The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 10, 1858, Image 1

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Oca manth, Two," Four, Sis, On. year, *5 00 IN It 00 12 00 14 00 J04 00 DUNCAN&l. OOHRANE. \ytnUs, u “ “ KATKS OK VUVKKTlHINa r Adrertfrlngln th. Dallrlnteillgeiumr witlk. ilniorUdot tho following into! por «quare af .taa ...i’-:'- .• v ]ss*g iVOut Imertion, ..SOota, I Two- " *1 00 •' Thraa,.•* ,.1» loan « 1 60 OH?* » 1T6 , BpmlalelmtmoU wWhoraadVroryaulyodv.r i Jliameat* • oc«upylng a quarter,-half or wkota *°'«Sr'Advartticmaut) from teaMleui p,«jp«* * •Mti’ba paW la idTHBaa. • l#«jP4l advertisement* published at the uiua tUi. Obituary oeUouioxowding tcolhie# •6Bhf« 1 u adTertlfimest*. AnnottfidagoaodidateeToi l Doily, and Wuokly, 35 por cast, will ba Added pStog? Of >o»rlj advertliori li itrlajly [Ualtad to tlalr ova ImmedlaU and reguls! ^^a^iaoalbardi.oauieeadJogtU line., fit ^5dwrtlStaoati aottpaattad Mto tlmowUl be pakUtbed till ordered oul aad abargad at ragalar f *idTartlleaenlt lnterted ia the Weekly paper Hr will Ha charged at fanner rates. ATLANTA. FEBRUARY 10 IS57V ae Row Good « Itavc Arnttni C -fc. STRONG A OQ., hara Jait opened a targe auortmont of STAPLE AND PANOV DRY GOODS, OontliUng la part, of U»e foUowlag^rUelot, Blob drats Silk*) Fanoy Sllkrj AU Wool Dc'alaf; ilanebcslcr Dolaim; Pepltaa: Alapaeatj Bombulnoi: Ginghams: Prlntfir 1 . . .. ’ BleaohedandBrownSboollrig.andSblrtlngf Sbawlt: Ladle's Clonk Idnlngt; Flanneli; Kereuyst Irlth Llnoct: Tablo Idnea,_i Cotton Stripes; Kentucky Jeaat; 1 : Satlm; Ctnimer!-, Cloth; Hotleryi .H Blahkali w.tba thouiand; 1 A splendid Itoek of Gloves; 1? DreesTrimmlnpi. 4C3 Jk. SBC- !*E~ SE3 r NC S 9 Wool, 2 ends PlyjTapattry;Rail Carpet* at a^tqod tapply of ptaat atlonBROOARS Boots ana 8hoc«. We invito our old frlendi and publlo la giro at f! acallr tindafiVaUtfied. when they letrn oar nrl. Ji net, that they wlimSd It to their Intarettt. bar <c fromot. Remomber, we are at No.l, Whilohal Bti**t,Nororo«’i old tland. - Como : and soo at -gApril 21,.I860, t&m hunts from tjio country, we parUcularly In- iitiie’tnd’ hope to secure thehr trade. We i would dr «« ft ,haro of P 11 * 011 ^ ! ■**."*'*»*”■ %Ym£EpAm January 16, 180S I ^ Garden Seed. WE hare, aa usual, got out our large efock of Garden Seed, and _ those who hare bought of ua hare- aiteit to tholr fine qualities, Mur Moswio Pattiaaai Taaia.1 Learea Atlanta daily at 1000 A.M. Arriaea at August*. at..........7 uoP.M. L'n.t* Augusta, dai'y et. 3 30 A. M. Arrlrea at AUanla, at.. .11 40 A. M. Evctfwo I’isaxttoXR Tula,. • oa»et Atlanta,deily, at. 13 00 P. M. Arrives at Augusta. at. ...8 50 A...M- Leaves Augutta, daily, at 4 00 P. M. Arrival at At'anla' at.... .Y..... 1 04 A. M. t3T ThUHoad runa in connrelion with the Train* of the 8outb Carolina and the Satan oah and Augusta Rtilroade, at Augutia. Western & ASSSaoliteteTHaU Hoad. Allaata to ChatUnooga. 138 Mile*, Fare $5. JOHN W. LEWIS, Suptrintindent. Moturtxa PaMUNaxx Traiu, Loatee Atlanta, daily, at,.......! 48A. M. Arrive* at Chattanooga at... .. ..9 4ft A- M. ligates Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 30 A. M. Arrives at.Atlanta at. .0 33 A. M Ntoin Panckoir Train. Laatoa Atlanta, nightly at....... 13 30 P. M Arrlrca'/at Chattanooga ai. 8 18 1’. M Leave* ChslUnonga, -nishtly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrive**! Atlanta at............ 11 33 P. M XST ThiaRoad connect! *a:h way with the (Rom. Branch Railroad at Kingtton, the Eael Tennectco <Sc Georgia "tilroad at Dalton, and the Navhvilla dt Chattanooga Railroad at Chut- tnooga, . : . . Atlanta ft Lagrange Boil Bead, Atlanta to Weat Point.87 Mitaa,.Fare 4,3 80 BBS. ALEXANDER ft SHELBY, Office Corner of Mariuttu & Market streets. Jan 3,1888. ,dwly STONE ft FITCH, Attorneys at Law, nrocs a UaikhaB’i Bleat, up 81,1,,, AT1.ANTA UOBOROIA. Jaooiry 80, IKS *wlp JAmsirSMCTH?~ . ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, W ILL practica in tho Dlrtrict and lalar- i-vr Coii ta cf tbia Slate. Coreful atlenlion pvid lo the inveitipaling ol Land Tide*. t>> the buying, eailing and lo cating of Land Certificate* Promptncav given to Iho collection of *!! claims. Rn'CRBXCUi—Hon. Wm Seldon, Wash ington, D Cl A Austin Smith, Washington. I) ,‘;Hon Wm Smith, Wathington..D C; lion R Juhnaon, lialiimove, Mil; Gor Wm Eaton, Warronton, N C; Hut ltd Johnson, Atlanta, Ua; W \V Gaines, New I Means, I.a. Ti ne HtrERKNCES-s-Hi’u "P II Beil, San Anlonip;JuJgo Paschal, San Antonioi-Jodge O W Pasrbat, Austin) Hon P W Guy, Horn ton, Perkins dc Kcech, Houston, janusry 7, 1858. dwty GEORGE G. HULL, Superintend* nt, Morxino pAbsrjtaRR Train. Leave*Atlanta dailv at '.. .3 00 A. M. Arrivta at West Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at 4 OO A. M Arrive* at'Atlanta at;... .9 37 A. M EviNINO Pahnnoe* Train. Laavea at daily at. 1 00 P. M. Arrives at We*t Point at 6 28 ?. M. Leaves Wat Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrive* at Atlanta at.. ..101AP M. XST This Road eahnaeta oaeh way with tho tlontpommy & We*t Point Rsilroad MACON ft WESTERN R. R. MAGON. December I4ih. 1857. CHANGE 0E SCHEDULE, On and alter Friday tba 18th the train* will bo run at follow*: l,eav* Macon l a. in. arr Atlanta 8.15 n. m. Laave Macon It 30 a m art Atlanta 6-20 pm taRta Atlanta It night. a;r Macon 7.16 a. m. Leave Atlanta 13 m. arrive at Macon 6.40 p,m Tho night tniu* will not be run on Sunday*. Th* night t-aln from Atlanta connect, with iho Central Road at 9,45 a.m., end Iho Soath.Watarn at 11,30 son, alto with tho Al bany train, tri.weekly, which leaves Macon 7,16. a. m,.PR Monday!, Wednesday! and f rl- days. Tba noon train eonneeta with the Central Road at 11,30 p. m.’ and South-wottem R. for Albany end Clin uibus at 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. 1’VT.ER, Sup’t. Deo 23,1857 , d&w. BOWNINGjHp: 98 S£3d © S3 SSL ‘ ATLANTA, GEORGIA. rnHE aubaribata offer nt wholevalo or retaU, I avory citemivc collection of Fruit ..Treat, Jattlogna’ant’ by mail to all appllcanta, - fr " ?■ ' h "?BTER8) HARDEN ftOO. ive^ .: 9, ~ FOR SALE. A LARGE astoitmant of Virginia Loaf Tobacco,-varying in prico and quality, at retail and wbaleiale, as cheap as the cheapest. 8. J. SHACKRLFOHD, Ag'. Nor 14. 1857 dtf Now Route to the South-Wes DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICE over Smith A Ezurd't Dro; Store, where h) can le foaod du iog the day, and at nigh 1 :, alh’i reildeaceon the corner ol Collin* and Jo-os Stroeti. AlU’-tn, Jan* 20» 18i3 . dw3m 1N1ELL1GENCEH & EXAMINEE JOB OPPIOBI ■ma pttopiuKTons hating reata^y -o4tad to tha JOB DEPABTKRHT of tba Bsub llthmant * LARQ8 and - VARtBO it of tha'AsMtr fiVylvs of PLAIN AND High, Bntter A €o. COMKI88I6NMERCHANTS. nt rat rncust ut iui o? TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, Jet., Alabama - Btrset, (fo*lb at the Maeaa & Waiter* Jfepet,) A tlanta, Georgia Gnat Tvaevsvus Itoulv tftklsttwrbf fro-ists Slisvu Uvurats. Jus, BXN, mi. •re prepared to ozaaata las'east and workman, ka Banner, arary dataripUoD of Partlealar attantlon will be given ta tba Print log of I Circulars, Way Bills, * - Blank Kotos, Bin Heai, Blank Deeds, Butk Cheoks, Programmes, Basinets Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. We *eapectfnlly lolieit Vh* pMrontge of our Irieodiin the city and ooantry, and aisnre them tha (all order* will he promptly andtatUfactorUy attended to. W. A. JOSHS. §. U. HOYT J O N E $*& H OYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, f’flico in Kite's Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Btreeti, ATLANTA, GEORGIA.* Jtn 13 dim A TTlIA'CiRETT.'ATTiJftjfEY At 2X. h \ Wriitngzcid, Georgia, will practice in (he ftdlnwing counties: ('otooaa, Chattooga, Murray Gilmer, Whi(ficM, Gvdon, Walker, Dide. Hefereneet; Maj. W. Y. Hanaetl. Mari etta, Hanrc!l & aimpsoji, Marietta, Jumea K- L»whon,E*^., Dahlonega. ^f*?articular attention paid to the colecling buaineaa. May 98, 1857 dawly J OHN V. IIKARD-ATTOlhVEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,c* Georgia, march 6 1857 wlr L OCHIIANK & LAM Alt —A7- TORNIBS AT LA IV-Macon Georgia. o a. lochhani. j. lauab. Having aaaociated thcmaelveanirbUfiueas will ilorotu th«*m»eWea exclusively to lh<.