The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 05, 1858, Image 1

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, ; ? /: . -I • | ' || i i 15.. " l ni 8-F1-FWW - -T f • , H II _ M__ ■ .• XAUIKB B. BY DUNOAN & I»OGHRANB. “ ERROR L CEASES ! TO HE DA.NUKKUli.s HUES hk KKKfc Ik CliAii• A’l BS, VOL. 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ‘ FRIDAY MORNING, FEUR'UAIlY 5, pf " ~' g y jjUNb'AN & t OCHRANE. | TUR.USOV BUBHCttlPTIO*. . I)y Intelligencer, per aneumlo tiruet, _ W . ItATBItOP ADVBIITI8ISG. . IJlT.rti.lDK Id th. Dally Tnt.lllg.nDor will ba ' Vrted at tho followIngrnWa per "q®"* " *** t Ineertlen, Mats. *t 00 133 lit 1 76 1 00 On. month, <w», ThrM *' Four, A Sis, “ Ono year, 86 00 ;t no 10 00 13 00 16 tO •35 00 ■ipeolal eontaeota wilt b. mad, for yearly adv.r l|m.nti) oaaupylng ,» qntrt.r, h»lf or whol. Ly?'AdVertlieraanta from tr»n.lont ponom tg J minP^'i ,h ‘iSVnw oh“. lee, $6 00, to ho paid In ... h Ifhon advartUemooti »ro ordered In both tba y, Mid tfo.kly,16 p«r aaaL will ba addad fh.'nrlVtl.M^fV«»fl7‘ •‘jWjj to their own Immediate and regular oteilon.l 0.rd. nol.noo.dlng .lx lln.i, *1* JVortUom.nt.not.peclOed aa'• till ordered out »nd charged »t regular „t.rtU.mont» Inierted. in the Weakly p.pir T -111 he aharaad »t fnrm.r rate*. ATLANTA, FKBKUARV5, 1857 _ i'How Oloodo have Arrived g H. STRONO A CO., h.r. juit opened J Urco assortment of ‘ . STAPLE AMD FAMCY DRY GOODS, jonaietlng In part, of th. followlng^artlclee, Bloh drew Bllkiq Raney Bllkrj All Wool MoHnoes All Wool Dalalnq Manehooter Delaine, , Popline; Alapaccsf Bomtaalnee; 1 BU.Sirf'nnd'Brown BhooUnginnd Shirting. 1 Bbawlet Ladle's Cloot Using.; S Flanneli; Kerieyw . Irlih UneSit Tol ls Idnon ; Cotton Btrlpo.; Kentucky Joan.; Botin.; CM.ltn.ns Cloth; Hoelory; BlukeU hy the thousand; A .plondtd .took of Olorot; Drees Trimmings. ___ m—i- .m .k, 3P» 3B3 r V BBS 9 Wool, 1'nad 3 Ply; T.po»try; H.11 Carpets at ^n^upply of plant ntlon BR08ANS ^'wn'lnvltaourold and public to giro “• ■ nenll, end on satisfied when they learn our orl« ' Sa?&t they will Ond It to their internet t« W »£2 ‘inT^u. dlww ®ra\)fUcrn ^forctovy Qcorgitt Bail Boad & Baiikinjj Company Augn.U io AilinU. ; /17t Mile*. .Fore sjifi 50. OKOROG yflNOE, Suporinlcndoi t j Mouiao Pa«s«hou» Tinix/ Lonyo.Atl.ntn onlly.1 10 00 A.M. Arrive at Augu.t.,' nt ,7.00 K, M. L«.r>. Auxu.ln, dni’y at........4 30 A. M. Arrive nt Atl.n n.'.nt. 11 .1(1 A. M. Kvrnsno P.mksokr T«*tx. > e»ve. Atl.ntn.d.ily, nl. Util) P. M. ArrirM nt Auguetn. .1. .1 8 SO A. M. Low. Auguetn, d.ily,ol. 1......1 00.P. M. Arrivo..1 At’.nl.: nt t 0*1 A. M. BT This Bond run. in connection withihe Train, of the South Carolina and the Hav.n n.h and An'gtutn Railroad, at Augusta. ^Veotern & 'Atlitntio (State) Bail Aoad. Atlanta to Chattanooga. 138 Mile., Fun $5. JOHN TV- LB W18, SaporintonJont. Paksenorb Train, Leave Atlanta, d.ily, nt. MS A. M. Arrive.atChnttnnoogn at. ....015 A- M. Loavp. Ohattannoga, daily, at.... I 30 A. M. Arrive, at Atlanta at 0 33 A. M Ntnirr Pa.srsokr Train. Leave. Atlanta, nightly at 11 30 F. M Arrive, at Obnttanooga at 8 18 P. M I.o>vet Chattanooga, nivhtly, at. .3 10 P. kl Arrive, at Atlanta at............ 11 11 P. M HT Thla Roml connect,rash way with tho tRbme Branch Railroad at Kingston, the Beat Tenn.Mec diOcorgia ai'ruad at Dalton, and the Nashville dt Chaitun.wga Railroad at Ch it' anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Bail Bead. Atlanta to Weut Pomt.87 MiloaJfearo. $3 60 ^rofessioiMl | wiijfifll BtrootiNorcrou'. old aland, April li, I860. ■I. Garden Seed; Vt'E have, ax u«u»l. got °“t our luge t/ock of Oxrden Seed, and ^4ihnso who have bought of ua hero, loioro, Sfnttati to their fine guellliea. A/er- ehnnla from tho country, wo particularly In- Tito and hope