The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 13, 1858, Image 1

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. -r t . A • T . " . .';. . - >•■ ’-V -**' ; - • *-7 • - >*, •-• •• ■ ■ - •-" ••■• - BY DUNOAN & LOCHRANB. “ ERRORCEASES.TO HE DMlBKKttBS WHEN K!v.m« . - , kKT FREE TO COMBAT IT.’i Ek> N JOHN H. STEELS, Editor. MW SERIES, VOL. 1. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13,1858. if .TOR 116. iiSlmW 1 Ixqtniflelr. DAILY & WSEE1Y. Wm —- K- BY ;DUNCAN & L.OCHRANE. T1SRMB otc 8UUBCIUPTIOS. L Dally IntoUigaaeor, per snanta In ndranea, ' Weokly, BATVI OC ADVKttTllWO. Advertlelng In the Dally Intelllgonoer will be ad at the following ratal par iqoara at tea . Oat Insertion, R’ Two " Three, “ ■« m. *' ''air week, M 00 .1 00 to 00 12 00 IS 00 •25 00 60 St). I One manth, II 00 Two, « 1 25 Three • l SO I Four, " 1 75 fill, '« 2 00 | Oaa year, Jpcolal contract* will bamadofor yearly odver tlramanta occupying a quarter, half or whole aootumn. pi ’ C3“ Advertisement. trout traailont penoui r muit bo.pald In edvanoe. ... - Legal adyortlaamanta publlibodat tbo uiua_ . rstea. Obituarynaifce,exceeding ton llnai obarf ’ ed is advertliemeriCi. Announclngoandldatak fot 1 olHco, $5 00, to bo paid In adranw. i. When adrertliementi are ordered In both the t Dally, and Weekly, 2S per eent. wUl be added 10 tbo aboro ratea. . . . . . r The privilege of yoarly adrertliere Is strictly Jinlted to'.’ their own.. Immediate and rogulat label. ©VAUcUci'B fttmtovn Georgia Rail Road ft Banking Company August* to Atlanta. .171 Milea. .Fate $-4 6.». GEORGE YONUK, Superintendent ' Mimxieo Pimcsonr Train.' Leave*! a i.aily at 10 O0 A, M Arrive! at Auguita, et. 7 I'O P..M Ii»ev:i Auaue'e, dal'y at,,.- 2 i)0 A. M. Arrival at Allan-a, at.... 1' <0 A. M. Evening Passknoeh T«aI\. leavei Atlanta, iliily, al ..12 00 P. M- Arrival el Auguste. at .8 50 A. M- Laivra Angueta, dully, al 4 00 P. !d- Arriveeot At ante at I 04 A. M. tsr This Rood rum in conn-ctiiin with ill., Tralee of the South Caroline and the Satan nah and Auguste Railroads at Augusta. Western & Atlantio (Stale) Rail Rond. Atlanta to'Chattanooga, 138 Milea, Fate S3. JOHN -Vfr. LEWIS, 8upuintunJe tt. .. . : Mnmttxo PabsiNoer Train, Leave. Atlanti, daily, at. MSVM. ArrivesatChaltanooga at. ....0 45 A M Leave* Chattanooga. daily, al.... I 3) A M Arrive,at Atlanta at ,..0 33 A. M Nioiit Pa>s>:xgk* Train. T.Csvee Atlanta, nightly at 12 33 P. M i fg/of^sioiiqi Sqlrds. 1 '£rif)tiog JstyblistyWtS. |- Giff ^dbeHiscttjevits, J.\H r. AI.FXAN1H DRS. ALEXANDER & 8HELBY, Office (’o u-t of Mirioitu k Market *i recta* ” J in 3. 1853. dvvly DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, FitlbB i;f» >Jsrjuila sircst, opposite Dr. J. .iixandoi’i. Atiauti, (it, F, bruary P, 1853 dntf OI-f STONE &r FITCH, AltDf u i: y s n t 1j t\ \v, O H HE ir XUikliiir'/LLa, up ffulrs, /TLAKTA GEORGIA. 3*f,Uii> 3 * <!wl v • JAJfES i'T. 1 SMITH, ATTORNEY AT UAW JluVSi OS, TSXJS, ‘TIM. p^c'ia* int’ f Ili.t.Ut end In'er* U > lUtfl St'itr. r,»nh p-itl to thG iorcjstip f-ing )l IiUt'i Tiil f. : r ha buying, celling ka'J 1*1* eating of 1> in.! (Jer r !‘i'* ttCi» IV ui.ptiie’tf j giv jn U tiio collecti'jn of all « I per annum, ifeiilonolO»rdinotexoeeilngel*Hnei,|15 J Arriyre et Cliattmm gi at 8 ih P. - nuuuGi. . I.eavra Chetlanonge, ni.Buy, et.,3 10 P. M ,-o.dve •tuementi not ipf'el# »d at to time will be ^rrirreef At.’ante at It 22 P. M pttbllihed till ordered out and ebarged at ragnlar {3T Thia Road cma' rfrah way with igg ratea. „ tRnnte Branch Wailmed al Kiiimffiin. th., C,- Tenntrwe dc(ir.irgia_jilna.l at l),lt in. and tbo Neahtille Sc Cbattanaxga Railroad at (1. ;t anooga, a _ ^ _ Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Read. AtlanU to VVest P»u»tabT Miles,#Fare. $3 61* ^AdTarili^mants tttMrteJ in tbs Wetkly pspsr Kt> ohRtesi nt former ritss. UtrER*FC"8:—-II »n. Wm SeMitn. WacS- itit;' m, U \ Aus/n h, VV^liingun U ; H mi V m 8s!»g‘i. \Vu-hiii4tfii l) C; H m U I rhnvin. n iiV-m MU; Ruv U’ia ii«tr»n, WriTcn’on. N ( ; itev T?U JoM ftn, Atlanta, Un; W NV Gi nt>, New t'rUaiw I..