The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 03, 1858, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL. 1 ^ ATLANTA, GEOEGFIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY -3, HB ’a5ww®pre» & DAILY & WEEKLY. /’ / ~ by- . !/ / DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. TI1RH8 OP aUBlOBlPTICia. Daily Intriligoncor, per aoaum InadvaoM, »» H iU Georgia EiilEoad* Banking Company Augueta to Atlanta.. 171 Milqe. .Fen) $6 M- Weekly, UA.T158 OK ADVKHTI8IHO. Advertialng In' the Daily Intelllgenoer will .b# Innrted.oGke following re lea per aquare ef tee >. lines* / ^ 'one lri*erllori,/60 eta. I One month, ■ Two «/ $1 00 Two, “ > Throe, . ■ four, « 1 to Poor, * » 1.75 Six,*- » ^ One week, 2 00 I One year, ? 'Bpedaiobntreeta will beiaedo fov yearly adver tleement* oeonpylng a quarter. helf or whole , *° < °i-.ArtTerlliementi from trenelent peteem 88 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 !» oo muit be paid in advanoe. . ■ Legal edrertliement* publlihedal th* nine reloe. Obituary notice*exceeding ten lad ne ndrertleomenU. Annonnolngcnndldetee for ; office, $6 - 00, to be paid in ad»*ne*. • . r When edverlliemonti are ordered In both the Drily, and Weekly, 20 per eeat. will b* added ^ # Thb prirUege o'f' yearly adrertiaera la itrletly rnlt^ own Immediate and regale, jmlujq; Profoaatonal Card* noteieeedlngaii llnei.110 AdwriSmenta notapeelOed al to tlmewlll be .kllthad till ordered oul and oharged at regular latee. drortlaementa Inaerted .n the Weeklypaper ’ -111 be oh urged at former rate- ATLANTA. FEBRUARY'S 1857; [ TbeNotv Giiodihitrc Arrived t n. 8TRONO 4 OO., bare juit opened ' _ .j targe eiiorlmont of lunTAPUB ASD FANCY WIT OOODO, Oonalallng In part, of the followlnglarUclea, * .gii^r—|fi Rleh dreaa Sllki; Fanny Bllkc; All Wool Merineem All Wool Ddrim; Manohoator Delalnai Popllni; Alepacaei Bomkaalnei; BleMh^and^rown Phootlngi and Bhlrtlngi Bhawlai Ladle’e Clooh Lining!; Flannelii Kerioys Irlah Llnena: Tablo ldpon.; Cotton Striper; Kentucky Jeanr, Batina; Caulmeri; Cloth; lloaieryi Blanket! by tho thonaand; A aplendid Hook of Ulovra; Dreas Trimmings , _ ,m jj«. gpS 0BB3 TT Sm 9 Wool, 2 and S Ply; Tapoatryt Hall Carpal*at r ^ P p’,apply of plant etion BROGANS B W U .“Tltb 1 ’^‘<*Wfri.nd. and public to ^t.«. . ii - _ j ... a*o{ oft a/1 whan thoY loam OUT pri* CVaitorUrrn Dlrfctor» OBORGE YONOB, Buperlntcndoul- Monniis Paaiinaiti Taxi*.' Leave* Atlanta dally at 10 00 A, M. Amice at Augueta, at 7 UOP.M. L-IV’« Auguaia, dallyat 2 30 A, M. Arriipe at ..Atlanta, at..,., 11 30 A. M. Etxniho Puuuigir Taaix. Leave. Atlanta, daily, at ...1300 P.M. Arrive, at Augueta. at..... 8 00 A. M. Leevee Augtiila, daily, at d 0(1 P.M. Arriiea at Atlanta at 1 04 A. M. Cy Thia Road runa in connection with the Train* of the South Garolina and the Scran nah and Augueta Railroad*, at Augueta. We*tern ft AUStSoTitoSTSail Hood. Atlanta to Chattanooga. IS* Mile*, Fare $5. ^ipofessioo^ 6^3. 1 Siilfiiot JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. Moxkiso Pahrr.ngxx Team, Leaver Atlanta,-daily, at........ 116 A. M. Arriiea at Chattanooga at. ... .9 45 A. M. Leaiea Chattanooga ,,deily, at.... I 30 A. M. Arrive* at Atlanta at - 0 S3 A. M Niobt PaesKKOXX Thaw. Leaiea Atlanta, nightly at,..... . 12:30 P. M Arrive* at : Chattanooga at. 8 18 P. M Leaiea Chattanooga, niihtly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrive! at.Atlanta at 11 *2 P. M HT Thli Road connect*eath way with Ihe (Rome Branch Railroad it Kingiton, the Beat Tenneiaee dt Georgia ai'road al Dalton, and the Naihrille dtChattanooga Railroad at Oiat- anooga, _ JS ______ Atlanta ft Lagrange Rail Read. Atlanta to WeetTbint.Bf Mi!ea,.Fare *3 60 GEORGE 0. HULL, Superintendent; Morkixq PAbsnoiK Tsai*. Leave* Atlanta dailv. at 2 OOArM. Artivca at Weat Point at . ,7 28 A. M Leaiea Weal Point daily:at,. .. ..4 00 A. M Arriiea at Atlanta at #27 A M Evimino Pamkxok* Train. Leave* at daily at t 