to secure thcr trade. Wo would olio ask n. liberal oharo of patronage .from our ciliaen. c *« M 1 n T d H '% BZZ , V KD. January 16, '858. I—~— DdWNTf^GllP^ s» <e* SSn a S3 9h 3? • ~ ATLANTA, GEORGIA. [HE aubaribere oiler at wholesale or roleil, * very eatenaivo collection of Fruit Tree#, ^titogneMnt’bT m^l to nil appilcanta, btool chl “*r ETBR8> HARDEN dc CO, Atlanta, Georgia. November 0,1867 ^ GEORGE G. HULIa, Saperintendent. Mors iso Pas»8Ksorb Traik. l.eftvea Atlanta dailr at 2 00 A, M Arrive* at Weat Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at..... .4 00 A. M Arrive* at Atlanta at .9 27 A. M Evening Pab8knqkr Train. Leaves at daily at. .1 00 P. M Arrives at West Point at C 28 r*. M Leave* West Point daily at... ...4 30 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at... 10 Ifi P M IST* Thla Road connects each way with the Montgomery dt West Point Railroad; MACON dfc WESTERN R, R MACOPf. Dccomlwr ldlh, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday the 18th lho trains will bo run a> Inll.jwa: Lonvo M«con < a. m. arr Atlanta 8.15 a. m, Leave Macon 11 30 a in art Atlanta 611) pm cave Atlanta II nigh), a.r Macon 7.16 a. m. Leave AUanln I! m. arrive nt Mncun B.tO p,m The night trnina will ml lie run on MunJnye, The nigh t ain from Atlanta conned* with the Central Road at 9,46 a.m., and tho tjouth-Wcatom at 11,30 a.m, a!*o with tho Al bany train,tiri.woekly, which leave. Macon 7,15 a. m, on Monday., Wednesday, and Kri- daya. The noon train connecta with the Control Road at 11,3(1 p.m.’ and South-wcalom K. for Albany and Cjlu mhna at 1 30 a. ro. ALFRED L. rv.LER.Bup’t Doc 13.1867 d&w. JAMES M. SMITH, Attorney at law iwvsjoy, TK X.1S, IT ILL praclico in the Di.trict and In’or- [ y | ,r Cou t* f thia Alatn. Careful attciiUiyn p"id to the lnrp*H»atlng || Land Tillre, to ihe buying, .clling anJ lo. eating of Land Certificate* ’ Promptnrat given to tho collection of aU claim*. . .... ttaranaaiiia:—Hon. Wn Beldon. Wa.h- ington, U 0; A Au«t!n Srai h, Wa.hinglon. U 1 Hou W'iii Mmith, Warhingtdi 1J C; H *n II J,iim«,)li,’ llallimoro, Md; f,uv H'm Eaton, - VVarrcnton. - N Rev UJ Jol.naon, Allanla. Oa; W W Cjalnv*. Now Krleana, La. T. xa* Harciieaoaa—Hon P H Bell, ban .Antonio; Jn.lge Panchal, A*in Antonio; Jud e O t-V. Pawhal-Au-tin; Hou I* W Oray, Houa tuu; Pvrkina A Kerch, Houaton. jahnaiy 7.1868. dwly or. tTsTpowell,. O FFICE over Smith A Ett.rd - . Bra ( Store, whore hi ion ) o fouiil 3a ing tho Day, and :,i gtgti , at h v rc.ldentc on tho corns.* ol Collin, id jo e* Street'. Atlanta, Jan - 30, 1363 dw3m . a. joitia. *■ *• B,,TT JONESt HOYT - , ATTOBNEYS AT LAW I 'lDce in Kilo'a Building, Corner of .Marietta and Paach-trro BtraeU ATLANTA. GEORGIA Jan 13 .I'” 1 . A T. nACKETTrATTtm’Ey AT l\ ( LAW. JfiiufgoW, Georgia, will prvetice inth. following countiis: CoUmaa, Chaltnogi. Murray Gilmer, Whi'field, Cordon, W.lker, Dade. KefercneUi MajS W. Y. Hentell. Meri- etu. HanicU 4 Bimpaon, Marietta, J imea R- Lawhnn, E»g , Dahlonega. ^•-particular attention paid to the colecling huainca*. May 18, 1867 dawly IN i ELliKJ EtNCEK & EX A M IN EH j Sliuh, Butler & €o. JOB OFFICE ! J commission MERCHANTS. S Muk. iht P('*CllA6F. AND SALK Of u-!TENNESSEt PRODUCE, “"j pottos, f.wJcvurgMm A 1 ntootw tx Stroot, (ivjMli. O- the y*rsn k V,»I#fe {Impot,/ A t lanta, Georgia 7 TUB PHOPIIIKIOIIB having fdoently *lie4 l»» JOP. 9EP1KTXETT of the RsUt liihment a LARGE «n4 VARIED I goHortment of the Xp/t«i StyUt of PLAIN AND FARCY -re prepared to eseeate In a nehland workman, ka manner, every deiertptlon of TOIIN V. HEARD-ATTORNEY fj AT LA W,—Colquitt, Miller,co Ueorgia. • march B 18S7 wlv Partienlerettontlon will he given to the Print log of Oirculari, Wav Bills. Blank Notaa. Bin Head*. Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programme!, Buinesi Cards, HANDBILLS, P0STKRS, Ac, W« espoctfully inlleit tbt patronsire of oar frlemlsln thedtr »nd country, »od M«ure them ths tall order# will he promptly sud *»tiif»ctorily attended to. (it. IV Eddy k ( o., (.SUCCESSOR. 4 TO C K. HAVI KITVH k CO ) BOK, JOB N3 KJlPiJSNSG OFFiCE, AND Boolc-Hi victory, Corner of H hilehall ttrul Alabama rti. - , ATLANTA. GEORGIA. O. P. EDDY ft CO;., L OCIlUANE & I.AMAK—A7- TORMtiS AT LA W-Mscon Georgia. O A. LOCUttAN*. J. LAMAR.. Having associsKcl themwivea in liufinfw will devoteilh«*mselves exdosivcly to ihr* practice of Ihcin profession* [7snl.3iwly m A a m cl*jar. ... v , hkiu ('larkeA (iruhh. COMMISSION .MERMi a vrs. AgcnU for collections of hi; kinds’ v,na And Dealers In bush usd. mm .of ill -ls:: GHOGEl’IES. AC At tM Uwts?";,*® vrbU*tu!i »t At *.ir*.a. *.I W'y.hMfM'e. Iat4 Y*u* '• •tUetM*te ItoCfffksiesrr 1 ^** ”*n %.ui KaiiajttsBrw |*r»n»j* 4 .ly «**«• f>rfrr*r~>r+cti f*lieit*e. sn •■c*f«lslij ¥*: C*n. ti e«7’ For vSalc. s j.AJUt:a:. sj.drafsti 4n% I.lPjT.D. JfffW Just Received. W. %KKD BAULKY I Sept CI.AKKK L OR TPS New Stock Coming In GF.NTS FIRNISHIXL GOODS, ! ~ H . •, ,. , V rt 4 net iMhleUry! Wbi.kf-y! «l,IAr) ?/j :\ J O A IN 1) OAJ O* / f'LAKilY & OR'Db >.».»$ ja#t rr V A T W. IIKRKING & SON'S ClotMnjf M*oo ; " V \'v*T± Ejrtr* C*.j | !A.f«ct<*rt P».d Merfhiibt ’Ikilurihg ei*tAbH*b * .ITbieVey. *»d fnr mI* AserwV J* j lM ment, for Fellsid Witter, nil the Uteet »<ylee. | ~ V-I. n— H j 10 • r.Af>^ mj 1* tUrt, »t<l t,S*n f«r '*• Tt* hfVclf = fa’* 1-ir.atoed Oil', (English i. i/,iM “ “ do * ter irajrQ rmre spr’m Oi whilcOi ret* er'.lelo oi Barley. f>0 B’ltie. CO {^ • Tnn L ,. r ._ Ooe of the ht#t ‘i'-rSd ol*. Csttimcttp ht n ■ Ve#tiojr» it; from 'wh'.'-h to ta-ke a u!te-! # M , tlea. . ShtrUr Drjw*r*.( T nder Ganneiitk, rr«*»ti, i r ** f * * 9 Geot'f lloriery, * J1- \ tt, Tr«»c:uig sed i ;i# . hp;.* I .1- BUoketr. ; ^>td * Tsllor'r Trttem'.t for a«1s st the lovrew ! p icce, U* tLt/-aj*l. i W. HKHRISG A SO^'R. ^ Whitehall fL, Atlsau, Ua. Alro sjrrntp Or Sltger* S<'»irtf .Mochibee. Msr*h Jl- lto-in as?orwd Yb,-jt«ae». •Jo [8:r cer t ’-uioL Bnniing fluid. Campheoe . . Hpints Tarpeatine. .uehj 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. ' n i n ; 150 Jiozea Glass,- assorted sizes. Vyrevib Wliikry. jc<! 7s*.Bra*L«,celend Peicu. tad ell Atle l«y J for Vkiuten*’ uc F*r mIi hy •'MKKK k GRUBB. I aiUtu. u*r V. 1*7. a. aLPCaXT/PI funner extensive AAiort- tnerUof.B 0 0 K end JOB TYPE, CUTS, ORNA MKNTS, Ac., a very large variety of new material*, of tie laUtt ttyU*, together wit! of Iloe'i celebrated FOR SALE. , A LARGE aeeurtment of Virginia Leaf kTnhacco, varying in price and quality, at retail and wbnleralc, ns cheap ae the rhrapeet. H J. SHACKELFORD. Ag\ Nov 14, 1867 dtf New Route to tlie SoutU-'Vea NEGROJIIOES! OHBAP! OS BAP!! TO THOSE WAHTINO A PRIME *- •tlarUclo of double *ole or waited brogan^H I Uwe wltll aay that wa now hava in Store IV a Vaavr Stock, and all ol our own Mannfaoterfng • * fSTL .III .all at ton cent* n pair Inwar than State. M Wnd. of ^ &lx m nroportlonablyoheapand wartanteJ. -,odihnrchaacJofurwopairodfln.--.__ . ^rigaotBIO BOOT, Paaahtrao Stmt M ..aphh at Charleston Kau>Hoau i» in pie led t Connecting Obatunooga, Tenn.; Charleston, 6, C.I Savannah, Ua.; and all North-Lu.lcru - Clllaa, with Mamphle, Tenn. ear-The last connecting Link of Rail-Read between New York and the MUiUelppI lUverijiS? Thl* Road 1* now completed, 1 and opened for the regular transportation ol Paaiongeri and Freight, and will afford more expedition and leu eapenie, than any other route between the North Bait and Sonth-Weet. Pauengere und shir,pen thom- AUanta Oo.itvsla. dofuMopalrcd (iegef aharga 1 BOOT, Peachtree Btree DIMICK, JOYCE. * 00 m