The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 06, 1858, Image 1

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. . ■ . • ■ ' BY DUNGi'N •& LOOHRANB. “ ERROR CEA SES TO BE DANCE him > U URN r FREE Tc (UMBAT , r . W\V SERIES, VOL. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6. ill Z . iOfliiy • Jfilelli jjencfcf - & Sigininelr. DAILY & WEEKLY. BY DUNCAN & rOOHRANE. • *WtlWH OK HUUSOlUPTlOSi. Dally Inlolllgeneor, per annum In a'lvanoo, $0 Weakly,. " •*" ft AT ICS OK ADVKllTtliiSIO. Ailvortiainj; IflfflB Daily Intelllynneor will Ire Inmrt.d at the rolluwlns rater per itquarc of ,t«. lines. \ Three, « 1 U Thre® J® K„t, r *< ISO Pour. “ • 2 00 Five,' •• I V» SI*. " One week, J #« 1 One year, Spoolalnenlranta will he made for yearly ndvor .tlxementa occupying a quarter, half or whole •column. Aav«HUoment.« from transient person* must bo pftltlln aj}v.-ipi'c. ., ' Loiml advertisement? published nt the usua rates. Obituary notice? b.tcicding ten line? ebarg o.l as AdyertUgmenU. Annouucin^candidatos ror office, $VOfl/to bo paid in advene?. When advortlHomenU are ordered In both tho Dally, and Weekly, 25 per cent; will bo added t o the above rate*. , The privilege of yearly advertiiera la elrle ly limited to thotr owu ! ”" nlr '' business. „ , .. . (U Profoisionnl Cards not oxoeedlng six lines, * i® per annum. Ailre-tljouionti not,pee.Sed into t mowiU he Ypubltahed till ordered oui nod charged at regular ril A(l*ertl,oment, In,cried .n the Wcoklypapor '(}onlr will he iijalged at foruler rat»«- ATLANTA, KHHIUJAUY ti 1857 Tllf! Ifrivr Gtttx! s linv«! Arrived. JEvaprUrro Slvrctovii Georgia Rail Road & Banking'Company Augusta to Atlanta, .171 Mile*. . Fare $6 60. GUbltOE YONOE, Superintendent Muitnina Pahbk.ngub Train. 1 Leaves Athnla i.nily at 10 Of) A. M. Arrives at Augusta, at 7 00 P.M. L-av ia Augumn/daPy at ..2 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlema, at...'. U 36 A.M. KVKNINO PaSIKNGKH ThAI*. f enves Atlanta, daily, at. .13 00 P. M. Arrives af August*, at ..8 fifl A. M. Lnvi'R Artgiista, daily, at 4 00 P. M. Arrives nt At’anta at J 04 A. *4. X3T This Roid runs in connection with the Trails of the South Carolina end the Haven huh nnd Augusta Railroads at Augusta. ^tofessiof^l Western & Atlantic (State) Xtail Eoad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 108 Mile#, Fare $6. JOHN W« IiBWIH, Superintendent. JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW lluUXTOX, TKXJS, W ILL pra<?tic<; in the Dutrict and lu'or- i.»r Ouu t* f'lliia Aisle. Careful attention paid to the investigating Land Titles, to the buying, soiling and lo cating of land Oertificatea ProfuplnKjE* given to the collection of all claims. Hefhiuncsh:—Hon. Wrn Bolden, Wash ington, L) 0; A Austin Smith, W&uhinglon D ; Hon Win Smith, Washington!) (J; H Johitiwn, IJaitiinoffl, Md; Gar lVm Eaton, Warrenton, N L; Rev Rd Johns**!!, Atlanta. On; W W (liitnes, New Orleans, La. Tjxas Kbekukkcis—Hon P H. Boll. Han Antonio; Judge Faschal, Sun Antonio; Jud ,e 0 W Paschal, Auatin; Hon P VV Gray, Houa ton; PerkiniA: Koccb, Houston, january 7, 1868. dwly Morntno Passkngrr Train, Ijcavea Atlanta, daily, at........ I 46 A. M. Arrives ot Chattanooga at .9 46 A. M. Leuvcs Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 80 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at %... 9 33 A. M NinnT Pabsknokr I’rat.v, Leaves Atlanta, nightly at....... 13 30 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at ...H 18 P. M LeavesChnUnncx^ga. niifhtly, nt. ;3 10 P. M g(rrivesat Atlanta at II 22 P.M BT ThisHoml c.)nn‘ct« rM‘h way with the iRonto Branch Railroad at Kingston, the Bast Tennopsci* A* Gporgin ai'road at Dalton, and the Nashville &. Chnttan ntga Railroad nt CL tt- anooga, DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICB over Smith A Kstard'* Drue Store, where ti3 can 'e found during the day, and 'h., at h « rvrideateon the oornar ot Collin* fy os Street*, AtUnU, Jun- 20, 18S8 dwSw 0 II. STHONtl A CO.', have just openod a large assortmcht of BTAPLK AND FANCY DRY OOOI)H, CdniUting in part, of-tho following*nrticlcs, Rich ilre>s Fanc.y Silkr; All Wool Mbriuccr; All Wool Delaine; Manohe?