00 P. M. Arrival at Wrat Point at 8 28 P. M. Leaiea Weat Point daily at 4 30 P, M. Arriiea at Atlanta at 1015P M. QT Thia Road connect! each way with the Montgomery dc Weat Point Railroad. a Mil and are letiiOod when they leero our pri* ^.t they illlbod It lo th*lr Interrut U, ^ fremui.. Remember, wear, at No 1, Whlmbal fremui. -• .... Btroet, Norcroi* ■ rid atand. April 24, 185*. Garden Seed. WE have, ontour targe afock of Garden Seed, end athoee who have bought of ua here. would aW.alt a liberal .hare of patronage H from ourcltlmna ^^h^ ezzARD. January 16^185* DOWISIING HILL ^ ATLANTA, GEORGIA. wwmiip .uhcribors olfcr it wholculi or ffttili ° r f, “ u Tree, ’ llatafogne wnt hy 6 ' mall to all applicant, fraool ch » r *‘ ETBR8i HARDEN ft CO, Atlanta, Georgia. MACON ft WESTERN Ri ft. M AhON, Uocember 14th. 1*57. - CHARGE of schedule. On and alter Friday the I Slh the Iraim will be run a* followi: — l.eava Maeon • a. ra. arr Atlanta 8.15 Leave Macon 11 80 a m arr Atlanta 5-30 pm ( eave Atlanta 12 night, a,r Macon 7,16 a. m, Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrlva at Macon 6.40 p.m Th# night traiuiwUI not be run on Sundaya, Tho night fain from Atlanta connect* with tho Central Road at 9,46 a*m., and the South-Weatern at I l,30 a.ra, alao with the Al bany train, tri-weekly, which teivee Mecon 7,|5 e. m,on Mondtye, Wednesdeyeand Fri- ^Phe noon train eonneeta with the Contra! Road at 11,30 p.m.' and Soulh-weiternR. for Albany and Cjlnmbuiat 1.30 a. m. ALFRED L. rVLBR.Sup’t. Dee 23,1057 d&w. JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, W ILL practice In the Diatriet and In'w |.,r Cou-U f this State. Careful attention p«id to the inveatiiating ul Land Titlra, to the buying, arillng end lo cating of Land Certificatea. Promptoeai given to tba oouoetion of a'l riaima. . . Rcnaiacir.—Hon. Wm. Selden. Waih- ington, D C; A Auatin Smi'h, Waahlngun. D Hon W m Smith, Waahington. D C; H-,n R Jobnaoh, Baltimore, Md; Gov Wm Eaton, Warronton, N ft; Rev JL1 Jobnaon, Atlanta, Ga; W W Gainea, New f.'rleana. La. Tixaa Rxrxaaacas—Hon P H Bell, Haa Antonio; Judge Paachal, San Antonio; Jud;a O W Paachal, Auatin; Hon P W Gray, Hooa. ton; Perkina ft Keech, Honaton, january 7, I860. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL.t O PFICK over Smith 4 Bilard’* DrutBtoro ; 1 — wh*re he can l e found during tha day, aad at night, at hii realdenctou the oorne; ol Golllu* and Jo oi Street*. , . Atle ta, Jen-JO, 1851 d«3m w. a. joxaa. * 0Tt JON E SlftlH OYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I'ffice in Kile’e Building, Comer of Marletu and Peaeh-tre* Straatt, ATLANTA. Q EO RGIA Jin 13 * | A , LAW, Ktngtold, Georgia, wi I prectire in the following countiee: Cotooea, Ohettoog*. Murrey Gilmer, Whi>fie|d, Gordon, V4 elker. Dado. Rcftrtnctu Maj. W. Y.Hanaell. Marl- etta, Ifinsell &< bimpson, Mtri«tU» JuaiM Lawhon.Eee, Dahlonega. .... C3~particular attentian paid to th* eoleelmg buaineaa May kg, 1867 dawly J OHN V. HEARD- ATTORNEY A'l’ LAW,—ColquiU, Millor.eo Georgia march 6 1857 »>* L OCHRANE ft LAM All —.47- TOKNIBS AT LA W-Maeon Georgia, o a. locnaaxi. j. LaMAm. Having aeaociated tbemeelvea in bueinear will devote themeelvea eicluaivrly to the practice of thein prufeeaion [J*nl3'lwIjf yy illiamm. dasPorth- ATTORNEX AT LAW—Prirbnrn, Georgia. July 26, 1857. IN i ELL1GKNCEH & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE! THE PKOPIUBTOHB kftYiRK fecftotlj ftddftd to tb« JOB DEPABTMEZTT of tho B.Ub llibment a LAROB and VARIBD aent of tho Lautt StyUt of PLAIN AND FANCX •re props rod to exoeuto in o cost and workman, ko manner, trorj dooeription of Particular attention willbaciron to tho Print log of Ciroulan, War Bills, Blank Notoi, Bin Hetas, Blank Deeds, Bank Cheeks, Programmes, Basinets Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, U, Wo respectfully solicit the patronage of our friends In the city and country, and assure them tba tall ordars will