The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 18, 1858, Image 1

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NS IXAK IN E It. BY DUNG AN & LOCIIRANE- “.ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT I T -JEFFERSON. JOHN H. STEELE, Editor MW SERIES, VOL. 1, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1858. BBS 120. 'K^ily '’Intelligence*' & Sx.'iiTiiiKh paiiyXwbbkly. DUNCAN & B LOOHRANE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION* Daily Intelligancor, par aaaum In advance# 8G Weakly, “ " " S2. HATB8 OF ADVKRT18INO. Advertising In the Dally Intelligencer will bo Inierted at the following ir*Je* por square of tea lines. 00 eta. One Insertion, Two u Three,* “ Four; " Five, u One week, $1 00 1 25 l 50 1 75 One menth, Two, « Threo 4 * Four, ” Six, «• Ono year, $5 00 $ 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 '25 00 Speolal contracts will bo made for yearly adver tliomenta occupying a quarter, half or whole oolumn. Advertisement# from transient porsons must be paid in advance. Legal advertisements published at the uiua rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines oharg ad as advertisements. Announcingcandldates for office, $5 00, to be paid In advunco. When advertisements are ordered In both the Daily, and Weekly, 25 por cent, will be added t o'.the above rates. \The privilege of yearly advertisers Is strictly •limited to their own immediate and rognlat business. Professional Cards notexceedlngslx lines, $16 per annum. . Advertisements not specified as to. time will bo published till ordered out and charged at regular rates. Advertisements inserted in the IV eekly paper r only will bo charged at former rates. Book Store New Store, New Goods. AND New Arrangements. Books and Stationery THE undersigned U /iglWfTL 'increasing bis stock ofjtQaEd& iBooks and Stationeryttfinflnr ■by every steamer from the North, and Is also in receipt of tho New Publications of the principal publishing bouses as soon as as Is* sued from the press, Ho offers for salo at jjf , prices— *-* - 100 reams Folio Tost, Cop, Letter, Notc.anu j. CommorcUl Note Paper. THE best qualities of Tissue and Drawing Paper, r Music Paper, Bristol Board, Bill Paper, Blotting c aper, Envelopes of all sixoi and qualities; also, CHEAPEST . Blank Booki or nil qualities! together with all tho artiolcs'of Stationery niuslly found in a BOOK STORE such as county house, School, Fancy and Pock et Inkstands, Portfolios, Back Gammon and Chess Boards, Chess Men. Portmonlei, Pocket Books, Single and Double Slates, Porcelain Slates, Enuring Knives, Paper Folders, Pen Backs, Steel and Quill Pens, Mucilsco, all the belt brands of Writing, Copying and Indollblo Inks, Visiting and Playing Cards, all warranted as good and at as low prices as can be found IN THE CITY. Alio, Bill Flier, India llabbor, India Rubber Bing,, Quill,, Scaling Wax, Rod, Illack, Fancy and Whites India Ink, Drawltg Slate;, Crayon, Crayon Holder., Blaek Sand, Sand Boxes, Bill Head Boxer. Calenders, 40’ ^..... Ail of which will ho sold at tho lowe.t pricer, by WM. KAV, Agent. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, lioorpln. N. B.—Please remomber tho location, nearest Store to tho general 1’iuaonger depot and all the Hotel.. Jan 33, 'SS dwlf CvaUcllcvs ©tvcTtop Georgiy Hail Hoad & Banking Company Augusta to Atlanta. ..171 Miles. .Karo Jjtli 60. GEORGE YONOE, Superintendent Morning Passknorb Train*' Leaves Atlanta uatly at. ..i...... TO 00 A. M. Arrives at Augusta, nt ..7 «»0 P..M. Leaves AusuMn, dai'y at 00 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta, at. v 11 36 A. M. Even mo Parsk.noer That*. T oave* Atlanta, daily, at IB 00 P. M. Arrives at Augusta, at 8 66 A. M. Leaves Augusta, daily, nt 4 00 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 104 A. M. I3T This Road runs in connection with the Trainsof the South Carolina end the Wavan nnh and Augusta Railroads, At Augusta. 'Western & Atlantio (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Fate $6, JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendents Morxiso Passenger Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at I 46 A. M. Arrive* at Chattanooga at.. ... .9 15 A- M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 9 33 A. M Night Passenger Train, Leaves Atlanta, nightly at 12 30 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 8 18 P. M Leaves Chattanooga, nisrhlly, at..3 1U P. M Arrives at Atlanta nt 11 22 J\ M C3T This Rond connect* rn-rh way with the tRome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tenliessee fit Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad at C hnt- anooga. Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Road, anta to West Point.87 Miles,.Fare $3 Atlanta GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. Morning Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta daily at 2 00 A. M. Arrives at West Point at .7 28 A. M Leave* West Point daily at 4 00 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at 0 27 A. M Evening Pass knobs Train. Leaves at daily at....... ... 1 00 P. M. Arrive* at West Point at 0 28 /*. M. Leave* West Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrive* at Atlanta at 10 16 P M. IT* Thi* Road connects each way with the Montgomery <t Went Point Railroad' WM. A. KHKI.&Y* Do you Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do you Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do youPay bASHfor B00k8! , Come HERB togetyourBOOKS 1 SCHOOL BOOKS I ( T HE SUB80R1BF.K her on h«nd, (and i. dtily receiving ndditlon. thereto,) 1c of tlie largest .nil moat extenaive atock of School .nil MUcelluneoua Book, in tho State, which h. offers foi tslo upon tho most roeioneblc tortne—Con.Ming in part ol Smiths, ORnstcd, Uulliona, Andrews: Anthon., /‘nrken, Com- itock,, Phelps, (Goodrich's) Angel., Towns, Mitchells, Olnevs, Scrirs. Omorisyig Eng- li.h snd Latin Grammar., Englishireaders and classics generally. Geographies, Philosophies, Astronomies, Histories, Spelling Books, Do- finon, Ansly.ers, Arithmetic., Dictionsrlrr, Catechi*m*»ond Question Book*, &c, &c. Al- so s large lot of Stationery. A liberal deduction msdo to Teachers and Merchsnto^purchsiiin^hy ' at tho JsnSl,d&nlt WM. KAY, Agent. Atlanta, Os. A eery Interoitlng work nt thle Ume, called liaD0®ISt> the JllORJUOW wife Life Scones In Utah. % Beautifully Illustrated. PRICE 25 CENTS!! Foe 8ale by WM. KAY, Agent, at tho 3STew Bools. Store J«n »1, dAwtf, Whltshsll 8t., Atlanta, Os. Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. r WE hove, t« usual, got out our large s/ock of Osrdon 8ecd, snd — , -bvlhom who have bought of us here. toTiio. esn .tte.t to their fine qualities, dfer- chants from Ihs country, wo particularly m- -)ro snd bopo to secure the r trade. Wo Would .'so uk s liberal ehsro of pslronsye MACON 4 WESTERN R. R MAt.’ON, December 14th, 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Hn and alter Friday the 18th the trains wil I bo run a# follow*: Leave Macon t a. m. arr Atlanta 8.15 a. m. Leave Macon 11 30 a m arr Atliuta 6-20 pm i oavo Atlanta 12 night, air Macon 7.16 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 6.40 p,m Tho night train* will not be run on Sundays Tho nigh*, fain from Atlanta connect* with the Central Road at 9,45» and the 8oHlh»We*tcrn at 11,30 a.m,al*o with the Al* bany train, Uri-wcekly, which leave* Macon 7,16 a. ui, on Monday*, .Wednesday* and Fri day*. The noon train connect* with the Central Rond at 11,30 p.m.' nlul South-western 1L for Albany and Colnmbu*at 1.30 a. m. ALFRED L. PVLEH.Sup’t. Dec 23.1867 d&w. .. ^FOR SALE. A LARGE assortment of Virginia Loaf Tobacco, varying in price and quality, at retail and wholeiale, a* cheap a* tho chcnpcst. 8 J. SHACKELFORD, Ag. Nov 14, 1837 ■ _ _ dtf iVow K oil ft? to tfi.e SoiUli-^Ve» 3!^**fle™ a KlIuTtoaTiVirapRted t Connecting Chattanooga, Tcnn.;' Charleston, S. 0.; Savannah, Ga.; and all North-Eastern Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. ^St*Tbe last connecting Link of. Rail-Road botween New York and tho Mbshflppl River! This Road is now completed, 4 and opened for the rogular transportation of Passengers aud Freight, ami will afford tnoro expedition and less expense, than any other route botween tho North Bait and South-West. Passengers and shippers ill “take lue notice thereof, and govern them selves accordingly.” Passenger Trains o'clock, A M., (after the arrival of lrora Chattanooga and Nashville,) nnd arrivo at Memphis same day at 7, P. M., connecting with First Class Steam Packets to New Orleans, and all other important points upon the Western