/)r Delam*; Poplins; Alnpncaa; BnmUa'meB; Olnghnms; PrinU; Bleached and Brown Shootings arid Shifting! Bhawlss hadio’fl Ck-uiv f inia^; Flannola; Kerioyrtt Irlah Llncnm Tnhlu Liueru ; . Cotton Stripe*; Fventiieky Joans; Satina; Caasltner.'*; Clolli: Hosiery; Blanket* by the thousand, A splendid stock of Olovesj Drc§\ Triintnlngs. • «C3 JWk.. :«c B" 'B-J as 9 Wool, 2 an l 3 Bljr; Tupeetty; Hull Carpels at reduced prieur. A , a good supply of plant ation BuOH Ann Boole and Show. Wo Invllo our old frloa.le and public lo give ui a cull, and are H| when they loam our pri- ces, that they will find U to tholr mtcrest to buv fromus. Rememlwr, wc are nt No l, Whitohal Strwt, Norovops’B «dd Bland. Corn© au<l boo u« April 24, |8hfV Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Road. Atlanta to West Poiut.87 Mile!,. Fare .^'3 GEORGE G. HHLL, Superintendent. Morning Paj^rngkr Train. I. eaves Atlanta daily at....? 3 00 A. M Arrives at Weal Point at........7 28 A. M J. onverf Wiirtt Point daily at..... .4 00 A. M Arrive* at Atlanta at . ....027 A. M Evening Pabsbnukr Train. . Leave* at daily at 1 00 P. M Arrive* at Weal Puint at C 2S rVM. Loaves West Point daily at.. . ...4 30 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta nt 10 161* M t3T Thi* Road totmecu each way with the Montgomery dc West Point Railroad. a. jo,v*s. a. n. hott JONES Sc H O Y J , ATTORHEYS AT LAW, • ‘fRce in Kile’s Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-treo Street*. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Jin 1.1 dfm A T. IBAiCRETT.'A-l-niRSfiV AT # LA W, KingioltljGeorgia, will practice in tlic following counties: Cotoosa, Chnttoog*. Murrav Gilmer, WhiOiebl, Gordon, Walker Dade. * liefer meet; Muj. W. V. H.-jn*oll. .Mari etta, Hansell «k Simpson. Marietta, Jume* R*. ‘ iHwhon, Es^., Dnhlonega. ^^Particular attention paid to the colrcting busines*. May 38, 1867 dswly Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. MACON & WESTERN R. R. M At'ON. Ucermber 14th, 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Friday the ISth’tho train* will run nj foliow«: Macon 1 a. m. arr Atlanta 8.16 a. m. eavc Macon 11 30 a m arr Atlanta 6 20 pm enve Atlanta 12 night. a:r Macon 7.16 a. m. ,eave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 6.40 p,in The night trains will not be run on Sundays, Tho nigh' t-ain from Atlanta connects withjhe Central Roa«l at 9,46 a.m., and the So*th«Western at 11,30 a.m, also with the Al bany train, tri-weeklr, which loavoa Macon 3,15 a. m,nn Mondays, M'cdnesdaya and Fri* Jtt X! WF, liutc,'«« uitinfl cut nul nur letf.c a/,ock of (innlcn Sued, eud -Mhuuc who have bought of u» hcrc- lOfuie, can olleit lu their line qualitie,, d/of* chanl* from the enumry, we purtieularly In vite and'hone In secure the r trade, would a'fo aiK u liherul .hare of putronuge from our citiieo* Wfc •ianuarv Id, tS5% _ _ l!i* downing hill ga* -x£f 5deL ssi bc3 5eL w 5 W AI'iIanI'A. (JKOItCMA. riAHKsuluriher, orterul wl.oleole or relnd, I a very evlmiviveeolleclion of Fruit Treim, drat The noon train connect, with the Central Itoad at II,tin p;m.' and Houth-weetcrn It. for Albany and 0 do mb in at 1 30 a. m. AliFHED l. rvhEH.Mup’t. lice 23,1 S'.7 diw. iraiie Vines, &c.,&c. Catidogne cent by load to nil applicant* ,rf001 fiBiy * GO;, Atlanta, Ochrgln. November 11,1857 d4m NKOHO SIIOKS! CHEAP! CHEAP!! . TO TJIOSK WANTISd A l’KIMK ^ ff iurtlclc of double «ole or welted broiraiu/M ' Kwe wllll ray that wo now have In Store ^ a heavy Stock, and all ol pur own Manufacturing which we will «cll at ten coni, a pair lowor than ■ any home In title city will letl as good an article —eompotltlpn wo dory either in • Yankee Made, Ueormn Made, Hoiiio-mnile, -or any other make, and warrant thorn n. good at article aeha. ever been offered in thll ruarkot or State. All kind* of Boots * Bkoos proportlonably cho*rp and wnrrantod. All goods pnrchaoodoru.-repaired freo of or At theeign of 1110 1IOOT, Peachtree Street AtlantaOeogia. 1)rMt( , Kj JoycK _ A fl0 FOR SALE. i LARGE assortment of Virgin!* W jfxTobacco, varying in price nnd quality, at retail and wholeralo, a* cheap na the rheape, S J. SHACKELFORD, Ag\ Nov Id, 1857 _ dtf New itniite to the Siintii-iVca Connecting Chatunooga, Tenn.i Charlcelon 0.; Savannah, Ua.; and all North-Baatora Chios, with Mouiphi., Tenn. The last connecting Link of Kail-Rood between Now York and tho Mlsii<s!