manufacturing which wo .will sell at ten cents a pair lowar than any house In this city will sell as good an artiela —competition wo defy either In Yaukee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, or any ether make, and warrant them as good as article as haiererbeen offered in this market or Stato. AH kinds of . .. Boots d> Shoe» proportiooebly cheap and warranted. All goods purebasedofufrrepalredfreaofoharga At the rise of BIO BOOT, Faaohtree Street Atlanta Qo •!*!». J0 70B, A CO BROWN’S HOTEL, fOpporilo the Paasenger Depelijfl MACbir. GEORGIA E. E. BROWN A E. I8AAC8, PropricU ra B* F. DENSE, Ruperintendant Jan 17 dawly BOOKS! H! Do yon Want to Buy BOOKS I Do yon Want Cheap BOOKS 11 Do yon Pay CA8H for BOOkS f Come HEBE to get your BOOKS 1 8CHOOL BOOKS I I T HE 8UB80RIBP.R hat on hand, (and Is daily receiving additions thereto,) one of U-'e largest and must rxtenairo stock of r'chool and Miscellsneoua Books In the Stata, which he offer* foi sal* upon Iho moet reatonshl* terms—Oonsl-tlng in part ol 8milhe, Olmatrd. bullion*. Andrew*: Anthone, Parkers, Oom- rtoclrs, Phelps, (Goodrich’s) Angels, Towns, Mitchells, Olliers, Serbs. Comprising Eng* li.h and Latin Grammara. English nuiders and elamlra gehcrallr. Geographirs, Philosophies, Astronomies, Histories, Spelling Booki, Da- fmers. Anslysera, Arithmetics, llbtionarirs, Csterhisma, and Question Books, Ae, Ac. Al coa large lot of fttatlonsrr.. A liberal deduction mado to Tsaehen and Msrchanta nurehaatng hr the quantity, at th« NEW BOOK STORE' Jtn21,dAwU WM. KAY, A*«nt. Atlanta, Oa. jftormonisml ; A very lntsrsstlug work at tU* lian, ellipd; WWM»0|hARul9,Qh 'h- f ■ L ■ V •?' - '■ d *7 r The noon trsin eonneels with the Contra) Road at 11,30 p.m.’ and South-western R. for Albany and Columbus at 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. rVLER.Sup’t. Dee 23,1857 dAw. FOR SALE. A LARGE asaortment of Virginia Loaf Wc I ■ ^Tobacco, varying in price and quality, at retail and wholesale, is cheap as the cheapest. 8 J. 8HA0KELF ‘ Not 14. <857 FORD Ag', dtf New Route to the SoutU-'Ves • 5g»at. Usmpble a Cbarlestoa Rall.Reed Completed I ConoeeUag O' 'ijj/m ~ fji 1 Chattanooga, Tenn.; Cbarlestoa, B. O.; Savannah, Oa.) and all North-Baatern Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. 9*Tba last connecting Link af Rail-Road betireea New York and the Mlssbalpp! Rlterl^E* This Road Is now completed,' and opened for the regular transportation e( Passangara and Freight, acid will afford mere expedition and lacs expense, than a^ other route between ^tha North selvesaeeordlni Bast and Sootb-Wast. Pusenttri and shippers ■ n thorn- will “take luc notion theroof, and gororn Passenger Trains leare Stevenson dally at 12 . • #f the train o’clock, A. M., (altar the arriral (rom Chattanooga and Nuhrille,) aad- arrlra at Mnmphie same day at 7, P. H„ ooaneettng with JPirat Class Steam Packets to New Orleans, and all'ether Important points noon the Western riv ers.