The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 04, 1858, Image 1

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oUTV- - 1 *0.Co- v% ): t.- - . ;*-■; . ..rli':, .-i. . HER. " ERROR CEASES TO HE DANCEHOl s WHK\ t ! FREE TO COMBAT HV-JLj r r. S,p. 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, NUMBER 108 Intdllgepceir & Sxnttiineir. « DAILY & WEEKLY. DUISI0AN & LOCHRANE , TicaaiB op sunaoiUPTiof' Daily Inialllgeueer, per annum in advance, Weokly, •• " “ jcvabcUer# ©irrctoru Georgia Kail Road & Banking Company Augusts to Atlanta. .171 Milea. .Fare $5 SO. GEORGE YONOB, Superintendent 11A.TKH OPAOVKIWUIK®. Advertising In the Dally Intelligencer will be Ini.rtod atlhe following relo, per ,quaro of ten GO etl. I Ono month, $1 00 Two, " 1 JS | Throe 1 50 I Four, 11 1 75 Six, “ I 00 1 Ooe year, «S 00 t 00 io no 19 00 15 00 36 00 l\ne>. One Inxortlon, Two m Three, “ Pour, " Jive, M- Oho week, , Special eontrnote wUI be.tnnde for yearly »«"' [•ttioraanta oooupytng a quarter, half or who o ° jsS-Advertlaements from trnnilent pereene mnit bo paid In advance. , . - Legal ldvertUeraant, pub lahed at the “ina ilea. Obituary noticcatixeeedlng ten llnea "“/* advertfaeinonta. Announclugcandldatea tor Muimiho Phaaisotii Ta*ix.< Laavea Atlanta daily at., i 1000 A, M Arrives nt Augiiata, et 7 "0 P. M. Aunuetn, daily it. * 30 A. M. Arrive, it Allan's, it It 30 A. M. KvKNINd l’ASSKNUER TaAIN, on'ven Atlanta; daily, it i* 00 P. M. Arrive el Augueta. at 8 r,B «• J] eaves Augusta, daily, at....Y...4 00 I. M. Arriresat At’anti at 1 04 A. al. GT Thin Hoad runa in connection with thi Traina of the Mouth Carolina and the 8avan nth and Auguata Raltroada at Augusta. ,, Western & AtiantiolstateTKail Road, Atlanta to .Chattanooga, 18«J Mile*, Fare $5. 3 office, $5 00, to bo paid In advance. Whan advertlaementa are ordered In .both the ' > win * ‘ 44e4 ^0* pHylfeM 0*f yearly £§$* llmltedvto their own Immediate and regal Profeaatonal Oardi notoxceedlngilx llnea, *14 f AdVe-tlaomentr not ipeelSed ante tjBnwUHM ttbllabad till ordered out and ohargod at rogular ,-^»dvertlaementi Inaerted n the Woekly paper 'str.wtft he ehargad at former rater. a ’ Tba Tl«w Good a have Arrived Hi STRONO i 00., havo Juat opened ■ w. Urge aMortment of STAPLE) AND KAMOV OllY GOODS, Consisting la part, of tho followlnglarticles, Rich dress Sllksi Fancy Bilkri All Wool Morlncoiu All Wool Detains) Mnnohostor Delalns; Poplins) Alnpacas) Uomtaatnes) BleMhed'and Brown Bheotlngsand Shirtings •Bhawls: Ladlo'e Clooh Unlnge) PUnnels; Kersoyw Irlih Linens: Tnbto Linen,; Cotton Stripes) Kentucky Jcnnsj Batins) One,intern: Cloth; lloalory) 1 Blankets by the thousand) A splendid stock of Olovos) Dronv Trimmings. m-~i m. m Pjgg 3*£3 nr » Wool, ? and 3 Ply) Ta|e»try; Ilall L’arpaU reduced^pflMs.^pp^y ^ ltlon BROGANS B °Wo teflle our oWfrlands »“ 8 W ILL practice In the fJi.triel aud Inter- , , S ir Cou u f this Atate. Careful attention paid to the inveatinating .. I And Titiea, to he buying, selling and lo cating of Laud Ceriidcatcs. Proiuptn.*a« given to the collection of a'l claims. Itxrxaxaosa:—Hon. Wm Kelden. Wash ington, U C) A Austin Smith, Washington. O Hon Win Smith, Washington. 1) <■') Hon It Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov Wm Eaton, Warrenton, N C) Kev Rd Johnson, Atlanta, Ga; W W Galilei,' New Orleans, l.a. Tixss Itxrxuaxcaa—Hon P H Bell. Sen Antonio; Ju-lge Paschal, Sin Anlrrnlo; Judge G W Peschal,Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton: Perkins & Kcech, Houston. jx»uary'7, IR68. iturly JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintondent. Motuti.vo Passxnorr Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 145A.M Arrives at Chattanooga a'l.. ....946 A M Leaves Chatlanohga, daily, at 1 30 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at. 9 33 A. M Nioiit Pashknokr Train. Leavee Atlanta, nightly at 14.39 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at H IN P. M LcsveaChaUano..go, ni.'lilly, at..'d 