The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 09, 1858, Image 1

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3.W0- gg - ■ - •JEFFERSON. lit r. XtUXAKDEB. .171 MiUi.’.Fue te M. • X □ » / DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. • ' ■- • GEORGE YONOI!, Superintend Montana PiiiunsBi Tniin.l Leave* Atlanta daily at. ." 10 6l Arrival it Augusts, nt.. ........7 (J XwaAtwjU^iihr.t..,.... ; 3:8i Arrive at Atlanta, nt... US - EVBHIKO; -PlSISKOSB Tbxm. T-cave* Atlanta, daily,at........ ISO Arrival it Augurta, at. ••...... .8 6 Leave* Augusto; daily, at. .4 0 nation mod* I* line wrtfctar tana, f§f*g E.j.aalcKZL Office Corner of Marietta A Market atreetl. TBttMB OF SOBBOttlPMOH. JvInUjlUgoneor, per a&ftlta ia; mtm co, $0 Jong; 1888. TENNESSEE PRODUCE, (Booth ofthalfaere* VaatnSqnt,) . A t last a, Ge org i a 5sii , s^^i55r 1 sir lwfc- ” 8TONE & FITCH, - Attorney! at Law, /'bFTtCKtn tfatkham'a Bloat, op 8tal», XTLAHtX UotOMlIA. '} January S3,1ISB , 4wly llahmanta LABG1 KATK8 ore AD VBaTIBISO* 'T Advertising in the DaUy Intelllgenoer wUl he laaartad it the following ratal pw aqiiiri of to* <Unoie''1 Ono insertion, .00 eta. Ono month, W OO Two " 61 00- Two, f .» « Throo, « 1 25 Three * JJHi fair,’ ». 1 to Poor, «; 12 0.0 >. , hi, a 15 00 AtUwi !«itaci,co VxtMLiD El., Allwta, Ox. >S.lir«». tart xuX Cwb «lwxyi ca base. Etriat .^AttSS H. SfQfBT 3 Casks raw Linwy 2 “ boiled “ 2 “ winter strain ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TBZA8, \\/ ILL pnetieo in the Dlatriet and later* W l*r Uourtaof tfaia Mato. ' Cartful attention paid to tiro Inveatlg sting at LandTitle*,'to the, (raying, aaliing and lo cating of Land Cortificatca. Prompted* glvon to to* collection of ad. claim*. - Baraandn:—Hon. Wm. Sal don, Wash* Ington, D C; A Anitin Smith, Wiihingtoa, D tl; Hon Wm Bmith, Waahlngton. D C; Hon R Johnao’n, Baltimore,.MdpQor Wm Eaton, Warranton, N C; Rer Rd Johnaon, Atlanta, Go; W IV Gainea, Now Orleina, La. Tixai RxriBEnoiB—Hon P H Ball, Baa Antonio; Judge Paschal, Aan Antonio; Judge G W PaachaUnatin; Hon P W Gimy, Hon*. ton; Parkin* do Kccch, Honitoa. January 7,1868. dwly 'Onawcok, 2 00 totoyrer, . .!» •» apoolnl oontrnota nUl bemad* tor yearly adv^ tlaomonts boaupylng a quarter, half Or whole •°Var ’Advertisement* from tramlont poraom l mnat be paid In advance. I Legal advortiioment* puhUihod*t:tho uiua CENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T W. HRERIKG etr SOU’S Clothing Harm! ,/Mutory and Worthairt lalloriag establish aunt, for Pall and Winter, all the Inert atria. On* of the bast stock* *1 Cbtka, CaariintrauM Veilicfi in Georgia, from'which tomako a setae. Ban. Bhirtr, Drawer*,Under-Garment*, Cravato, Gent’* Hcricry, Olovai, Traveling Shawl* and BUskets. TaOor'a Trimmings, Ae.; for aalo at tha lewaat p lea*, to thacaah irsde,at W-HERRING * BOB'S. 40 Whitehall at* Atlanta, Oa. Alao agent* for