he promptly and satisfactorily attended to. fi. P. Eddy & Co., (SUCCESSORS TO C. R. HANIiTTKR’k OO.) m,m Mfl card mm mi AND - Boolt-Blndory, Comer of Jf hiUhall and Alabama $te., ATLANTA, OfiOROIA. O. P. EDDY &*C0;., Tiering just added to their Ll former extensive assort* meat of B O O K and JOB TTPB, CUTS, ORNA MENT5, Ae., a very largo ▼arioty of now materials, of tk* latest ifyba, together wits one of Hoo's eolobratod Svllndsr Presaea, tro mors fully prepared than heretofore, to giro dispatch to au orders for work in thoirline—which they will execute In ike host stylo of tho art, at £inj: ftdbertiagtygtytg. lligh, Butler & (Jo. COMMISSION’ MERCHANTS. roa too rcacoaso and sal* or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GU0CERIE3, it., Alabama Street, (SohUj of tb* Mfteoe t Vnl»rs Dtpot,) Atlanta, Georgia Ooed Tfiis»M«e Moser taken at par (or frodace 4tlaat» Ceorrta, Jana, Vah, 1H? New Stock Coming In m©T3=]3J-ra GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, ■■m and. 1 moot, for Fall and Winter, all the latest ttjlet. One of the beet stocks ol Cloths. Caa/imeres at a Vestings h» Georgia, from wbieb to make a eelto* den. Shirts, Drawers, Under Garments, Cravats, Gent's Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling Bhawls and Blankets. Tailor's Trimmings, Ac., for sale at she lowest p ices, to IbecasA trade,st W. HERRING 1 60N'S. 49 Whitehall tt., Atlanta, Ga- 2 A Iso agents for Singers Sewing Machines. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoiniz^ tho corner of Ala. A Loyd Streets, Atlanta, G-a. ROB’T, ll. MAY, Baring removed his CARRIAGE. V HBPOSITORY U>tbe above ole stand opposite tha Washington Hall, and enlarged his facilities, is prepared tor AU all orders with whieh he may be favored, on as good terms as can be obtained in Augusta or 8arancsb, with the addition of Freight. His stock embraces Carriages, Concord Buggies, 4 and 6 seat Rock away s, Slide Seats do., ' 6iiy 1 TijeDjci '{IcbgtfisgtygrjT K. M. CLAKZL- • r UfcfiiS (JlarkeA (iruUb, COMMISSION MKR';liAMS. Atrenbs for collections of all 1.: ; Aad Dealer, la BACON USD, mmi 0? AIL ek:h. GROCEHIES. AC Althv! ld«UDd,( For Sale. i tho** wj*k t* Sfsta. S. J. SHACKELFORD, A t mt WblWhafl tu. jUlvnlft. W^lAO'.tk, lard sod Cora al*si t oo i.s*.-4.- .*srrct gXUulUtt. fftjg tc Coft>!JTIW S*A O* trrrr 4*r*.ri .uC JfcemiUftfcoa* r">*spt-y /* oiieiteC. ac d«*rrf»U* For La*i Just Received, r J'llK . SEED BAJU-EV J UST received, a first rata article of Barley., for Bend- rrioe r |J per bnrbcL r-+-‘ U» :s »u«, t*<4 oJars far t T*.* fc^rrassracaM. ‘6 C&ds.s rstu- Oil, (English 2 **. boiled M ^ do % ' Fept. 7, dtf. CKAF.EE A GBl'EB. Who wanti any Kye » h Crmtk bft* ISO b+»Lici» t.jr.' t wbw vin ter =trairM rwrc spr’in Oi 2 “ “ “ “ vhaleOi 20 Bl,le. genuine Cil f - : Tanners. Whiikffl Whiakey! H hl,kvj Kosin assorted va-uiabea. 35 per cent ’johol. Burning f Itdd. Camphene SpiritA Tnrpeatine. —- 20,000 11/3 White lead; assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted shea. _ ...... Brathet, eoiarwd Paints, and all Copper DirtjUed Corn t ^ p fc j aterf * f or by p. liarcfc 21. it^u >Uy ». IW. A. ALZXAJOP A.LYX * VAIL Ad... ... .. . „ «'cM.a'tbs %U>::rjX0&3&. Wallace k Robinson n w v x* d i r « inks in relation to color, daraUihty aad «asj i tow from the ntn. When ton thi^aida Ut*» eOMMISSION MERCHANTo, TEN NESSE E I'UOD PfcK! W We gi*e rpecial attention to th* tale of &•*<>&, , in iu quality by any ink t Lard. Flour. Grain, Whiskey, Tobacco, Ac., Ac. - Eurof-e or Aathes- CoDfignmeoti rerpeetfully soliri -Prompt attention gi«a» 1 With and without Top, No Top do., Whips, Ac., of the best mnnufaa- ture and latest style A share of patron* age is respectfully solicited, ar Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at short notice. ‘ y We are also agent for Norwood A Robins'! I Patent Fan. i -J- Atlanta, (ta... Pee. 4. 