* practice of llioin profeasion, [Janl.HJwly '••Woven ,1867 Atlanta, Georgia. d4m : - NBGKOJHOB8! OHS AP I OHBAF!! . TO TUO.BB WANTING A FRIME * MfilmwUltUylhs^v'nbwbar*In 8Sra*Il i abuYy Stoc!*, and all ot onr own Manuhcturiag whlek wa will tell at tanl eant* a palr loWrr than aay henM In tbla city will jaili a* good an article —aampatUlon we daf^ allhorl* Yankee Mad*,' Georgia Made, Home-made, or any olhar make, and warrant them u goM a, artlde ar katiTorbaan offend In tbla market or State. AUklndi-bf _ Boot* a* propartionably cheap and warranted, ’ j5lgomUporcbaMdofui.ropalrodfroeofcharge At to*<Ign of BIO BOOT, rosehireo Street Atlanta Ge.)t*U. pIMIBK[ .tqtqb, A OP HOTEL, the Passenger D“P?1.( [Attvsifi GEORGIA E. E. BROWN * E. ISAACS, Proprieu-n 11- F. DENSE, Superintendent. Jan‘17 BROWN/S [O, MAC •Do you Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do you Wont Cheap BOOK81 Do youPuy CA8H for B00k8 ? Come HERB to get your BOOKS 1 pr; SCHOOL BOOK8 1 t T HE 8UB80R1BBR ha« on hind, (and ia daily recciTing addltlura thereto,) one of Urn largest and most extensive stock ofSehool and Miieollaneoua Book! In tha State, which ho cffcf* fm rolo upon the most reaionablc ■temr—Conslrting in part ol Smitbi, Olmsted. Bullion*, Andrew*! Antbona, Parker*, Lovo- itocki, Phelps, (Goodrich’*) Angal*. Town*, Mitchell*. 0lnev«,-8eri«*. Oompriilng Eng- 11 h and Latin Gramman. English readcra and classics generally. Geographies, moeopWe*, Aitronomica, Histories, Spelling Book*, Da- flnerv, Analynm, Arithmetic*, Dirtionartei, C»tcrbUm», and QumUod Book*, &c, &c. Al -ion large lot of Huttonerr. m • 1 A liberal dcdurUon mndo to Teachers and V.QHI Jan-l.d&wtl WMi KAYi Agent. . Atlanta, Gt. MSngSnisml |il| A r«W lnUtwilng woritat &ii Ume, ogiil ,. VUE MOKMOA' WIFE Scenes In uiaw. IlluRtrnted i; OR NTS!! J7aiii£^fa Cbsr!,»u:D HsU.ltosd Complvtvd 1 . Oonntettng Chattanooga, Tenn.i Charleston, S. O.; Savannah, Go.; and all Nerth-Baitcrn Cities, with Memphis, Ttnn. SS-Thi lait connecting Link of Rail-Road between New York and the Miuissippi IUvmIjeY This Road is now completed, 1 and opened for the regular transportation ol Passengers and Freight, aad will uToird more expedition and less expense, than any olhor route between the North East and South-West. Passengers and shippers will "taka luc notice thereof, and govern them- eelvcs accordingly." . Passenger Trains leave Stevenson dally at 12 o'clock, A. M., (alter the arrival of the train Irom Chattanooga aad Nashville,) and arrive et Memphis same day at 7, P, M„ connecting with Firit Olass Steam Packets to New Orleans, ami all other important points upon the Western riv ers.* Goods consigned to Kail-Read Agenta at charleston nr Savannah, will be forwardod to Memphis and othsr points, by Express Freight Trains, JS2T Freight In charge of the Adam’s Espreu Company, Is carried over this route daily, by the Ptseenger Trains, F. 0. ARMS, Oeneral Snp’t. Huntsville, Ala., April let, 1547. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., (old al Wilmington, N. 0.; Charletlon, S, C.; Augusta- Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Oolumbuv, Oa. Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and Nashville; -ia.To connect with the Weetern Trains on t is Road, passengers will tais (he Night Traini from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, Chattanooga and Nubvlllt, Tenn.i and the day '-alee from Charleston and Kingsville, S, C.; and Atlanta, Ga. April lit. dif. J. H. SMITH, Product nnd Commitrion Merchant, and Dealert it Family and Plantation Groceries, fre. MtriftlU ... t....... Adam*, Georgia J. H.SMITH. WOULD reipectfu-lyannouDc* t< bt ciU*«M of AUanta and kur- #uQ<Un( country, (bat 1b«y arr oa op«qiBBs »n«* will anopvnius, W ILLIAM Me DAIVFOKTII— ATTOUNEoY at LAW—Fairburn, Georgia. ^ July 25, I8S7- •! awtf UNnEUWOOI) & lEAUKldi" Attorneys at Lair, Atlanta, Georgia. O WhlUhiUilrtftt.fST A. W. H»«'* Jow r)rySior». . March lVth,1867. (dlj; Eon. W. U.