BROWN’S HOTEL, P E.Fo BftoWN dc E. ISAACS, Proprletro B-F. DENSE, Supeiintondenl. Sian 17 W : Do yon Wnntto Bny BOOKS t Do yon Want Cheap B00K8.t Do you Pay CASH for B00k81 r SCHOOL BOOKS I t'.' T he SUBSCRIBER hu on hand, (and la dally receiving addition# thereto.) one of laigut and moat ealenttve atoek of Pchool Jmd MUeellanooua Booka In the State, which he offere fot able' upon Ihe moat rearonable reroe—ConeUung in part of Smitha. (limited, BbWona, Andiewat Antbona, Parker*. Cura- TfErrammi Aetnm'miea, Hlitorire. Spalling Books, ^% Arilhnmlca, OkM,- (,1am*, and Rotation Books, fte, Ac. AL m Jan»Mft"“ WM ’ KAY Autnte“*Cla. Mormonism 1 A wry Interaattog woA a» thU lime, exiled Jw MOBMOJy NWLRB. Lifh Scenes In Uta*». _ m An**, oa will “taka Ine notice thereof, and govern ''pajeenge? 1 Trofne leave Stevemon dally at 13 o’clock. A M., (after the arrival of tho train Irom Chattanooga and Nnibvllte,) and arrive at Matnphif lorao day at 7, P. M., connecting with Firet Claa* Steam Paoknte .to New Orleani, end all etherlmportent poinU upon tho Western riv en.* Goode eenelgnad to Rail.Road AgenU at Oharleeten nr Savannah, will be forwarded to Mompbli and othoy point., by Expraai Freight Train#, JBRr Freight In charge of the Adam'e Kxpreu Company, Is carried over thle route dally, by the Passenger Trains. F. C. ARMS, General Sup t, Huntsville, Alin, April lit, 1367. •Through Tiokcte to Mompbte, Ac., fold el Wilmington, N. C.; Charleston, S. 0.; Augusta, Savannah,-Mabon, Atlanta, and Columbus, Oa., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and NnahviUa; *3t.To eonnoel srtlb the Western Traine on Is Road, paMongara will taka tba Night Trains from Wilmington, N. O.; Augusta, Ohattanooga and Nuhvtlla, Tun.) and tho day. train, 6 -a Oharloston and KlngavUla, 8. C.; and Atlanta, Oa. April Ut-‘dlk J. H. SMITH, Product and Cotnminion Merchant, and lUaltrt in * TnmUl on<f Plantation Ontxriu, fr- Marieita Htr^t, Atlanta, Georgia J. H. SMITH. WOULD rtipectfaUjapDOunca t« b* cillttn* of AtlaaU ao4 >ur- ♦aovllng country, tbit tbay an tow rtceivlDf an<I opoalo*,’ and will ketp 1t «tor*, a apUndld atoek of FAMILY GROCERIES, which tba ara afartnf at prloiH that will aom|»*U with any bpasa la.tba city, w»d Mk a thara of pat roaaf* " 1 \11,1,1 AM M. UANFORTH-- >V ATTORNEX AT LAW—Fairborn, Georgia. July 55. 1867, _ '6wtf_ UNDERWOOD At. UAH- IS, Attorneys at L aw, iVtliulln, . GcoTgia. O VHCt on Whitebemtiestover 4. W.lIUl'e Jew -try Htore. - • g.rebmh,l*6J. (dly) H'*.v. W. H. UaeeavooD.; jWers Haaet*. LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. WillattenJ the Courts in tho Counties or Fal lon, DeKolb, Kayotle, Campbell, Meriwether, Oowetn, Carroll, Henry, Troop, Hoord, Cobb, and Spalding. . dig "l.jTuo k kkt. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta Georgia. Office a: hiarc*i<lonce. TF g.j.whIgiit. Attorney at Law, liMuy, ....... Georgia. _M»y 16. I»67. _ WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney n t Law,’ tSlella, Worth Co.,.............. M*'* 1 *- Refer* t»—Maj. J. L. llarriF, Milledgorill*; Hon. A. II. Han«U, Tbornwrille; .Miller k Hail, Oglethorpe; lion. R. U. Clark, .Macoo ; Col. J. \V. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-tlly. JAHKD linVIN AVI11TA K ER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta OCic«, front room* over J. R. A 0. U. W.vL Iacc'* Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama sU. l 54!: v , ■ MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cartemvillo, .... Georgia. Ktb.’iS, 13M. • • d4,1 y ire more fullv prepared i | ’ h to all c ‘ * dispatch to all order* for work In tbeirlme—which they wU: txocuto In the be*t*tyle of the art, at fair prlce.