* Goods consigned to Rall-Road Agonts at Charleston nr Savannah, wiU bn forwarded to Memphis and othsr points, by Exprasi Freight Trains. pS”Freight In charge ol tha Adam’s Express Company, Is carried orsr this route daily, by tha Pawsngor Trains. F, 0. ARMS, General Bnp't. Buntsrllln, Ala., April 1st, 1867. •Through TioksU to Memphis, As., sold al Wilmington, N. O.; Charleston, S. Cg Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Oolambns, Go., Monlgomary, Ala.) Chattanooga and Nashville: Tenn. iBB-To oonneet with tha Western Trains on I Is Road, I Is Road, patsongers will Uke tbs Night Trains Iron Wilmington, N, 0,| Augusta, OhatUnoogs and Nashrtlls, Tenn.: and the day trains from Oharlsston and KlngsrUIs, S. 0.: and Atlanta, April Tst. ( 'JTHTFMTrHT Product and Commission Merchant, and Dealert In Family and Plantation Qroctriet, fc* Marietta Htwct,..... v ...... Atlanta, Georgia J. H. SMITH. eiUa*m of AUaaU and »nrl ImH onndlnf country, that tb®j ****tow wcfllTlog tad opening, and will k»®p in Ijr^ajpUndMstockof^W^OgOO^^j II k.«p fa WmSSmBi which lh. art off.rtng at prlci that' will eouip.t. rilh any hone* In lh. city, and ask a ebar. et pa>- Ibey wtUglreepeelal attention t in, Urd, Hour, Qrsln, Tobacco, A Coaslgaments rmpeelfur solicited, •a.l’romptaltcntlcn risen to CO. Sior* oa Harictta street, Is th. t JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, ^TTILL prattle* inlh*>Dlatri*t and Inter. |f*r jor CcjU'U (f this Jflsla. Uareful attention p«id to th* Inceetisatiug dl Land Title*, to the buying, celling and lo cating of Land Cariideatee > Promptneaa girea to the ooDectioa of all claims. RxyEBMon>rHon. Wm Seldeo. Wash- lugtou^D C; A Austin’Smith, Washington. D •J; Hon Wm Smith, Washington. D (J; If in R Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Go. H’m Eaton, Warronun, N C; Rev Ed Johnaan. Atlanta, Gas W .W Galn**, New I’rleans, La. Tizis Kirnaknou-^Hoa P H Ball, Mi Antonio; Ju.lge Fesehal, Son Antonio; Jud.t* GW Paschal, Austin; Bon P WGray, Hous ton; Perkine A Keceh, Houston. January 7,1868. dwly DR. T. 8. POWELL,1 O FFICE over BmlUrA Btsard’e Dm i Store, where hs can to found during tbs day, and at night, at his residence on th# corner al ColUaa and Jo as Streets,- AtlaoU, Jan- 20,1161 dwlm w. a. jonsa. a. ». goT7 J o N E S7&IH O Y T , ATT0EVEYS AT LAW, l ’See in Klla’i Boildlng, Corner of Marietta aid Peach-tie* Streets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA 1 Jen 13 ' d*m i N T ELLIGBNCEK & EXAM IN EH OFFIOB I m b TUB PROPftlBTORI I karlng reitolly Added to tli« IQBDBPABTMEHT of tb. Bsub llibcaest A LARGS a&d VARIBL iiitaosl of lbs Lotto t Stylet of COMMISSION MERCHABTS. ron rna roacxaje-iwn liil or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, OROCBRISB, S* H AXabama Btro«4, (Bella ef a* HiM t fwUn Ocpet.) «• Atlanta, Georgia tff ptaptttd to txoento in ® ne.t and woriuaoa, . ko manner, orory description of PartioaUr Attention will be riven te the Print Inf of Cireukn, Way Bill*, - Blank Note*. ’ Bill Haaoi, Blank Daeda, Bank Chccki, Programme*, Businas* Oardi, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. TTe respectfully solicit tb. patronage of our friends in*th.eity end eoontry, end Assure them thA tAll orders will be promptly endcatlsfActorily Attended to. ^j~T. ifACHlETT, ArruRtfEYTf , LAW, Bingtoid,Georgia, will practice In the following counliee: (Jotooe*, Ghattuoge, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Welker, Dade. Rtftrtnteii Maj. W,. Y, Heneell, Meri- etta, Heneell Sc Simpeon, Mariette, James R- Lswhon, Esq., Dahtonsgs. ^BE“?attlcmlsr attention paid to the eqleetmg hueinee*. May *8, 1867 dewly rOHN Y. HEARD—ATTORNEV J AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller, e* Oeorgia. march 6 I8S7 ‘ OCHRANE A LAMAR —AT- 1jTOKRIBS AT LA W-MeeonGeorgia, o a. loOBiann. >■ t-auaa. Haring aesocisted themrelrr* in buefnea* will dorotn ih-mcrlrre exclusively to tha practice of thein profceaipn fJan!3Jwly W ILLI A3I. M. DAHFORTH— ATl'ORNEX AT LAW-Fairhurn, Oeorgia. July 25, 1857. UNDERWOOD ft. MARI’ IS, Attorneys »t Law, Atlanta, .' . . . M Georgia. LUTHER J. GLENN ' Attorney at Law, Atlanta, . . ... . - Georgia! Willetteud th* Coarte In th* Ceaatiee of Put ton, DeKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Trcap, Heard, Cobh, and Spalding. „ DR. L. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner. Marietta, . . ... Georgia. , Office At hisresidenot. G. J. WRIGHT. A 11 o me y at L aw Albany, . . . . . . Georgia. May 16. 1967. WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney at Maw,* Isabella, Worth Co., .Oeorgia Refer* to—Mai. J. L. Harris, Millsdgerille Hon. A; H. Heneell, ThomasrlUs; Miller A Hall, Oglethorpe; Hoo. R. W. Duncan, Atlanta. Juno 2—1 ly. JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta,.,.,V.... Oaorgia. Office, front.roams ever J. R. A C. H. Wal- taea's Store, eornar Whitehall and Alabama iU, May 28, 1867. MARK JOHNSTON, A t tor n e y a t La w, Cartorsrillo, .... Georgia, yah.2*. me. e»wiy P. O. HARPER, • Attorney at Law, Hutobln* A Young, A 11 or noys at Law, Lawrcncevillo, Georgia. WIU practice In the counties ef Owinoett, Hall Walton, Forsyth and DeKalb. Any busioess so ' to thalr care will ha received with pleas trusted t . are and altered ^remptly. ui0 H Ilf 8 „ Jr . ISAAC 11. YOUNS. July 27; 1867. \V. T. C. Campbell ft Bro., Mechanical ' QURORON andMi Otista, areprti Den-. e prepared t- perform all f operations In the prof profcs-sios with durability and ekill. JSJ~OHco over Alexanders Drugstore, White HeU*L. W.T.C. CAMPBELL. Q.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. If i Pseembar It, 1861 20 Pookagca Glass \Voro, JuatEecmvcd kY the Subscriber of the most modem! R rjlws, and will bo laid 26 per. cent leas than I bar* seer Ufoee. boon ablo toasll 9 UP than I hare aver before, boon ... Si*. Abo, China end Quewu* Ware, Plated Castor*. Plated Candlesticks, Forke. Bpoons, Ts* tSetts, Britain df, China Flowrs Vasco, dee., to which I would inrH* th* at tention of my former patrons and especially tha Ladita to call and examine; T. R. RIFI.KY. Nor.l8.tB67 d/f LAND NEAR ATLANTA -ol 4k. m _ 0X2 bnadred asm ef land near Allan ■ I*, lying between r*ashtte* aaa Marietta I Seed*, la offered for Sale, there aroslvty md. about thirty ‘r» hundred e ten, bretde* the Mete be lowed TYB. K. T. PULLIAM I J furaol from a *iall la Virginia will re- rurae tha practice of his proteoion in tha city of Atlanta and it* vicinity. Gan b* foul hisoffee at all hour*,except when pmfenionally engaged. Office WASHINGTON HAL!.. •eplhdtrtf CA1CP7SENE Barning Fluid! AND FOR SALEBYTHE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR 0^*322,: T, K RIPLEY. P.S.