*. T X'.a n V H Bel! \nt»ui»; i<i cr Paoctnl. *V»n t- tvonif; J.itl e P W Orsy, Haw j INiELLIGBNCEK &.EXAMINER !|If IllltlCf B €0. JOB OFFICE! ! THE PROPHIBTOKB haring raaeatty ailed to tht JOB DEPAKTJJ27TT of tfce Eml llibment a LAUUK and VAP.IE)' nortmentof the Laietl Sly ter of PLAIN AHD FANOY ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ?'!= 7VB rcrCMiSK AND CALX Of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, (jHQCEKIES, &c., Alntoninn Street, (&<c\h cf tfc»* iUc'ju k W'rtUrn Dapot,) A tlanta, Georgia .“tfln#>MH V< Q<r At par let ?rOdsiw • AiifcbU Jvor,'#r>i: t ’JAM . ^re prepared to exftcotcJfl.a peat and workman, ke manner, orery detcrij li' n of Ntw Stock Coming In GENTS riRNTSHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, A T Vi*. ilKHKFNO 6r. CtoiL'.nf Macs. - V Lew. ; MtrfLfitrt TailoriDg t*Ubli b 'Particular LtUslion will be girts to the Print - Or.< t\i log of Circulars, Blank Notes, BLJ; lie:da. Wav H 3iU Heads, tee. Programmes, Bt Hil] post; Rill 3, Bin - ' , Ban): Ctocics, til the bum ot Ciftthi. Ca«#tro«c#M »i a fr-rr. which to cuaka a »eiet» r Under G-.rcjeLM, Cr*TA»#. U.vVre, Irau«s:j £bxwlj and 6itij 1\.5beTiigehiei)i^ toeHigeiT)ci)fe. a. u. tYTukcub Clarkeit (irubb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kinds And Dealer* la bM im, mm o| m usu. OKOCEHIES. 4C It thH UtUnt,c9 Wbiuhali t*». ItUatay-fia. l*r£ ead Ccm alvaja rx Un4, fimet t*etW>6 f*i4 it CeuxigewreU <A nr; «**ertyt>i«a. Or4ew mpaetfafi/ For Sale. A COfffTlKT Of tU EUREKA OIK*i»t cte»eb .in* n^xxxUAi a*<Ui Ur tLcee *)»!. t je u m , r^r>. A J. SUA CKEU'C nO* . Afau tiUcilot, I«.ii it Cctiftij es&ett* hXt'i KmttteAQM m*d«. (4ieU#d. u dearthoil/ ftiiad—Far SEED DABLCVt J UST receded, * fir*t aracSa cfBar^y for Scad. 1-rice, $3 per te*Ul CLABKK Sept. 7, dtL t A ORUBB. Whiabef! bYbbfcey! Whisker IVBHi. Mcliriln’r Extra Ccfipw DiidDod Core tn»wk*T. and for ■*)* rbftMp, Siarrb 1! ”Who want* an- Ckrt* k Grcbb UiIKvtxi! L*y wti; U-w any Bye. US 3f», f«r t—».. wiieb Uyi. 21 JSJT. *• Orads, '., hr re!e et the lower.; ired *td for *xie by CLLKKB k QBUBB. March 31. i frieuds 1 rpectfully • li ERRING t SOK’S. 1 V* r rteiaall AEcau, G*. ,v,tt prrirv Varbift*. Just Received. T h E :y^rf pt< Ur ; t MtSSl»i »C*71 f*t at U, w pm. Tg>« ' anirir*. 3 Casks iw Linseed Oil, (EuglisJr 2 “ boiled “ “ do 2 “ wintergtrak’dptrefrr.rmOi “ “ u ° wualeOi' 20 Bbla. gen nine CD. f-rr TasncTi. Kosin orsoned Yaaaiese?- 05 per cect, AJaaiol, Burning F'sSdi CanipLene. Spirits Tnrpontice. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Gians, assorted size.*. hk-Bnibee, colored Peinte, and all ter Piizteri' ua For ie)« by ‘a»re.tts;.a. *rrxasrrs i aim. u. witiacr... ^i^kkjs ; j*C £» • ^hettrrrj »< ttli Wriang Field war s£» :A KViclr, H Tliu Auw tjUiodu liuvc Arrived. e ll. STllOKO & 00.,' have Juit opened c Jlrf _ .irge eerortmeut of • STAPI.B AND FAKOl DRY GOODS, i’-’Co it if, ting ie.part,oftho fcllowlog.artleloii Kteh droll Silks) Fnney Sllkt) All Wool MorlnooiJ ^ , , All Wool Dolelnr; Uimobeetar DeUlnij Popltoii Ala piece) Oomtaelnait , Otogbems) Prints) Bleached end Brown Shoottage end Shlrtlugi b - Shew:#; Ladlo'o Cloak Llalngi; •'* Flanneli; Kerioyst , Irbb Linen,: Tahlo JUnooi t Cotton Stripe*) Keutoeky Jeeui) ;) Sitlne: Ouelmeni Cloth, Iloilery) ' Blanlteii by the tbouieod; A rplendld stock of Ulcreit Dree, Trimmings. GEORGE O. HIM,I,, Superintendent. •Mobsiso PaiSRSOEK Tbaix, Teavre At,onto ilnil* et .2 03 A. M Arrive, at West Point at 7 2* A. M Leaves West Puint dolly ot I mi A. ‘t Ar.ites at Arionta At .ri*2f A. M Evsxtso PaasEXOM Tn*iv. Leovei nt daily it I t>0 P. M Arrive, et Writ Print et 0 78 •'. M Leave, Weil Point dslly at 4 33 P. M Arrive, it‘AUenta et HM5P M f This Rne.l tonnecd each way *i li t'„ Onntgome'v .Ar West P.rint P,w()roeil n T. POWELL, r Smtib h rz»*ird’» ' Storo, n uf uvJ -aing tbs U»y, a*jd rtfi.cYn.oa the cvraa.