^for Cash. Particular attention paid to the execution o PINK WORK for Railroad and other Joint.Stock Companic;, Traniportation Agect», Rank*. Col- lege* and School*, Attorney*, Public Officer Merchant*, and other*. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoining the corrtr of Alx. k Loyd Street*, A. tlanta, G*a. K O H > T. II . MAY . Harin'?removed hU CARRIAGE YKROSITORY to the atxite eligi- 1 ol* *tand • ;j Ofite the V.'k4L;rigt'.n Iiall, and ontarcedbir facUitie»,i» preporod tor fill all 'jrderi with which he may be favored, ol gi*od tenor a? -an be obtained in Auguiu or Savannah, with the .addition of Freight. Hi* ft ode embrace* CarriaKfc*,'" Concord 4 and_fi lentRockaway*,Siide Seat* do., Witt and without Top, Top Haggler, nuTopdo;, Whip*, Ac., of the t m&nofaO' ture and lat«*t rtylt A abort of patron' age i# irapectfuHy * elicited. it Drier* for Family or PlaotatioL Wagon# \ other vehicle# filled at ihort notice • V* are alio agent for Norwood 4 Robicr Patent Fun. AtUetn. «)r. IM 3><5X. kU.r u vi“W »■« I rwdUwveryet tbl. Writing FfeM wa. the Wallace & Bobiuson : er itk* it relation to color, daraiS^^alkd mawy , I *<•» fr ,tn th* p*n. When too tfci-k, add a litsU i't E Jt L R A L j rain wmufr. It rhould &ct b* asiaed with eth*# COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M9sK$|! A!»D DEALERS 15 - ! lai w oerrode th* »teelpeo.aad a^Mtk* ■ T K N NESS E K P K O-D I* C E . run-iwud a iu qaaiity by any iak mntw>t«r*J We ri»< aptcaal aUeetdes to the #a^« of RioLt- J in Etr - -p* » r Amer.ea. Lard, Fjcer, Groin, Whi»key, Tahareo, Ac., Ac Order# are rwpeetfally volieitwi, a* wa wW irnttent* rerpectfuilr #ol:ciwd j ps: r -j. th* aWveltk a* Jew at our office, a* 11 •!< • at U i 2, Philod*;pl. , % Ilotttt. :r X 7. — I J&rX+dt only by I#r*. Bigger# A Oaild. At. Sold at ail the Lock *wrc*. “ Prompt a\tenti<t e: r RYE k BAKIET. A I Mar-hS. dtf. CORE ICE LI tOd tf r‘'r Cc Tf-Tr-.-elrt *J turn ACM Wl ACT NEW BACON 4 LOT of pone Afw ■ I '66. Forte Xepairer and Toner ■“* iriLL*tusd i« ttjtalhi&lU s »i lit* cf tarinew, luch a* ref.‘BBaBl ' aiaiitpof action, covering *f hap- If # f 11 men. {f«luA or WfM,) laying of taw itriara hr >< w Rtc-ia. the'•cure, wkol* or single, A^e. •*» Satirfad^* giro* in every innate* ar la VS A I,LACE A iJUBI.NSriN’rt. i ehargt. All work warrartad. Jkt.r %ry* e . ]*dtf ] Tualaf by th«T«^Am* ac &*4«e*d LAPD'LAHO’ 1 A3 f.rderr ebonld 7w left et Mum. W3- u m r. u . L n rv u . ;;amt Pu/xinxr* Storw, on Paoehtraa ru, Alloa. ! T.Si’im I'-' ImrlLr I'rt'ni'rifN ' u. On. ! ] w - LL.VCE A R' X. , cor. ;c. ’U. d wly . Jtntur# T; I*'fs dtf • T o“M A «Y l F A C T ITRE R s" X s * # . . . - - \\ r. arc n^w rcccmng a Orleans Groceries on » :ar r r# nf*>*uath. f ’ft Y a’l/ 1 YIUri'Y’nP er. Calf tSkio*. Fitting#, Bind- I w ^ 1VN . w fci. w Jl ♦ 1 ir g*. I>a>ta Pars Kit, ai>d __ The fir.M nj riv ai of ir.*? Kew Crop '"“!<*** connect^ with the Boot'axd NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY N’ I )— R .-m a-oe «rC h«.-ww ATLANTA, UA. Book#, Famphletej-Oatalngnaa, Cireatari. I enTri'c'irity taa/i.e^hu'w.ti'uitir« 1 AT kTUNTL ' 'y* 1 ' 1 "'. *bich will be acid at low pri<„ Carda, Promiaaory Notea, Blank Deada, Checki I hend, lt hie Cun.'eetU.iitryaru Betisg eeui.iirh- ' ‘ Way BUli, Programmea, Hand and Bbow Bllla | BeD ., jj; t; r ,d. ft Foaurt, Ae.. exe-utod auhomiottee. _ \ Confoctiona, Pastries, Fruit, Kc * pf Printing io Ooid and Sit-yan Baokia |j# Is abo preparoSfeftmiUb .v’ory tumdu id Faacv Cuuouett. Ixxa, or on 6 ellum, Satin 0 f end '.rfiaatnu.'. Ceke», for ved-Ung; or partita, at ihort noil;*, and on aoeommodatinf I terms. Imported wine# and bra-lie# <l.f *11 description# for medical parj*o»e*,kep. aiwayi co hand. Al*o, reuaine Spani#b Cigar#, mad choice chewing ?rr~ WIC< ae^. .. . Sem Abbott* Mtulln, 4c., done in beautiful *tyle. Having llkewli* connected a Hook-Bindery with thair Printing EjublDhmeot, thej or* pra* pa.