—A liboral discount by tho Bbl. Pea 9 1*67. JMP0RT4NT INFORMATION, by Ijwhtch much sufiacing in familiwamay avoided, ecntk, married men and tho** - “-“gfil Addrcwe pu-J iVytDpttCOjfiB .IM«6» dftwti fi. P. Eddy & Co., (8CCCDMOM TO C. 8. HAXI.nTMr*-00.) iorgoi P 5‘SD PR1NTINS 6FF1CS. AMD Sooli-B1n d ery, Comer of If hiiehaH and Alabama eta.j§ ATLANTA, OEORGIA* a. p. edd y &rc.o^, TTAviog jost kddoi to tboir H former oztomlvo Assort* moot of B 0 O K Aod JOB TTP B, CUTS, ORNA MBNT8, Ae., a vtry lorgt ▼Mriotj of new mAUrUlu, of the lauttetylee, together with one of Hoo's eolobrmtoA ii „ .ini Cylinder Prooooi t tr* more falljr preptrod thou horetoforo, to rir« dlspAtoh to au orders for work in tbeirllne—whieb the/ wiU ozeonU lo tho bsststyls of tho Art, At fhlr prlooi for Cftth. PArtleaUr Attootion pAld to tho oxeenttot o PINB WORK for BAilroAdAcd othorJointStoek Companies, TraasportAtlcD Agonts, Bonks, Col* legos sad Schools, Attorneys, Publio Ofleer UorehAnU, And others. Books, Pnuphlits, Cntnlognes, CirenUri, Cards, Promissory Hotss, Blank Deeds, Checks Way BIUj, ProgTaamos, Hand and Ihow Bills Posters, Ae.« exr*utod at short notice. pm*Printing In Gold and Siltmk Bkoms and Paxct Oolorbo Imxs, or on Volina, Batin Moilin, ae., done ln.boantifal style. Having likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Bstahlishaeat, they ere pre pared to exeente erders N for every description of work la that department-including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUPACTURING—in a itate. Their Tests being all new and of the latest patterns, their Stock of materials the 6cir the Northarn markets afford, and their work, men equal to any In tho South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, and consequently have no heeitaney la soliciting the JANUARY 3I, 1858 jl5bfcrtiseh)ei)H. NUMBER 105 New Stock Coming '©L@TKi3W(a GENTS FL’RNJSHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, In One of the beet stocks of Cloths. Cjurimerea are VestingsinGeorgU, from which U make a selee* ties. Shirts, Drawers, Under Gannente, Cravata, Gent's Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling Bhawls and Blankets. Tailor's Trimmings, Ae., for tale at the lowest p ioee, to thelatl trade, at W. HERRING A SON'S. 44 Whitehall SL, Atlanta, Ge. Also agente for Singers Eewbg MaeHaea. , CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Adjoining the comer of Ala. A Loyd Stmts, A n /art, ta, G-a. ~ “■ ROB>T. H . MAY, Bavinr removed hit CARRIAQB MTM DEPOSITORY to the above ole stand opposite the Washington Hail, and enlarged his facilities, is prepared tor fill all orders with which be may be favored, on as good terms as ean be obtained In Angus* or Savannah; with the addition of Knight. Hit stock embraces Carriages, _ Concord Bcegies, 4 and 4 seatRoekaways, Slide Seat.! With utd without Tap, )C:n '•“•2A’* 1 -". —..t r.iacaB tiarkeA (irubb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kinds And Dealers In mu m. wm or u.i mi, OROOBniES. *o Sftfbri U»U^,e» wuuariiat . For Sale. A COE ITT AH T rapply of the justly eeUbatM EUREKA OIL at wk*!««l» tt.dnitil Art a attention paid to Orasffneifnle ef every ir*rr.}vs~ aad tenmenr— weasCy made, ■ Ordote seMOctf«Qr cLtlUd. aa dsartfclly iltti^Ter Cats. fEKD BABBST I P 10T raoeivod, a Am rato article tf Barley, fcrBewi. Price, $J per huthsL Bayt.f; dtL CLARKE A GRUBB. Who wtnti i OrnU kCfiU bf tto b»ab tt#y wfQ nU low. sot Rye. ■Leisye.bfr.ri., fey*. XJ It itt , BBLfi. MEn MtgKdia WUak^Tju ZUreoeired aa4 r*r>a!* by CS-4RKB ft GZ0B3. Much tl. Whiakwy! Whiskey 2 Whiskey I ’UtlB ft QE’jBB hare Jut rereired tl '-^BW*. Mell reis*, Extra Ccppo DLtiDridCore Whiskey, aa, Cor sal* cheap. hint 21. il.rx X. WAliaCg... ...XJt. C 2OB1XS0X WallaeeA Beblflson !Q X N E B A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A5D DEALEBS 19 TENNESSEE PRODUCK! Wa |OT* eperial attention to the lu ef Berea, Lard. Fleur, Sraio, Wbirkey, labaua, fte., ft*. Ceerigx^nesu raepeetfaUj teliciud. ftW- Prompt atteutier gteau t* Cash Order, ” BYE ft BAiljrr A let ad Bye ft Bariey w*U oretee <*r eel, Ve treus w*Luci ft soSixsox. CORE taut' WILLlCI fcSOMXhX. 