riv ers,* Goods consigned to Rail-Road Agent* at Charleston or Savannah, will be forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express Freight Trains. Freight in charge of the Adam's Express Company, 1* carried over this route daily, by tue Passenger Trains. F. C. ARMS, Oenoral Sup’t. Ilnntsvllle, Ala., April 1st, 1857. • Through Ticket* to Memphis, Ac., sold Wilmington,*N. C.; Charleston, S. C^ Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville: Tenn. ^yjuTo eonneet with tho Western Train* on t is Rond, passengers will take the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. O.; Augusta, Chattanooga and Nashvillo, Tenn.; and tho duy tra'in* from Charleston and Kingsville, S. C.; and Atlanta, Go. April 1st. _ dtf. J. H. SMITH; Praiute omi Mrrthanl, nnri Dtalm in FimUy unit Plantation Grorerm, |f. Marietta Htrcet, Atlanta, Georgia JA8. F. ALEXANDER. DRS-ALEXANDER tc SHELBY, Office Oorni r of Marietta 4 .Market slrcetr Jan 3, 1859. ti"|y DRTjAMES M. MORRIS, O FFICE on Marietta street, opposite I>r. J. F. Alexander's. Atlanta, On., February 9, 1S53 dntf S T o n eT FTt c h , Attorneys at Law, m’« Hkick, up S-tJklr January 30, \il<i james'm.smth~ ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, W ILL practice in the District and Infer ior Cou. U cf this .State. Careful attention paid to tho inre*ti*ating Land-Titleo, to the buying, sdiiug and lo cating of Land Certificates Promptness given to tbo collection of all claims. Referxxgxb:—Hon. Wm fc'eldrn, Wash ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington, D G; Hon Wm Smith, Washington. D C; Hon K Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov lVm Eaton, Warrenton, N C; Rev Rd Johnson, Atlanta, Ga; W W Gainet, New Oriean*, La. Tjsxa* Rkferences—Hon P H Bell, .San Antonio; Jutlge/ > a*chal, <San Antonio; Jud^e G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Perkin* & Kcech, Houston. January 7, 1868. dwly D R. tTsTPOWELL, O FFICE over Smith A Erxard'f Drugstore, where hi can le found during the day, and at night, at hi* residence on the corner ol C'<Uim< ami Jolcs Streets. Atlanta, Jan* 20, 185S dw3m W. A.J0NIB. 3. h. BOYT J O N E S3&JH OYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in Kile's Building, Cornsr of Marietta asi Peach-tree Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA* Jan 13 d-m X T. II ACKETT. A lTURKEY AT LAW, Rini;s;old, Vicorgia, w ill practice in the following counties: Cotoosa, C/liattooga, ^Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dado. Kefcrtnceii M*j. W. Y. Hansell, Mari etta, Hamelldc Simpson, .Marietta, Jume* R- Lawhon,E«q., Dahlonega. ^'Particular attention paid to the colecting businc**. May 28, 1867 dawly 5. I N. ELLIGEM’EK & EXAMINER JOB OPFIGE! TUB PnOPRIBTOItk [WW having rjiifttly .Usd to th. JOB DEPAHTMEtfT of the Estffl liihmeot a LARGE snd VAP.IED II l 'V sa'hftrvmortmeiii of the Aale.i A'iy/.« of PLAIN AND FANCY 108 fill. a ro prepared to execute in a neat and workxc&r, ke manner, every description of fa from ourcitliens .January IS, IS5S Call and i- SMITH & ESB5ARD. dtf ATLANTA, QKOHOIA. diub.ribei. offir at whols.alr or retail, Laver) extensive collection of fruit Treeo, mail to all applicant., l " i, » < * b * , f'RTBR8, HARDEN A OO., Atlsntt, Oeorgt*. "November o, 16S7 <M® WM««nu tataM*' f t i th. mtat. of 0. Ain rlataof Jfarr.y.iirst) qnlred <o^.H wtnentsnd th iavlsj dwwods will malij thwp lo, woord D, ar»r»« IhfU* .coordlog a leave Stovomon dally at '12 the train Particular attention will be given to the Print logoi Circulars, Way Bilk, Blank Notes. Bin Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. We icrpfcctfully solicit the patronage of our friend* in the city and country, and assure them tha tiiJJ orders will be promp.tiy an J ^ati/factorily attended to. G. P. Eddy k Co., (eCCCE'iOE? TO C. K !!ANIJUTFR’A'CO.) E’.k, 103 !ij C.v.J FiuliTlliu 6?fiCS, HUD Boolx.»31nclory, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama lit., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 0. P. EDDY & CO., H .vicg jsr. sdied to their former extentiro af*ort- mentof BO 0 K and JOB TYPE, CUTS, ORNA MENTS, <tc. r a very large variety of new material*, of the latrit ityltt, together with oneef Hoc’*celebrated J. H. S MIT H. WOULD reiptctfulljr announce 2 tie citlziOA of Atlanta