*ed to execute order# for every deeeriptiou of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style (unerior to any eve# before done in thif lec tion of the State. Their To >1# being all new and of the latest pattern#, their Stock of material* the 6eif the Northern mar,:et# afford, and thrir work men tqaa! to any in the South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, and consequently have no hesi!et.-*r in soliciting tbi patronage of their friend* and the public. *2$uOr<Jer» for work, it either deportment o: theirbtuiuesi,front *ny part of Georgia ono' neighboring State#, will meet with prompt often tion. Atlanta Go. Feb. JO, Hit. (dAwly.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! 1 Of nil Descriptions. tw erof f Nt Ftrur. Brows Soc:-.£*x, . Chcke Pna;:. “SB co—together with a large aaaortment oV Toy#.. Fancy Article*. Ac., Ac. Uavisg recently relwrted frvnuheJiorth. ■ here i , _z —v, ,, - t.;J . d:__ .....l. _f r_- i _i x r ’ ' ' ■ rignn.ftt* fn ta tteir frierd# be Did in o fine #vock of Fancy Artidetand eve ry, thing itece*#ary for cxrry#Lg t - hi* candy mar. ttfactory he r~ uld'cform coccty dealer# th .* tti prepared to larnUb candie# a# wboleaL^ at 26 ctuxf per |TLd. Orier with th^ rasi cr g ixj :itj rtferttee? promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Ntv. Jf-tb PSi, a#w-y SASH B LiN 6S a" DOORS A NUF VI-1 LAUD to order, it *ur»Lcj Wiroibip’* Iron \\ irt * ■ VVI.V<H!P A O'* iar the t xhsr. &EAGf‘. ABLuTT J ax d AVV-vci*# building rr.rr.< vth ac4 Mitfhtli .-•.rcetj. r nr rcuLYlotit!) Uoitchl. At! 8' ta. v >v 2. f ». PURNITUHB! Biijo*. a»r*», K-Mur-k >t:a* N^enthcrJ 1, ri'i .New ABBOTT A Ct l’lRi\ ITl RE!! —et tbe bignof tbt Big Boot, remehtw Cberokeo Block. fffcoadtf DIMICK a MIX. BBJXLIAXT PROSPECTUS I rOvKTE VCAJE or THE rtsmopolitsD An Assocbute. the rawors Du.H^cIdorf Gafory of Painting PurcKtu+d at a Cost. c/‘$l50,000! a v i< pc-wjb'* W4.fa.r)\ti» tTarn cw THE GREEK SLAVE!! i’.c-t urrt.* * ro for ktx dtfcer*, with *a 3 tra: huLdni k thcr wcrl* cf art, is Painiisg*, S-culfure* asi Erotic*, oonsprint tb« Prmhimi : ■ * ir j- o ly th* cf tix ^Vrtr r : j.l Art who awtofribe U/cre ib« 5>'h il Jane ary IS+s, at whici: Urn* the award* Trvas u r: tfcxirrrr-a— E»cry rsbecriber c\ \i-*< v. ’ *r> it ettitiow t< a «*c-j.y of rbe large -ti*j;cvdi'd rtetl E»grai'irg.«,tiCed M Xai>iftwt Ue#Lij-•* *o a ccpy ct the C^trscp^litiiv. Art : Jcart*: teyear, al^toa atbea**rd . f ;.re;>!Jm-sai*-r tv a free adcJtr.-s t« th* Irai- KwOi-rf ai*d Coi mspaitan GaUcrie*- ““ •*« that i -r t xtr*:hrt* dc liar* pe { d, P. O. UAKPKH, At lorney at Law, West Point • • Georgia April 18,1844. Ordinance,-rati any ftmnriic fora, of P’^ED. WRlT.orl'RO • OBS.S which thi*y ma) Jcatrp ; an«l ali FORM.** o! legal instruments, commonly in u«-<. r.-» al ways on hand, to be woid at the lowest price# Atlanta. M« w E I SEA60, W. T. C. Campbell 5a Bru., S I! 11(1 BON andMecbenical Dee- tilt., arepreparedu perform all operatiut., In tire profe,-lion with durability and .kill. flWOEcoover Alexander! Drugstore. White Uall IL. W. T. 0. CAMI’BKLL. R.P. CAMPItF.LL. Atlanta, Jen.' If dtf -They will give eweUI attention to the ml. of Be eon, 1-rd. Moor, Oretn, Tototco. fte^ *e. Oonetgamrnte reepeouuv mUeiW.^ „ , Kantioa given to Caeb Order,. rttaetreM, lo tbe bnltdicg(formerly • Pen. December 13,1667 d*t Jnst Received ■QY Ihn8i isffirt Y Ihn Subscriber of tbo mote modern! ■ and will b« aalil 35 percent' iave ever before been ahleteectl Caalt- - Alto, China and tjurena Ware. Plated Canton, Plated CandKatlcke, Fetke, Suoona, Tea 'Sella. Britain do . China Flown Vnece, &c» lo which Twould invite th«,«t-. tention of my former petroni and eapeeTMIy tba Ladiea to call iibd examine, T. H. RIPLEY. Nov. 16. 