1554. ! KYE 4 BARLEY. t k Hark-t mell iftekK ‘' V/llJCi Orieri are rerp-ectfuily solicited, u we will put cp the abort Ink as low at our o£ee. as it stie pit op is Philadelphia, Boston, or N Y. v J5S&~ Made only by Drs. Big gen A Guild. kC eta, Ga. Soli at all the hook store*. Mar-hS. dtf. *LUH a.r;;.Kv* o. Wl Repairer ai^ Tuner NEW BACON I "PiAno Forte ILL attend to any calls in his line of business, such as reg* ^.LOTofprznv well cr^ N,. ttm for stir : WALLACE A ROBINSON;* Jar-nan- *p. :S >s dtf LARD!LARD tsers, (felted or buBbd,) laying of new rtrings the c-ctare, whole.or single, Ae. Satisfaction given in every instance er me charge. All w&rk warranted. Tuning by the Teur dene at Eedneed Price*. .All orders should U .eft sr Messrs- WiT- ’ *'!»" , tM’E!ft 1 i «**£, AU». not-. ;t, dwly. fair prices for Cash, Particular attention paid to thecxecoUon or FINE WORK for Railroad an*d dtherJointStock Companies, Transporiatian Agents, Banks, UNDERWOOD fifc HARI { IS) companies, xransportauon a|«bh, ouai, vet* A ttnrnftVR at LaW« Schools, Attorneys, Peblic Oficer Attorneys a l u * rf ) HerohanU, and others. Atlanta, J3rCOrgia. Books, Pumphleta, Cutalofues^ Circuli^s. WhltehslUtreet o»*r A. W. Hell’s Js* '?*«*• , “ 5 ;,^U I >Hamu.. Hoa. W. H. OaDaawooD.I ' FOR SALE i LARGE aeejitment or V.iiginia Leer Tobacco, varying In price end quality, et retail and wbeleiale, aa cheap ai the chrapnat. 8 J. BHACKELFORD. Al', Nov 14. 1857 dtr New Route to the South-Wei LUTHER J. GLENN 1 Attorney at Law, Atlanta, . - - • • • Georgia. Wlllattaod th# OourU in tha Oenntiai .r Pul ton, DeKrib, Fajatw, Campbril, Man.etbar, Coweta, Carroll, Uanrjr, Troep, Hoard, Cebb, and Spalding. DR. b. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, ..... Georgia. Office at hiirealdenoa. Garde, PrsmiaiOTT Irian, Blank D**d*,Chteka Wa, Bllli, Pragrammaa, Eaad and Show Bill! Poitara, 4e., axa-mtad atahertnoUce. pl'Prlsticg la Oein and Sitra* Baoan and Panor CoLoaaa Inal, area Vellum, Satis Mulls, ae., done la beautiful itjle. Having luairia* connected e Book-Bindery with tbelr Printing Bitabllehmeat, the, ere pre pared te execute order* tor avarj deacriptios ol work la that department—iocludlog Kl T LING end BLANK BOOK MANUPACTURINO-iu e it,la luperior te ea, ever barer, done in this iee- November 0,1857 negro snoES! _ a HE AT IG HE API! TO TUOSE WANTINaAPRIMB-g- Iwe'wUU ie, that we now l Cok, ind rit ol ou own Menulheturiag * ?“ T L, will iril at ten cenU a pair lower than unssigasewf. “ “““ fc -t-t Hoiue*niJute) M1 h, mnd warrant them aigooda? i^utrav^o^dlnthU market er ~Bt*te. * Bhoe- ;^ra&orof«pri?ed freeofeha^J oilgn°f BOOT,, Peachtree Street pHmtaao.Mv.lo. PIMICK, JOYOR, 4 00 HOTEL, BROWN’S warS?lS P0,i “ lhaP r" f "GEORGIA , E p”bA0WN ft B. ISAACS. Proprietor. | * B- T. DENSE. SupcrintcndciU. Sempbli k Cberleiton lUU.Road Complete I Connecting Cbettanooge, Tenn.; Cherluton, 8, C.i Savannah, Oe.; end ell Norlb-Butern Cltlei, with MepiphU, Toon, -ft ; . . -The iut connecting Link ef Rell-Roed between New York tad th* MUaitilppi River!-arf Thli Road ll now completed, 1 and epanad for ,„e regular traneporUtlon ol Puiengeri and Freight, end wltl afford more expedition and leu txpenie, than any ether rout* batwaan the North But end Boath-Weit. Puiengeri end ehlnperi will "take lue notioe thereef, and gniarn them- 10 Puienge? Traini luv# SUveuen'dally at 12 ’dock, A. M., (alter the arrival of the train Irom Ohattaneeg* and Nuhvllle,) and wrlva at Memphll iatne da; at T, P. M., connecting with First Clara Slum PackcU to New Orlaau, and all other Important point* upon Ihe Wei torn riv- eri.O Good* conalgned lo Rail-Road Ageota at Ohariuton rtf Savannah, will b* forwardod to Mamphla and othar point!, bp Expraia Freight Tl fl3rFrelgbt In charge ol the Adam’* Bxrrui Company, U carried over thie rouU drily, by the PuuogerTrri«. f o ARM8 0Mwalgip , t HuntevlUe, Ala., April let, 1857. •Through Ticket* to Memphis, Ac., arid el Wilmington, N.O.; Charleston; S. Oq