|ipl River! joz’ Tbia-Roadimow cornpletod,' and opened for tho regular transportation of Paasongor* and PrelghL nnd will afford more expedition and loss expense, than any othnr route between the North East nnd .South-West. Passengers and shippers will "take fur notice thereof, nnd govern them BROWN’S HOTEL •the Paasongcr Dtpob'i liliOlUili n, B. t F. > ilVfHVN A E isA AGH, I’roprien rs ])• F. DENSE, Superintendent. dawly Do v n n Want to Buy BOOKS t Do £uu Want Cheap B00K81 Do yon Pay CASH for BOOkS 1 Como HERB to got your BOOKS1 rjf SCHOOL BOOKS ! I tXlHBSDHSORlUEP ha* on hau«l, (ami I daily rfcrivlng adilltl«»nH th«rgto,) one of iiirt lanrcKt and moat ipitonaivrt stock of v ’choo| tUe targe*! »n« most citonsivo stock oi cnoot and MiacollaneOu* Ifonkaiu tho Stole, which he tdVera fo, «le upon llm most term.—Censi-ling in |wtl <>l 8milh«. OlmHed ilamona, Andrew*! A ntliona, /’ntkeni, Cum- .tocka, Phelpa, fGoomifltilxl Angola, I’owns, Mitel,t II*. Oltmva, Herlc*- Oomprising Bug' li.ii end Latin Grammars. LiljHish reailett and . . flaaaieagdilereltv. 0.mgrephff*, /*liiln*ophle« I 'd'Aairenomica, lli.Uuic*. Hjmlhng Book*, Do 1 i. finer*, Analyser*. Arithmetic*, Dhliouaric*, H Oatechisma, ,ml tjue.tiuu Book*, 4c, ic- AI- ana large tot of 8tatieiurT. „ • A liberal deduction made to Teacher* nnd *aiiiPWff’p' «* Jan'JI,d&wil WM..KAY, Agent fy>'.4p»eU.Q*. Mormonisfa \ A very Inlereatlng work at lh|a dm*. e»ll*d ■ ^©aii ;r TnK MORMO.V WIFE Hfo Sucnes InTim'i-. Fiwfonger TruinB leavo Stoven?on daily at 12 o'clock; A M., (nftor tha arrival of tho traiu from Chnttanoogn nn«l NhbUvUU,) a/)d arrive nt Memphli shioo day at 7, I*. M., oomicctlug vr‘ * Flrit Class Steam I*ack«?U to Now Orlean*, and ull other Important.point* upon the Western ri firs.* Goods con.tigt)od to Rail-Road Agent! Charleston »r Savannah, will bo forwarded Memphis and other point!, by Express Freight Trains. ,par Freight In charge of the Adam’s Express Company, !* carried over this route daily,.by the Pnssengor Trains. F. C. ARMS, flonoral Sup’t. HttnUvUle; Ala., April 1st, 1857k • Hnnlsvtuo, Ala., April m, •Through'Ticket* to Memphis, Ac., sold Wilmington, N, C.; Charleston, S. C.; Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga.\ Montgomery, Ala.; Ohattanoogn and Nashville: Tenn. Ji^To oonneot with tho Western Train* is Road, paisongors will take the Night Train* from Wflmlngtori, N. C.{ Augnstv Clrnttanooga and Nashville, Tenn.; and tho day train# from Charleston and Kingsville, S. C.; and Atlanta, »n. ‘Ti April 1st. J. II. SMITH, i*roduUaml ('ontviit*ii n Mrrrhunt, and Dmlm FomUy imd Vlunlation G ror trim, $t- Marietta Htrcel,.' Atlanta, Georgia 'tfrii)fui9 .Est^lisifK) ei)is. IN I ELLIGKNfER fiiKXAMINER JOB OFFICE! TUB PtlUPllIBTOUS having ra really ad-1.4 to th« JOB DEPAETliEHT oflho 8.ul liahurent a LAKUB and VAKIKIt !ortm«ntof the Latttl Ht,Ut of PLAIW Am FAfiCY *re prepsVed to execote in a neat sad workman, ke manner, every description of Particular at ten lion will be givento the Print fog of Circular*, Way Bill*, Blank Holes. Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTBJLS, &c. We *e8pectfolly solicit the patronage of onr d a*>sare thorr. 4 satisfactorily friend* in the city and eoantry, and &*>sare thonr. the tall orders will be promptly (J. I*. Eddv & Co. fOII.Y V. IIKAUIJ—ATTIIUNEY I AT l.A’A',— Uulquitt, Miller, cu Georgia, march 6 I8'>7 wlv L OCIIUAiNK & LAM All—.47- TOKKIBS AT LA H-Macon Georgia. tmennaaa.. j. Lanin. , Having aaanciatrd themaelvca in imcitiem "will iluvi,to thamielvca exclnaively to the practice of ibeiit [irufca.ioii, [7anl3ltvly yyr i i.mamyi. oa.v forth— ATTORN'KX AT LAW—Fairburu, Gcnrgii Julv 25, IR.V ■I iwtf UNOKUWOOD & HARMS, Attorney Atlanta, By* at .Law, . . Georgia. Whltahill.trait over 1. W. 11.11'. Jaw GLENN at Law, Georgia, lion. W. H. CvnsnirtMJD. | LUTHER J Attorney Atlanta, . . . Willattend the Cyorts in tho Counties of Pul- ._n, De'Kulb, Payette,-Campbell, Meriwelber, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. DR. L. J. HOBKiTfr “ Medical & Surgical Practitioner. Marietta, Georifin, Office ut bisrosidence. (SUCCESSORS TO C. R. H A Vr.KlTEH*4 CerT) E5K.J03 IL CAf.D 0?FiCS, AS ft Boolx.