>«*wom>.| * -|Ww Hxawii. LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney a t L a w, Atlauta Georgia. Wlllatteod tha Court* In the Countie* of yul* too, DeK&lb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta,Carroll, Henry, Troop, Heard, Ctbb, and Spoldinp. DHe Lo J. KOHKRT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, ilarictLi, . . ... Georgia. Office at bis residence. (1. P. Eddy ft Co., (SfCOISSOM TO C. *. HAN! BTER-* CO.) Ik, ju3 Ha Jiao riftiss offio?. AND Hooix-Bliicloryi Comer of Whitehall and Alabama tie., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 0. P. EDDY ft’C.O;., farmer exteeeive oseort- meat of BOOK and JOB TYPB, COTS, ORNA MBNTS, Ac., a very large variety of new maUrlxtt, of til,lyls., together with on* of Uoe’i celebrated Cylinder Preaeee, mere folly prepared than heretofore, to give dispatch to nU orders for work In theirline—which they will exsento In thebeltltylsof she art, at fair prices for Cask. Particular attention paid to the elocution o. FISH WORK for Railroad and other JolntStoel Companies, Transportvtien Agents, lienke, Col leges ted Behools, Attorneys, Public OBcer Merchants, and otheri. Books, Pamphlets, Catalegnes, Circular*, Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hoed and Shew Bills Posters, Ae.. exa-ntad at short notice. jWT-Printing in Goan and Bln-rsa Baowta and Fancr CoLomnn Inna, ot on Velina, Satin Muslin, ae., done In beautiful style. Having likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Eilabllshment, they ere pre pared lo erocote order. far every deecriptlon of work in that department—Inrladlng RULING sod BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in s style superior to any avar before dose U this sec tion of the Bute. Their Tools being oil new and of the latest patterns, their Suck of materials the but ibe Northern markets afford, and their work men equal to any in the Sooth, they feel confident of their ability to giro entire satisfaction, and eenstqnently hove no hesitancy In solioiting the patronage of their friend, end the pnblle. ^8g,0rdere for work, In either department ol their bualnesi, from any port of Georgia and nelghboringSUtet,wil) moot with promptetlen tion. Atlanta Ga. Feb. >4,1S57. (dlwly.) New Stock Coming In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T W. DKBRINO A BOS’3 Clothing Han< JrYCiclory nod Mcrchtct TaDorinj e*taMi»b cent, for F*1l and Winter, *11 the Uteet rty(et. One of tbeoest stocks of Clo'.hf, C*sr:aerc«*r a Veitine*in Georgia, from which to nuke » •elec tions ShirU, Dreweri, Under OermeoM, Craret*, Oent'i Ilotiery, Olovee, TmveUne Bbewli tod BUnkeU. Tailor'* TriamiojijAe., for m1* *ttbe lowort p ic*c, to tbce<u& W- HERRING k 505*5. 48 Whitehall it., Athuxt*, G*. Alio egenu for Riaff*rt? Fevrinj M*chl»e«. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY I Adjoining the corner of Ain. k Loyd Street*, Atlanta, G-a. robjt, h* may, 0*vln)r removed hU CARRIAGE REPOSITORY to the tbore eli<p J ole iUod opposite the Wuhingtoa. Hi!l,iad enlarged hU f ,, eiliue*,Ii prepared tor fill all order! with which he taxjr be Ur or od, on *l good tenuc m can be ohieioed in AnguiU or Savennih, with the addition of Freight. HU itoek embrace* Carriage., Concord Baggier, tend 6 leatRockawtyi,Slide Seat* do., “ With and withoat Top, T-<p Boggier, f* o Top do., * Whlpr, Ae., JL E. CULWbL... €larke& Srabb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kinds Anti Dealer. I u BD30N tiSO, ME 07 ilL il£i aUOCBHIES. &b At Out * IJ«t4*d,eo WUtsthill St, Ativsta, ft*. t%,U*vata laid sn4 Corn cs heed. StrJi aHeatfej e*!4 to of *»*?; tfctsyli'm. asd h«ai:tA.-4COff pycsajUj oeirs . Onltt* n j-vctJeJj oAieitoi. is. iorrfnlty fillod—For C**J. ~ SEED DARLEYI J UST rtceltoJ, a £nt r-'.o of TMcy. fer WL t'riee, 12 HthtL Bept. 7, dtf. CLA2VKIS 4 GP.UEB. For Nale. A mtffiJBOjjs ■ ' ) w* wUhiRc *» *K- SvSla- j B.J.ttUCKELtOJtD, x,3a WbiAkey! Wtiisllej! \MaiAkcy ., n pLAiRKJt A GP-UBB tar. jurt LvbI-U. M-llraln’i Extra Copper I'-.i-iic.: Cm j -0 tPUskvy, and ter «t» ch«p. Who wants «B7Eye CUrt* k ha* 169 | btj wfij ,-il Jyw AtoeirffsJ and for *aJe by CM.REE A GRUBB. March n. Just lieceived. rpnE 3odc«kMd fcMla rtMV, «<( «Eia fot TL* foQowicf wtieii •. 