EiagoraBtyrlng Machine*. Wjxiakey! WUHOty! Whiskey LABKB sA GRUBB \hnro" Jnat rtedvod AS V^Bhla. KoHvalh** Extra Copper DHtrRtd Cora Whllhty, and fer nit cheap. harehll . Atlanta to Chattanooga, 13d Milan, Faro $S. JOHN W. LEWIS,' Superintondont. MoiwiNd Pause noe* Ta'inr, Leave* Atlanta, dally, at...... U 148A.M. 20 Ba 10 “ Ca 10 “ Sp 20,000 lbs 1 I Logal advortiiomonti pUbllahod »t: the nann' Fraitaa.: Obitaarynotiaoiaxoaodlng ton Unoi ohyg [ ad aa advortlidmonta. Annoonoingoandldatoa for. LoiBeo,-W OOj tebo paldln adyanep. . . I When advortliomonta aro ordorod ln hoth lh* B T\.. 1, 1.1.. A A onnl .W hsftddld to the Print ^ Partlenlarnttonttin irtll bo git OLronlarj, Way B KankHotei. Bid H , Blank Deed*, Bank Olutekt, Brogrammei, Bniinesg Cards, flANDBILLS JP0STERS, fee. - Wo roapootfdUy aollelt the patronage of'enr lendaln tht olty and country, and aoonro them J* tall order* wUl b e promptly aadaatlafaotsrlly Arrive* ,846 A.M. .1 88 A.M. —i.. ;ti»2 A; M ' Ntomf PaasmtOER Tbadt, Leave* Atlanta, nightly at....... 13 80 P. M Arrivea at Chattanooga at..... ...8 18 P. M Leave* Ch«tUnoogarniIKUy, at.. 8 10 P. U • * -Li—.1 ^1 All--!. x! t a nn r» Of *Ureoeirod and for Mil by "CtARB Merck 21. DR. T.’8. POWELL,’ O FPIOB ovor.Balth A Ritard'a Drag Stora, whir* ho can U found daring th* day, and at night, nt hi* rosMenoobn tho corner ot Collin* andJooeiStrocta. AUanU, Jan- 20,1861 J*w2ai CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! 'AJJMning tha eornar *f Ala. A Loyd Street*, Atlrinta, G-a. ■ ' . BOB»T. H. MAY, Having removed hi* CABBIAOB. JFm’B■: REPOSITORY to the abora cliri-Mg^jK doatand oppoaito tho Waatdngtoa.^Z_l_S>L. H*H,and *nlar(tdUa facOUka,!! proiiarad tor 011 dl order* with which ho may bo fhvorad, oa nogoodtdrinaio oaahb ObUiaoilh Ananda or Stvaahoh; with th* addition of Fnight. Hiaatoek amhtaoaa OarriMos, Concord Bogglei, tandoceatRoeknwayi,Slide Seat* do., Fall Top* do., With tad without Top, SSh-fc TopB«g|lM, l^diar Wagons, , ^T^^^ ago lo roopoetfUly toUcHad. #f w k%.Ordtrofor Family or Plantation Wagon* other nUejjajUltdat ihortnetlee. „ W* »ro oBo agent for Norwood A RoWni* Patent Pan. Atlanta, da., Dae. 4.18M. tRdme Branch Railroad ot Kingoton, -ffia Boat Tenritoee A Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Naihville & Chattanooga Railroad at Cbot* anOoga., - _ _ .■ _ Atlanta & Lagrange Bail Hoad. Atlanta to Weat PomtTfw MiIea,.Fare $3 60 GEORGE G. HULL, Bnparihtohdont. . Morhino PiunaiR Triir. I,oavea Atlanta dailv at..........8 00 A. M. Amvea.’it Woat PoInt at........7 28 A.M Loaves West Point dally »t,.. . ..4 00 A. M Arrive* nt 87. A. M ‘inly will ho ohtrgod at fdrmtr ratoa. tTLANTA, FEBRUARY 9 186, (SUCCESSORS TO C. S. HAKl^lT ER'&'OO.J BOI, JOS HD CiRD PRINTING 8FF1C8; AHD BoolxwSlndorr, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama lit., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. , O. P. BBBY , ^ - TTnviag Jnat added to their uflu AA former oxtonaive urori- E 71 meat ofB O OK and JO B T YPB, OHT8, OBNA |Uh| MENTS, Ac., n very largo variety of naw maUrixlr, qf JMHK,. tu laluUtyU,, together with riioNew Good * 81170 Arrived, ft H. STRONG A 00, have, Jnat opanad a U largo oarortmeut of. staples;and;vaboy d»t goods, Oonaiiting In part, of the followlngjortlolo*, .tllati OIIVo, V*VUW RllVst* - w. a. ronm, ■ a. o. bott JONES AHOYT, ATT0BNEY8-AT LAW, Office in Kilo’, Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Btreeti, ATLANTA, aEORQIAN Jan 13 dim ~rr T. BACH.ETT, Al-njflirEYXT LAW,RmgtolA,Qcorgia,will praetieo I Oonaiiting In part, of the followlnCunoioo, | Rich dress Silks; Banoy SUke;, I AU Wool Morinqaas I ,AU Wool Delalna; Manohoetar Dolalna) I ' Poplins; Alapaeaa) Bombulnoi; E Qtngbama; Prlntm " Bloaehed andBrownBhootlnganndBhlrtlngi Shawls: Lndle'a Clook Idaingt; Flannels; Kerieyat Irish Linens: Tahls.Unoaat Oolton Stripe*; Kentnoky Joan*; Satina; Casslmers: Cloth; Hoaloryj. Ulanhcta by tho thonaand; A sploodld stock of Ulovaa; Dreas Trimming*. __ •ca A».S»aHJTr;S9 Wool, 2 and 2 Ply; Tapeatry; Hall Corpot* at A, a good supply, of plant atlon BR00AN8 B °Wo Surlto'our'oldfriends ond’publle to give no , n call, and are latlsdetbwhon^oy loarn our pri« 0.3, that thoy wIU Bnd It to thatrdntcrth U buy ' ftooua. Romcmbor, wo are at No l, Whllohol 'Btroot, Norcrost’s old atand, Oomo and loo ui NEW BACON ! A LOT of prime well dried New Bacon, ^.for aalo a WALLACE A ROBIN SON’S. Janniry 16.1868 dtf in the following oountioa: Cotoooo, Chattooga, Murray, Gilmar, WhlUlold, Gordon, Walker, Dade. Befertneat Moj.W.Y.Hanaoll,Mari etta, Hanaoll A Simpson, Marietta, Jamas R- Lnwbon, Esq.; Dthlonegn; /^Particular attention paid to Iho colceting business. May 28,1(67 dawly Loaveo nt doily it 100P. M. Arrive* at Writ Point it. .....,,6 28P. M. Leaves .Weit PoInt dally at.....,4 30P.M. Arrives at Atlanta, nt 10.16P M. BT This Road connects each way with the Montgomery dc West Point Railroad. LARD ! LARD ! fit Cana and Barrels, at low down price!, by IS Wallace <t horjnson. January IS; 1858 Jif MACON & E8TERN R. R Osmndor Frooooa; uotnoro fuly prepared than heretofore, ta giro dlep at oh t o all ordori for. work la thoirllna—wEeh they wOl oxoonto ln the boststylo of tho art, at fair prtoM for Caitu Particular attention paid to tho axooutlon o. T1XB WORK for Railroad and other Joint Stock Compnnles, Transportation Agonts, Rinks, Ool- logoo. and Sehooli, Attorhays, Pnblio Officer HerebinUo and othcri. Reoki, Pamphlets, Oataloguoa, Oirenlnre, Cards, Promlrsory Kotos, BlankDoods, Cheeks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills L* ^ ! — A .! oVifcwl ■ a! I A! MACON, Doeomber 14th, 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday the ISth tho tsaine will r OUIY Y. IIEAUD— ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Milla r, co, Georgia, march < 1867 wlv TOMAilllFAC TlfittRI \\f Ear* now roenivinga (8J . VV large tot rfSoleLeath. WJ tr.CclfSkina, Lurings, Bind- inga, Lasts, Pogu, Kit, end New Orleans Groceries he run at foUowst Leave Macon I t. m. arr Atlanta 8.16 a.