-33ind.ory, Corner of Vr hitehal! awl Alabama tts., ATLA.VTA, GEORGIA. Gitij H()beHigeh)ei)ts. High, Butler & €©. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. roa me poaciteax and >Ate or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, >C()TTOS, CHOC Kill EX, &c., Alabama Street, (•*>«tt of the tUeoo A We*Um Depot,) A 11 a n t a', 'Georgia New Stock Coming In H#! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, ATW. HERRING * SON’S aothlog Menu, Vvfactory and Mereheat Tailoring «r*ubliib merit, for Pall and Winter, a«I the latest style*. One of the best stocks ot Clothe. Caesimeret *; a Veuinge in Georgia, from which to make a selec tion. Shirts, Drawer*, Coder Garment*, Cravats, Gent’* Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling ShewU and Blanket*. TailvF* Trimmings, Ae., for saleattbe lowest p ie«, m the tmk trade, st W* HERRING A SON'S. 46 Whitehall *L, Atlanta, Ga. Alro agent# for Sibger* Sewing Machine*. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Adjoining th* corner of Ala. t Loyd Strcoti, Atlanta, O-a. R O R ’ T , H . MAY, flavine removed hit CARRIAGE .JfijS REPOSITORY to the above eligi-CJK®9; ole Hand oj»j*uile the Waihingtoo - B. M- CLlitKfc- - , f;yi Clarkei Grubb. COMMISSION- MKR' IIANTS. Agents for collection* of ill kind- And Deafer* In liCGH tlEO/ PBifflOCI 0? ILL IXi GKOCEIfIKS. AC Atibd '-IdsUad.o* Wbitehaagt., AUnU, Gk W%»Bt«oe. lard *od Ora i!»»n ea haai Tij'edjci 'ticbeHi3eh)er?T For 8ale. *Just Meceited, nUf KEEU BARI.KTI J t'ST wes/ed, a ferrt rate arurle of Barley, for Seed, t rice, tt per butboL Sept. 7, dtf. CLARKE A GRUBB. lYhl^ke,! WhifkH'! 'Vhlakkf C LARKE * ORnjiB hare jo« rvrefred 1« B>d*. Mcnram'# Extra Copper Di*Lited Cor* Wbiskey. ar»4 for »ale rbmp. Mareh J1. Who wanti any Bye. k Grt.' b bM 140 bn#heft F.rt, tor - ; Whiskey, J ut 'received and for sale by r*.ARKB k GRUBB. March SI. . ALEX M VAU^CE .WUCKiBlSBOS Wallace & Robinson 1 ** V ‘ ha* •• u-»ra, aad oe*tt for tj ' t'fc* foli/.-ritu artiek«. 1 ^ raT teweed Oil. (English - “ boiled - - do 2 * Sluter dtraSeMTMRet^rm Oi 20 BLli. genuine C il for Tost,erit/ Kojin assorted Ya-nisisee. *J5 f>cr ce»t * loo'ioL Burning Fluid. Camphene . S|>iriLs Turpentine. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glas;-, assorted sizes., 3%. Broshe*, ©olered Palais; tad all for Painters’ nae. For sale by AUacta. May %. lttT. A. A’.JTiyKEt 0. P. EDDY &:c.o;., »rmer extensive assort ment of II0 0 K and JOB TYPE, CUTS, OKNA MKNT8, Ac., a very large variety of new materials, of lie lateit ttylrt, together with of Hoe’*celebrated Under Presses, iro more fullv prepared than heretofore, to give dispatch to all order* for work In theirline—which they will execute in the best style of the art, nt fair prices for Cath. Particular attention paid to the execution o, FINK WORK for Railroad and other Joint Stock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks. Col leges and Sehooli, Attorneys, Pabllc Officer Merchants, and other*. Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand arid Show Bills Posters, Ae.. executed at short notice. JSBTPrinting in Got.0 and Sigvsb Brows* j u n r • V. C .. I. Hall, and enlarged bi* faHlitie*,i* prepared tor fill all order* with which he may be favored, oc a* good tern* a* can be obtained in Augusta or Savannah, with the addition of Freight. Hi* stock embraces Carriages, Concord Baggies, 4 and A *©*tRock*way*. Slide Seats do., Fall Top* do , With and without Top, Paehee*, Top Buggies, ||dlar Wagon*, No Top do., Corness, Whip#, Ac., of the best manufac ture and latest styL A share of patron age is respectfully solicited. Scjfc. Orders for Paraily or PUnutiox. Wagons other vehicle* fillod at short notice. We are also agent for Norwood A Robins 1 Patent Fan. Atlanta. Ot.. Dee 4. m«. COMMISsW MERCHANTS, A5D DEALERS W .... . .. ^ . , TEN > ESS BE PROD f C K! We srive special attention to.the sale of Bacon. M cr 7 3 t in.-. vt’ u '... -T,.;- a- a. ^ ... Orders are respeet/ally lolieitwi, as we W«i IM&5C 874JC. The diMOTery ol this Writing Fla id was the remit of cheated aerideot. T *—rrirfti aU *d- er inks ia reLtten to color, darabOttj and way flow from the pea. When too thick, add a ?