9o Tap da., Whips, ftt, cl tha beat mannfae- tare and latest ttyls _- L - . | A sbar* ef patron age la reepeetfull, lolicilad. Uft. Orders for Family or PlanUtlea W*t»i I t , n n i ■ , , other vehicles 611*4 a: »hort notire. : _ LARD . LARD ! Wa are alee agent for Norwood ft Bobint' | ■’ Gena nod Berrelt. at Irw down priree. by Patent Fan. 1 WALLACE At fejRINBON. Atlanre. On,, Der.4, 186*. . Jar.onry 16; 1659 . dtf NEW BACON ! A LOT of prim* well dried New Bason, far as!* et WALLACE ft HOBLVSOX’8. JeJBerr 14; 1269 NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- ATLANTA, GA. rttur wonldiaiom the Isjsta and vicinity that fie baa eonruntly es lasia aaa ncin.iy tunc ne cai CDevtanuy on hand, at hli Coaioettonory and Baking eeuhUab* aont, all klndi of Gonfccttom, Pastries Fruitt He tursni. Imported wiaei and bra-lit# of all deteripsion# alway# on hand. Al#s, choir# ehtwing To- rdon fer work, In either department of their buiineii, from any part of Georgia and noighhoringStaUi, will moot with prompt utten Men, Atlanta Ga. Pab. !•, U5T. (dAwly.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofall Descriptions. j^L AN 88 OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS,can i bad at all limea, at tha Attarniaa, Sberifli, Clerks of Coorta, and Ordinaries, can be furnithed^al ebon notire, any tarorite form ot DEED, WRIT, or PRO CES8whieh they maydeaire; ami all FORMS ol legal instruments, commonly in use, are al- wayeon bend, ts b* aold at th* loweet price*. Atlanta. M E. M, SEAG0, 8CCCTS908 TO SFUGO ft LAWRINCf WILL COST1.SUS THE PRODUCE COil MISSION BUSINESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Treat af Atlanta Bet.l.nadnestdoorto F iltan Brit., ATLAKTA, GEORGIA. ••-Th# eaesl Pteilttlaaoffarod to 8hirMr»- • trier* #M«tfenjioIi«Uod. (Lt'llth. 1144. («LYwlv.) J, X. WILLIAMS. B0LL1XA BASKS WILLIAMS & BAKER, (Succaton fo Williams, Rhea As Co.,) GKNERAl. COMMISSION Srlfc] MERCHANTS, Atb.neum SSkUDuilding, Decatur Street, At lanta, Georgia. Prompt and panicuter alien tion given to the eale of Ottin, Bacon, Lard, Flonr, Fcatbora, and Trnn.eree Produce gen erally* Jan. 27, 1858 dtf STOP THAT PUFFING I THE nnd.nigr.ed, fix tb* aol* purpose of raising Mon ey, nffere his large stock of. BOOTS AM) SHORN At PXRkT COST- With freight expwnsM adJeil. The Slock is targ* and compUt*. This is no bnmhug. ROB EAT CAUROl.l., *gt jtnU. '68 dtf Whitrht!! street, Atlanta Atlanta Female College. mHF. THIRD SESSION of thie ^s». I Inadtuthn w’ll core nrnr* on MON DAY. th* 18th tnrt. ffajM HE THIRD SESSION of thl. Inadtuti'in w’ll core none* on N DAY, tb# 18th intt. W* hare fitted up the basement of th* Presbyterian Chnrch with anew leer, and new desks, affording a much more commodi. eat end eomfurtsb’w room then the one ncca- pied last year. W« wiU occupy »hi* room temporarily till arrengmenu cm be completed for arreting permanent College Buildings, i the same aa betel,>tor* pnhliehed, Term*! Jan 13 d&wSm J. L ROGERS, Pro*. Wrapping Paper. LARGB lot, just received of all the* and V qua) tin*, and for aal. I ow, by Jan 23, dsstf WM KAY. Agwnl. Mannilla Paper. YSBY fin* annstmrnt of t^abore, I,to