-m. Leave Macon 1130a m are Atlanta i-20 pm Leave Atlanta 12 night, an Macon 7.15 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arriva ot Macon 5.10 p,m Tho night traiiuwlll nit be run on Sundayo, . Tho; night train’ bum Atlanta eonneeto writhtbo Central 9,46 a.ra., and the 8outh.Weatero at 11/0 ann, alao,with the Al; ItatiH looln 1.1 m mtiloll Iaa^OV'Waaam on CONSIGNMENT, Tho first arrival of the New Crop AT AXXAlKTA. - ^eago, Abbott & €o., Mm, i. HAVE now la tlore a thrice ^yhteet cf new crop of Sew Ori««3tfg3ari L OCHKANE & lsAMAlt —AT- T0RNIB8 AT LA W-Mocon Georgia, o. a. tooBaara. i. Listen. Having ncsociated thomaalveo In buiinea will devote themselves exclusively to tho practic* of Chehr profession. [JenlSdwly ATLANTA, OA. .rpHB tabteriborwouldiuona the oUlseas ef At A lasts and vielnlty thas he has constantly on hud; at his Goafecttosery and BaUng eouhlish- ■rent, all kinds ot Confccttomn, Pantries, Fruits &c Ho to also prepared to femlsh ovisy dooAtedea of plain and ornamental Oakes, for weddings or gujtoa; nt; short notloo, and oa tsboauaedadiag ^Importod wlnqo end bw’^loi of all dascripttoai everything connected ^th the Boot and £4 bsrinose, which will bo sold it low pricou . Paris. ? - ■ AR ardors oecoapanlod with Cush wffi ho prempdy filled with.good.Goed*, end at law rater—et tho 8ignof the Big Boot, Peschaa** street. Cherokee Bioeh. •pWtl DDBCgAMU. ILLIAM M. DANFORTH— ATTORNEX AT LAW—Fairborn, Georgia.. Garden Seed. ■UANT PBOSPECrmT Mh, ; WE hive, o* usual, got out.our j™ luge s/ock of Garden Bead, ohd g^INthooc who have bought of us hero- toloio, can attest lo their One quolitiia. Mor- chant* from tho country, we particularly in vite and hopo to secure their toade, Wo would also ask a liberal ahuro of patronage from our cltiren. BZZARD. January 16, 1868 ■ - UNDERWOOD U HARKIS, A t tor n e y s a t La v, Atlanta, . . . . . . Georgia. 3 rnCE.0D WblUhalktraat mr A. W. HtU’i Jai •IryBtere. Uarebl2th,l*lt. (dly) Hon. w. H. Unaswooo.l (WmBaiau, rocxTsixisornm . Cosmopolites Ait Assodatian. Tin T13LOCT Dusseldorf Galerj- of Paintings! Purchased at a Cut e/0190.000! uro rowin'* would aamntxa avim or „ THE GREEK SLAVED Re-purehasedfertix thowaaad Molloree ^ rural handred ether works cf art, inPalattara, Sculptural anJErcarea. ccreprise thoPtuUaas te be auurdsd by th* subacriken of th* (bwM, Ulaa An Aeooriarin, whs subscribe trier, the 25th cf January U6S, at wkuk rim* thsawardl willtaksplae*. Ikiuc, or Snseuraon—Brecy ruUtrihcr ef three dellara iaeuutled to o any ot the faux* undrpleaded EuriBagravtag^ariUcd -Kaalfit ItostaT,"»l»toa«pyoflh« CorescpcJItjn Art Journal