Augusta, Seveuneb, Maoon, Atlanta and Columbu, O*., Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and Nuhvllle: T< 3auTo eonneet wlththe Western Train* on . Ii Hoed, puiengeri will take the Night Tralni from Wilmington, N. 0.; Anguita, Chattanooga and,Nuhvllle, Tana.; and tha day trriu from Ohariuton and KlnpvlUep'St'O.; and AUaata, -Oa. ... April lit. M - O. J. WRIGHT. Attorney at Law, Albany, ...... Geor e ia, May 18, iSS 1 eomaquntly havaae heaitaney in •olleltlag tha patronage of their frieodi end A* peblic. hn-Ordcra for work, In either department cl tbelr buincii, from any pert of Georgia end neighboring Statu, will meet with prompt etten ties. Atlanta Ga. Fab. 28, 1S57. (dAwly.) Do you Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do yon Want Cheap B00K81 Do you Pay . BHHj dome HBEB to get your BOOKS t ’ pw« SOHOOL BOOKS t I T HE SUBSCRIBER hu on hapd, (and la dailv iccelvlng addltlona thtreto,) one of I daily receiving addition thwto.) one oi tol.rgeat.nd moat cxlcnatve riock ofrichool mi!f“riUn.o« whieh he offer, fot enlo upon the moat »««on* w * • p^ r mi—Conabting in pari of «milh.. Olm..ed. Rnlllow. "Andrfwti Anlhon*» -Lom SMpi, (Goodrich**) Angel*, Town., ^ Mltchtll*. Glnov*, Boric*. OomprUing Engv Lh an" I.nUn Grammar., En8lu&re.Jer.^nd wdualc.genrr.llv. Geographic., f'^pWra, Hiitoriee, Spoiling Book!,. Da- FAitronomiee, iitewn i” ■ •flnmv Anriv ra; Ariihm.«tM, Uirtionul.a > &l.m., .nd Queetlon Bookri&e, Sc Al- *° AjViwraMiriucllra "mVdo to Teaehor* and WM. KAY. Agent; Atlanta, O*. . Y tho Subacrtber of the moot modern' > eivloo, and will he laid 25 per JWSiW , thtnl havo aver before been aulctoaoll lot (Basb. Alao, China and Quran* Wow. Plated Cuton, Plated CandlraUcke, Fotke, poona, To* Bette, Britain do .China Flown . uea, ftc» to which I would invito the at tention of mjr former patron, arid eepeciallj tho Ladle* to call anil examjnc, ^.^^ ^^ Nov. 18.1857 «lff ionism '*R?hra To—Maj!* J*. *L.* iu’rrie, Mi>l*dgeviSj; lino. A. U. llaniell, Tbooaaville;.Miller 4 Hall, Oglothorp*; Uon. R. U. Clxrk, M*oon; Col. J. **’. Duncan, AtUnt*. Jun® 2-Ulj’ J ark D IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, ■■ •• • c °.t 5r J l f’ Office, front room* over J. R. * 0. U. Wet. tace’i Store, coiner WhitobeU end Alabama it*. May 28,1857. MARK JOHNSTON, A t-t o r n e y at Law, Cartcrsvillo, .... Georgia reb.M. 1»M. p. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, West Point, Georgia April 18,1845, Hutchins ft Young, Attorneys at Low Lawreucovillc, Georgia, Will practice to the countiee ef llwinoett. Hell Walton, Foreyth end DeKrib. Any builnoii an- trolled to tbelr oera will be receired with pie*/ nro and ^'il'ilUTCUINS.Jr. ISAAC M.YOUNU. July 27; 1857 Pnduct end CommlWion AfsrcAanr, and Dnlm Family and Ptantatin Groceries, d*. Marietta Street,.......... • .Alania. Georgia J . H . S MIT H. wllb any bouse In the ally, ana ask a ihai* of pat- attention te the aria or Be key Will dve ipielal attention te the i, Urd, Hour, Orel*, Tnbeeoo, Ae., 4c. ioulgemeate reaeeetfor eolleitad. ra.rroari ettenrienalveq toCert Orteca. jmro ea Herlatta itnet, la the building formerly oeeapled by C. P. Parr. ■ 2S?^^^0laM Ware, Juit Biocolved LAND NEAR ATLANTA Mr,, oos M.tistta .tlttra areiKty {MtabKlli IMT. WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney at Law,! \V.T. C. Campbell ft Bro., _ UROEON andMeobealeri Diar pMa ’liits, era prepared to perform all oporatlonr in the profee-llon with AUenta, Jan. 2C W,T, C. CAMPBELL. Q.P. CAMPBELL. dtf an. at. T. PULLIAM having rc- T) k 'urncj tram a viait w Virginia will ra- - 1 ,Ri ‘ Hi hm Hi the pftcliee of hii proloaaion in tha erty of Atlanta and ita vicinity. Can l» foui d at hiaoffira at all boura,*xc*pt ^^VvAs’lf'lTfrON HALL »epiMwtf '"OASQ’HEN.K Darning Fluid AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR T, R. RIPLEY. p, s'.