10 P, M Arrives at Atlanta at It 33 P. M XZF This Road connect" ca:h way with the tRome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee dr Georgia ai'ruad al Dalton, and the Nashville ic Chattanooga Railroad al ft it- nnooga, Atlanta & Ltoirange Rail Road. Atlanta to AVcst Point.H7 Mites,. Parc -pd 50 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. Mornino Passkrokr Train. Leaves Atlanta dailv at 3 00 A. M Arrives at W'cst Point at 7 3H A. M Leaves Wet Point daily at 4 00 A, Arrives at Atlanta at 9 37 A. Evenino Passenokr Train. Leaves at daily at 1 00 P, M Arrives at West P int at 0 38 r\ M I,caves Weal Point daily at 4 30 P. M Arrives at Atlanta nl 10 16 P M or This Road connects each way with the Montgomery A West Point Railroad. MACON Sl WESTERN R MAI-ON Doeember 14th, 1867. call and are satisfied when they learn our pri. «.r‘W wmDndjt:jj«'?!w« rramus -a ore nt No 1, Wbllehal c “ mo m Garden Seed. WE hnvo, as usual, got out our largo sJock of Garden Heed, and , those who havo bought of ua here- atlost to their fine qualities, of,”- rfe«ffs would also asl from our citixoni Call anil see SMITH A E7.ZARD. January 1*, ,868 -——--— —DOWNING HILL @ 53 min V 3 W ^’ffirGEOHOIA., T HE lubsrihers offer at wholer alc or retail. - very extensive collection of I ruit Trees, Grape Vines, Ac., Ac. Catalogno’sent by mall to all applicants (roe O | ,c t '»' 80 ETKn3i HARDEN A CC., Atlanta, Georgia. ■14 m 6^3.^! ei)ig. £iiij lldberti32n)ei)t§. JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TKXjIH, l NIELLIGENCEK & EXAMINER JOB OPPIOB! THI PKOPRtKTOHI haring recently added to tbs JOB DEPARTMENT of the Rstab Hikmeata LARGE sod VARTED wortmentof the Lattit StfUt of PLAIN AND FANCY High, Butler & €o. C0MKIS8I0H HERCHAHT8. for TRr, rmcRAit i.sp sale or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, CO TTON, (Jit OCKItIKK <t-c„ A. lalin TY1 n Btroet, (Suvtb of ib« M*md k W*btrra I>e|r-( ( ) ( A 11 ant a , G- e o r g i a DR. T. S. POWELL.l O FFICE over Binlth A guard's Drur Store, where hi can le found du ing the day, sad at nigh’, at h's resldaniaon the come.- ol Collins soil Jo 01 Streets. Alla la, Jon- 30, 1363 dw3m a. JONI8- B,,TT J O N E SJ&IH O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i Rico in Kile’s Buildini), Corner of Marietta nnd Pench-tree 3treets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA Jan 13 _ 4 T.ll tCKKTT. ATi lift'NEY AT LAW, Knmm.Oeoma, v 111 practice in the following counties: Colons*, Chsto-i-gs Murray C»timer* WhitficM, (?'»rdon, Walker Dade. HrJ'crtncu; Msj. W. Y Hsnscll, Mari etta, Hansell dr Simpson, Marietta, J:unes It- Lawhon, Esq , Ushlonegs. ... -air particular attention paid to the colccltng business. May 98, 1867 d*wly Psrtlenlsr attention wit) be given to the Print log of Gircol&ra, Wav Bill*, Blank Notws. Bin Heads, Blank Beeat, Bank Checks, Programmes, Baiineis Oardi, HANDBILLS, P0STBRS, Ac. J OHN Y. IIKABO-ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,ce Georgia march 6 1867 rv 1 v L OCI! HANK A. I. A M A It —Al TOnStES AT LA H’-Macon Georgia. O A, LOCH HANK. J. 1.A1UR. Having asaociated themselves in business will devote ihemselvrs delusively to the practice of them profes-ion f7int3twty CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and atuir Friday the IHth the trains will bo run at follows: Leave M* 1 a. m* arr Atlanta Leave Macon 11 30 a-m art Atlanta 6 30 pm • cave Atlanta 13 night, a.r Macon 7.15 a in. Leave Atlanta 13 m arrive at Macon 5.40 pdn The night trains will not be run on Sundays. Tho nigh 1 Pnin from Atlanta connects with the-Central Road at 9,46 »• m., and the tSoath-Weslcin at 11J10 eon, also with the Al bany train, trl-wcckly, which leaves Macon 7,16 a. m,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fr|. days. The noon train connects with the Centrsl R6sd at 11,3ft p.m.’ and Houth-western IL for Albany and Cjlumhusal I 30 a. m. ALFRED L. r'"LER,Sup't. Dec 33, 1867 ddt-vv. ra prepared to axeente la a neat end workman, ka