one year, sbe to a oertkEeile in tkeaward offruasusu.abotoafreoadalirirets tfc* Dus- lUldacfaBdCMaepriitanOaOcria*. * Thus it to seen that ierorery three doBan paid, tiefttkeeribernatonly reeelres aaploadUtkn* dollar cagming,bu alao, th* Wuitfaily libs- nted TWO DOLLAR ART JOURS SAL, one year. Bwh suhacrifccrtoatoepreaeat- sdwithaeerticat* In th* awards of Piastres, j which a vohahle work cf Art. in Paintfngac Sculptor* may be received in sUitics, thnaririan ta every nhaalktr an equivalent to th* van* t tv*doQata,udaeorti£e*t*xn>i*. . Anyone of thwtoaiinggj Jfagaslses to fare, liked, Instead of Engraving and Art Jotnkil, dssindu No person to swetrietad to n stogie, than-- Thou taking tv* membtriUps, rmtSSS *1*. are eotilkd teas extra Sagtavbc and sixuetete. MlHUlklto */ tkn A l—.-i.t; — aa« aiwasil m Haring recently returned from th* North, when b* laid In a las stock of Fancy Articles and eve ry thing necessary for eanying on hb candy mnn ofletery he weald Inform county dealers that bo to prepared to faratoh oanJiu at wholeuje at 20 santa por. pound; Order aeeompmled with th* cask or good city nforansoapnmptly attended to. _ . L. VALENTINO. Atlanta; Nov. 88th'8l5. daw-y OR 8ALE And will ha la receirt, woe'ely, ef further Con sign meets from their friends in New Orisons dur ing tho MUea, which they win sell tc cash tuy ere at 10 per cent tower than ike same goods can be bough*. In any ether Georgia market. Alia, an ample stack ef Coffee, Salt, Tobacco, Gandies, Ac. SB AGO, ABBOTT A CO. Occupy Sage and Abbott’* buOding, corner For. ryth and Mitchell streets. Jaaunry t, 1668 is! A LARGE ‘VTobaeeo, vt tail and.wholai. A J. INovlUMWa enrollment of Virginia Leaf inihg in orieo and quality, nt sue, is cheep a* tho cheapest. I. SHACKELFORD, Ar>~ downing hill Novr Rontc to the Hoqth-AVeg U ATLANTA, GEORGIA. flJHB aulisribors offer at tvholeaale or, retoil, I a vqtj exteiwWe collection of Fiuit freef, draps Vinca, Ac-, Ac. Oatelogno rent by mail to all appliconta, Ir«oI ch ‘r*” ETER8i HARDEN & CO, ’ Atlanta, Georgia. November 8,1867 d4m Oennectlng Chattanooga, Tenm; Charleston, 8. 0.; Savannah, Gn.| ,nnd aU NerthrBaattrn OlUes. with McmohU. Tenn. ' /ar-The last connecting Link of Ball-Read briweaa Now York and the’ Mississippi . River I This Readlaneweemploted,’ and opened fbr the -regular inaaportsUbn of Pauengera and Fnl^tV and wiU afford more expedition and less oxpanss, than any other rout* between tho North .BaatandBeutH-Woot. Puiengan and shipper a wUl "taka in* notloo theMeL and govern them* selvqaaeoejtyUnglT,” f Passooger Trains leave Stevenson dally at M2 o’ribek'.A.'M., (after the arrival of the'tnln from Oanttwom and Naehvill*,) and nrrivsnt Memphis samo’day at 1, P. M_ oonneotlng with Flrat Olara SteamPaekel* UNew Orleanapaad all other important points npeh the IfMtern riv ers.