1857 " tiff LAND NEAR ATLANTA mABam ‘ indted nerve of lead near All— hat ween IVeotaree aan Marietta i ottered for Bate, there ereetrtr vafy baavy tlatteV, fatty earae of eaerilaat cleared tend, ekout tblrtyarma I, batten. Snore are #re knadredobaiw KB AUieta, Oaaeate.pety' dlvtf D n. . lurnelfrnma vieit to Virginia will re- •ume tha.pracfiro'nfhie proleerion in the city ot Atlanta and iu vicinity. Can Iw foul d at hiwifiico at all bonre, except when nrofcaiimnlly engaged. Office WASHINGTON HALL. aept6<lntf DR. . M. BABER. H O M CEO PATH 1ST. • O FFICE and Room* in Dr. Fomroy • of fice, cippjaite Petti* Stable. Xovambei 20, 1857 dAwly nrag Burning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, T. B. RIPLEY. P. S.—A liberal discount by the Dbl. Dec 9 1667. _ d* u 8CtXTS«tR|fiJ.‘Kano A l.aWRWCr WILL C0ST1S"E TillI PKituapF. COSI j si is. 1 1 ox nests nxx, AT R1S NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE; PROOF BUILDING, Froat a( Atlanta H«twt,andn#vt dcorto } attoaRoa** ATLANTA, GEORGIA fi^Th* a»a»l Kaeilitiaeoffvri^i to Sbipf'Vr# • j j# axd of *r.t irv<1 p»tte;r and prir*. A It* . : CvULre. W v rk, Saio^n and Toiittu : T» v '.e«— K .igere’*,Core*#and Sid*—Sofai. r#u* I etc. t P* It additi 'T. to th* al«ov* large •if'ek, we I are?p* ..urg wwklr rupplie#. Th* public ar* ;c- l ‘.0 call and examln* ur #r»%ck. : F A.* J S WILMAMS V*»t dttejr ir i.ilb* r» a CiRjk*. U,avhtrt -1 . - Ulaata, tta* • HwrtbC', Pl!N!l tenrlH , 11, M a AGO, ABBOTT A (' James JII. Carter. . |Ath 1*5* # of (UtIt ) • portrr*r.t. J. K. WILLIAM!*. lgl-t.I5« 1UAr». WILLIAMS & BAKER, [Succeston to Williams, RKtu rf? Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSI' ..MERCHANTS, A the nvutn Hgj Building, Decatur Street, At ffiMA* lanta, ftenntia. IVrmpt and particular atten t*or» given t»>ih* *a!e o( Bac»»n, Lard. Flour, Faathera, and Tennessee Produce gtn crally* J»n- 27, l«W dtf STOP THAT PUFFING T THE under*!gred, fa tbe j=j sole purpose of rauing Mod* If cfler* hi* Urge *L>ck of^f BOOTS AND SUOKS ^.t FIH.»»T COST- With freight rxpen#e« ad Jed. The Stock i# Itrer and complete. Thi# w no t nmbut- ROBE/fT CARROLL, 'et jantfi. *58'dtf Whitehall atreet. Atlanta Atlanta Female College. rpHE THI HU SESSION of thi. I jnatittttivn wl! renn ncnce on . MON DAY, tn« 18th in.t. MV have fitted up the beeament of the Preehyterien Chureh with a now (loir, end now doeke, artbeJing a much more comm-xli- one and comfottebV n»>m than tho one occu- nirel tart veer. W» witt oreupy ,hi ‘ "»•"> i temporality till arrangmonte cm r- competed for etretinx permanent Collreta Building,. I Tcntte the eeme ee baertotore pebliehed. Jan 13 ddtwSm J. U KllGERS, l“n». Rtirinl Cna«*i*. prepared u- fcrci’b FtaWMculHr Run »! ih'*rl Ti'-ure. We have tfcf arrteatper#**.r t<. a:iet.iise Urn de- F or\TnrdinR fia < OmRtUMot! .Tl- F A. A J.S WILLIAMS, chant. SAVANNAH. G A.. .S>m.Kx<L. iUy >? J. Lil*ral mivan ’.^MwW c St fee »rrt Joseph kinship, ^*1 COMMISSION M F.HC11ANT • *i r. it the pi'K< H18e. rrv^ J 1 ? v ‘.7 i a d Storage- of Pr-.luc lHtt y pfkiXe the Wfjifin A Miar,- «<•••<,* Pc Rai.r.*ad H*pd Novembr# ft. I * A7 Vjw* i all res-* . Kl Cr . Ji>bt ilnr.L, «».—N . • r .* 'iy-krij j “hou sT; B' ubk wjtEVrn.nuF Onnaburt*. Yarn*. bhc« ,, »ngik, bktrtiuf*. Fn»m the M n'our Mii.w; ►tic*' and CVffee, Fbttr and Wicr; •* MoJtwwc* A J'jrup 100 Keg* Nad*; A lamartinr Ui NEW AUCTION THOS. F. LOWE, Whitthi! rear Mitchell St. Atlaats C-a tve*v eu^*'i*r.^w!^r ta rqw» if rtu-Ur*. M.d a cen £c*r« grari*. A.y- if »f the kiding hfkc*i:ztr it Urn -•►i.izti'xd*: Kcgrariag aid An Nv per* T- i# rcftricted to a riagW ttxrr ukitgir* mxitUag |J> rt rry:.-ci u, ar extra Yrgraritg and iixt‘.ck<f# Full i ar.