*«*« rain water. It should not be mixed with other Inki, but always be put into clean bottle* a»d k*?* corked from th* air when dot ia cso. lh«a Ink will cot e^rrode the steel pen, and Lard, Floor, Grain, W'hhkey, Toifacco, Ac., Ae. Cocsirnments respodrtfully s<>lj«te-d. Prompt sttenlioc giver, u f # *Y ^-dcri BYE A BARLEY A lot 4)f Rye L Rkiiej well t- pat cp the abort let u low as onr offiee, ae R an >-« put ep in Phflad*Jph ; % Boston, or N V. P&" Kade only by Dr*. Biggers A Guild. At- nta; Ga. Sold at ail the book stores. M*~bS.-dtf. J;. C0Z5 JCZAL *dltC fr*-«k Crrr rn) WaU.*.CT. A'Oifc NEW BACON ! I9TI5BAH1H Piano Forte Repairer and Tuner ILL attend to any calls in kis lice of badness., sank u rs|- I ulalieg of action, covering of ham- I A LOT of prime weii dried New ' a*n.<?***4 Mt4,) laying of xowrtriags Vg ' . (M M4aT* urliAlanrtGiala i. j_for sale Z\ W ALLACE &i ROBIN^N'S. Jerr sry 16, . dtf LARD ! LARD ! ei.d 1‘trrcfa, et Inw dr*wri price*, bv « ni.j.ACE & RORINS^N. * JartQ trr K*: 18M* dtf \V r NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- *nd Fsjtcr Cot.o**D Uxs,' er o* Vellum, Satin Muslin, ac., done In beautiful style.—-— Haring likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they *ro pro* pared to execute ordori for ©very description of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURINO—its ~ f .a of the latest patterns, thoir Stock of.matcriali the " thi ‘ ' • u. J. W1UCUIT. Attorney a t L_ a w , Albany, Georgia Mijr it, IS57_. 1_._ \VM. A. HAH1US. Attorney at L< a w ,' [fuliotla, Worth Co Geotciu. Kofors to—Muj. J. L. Karris, MillHs.vlUi I ..on.'A. 11. Uunsoll, Thoiuusrilloi Miller A Hall, Oriethurpo; lion. R. n. Clark, .Muoon i Col. J. W. Dnnoan, Atlanta. Juno 2—il I jr. JAUKl) IU\Vl.\ WTUTAKBK, Attorney nt Law, Mlnntn, OsSf[». Office, front rooms over »L R. A C. II. YVai- iace’s Storo, corner Whitehall and Alabama *t*. May 2d, 1557. MARK JOHJVSTON, Attorney at Law, Cartersvillc, . . . '. Geoi'tria K.b. SS, ls5«. P. O. TIARPKK, Attorney at Law, Weit Point Georgia April IS, LSii. dJEVtf \V. T. C. Campbell ^ Bro., 'tilts', areprerarod to perform all oporation# In thi profos*sion with durability und skill. Office over Alexanders Drugstore, White Hall it.. W. T. 0. CAMPBELL. U,P. CAMPUKLL. Atlanta, Jan. If d D U. H T. PULLIAM having lufntvl fr»>c J. H. SMITH. WOULD re*p«ctfullyannouo«e t' tie ‘citfx«*o* of Atlitoin an<l nr eiiiiiBtlg c**untry, that they art;! tow rsci'lriJg and opening, ami will keep In tore, a splendid stock of FAMILY OffOOF III tiff, _ i>tn a yiii't w Virginia will •unlo th*? practice of hi* ('•rofession in tho city of Atlanta snd it* vicinity. (Jan l»e tout *1 at hieotfu'P'at all hour*,except when pn'feita’nnally engaged. nr nflw WAHHtNCrroN hall. 1 §cpl6d\vtf. 6esf the Northern market* afford, and their work, men equal to any in the Sooth, they feel confident of their ability to girt entire satisfi*cUon, and consequently have no hesitancy in iqliciting tbs patronage of their friond# and ths pabllc. ‘h^uOrder* for work, in either department their business, from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will meet with promptstten tion. Atlanta Ga. Fob. 20, 1557. (dAwly,) ATLANTA, OA. T HE subscriber wouldimom the citixem of A t lanta and vicinity that h« has constantly or hand, at hi* Confectionery and Baking eetablUb- ment, all kinds of ConfcctioRb, PastrifR, Prints kc He is also prepared to furnbh every description of plain and ornamantal Cake*, for wedding* or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. ^ Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions . New Urieunii Grucerit? on I CO\SIG\MF\T The C: -t arrival of the New Crop for medical purposcSfkey.. always on hand/Alao, genuine Spanish Cigars, «cd choice chewing To bacco—together with a large assortment of Toy*, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Article*and ere- AT ATLANTA. the c^UTe, whole or single, Ae. Satisfaction given is every instance er ee tbwge. Al! work warranted. Tuning bj she Year done at Aedaet* Ptieee. /aP*AH order* should be left at Kauri. WjL- ltvm/’ Pumitare