manner, every description of We -eapeetfully solicit tbs patronage of ear friecd. in thecitysnd country, and airnre them the tall order, trill 0* promptly and .atiifsctorily attended to. 6m) ^5»nisc'ineirtS; 'iiSbeHisehje^i R. M. ClukVSJL... €larke^ Brubb. For Sale. COMMISSION MKRMiA.vm. Agents for collections of ail kjt.'i- And DtAltn In EICON Wi PRODUCE OF ill lim r i KOCKiv J KS. <5:0 4ttbH ld*t*nd.c^ AttbeUt, C*x. il.iri ' '*/ a ill*p»U Vi &f •,'xurs-t trvsttsLiif isikI#. Or<i+n iTiiU/ftif* - A ,'.MNT Jy tfc* ;■=**,j e«*fc*i»4 .' UK A OIL »: Ar*lr*'*W >lrT» u, witt'.r.f u~-l+f*‘.r. H J KillCK.KLFOIU), A t *+ •fust lleceired. r ruK • . , lr ^ i 1 *: - * ti.8 sitU/ V"* Eurlri SKKU IlAniwKV I ST rttclt+4, * £r*t rate a/ ifl for i rice, $2 r. <JtX. C lA h K K A G P. VBB. New Stock Coming In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, A TW.HERHINO d-SOS'S Ctoibing Mann ^Vfactorir »nd Merc Lai l Tailoring trUbii-k meot, for Pali and Winter, all ike iaien tlylw. One of Lhebert itockf of Cloth*. Cauimere* a; -s Vertingr in Georgia, from abieb lo Bsitke e ►dte- .... . . , , , t .... . . .. ti«D. Shirt*, Drawer*,l T nder Germent*, Cr»?aU, • ^ lli*kr) . W . H hirkej [ ^Uit««!r*i atd for ult tj EKE 1 eh 21 10 S io 1 •jfi —20 , rur • ~ ’ <10 BE. , I0 t. inn, '.l»n f*r 3 (.'u.-k- raw Lit-toed Oif, (EilgUab 2 ■' txrilerl ■* “ do 2 % vinusr nuaicM rva« tpr'm Oi 2 “ . u vt ikieOi 20 F/lIs. gonuine CD fo? Tacr.fen. Blanket*. Tailor'* Tritttnitg*, Ac., for laleattbe lowett j p ice*, to the tatk trud*,%i W. HKHRtXO k SOV&. 40 Whitehall *L, Atlanta, Ga. j "Alro agent* for fiitger? Bewiug Machir-e*. Eru* C« pj Xfsl 5( r I f j» til m2 O.Tt Searrh li. IfONin c.-.Mrtf'd Y brvtebes. SS tied ' '-oohoL Bumiog l lidd. Camphese- fipiriu Turpectine. ' 2i.i,000 lbs White lead, assorted.- 150 Boxes GlaeB, assorted giiea. Bra* ho*, colored Paint*, aad ail for i'amterf* For eal* by A AIJ3AXMX Wallace A: Slobinsou (S. F. Eddr & do. (!<l*CCTX«OR3 TO C R IJAVI F.’.rf K 4 CO.) EGK, JOB K3 CiRG-rilhTiXS GFFiCS, AXD BooU-Bind ory* Comer of If hitekall and Alabama tt$ ATLANTA, OKOHGIA. 0. P. EDDY & CO!*, TTaring ja*t added to their FI former ertemire a»*ort- ment of BOOK and JOB T Y P B, C V T S. ORNA MENTS, Ac., a rery large variety of new nrute:l*li, at tktlalett >tjilti,: gether will one of Uut’i rat* rated CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! | ,oi n k . Adjoining the corner of AU. k Ltyd Streau,: COMMISSION MlRCHANTo, tlnuto, Ga.. , AND LEALEK5 IS ROII'T, II . M AY, j t K N N E8SEE I'HODF f K! flarinp removed hi# CARRIAGE. JjTTNtg 1 Ve give rj*e^ial attentiet to lt» ri t. REPOSITORY to the above eligi'WS&S* ! Lard, FI- or. Grait, YTtiikey, T- i-t»«•'-. A^.-Ar. ole ftand oppocite the Washington i Conrlgnment* re*|«-rtfji'.!j t-'l: Hail, and enlarged hie farilitiei,ir prepares! tor i pt* attett'.'t rr'*t * • • ^r«r* fill all order* with which he may be favored, ©n ’ a* grod term* a* can be obtained in Angurn or 4#H,lS.1I SB l».iXFOBTII— W ATTOKNEX AT LAW—Faitburn Georgia. July «5, IU57. , 'Uwtf UNljKttWodi) 4i "lIARi is, Attorneys at L. aw, Atlanta Georgia. O mcr on i .try Store. Ho*. W. It. 0k»>«i*w<«»>.| LUTHER J Attorney Atlanta GLENN• at Law, . . Georgia. Willattend tho Court, in the CountieS'of Ful ton, DoKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Hoard, Cobb, and Spalding. * FOR SALE. . . , , A LARGE a.eoitmvnt of Virginia Loaf Tobacco, varying in price and quality, nt retail and wheloialc. a* chffl) a. the cheapest H J. 8HACKF.LFORD Ag'. dtf 1)11. Ij, j. iumikut. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. Office at hbrwidence. Nor M. 1857. l\'cw Route to the Sout U- v Vea November 0* 1857 NEGRO SIIOKS! _ OHBAPIOSEAPI! . TO THOSE WANTING A PKUlK g ftl article of double tola or welted brogan.fBi f BJ we willl <»y ‘bat wo now hnvo in Store I*, a heavy Stock, and all ol our own Manufacturing * nw» T / * .. -* n ». naif lower than Ufmphl? A Chari**tun Rail-Hoad Conip)*t*d I .Connecting Chattanooga, Tcnn.; Charleston, S, C.; Savannah, On.; and oil North*East«rn Citlw, with Memphis, Tenn. last iconnoctlng Link of Hail-Road between Now York and the MLiUslppi River! „yhouiain thU«ity winiall M good an article -competition we defy either in . Yankee Made, Georgia Made, nome-made, the regular tranr|>orWtiim of Pa«.engor» nnd Freight, and will afford more expedition and lw. expenre, than any other route belwoon tho North Bartend South-Wert. Pamengcra and ihlppor. will “taka lue notice thereof, and govern them- .elver accordingly.” Parienger Train) leave Stevenron dally et 13 .clock,A M., (after the arrival of the train Irora Chattanooga ajd Naahvillo,) and arrive at Merapblr aame day nl 7, P. M., connecting wkh First Claaa Steam Packet, to New Orioant, and artlSeuhaaeverbeen offered in thia market or Atiedptof “/O BOOT, PmmhUo. Btreat AtlanWGa»a^ DIMIUK, JOYCE. A CO BROWN'S HOTEL, MkKlii&i* - E. TL n/lOWN ft B. ISAACS, Propriotrre gm F. DBN8R, Huporinterrdont*— llan 17 ,Uw conrigned to Ilall.lioad Agcntr at CSarlerton nr Savannah, will bo forwarded to Memphlr and other pointa, by Kxpraaa Frolght Traina. . . , . „ SW* Freight in charge of the Adam a Expraar Company, la carried over thir route daily, by the Paaranger Traina. F. 0. ARMS, floneral Sap t. Hontaville, Ala., April lit, 1357. •Through Tiokete to Memphlr, Ac., aold Wilmington. N. C.j Charlorton, 9. C.; Augutu, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Colninbur, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and Naahville: .To connect with the Wertern Traina Do -you Want to Buy B00K81 Do you Want Cheap B00K81 Do you Pay CA8H fbr B00k81 Como HERB to got your BOOKS 1 T pw SCHOOL BOOKS I I T HE 8IJB8CRIBER ha* on hand,land ia dally receiving addlthma therato.) one or the largest and moev extenaive atock of School and Miaeollineoue Books in the State, which he nffere fot anlo upon the most rcaionahlc wrm«—Conairting in part of Bmilhi, Olmeted, BuJlioni, Andrew*! Anthona, /’arkers, Com- ! ocka, I'helpa, (Ooodrich’a) AngeL, Towna, Mitchell*. Oln*v*, 8«riea. Gompriring bng- I |j h tnd Litin Oremmir*. Kng | ‘ , n «* ,le . r, *" d clu* M generally • flcograph r., / hdoaophica, /trtronomiea, HMoHm. 8pel .ng Book* De- I «Mn D °Sntly*«»P Ariihm'eiica, Dirtionarlea, ' &.ma a , nd OueHion Book., dre, ftc Al- C*leehlaro*.»nd tjueation •o * Urge ® °f SUtionerT, A liberal deduction mml* toTe.cher. .ml jutiTdar" »»• «*»...*#. AUanta, G*. Monnonism Avery istarailiog wort *trtH^'^ 1 ‘? mum other important points upon th* Waalarn rtv flood. ‘ " t I. Hoad, paa.engor. will uka the Night Train. fretnjaimiBRl'm. N- C.l Augurta, Chattanooga and Naabville, Tenn.; and tho day traloi from Charltaton and Ktngaviila, S. C.) and Atlanta, Ga. April let. . ,T. II. SMITH. Product mul Commission Merchant, nnd Dcalcrt in J’/jmi/y and-Plantation Groceries, 4c. Mariettn Atlanta Georgia Cylinder I’rtim, ire more fullv prepared l uau uer«Ur ;e, to girt dlspaUh to all ordarifor »• yk io thei ioe—which they will execute In the bo"«t«l> « the art. *♦ fair prio«* for Cuh. Particular atten;:' *. 1 id to the execution o* PINK WORK ior Ruilr .. t and other Joint Stock Companiei, TramporUt .. Agoau, Bank lege* and School*, Attorney#, Merchant*, and other*. Savannah, with the addition of Freight. Bis stock embrace* Carriages, Concord Buggies, 4 and f. seatRockaways, Slide Seat* do., Fall Top# do , With and without Top, Parbbcv Top Buggies, n liar Wagons, No.Top do., Conw, Whip*, Ac., of th* best manufao- tare and latest style A share of patron age i* rcrpev'.fully solicited, yr Orders fjr Family or Plantation Wagon* other "ohicle* fill©*! et short notice. We ?. e alio agent for Norwood A Robins* Patent /an. Atlanta. (J». P*** 4. Ifl&A. A W* ! ' kI COEN XISL NEW BACON ! WALLACE Ai.ROBIX." iiLsmk mx. The cj*cov«7 of this Writing Fluid vu tk# refuit of cbeminei acddecL Ityurpesete aflotk- tr a.n»,» it reUatJOL u color, durebtHty and euy t •* from the pet. When too tbi^k, add a liatte rv.t eAter. It ihould not be mixed with ethe# Itti. t/t pat into ciaaa- k<»ul*« aod corked frvm tot air when not it **c. lkU Ink »lit r.'