-rcUr* of the A»?t-cl*xica ar* crttii a he * rt J<uraal, which ccvstaiDi wvtc #txtr »p>w lid Er grating*, price fifty cerL» jtr Lcirfwr.— ■t'eriterr* c^*f4ei wv.S *e*t u or ;er». pi wfi* ittirt to ewbfcribc, « rcreipt ut tr* fooUgn ump# li #»*!♦•. AdJrtb* C L I'KREY^IfiM^ C. A R Rroadwar, Nrw York,or WA’, H. LAl^SLi, Hcis’y Sac’/ r»> * - 'Atlanta. G ergta. I Ml I 1 « t « «i (OKU CnlN an Tltmhing Hachiuee, se« w til .T*sUa4w the ktaaatonariag Utle# *’■- TJ»r**i*erj on tt«r i**al nt#ui>i * i*« ? ‘•’vr» are Lrs w a a»tv«r*atri ap x i-»."p» ?scti i wpsdiex. R»i Awhtwa- a>* ^ t f Telex. - ttiMsteifti,'Ka'fife Cantina. They ,.!♦ c. uve »erj hr»i baxwtiala ft njwri ri v m\f tbf«7ee««cnl«at»cddaraa2a. lfyoa b tiia or wb«ai thraab**. »r- •Ur f !'*:U»02 or F-sr . V. ■•» lb* / trtka»»r'» rwdeoee rr naarea: It R. iwpnt free . cz.nt* V- trasrtjeraTNNi Ce«u*ei» may WaU# a .'v't#a««.k£g »? Hie*’. Xft.u, «>• lirmsi order* »*h»*wA» aaiabfe kV cert'.OcatM a* tctb«| ♦ :«*ns*ece of e-ur vita* aaw Hrewa«ra, * a*r »>♦ -err ** t V* kftt.1». warraat^i tw perfwns well Repair. f wM«h • bv JOSEFH WTNSHIP, dtf Ail i , ianutnr 1 Tutter'and cheese. 4 L.iRHE auppi? on hand ut auperior ’ \ qualitv, and ter **Ve b* JO>EFH WIN81UP. Nov 24, 1«A7 dawfT THE B t'ST S E LECTED ASSORTKlV STOCK OF Family Groceries * IN TI1F. CITY OF JilLASTA,- it to befosti *t th* “Atlanta I’amihi Stun." ISA Me au t:\CY. id a WsiMa'8®, A<Knif’f t\e RaJtk af-VrvtAenS GzrWtnc. Office '! M o.bc* k Kcbirac-oa Worehcwo— '• * *At Uuctcr and Pryor itxetti, Atlanta, Ga •'> r r * i * »>r t «tt.» rte.R ta wRlWtiwu cenerolly DR. tYARN8J , WUl kMPMMtauttya / TMPOBT.lNTINFO**' TP'N, by I I I V hlfh muclt aufferint in f.mdiremey R I Kaavnttlfd,eanite married men end tboeel I contemplating marriage Addrrae iicloegtour etainpa. l)r U. W .tl'UWCOMBE Bro5riin,N. Y. Nov, t*. 18*7 |,L oar good* will be laid at tew pricu far enfter aoont^Prjdare BB0Tr | CQ Jenna 3,1353 da Wrapping Paper. A LARO K lot, juet revolved of ell eirea and Aqael tie., and toe aala^Uw. by Jan .3 dwtf WM KAY. Aral- SALT.’ TLf\t"\ Rack* in K^r’a^d f*»r **te bv Jl )\ ) JOSEPH AVINSHIP. Na- 2%, iiLS7 tlawtt iron! Iron! A L A RUE 8uvt a> r.tuweh Mannatat- luring and Cnnpeny'e Iron, re-nj ,lantli on ha. ,et Menafertutrtf l«i‘e bv JOSEPH W1SSHIP Norembrett. lithe d»-- AVbllrhnlt Street. KOKGK U. iJANlEL, Proprieter. AtUetn. Met *. »6* td'twv k VERY fc» wwtmcnt of tba aboio, A just to hand o* cor^nmcnt Pnca low I tinou I feathers. A LAROK ee«Iy of cbeie. ». veelkew. f- by JtHKPB iWKsiUr. BACON a LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, HY JOSEPH WCt’SHIP. 3 0 0 STALL FED BEEVES. T HE RttWpbw i* Sh want of a Utge quart tit j Fat Bevvc*. fot nhxh he • til pay <h* h^lhcwt Market price dritavml in tbit City i«* any number fium ihu time utml '#1 ot July x*t\L EDWARD PARSONS Jan lt, m ^A wtf Hardwtt Papei A SUPERIOR atticte of Hardware paper \_fi>r aala el low Hwa hr • _ , , Ja^*3,dwD WMeKAy. Ag*>a P t. E. N. CALHOUN, TAK.ES tbi*^mrtbod of inlornung h# cllifoi of All* la and aictn.ty that be d'dicta hit e«*ntcm^Utad marc ir.»m the aity He wilt cam* lnor to (tracticc tbe rtricu# branch* rj ot the Medical Pn^oHcn. and will ba found at all tint-» at the o'J aland, except pn>Ir**i ten ally rnrare-i Reaidrncc on Mali* e*u »irvet. Office «>p ataira m Kile’. Brick Qbildtng.ctirner cf Manett* and Peaihtree ftrerta E. N. CALHOUN* 4anuan 28 f dtf KRUNC UMOt, iAMriWX U\ t r KNOXYH '-JL-IYJ V’FSSKO- 6 III SIBBLlAtl LAN'S , tat. of th» La- .\I tier H.-eit, Sf.foe, d» and Eampecn La tter, late ef Ala xa, wfll ba happy to itt.1 all Inud. and cn .man at tha Lamar H.uje, .here thay hava aaepU acconuaadauaa tie i.o b^drod and fifty patvaoa. A A S- LANUR, Prepriewev *<»«>» WHISKEY: whusly:: kill, good Tnatun Coen Whieaee, i twra, and foe eate aa re—ejjrt^; TAUilg 8 BOlUfiaR.