Store, oa Peachtree rL, AOae. u. Ga. dwty. IT o S VvTTrcTT RE r s : \\ T B arc nrm rrewmog a T ! IsJ’gc lot of 8ote Leetb- n.Cslt Skins, Lining*. Dux]- ir g*. Lasts, Pegs, Kit, and f-Ycrrthing connected with the Boot and business, which will he sold at tew prices (’**k r 14 Npjl<0 Abbott k ffl . AD ovowv *««n,.tried wffkCnk wU - .’IVVVI l K w 6IW »tth sevd Good., .cA u lo. And HAVE now in rtf-re a rbwee ^tock of ntvp cj-p of New Orieer- ^Molrcse*, 5yns/», Brown Fugagar, Choice, Prime. Fully Fi»:r. And Fair. 1 be ir. rert i? t, weekly, t! further Con- nt* from their frietd* in New Orieacj dar- ry thing necessarv for sarrying or hi* candy man jng the seaK-e, which they will feU to ca*h ber- ufactory he would^form county dealer* tba* t eis I er* at IP y«er cent lew** than the aame good* el: prepared to furnish can die# at wholes*! at 2<' 1 U l^-nght ir. utt t .?bcr Georgia ir arket. cent* per pound. Order aceompanitd with the cask or good city i dc. ample stock cf C-r dee. Salt, T*d»acco, l audit Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of all Descriptions. B LANK HQT ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ear be had at ail times, at the Atlprnifs, Sheriffs, Clerk* of OourtA, and Ordinaries, can bsTfurniihed^at short nottc»% unr fawrite form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO (JESS which they may desire; and all FORMS of leg*l instrument*, commonly in use, arc *1- vrnyMon hand, to be sold at the lowest price*. 4tl*nta. M w E. M. SEAGO SBCCESfORroaf.tno A jStWRKScr WILL 00ST1SVK THE PRODUCE COM illSSU).S RUS1.SE.SS, AT HIS SEW COMMODIOUS FIRE proof BiniimaW)'. Front of Atlanta Hotel, anti next itooi tr > altixn Hoc*#, ATI. AST A, GKORGIA. X%.Th* -xsuwl Fi»ci1Itie»ott#red to J^uppeni. • rrdsr* *»eetfBUy*nneit#*l. Jet UHh.l'irt fdfcwtr.) which the ate nirsrteg at prfoes that will ooropsts with any Uoui* in th« oity, and aak a share of pat tgouge, They wlll give special attention to the sale of Ba . IgH . lard, i*our, drain, T«»haeoo, Ounsfgament* re*peetfuy aolielted. «-l»ro!npi attention riven to Cash Orders, yioiy on Marietta street, In* tho bnllding jfonnerly occupied by LM>. Parr. IVcemher UJ,IS57 dwt 26 Fackages^lMiWftre^Jurt^eceived |^Y IK* Bull,ctlire? nf tho triort mndrtnf u<y|pu, and will Ire uald *5 jrer ernt _ teas than llhiya uver (reforo been olilototrll lu> CuHll. Aire, China and Quern, Ware, riajed Cuhlnru, Fluted Cnndlejtiek,, Kotkr, Snnnn. .Tim BftlKj Utiluln do , ChlllB FloWt» 10 which 1 would invito the at tention »fmjr Conner potton, und mperially th* Lodire to call and examine,' T. R. RIPI.KY- Nov. in. 1897 d/f LANDNEARATLANTA St> & 5^b ONKhundred aorre «>f land near AtUu la, lying tutween IVachtreaaod Marietta Roatla. |« nlfered for Sale, there are *l*ty xcrea of y a.'rea S^JVRN^YVmNsU TlLH^-vocelvedf inl f eritt' ktto conaUntly o* Jboda good assort'Qnnt. of Tbrwad /ri>m the rmeutun fuetor,, which I vdlle^UtlfcarepUr J. K. Wlt.l.UMS. HOLLISG BAKER. WILLIAMS BAKER, (Successor* to ■’Williams, II hr a J? Co.,) fi EX E RA L COM MISSU)X MERCHANTS, Athcncum Bniuling, Decatur Strt'ni, At lanta, fiwnjia. Prompt and particular alien on given tti«hc *a!c of Crain. IUco„, Lard. Flour, Foathrrs, end Tennessee IVo.lup4* g**n crallr Jan. 17, 1868 dtf Pit. . M, BABBH* HOMtEOPATHIST. , Q KFICBand Itnonu in l»t. I'omtoj « ol. fice, npimaita I’etlia Fuble. November *0,1857 dawly a^: CAM 1’IIENK Burning Fluid! © AND STOP^THAT PUFFING l THE undersigned. f.>Mhc pj sole purpose of rai»jnc Mon- r| ey, rfiers hi* large stock of^^f' BOOTS AND 8HOBS PITlftsT COST. With treight eT)>eneos added. The Stock i» large and complete. This i« no bumhuc. ROHERT CA RROLL, Agt j*nH*. '68 *ltf Whitehall street, Atlanta FOB S ALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, 1\ IL RIPLEY. P, S.—A liberal discount l>, the Uhl. ti...» i»iV. dwti [: “tch E MpitjmgfXTiNrowM rriBpby h’ch inuth •uffottn* inf.lmlVr tn.j P he avuided..riil in i)tatiird melt ,nd ihiwr . cunlemidaliiiK in«tri«,r Addrera on- J .wh-clhut ,l.m|«. t)r (1. WatllPmGQHnK prenMyn^N. Y, Nov. 18; 1*97 d\ nr.n, r'i?!, oar |fredt -wtil b* .old at lav prirw (hr A .aihor country Produce. * nit/oo, r uuoxr a *:o. dasua 1,»M 4n rafereuee*promptly attesded t L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Net. Sfith S55. d*w-y SASH. BLINDS & DOORS M AXUFACTVHED to order, at our ah«p over Winship'* Iron Work*. JOS. W1XSHIP Sc OX Atlanta. Nor 25. 