-oi C«UiCh 20, IS! dw3m w. a. J Nd SB. H'*VT JONES &. H"6 Y T , A T T 0 i\ N F. \ T G 1.1 LAW, * i i Ltuifdin^o Corr.c- cf Marietta and Pcack*tr^o Srreoti, AT LANTAi GE.ORG lA*' i T,£X A. XiBACliET liins* I,/. Woul, 2 end 8 I’ly) Tiposuy; Uall CarpoU at J rodaoed prices. ’ A./.s g ond supply of plantation BR0QANS land t" Boots and-Shooi. . Wo invito our old frlendi end puhlle to give ue • noall, nndnrbietlsBed »ben they learn our pri- eoe, that they will And II to their to bov } ftoious. Remember, wo ere at No J, WblUbel Ufromus. I1IWHI Sir .cl, Norerois’e old eund. April 24. 1866. Do yon Want to Buy B00K81 Doyon Want OheapBOOKD ? t . Do yonPay CASH for BOOkS 1 Come HERB to get yonr BOOKS 1 MACON de WESTEKN H. rt. MA< ON. IKcrniMr *4 h. 1>67. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Ptitljy the 18th the trains will be run tY folia**: l.eare M*con 1 a. m. err Atlanta 8.1f> a. m Leave Macon 11*30 a fa arrAtlmta 5 20 prn eftte Atlanta 12 night, a.r Macon 7. l.*j a . rn. Letfvo Atlanta II m arrive at Macon fi.10 p m The night trains will not be run on 8unda> > The nigh' lain from Ailanla cjnnfct- , with the Central Hoa«l at 0,4^o.m..anU th Hoxth-Westrt'ii at 11,30 with the A) bany train, truivnokly, which lcav?i M im'i v,t5 a. m,ou .Mondays, Wcdncfday# and fri VITiiHNEV AT -jg/fi, •» •!« pnetice 'l-'t)S'l, Cll'llHIgN. (i n, Wa'ker, Y Hvnaeli. Mari* ei'.etn, Jumet It* (i. i. itl^r A- (io. (weetasoa.* roc. k. havim . ecs. 133 - ;;d e*?.3 ntPirihlTUK-Y ! . ; tic cezzt.- ;f Al: 6 toy4 StrteU, /a. tinxita, da. li o Ji = T . 1J M A. x , < • • - : hi: CaERIA'-B SOtfl ■ *‘- T0 ? * • iVi ■ jve ins^oc. 23oolt ,,, 131ii^ ory, Corner of ft hiUhull in i Alabama si?., ATLANTA, GKOHGIA. Concord Iiuggiar, P. EDDY 6 00., H aving Jan added tothefr former extcn«iw ataori* ment of B 0 O K and J O I T V P E, C U T F, OF.NA j /? MCNTS, Ac., a very Jarga variety of new ikatorlalr, vf! ** on* of Uo«’»celebrated , Wiib ttd wi^oa: Tor, * T Tvp Buggies, j i 1 <11 i,3, V. la m .—e oiint.v.N i: SCHOOL BOOKS! ! T HErilrilSGltlUKII bason henJ, (end 1* doily receiving addition, tbrrrto.) onr of lias* lenestid mo*< rvlrnsive stock of; .hoot and Mi.c dlsnoous Books in the 9Uto, whii h j he offers far «le «>P>«» 59*‘ »“•<?"'W? to.r r—Consi tir.gin pert ol 8mil is, Opnaird. ltullloi s An.l.ews; Anflmris, l‘siko;s. v-'m- ?’■. stnclis, Plicl|H, (Oucdilch'o Angils. Towns. V Mii,hell».OIit0-.s, «,iri<e. .Comprising Bur l ‘ end Lit n Grammar!. English resders end deieics gojunellt'. '' The noon train connects with the t.'eniral Road at U,3n p.m.' and koutli wctetn II. for Albany and G-lumb'is at 1 3i> ». m. ALFRED L. i'VJ.EII. Sup't. Dec 23.18'7 gjjfctv. A ; retail FOR SALE. .LARGE evDitmci.t of Viiginli' Tobecco, verying in price and quality, m tale, as riioap ns llie rbraptst. I ond whole K J. SHAOKKLF 'IID An Noe 14. 1857 dtt New Houte to tlie riuttt.t- Vud Won ctevsics u.-iivrsM,. ... V.;;...., ,, ■ ' JK Aitronormes, Histories. Spedlng Bonbi, Dc- fine,.. Analysers, Arithmetics, llirtl'morirs, KCCate truer, ond Question Uooke, &c, &c. Al* 1 ton large lot of Stit'onirv. . , A l.beral deduction made to Teacher, end Merchants purchasing hv lh«|W5,t l J, at lb« A’HIF BOOK STOKE! Jen 21,diwt: r ocaii ii ,ying av Oyllndar Presses. iro more fully preptred than heretofore, to glr< iiipatch to all orders for work in theirline—which \ . w . , they, will execute lathe best style of the art, nt | ruit-i,p.jatnh^colcrJin?.; fair price? for Caeh. ' . Miy*8, ifi.»7 d*w{y Particular attention paid to the etecotioo o, FINK WORK for Railroad and other JointStork | Companies, Traciportation Agent*, Banks, CoL 1 ’.egaj and Schools, Attornej*, Pufciic Ofucer j Merchants, and others. Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues. CirenUrt . Cards, Protaluory Kctes, Blank Deedr, Check* Wny Bille, Programmes, Hand and Show Bill* Poiteri, Ac., exe-uted at short notice. Printing in Gold and SiLVxn Broar prrpartd tor <r may be farored, vt ■•.'iiradia AucuaU or 'jucf rrtighu Wallace & GENERAL j Sow freo tie pea. 5f|»a iw, tbi.k.aida !!tU, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jcSu^but Jviayi b« pot into b«i$s*sad AKD DEALKH8 IS | beet corked bom tbs tL-vbta cc: is cut. J r-i TENNKSSEJC TROnrCEll^ i ««to»W We lire rpacial attention to the mU cf Baesa.' S . k J 4*7 lck -can s Lc.