3 Casks raw Liofeed Oil (English 2 “ boiled « *T do 2 “ mnier slraia’dpare sprm Oi 2 “ wbaieOi 20 Bi-b. ^enuina CiicjT T&oncra. 10 “ liosifl “ a “ 10 J* assorted YeEsIa&es. »5 per cecL Aisaiol. Bilking Edd, i - " • •CantpL-east. 10 “ Ki.irits Tarpsatine. 20,000 lias White lead, assorted. 150 Boies Glaaa aossorted sizes.', hj3.Brwsbts, tuh-rwt Piitu, Lt »B for Paiatm* nae. Per oCtVr k*t t. mi. a. ai rxAxnot id.tx. v. wamuce mi c pit b ixsos Wallace & Robinson GE'SEEAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IK TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We rive gpeeial attertien to the tfut cf Bacon, Lard, Floar, Grain, Wkbkey, Tcbarcc., Ac., Ac. Coari/mmetita rerfeotfaKT Kfli'itcd. ... . Prompt attention prtz te Cs*k OHw ' an bt pjt op la Pbiladtlpk^, Bctten. cr X Y. — RAREFY *££»8j A O juJ. At- . . , . , r, . .; , t i eta, Ga. Soid at liltht UttX »t;rci. A k: cf r.r* A Bikiler *en ' r *t*f A T jl U.f I k-hOirvMv i Marabi* 4X !3LA<&K Uitf.' The dioeevtry cf this Writing Field was the raaal: Sr chctaieol aeciSaet. IsnrpOtiM ail er inks in relation t« color. AnrabQlsy 'an'4 ait t-jw from tha pas. VTbes too thick, oA4 a Sstta rain water. It ahanU set bn : mix*4 with ether, bet always ba jot Into dean bezslei ora’ kapt rnrkad from Uv. i.'r xln setts who. 1 Hi Ink will sot eemit the n*d pas,ss4 rv-ect be rnrvettei b 1U qnallty by aey bk nrssaiactaraJ b htirape or Aaoeriea. Ordwt ue nspect/ally MHeitad, ss w. will op the eieve Ixh at k-w at ccr afiew, as It CORN HXAL J l .Tr—tr ! »fallD6 fcaibf.k pert Of ^ 0.»*.aAJElTBC Piano Forte Ka pair ex and Timer * i ILL attend to any calls in bii vra.-nL,. ksoI > \ ^in* ef kticnee*, rach u rag. NEW BACON I alp*, *9., * , , , . tw:Jt t \An\Ki VI Bated,> lajrcr I oi the fot mat^fae-! 4 * I F a® h ew n»c<yB r ] the octave, vrhoU of ring!*, Ae. tore and lateit atjle . , j (WLfacaioa pven la ever A share of patror- ‘ •ge i» rcipectfully *f4iciic<L Order! for Family or Plantation Wagonr j Ski« Leg of actios, arreting of ham. mere, (felted or fcnfed,) Uyirg of tea itricgl 1; WA1.LACE & HO BIX SON’S. Janrerr IfJsW ili other vahielei filled at thurl notice. Wa are alio agent for Norwood Patent Fan. Atlanta. Oa.. Dee. 4. 1AM. every Uttiarca or te { f charge. All work warranted, t Tuning by the V»«r done kt ned »c#4 Prices. All orders ibomd u *«a at Utxet. WO- n* JN O I ilaskr* Fnmitara Store, aa Peachtree Atlao- NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -ANl)- LARD! LARD ! ;r, t-.-i Uz.-rrl*. »*- lew down prirel by I to, Ga. «• aLLACE i R>-EINM'N. nor, it. ’IS. g w , r . - c '- t dtf j x OMAS'I! FAC TlttKBS m E art tw7w recrivieg * ATLANTA, GA. lanta and rioisity tka« fie l*» coauantly hand, at hU Confectionery aad Baking oetaUUh meat, all kind! of Confection*, Puitriei, Fruit* A*c lie U alio prepared to fornUh evarj Jcrdripi of plain and ornamental Caku,' Neiv Orleans Groceries on: yv br*«i«««e«ss,wa,a CO Y SiO.YME YT, | t? fAt Tots first arrival cf lie New Crop 1 -vcrrilin* ccasectril wiib th. AT ATLANTA. G. J. WRIGHT. Attorney nt Law, Albany, Georgia. Moy 10,1557. WM. A. 11 AltltlS, Attorney n t Law Iw’-elln, Worth Co., Georgia. Refers J. L. Harrii, Milledgerilie; Hon. A. Ii. Hanaell, Thom.uvHle; Miller A Hal), Oglethorpe) Hon. R. H. Clark, Maoon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-dly, JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney nt Law, Atinnta Gnnrgia. OGico, front rooms over J. R. A C. U. We), (ace's Store, corner Whitehall end Alabama itv, _M»y_SR. t IS57. - . MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at La w’ Cartersvillc, .... Georgia r«b,25. 