—A. liboml discount by too Bin. bee. 9 U8T. ' ^ HIT.4 NT INFORM/Tl'N, by, ‘inacitwfidu infemiUeemay i, lent to married mm end thoea Addraaa - UKkiri OOjJne NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- .. v . _ J?f ■ _ of tb® Ulost pitteroa, their Stock of m*t«rUl* tk® beet the Northsro m*rk®t« Afford, and their work* m«o eqdal to any in the Sooth, they fee) confident ef their ability to give entire satisfaction, and ATLANTA, OA. T HB subscriber wonldimom the eitizen* of At | \aata and rieinity that be has eonsuntly oa ' band, at his Confectionary aad Baking eeubiish* meat, al) kinds of Confections, Pastries, Fruit* Rc j He is also prevarod to famish every descriptiot of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or ( parties, at short node*, and on accommodating term*. Imported wines aad hr**Dos of *1) descriptions New Orleans Groceries on CO.YSIGXME.XT, The fir.-t arrival of the New C.rop r « M A X I' r AC T l R CRI \ l 7 K arc now receiving a >>i*T ' AT ATLANTA. Seago, Abbott \ Co.. largr lot 4»f 8oie IrtOtth* rr.Ceif iNhiea, l-ipinga, Bmd- I jr.c#. l>a*i*, Pexs, Kit, end r»*rytbing cunn^tfd with th# Boot and *•* bo«s«t, which will be eold et low priew* baeco—together with a large assortment of toys, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. UftTing recently reteraed from the North, where A»d will be ia rvceirt, weekly, rf ferther HAVE »f-v ir, store s/belr* tock ef new erep <f Kew Orleans! deiatset; *“ Syrsp, - Browa Sagagwr, Choice. Prims, FaV.r T* : r. And Fair. Ai! order* areoaiptnied with Caah wffl V* hi led with g Chad Ccods, and at low r*u»—et the Sign of the Big Boot, Petexbtrw^* rtrevet, (.’rjerokew Bkack. PlWCK At KfX. BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS I FOURTH VLAJL OF THX Ctsajopiolitan Art Associitton. -TGI FAJIor* Dufefreldorf Galerr of Paintings! ry thing necessary for carrying on hi* candy man j ing theewo^r. «hirh ttrv will \ r : ejafc birr- \ U ut ° ^ 0ti ^^^50,000. nfactory he would‘nform eovnty dealemhat he if! ori at l*per real lever thee the fame p«>dr e*r , A>r * 1 scxowyco mm oe prepared to furnish eaniies at wholesale *t > be bvepb*. ir. tty other Ge'/rpiii rarhet Ai te, j ^ THE GREEK SLAVE!! cent! per pound. Order accompanied wlththe eask or goftd.tity : At. SEAGO, ABBOTT reference* promptly attoaded to. .• ; Oeoayy er.d Abbot:'* bauditg. e. rrrr F. I*. VALKKTIJtO. j iTth »ca Mitchell Mmu. Atlanta, Nov* 10th Sfifi. dsw-y i . Jarunrr 2. lSii ctt ! ko amplestce«k of Coff«e, Stilt, T^bacro, C-ar ije*, i Re^parcfcaaed for tix tncusand ooUars, with m. blanks! Blanks! Blanks! SASH BLINDS ft DOORS M anufactured tnoniw, *t »t ahoy over Winahin'i Iron Work*. 1 JOS. WINBHIP A OO I Atlanta.Nov 25.1857 (atm Of nil Descriptions. B lanksofalldehcriptions,^ be had at all timaa, at tha FURNITURE!! ixaiiimcr fffi - *w THB subscribers have on hand j jQjk&d are now opocicg a large and Attorniea, 8hen&. Clerk* of Court*, and Ordinaries, can be furnishrd^st short notice, any favorite form of DEED, WRIT, orPKO CESS which they may desire; and all FORMS ol legal instruments, commonly in use, are al ways on bind, to bewid at tha lowest price*. MUnta. M Best Safes, ■carefully selected Stock from the ' Bird* Eye Lime. We are Agent# for the nale of Mr. Rl F.oger’f Birdf-eye Lime, put up it b bethel barrt 1*. war. ! schbcntteir _ j ] ranted fall mearure, and of fuperKr qnk’.itT to dc-iiar cngrai’cg. bat also, the heaatifaily iCae> j any other Ume #<4d it this market Order* by ! «;«< j the Car load eill be filled et'kilh price*, by TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR* Vnte«*w»>n MnnnfnrfnrUl S-, A d“CO. .SAL. {MVtftr. Kh.*fi IBbNnW ll ll*9 NUML Northern Manufactories stones, Bolting C?lotha. &c. wdwukaocr..-« Wradrobra, | ^ ‘ Baraeai, m Wlgto a Tnct.., wo. Sacretarrs, Tenor#, H4-, laporierr ani Washstands, i r^wler* la Freatb Bcrr, Co Bodrteed* and ; U.for an-’ 1 . F*<*pu» Mil! wort 1 "hairs of any derirwd pattern and price. A fine! Botung dote*. a.