.i t'lrTvde the ttee.1 pet, and e**cot W »L-rit ;ts quality by any ink macawetorei .t E.r pt or America. Orztri art respectfsUy #oLci^d, as w* wt!t pet ap the abo'velak a* low at our ofcce, a* tt t*e put ep in PkilaieiphtR, ho*ton. cr 5 Y. only by l)rt. Bigger# A Guild, At-- nta, ( <a. sort at aJi th* book store*. KwriS. dtf. C. 3g». bArtisic m LARD ! LARD ! I N f-ah. 4,..: . ,w!. .: ! - a'.kr, t-n-, " l.i-ACE A K‘ KIN Piano Forte Rtpairor and Tuner \ 1 " ILL attend u any calls in bis ( \ \ line of bwineM, rock as rag- ulatitg of action, coveriag of baa. mer*, felted 6x beffedi) ^ H 1 the octave, whole or single, Ac. SatifJaetiox given it every instance or bi charge. All work warranted* Toning by the Tear done nt R*4wc«4 Price*. frieri should be leA a: Messrs. Ws% \.kas* Fcm tore Store, os Paachtre* il, AUu. rA.W.UtU’* March mb,U6T. (41y) I WENT HlK NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- j BB-Ya Kfla-JEG^ B« TV ATLANTA, GA. T HE »ub*cribei wouldimnnc the cuttes# of At ! _ Unu aud vieinlt, that he he, e-m.tit-G, ”T* J . r m.4 . _ nt.-i. j. AV-.v. . 1 h*n/4 *1 Vise an J Halnns ut a . J < Public OfT-rer Xevv Orleans ^rocjpls un The C.’-t urrivaKf tl:<- N-;w Crop AT ATLANTA. Oi?4i,PromS«ory Notae, Bl»akDa^«, Cheek.; band, at hi, Confectionary «>3 Bakin, eeuUGh' ; CJ . i tala nt f V' U |f,„ Way BlU.,ProgSm»e., Hand a»4 Show Bill, all kind, of — t ^6M0. ADDOll & VO.. ' .-t.,'. Po.tora, Ac., executed atahortnOliee. Collfoctiona, Poatrl*}, P rtlitk k-C, “ )•• c|.tii - rtr-l'rinlloL' In Oonn and Sitv.a Baoaaa H. 1. also preured to furni.haverr dedriptian ! HAVE t.» it >• rt a ci-eic.. TO ->1 A X IFACTIBERS \ \ T F. »r» n-.'W rt-wjTing a H •ergflotfvfKcHel^th- tr.CaiJ ekina. l ining*. Bind- I /f*. I.e»u- Pec*, Kit, and t \ tn u.:ng e-nn«ltd w ith th e Boot and 1 h will be w>ld al low price* _ Printing In Qonn and Fahct Color*p ■»«•, or on Vellum, Satin Muslin, ao., dono In beautiful style. Having likewise connected a BooU-IHndery with their Printing Establishment, they are pre pared to execute orders for every descriptic: U. J. WKIGIIT. A 11 o r, n e y n t Law, Albany, Georgia. May HI, 1967. wm. a. HARRIS. Attorney, at Law, I.ibelln, Worth Co ■ • • • Itcfer. to—May. J. L. liarrn, MilladgaviUa) on. A. II. Uan.ell, Thomaiville; Milter A Ball, Oglelhur]>e; lion. H. U. Clark, M.eon ; Col. J. U' Tin no an. Atlnnt.T. work in that Jepartmeni—inelnding RULING atyle superior to any ever before done in thla tlon oftheSute. Their To.l, being all new and of tbs latest pattern,, their Stock of materiel, th. 6mi the Northern market, afford, and tbair work man tqaal to any in the South, they feel ooutSdent of theD ability to gire entire satisfaction, and consequently have eo hesitancy in loliciting the patronage of their friend, and the public. Order, for work, ia either department o their buitneM, from eny part of Oeorgia ant heighherinpStates, will meet with promptatten tlODa AUanU Q». F®h. 2fl, 1S57. fdAwly.) prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Oakes, for wedding* or i pR-tie*. at short notice, and on aoeommodatlor ; teraa. Imported wine# and brandies of all descriptions i for medical purpoie*,kep. always on band. Abo, ( ftAck of new crcr i M61a*Ve*, Syn-p. Brews Fug&s Choice, fcoco— together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy. Articles, A*,,Ac. Uaving recently returned from the North, whert And will b^ \r, re- be laid in a fin* nock of Fancy Article* and eve- signmrnu fr.-tc »b ry thing noceukry for aarrying on hi# candy mat it.g tbe Msa*..n, * h ufactory he would^form county dealer* that be i# er# at 1 <• f*er prepared to furnish eandiei at wholesale at 21 he Eft-aght it cent* per pound. Order accompanied with the cask or good city A references promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO Atlanta, Nov. J'Oth fii. asw-y •i her ampii *t< ck (•{ C»->See, >ah, T SE.V»<*. AI: fcfnspy Stug? ntd At r t:> Ft., rvth and Mitrl*-.! t'rtoU. Jar.nnn 2, 1S£| Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! W. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-dly. _ . . J A11KI) I H WIN WtJITAKKK, Attorney at Law, Atlanta Georgia. Office, front rooms over J. R. A C. 11. Wal lace's Store, corner WhHohall and Alabama st*. May 28, 1867. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cnrtcrsvillo, .... Georgia Feb.W, 1H6A. Ofnll Descriptions. B I, AN 8 8 OF A LI. DESCRIPTIONS, can be bail at ail time,, at the Examiner & intelligencer I>* O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, West Point Al-ril IS, 1955. _____ lliitcliins & Youur, A 11 o f n o y § at L rt w . Lawrcncevillo Georgia. Will praclioeln the connlle, of Gwinnett, Ilall Walton, Forsyth and DoKalb. Any business en- truvlcd lo Ihcir care will be tecelvod wllh plea,- uro and allonded ffljSwptly. NATHANIEL II. HUTCHINS, Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. July «7;JS_6L__ .. \V, T. G, Campbell & liro., _ J . H . S MI T H. WOULD r**t«ectfull7 announce t< he ettisen* of AUanta aud HI tow receiving and opening, and will keep In ■h,i«, a eplendid *tock of FAMILY Q ROC Ml IB*S', which the are eGering at prioe* Hut will compete with any bouse in the city, and a*k a thare of pat- r They will give epecial attention to the sale ofBa >n, lanl, nour, Drais, Toboeco, Ac., ke. Con*lgament* roepwotfaV kolieited. trQ.l’ronipt attention given to Cn»h Oniora. Ktore on Marietta street, in the building formerly occupied by C. P. Parr. December 12,1167 ■ ^ dwt . 28 Packages Olau Ware, Just Received B Y the 8ub»crihor ftf the moot modprnk aiylea, ami will aald 36 |i«r ;cdnt| leas than I havo eve, before boon able to,ell lo? ClIMll. Also,, China and Quivn, Ware, IMelod Caetore, Plated Candlnticke, Forko, Spoon,, To* 8ellf, llritain do, China Flow re Yaare, Ac., lo which I would invito the at tention of my former patrone and especially tho Ladies to call and examine, T. R.,RIIM.F.Y. Nov. I*. 1*57 Jff Ol'KHKON and.Mechauicel Hen- Oti.te, are prepared tv perform all iperatioo, io th. ,e profer-iloo with durability and .kill. Office over Alaxaodar, DragStoraf white uiu,. w. t. c. Campbell. II. P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. it . U. ||. T. Klflil-l V 1 h,,in « K J) luma 1 Imm a »i,il to Virgitiia will re- •umi- the praclice of hi. pnilc.xion in the city of Atlanta and iu vicinity. Can lie foul d at hiwffire al all boure, except when pnfi'Mionnlly engaged- tr Ollleo WASHINGTON HALL. ,epl6dwtf Attornies, Sheriff,, Clerk, of Courts, and Ordinaries, can be furnished,;at ehort notice, any favorite form of DEED, WRIT, or FRO CESS which they may de.ire ; and all FORMS ol leg,I initrumenW, commonly in u»e, are al- way, on hind, to be aold al the loweet price. Alien*.. M w 11. SEAlrO si'ccBwiRTosr.ano a uwrknct WILL OO.VTIXffX THE PRODUCE COB mssios it usixess, AT HIS XEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of AtDoU Hol*t,Aodo*it Aoat ir> F alion ATLANTA. GEORGIA Th»u»u*l F*e.hti#»ofl«rvd u»Shipj»r». «»rd»r* *p»etfujly*<>lieit*d. Oct. l«th l*M fdAwly.) SASH. BLINDS 4 DOORS \ j A.NUFAC’I l JfEli b* order, »t our *LCf j | over Winshifi'* Iron Work*. JOS, WIN SHIP A: CO. .Atlanta, Nov 55. Uf57 rwtm rnrrenlJloitcF Bonshl. Wr urlli v uy the i rs.*-, -t ti*. T**i Burak*, als . K<Murkt and New C::r*n». bEAOO.ABBOTT A CO November 11, lb*A7 di! arcompar.jvd with Ca*h »iB W rd with j;<»d Gcods, »ad u fov the ttign of the Big Bvet, Ptaebirom- KtrrrL (.?hcr.-kcc Bk<X. ».p**d li __ DIMICK A MU. BRILLI AKT PBOSPBCTU8'! . fLCKTH VI** OF TH8 Cosmopyliun An Association. rnx Fvwora DubtcldorfGaler)' of Paintings! _ Purdstued at a Cot: of $15^3,000! a.vs r*rj.