-d, F'ea*. Oraic, WhisVey, Tobereo, Ae., Ae.: “ * r A “ n< *:„ .. , C: :.*irt meets re-yietffuiiy solicited.' ! Ortir, or* m-f«Gk!ly leliaud, u we wUl fur . .-'.tiparaticLtlc-n give* to Cub Order., f 0, Tf ris Yr 1 * « 'vi u a . ^6 i as be pat *p io PiflodeJak'-., BorUct. •. S V. • BYF * BABLXY. i >*r»Udettly ky'Dre. Birgef'r.A Gsiid, At- ^ lotEj. t Dsilrj vvu sKiv! tetnl* ate, Oi. sold u ill WerGook <taru. vs-.;. /; Uti t kOWkSOX.: MarchS. dtt COBB HZAL i C.*'.iiAX-LrxrSS. USTri^tvrilOO ts^eU !;,h rm Vssi ia O.aa-' * Fl»E0 rOM* rl£p?.!Ter »sd TttBCT woLLsCt kKiSUtSS. ■ i fX'ILL staid to aay eaUlii tU V, line of bail*tM,s«b tr rag. tlaiiegof truer, tty*nag o! bare- I i,(*s' I NEW BACON ! rt —irufac- - i LOT tf m me well dried New Beeow,I men,(f«ltodortofed,* layiij ef :p Ut«?’Su A*» itbe«l«^wbcl.or,ix f t..Ae. A Share of n-ron- i WALLACE it KOBlNSCd’8. j Mgffigfi P rec mn er c, A s.are oi pi.ron-J , ,, |g .. charge. AUworkwansmted. sr.-nary .IS* Tiualng by Us. Ye.r done a, aedsated r-licited. mily or Plantation Wagon* k Robin*' LARD ! LARD ! ! T 3 Cans a:.d T.srrels. st low desm* wires, by ■ ■'acs* 1 Fursiture stare, os paaabtr** at. Arias. I w.3 I.LaCE A BCTOth'iN. i vnnvrr t«5P cj; attiilNEY ririler, cj 1 icdrgiai wlv ■Al . LAM At! i VV-Mse S LatlAH ■••'v.'s iu l.U'i&twill j ir I ■ „ 'ffiinisHviy V l'ILtuii iSA.VS'ORTH— T A'i'i'ult-NEX o l' I,A \V—ri’aitburn, GW-ia 'Fcly-2.5, • s:,7 • _ o .1 NOKMjVVOO.1)" Attorneys Atlanta, . . . . NtW tANl MpUFACTOHY -A.N'D- XrB AS, TS *1C .OTC CIS. TST A"; LANTA, CA. fub>crifcer wculd'ic.i-ns '.tecitntnrof At j 1 ‘urAt and v.-ir/jr that he bar foniuntly ot ; V.Rr'i, at Li* Ccr.f'Sciioaery and Btkitc eeULtiub- kinds cf I CottfpctioQx. Pa»«r!c^, Frtilt^Ac ^ _ .. He »i 6it%^pre>*ared u ; Tanshh er'err. I 1,1 1 and Pasct Colorxd Istce. or on Valium, t>a:it j c ‘ kr '- n-oraicui Cuke', f* r weddings or i u * Muslin. *e., done in bcautifo! *tyie. , at #kort notice,and t-a %cccar.olatap j Haring iikowiie connected a .* terms. Hook-IHudcrr j Japortedir.De* ar,o brt-ller of MI descrffdari with their Printing EitabUshaent, they are pre-1 c^dier-l t 'jP****’’**?'*. R j’ rf, - rr J n A ^'’' na.*od to execute orders for every de#criptloo oi I S c?iula< w T-* r;iC ’r-cice c-t*rrpe To* • work in that department—including RULING j * r* .i-r s mgexraortzaent of Toyi . and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—it a « rtf J-‘ r V 4c | Af * ,. , . ' 1 stvle superior to any ever before done in thi*ie*- 5 , rc ' e “' Jy rt : lir ® e J ,,c ®'.“‘ e ?, ort ®*y" e r t 1 tied cfthcSute. Tbetr T*>\i being all ntw and 1 *\ l \ D ‘-^ce **.ovt ef Fancy Artt?se»»nd.nre- ! of the latent pattern*, their. Stock of material* the j r £ 11 ;n « ttrCMir / *'/ ftTT ? r e rr p*.* i«»r the Northern market* afford, and their work- c ‘ r?c ^ ':-ntj aeoritr* tba? le if men t<tual to any in the South, they feel confident • :w H ' who-eiajcat .(<, of their ability to give entire natLffcoticn, ar. i i *® r * # T ef rf “ ’ * consequently have no heritancy in tollciliag the -N'o\\ UiTeans Groceries on CO.YSIGSME’NT, Tie first irrival of the New Crop AT ATLANTA. $t§P, Abbott & Co.. LUTHER J. 11 o r n'e y into, ... WM. KAY. Agent. Atlanta. Oa. iUiTRoad L’oupletM! Connecting Chattanooga, Tcuu.j Charleston, S. (!„•' Savannah, Ga.; and all Nortb*Kastcru Citioiy with .Mempbla, Tonn. ^•The lut oonnauiing Link of TUU-Uoad j Cewct'ivOarroll. !I> between New York and the Mleiltilrpi River! Thl* Road linow comrletod/ and opened fer tho regular traniportatlon of Pa*#engL»r* and Freight, and will afford more expedition and Its* expenae, than any other route between the North GLENN at Law, . . Georcia. Will tttend tbo Court* :ij the Coantie* of Ful* Dehviub, Fayette, - Campbell, ■ Meriwether, Ieary, Troup, Hoard; Cobb,and ISid-ilu?