* Orier* assortment of Centre, Work, Saloon and Toi<ett« | e^*resft#4 E. M. SEAS0, will b# faith’.,Comer end Side-Sofa., Tate- j XCOCKSSORTOSXACO fcLAWfUCSCf WILL OOSTtSVB THE PRODOCS OOH MISSION BUSINESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, I’voet ef Atlanta Hetal.aadMIt .oorloFaltea Room, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ts»ttte ttftwal Fftejliti#*«8#r#4 to Shippers. *»rd#rn (dkwl f .) a-Tete, ete. In addition te the above large stock, we are receiving weekly supplies. Th# pnblieere in vited to call and examine our stock. r.A.AJ S WILLIAMS, Kext door te Gllh#rt h Clarke, r#ftchtw »t.. Atlanta, Ga* J. K. WILLIAM*. BOLM.VO BAKXJt. WILLIAMS ft BAKER, (Succtoon to IFilliamj, Rita <b Co.,) GENERAL COMM18810X MERCHANTS, Athvavura tfflfc Building. Peealur 8trrat, At latfft lento. Grorxie. Pn mpl end putieuler etten t'on |ivrn to the «!* of Grain, Harog, Lord. Flnur, Featben, and T«i)nrera« TNoduce gen fraili* Jen. 27, 1858 dtf IBtirial Caeca. —tv * era prepared to furoirh Fiik'i Metallic Bnri el Orara. at ibort sotioe. Wa bar* rove rod tbc ran icu ef e competent penon to vUcs-d to tbii d»- partmert. F.A. 4 J. S.WiLLUMS. V«t JV.’M-dwtv Pcachtrov rcrat. STOP THAT PUFFING ! !^ra THE underaignrd, forth* ■ TW eole purpose of raising Mon- H USaatas^ep.effers his largo stock of^f BOOTS AND SHOES /V I xiZRBT COOT With freight npenaea added. The Week ii lane and compl'M. Thie L no fcambug. RIIBERT P4RROI.L, 4gt jan<8, '58 dtf Whitehall street. Atlanta Atlanta Female College. X HE THIRD SESSION of thia Inatitutha wMI rout none* on N DAY. th* 18th inet. We here fitted np tb* (raaamanl oflh* Preabvterien Church with a now fioev. and new deeke, affording a inueh nor* eoamodt. ouaand wmfoetab'e room than tho one oeeu- pied last pear. W* will oeeupy thia room temporarily till areangmunt. ran be romptewd for ereruns pormaneot Colleg* Duildinge. Terme th* limn* bra elotora poblivbed. Jen IS dftwSm J. L RllUBRS. Pne. 4 LAROB lot,juet reerlved of aU aiaa* and /Vqual'Ue*. and for tala low. by X f.2 t*. dwtf WM. KAY, Agent. .dwtf ^8. '***•■ I A VERY fine th* abova. T^esox jnat t* hand *n wnrififtenL Wa* Ww New Book Etcra, 1dull .SAThIisuV rnrrcutMoney Bonsht. We vrtli Yv.} th# L«ea of th# D&nkf, aiNO, K* nturkt an>i New Orlcac#. bEAriO, ABBOTT A CO. November U, IfioT dtf renu hundred ciber wert# of art, ix Paiutiaga, >~aiy:urx* kziBreota. ceapriae tb# Premiums : t< ivarttd by th# ret-Ncn^n of tb# C\sac>db* i -at Art Afscoatiou, vbo reWril# Ufcre the Sv.bof J unary, at which-Uto* the awards wj.; tiei* place. 7 IV, r Jr Mcr.TTres—Every maeeriber ill tire# J ’liar* i* ♦r.tuiwi tr « repy of tbe larg* read spies 3t-d Steei Eagraring, eetilied “kawfwt Deftay alsou- a copy of th# O-osacpoUue An riTRN'ITITH.B: j - .ur»kJ o2#yeftr,al#otoa eertifiea^ 12 tit a ward T rvmiam?, aieti tc a free admission to th# I>u*> oeiderf ard Costcf.foiiun Ga Denes. Thu* it i» f#«j that for «T»cy three dollars paid, receirt-4 a tp)et*di4 thrwe &. A ft Co Joseph Winship, COM MI SSI ON M ERCHANT- FUri THB PURI H»8E. Ka® ■ end sairagr of IVvlcn.^ggg poite the Wretein ft Atin- tic R*iln'*.l Depot- November 11.-3857 .le».< Rmaf’» !*kts>Et Fir# k Burfler preef ?ftfe*. eea ftaetiy oe hftBC at S’#* York rrieet’.bv ’ S , k 4 (« 5EAU0, ABBOTT A CO.- 5#p*#»Ye#r, 11, isjr. prceait* award* of Pr«atums,fiy rk of An, in Painting er dii . m. iiabi:k. HOMCEOPATHIST. n FFICE and K*k'Ti* in I»f i\*T.r.' fir#. *^ppYe;tc P#:ti» c tahlf- ! Norember 50, 1ia Tftuahjt >eL;fttre may t-t roeetred is addition, thos giAag t. txrrx mbscriber au e^ciraJem to tb# rafn#T five d< iUr>, aoc a certificate gratia. Aty ttt of tb# leading f 3 ifagaainee • t* f«ru iftW. inftead of Esgraviag and Art JosmaL deeired. Nc person i» rsetrictej’te a siagi# shasu* Tb-it# taking five meaiertbip*, remitting $! 3 are entitled U< a- eatn Ecgrai mg an-i six uckct# Fall rarticalftr* t-t tn# A^ftoaauoe or# gtveci • ;b#..»ri *b>ch cottain* «rw sixty spica- iii<iEtgr»r;np, ; r. t tfl\ cents per cumber.