‘* vvtHLD kxsowxkd rtatt« cr THE GREEK SLAVE!! I;«-lur*Lfcw< ii.r *tx tfo&Ksiad aoiUr*, with ##. vtr». i-~ Uri ther werki cf art, ia pAiatiiga, •' - ; r *rtf c*spr»« tb# Premium* • tw awfcrdsal by subwibor* c? the CWmopw- . ua Art Aasaetmticetq whe wUrr.b# Wort ;W« ,’aacary 16;.?, at which ua* tae award* 'rtsrrurnrj—-Every #ub#eriKeir cd*i ffr.v : nllari - py e: the Jar gw : Dt* FuruMiTuriE: F l' It iV 1T l R E!! Hi Best Safw*. THE subscriber* have ccbaad I and art sow openieg a large aud carefully selected Stock trva the l Bird* Eye Lime. W« are A peat* fr r the *a':# * f Mr. h 1. , Bird*-eyt Liu pat up ;r 6 Vote. : ..*r ! rusted fu:'. mnksure, ar j of *af<r:-:r ! acy nther lim* K-«d tc th'.» a-araet ' : the Car load wili U filied at k;:t jrifvi, 5., A, Stee- Eagrariag, eatitird -gain; •L> 4 eery c f ihe CvauK'^oiiUht Art car,*-) t:a it the award tt a tree a leun.-c u tie Du#- ..imf Gaiicrxi*.. -cs that fc.r ever* three i? V)*r# 'pa d, . rcoeirc* a tpitidta tirww :r g. t-ui a!‘e. thw beauti/aily iUa*- Northcrn Manufactories*: mjji Stone#, Bolting ClotliK, fiac# Wardrobes, Bureaus, 5ocreUrrs, Waihitacds* Ro>i*tcad# kzd ; 'hair* of any derived patterti acd | ri<*e. A feat assortment ol Cwotre, Work. Salr^r. and Touette g * ’* Tab'.o#—Ktagere'#,Cortieratd Side—Sofa#, let*- a-Tete,etc. i Id additioc to the above large stock, we ' are receiving weekly supplies. The public are ic ; n, r vitwd toeall and examine f ur *tock. #t*atJ y. A. A J S WILLIAMS, Keat door to Gtibsrt# Clarke. P«aofctrr* »t . c-. iUaata.GaJ TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR- N A1. CLr jr*r. Ea^k eubfcnt<cr itaU* prweak- ti »’ll a cor: .rate :i tit »w*rli of Premiums,by w i cr. msii it w.rk of An, a Paietitg or .V L.ftLre may it received is additioc. thus riviag tr erer* suhscriiwtr au equivalent to the ralu# ! ( ft .ii..lar*, ard a certificate gra:i*. Act :« , f the lead:sg $i -Vag^itset i* fun ifKd, iuitoad (A Engraving An Jo-sruA!, dc#tred. Nc-;err,t n reetrirted tr a risgi* »L*r» Ti.‘<*e uktr-g fire membership*, reeiuuy |!j arr t i.r extra Eugravlcg F- vt tee A**L<va«-.'a are grits i « •:.* * r; J tr; which fremiti# » v«* »ixty »pl«* b r? * tai\r oez.1* p«r BumWr.— w;i: t-e *rt to ail wks * D# pceup Eugn J. F., wii.liaws. bglmng bakkh. WILLIAMS A. BAKER, (Suftcssor$ to Inv/mm.#, Rhea A‘ Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION,-^ MERCHANTS. Athvncum Building. Dec#lor Ktrcct, At ■■ft* lanta. Georgia. Prompt and particular atten tion given to the *a!e of Grain. Bacon, Lard. Flour, Fealhera, and Tennewee Prtvluce gen erally* Jan. 97, 18M dtf 'Burial Caara, e an prepared to furnish Fi*kV Metallic Ruri al Case*, al abort cotic*. V.e bavg nvtred the varvicei of a competent per*or. to attend tc thi# de partment. F. A. A J. 8- WILLIAMS, Peachtree ereet. DU . M. BABER. HOMCEOPATHIST. n FF|rr..,J R.-tm r. 1- I'.mr-■> Lee, .Yf-.w Pan- -taMv NovemW: 70. 1857 A»* umf-ntjeraa. .ISdrea, C. L. HEKEY. -Irtuarv C. A R M-‘ Praao-.T.’ .V. w Y-.-k?& wX. H. BARNES, H.c'v S*?'y B*C ■ ■ -.targia. i ill I' r STOP THAT PUFFING THE undfivigord, f-'t'ihv 3^ •r»L» purj*o#e of raiaing M CAM I'llKNL BnrningFluld! •LAND NEAR ATLANTA _ ONK hundred acre* nf land tw*r Allan Pta, lying between Peachtree and Marietta } Reads, D offered for Salt, thare ate aUtjr •; excaUgat cleared land, about thirty a it— ll# bottom. Thare are flvo bundled chow* 4 ** * 4 ildaa tba FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR OASH* T, m RIPLEY. P. S,—A liberal diseouutby the Bbl. Pae. » 1867. ••OT*,,UW7« II mm m ■<!» A good bargain. I I I ’ jlSJafuuoilTHl ! 1 AtUala. Oaorala.IWa A IW) ■*•» Hrin i * r „ gala by WM- KAY, A|.»L »» ">* rrio^enFaetwy, whichl wUisrt;» VJntNiu stoi?o»|2YkTr»i^ ■"f.r.ww,4 <5 vMi tut. m ry, ofll-ia hie large eJSek «f BOOTS ANDSHOKS A.X FXXlbT COST With frvighl ripenw, ad-leJ. Thr Si,-ck i- large end rompl'le. Thi, I, no tnmbug. ROUEA'T CARROLL, 4gt janlA. '63 dtf Whitehall ,lr«?t. Allanl, Atlanta Female College. 