hand *8 nmrlgnmenL Dtu Istf JraBidrlJ SAY, end ft largt asiertsast et foyi, Faney Artlcler, fte., ie. Ha< mg recently retareed from the North, where he laid in a fine etoch of Fancy AriirJ*f asd eve ry thing necMtary fer earrying ca H> candy man cfactary b* would ’nform county dealers that be ll prepared ta furnish eandiat at wholasaitat29 eanti par pound. Order tecompanled with tb* cask er good elty referee**! promptly etteaded to. L. VALBXTU70. Atlanta, Not. 66th 166. dtw-j SASH BLINDS A DOORS M ANUF*t'TLJ.‘ED to order, at ourahop over Winahip’e Iron Work*. JOS. WINSHIP ft OO. Atlanta. Now 26.1867 dw2m ypnwrppHjii FURNITURE! THE fubfcrihun hav# enhaad art ur»w opening a Urgt and ' *ly #eUft«d Stock from th# Northern Manufactories. Best Bafaa, Yffardroh##, BurtMt, 6o«r#Ur/», - Waehitoad#, Bedstead# asd Ibatre of any desired pattern and price, ft Ec* naeortaent ol Centre, Work, 6nlc«n and Toiiett* Table*—Etagere's,Corner and Bide—Bofas, Tote- n-Teta, etc. fNt" In addition ta the above large etoek, we are receiving weekly repp!:**. Tb* pnblie are in Tiled to celt and examine our stock. F. ft. ft J. 2. WlbMftXI, , Rest door to lillbert ft Clarke, resetim it., eUsaU, B.< .Burial Cnwr, rw * are prepared to furnish Fisk’* Metallic'Euri al Caaaa, at short notice. We have ramrod the eervioee of a competent person te attend te this ft*. partmerL F. A. ft J. 6. WILLIAMS, Ncv 26.’68-dwlv Peacbiree vreeL Joseph Winship, COMMISSION MERCHANT rt)H THE PURCHASE. KaSi fcfJJpSa.’ e.d Storage of ProdreebMpR SHo*.ap pbrii the Western ft it'll t c Railroad Depot- November II . 1867 ••* E UUK WHEAT■FJ.ofP. Otnabuige, Tima b heeling*, Bbittiuge, From the M,uncut Cetiao Mills; Sugar and Coffee, Firm and Ric*; Mol seres ft Myrup ICO Keg* Nails; Adamantine Candle*. All for Hale br JOSEPH WINSHIP, iannarv 6.186* dtf BUTTER AND CHEESE. uMft*** 5 b*rid of raporioe , and for sale b; Nov 24, 1*67 “tsJph WINSHIP. da or U . 500 SALT. ftaekn in atevoiard for sal* by JOSEPH WINSHIP. 2a, 1667 dawtf Iroal Iron! LARGE Stock of taowah Minnai*.- luring anJ Mining Company’* Iran, con) etnntlr onhftt. ,at ” ' ‘ ’ ' NoremborU. 186* l Manufacturers pri a. by 1 WINSHIP JOSEPH’ NOTICE. \ LL prrrcac indited to the ejtart af C, D. dVParr, lata of Jfumr oooaty daosared, are re. qtdnd to mnka imcaaglcto paymsot a&4 Ikon having daanndt wW render M tab awtiffiag w WIT ** *'' New Orleans Groceries on COTYSIGXMEXT, Tite first nrriTftl of the N«w Crop _AT ATLANTA. Seago, Abbott & (Co., Just Iteeeived. r T v HE kftUnlfaa# biia iton, asd otter* tax rt« f*n«wlac urtitw*. VCaglUTaw Linieod 00, (English boiled u “ do winier simp’d rwre gpr’m Oi u “ whaleOi ennine OO f* • Tancen. T a 2 20 EbU. 10 “ genmi Uoac 10 “ assorted Vaarfeje*. 30 . “ 95 per cast '' iSloI. 20 BnrniogETidd. 10 “ Csjnpbeca 10 “ Spirits Turpentine. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes. ^.Breibu, colored Palau, and all r Pa-Brers’ exe. Far sale by atjsxU. Key t. US?- A. SITJiXpgg Tbe discovery af this Writing Thii or a* tb* rereltof chemicalsceideat. ItrerpasKs*2cth. Inks, but always bt pal iato clean battle* *w* oriil not eorrode tb* rtecipwe; and es-reeth* ' in tat quality by aay ink measure tsreT i or America. Ozdars are reeptetfally eoiieilaj, as ae will put up th* aboveIak as lew af esr oEe*. acta aa be pat wp ta PbiladeipVa, or 9 T.. "Mad* only by D-s. Eiggwre ft Ouiid ftu ■T" U ~ > book irertt. Itarebi; dtf. ■ 1 o- as*, paa Ww JET r T ’~^| Piano Porte Repairer and Tuner YTriLL^Ucsd to aaj caUilc hi# —, V\ line of*, taeh aa rtg- J niaxing of aceaoa, oorertag of ham. M 9 V It msrs.ffetted orbaSed.) Uytag of raw,triegi t 7 tb* octave, whole or ring)*, Ac. Sirisfsctiox given ta ere.-v taxiaae* or ae tbarge. Ail work warranted. Tuning bp Ul# Tear done at He due art Price* • ^W-fti! order, should bs left u i£evert. Wii- 110.0** Fuxntacre Store, on Peachrin* it., Ati«- la.Se. cot. 26, *86. dwty. HAVE aew ta store s eheia* I ef aew wrap ef Sew bri iron Bagagwr, Cbesee, Trine Fatly Fair, ftad Fata, Aad vrfil be le reeelst, weekly, of farther C«*. sigraacute from tlsir friaads is Saw Orlaaas dor- tag tb* season, which the, win Call lo cash buv- ari SI it par eoei Uwcr tho: tbs soma good, cos bo bcsgbt is say oihtr Soorgia market. Also, s* tepis itook cf Coffee, Belt, Tobaece, Gaadlte, ft*. ECASO, ABBOTT ft CO. Oeeapy Beep asd Abbott’, b*ildiag,-*or*er For- rytk aad MitcbeU ctreeta. J0*1017 2,1861 dtf earrentJIoaey Bo no hi. W* wffl buy the cotes of th* Tenure*** Basks, eloo, Kentucky and New Orient. 8HAOO, ABBOTT ft CO. November 11, 1667 4tt Birds Eye Line. Wcareftgasu for the calc ef Mr. B L tegcr’c Birdsayt Lime, put an’ Is 6 boabal barrel., war- rested fail maasure, aad af reporter quality-to . — - ... - - . Order*,ijy asy ether lime told is this market. the Car load will be 2U*d at kila prices, by -— 6^ A. ft CO. Mill Stone*, Bolting Clothe, fte. We ar* else egtats fer Mot- era. Xecrlt ft TrosM*,taItl. wore; Md., Importer! sad Deafen ie rreoeh Bert, lets* aad bepee MO) Xtreae. Boltiag Cletfta, ft*. Ordels aderretedteu wttlk* faith, fall, kireatad ky them i wasafaetEie* price*. 6., l.ftOe. naatf; ea head at Kew Terk prices 1 6BAOO, ABBOTT ft CO. Boptember, IL 1267. DR. . M. BABER, Q .HO MgOPATH 1ST. FT ICE and Rooms in Dr. Pomroj’ fire, opposite Pettit *t*rit. ovember 26, 1857 . dawly JaneAM. Carter, Forwnrding ft Committion V er- chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. •Via J-»>‘ Sew RWi, Bay Stmt—<ialt!y BfraybRi P. S. Liberal aAeanou made ** oil oou» icnacnfd. fttmrvva *el. Eft^., RoM It Yeaas, K*^. NEW AUCTjON HOUSE THOS.’F. LOWE,. Whitehall EcarlUtchellSt., Atlanta Ga Crop*, tt rtahtaUaa w FaaUy w «rimr* vmfsmttoltj »oUetJBd aad preza t Uy aad f « nb fsllj acesdpd td*. Idaalddwtt. THE BEST SELECTED axp ASSORTED STOCK or Family Groceries ' IN THE CUT OR ATLANTA, Is t* ba found at lla “Atlanta Family Store,” Whitehall Street. F.ORGEU. DANIEL, PrvpmUr. AtiaaH, Mi| I, #ML ll»vj ag s o o ® STALL FED BEEVES. . t cf a Itr^e ijuas- Babacribav ia in want < titycfNa I. Tat Bw»»re,;*» tftb Cite U *» wrtr. le af Jwyidxi BOW: „ te.ll.usa V - INK T O M A .1 IF A C T L K H H S W E are now receiving a large lot of (foie I-min er. Calf Skins. Linings. Bind- I mgs. Lasts. Pegs Kit, and _ .everything connected with th» Boct li d I L bailee**, which will be wnl<l at low prices Oath. Aii orders accompanied w-jh Cash wiS ba peoeprty fifed with good Gxdi, and at taw rmtcf—at th* Sign of the Big B*«, Pesrh;-cre. street, Cherokee Block. ^p2ftdtf WHICK ft MIX. FWBTH rCAl Of TR* Casmopoiitaa Ail AssodaiSoa. THI PAMOrS DnsMldorTGalery orPaiotingft! Purchased al a Cats c/flSO.OiX'i axd rowun’e roxio toosxo rrxm or TH E^ GREEK SLAVE!! Ke-psrehaatd for iu tncuaand aoiisn, *;:* s*. veralhundred other merit tint, is Patatraro, Scalpmree vaiBroorei, cempriet the Premwnj te U swarded by the nhacnaert ef the Comoro- iitu Art Aaeuctarioc, who leboretb. te'ore ib* 55;h cf Jaaeiry 1656, at which Hot tat award* will lake pieee. Taau or Imamu-Ever- .uUeriler of three doiiart iteamied to a regy'ftistaire aad aplcnded Start Bagreriag, ectiud -tfeniitst Dtntay," aJeutenecpy of ihi Cusm- pdotaa Art Jcarani on* year, tiro to a cwttacuu is theawsrd of premiums, aivo to a free sorouui.s u, the Daa- ooidnrf asd Coesrpolitaa Gs’lvriu. The* it is area ihsl IS erttj threo doQsn paid, thesabeerihereotoaly rereivts a iplendid ihrws dollar asgsasrng, bat also, tb* beaaUfaUy ifru- rated TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR NAL, one year. Each f sorer, wr it alee prtteat. •4-with a rer:irate i* the award! ef which l ralsahle work cf Seelptare may il* work cf Art, in Paisttag cr he raceind is addition, that giriag te erinTrebeerther an tquvaicst to’iha rufoe 8re doanrt, and a etrti&cau graria. Any on* of th* leading $3 Jfagaaines ie fare ithwd, instead of Bngrtring and Art Joarns. K* person is recrirtei to a stag* thare- Thoaa taking Svt cooiershipa, rtaiutag I! are awtitled tear extra Esgrarixgerd rixticket Fall paniecUrs cf the fttrociortos an gireai i the Art J cereal, which ecvtmias over sixty iplen. did Kngrsvtags, pri.-e (Sir <psts par susjbec.— Bporunea regdac will ho ms! :c all peraucs whs dretrt to ruhxrtbe, ea rwretfl if 6re posttr* •lamps 16 cents. ftddnu C. L. LKKBT, ft.-leery C. ft. R US Broadway, New T«k,cr WJf, H. BftKNKS. HoaV S« y Alisau. Biitpi. Pre-26—dtf Improved t«iton Gig au ThreaUtas .flnohiuea. T BI ecdcrugwvd huisc iwcooret Umu kurioMB trim Mregms QjusIj, be, lo AtouU- Ug Wove m isb-trs -.Mac re psu. u usd the pstiex*»vr»J3r. U.I they wJI crenst. th» Usca^vteriov ri c.-rjo Siee and TSTnet rtnahen ca their ares! urisn prated tn 6«g». Sooth Urokri. sod JUMcs .1 ie ports efTVxoo, Mi-i-Jrti Norik Lorotco. The, are wodt ef th* very tree =»:*:»* s vrrvoM Ie reared u till thom nwraowo i ,o: VsrebW, If vos doefrota so. sadwo waiMsov ore u say ere oloctwraioof ofcalnfstieo. atd wCl doerss thowat th* paroharar . rVKooacv it saorret 2. .9. {VpM rrav *t chaigv roc t--*a.prvuiiea. ioouaetsoar Oewado with oar irarahaj or %xsS dgvata, er 0y dlml croon. rWicnin of virtim tad Thraeh-ce, want, may k* erew re »fpi*si»-o te igsato. •S.XU«.u warrewlcd u parikem wtlL Kvpair. 16AN K AGENCY. Mo WallsMts, Apmljor t\e BcoiK- of Crmdtn S CarrJimt. OScw at H'altac* ft RAineer. Worvac s*— corner of Raster aad Fryer streets. Atlanta, Oa ill givwprresp; avtvwtbuite rofe-Ti-as ratnsliy DR. E. N, CALHOUN, TAKES tHitteib.idof utfonaing t ! 1 t he ci'ixrcs of Alia la and ririnity that he- d clmes bis centra latcd I»*V« treat the aily. H* will cor,, tioue to practice Ut* various branch es of th. Medic*! Prufraah’n, »«d will bw found at *11 lim<* tl th. oM stand except a, ■ prelreai.'na ’y rogagei on Mari- enaitrrvu Office rp elsL-« ;n -a «'» Urtck Building;earner of; -ad Pc*.bit.* it res is F -N. CALHOUN- January 28. 186’ dtf RUNG lANTIS. T.A1UTA -n n| dftW»8 I an,*" KNOKVII ’vfi, IB'wrsm , mVV!'^EB. tie La- „ _ ram pre* La- nitr, bta cf Tcaacgac. A.'r ft*, will fv ispry to treat *11 frieadt and er .Din tfc# Laaa# Host*, wbtro thsy bar* «mpl. ecroiauadatlr* fo two hundred and dftj pertens. 6. ft 6 LANIER. Prepcfotera. ■ O onn 2300 (w» “* f “ ‘VftMftaTr»b»i,vjux. I • — . .. - - *-Vd.v