and Iroandiaf country, that J OIIX V. IIBARD— A'lTORiNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller, co t Georgia. I j TOR NIL'S AT LA W-.Macon (1 corgi*, O. A. LOCUUANX* J. LAMAR. Having associated themselves in burine* will devoto themselve* cxclurively to the practice of thein profession. [JanI3iwly W ILLIAM M. DAXFORTII— ATTOKNEX at LAW—Fajrburn, Georgia. July 2,\ 1^57^ _ jl awtf UNJ>13RWOCAD & 11AR i IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Jptb 1 LUTHER J.GL E N N Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Willattend tho Courts in tho Countierof Ful ton, DeKaib, Fayoite, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, aud Spalding. 7 i)U. L. J♦ ROBKRT, Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. ^.Office at hirresidence. 17 J7 wniGiiT. Attorney a t La w, Albany, Georgia. Msvj’e, 1857. Will. A. UARK1S, Attorney at Law, Irnbella, Worth Co., Georgia. Refer* to—Mnj. J. L. llnrri.-, Milledgcruie ; U<>n. A. II. lUnsell, Thomarville; Miller A IUU, Oglethorpe; Hon. U. 11. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncau, Atlanta. Jun*2-diy. J arkd in VviN\vii it a k bu' Attorney at Law, Atlanta Gdrcia. OtHcs, front rooms over J. It. J C. II. Wsi. he's Storo, Mracr Whitehall and Alabama iu. May 28,1857. .MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cartorsvillo Georgia. F.b it, ISM. _ SA. ij P. O. IIAUI’KK, Attorney at Law, West Point Georgia April 18, ISSJ. ds.ti Higli, Mler & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. roll VMM r*CMCXA*E AMU SALS Of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTOK, OllOCEIlIES, d-c., Alabama Street, (novtb iA tbs Maocro k Western A el-ant a, Georgia Ov>l Teune»««« Mr»a»j taken at par for Prt>iucs* Georgia, Jcn«, VAh, 1LLT. New Stock Coming In GENTS FURN1SIIING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, A T V, 1 . HEBF.IKO A SOWS Clothing Kacig rYfactory end Merchant Tailoring eatablLb m ii^berii,selft)ei)iS. ...I r ffk Clarkek Grubb ..I f. GKLifB For Sale. COMMISSION MKlt f ;ilANTS, Agenta for collections of all kind. And Dealer* la ; Ei£0» LiED, fEOOCCi 07 ALL Dili, GROCERIES. dtC Al tbrl ctditsadfM 7UUi.aU St, AliaoU. Cl. ri-E»coa. and Com »IVim co Laait. Rtrist amotion paid to CotuigeraeaU el every Oeacrky Ketbiitasot* promptly made. Orders respectfiuly olkite^. an dcarefaBy tiled—lor Caff. A rvdsrtit cokAtaxt E Ult F.KA OIL at vrke‘.r*a!« iidxilUL Art* x&ace to tb<»e I'pty ot the jeetly ce!fUte4 . at wfceir#*!* aj*Jr#taU. jtr will r * treell sgeln. H. J. HI!A CKELFORD, Agent Just Received. T» K fca» is (ter*, and oSen fer . ' ^ Tk* artieke. SEED BAflLET! J UST mceived, a £m rate article of Barley, for Feed. Price, $2 per bstfceL Sept. 7, diL CLARKE A GEt’BB. Clark# l I—Ml ment, for Fall and Winter, all the iatett ttrlei. One of thebe*t #lock# of Clotha, CaikiaXru ar.o ( VtiuBgr in Georgia, from which to a.Ext a relec- j tion. Shirt*, Drawer*, Under Garment*, Cravat!, Gent’* Uotiery, Ulovei, Traveling Ehawl* and BUnkeu. Tfcii'/P* Trimming*, Ac., for tale at the lower 4 , p icel, to thecuD. trad*,at W- HERRING A SON'S. 40 Whitehall et, Atlanta, Ga. Alto agentr for eiegerr Fewing Maehint*. Whiskey! Whiskey! Whiskey C LARKE A GROBE have Jort received 34 BbU..McllTain'< Extra Copper Divided Cor* Wniakey, and for aale cheap. March 21. Who wants any Rye. k Gmti iu ISO tall;.II Rj. 'vj.E CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoining the corner cf Alx. k Loyd StmU, Atlanta, G-a. ItOB’T. II . M A y , Having removed hi* CARRIAGE HEPOSITORY to the above eiigi- ole nand opposite the Wuhingtoo Hall, and enlarged hi* facUitiei, ii prepared tor fill all order* with which he may be favored, on as good term* ai can be obtained in Auguita or Sararneb, with the addition of Frtight. Hi* atock embrace* Carriages, Concord Bcggiet, 4 and 6 reatKockawayr, Slide Seat* do., Fall Top* do , With and without Top, Pachoc*. Top Buggiei, n<llar Wagon#, No Top do., Corne*#, Whipt, Ac., of the be#l mancfac* tare and Iatett ttyle A * hare cf patron age i# respectfully solicited. or Order* for Family or Plantation Wagcnt other vehicle# filled at *kort notice. We are also agent for Norwood A Robin#’ Patent-Fan. Atl.viu. Ga.. Dec.4. 1566. •j| ) BBL8. Pike’* MarnoHa Wniekey, ini vUfK.Lrtii »si for'lale by CUsKKEA GRUBB. AlJ-JL. J£. WaLUCE.. .WJf.caOIGNBOK .. .