1867 r*w2m FURNTTUILB: FURNITURE!! 2| THE *nbscrlher» have unhand gt fesSfjsnd are now opening a large and tag* Uw*««Ucarefany selected Stock from the M* Northern Manufactories. ‘j'cupy and AU. * *ytb ard Mitcbt.*.l street*, .’anunry 2. 1A5S 6EAGO, ABBOTT I CO. : r»u^—»i ibV Sips Cd th* Bi* Bo«. Pcacbtn-. ' rirret^'CbcraltM Bkci. - n.xt.dU DIM II 'K & MU. bbjxliaSt FSOSPSCfUS I roc KTH TSLX* OT TEA Cosmopoliijn An AssociaUoa. THE T1XOCS Uuaseldorf baler j of Painting*! I‘tirchaK<i al a Cats ofniSu.OCO 1 . A.VD rowtj:'* WORLD RRX0W5RD FT ATT* CW c THE GREEK SLAVE!! Br-Iicrrturedftrrix ttcuwaad deUare, viti ». , eraj ccLdrcu other v.rtr of art, it Paistitr.- fu-rtiit XX,.'. Rrn* *#•« rretPV Haa «L. tv* dtf . fnrronl.Houej Bonghl. We wfll ►uy the uote* of tV Tennesti- BarA*. aW>. K^r.iuckv and New Orleans. £E ACO, ABBOTT A CO. Xovcmhit 11, 1857 dtf Best Safes, Wardrobes, ' Burtaos, Socretar **, VYash* tandft, BedsUyul* and Tham of any detired pattern and price. A fins kAforunont of Centre, W’ork, Saloon and To belt* Table*—Ktagere’s,Corner and Side—Side.*, Texe- *-Tste,ete. ANY* In addition to the above large itock, we are receiving weekly suppifo*. The public are in* vited to call and exasuiut ■ ur stock. K. At 4 J S WILLI AMS, Next Aoor to Gilbert A Clark#, l*#aefctr## »t .. auaskla, t»kj Burial t a*-* prepared to furnixh Fak’* Metallic Burs al Casts, at short notice. We have secured the ♦err iefu of a competent per>”t. to attend »c thi* de partment. F. A. A J. 8. WILLIAMS, S- r 2*.*6A-dw1 Peachtree rrert. Joseph Winship, COM MI SSI O MFdKC’ll ANT FuK THE PLH* HAriR. |Sr.* »»•»! M.'rage eJ l*rOiiucr.J pp Hte the Western A Atlan tic Kaiimad llcpt*. XovemWf il, 1857 i 1 **!' Birds Eye Lime. We are Agent* for the sale cf Mr. B L Boger'i Biriib-erc Lime, pui up is b buihel barrel*, v ar. ranted full mraiure, ana of esj-erior quality any < thtr Ume K»li in thi* market. Urdtr* by the Car load will It filled at kiln trie**, by $„ A. A CO Mill Stones Bolting Cloths, S.c, ar# aft*t ag*at» t«r R#^- *r». Vorr»» a TriiubU. 3*U- VI , Itnf-ertpf* ae?. fVtal#r» in Fr#o#b Barr. O lofoe ar.-; &-••{< fscuijturc* as^Bro-jea, cemprifo^ the Prtsutm* u- V-e awardrd by tb« rnbecriberi v f th* Ckwaope- ^ Art A•K'C'.xi.^.s, wfce ssbecrib* teJeri the tStk of Janaary 1S5?, at which tits* the award* viiiUkepjaoe- . , ' TtaKt or ^rxjcvrn&a—Every Writes f:irtt dollar* i* enticed w? a acyy of th* Urge and *pl«vded Steel Esgrarirg. ex titled **M at .?#»t Dextipy,*’ xiso to a copy of the Cercs^pw; ’ju t A ri Jcun.xl one year, *1k> to a certiiejte ia the award ffrewiuja*,also to a free admiitfion to the Das^ M;i4 ri and Co«SK|^itas; Gallerk*. Tbsf it i* Mrs that fer eveerthree dollars pa : 4. the rab.'criWr a<»t only rt<e;ves a .pleads three d^ar engraving, C - * ■ * * “ - *•* ti-d beaiiufally Uln#- TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR- -'Aire, Cat y«r. Each sat-rcc;&er i* also ireaoct- iith i freoast- iri* i f Prvm>cm*,hy An, is Paintstgot »b:ck a yaintbie wtrk el bcul| usre u*y W rvoerved t. evrr? minr.hcr as equivalent tv’the vllav Li* j-s.l*r», and a cerLf^ate gratis. At y ott of the loading $3 .Vagatices in fan i*heu. ianeadvf E.*4gravicg and An Jowma , ! Kir# X Basyirr f rtwif Sate*, re a Sept nau - at Set SEAGO, ABBOTT .X CO. >ber, 11, 1557. Jaiucs 1 Carter. Kurwni-tlinn 5. Conimi»»iou.''rr- chum. SAVANNAH, ti A.. }*!>**' New B»dv*t. Hit —(iatelj <-OCij*wC bj J lecwrtffvib KK ) P. X. Ultr-a! oiranctfi r>n alicc** tianmenu. KI7TKKV'» —fSttet. Heltf-c. A Or . Jthe Inc**- W it. K-r,.. F--M B ^ >xac. ,S»»w»ras. Ga — N ; IHxasd. Es‘ «»a..r. B O- rrr, E*q . ttrier, twwfta mar !« No f-erfen is renricted :« a rlrgi* sfcorv - TL -wr taking five atabenhjp*, remitting f ii are et title i an extra Enrn.lxg and *U ticket* FttH particclar* ,;f the Awk- :*tK.n or* jpveti • the Art Journal, which eo*taixu ever »Uty *p5« itd Ex grating*, jri-elflv oect* pee nwlcUe.— Sp-ttfinreer .