* Goods oonslgncd to Rail-Road Agents at Ohuloatonqr Savannah, will ho forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express Freight Urtlni# /••Freight In chargo of tho Adam's Expresi Ooupnny,'U retried over this rent* dally, by th* Paaiengor Trains. ’• F.O. ARMS, General Sup’t, - : Huntevillo, Ala., April 1st, 1857. •Threngb Tiokoto to Momphia, Ao., sold at Wilmington, N.O.; Charleston. 8. Qj Augusta, Snvoanih, Moooa, Atlanta and Columbus, G a., Montgomory, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville: Western Trains on I take tha Night Trains FUBMITUBB!! cnrrontJXoncr Bought. We will bny the note* of the Teaness Banks, aloe, Kentucky and Nevr Orleans. SEAGO, ABBOTT A CO. November II, 1857 dtf DR. L. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, ..... Georgia. Office at hlarcsldance. jlto THE saboerihora bars oahand RJ MtWfltnd are now opening a large and B» UrewUearcfnlly selected Block from the 'T' Best Northern Manufactories. Bates, Wudrehea, I Bonus, Of all Descriptions. B L AN K8 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, can ba had at aU timei, at Aa Birds Eye Line. arc AreaU for the ute of Mr. B L BoferV Birdt-eye Lice, put trp it 5 biuhel barrel*, war ns ted fall meame, and of ntperkir • attelity te may other line told la this market. Order* by the Car load will be filled at kiln prices, by .. ;■ S^A.^ CO. Mill Stone*, Boltins Cloths, kc. Wt 4rt Abo i|Miu fer Mae. art. Korri* k Triable, EaltJ- jgBBSB&Y cere, lid., lepertera erd CTWinljiflml Dealer* te IVemeb Burr, tefM tad Eeopu* MiU gtanw Boltimg Qotb*. kt. t^rtiMdUM will be twi^\S8SSf/0KSSff filljr^execctrd by Ibea »t .G.J.WRIGHT. A ttornej at La w , Jbany, , . . . . . Georgia. May 16, 1867. NEGRO SHOES! 10HBAPI OHBA.P,II TO THOSB.WANTING A PRI5IE g.. i IjHlarUoloafdouble aolo or woltodbroginiFMI ! »’llwe wllll aay that wo now hnvo In Btow' P , n hoavy Stock, and nil ol .our own Mannftotorilg ! which we will aell at ten oonto n pair Jowor thu 'any house In tbto oily will i*U no good an trUolo —competition wo dofjr either In _ ' -i Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made. - Vo,any ether mako,_ud_w^«{» MS»i» hrbiotwre»*•>*■ -». . ... • I 'BUte. ^lUnd^M ^ of eharaw ! AU— \ Atlanta Gearala. ■ Beilftfdi and Choir* of uy desired pattern and price. A £n» asrertmont of Outre, Work, 8*leea ud Toilette Table*—Eugere'a,Corner and Side—Solar, Tate- a-Tete, ate. >*• In addition to tha abort , large ateek, we are receiving weekly rappllea. Theputlieare In vited to call and examine car stock. _ 9. AV * J. *. WILLIAMS, Kent door to OUhert * Ctork.. reaehtm «t,, tttoau,Ga] "Burial Carer. rff • are prepared to furnlrh Ftok'i MotalUe Burl al Carer, ot abort notice. W#^ hen secured the services or a eorapetutpemn te attend to this de partment. F. A. A J. 6. WILLIAMS, No* 26.’68-4w1t Peachtree rireet j OJB 'MfMCEio ■.. Atternles, 8heri8t, Clerks cf Courto, and WM. A., HARRIS. A 11 or a e y at Law,!' Isabella, Worth Co.,........ 