184*. fi.V.lj H. O, HARPEH, Attoriiey at Law, West Point, Geertria April 18,1855. fffrtf They wiUjriv* ipeelal at xm, Lard, Floor, Grain, T OuufgaiseeU rwneetfuv iU mpeetfay wiUcited. O^rromn attenlkn gtvea In Cash Order*. Jtor* bo Marietta itreet, In the building (formerly occupied by 0,D. Parr. Peoomber It; 1I6T , dwt 20 Packages Glass Ware, Just Bcceivcd Y th* Bobstriber of Ihs moot modem] s, and will b« ealil 26. per co-il \ hnvo ever before been abletoecil Iui C'asn. Also, China vml Qucrna Ware, Pitied Caalors, Plated Csndleatielu, Pcike, poone,Tea Bctta, Btibin do , China Flown »«, &«., to which I would invite (he at tention of my former paimne end eepeeielly the Ltdiee 10 call end examine, T. U. RIPLEY. Nov. IM887- . dff LAND NEAR ATLANTA fcMf*d aeree rf land a*er Allen 'between IVachtre* aan Valletta • cffoml for Sale, there air *t;ty h eictllwl cleared land, about thirtyairre I i« bottom. There are five hundred ehuice tppsv ince,of the very beet aeUcticn, b^eldo* th* bote,there Ua*node UMXtfTB mcaaU toond pywhert. A com baigals will be iriveo :YiAU: ■■ JAS. CL SLAUGirtKll Atlanta,Geertla,D*«t, 1&&7. /. ; Vdtf YARN b. T. U. Onnxpbi'll fit Hro., S UROEOS and Mechanical Den- tiri*, nrc prepared (o perform all operr.tionr In the profes-iion with durahllity and skill. ,«B'Offlva over Alexandrri DmgStoro, Whit. Uall si.. W. T. C. 0AMPH8LL G.P. CAMl'DBLL. Atisiiir., Jan, dtf R. ft T. RITEEIAM having rc‘. turnclfMma vi«it to Virginia will re. ■um« Ibt practice of his pmlossion in Ihs city of Atlanta and it* vicinity. Can I. foul d at hiaofftre at all hours, except whan profess! mally engaged. rv oin-o WAsiu.NuroN hall. •cpIhdKlf DR. . ,V. RAI1KU, HOMCHOPATHIST. . Q FFIUE and Koums in Dr. Pomroy a of. fire, opposite Pettis Ntablc. JSorember 20, 1857 dawly CAMPIIENE Burning Fluid! FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR GA.m H, T, H RIPLEY. P.S.—A liberal discount by tliu Bbl. Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of all Descriptions* E LAN KS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, can be had tl til times, at the Examiner & Intellki Attornieo. Sheriffs, Clerks of Courts, and Ordinaries,can he furnished^at ehort notice, any /otori/r form of DEED, WRIT.or PltO CESS which they may deeire; andallF<)R.MS ol Irgsl initrooenls, commonly in uae, are »l- wayeon hand, to besold at ibe lowest prices. ■Mlsnts. M W £, M. SEAG0, Br<x:fssoRT05rAoo a uwREicr WILL COST1NUB THE PRODUCE COM MISSION BUSINESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, front of atlsuto H.'lrl, .nCeoi: twi u.1 iltoa Boast. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. fjwoTh^oiual F*«iHii**oC**red U8hiyp*rs. irrdpr* »p*ctfolly«o’.icl(*i. Or.t l«th, U6ft f4*wly.) i. r.. WILLIAM** - IKH.L1SO DAKf R. WILLIAMS .& BAKER, (Stttcmori to n'ltiiaim, Rhea d- Co.,) OENT^.51, COMMISSION' Efcrfi MERCHANTS. Athenrum Rji] afisMwilnHding, Decatur Street, At aMA* Unit, fieorgie. I’ninpt end particular alien- ton given to the sale of Crain, Damn, Laid. Flour, Feathers, end Tennessee Produce gen ereily* Jan. 27, 1889 dtf Atlanta Female Ccfioge, HE THIRD SESSION of this Iitau5nw i lj eom renre on the 1 sth inti' We htvo filled up the basement of tha Presbyterian Church with a new flair, end neo desks, affording » murh more eommivdi* ous and comforUis’e room that the one occu pied last year. We will occupy tbit room trmporttily ti'l tnangoents can be completed fors-rertiug permanent College Build,ngt. Terms the sains is heretolor* pnldithcl. Jtn 13 dAw3m J. I- ROGERS, Pc*. rpHETHIl I Inalitulivi MON DAY. Wrapping Paper. V LARGE I'I just received of ail tixe* and qua! ties, and tor sale low. by Jtn 23, dwtf WM KAY, Agent Marmilia Paper. A VERVfine.-twortmrnt of the above, jut', to hand *n consignment. Price low tt the New Book Store, by J n S3.dwtf WM, KAY. Atmt. for awidings or; accommodating < | •-^Scago. Abbott & * ltB ‘ « a v.p . . I fAtc*—c.1 th* bicu of the I pArtiei, At »hort Lcticw, *cd ttra*. Imported win*! iod br*-ii*i of «U dt-rriptioti HAVE ^n^rk of caw errp of 5«rw Oriefti. fJf&fjl| J -A b'tf: gu t xihLaAk-, whirs will nt »!J »t l:vr prU« with Cash stiff b. (ioodi, and at low Eig Boot , Ptichutw. (er medieai jurposot.kop. always ee band.'Also, I fsstuln* Spaciih Cigars, «nd eholce'ehewls* To-i btceo—together with a large assortment of Toys, | cig& wUPTL, Cheroke* Block. BIMir.K k yrr. B2JXUA5T PBOSPECTOS I n*CiTH XV.AZ OF ?UK C<ismjmtn~Kir~K$^zivjL Ttnt TAjeozs DasfddorfGaGry of Painting PurcJuucd oi a Cost efi 190,000! byxidt, mom. =2 pager, Chbic’c, . Prim*. Frb«j Article*, At., Ac. " ’ Fsiily Fair, TUvinr rtetotiy ret«raedfrora thvKorth.»fc«rt < Aci F*r. : be laid in ft fine itoek of Faney Articlesxcd *tp- • And will be in rcceif t, weekly, r.f icntxx Qsz,. j ... ry thingnecetssiy for earrying on bis candy mas ] risumeats from their friends in See Ctidri. j gyp ratrri’« world Kusainta ' vraTtW CT iifxcioryh* would‘^fom cocnty dexleriihxt teii j itgthe*ex*ot f i*rj mi! kciIin Wr-: THEGRFPIf Ql av/ch refertnoai promptly attended v!^^RN TI Jf 0 . r ' d-f : t5thtf.J'MisuiylS«, at which tit. tica.ords i di-a-ry *5—s ■ viUtakepOw*. Atlanta, Nov. tilth Sib. in FIRMTIRE!! I THE *pb«cnh«rf bftr* oohxod now opening ft Urg* xod eftrefuliy tclected Stock from the Beat Northern Manufactories. Safes, Wardrobes, Bureau,, Vrathttandt, Bedsteads and Theirs of any desired pattern and price A fins assortment oi Centre, Work, Saloon and Toi.ette Tables—Etagera'i,Corner tad Side—Sofas, Tete- a-Tctt, etc. .Off* In addition te the above large stock, we ere ,-ee.irirc weekly suppliee. The pnblic ore in vited to call and tatnine car stock. r. a. * j. « wiLi.un*, Ktttdocr lo Oilbert k Clarto, reactirts at. ttlaata, GaJ ! Burial Cnees, * |f * prepxrwd to farm*k Fuk'i Metxllic Bari x! Cmn, »t *horv sotif*. We h*r« loc&rei th* vrrifu of ft coup*t«ct per*ol U xiteod tc thi* d»- partroert. P. A. k J. 5.WILLIAMS, Npt IS.’JMwIt Pex^btro* irwt cnrreutJlouof Uonslii. * W# vrKi ruv Lhr t.otr* of th** Back*, ft ho, K^DiDrky an l Nm». OrJcanx. feEAfiO, ABBOTT* CO. November tl, iSS? dif Birds Eye Lime. We art Agtsti ftr the fade cf Mr. R L Roper** Birdx*cTe Liac, poi cp in 6 baxhol bami*. wxr- raatrd full mtxr jre, xnd cf *upti* r ^tadity to xtsj other lime •;»ld ip thii mxrtct. Order* bj th* Car load util b« tLod te, kiln jriwi, by S„ A. X CO. cr Sriac2urr;«-5—-Etctt fotorihfr of tirtw d.4xri it taihl*d to > ccpy c?rb*Urg* sri S’iCtiEsgnTizg, ctULod M 3dxtil«ftt Dmu.r, ’xl*t to ft cop/of ih* Ccota^pfiQtfta An JcuruI CM rear, alto to a ecrt&sxt* Ic (Eemri of preraitsa*, aiao te * fmr ai=.iaaiaB to tho Bwv tcidiri aad Cr.ssaepolitfts Gaikno*. The* it i* ma that fw *r«ry thrt* deZtxt pa ? d, ihr mOFcnbcr cotoaly rcceirn* a iflesdadthm iclUs ti graving, hat aizo, the hextaHsHy iiica- rated TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR- HAL, 06*year. Lara i.tiajjw U auM>itoc&u *d with a errtkato m tb* award* cf Frtctas*; y wh*rh a laJuaW* work rf Art, ia Tsltzingtt r# tat tgr * v to every tutoriber ta oqcindtfii u tha rtiuol rr*. Mem# A .r*c.b>». Ba.i. h»ic!luf,*si a ceniSoti pith. mr.Tt, (Id., Injfi Pflttt izTrttitf Barr, Cc lo# tt <04 Mia BcllkOf C3oU>«, k:- Crltn aaMtoaocd to ft* wj!Ib« fa,tl; ially **oe ntea t* U«s a: laanalaciLr^* rr.SM - ' a.AU “p Fr* k !h:rf3*7 tnt ca LiDsi at N*r York jrie** tv !•.. k. k C*. SEAGO, ABBOTT l CO. fjrptttaber, 11, *oS7. Josc-ph-^Vinsiiip. COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE PirKCHASE, ^^^J8ad* ftnd ^trrag* cf IVnJpcc. M^ftAop poit* lb* VVratern 6c Atian- t.c Railroad Depot. .N’owrmhot II. 1B.17 | dftwtf B 'lfflpWfl EAT FLOU P, — Osnabarfft, Yarn*, hhortinpo, Rhirtinga, From the M.»nt**ov Cotton Miiin a nilr, H ur 1 Kit* Molti+r* 6l K; TV, 103 Krp* Nail*; A lamanune Camllm, Ail hr 8al* h? JOriF.FI! WIXriHIP, irninarr G, lf»**fl dtf James M. Carter. ForeKrdiuif & CoinutUsion 5*er- ctaant. S AVANNAH. <5 A..' KT*» Jo dm' S** fc: • • :«•? a uit'.r reetrj* •) s r - - ^ Pi S, Liberal adea+ca xzJa on all con* SiCknrrJs. \:u -?*»••*. r *. : r. x ►aU. F-s . Kr-t t r y^zf . : J. Bayard, tlcmf. Ca . F u <*- : j NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS.IF.’ LOWE, | WHtchall near Hitch ell St. Atlanta Ga | M’ r ' . fara ' 'S’ " a.