• - - -5oExmiatg artiek#. La£k>: raw Linsoed Oil, (English Vjiiwl “ “ do ^ “ winter strain’* pare gprm Oi _ “ “ “ “ wnaleOi 20 Bbls. genuine Ciifc? Tanner*. 10 ‘ Kojin “ “ “ •10 “ assorted Varafcie*. 30 " bo per cea*. AAaohol. ‘20 Burning Rddi 10 “ Camobeae. 10 “ SpiiiS Turpentine. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes., Iso-Bnubts, ttdsred Palau, sad on 1ST Fsistcn’ uss. For sols br AtiaaU. May 9. Ut7. X Wallace 4 Roblnsosi- commissioVmerchants, AND DEALF.KS IJf igg©©KiB) a^x. The diiMvery cf this WrUloj Fluid was Ihs rtrsn of rbnaiatJ socldeot. Itsnpasssssll cth- f -v iojr, la to color, dursHuty sad assy j Sow Item ib« mi. Whoa to* thick, add a tiuls ! '.:-• wtior. It ib-.ali sot bs mixed with other j Isk", bit .Hit, to ;« iato desa bittkx sad kept ccrrke-i iron: tie air when sot is era. lhi* 4 Prompt attention given I RYE AJRLTL A, Cylinder Presses, ire more fully prepared th.n Ltriicfore, to ^ive dlepatch to all order# for work s- •—airline—which they will executo in the be#t*tyle of the zri, r.t fair price# for Cub. Particular attention paid to the execution o. FINK WORK for Railroad and ether JointStock Companies, Transportation Agents, Bonk#, Col lege# and School*, Attorney#, Public Officer Merchant#, and other#. Books, Pamphlets Catalogue* Card*, PromUiory Note*, Blink Dee Way Bill*, Programme*, Hand and ! PortOTI, Ac., oxo^uted at ihort notice. JET Printing in Gold and Siltcr Beoxik ! He i# al*o prepared to furniih everj deiriiptiox, and Fixer Colored Ixxi, or on Vellum, Satin of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddin, Muslin, ac., done In beautiful style. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY —AND— bsje:i ATLANTA, OA. Orders srs reipscxfcijj KLsued, ss ws will pel up tbs star. Isk u lew si «j eftee, ss II as be put up Is Philadelphia, Belts, or S T. ^ar-liade oil, b, D.-t. Bigiers k Ouiid. Au sis, lea. Scld a; ail the beck tteres. M-arebS, d'J. CORN MEAL j U»MW luhili a»rr. K** It '>**• j P10X10 FortA Rftna.) rwr «nrt Trmwr 11 WA2Ja.iT kEOHSzS. f ILL attend to anyc*Hilnhi* jo PW BA rn~K 1 ' ! , *. ***• *uch a* re g- MhI| • W ° , ‘7 „ • oluiing of action, eoTtriag cf ham- l! #1 |! LOT of prime wed dutd .vevr Bicob, * aer#,(felord or buffwd,) laying of near string* If for file it j the octave, whole or tingle, A«: WALLACE & ROBIN.SO .VS. j Sat Irfaction given in every innanee er a* JanLfrv 1^. iS>8 <*tf ! tharge. All work warranted. — ' I TwaJjag by the Year dost at Redneed n( . LA ? D , ! L ^ R P ! . , f+M«Kssfre. Wil- I Lens si.u liarrde, at low down pnc**. by Ima* Fcnuwe Store, oa Pearntree il. Atiaa. 1. Wallace Ac. rorini5 ? •>'. |ta,oa. January lf>; 1A58 Au' net. 2*,'55, dwly r ==g . - , It a man tri c tIYTers N ew; Ormaas Crroceno? on 1 ire m car. r^trin,. COM S1GXME3T, ‘ ^ Haring likewise connected Book-IUndery with their Printing Establishment, they are pre pared to execute order* for every de*cription of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a tyle *unerior to any ever before done in thi* sec tion of tho State. Their TodI* being all new and of tbe latest patterns, their Stock of material* the beet tbe Northern market* afford, and their work men equal to any in tbe South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire tatiifaetion, and coniequeotly have no htiitocy in soliciting the patronage of their friend* and th* public. T «fflS»0rder# for work, in either department o their buiine*#, from any part of Qeorgia an< neighboring State#, will meet with prompt alien tlon. Atlanta Ga. Feb. 20, 1557. (dAwly.) prepared i ornamental uaxes, tor wealing* parties, at short notice, and on accommodating term#. Imported wine# and bra-die# of all description# for medleal purposes, kep. always on hand. Also, * ehoi -m - ehoice chewing To* purpose genuine Spanish Cigar#,'and baceo—together with a large Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Having recently r*t«rac<d from th* North, where be laid is a fine stock of Fancy Articles and eve ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man ufaetbry he would’nfonn c*?nty dealers that be if HAVE now in store a ebeic* FjSjfTock of new crop Ne w Or!. SfiHZMolasje#, Bf m ' .*^8 lit Boil, Pcochuw. i me, t. Cfterokot Block, aptmdtf pnnctCA wrr. BRILLI AJfT PROarJsyx'ua I roezra TEsa cr rax Cosmopolitan Art Association. THE rsEOCI DatseldntT Galery of Painting*! Purchased at a Cast cf% 150,000! uiovtui i .jv wvuiis muiu v •ui] uoaiii, ujm cr ji .. . ASD rCWTB f WC'XLD U50VXCD |7aTT*K 09 prepared to furnlib eaniies at wholesaJt at 25 eenll ** cr mb* food# ear THE GREEK SLAVE" cacti par psacd. tc btuft-t ,= sc.r other Gutrps tetrket. AU 0 . E ^j. nrciu ^, ^ 5x“t!a,s^ i^ Ord.r sccouipscted with tbe cub er seed cit j : ‘“ ‘“I’ 1 * cf C || e f 0 S ^'ing^L? s s *00“’ 1 tml ‘'thee work! cl art, is Paiatitss, ar«,ana«inWimntlv attacitsul »c ) 4C * 3tAUV. AODVll M v’J. XTii ■ .1 - «- ■ * row* Suragar, Choifte, Prime, • Fully Fair, And Fair, Aui will be in receipt, weekly, of further 0>»- Kgniaent* from their friends in Nor Orleans dur- the season, which they will #ell to cuh bey- Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofall Descriptions. B LANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS,car bo bad at all times, at the references promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. JCth S55. daw-y ^XTH.3>JITT]rH.E: FURNITURE!! THE !nb*eriber* h«r* on hand land are sow opening a large iCArefully selected Stock from Northern Mnmifattories. ItrttlL 1|*. ft i ^ i S . I... mL. L ! I • . ryth and Mitchell street#. January 2,1 SLi dtf Best ‘ Ws hand R\ C 10#" idreber, Bureau#, eecreur r#, W a# hi tan is, current Nloucy Bought. We vrfll buy the tote* of tbe Tennessee Banks, aho, Kentucky and New Orleans. fcEAGO, ABBOTT Ac CO. November II, 15.67 • dtf Bird* Eye Elute*' Ye are Agtnu for tbe sale cf Mr. R L Roger’s Birds-eye Lime, pat up in 5 bushel barreD, war ! ranted fall measure, and of snp-erior cua!ity.jic ‘ • any other ha*sold in this market. Orders by j htan Art Association, who irbecribe U&n the 2Sth cf January 1556, u which time the awards wiL uke place. Trajf# or trascairnox—Every raUcriber cf three dollar* ii eathJei'u a eopy of tbe Urge and rj ieoied Steel Ecgrariag, tr .iUeJ ‘'Manifest Destiiiy,” aieo tc a copy of the Ccrmopciiiaa Art JoumU one year, a1st, to a etrtifinau in tie award of prtm cm#, also tc a free admiuicr u the Daa- stiirrf and Cosmcpehtaa Gaiknea. Thus It u aecathu for every three dollar* paid, tbe fubeetiber set only rorelve* a (plendid three dollar engraving, hut also, tie beaatlfally ilia*- €L»jny^ MX* JEJ Attornioa, ShcrilL, Cicrk# of Court*, am: , _ ~ ~.~w - --7 —: (Irdinsri... can be faraisb^.t .h«rt notice., T£«-JWS*» Sid^dw. IM»* any favorite form of DEED. WRIT.orPRO * ’-* C ESS which they may desire ; and aii FO KM ol legal instrument*, commonly in use, are al- wsycon hend, to he*old at the lowest price# Atlanta. M w any other ume sold in this market. Orders by j — 1A/ ^ , . . _ . 1 the Car icad will be Ailed at kiln prices, by • T^ O ® ® ^ A R T J O U RC Bedsteads and \ A. A* CO. j NAL, ooeyear. Earbrobf-nberualsaprmat- rhair# cf any desired paticra and prire. A feti uni c rnn ». Rrtleln?- PlAthL. Jtr ! ed with aeerticate intkeaward* cThtaniau,* cf Centre/York, Saloon and ToLetie | a valuable wtrk cf Art, a PainSger sculpture may be received inadiHisn, the# giving Wear* elseafentifor He*. Uorr.t k Thxakie.EWSti- In additioc to the above large stock, we - =5r *> l=perters are receiving weekly supplie*. The public are in-1 D*al*r» ia Trent Bun, Co- vitc i to call and examine cur stock. ’ k-*o* aad )£:ii £too*. FA.AJ 8 WILLXAMi, i b^'~e ( C-tx*. a.-. Oriers Next door to Gilbert k Clara*, Pe*ehtr«* »t . 'iCtreAsod to t» faith- UluU,(H) | fall/executed tr tin at ” , ssascfactum jrjee#. ^Burial Caaet. j *• 1 kc * Sl’CCisSOBTOSElfiO tk LAWRENCE 1 ***P«r»T»d tc fcraub Fuk'i JSetallitBuri nr , * B u , , WILL CO.sriXl-E THE PRODUCE COM- c **e*. at abort sou™. W. kax. «car»j ti. j oftt Uoi »t V.. Tcrt^imV, fTl. MIESIOX BCSISESS, — j.-.v . .. AT UIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE E. M, SEAGO, auow tecelving a rasa opeolog, atxt wilt kero in tore, a spUodld atock of FAMILY GROCE HIES, rblch he la offering at prioea that will compete with any hone# in tbe elty, ADJfaska a share of pat- ronage, solicited, van to Cash Orders, la the butldtng (formerly 20 Packages Qlaaa Ware, Just Received S V tho Subsctibor of the roost raodenitifS s'ylos, anil will bo said 36 per centre than 1 hate ever before been sbletoeell lor Caall. Also, Chius snd Queens Ware, Plated Castors, l’lsted Candlesticks, Koike, Spoons, Tea Setts. Britain do, China Klow r» V.seii, Ac., lo which 1 would invite the at tention of my former patrons and especially tho Ltdiee to coll and examine, T. R. RIPI.RY. Nov. IS. 1887 il/f LAND NEAR ATLANTA & . ONK huedrn) aer*s of kn«S naar Allan U, lying bat wave rcaelHm aM Mariatta Raids, t» off*rad for Salt, lbar* art sixty aerw* of vary haavy timber, forty tern of , Maatlant etaaral land, about thirty a jtwa la bUtom. thara ar* flv* bwodraAoboic# Appta trees,of tba vary baat srtacttaD, b*tl4*« tba above, theta U at good a. MJLLKtTK a. van ba lonnd s r « j; nrw J tv« iimtt At;.Bts, fMrfls, Itw t, 1MI, dtf YARN YARM8J TUST rscelrwli'and will keep eeestaaUjpn Jbsds wed suortaeot of Tlraad ftoro tho Haesun fsstery, which l vrtUsrttalUroijjOa* arkatfilM. ..... tlJ-LOW, A*eyL Decw.V.H * lliT. *■»» \V. T. C. Cnntitbell A Bro., S ITKItKOS-sndMeehsnical Den- arnKgSg^ titu, sreprsnsndto rerferm all operation, in the profss-iton —ivnCXiiTT^T dunblUij snd .kill. 4t9*00e* over Alsxscdsr; DraaStors, IThite Hill it.. W. T. C. CAMPBKLL. O.l*. CAMPBKLL. Atlanta, Jan. V" KTalF. KULLLUI hivinf re. turned from a to Virginia wifi re- sumo tho practice of hi- profession in the cilj of Atlanta snd its Vtcipit/. Can be foui d at hi*iffire at all bouts,except when profeMtonslly engsged. jy-Office WASHINGTON HALL. seplMwtf Dli. . SI. BABKSliU. HOMCEOPATHIST. t ■ O FFICE and Rooms in Dr. Pomroy $ cl- fice, oiiporiu* Petti* Stable. November 50, 1857 dawiy CAJIPHENE Burning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BT THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW F.OR T^i&i P.'S.—A liberal dlfioountby tho BbL «i PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta Hotel, andnext 'oor to Fulton Hcqm, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. t3.Th*u*aal KxdlU:«« offered to Shipper* uri#r» tptcUaUr nAieilt'C. •Oet.16tb.U56. (dhwlr ) i #«n if«i of a oompateutpamon taetund tc- this da- I partmccL F. A. A J. S.WILLIAMS, ; Nov 25,’56-dwly Peaobtraa >re«t. J. F.. WllJ.UV*. POLLING PAKER. WILLIAMS So BAKER, (Sneers*vrt to WtUiams, Rhe.i »(• Co.,) CENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Athcneura Building, Dvcalur Street, At lanta, Georgia. Vn mj.t and particular atten- t'on given h»the #a!e of Grain. Baron, Lard. Flour, Feathers, xnd Tenneaiee Produce gen eraliy Jan. 27, 1868 tjtf Atlanta Female College. X HE THIRD SESSION of this lusiitutrin w ; ll c»>m nence on N DAY, the 18th mat. We have fitted up the basement ofth# Presbyterian Church with a new fixr, tnd.j new desks, alTording a much mure comraodi- ] mu and comfortab'e room than the one occu- j (tied last jar. We will occupy thu room j tempraniy till anangmenu can be compietei! | for erecting (wrmanent Colfogc Buii-lingv | Terra# the same as heretofore publish si- Jan 13 d*kw3m J. 1*. ROGERS, Prta. | Wrapping Paper. 4 LARGE iol.ju.l rrreiv/d of all >is« end _qQsl Uc«, end for ssL- low. bj an >3. dwtf WM KAV. Agent. Uanuilla Paper. A VERY fine ueortmrnt cf itie above, just to hand on conrignmrui. I Vice low M Joseph Winship, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE PURCHASE, gSS and Surage of Ptt-lurr ppoite tbe Western fit Atlan tic Railroad Dep<*t. Noa r ralter 11. 1<67 riiwtf I BK WHEATFToTIL Osnaburg*, Yarns. Sheetings, Shirting*, Frora the M »mcar Cotton Mills; Sugar and (.* >flre.' H -Of a*id Pjck; Mf»!a*«r» A Syrup 100 Keg# Nails. A-iamanune Candle*, Ail for Sale by JOSEPH WINSHIP, januarv fi. 1&68 dtf SSAGO. ABBOTT k CO. September, II, 1W7. James M. Carter, Forn-ardint & Commission A* rr- chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. Jwt'N** H*» t»a.ei/ eersp;at by J. Ingtzitll. TS*,) * P. S. Liberal advances node on all con* rifnnunts. klTEXINCK —Pk'.Un, Bsttae. k Ca , Jeba lftf*r- *c4’., Ju*^ . 3wbt R. W-eg. E*^ fevaa&afc. 6»-N J ILyare, tae., Kocse, Ga-.F. B L)jr*r. E*q.. Atwr. »» Ga c#aj 10 ’i. dAmly BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE supply on hand of superior quality, and for sal* U Nov 24, 1867 JOSKPH WINSHIP. SALT. ' AA Sack, in acre or d for sale fv e )I M I JOSSi’H WIXSHIP. Xat t«, 1857 dswu i M. KAY. Agent . si the New Book Store, by J.n Ufdwlf W M ■ kesvo I r'ntei MPORT4NT INFO KM > HON, b, I _which roueh .uffmng inl»anli«»msjr I avoided, sent to married mm and thoer I rmtempisUng AJJrer. trrW "idoagfont rtamps, Ui U. W AlHHSCOMBE Brooklyn. N. Y, Nov. IS, U6T JAiwCi Iron! Iron! A LARUE Stock of fccowsh Mr uvulae- taring um! Mining Csapany’s Inn, eon] ountlv os ha. Manafaetaten prire, by JOSEPH WLNsHIP. Xovershoe tl. 165* dar*' NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. P. LOWE, Whitehall near Hitchell St-, Atlanta Ga r J ’ ( . . ib a4i.:i.