*- ?:** w,.. U *ect to «Ji y-eraoa* vht dte re ■■ ‘-G»or.t>e, cm receipt W flv* y^vtage His;* li ccru. Addresi 0 L PKKKY, AeJoary C. A B 54A Broadvay,’ Now Ycrk.or W v , IL BARNES, Uca’y S«c‘y ^ ***•* 5t ’ A tea nta. Georgia. lU) plnu d l «.!U)|t Gilt ;*q Tit reals iuc Tlaehinea. Atlanta Female College. rilHETHlRDSESSION of thi. I InMituthn w’ll cntn rrncf on ^ MON l)AY. th. I8ih irut. W. h»v« 6ltnl up th. h.remont of th. I*re*bvlcti«n Cburcb with . new (1-v.r, and new Je.lm afl'orJin, » much more rommmli. ou, and eomfotub'e w>wn th.n th. od. occu pied iMt je«>. >V« will occupy thh room lemporetily till .nnhitment. cvn Ire completed forereetint permanent Collen Buildinp. Term* the rem. «• ber.t.dor. puhliahod. Jan IS dftwSm J.,!c ROliKKS, l‘«^ Wrapping l'aper. LARUE lot. ju.i recived of all ai,« and .qualllM. and lor aale low, by .n 75, dwtf WM KAY, Agent. la Paper. A VERY fin. .Mortment nf the .boy., J\_ jmA b> hand °n conrienment. Prku low S the New Book Store, hv WM. KAY, ri(tQh JinIJrimf NEW AUCTION HOUSE >hik wHr.Arri.nrr. * O.naburjv Yarna, >h«*ei*nc»., Shmioga, Fn»m the Montour 08 ton Mills; Sugar and Colire, Fteur and Rkt; Molax*e* A 8>vup 100 Kegs XaiL; A lamantine I'andle*. All i*'r Sale bv JOSEPH WIXSHIP. ianuarv 4.1858 «U» T H O S .JF. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St, Atlanta Ga '1 in%}» o ati-inhab ti t U# «ill gtr- j» ri t te ih*« at.d m o < : «U ;c,w. Gr.Afterwau. ¥#r<baa-jfe, a-*4 N'»- ■vo. cr l'-a*4al|a»n*or K*»»Uro## ti'^» re-fecifully ureic ruJ aw* MN'tojUv a*-*. f * tth .’<!»<« 16 THE BUTTER AND CHEESE. L.4RBE supply on band of superior quality, and ter wale by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov 14, IMT Jswit BEST SELECTED ASP Assortko stock OF Family Groceries tN THE CITT OF A1LAATA, t , t . b . trait at t k'a u Atlanta Family Store,” SALT.) C A A Rocka in Mora'ard for ub by yl HI JOSEPH WINSHIP. IronTlron! A I, A ROE t*tock of Mowah Mannalav luring and bOn'.n, ttomjreny'a Iron, conj •untlv oo ha. .at Vahntaetuirr. prire hv JOSEPH WINStllP November II. 105. »Ue FEATHERS. JOSRlUi jUINSIUP BACON a LARD. A NK1Y SUPPLY. RY JOSEPH WIN SHIP. At Ian*, a Ifj u »• -• aid -.hi tatb.'£fi,an,. 1.*’. ;:*♦« th# kwrti-lMt®# vf.k«.XWb* A * teui Ttrr>h#-r* « maaol u!e, MM m**.* t>.t I. r.a ar# **'i X**t «b tzA «*r»#rMlVar '» ‘>'■•■'7'*- NNstXCanhiba, ao4 .Utaai *> * farto.-r !»iu. N.tnh Cortina Tk#i ar# oi :a# very fte»t tx^w^aU a n*««<re ‘ Oj-aiYs 4 tp s,«ke !*,«.> amt d»ra*W Jt .*+ srr b van* cf a r-“>JCoti.<e «»m ,-.r tkraataer, : ar -#r *rva> <a. aad ^a* »• m tCh«r Was oariar-T* . rr r ^:-.s. *«yt »;{*. Umu! it* p«r»fca>#t‘* TTvieoe* « *txx—X R. X. iwp.U fr*« : rka-Tc* 'or lr»*<.{«wutK*a. LVp*«t. rtay U nfc » of *t>r U.u• and Tbr^ahera, Bi»j b* *+*z -Ml A{>h«aU>» te XfvaU. AU ftt na * ar ratted W pwrfvm w«U. talk *#«M*#r. local abort _t* * SMt »W«fc A* pats- UA.\h AGENCY, Mo WaMa©®, .tprnJ/.*- rAe Rank of Qtmdtn S CarrJimt- '-'fire at H alloo, a XobioMU Wsrebeore— e.mier ol Uouter and Pryor ttrwta,, Oa lit fi.. reo«rt arte.ire, te eolUreU.. raMroll, mo. 13 Street. RORGEH. DANIEL, Prepnati Atlanta. May k, *55. t-taw, ■■ SE s o o 1£ STALL FED BEEVES. rpHE i. in want cf alarf. quan ^ titycfNo I, Fat Ueevr* for wh'ch h» pay 'he highr.t Market pnee. delivered to thi. City iu any number from thia time until w of Jnly peat. Ell WARD PARSON'S Jan It. '858. Jdrwtf Hardware; Paper. * SUPERIOR article .uV jlirdware pa| lor reb at low Jin id, dwtf BIB WM. KAY, Altai, ^■h vQTth ffl ro Ll DR. E. N. CALHOUN, TAKES thtsjmethod M interming be ci<rx#Q« ot Atia u and vicinity that he decline* hts contemplated move ir>'tn th#' stty He will con tinue to practice tne various branch* «# of ih# Mnlwal Prxhf*»*ion, and will b* found at aU turns, al the old aland, except pnXraaionally engaged Residence on Man- e»ta street. (Office up *Uiiw m Kile’# Brick Build mg, corner of MarieUt «nd Prachuw© streeU E. .V CALHOUN* January td, 18^ dtf mJVG UXIER, flAMFHMI UtalT" KNOXVI 1 Zi, TKS.WSSKK. Bier Hoom, Maeoo, 9* - and La- mer, late of Turkegre, Al. -aa, will t. happy lo tore; all (moda and er* .Bren at lb. Lamar Deure, wbara they bare ample aecomnadaueo for two handled wd lhv per..®,. B. It LA-S1BR. PreprbUra •2300 I SvjlH WHUKOY! WMUJUCr.': ltd. r«d r,.—~ Cera «» .«•?, Sun, act for «ab «o WALLaCX * NMHOM.