^ kifcljrsETtSr a&r f « itk ceniScat* gratl*. Any cne of th* teadisg $4 Maptti&et l« fan. icjtpad of Eagrtricg xiA Art JcarcxL, itnrod. ; "So pcraoaHa r«trict«4 lo a risgio than*- The** taking £ro meaberaUp*, rwmitUsg f '■ 5 entitled la tx extra gravlag asd tittt&n* Fail parucslar* of tho Afttoeiario-s art g reet n tho Ari JocrwaL which eoetaioa over aix:? did Eagrarbga, pric* fifty cer.i* p«r xajsLcr.— Sfodmoa copte* w*i! It rest to *ft pe**otr wh* dt*.ire to tcbKribo, ea r*r*:pi of f t« pc*Uf« iUXjii lS(*r. 'ti.. J direst C- L. PKKSV, Amwj C. A It MS Broad war, Jfow W.Y, U. EABhTf, Hpa’y Stc'j Pf Atlaata, tl-nrc^v. Improved ir.ticu Gtu sux Thrt^ltins yinclitnc*. hvtr r«s>eT<4 tbwtf WstaftM A Cavtsjr, uk, le. kiXzt^Ws i«av« J sierra U«r oil ptVrvtt&i tU f>«Usefw»«nl:r,' ’ ‘-bo;y aoetrsa* Uim.'XtUuizg C«*;to« : sa at * im««t «* Jtn ticlr mat) mearir* 3‘ k&uws 4S« aairtitail; ap .•t»x :s wffaSFgia, .-cut!* Uitdu. aa-S A . t*ft* frf Itzt.k. North Caj.ilaa Tb«y > 4i; tU rery U*i matrr^da a iqmw testfakat ib) ianU*. K y«i »»jar*t *.r eUi *.L BUTTER AND CHEESE, A LARHE *DpHl on hand ol raperivW quality, nud for mV bv JOSEPH WINS HIP. Nov U, 1R57 4iawil rr,..; ,-v.. Croft-* it r*attauoo » rrp*«tfttify . Safkf 500 Nov 2». 1857 SALT.) n oWre'trJ for sale i v JOSEPH WINSHIP. d*wtf iron! Iron! A l \ ROE Stock of b.towth M s niala, - turmg an.) M<d'o; Company's Iron, eon) stonily on ha.'?,at Manufectucrra pri-e. by JOSEPH WIN SHIP. Nstvemher I i. 185a daw" M PORT.4NT INFOAJBAT1 AN. by I _* hich much tuffrring in fauuhe* may I avoided, aent to married men and three I contemplating marrisg*. Addrrre ro J nc'oogfour otamt., Dr O.-W klUHeCO.MDE Br-soklyn. N. V. Nov. 18, 1887 . ,1AwCas A LL ent good* will b* Mid at low prion ftr R* THE REST SELECTED ax? ASSORTED STOCK OF Family’ Groceries IN THE CUT Oi' Ali.Ab.TA, is to b* Haiti t t tho u AllanUi Family Store,” Ipe; YVbil.'hr.II Mrect. EOHGEH, DAMEI-, Atl*nta, May fi, J»J5. Pr>fn*t»r. FEATHERS. A LftROS •■rrly Of chn*3« »*» FB*tfcpr8. f>r by JOSEPH} WINNIE BACON ft LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOoEPU WIN?IIIP. »ANK AUBNdJV; ' M« Walla's®, Ajtnifor At Rank of Oemden S QnWtwa. OD*. at Wallas. A BnHtiwM Wirehew- woreaf nuntrr and Prycr atrem*. A canto, S •viU »*Ii a* Uw aa t= j ctawr Raa *'•«iwn «J **aa 1 rvywttM. aad wtd r*r th«a at {LtUitr’i .ftiufs,.:* ?r our til K. K. iwjowt frvw c' chart*'vtnsfetUt ra. C+tUtcU way »r i fnr tr»r#hac *r hxnlt-r ky 4ir*ct erd.n * ♦ «a» * aa M c&datef e<TTt£eataa aa to th« .f '.*ncuut* ef tax ii.04 *5,' Tlut&txu ftMs* ai mhek ray If LS. / U€ Eiuxvc usmT. T,.a-\ta -n : -T3r ;' F8H OU3QII3U KNOXVI < L.E, xy-S$r$iZ&. \JP..SrEKUN(J LASJE ,Ut*of th# Uv »U tier lie??*, Macoe, G* iid SAjjpacn La- tkr, a:* AJt win b* hffy ia meet xii a*d c? jtan« at th* Laxar liter*, where bar* a tapis ftcotum*datieo far iw* haadred aad fifty per*«». S. A S. LAKiPR, PwipretAf WIUIXEtl WHInk&u: bfcla gx<4 Tea***** Cbm - stare, sod f«r idt c* wmopj.'-' . W vtt u v \ * ». akry, la •J4vV>4»V. s o o £2 STALL FED BEEVES. T HE riuWt.bjf i» want ct a la; ye qutn ti»y Li N-.t i. Fit lV-*vr«, far vVi h he f ilt pay the bight**. Mark*; pric* deUvmd jtj lhi> City *•« auv number Crsni thi* bma unid ■ n af J Mi f ret u CbWA UD PA Rrit 1 Nri Jm.ll. 1^8. dA»tf Dardware Paper A SUPERIOR article of Hardware popn ^VCtr ml. at law raua bv Jan 13, inti W H. KAY, AgtaL NOT t: E. A *il- x &*«*:« 1 ; : t eKxln of C. D. I u tlat* of )fcrr*j '-M Jty irr^ve.!, a*e r%, quirei *0 make ic;©«4in payment fttd Uoj* harlrt >\ voan;» iVtu Is, aercrdit.jf to Itr , ) i& AtiuU, w .orgix. I»- J. PaR», Extcat^r. D*-*mV»» U>T : < ' slOOO Reward, On tho tlg'-t of the lithhit- tire dtwoirv ou rt .-f Joseph hill'OC IKi:.«dg»*i 'i-ha ni •>l«al, thi* cf *IJ,«W sttl 4.' .J iniao ’barefrom. Amo,r, tho J i,ra rt gull watrbol.morUy doullj ) • ’ >..icr ni-M, amrij ail d» its mu easy Win g oukri “Joaoph Miller, MOP .dgavill., Oa., CetidetaDrrioiaortao.'ri cfJo*. .1*7 cfallkiado. I will pay tba above rewa rd cf OSKTROUSAHD DOLLARS fcr ti. reoorcrt •iCtJsariUh dtMWj If. Ut*. it*