1.. . /. Georgia; Rolen to—MaJ. J. L. Harris, MlUodgtvlU*; Hon. A. H.Han**U, TbomarvlUo; Mllltr A Hall, Oglethorpe; Hon. R. H. Clark, Haeen; OoL J. w. Duncan, Atlanta. : Jnnat-dly. JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney nt Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Office, front rooms over J. R. A 0. H. Wal. lore's Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama sto. wllll ray Hurt w* now have In. Store’ll "ioc'K, and ill si .oar own Mrmjiliseturiag e will reU it ton real* n pair .lower thon . i- *t.u wilt tell as iniod rd Rntola nnltee ^ ., , . _ Home-made, ; or wt oth«r make, Md wwr«|t.lhom M ntiii hrtloloiihMeverbeoYi offered In U»U market or ” d) Shoois ornonauiy uhoip and warranlodj lUQearjU. DIMIO k, jqyob.A 00 800CKSSOR TO 81X00 fc Lxwnatta WILL CONTINUE THE PBODVCB COM MISSION BUSINESS, AT flIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Ltluta Hotel, end next Seerte Fat ATLANTA, QEORQLA. Iff. Carter, BROWN’S HOTEL, MARK JOHNSTON, .At torney a t L aw, Cartorsvillo, . . ; . Georgia, F.b. 28,1666.aXwfy Forwarding & Conuniwion Mer chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. nvl. Jus.’ Sew Btock, B>y Saret—(latriy eeeuyM ty t. lagenoU, B^.J P. S. Liberaledeauea aScan» tionr.cnis. nmtESCiff —Patten, Button, X Co., Johnlnjvr- bB, Ca.., Bert 8. Terag. bq- revuneh, G»—N wa-Th. pro,! to gtlpptra. Order. (SAwIy.) COMMISSION MERCHANT mm, FOR THE PURCHA8E, ftTO &wi8*le and Stonge ef Prodnce,VJ«ij SHJoppoito th* Weatant AAden^ 5 ^ dcIUiboad DoOL iNavamheaH, 1867* dxwtf freifi'l . ,_... —I and Nashyttle, Tenn.j ud the day trains from OhsrlestontndKtoglriUe, B.Ci.ahd Atlanta, ^AptUIrt. dtfr P. O. HARPER, A 11 omey at Law WestPoint;-. Gcort April IS, 1866. d J t. X. WOLUKS. DOLLING BAXES. WILLIAMS & BAKER, (Succeeton to WiUiamt, Rhea & Co.,) GENERAL COMMISBION-gs. MERCHANTS, Athenenm^^^ BMhABullding, Decatur Btnet, At- SHU I onto, Georgia. Prompt and partieolar atten tion given to the sale of Grain, Bacon, Lard, Fleur, Feathers, and Tennesso* Produce gen erally Jan. 87,1868 dtf j. H. SMITH IK WHEAT FL'OUBT jl - Ornafaurgs, Tama, Sbeatiugs, Bbirtinga, From the Montenr Cotton MBit; '! Sugar and Caffim. Flour and Rice; Metre*** A Bjtup 00 RegsNaifaq Adamantine Candle*. . All for 8*1* by JOSEPH W1NSBIP, ’ January 8,1058 dtf BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE supply on hand of superior [X quality, and he salt by JOSEPH WIN8HIP. Nov 84.1857 dxwtf Marietta Utract,. W. T. C. CnmpDcll A Bro. iDRGEON andHochaJcal m r- Ittotr, arsprenarodte perform >llJKc| elation* In tha prefea-aicn with *UOEB rabiuty andtkllL sr““ ,ra “Tt , o!wai ', Q.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan, 80 Do you Want to Buy B00K81 Do you WanfOheup BOOKS f r Come HBEB to get yqur BOOKfi w SCHOOL BOOK8! I riHE SUBSCRIBER ho* ait hand, (i I daily receivjpg addiUoD* tli*Mtp,).