— c f ?#4 mi; U rest :o alt p#rsics.uhe 4r>;rf t *uc.-cri'-e. rt rrieipt ef fix# pc*Ufe tuspi ifirrst*. Address C. L DERSY, Ankkn C. A R Broadway,* y«w York, or ^ -V, 11. BARNES, Hcs'v fiec'y Dec 13—dt/ Atlanta, (ir, James R. Carter, Ko pvt urd ins ft Comniieaion *' vr- rhnnf. SAVANNAH. (iA.. ti-lr deers' See Rkw*. Bft* SJtort—(»»t#J*#oc«Br>3ft- b« i leftnelL 5#^ ) 5. liberal advances mads on all con* tt pm tnnto B UBK WHEA rri.OUK. Oinaburg*. Yafna. bbre<in,i, Sl.irunga, Front the M iatour Cottnn Mills; Sugar and Coflee, Flour and Kiev; Molaaaetft Syrup IM Kege Nafla; A lamanline Candles. All for Sale by JOSEPH WINSHIP. iannarv 8,1858 dtf ,,rfR;>‘;:r- — ISttea. Rcttee, k Oo . /.as laevr. ■-. V»- V<a«. <t. T h. Otir#t. Kmc . A»#n aa* JC BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARUE supply on hand of superior quality, and lot aal* by ■ JOSEPH WINSHIP. Not 24, IM7 davrtl SALT. — l\i\ Racks in atora|ard for tale by H) JOSEPH WINSHIP. No. 2a. 1857 dawtl NEW AUCTION ..HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St. Atlanta 6a F itUiUtva ir th# above, »t.lcir# olaravemw to vb* parch### a**.i ka ♦ q*f afi T. ,i pn-»": t'y 1 • ;th T1IE Atiaata. itvargia. tuipitwit 4 uiicd Gin aa Tbraraliiug Machine*. 'J-Sf aorar-v^ L.> .-f rvsonrt to.,, V, i««au. vra.. atiaata. te,'Ware c ‘ k : f-trera.ia _ . SM.tratariagte CMU_ t-a th#jr Mail ftxlrctivu ‘ a»U known a»* *a> • •-#>* »-;a» et* »Vd known *sA tcwnaUva* r ' r *** -V X.WC.TTA. roctfc Cftttsiim, and ikha«4- L4 spa.nao- Ttikft. Mlfikutiypft. N«tb CaroraJM Th#y re ntftd# #.' tb# f rre b*»l t&ftt*nftla a *r - \ fifartd * **f tb# t«» b*at tuitnali a esttu## ! to tbftiv. rocvfm#a: aei Jtr*bift. If reu *«t of ft fjodConeto (it* cr vent ibmtwr, er* ft* ft** otter Mhn* t* f auiftMC'i r*«id#nc# cv s#wr«#i IL K. iwf#t free • tet traanyeoruuoa. GxL-iri sut tesiftfie r*.tfi oar Uerr'unt «t k>cE Ax##u. t>r b* ctrier trier* • fuofi whieh #» hut tate-nj v r iocL M**u, e? kj tvriex trier* i»iftwe <( tertoiteUe u utttt •«.r t»ia# ftai Ttmktft, i say b# -ret ir Aftsu ‘ rftfttwiu iwrfuret v«u. Rxynfit* ‘.Qgft • kort . f » ftSd V BEST SELECTED asp ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN TUE CITT Or A1LANTA, ll |, b* fnandst I hi “ Atlanta Family Starr," ii A A tv AUL.VCK Mo W siMji©®, Agnltbr l\f Rjnk of Comvia S CartJi**- Oft.-e et H ftlUo# A Robinjoea Tfsrihopss t.rutt -d Hunter and Pryc^ »tr#cu, AtJ»#U. On S*» t»y*»rrt ftt(»fhf(/^v u# c#necul)y Iron! Iron! k LARGE Stock of r.iowah Minqalac- taring and Mining Company’, Iron, eon} Novernhev 11. 105a de»- NOTIOE. A LL pcrtoai indaMU ta the aatat* of C. D. Parr, u«* af Jfereay eoaaty deraarad, arara, quiitd ta wak, law»4llla payairat aid tkra, having demandi will taodcr thaa la, aveordtrg * »,n»t <*# Whitehall Street. GORGE li. DANIEL. Propnattr. Atiaata, May a, iM Htrav flTF s o - O STALL FED BEEVES fTTHE Bobaenhev la in want ef .Jargv uaan- I tity af No t, Fat Bears*, for wbirh he -rail pay the highest Market priee, debarred in thh City in aav number from this time until uoxl BDWARD PARSONS. t 'h lb 1 DR. E. N. CALHOUN, TAKES lbu*m?ihodof mb rming h« ci".icnt of AtU te end vicinity that hr dfciiow# hi* ctrntcmpUtud morr iD>ro th# eity. He will eott* to prectfcc th# various brnnch# ij of the M#ti»cai l'wlmion, and will be found et nil mat®, et the o’d »U«d. except pn'frbriooeUy tncuxrd . Residence on Man- v f U ftrvrL < up stetru m Kile'* Brick Badding,corn#* of hlerirtu «n«i Pcerhticw fturcu. e. .n. calhoun- January U. 18^ dtf KRUNO UMUt, BAMIWII LAhlfT KNoXVlIJ^JTaKESSEE. A IK. 8IKKUNU VANJB., tat* of th* Ut ivl a!«r Heora, Mann, #• asdSaapecs La- akr, late of Taurgw, AJa aa, wilt ba bappy to act all triaod, and ra .man at tb* Lamar Ucom, whan thay- have ample aeeowmodatlaa foe two,hundred aad 8fty penooa. ' 8. 4 8. LANIgn. Propetetal*. -11,1*58, d&wtf WHISKEY: WttUOT!! 12300 s‘ u , ~' 1 - I kept It Stare, a*4 te TALUCI **9«WfiJf. •aSftwritft-lPv’iwr' : 7 ."a«a..