* » Monnonism! A very Ulereillng work ef this Hue. called li an in® the jnoitJnoJY wife, Life Scmes-Io Uia >. DcaiUlfully IllUbtifttea, PRICE 25 UEN16>!t \i For Sell by WS1. KAY. Agenl. at the ISTow Book Store Jan 31, el.iwtf. Whitehall B'.. Atlanta Oa. Seed! SfcdlSccd! Garden Seed. \VF. hsvf, eell.uali gbt ouinu' luge .fork of Garden 8* J, «ud -■-ih sc who have bought of u.h.M- ™ue.t to their fine quelnjee. Mtr will "takedue notice thereof, cud govern lelreseocordlngly." Poi.eogef Trains leave Steven,on dally it 12 I'elnek, A. SI., (iflar tbo irrival of tin trein Irom Oh'ittenooge ,nd Nashville,) and arrive nt Memphis lams day et 7, P. M.. connecting with First Clan Steam Packets to New Orient, tnd ell ether Important points upon tho.lVe.tern riv er,., Qood, conitgned to Hilt.Resd Agents et Ckerleiton or Bevannnh, will be forwerdod to Memphli and other point*, by Eiprcs, Freight Train.. pD* Freight In charge of the Adam'. Eapresr Company, la carried ever this route daily, by rh. PaiMoyer Trains. F. 0. ARMS, Oeneral Sup’t. nustevllle, Ala., April lit, 1/57. •Through Tiokete to Memphis, Ae., sold nt Wilmington, N. O.j Charleston, S. 0.; Augusta, Sevenneb, Mtcon, Atlanta end Columbus. Oo Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and KubvitL Teso. S*»To eouneet with tha Western Train, on t te llaad, passenger, will Uko tbs Night Train, from Wilmington, K. C.; Auguita, Chattanooga and Nuhvllll, Tcnn.i and thi day train, (ran: Chuliiton end Klagivilla, B, C.| and Atlanta, Dei. ,..J. llO'UCK T. .Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. OflVu* it hi*f?A iilecce. li. J. @UUT, A 11 0 r n e v at I a w , Atinuty, . Georgia. M«y He 1*57 oppahlM with the ciah or goed city SSuOrderi Tor work, in either deportment y | theirhu.lneef,from nny part of tlnorgie act! neighboring State., will moetwltfl pronptatteo 1 * °Atlenta Oe. Feb. 29. US7. (dlwly.l ^ L It I | Order l. ’Valentino . AOtsta. V v. SSOvStt. daw-y g>.p'ia.2j jHcrcE^£E»i ~ - f j„ HAVE bow in .tore a chef: l^.Trirtrvk cf new crop ot New OrJ Bmildwwi, 6;rep, , Brows 5ogager. Choke. Prime, Fully Fair, And Tel*. And srEl he ta recelrt. weekly, of feather Ccz ripamerti Iron thrir fritsdr it New Orirsri dur. g the saasoc, wbirhatey will le'ri ta cash bey* or. et Ibnrr eettieeer rrsn the came good, car t* tveght io err . her rieorgie trark.t. Alee. *r empie tuck cf Coffee, Sell, Toheeeeu Candle,, SKAG\ ABBOTT A CO. J.rafT feeca ltd Atr-:t r , hnildtcr, comer Fed- (jth ini Mitchell igrcU. .ter.cttji.lASi dt/ W E ere now reertrieg t ierge lot of Sale I-eith er, Calf Stine, l irungr. Bind- inge. Lasts, Peg., Ktl, and everything connected with th e Boot sad hi hoeineet, which wrilifae ecld as hv pnea. flesh. All order* accompanied whk Cach wii) pa promptly £iied erith go»d Gocdt, end it low rates—at the Sign of the Big Boot. Feweiut** street. Chert tee Bloch. eptridsf DIMlCn A MIT. USESST tROSPECIDSl Blanks! Blanks! Elauks! Ofall DescripSioitSs TIKE!! Host TUB inbi-cribtri hure zi hxua Q *t«i are l •* epesics* a Krgfi and Wp» e&rtfsiiy eelcvieti iiofk trom theM* Nuriltern Slauufaclories. U.ll. a. U Villi IS, A 11 o rn c j - . n 1 IS a 5v , liibolln, Worth Co., Georgia. Kr'.eri f — M..j J. L. llarri*. MHIO'l^.’.Uo ; Hon A. II. Hiu.eU. Thom MTille: .Miller A Hall, Orlefhurt’c; Mm. K. II. Clark, Miicon; Col. J. U .1 B LA.N k NOF .ALL DESCRIPTIONS, cxn be haJ had at all time*, at the j; fencer; c nr rent .Hooey Bought* We will \ uv th* LCtfea of the Tencetaoe BtrU. aleo, Kentucky an*l New Orleacar SEAOO, ABBOTT it CO. . November \\, 1M7 * dti Birds Eye Lime. ' Wt art A fpxit$ for it* *alc ©f Mr. R L Refer** Jtr*DBt€Lrs JE2 o • Attornic*. dheritl*. CL’rka cf Couit*, en.^ OrJiuarim, ran be furni*h«*J, at *hort notir*. any fnntrite lorm of DEED, WRIT, or t’RO C lists which they maydeulrr; xtul all FU»RM> of 1« ga! nNUumont*. commonly in um*. arr *1- way-*m hand, to bv*i>ld at the lowest price*. Wardrobe*, Burcaxi, tocreta* •*, Washetasda, Lr-iftcadr aad '* of ar.r de«!re-l rct’-rs ard rr->e. A 5ue ■ _ and Tm.»t« I Mill Stonfl. Bolting Clothe, Kc, Wflfl sliAlMtllfAt UlO. -w. racud fnll meator*. ard of vurcrior quality to aay other lime fold is ihii market. Order* by '.he Car load «U1 be filled at kilc trice*, by fL A. * CO. -Klagcre’*,Corneraud aide—&o:ak, ItUr , Jur JAUKD IRWIN WlliTAKEK, aVttornvy at Law, Atlanta Gewrin. M ilse hpiti fw 11m. w.fctV.etc- ‘ •*». Mom* X Triablo, BaJti. .SfiT ir addithu to tbr ebere large nock, Vr* j ao re, M4-, lajerUr* srt, ere.t mg w«Vi, .applies. The puhiUere it- j >sier. inTr««h Bert. Co -itcd torsi, sea vim,ur nurij. I lo,s» itlEeops. Ha Suae, K..tda«WMn,«* 8 Cri?U,plfif5vi.. 1 •»**« 9f.“V .« °^ 5 ‘” ui*&u, d*; Arrtl J. H. SMITH, j Product and Comm ft non MtrcS«nt, and UtsUrt i BfianiifrumBBU.w a- - . • , . ■ ;vit* and. hup* toe.curelhe Ttreu. -.. . jw, om )/-ianiohan Oroc'.rf.s, 4 , would e’w a.V a lih*'*l *W*. Marfutiriir'jet Atlanta Georg’a •fw» our ell. ten* ^ ^ 4 Jannaw 1«. M DOWNIiMG HlLL R3 %3a a S3 ssSi V $ ** ATLANTA, GEORGIA- rr'HB.ub.nbet.<fferat wwWe0, retell. I serry extenelve eallection Of Ftait Tiiee, I r f!ete|n|ne’e*nt'by mill tiell epplieanU, tmol « hM {, , ETRR9i harden * Crt, Allente, Oeorg'i. November 0, H6T ‘* <l11 J. H. SMITH. WOULD reipettfuilj eanouoo* f« 1 t'<e estam* »f AtUo'a and »ur< •tor*. » •plendld stork ot rA.U/L Y GROCERIES which h# 1* efferion at puee* tbit will cgMj. 1 ,' •itb any heui* la lb* eltj, »aJ.iilr» a than cf pet "JSTrtl fi*e *J^ri*l aUeutleo to tu* mU of B* coo, Urd, tWr, Orafa. TVbacea, 4m., to. Win and Alabaaa*:*. lUAHK JOH.NbTU.Vq Attorney at Law, Carter?vii!i' Georgia l*. O. UAlil’ER, Attorney at Law, West Point, Georgia Aprilln, H5J, davril i neor^uo^sj loaBAPI CHEAP!! Ir! TO TII0SR WANTINO A FRIMB^, Unlarttcle ef doulde iet« or welted bropni.rol KfJ„ v im say lhat wa oow have la Store avy Sioek, end all ol oar own Manuf.rlurie, Meh .e trill sell *1 ton cent! * pair lower then fvhnuie In 'hle «lty will nil el good an article otnpetlllnn we defy elth.r In inUett Made, Georgia Made, Iioinc-mnde, r ether make, aad warrant them a, good at I's,hM*v*rbe*a offered In thle market er i , All kind, of lWt»me.r 11,1SST 20 Packages Glass Ware, Just Received Y the Subscribe' of the it ns! rooJc.-n] IJ s’jlnj. and will bo saltl 24 p«r ce^t^y Isss than I hero ever before been sb'.ttuscll io- Cl,all Alw. Ghin* end Quv»ne AVeto I'tsl.d ( ..tore, Plstnl Gindlmlicks, Fotko Hiteon, To* Ht l'* Britain do, Chin* Flaw r. Vesee. Ac., to which I would invite tho at- tention ntmjrioimrr p»tram end cepocisllj the Ledlee to cell end examine, ■ T. K. RIPI.F-Y. Nov. I«, 1837 <ttf U . C. <’nu,j.lit'll A. UlO., S L'HtIKOX’.nd Mechr-t ire I Don- prrjared perform all operatlorp \n ihe prcf»»* *lou with -turablH*}'and rMU. pfi^dtlco ov:; Alntir »-r* Dr.;« Whitt n*ll#tv. N\. f. c. CA* , i»;iKLL. G.P. CAMPBELL. Aflmfn, Jnn, 2* dif D U. rfi. T. Pt'LUV U »»*viQg w iw?n«l fr*»in a ristt i» Vi gmia will to »um * i Mi.i a f>r'4ctico uf hiT prtfouiou ia tht city of -Miar.t» nriti tu vie Con Ik* fjui ii hi-** vrhvn in * r«**i'nx*!\ * .IVV:.; WAcflUNUrON HALL. *wp! r *.!\vtf • .»M hours, cxccit Et M. SEAGO, I scwssok to srstio £ u whencf WILL CONT1SVH THE PRODUCE COM i .1OSSIOX BUSINESS, AT IIIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF. Ul'lLlUXG, ; Frctt of AtUfiLi ilv*! «r.4a. gt.'.oortftV iltoallcoi*.! ATLANTA, GIA'KOU M.Thr s*";' V •dlim»oCcrrd u»ShJr»<r* «»r.!pr« | »pcetfun,T toltclUd. Oct. |6li. l»5n. • ‘Tinrinl Cnaca, T V» t a*** y.reynr»i*to furuiih FUk'* MttalHeBur *1 Care*, at *iiJrt cAtt^e. We have reeured the imen oi a coioyetM>t f *'er*on :r attend tf tht* pmc ert. F. A. AJ.S. WILLIAMS, v-2‘,'SA—IarW p»n.*hfr«T *rMt, tj» a*' «rls b* faith- (tV.x t**«vt#c r« Uea at sanafaetoro yrieaa. 8 , A.ftCa. rivtn teas or iuc CifiBppoauii Art Associate. rax risers Dnweldorf Galrn of Painting! rvrduutd et a Cut of Hi j,OX,, era yow.E', woxtar utsc-wxto rrstrt a THE GREEK SLAVE!! . Re-jn.-eXesol ftf six u.wisao.4 »=risrr, vnth r». verel hundred other wo.-kt of art, tt Fsistfxrv, Sculp tore, end Bronzes, twmpris, tie Prta; to be awarded ly the tmleer-Un sf me cksmopo. litas Art Aieocatinn, who iwucrilw beicievee tithtf Jisciry ISSS, at which tfane the tvs-si wiii ukepisee. j Txtx, or £cBtcnrn»—Every. nbttzX-n ef tkr»* dcller* ii cstititd to a cryv ef the turge and rplesdrd Steel E*gi*vtag,eerit)«d “.Ssaiirrt Deeriny," alee to a copy of the Ccnucp-cbtoa Art Journal pm year, Boo to 1 eertiicste is th« sward ofFmtunss, olio to* fret edeisinct u tha Do*, eeldi-rl one Coentrpeiitsn Gsiririe*. ThniItleieeathatf^rerorythree deHart pvd, the subecrihercot; sty mceirw a.pJsu iij tsrie doBai engraving, but alee, th* heesut'uily uiu- rated TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR' NAUooeyeer- tact tohsatMt:• s». prrscut. ed with acenieite is the itrsros of prttswitbr,' which svtsehls rock oT An, is Ptinticger ftmlfitClF* RhT Li III ttilriilili* ike! .Lriaa Derteg'.rstsot Ttv 4 Bnrplor vreof Ssfee. eo* itsstt. re hast st Ns* Vert pnrssrr th. a. h Co. Snt'4Xurv say bs reewtvod is eddukro, thus grirtsg .. j. fiSj " oise t to .very^ruhicriher os equivalent to the tales , and a eertiffcats gratia Axyoxt cf th* loMisggl. JPagariste U fara "Esgtattng and Art Jounal, SEASO, ABBOTT A CO. September, 11,1S47. j. T. wn.tiAt:# it l; tv. BtuRR. WILLIAMS & BAKER, (Siic.'tjs • !o Irif.7o.-w, fi'ira «t Co.,) a (ik|itii, Gosivb-wt i> . ME it li - NTs, A:;..- .. fZ.A- riui I.";, s i.-1. .1 .mti ism t, l.n. r.,t. 1'rtr.. t tn.l par i *• t phgl-ir. t ho t' 'ir..j . . Fmu', I'ltlh.rr,suJ ieftiv....' .'it • j-n COMMIhsKIN MBUCUaXT , vt _- r'-it. I'ljifc FI*tv* H»fE. 51-kqrisTi' e’-d M- r.vo ,i 1'rCsltco. SaBaei'p p.v.t. thr u csietn A Atiia- S.C Kw.-r aJ mbit ll.;l«f.7 .dewtf TAVU'A ■NYTaI FLOUF, S A I JoS'jiii Wiusli i|s, James fl. Carter, V»*r. ■ 7. Aikuiiit lie n .1 lifj;* K» p«i N« T.v.-r. If V mvet Co?u>n M'. 1 *;* *«*%» ar)d } l ^f \ iJ b’jcc: MtLwtriii ttyref oft. :&2. flat r T he-hk.1 fin l :’.i a .’ll MUNDxV, tho Iba ha*« up t! b birciufnt of tht Pri**byt.‘iian Church rjiU an; rex’ d«»k*.: iTonfing % m ifh m •'u* and ^mfortabrvm ttm -\t: or.* <• pVJ !a*t yo*r. Wo will cc-c:y il»;» -*j temporarily ii l anantfUitmt* c»u tn fomp’t for ^recline permanent Collogf P v-l.nt? Term* th«*am«a* fcciet.htoro i. Jart J3 dJU-3m J. U KOCiK^S* r.xi IMl. . M. II, HOMGtOPATHIST, , Tomivty * cf* nnrebteed if«r.rvpelr*d flree of eherg* - or BIU BOOT, PeerhUe* Street LAND NEAR ATLANTA gp ■<£* £&> a tSh &a ac3 a OKSbn»4r»dacre**flatd near Altio >W*,l?lag I **oitrt* aoa WaHmu ntVpK. inTOK,* co HOTEL, m i IS Monger 1) TG ffir.7t;;.OEUBCU *• ‘ ll'ri, Pwpr»b'« ,|.tei a . . . t Rosa*, 1. • tr.'.d l"f trite, th.rv.ere »t tr ■cm , f rut) I *.trj timber, toity errr. of _ .x.elleM *lv*r»4 Hnd-'eVWt tldrtj v ue. TSTI. ksttvci. lnsr. ..•tl'e.l'Utv'mt cUkc eeywhet*. * f|Hfe5i£sK^ni' -\W1 t idle YARN YAR N8I TtJBT recvlred, ent wiU TwA. ooc,Untly on .I hed e eund e.ionnnnt of Thread ftwm the ,lor,ton Fatuity, which l .i;i.ell.»lhepe|ul.r Mlwt’VilOi. " . til». LOW, Agewt. Bqwuais, 1U7. *«I< O FFlt. K ... ii if .■> us mix, fj :e.' p;» a t * P-itii •‘‘ latic, NoxtniWr w(L1837 CAM PHENE Burning Fluid! -» rt a , .-\r»ri> G h E ESt. ;.<eL - . op. hauti ol *uicno» •v , A 'f ‘ T JOiUrli WI.NjtlUP. N 3 . • ,<fr JiWtl iALf. 500 Sack*1 r. *t> a* J for #*!<• bv JOS>C!'ki U J Yi, -, i, 14*.? •**«*i: Forwarding fc Commission * T er chant, SAVANNAH. GA.. aril yea#* >’#• Hue*. Hay Simt—d UUly «^*api#C by J. Ur#m4L E*q ) P. S, Liberal advances made on all con* tijnmtnis* KtTOtCVOS —Pattax, HaltwL It Co. Jtbalcftr “ E*q. F*mui, Oa.—K •p-h, K*q , Roll ti Y v» .. . , - , I Ba»A?<J, £*« . JUo«, Gfc.;f. B- v>Ii»#r, Eaq., Amri ;i* Ga mar lb **T-4k»iy NEW AUCTION HOUSt THOS. F. LOWE, WMtahaT near Hltcheli St', Atlanta Ga f p F- 1-.. ta td:*teJT r*\br »V3f*, f»T# part* 1 . Tj^rat tviOAs ‘etth fsrthRM and #a> of aC kir*.* <• tw r«, tlrocarW X#nbA9Ci*x. aad Kt* —ro. tf) *t'UiitM or FtrtWat*. . . 'M #vi#fici^fwUcii#c»»:rret?jt>a»U*nh ah«t*al:c4aa4u Uxrtisjj; i*b#d, ianaai of Ecrsar fieairod. Nopcmn Sa mtrlrtrJ to a ritff# fUr#*- Tboo#<aki2>f fira e«sl>crfh:; #. rtez-vu-g f IJ arr «xutk4 to as mu* Ecgrarief aso fix tick#:#. Txil partiemUn < f tht iaacaxtics r« : 3 th# art Jocrxai* which m:ul*» tixty i^ica. did Eofrarisp, pne# fifty criti ctcber.— r*p#daox ccpio# »LI U #otl to al> jmo«» dteir# ta ucKfibe, ca rw=#ift cf five ycfUrw fujep* ii ctsu. Ai4r*u C.L. DSREY, ddairy C. A R 54# Now WJT, IL BJHNES, Ik*y Soc’/ Do# tb—dt? 4t'sjth. 4,.orr<*. lm prut id luttcu Ghu and Threatiing .Hurbines, _ frfak'fffii Ct'jziy Ur «st* to isf^rxc tc«cr cii paLfoa kai vh« jxr^c rrorralfT, *.Ut th#r W«I cojUirih tu Xaouiarttiicc * t i truce 6ia#aai *kMt tht#h«r* ««U«r taval #atra*.r« Mil# Ik*in,la art veil tom aad xr^«x»aIS as prertfi is 6#9r(X, fotth Carobui, AkUcv’ tU IsfarucfTaxw, Ki*al*»ifja, N<nh Carr-h»x »r* maG# #1 tt* t try a Ujro* l»ip*i«4U cito Urn* Mn&lHi *a4 >ItN .f jog ar# ia waax ct a Coo40#ttoe Cra at rSiil ar» Uzitcst aa, aas wa wda#U u kr it ui sea** y%a. afacnu#r*#*#(ealr#yark'c,»a4 wtUCt^tw. th* rortLL.w*» cczt\?,n JL a<wyws f:t4 ct charr# tonnwyenuha Coatoar* • say t« b#U with oar tnnLaj at »c«a2 kft.u, c: by ra lUahMra' trmfieata# i( loUtrci r*?riM3i»H ef #4* Otaa aai 7c*a»h«r>, km U whuh say Hw«* % »rrhci<to* to Agest*. — AS 6in» warraztod to r#^#na walL lifah* fcMj a TU E Wrapping Paper, i.—■:? I ARC»L 1 r#c#ir#d of all tucaanJ “v*» • ** • .qial tic* and u*r »»1# lovr. hr »13. dwtf V% T M KAY. Aqmt a %3 t ^a % S 'SVt Ss'^B 4 FOaSALE BY T«£ SU^gGRIBER termslowfor T, 11: KIPLEY, $.8.—A libcril diseountbySQ— * Dee. MIST-. anti Manuilla Paper. VEHY fine sMortmrnt «" the shore. just ha hind on coneignment. Price low st th. New lhii-k 8‘ J.n 13 ilwlf WM. KAY. Acent. A toriiiR anj Mil.'iwpanF*# *r»n, c* n, in»L 0*4 ha*. ,at M*nu*actu.c?» pri #. by ' JWLVNH1P. N.MT -.IrCT l’ v 1^5# 3*^- FEATHERS. kVtft* OeChaiai i»ix.»«*A*htri. f'? avl# • .’U'KPU VtlNflUk*. REST SELECTED AND ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN THE CITY Or Al LAN T2, I 1 to be fesefi at th* “Atlanta Family Store," WhitebaU Street. GORGE H. DAXIEL, PitpntUTi AtUnu, May 6, 818. ldawy 3 0 0 BACON & LARD. A NEW SUPPLY. UY ' JO-fKPU W1XSHIP. lg»- s 1 ,;\.t*gitur tumpa, Dt U. W .initlaCttMIIK Ur>v<‘l>n, N. Y, Nuv.'in, 18-57 dvVwbtn ^IsUir goods will bo told u low pile** L r bet esunoy Prvlae*. ^^ W HANK AGENCY. Alas M, .4penl/or fie RaaL of Oeeiis 5 Cer^im aotw at nV’aos * RohtcwM U-'aiohrvgt— e.ryei 'frUurtn »td Pryrq etneto. AUosio, 0*. Bill |tr» freof Igitcat-tjU cqlltpJtii^titfxJy, STALL FED BEEVES. rpUE Ctuhsnibot it in want cf a large 2tun* I utyofN-v I, Fat Bevws, lh» wh‘«t be -■til .... . .- Ovlrti atVBIF a cw. oizsY lAyvcY, uuRt IS3* 1 T * v^lv^^^ 33 I KNQXV:»LS, Ty-SSFrSSES. sier Hccse. Msecs, D* asd sets^cs La- sier, 1st* ef Instrgee, AJ, M, will to Ufi/ to tnest ail friends and op -wire at the Lsou Hosts, when they have ispl* sooos;-' —-os (er two knadrad end ifty psrioc. * S-lsAMFB- FyopHowre. ttttuCTVi whiskw: sOUnflh^* good' Coro WVUS.J, ta 4»iUU Star#, ui tox HU oa roaacoobi# t«tTo«- »14 «*aLLACS 4 BOWK8UW ?. NOT »!£. ^iil ts»Mi B4tt* t ttseertsU of C.D. late of if array is t sty deceased. 1 ' ' jtJ ceoctHag qnised ■« make iwtsed sit neyosst uJ is.iw ‘ willresili then It, hevirg Amend, to Is w, • v ct, la Ahoeu, uvtrgt, L J. Piritt, Exstntcr. . P c=\*< 1MT dwxf I pty eh* highswt lterk-t price, dshrvrvd in this Cily Jn an\ tsom^/mci^thi, Jtme nntil let ol July PvxU Jen II. I«4«. HOWARD PARSONS- dfcwtf . *1000Reward. Ci th* tight ef th* ISth issf the Jewelry btetwof Jckjs Miher I ddWdtriittN On.,’ to wined* ass, gel* wtheitwwtnf lit,Seed >sd d-tdd drila-ill .art. Uksa sbervinm. As the Hardware Paper. A BCPERlO'liiitlfJ* of Bud won putt will Goods ikwt v\rt tdgeU wstvbss.assUy dcnble HI- * "jESjJiiglP^ —,—-.ossriy *1! da.Uecaw, aorkoJ "Joseph, 41 lifers BUI- -- s large eesortseat ofJew* ci-*r, 115 tilsi ssJcssybe’.sl l^gSANDDOLLAgyWg^ *? *