< 10 largeal-and most exlensivo stock ofl nd Mirccllaneoua Book* in the Stole, oiofferr foi isle upon tho mod.rreti irina— Conalrting in partofSmlth*, 01 nffipna, Andrewai Anthona, Parkem,_j Ms, Phelps, (Goodrieh»vArig«l*,T (Itchell*.olnava, Serif*., .CcmprWng Eh and Latin Grammar*, EnglWmg# iStonomiea. Hlttorlejr SpjUlng-Bqjto* Kora, Amlyacra, Arlthmeripa,' Dlclloi Etechtom*. end (juortlon Boole*;'Ac, & j a lorgu lot of Htatloncry. . J ml ’ A?llbat*Nadnctlan' NEW, AUCTION HOUSE TH08.IF. LOWE, Whitehall near UitdieUSt, Atlanta Ga T r. I-,t. wtoMoamitvahere, wl’Jgire putie- • kkr ittMMkm to tSt p«rdiMffi stb of aui kind* ol Prodot*, Grocene*. Hercksadte*, sad K*> gr***. t«T PUcthUOM or Fballr «•*. D R. R. T. PULUAH having rc turael from t risit to Virginia triff re- sumo the pnetiee cf hb profession in lbs city of Atlanta and ita vicinity. Can behind athboffieo at all boon,except ^•SffiwwSaT^^N HALL, : aepl6dvrtf S IHE THIRD 8E8SI0N of this Institution w»U com nonce oa N DAY, the 18th inn. W bare tried up the biaaaant of th***™ Preebytarian Chureh with a new flear, and new dreks, affijrding a much mere comnodi. e«* and comfortable room than the one occu pied last yur, We will occupy this room tatofMrerily till anangmantorenlbo eemjdatod for erecting permanent College Buildings. Tantt*there®* as baratodota published. Jan 13 dAtvSm J. L. ROOERB, Ph*. (4m »#4*tr THE BEST SELECTED 5B555ffvroiA»iisocaer^ ■ KNOXVRU. XSSHE888B. w n.TB. srKBUkQ LANCtt,Utocf tha La; 171 ntor House, Maeoo,9e and Saapaen La- alar, Uto of Tnikegoa, Al»' xi, wUl h* happy 5■ 4wt • :• i uiatff ware, ju«t Hocelved Family Groceries ’ IN THE COT OF AJLAATA, 1 at o b * f * u a d t t tha “ Atlanta Family Store, 8ALT.1 Pomroy’a of* dxtvly Wrapping Paper. 1 LARGE lot,jtttt wctlvrd of all'fiici and \ qualltlca, and for sale low. by ren 83, dwtf WM. KAY, Agent. wxLUCt k IWBUiaBt- uaraees toitobalt ^1 uho estate of C. D. f\l urlatacf Jfnrrey trtttydaanreAam*. qaind to nukaluunaim pxymtnr and there having dtmaads wiU res let them in, aetenitog tolar, V;w*,UAtlanta,wiorgb. * fc* PA “' * Oavtlr the Ltdiratotalland •••• B n r il i n g Fluid AMD _ ' .£v - MM _ • A LABOB Stodt of Brewnh Mannntoc- Xftring and Mining Oampanyb bon, can) tn'Jy on bond,at Manaftctntcra erica, by Joseph wnraHOr, Neirembarll, 188* . dxwa* ■PUgP . T.R.;RIPJiEY, Nor. 1M857. dtf i8t,dAwtl WJL KAY, lATLANTA A VERY fine taoatmant of ’ tha* shore, 3k. junto hud on conrignmwt. Frit* tow t tho New Book Store, tar Jan S3, dwtf - WM. KAY, Agent. FEATHERS STALL FED BEEVES PHB Snhacribar rata wont of atorga I ttty Of No. 1, Fat Baeva*, be whi. tityofNo. 1, Fat Baevas, 6x which ba will My tie highest Market pice, delivered in this City to aay number from this tune until lit of July next. EDWARD PARSONS. 8AQON & LAROu SRW.BOTKrY, BY 1 ■ ’JOSEPH WIH8HIP. [ware Paper. ["t*^iri«i8$r ■aSiwinCTi m m mi'M r 1 HI S , ’ 1 |