-c to tbo aS re, mill gj»v fu J * u'arat eotioa tc tb* parch a** a»i »»V of aU k’.ctjo el * tirwn#*. Mercha»i:oe, aa4 Se er-^- -r l'4»ttttot er Fvnjil* tj*» ' : r ‘.-p* r# *es ifed!) K-. cr+i as-. ~roTzft.'r o> f • faRyarc-^ifo ff!.<14 4*-.r THE to trery sabacriber an eqmivaien*. to th# rata t ira dvilarr, az.u a eerufieata gratia. Any one tf the leading $3 Baptist* is fara j*b*d, ^kftead of Ktgravisg a&d Art Jc-anul, desired. Nopertsu it restricted ic a #ix*l* share - Thctt taking tre n»«rV«er»hip#. remittieg |l> are estitied tc at extra ax4 sixticktif Fall partktlar# cf tit A **■-<.xtfoa art gives 11 the Art Jocrt.*!, »Kjea ecusaia# ever sixty rplea- didEsgrBfiiny*, pr>.-e ifry ceat* tier number.— >f<v'is2?s c^j.jes *U>e tnnt to aii person* whe d«ir* tc ttl;<ribe. on receipt of hva pc«Ug« . rump# 15 ceeta, Address j U. L. DZBBT, Actuary C. A. R 54a Broadway. New Yy, II. BAhNES, Hca’y See’y • Dee 25—4:f Ailaata. G^argia. Ini prut id cAllou CaiNa .and Threnhiu« Saohines, T RF. bartaf ro:n4 tbelr besta*** frrss V.TTfa* Coeslv, ua., t* AlbieU, W Imt* u- .alone tier *H patrvaaaad ib* yaWKe feamUr. that turf vril r»ta;sb* tb# Xasafattanag af Ooitam Gia* aas IhrwMri eu tbeir usxu axtaaoi*« «ai* !biirqaii.*»natoett»ri K*tv*nia2>a» r.rcred is tftcqu, rwth Ccbfiu, aed Alaba«sa-~a!a la U Teaaa, ICvwin^ S-wtk Ckxeiisa. Tktr ti*Bid(oatiforTbMt citnub a* npcMf a to make tb*ao mstmmI a»j fuabb. If yea vwt of a goodCsxus, *» at vsoal UAifor, cr » sa, aad v» w?C m2 m lev ai at r csb*t Xu- ..‘Kiwen tf aqaal ray^tiea, a»4 w-;n detv ii E S T S ELECTED ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries m T11K c:tt orxiLA^Tj, I, to bs fennd t t tks u Atlanta Family Store, ” MO. 13 On from zs, i oiKtumcfi , . , tt* {•crtbattr'i T**i i*sxt cr aoaravt JL X. U»p* fra* of darjv Sw L-uiptfUtiot CvsL'Kti may toaafi with v**t traeeSutc * z Vx>l LgtsU. rt by ilraet order* W* bav* an abcalatbe* c/'rertiffeat** as to lb* rao4 pfifemaac* of *ar «id» aai Tlmbui, tees* tf vrtlcb may b* s**o af j i-:r»tw-a to AgrxU. tffi. All G*-.» *»:;«>! *.o perform wil Kitalr- tag at »fc«rt-oo« 41 — Whitehall Street. RORGEH. DAME Atlanta, May 6, aM. r^smx. ldawy FEATHERS. A UMtunb ot M. far ui s tv JtXiKJ'H WBSHir A U <sr gMds will bs sold at loo yrior. for . r\ rsskc* wastry Frodaw! a. **' SO, iBSiJIX A CO. •WM** m BACON A LARD. A NKW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WINSHIP. “s BANKAGENCY. AlLtsz I. W«Ma«3» Agent for tks Ami cf Ckmda S OaMm- Mo st MkBnw 6 imSm Wawksm. meme ct HaWsr aad fryoc rirosM. Artswts. Oa. vagTOMH»Mf«a*M«awi»J—»U- 0 300 STALL FED BEEVES. qpUE Bobscnbsr is in wont cf s Isrg* oasn- I utycfXck 1, Fat B-stm, fcv which hr -UI pay th« highest Msrkrt (tors, drfivmd m this City in any number from ibis tun# until las ogJoty next. EDWARD PARSONS. Jsnlt. 1M*. dAwtf NEGRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP!! « TO THOSE WASTI50 A 7RIMK ^ article rf dsaMirM* cr wdlrd brogsn>P|2 ws —ini uy that wr new have In Stres' W a heavy Stock, and ail ct car corn Monnta.-tnriag whkh -a -ill Mil si ten cants a pair i*»«r than any hear, in thD city will Mil as geed an article —-competition ws doty either is Yankee Made, Geonria Made, Home-made-, tr any atk#r mak., and warr-x: .k,m u good t* ■rtirlc as bar rvtr been nSsr-Jm this market or But*. AU kind, of prop«^£??£5.S-5£K3~* AUgoadspaR based tfnrropairodSreo of,-borg, Altherigncf Bhl BOOT, PMebtn* Stmt Atlanta Oc t ,1a. Dunes, yorci. a co »uso Lisint. Asxuwax QBrS' KSOXVH l£. TONMiMW M B. StKRLLSO LAXIBH.tatacf th* Us *»icr Hcaae, Maecn. Or sMImdm U. alar; lata of T-.bagw. Am xv, will ba kspp« :o caeraUtritodsandw amort st Iks Lamer Hitom, -bora they ban staple nrwaardstiw far two baidndsndlfty perxeax. ■ B. A 8. LAyiRB. Pwprietsfs. WSIlXXTIt ... . roraUall I gun, and foe Mb — numkltkmv WSUAC* a MBUttntfS 200“-dSwVS«i«ifi oAUiJ BROWN’S HOTEL, RAcig.^O^U E. E. BROWN A E. ISAACS, Proprirtax B- r. DENSE, BiwrtmrMml Mn <***#