3 pi HE THIRD SESSION of this I InsUtattaa wfH *•“ »rnre on ON DAY, the 18th iiuL We have Sited up the ba.ement of the Presbyterian Church wilh a new Soar, and new deeke, affording a much more eommodi- ou, and affifortaWe room than the one oreO' pied laal year. We will occupy >hi. room temporarily liil arvengmenu can be rompleted for creeling permanent College Building- Terma tha .ame aa betelotona publiahe.1. Jan IS d&wSm J-1- ROGERS, Pan. Joseph Hinshlp, James li ( alter, T cO M M I SSI O N M KBC H A NT- FOH THE Pl'Ki HtaSE. A »rd Su*nft. of FrOklucv ^gjSi p pnttc the Wnntcru A Atlan tic Ruisn'ud l>fpoi. November 11. 18.*»7 '**'• FortTardinp ^ Coiumlb»lon. M vr- chant. savannah.GA- > /’ N. Liberal adranx* vu\-l< Lmimi Gilt aa Tliririliius Wachlnw. ij;-'.*i-wT-—: tjkt-rj peac-trt Uswir VuM( * v '* it: -* *ri., ic AtUau, b«g 'man -V-: - poti.s* Ai-: lb* |>«fcSrcrrimnlij, i.w r- i.t:s-* tie Kwr-s/ucUrinw *7 Cotta* < t lieu aiul titcaKt# • **• ’ ' " r ** ar* wrll ks^-wa »e; usfvwrMttri »■ : ^vtlUM ts Ar likhwe* ‘'.fix*, ka- *-r7k. Xx.rii. C^rtiin*.', They ' Ik* very b><»t sat/rt-’i • txfmu— •— 67*1# :s,eas ss-i if ywu UBK WHEAT.FLOCK, Osnuburg*. Vurnu. bhcHing*, Mhirtiisgw. Frv'ra thr M mtour Cotton Mill*; bugtr.und Coffo*, Floor and Kiev; Molu**v* A J»tmp 150 Kvg* Nkfl»; A iumtnanv Cundlv*, All f*'t f'iri bv JOSEPH WIN8H1P. jnnnunr A. 1*5* dtf tbr*Ab«r. me- rn uktu uy Ptnvr U*> L* wa' t i» ; rtgiTivu. »siwrkd*bv*r Utcit **T ‘. pr*-<*c-r. ?•.- etmr—l K K. iwyot tr— i NEW AUCTION HOUSE ! THOS. f! LOWE, I I Vrtutehkl. near Mitchell St. Atlanta Ga -. *! ±{m~U, cr hy darvwVwrdM’* ■ v c»rukcs:«* as u> th* good kit Ttrfmbmrtj.scfa* of wbl«b U<>s.tP AfVUt*- j-*rfom w*a. A-falr- TH E BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE ,apply on band of auperioe quality, tad for eale t-v JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov 34, 1*57 dawn Sarka S’TMPORT4NT INFOJfJHATlGN. r Xwhlch much aotfering^ in familim may la 6j| '*y I be avoided, cent W married man and thoer ■ 1 contemplating mariiue. Addrcva r-a-W ladoagfout ttampa, Dr Q,_W AODIUCOMUE Brooklyn. N. Y,„ Mov.Jli l»», dAwffa Wrapping Paper. A LARGE lot,jn.t i -civo-i of at} atxee qnd qualiliea, and for asle L'w. by Jan M. ‘ ' ' ' WM KAY.Agent. XannlUa Paper. VERY fino aeemuatnt of rt« , jaw to hand en eoneignaent. Pace k-w SALT. n storrjunvl for **lv by JOSEPH WINSHIP. •Uwtl iron! Iron! A I-AKGC ritock of l.iowah Mennatac luring nnd Mining Campany’t iron, con’ atantly a ha.•’.at Manufactmen price, by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Noeerabee It, l*5e d*w— BEST SELECTED AS!- ASSORTHi) STOCK OF Family Groceries IN THE CITY OF Al LASTS, 1, to be found a) the “ Atlanta Family Store,’’ Whllehnll Street. GORGE U. UAMEle Propri.ier. Atlentn, V.y n, »»»■ Jd.vr DANK Al.E.NC’b, las T the Rank of Ctmden S'Vamltnn, t a: •! *..»<<« A Kobi&kou* W&rvbea*w— f Hustrr uci Pryor strvuu, AL>aU, G* f* rr«wpt »»rMi--n DR. E. N. CALHOUN, TAK thiPrcrthiHi of mfi»rtninf i»hv a '.ten* ol AtU u *nd viemhj that hv drriinv* ha Ca-ntvm UtvJ mrtve »run tuv *tty He will con- Ur.u* to prurtrev lit various brunch- v# of the Mmiieul l*totc*Mon, and will b# found at all tunt*. ut the o!d stand, except j*iolr*>ion*Hy vngug«^ Readme* on Muri* **U»trv*l. OHicv «p suire ic Ki!e’» Brick Building, turner of Marietta *mi Prurhlrc* Axttu. E. Si CALHOUN* January 28. 18^4 dtf miiXG UMUt, SAMPBOK LAhtr: KSOXVH Lfi, TySNFSSEE. NWriCE. A LL paraona indehtnd to th. natnln of C. D. Part, lain of Jfurray county decawnd, ata ra* aultnd te make immediate payment and there having demand, will render them In, neeording , >»uw, mgfc-gm \VM,KAY,/irav I yu-Tin * *** 3 0 0 STALL FED BEEVES. rpilE Sutwcriher u in want d a targe qnan- >wUMr rity of No. 1. Fat Bee tea, for wtich ha pay thahighert Mark»i price, delivered in thn City in any number 6em thin tune until let of July next- EDWARD PAB80N& J«g.U,lMt, d&iwtf nier Hoaaa, Macon, G* and Sampeun La- nlcr, Ut. of Tu.krgac, Alt na.. will l« h^py to meat ail iri.njt and w »m.r, al th. Lam^ Uvuaa, where they turn ample aceomtao-Jauon fer two hundred and drty p-r»on,. ! 8. a s LOUR. Praprieaoca. WHIJKEY: WHISJCEY.'; .lOn.lltu reed T«n»MW Cora wt-.a.r, in Cj.-jl II ) .-nriju) !or a*-- , = rea»a*We wrata. iiili wjlLU'U k WBLS80X. u: