The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 20, 1858, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL. | ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 18581 UMBER ll infeliigcnceir & JExqinineL DAILY & WEEKLY. JEl*tlbflleV0 BtVCCtOfJJ Georgia Bail Boad & Banking Company BY DUNCAN &. LOCHRANE Auguata lo Atlanta.. 171 Milei..Fare $5 60. GEQRCJE YONGE, Buporintemloat THUMB OF BUBBOH1PTION. Dally Intelllgoncor, por anaum lo advance, Weekly, u " " One imertion, Two " /Threw, 11 Four, " Five, “ Oue week, $6 00 .8 00 10 00 12 00 16 00 '25 00 r RATES OF ADVKItTlSlMO. Advertlilng In the Dally Intelllgoncer will be Iniorted at the following rates per square of tee lines. 60 ct«. | Ono month, $1 00 Two, ’« 1 25 | Throe «• 1 60 I Four, ffj 1 75 Six, “ 2 00 | One year, Special contracts will bo made for yearly adver tlsomenti ooeupylng a quarter, half or whole column. •2S&- Advertisements from transient persona must be paid In advance. Legal advertisements published at the nsna rates. Obituary notices exceoding ten linos charg ed as'advertlaemonts. Announclngcandidatei for office, $5 00, to be paid in advance. When advertisements aro ordered in both the Daily, and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added t o the above rates. The privilege of yearly advertisers Is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular business. Professional Cards notexceedlngilx linos, $15 per annum Morniso Passikoki Tan#.* Loaves Atlanta callynt.... 10 00 A. M. Arrives at Augusta, at 7 00 I*. M. Leaves Augusta, ilai’y at. 2 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta, at.. 11 36 A. M. Evknino Passkmoek Tbain. eaves Atlanta, daily, at........ 12 00 P. M* Arrives at Augusta. *t .8 66 A. M. Leaves Augusta, daily, at ^00 p.M. ArrivcaatAtanta at 104A.M. BZT Thi# Road runs in connection with the Trains of the 8outh Carolina and the Savan nah and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. Western & Atlantic (State) Kail Eoad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Yare $6. AdrertUotuon tv not specified as to time will be published till ordered out and charged at regular Advertisements inserted in the Weekly papor only will bo obarged at formor rates. Morning Passenger Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 1 46 A. M. Arrives at.Chattanooga at..... . .0 45 A M. eaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 30 A, M. Arrives at Atlanta at. ... 0 33 A. M Night Passenger Train. leaves Atlanta, nightly at. 12 30 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at..' 8 18 P. M eaves Chattanooga, niuhtly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at..... / It 22 P. M EF* This Road connectsca;h way with the tRome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee ^Georgia Pai'road at Ualton, and tHe”NashvIllir& Chatlanouga Railroad at CLut- Book Store New Store, New Goods anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Bead, Atlanta to West Point.87 Miles,.Fare $.3 50 New Arrangements. Books and Stationery! ylihifli# THE underslgnod if 'Increasing hi# stock of, iBcoks and Stationery! •by every steamer from the Nertb, and is also in receipt of the New Publications of the principal publishing houses as soon as as is. sued from tbo pro##. Ho offer* for saio at low j prods. prices— 100 reams Folio Tost, Cap, Letter, Noto.and Commercial Noto Papor, MoRNINO PAfeSK.IOER TRAIN. eaves Atlanta daily at. 2 00 A, M. Arrives at West Point at 7 28 A. M eaves West Point daily at, 4 00 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at .0 27 A. M Evenino Passknoer Train. Leaves at daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrives at West Point at....... .6 28 r\ M. I.oavea West' Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 1015P M. This Road connects each waywi’h.thc Montgomery & West Point Railroad. THE best qualities of Tissue and Drawing Paper, Music Papor, Bristol Board, Bill Paper, Blotting aper, Envelopes of all slzei and qualities; al«o, be CHEAPEST Blank Books of all qualities, togetbef with all the staple article#/* Stationery usually found in a BOOK. STORE ■ueb a» county bouao, School, Fancy .nil Pock' et Inkutands, Portfolio., Pack' Gammon anil CheM llosrdi. Chou Mon, Purtmonici, Pookct Book#, Single* and Doublo Slate#, Porcelain Slater, Krarring KniVe#, Paper Fuldore, Pon Rock#, Steel ani Quill l’on«. Mucilage, all the beat brands of Writing, Copying and Indelible Ink#, Visiting and Playing Cards, all warranted a# good and at a# low price# a# can bo found MACON & WESTERN R. R. MAHON, December 14 th; 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday Ihe 18th tbo train# will bo run at follow#; cave Macon < n. m. err Atlanta 8.1b a. m. I.earc Macon 11 SO a m arr Atlanta 5 20 pm l.earo Atlanta 12 night, a;r Macon 7.1S a. m. Lcavo Atlanta 12 m. atrire at Macon 5.40 p.m Tbo night train# will not bo run on Sunday#. Tbo night Loin from Atlanta connect# with thr Central Road at 9,4b s.m., and the Houth-Wcatem at 11,110 a.m.alao with tho At. ban, Gain, tri-wceklv, which lexre# Macon 7,16 a. m,on Monday#, Wcdncadaya and l ri day#. The noon train connect# with tho Central Hoad at 11,90 p. m.’ and Gouth-wcitcrn It. for Albany and Columbuaat 1.3U a. in. AlJF.HED L. rVI.EK.Sup’t. Dec 23Bsb7 d&w. IN THE CITY. at Do, Bill File#, India Rubbor, India Rubber Ring#, Quill#, Sealing Wax, Rod, Black, l ancy ond White; India lok, Drawlcg Slate#, Crayon, Crayon lloldorr, Black Sand, Sand Boxci, Bill llood Boxoi, Calcmlor#, ec- All of which will bo #old at tho lowest price#, h T WM. KAY, Agent. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia N. B.—Ploo#e reinembor tho location, neareit Store to the general Paijonger depot and all tho Hotel#. Jlin 3: ’’ iS dwtf Do you Want to Buy BOOKS t Do you Want Cheap BOOKS t Do you Pay CASH for B00k81 Come HERE to get your BOOKS ? SCHOOL BOOKS ! ! T HE SUBBCKIBEIt ha# on hand, (and daily receiving edditluna thereto,) one of the large#! and moat exlonaivc stock of School and Mitccllanooua Book# in the Stale, which ho oflcri foi sale upon the moat roajonablo term#—Confining in part ol Smith#, Olmetod Bullion#, Andrew#: Anthona, /'arkera, Com- •tocks, Phctpi, (Goodrich’#) Angel., Town#, Mitchell#, Olnov#, Heric#. Comurismg tng. lt.h and Latin Grammar#, English reader# and classic#generally.* Gcographica, /’hlloaophiea Astronomies, Histories, Bpelliiig Books, De- fineie, Analy#crs, Arithmetics, Dictionarle#, Catechisms, anil education Books, Ac, Ac. Al so a large lot of Ktalioncry. A liberal deduction raado to Teachers and Merchant a. purchasing by the quantity, at th* NEW BOOK STORE! Jan2l,d&wt! \VM. KAY, Agent, Atlanta, Ga, Momumism A vary intareftiag work at this time, called Oil mm THE JIlOItJUOJY WIFE Life Scenes In Utah . Beautifully Illustrated. >RICE 25 CENTS!! PRIC For 8aleby WM. KAY, Agent, at th. New Bools. Store Jan 21, dAwtf. Whitehall 81., Atlanta, Oa, Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. WE have, as usual] got out our large i/ock of Garden Seed, and those who have bought of ua hern- ^..oreTcan oltoat to tbo'.r line qualitiee. Afar chants from tho country, wo particularly in vile and bona to secure the'r trade. W - would also Ilk a liberal aharo of patronage from our citiun# Call and «co SMITH If. EZZ A III). . January 18, 186* dtf ■DOWNING HILL w ‘gj* K&, t2> S3 Set * ATI-ANTA, GKOKOIA. FT2HE lulwritwr. oflVr at or retail, J. a very exten#ive collection of Fiuit Trees, Grapo Vines, Ac., Ac. ft . detalogne tent by mail to all applicant#, ES ^“‘^V.TERS.HAHREXACO., ' November 0,1867 —notiie; Atlanta, Georgia, d4m it oeriona tadebua. I, tbe aatate of O. .11 tlato of Jfurray m aty doc«#ad, art JAS. P. AI.CXAND£K. JOHN W. LEWIS, Supcrintumlont# GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. ^I’ofessiowi Gulins. WM. A. KIIKI.ilV. DHS. ALEXANDER & SHELBY, Oflico Corner of Marietta A Market streets- Jun 3,1858. dwly OR. JAMES M. MORRIS, O FFICE on Mariutta atroet, oppoiite Dr. J. F. Alexander'!. Atlanta,-Ga., February 9, 1859 nwtf STONE &■ FITCH, Attorneys at Law, jAtaUtrj 30, 1WS dwly JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW // U US T OK, TEXAS) W ILL practice in tho District arid Infer* ior Courts of this Mate. Careful attention paid to the invcaiifating of Land Titles, to tht buying, selling and io< cating^of Land Certificates Promptness given to the collection of all claims. REFERENCis:—Hon. Wra. Selden, Wash* ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington. U Hon Wm Smith, Washington. D C; Hon R Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov llm Eaton, Warrenton, N C;' Rev Rd Johnson, Atlanta, On; W W Gaines, New Orleans, Lo. Texas References—Hon P H Bell, . y an Antonio; Judge Paacha 1, San Antonio; Judge G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Perkins & Keech, Houston, january 7, 1858. dwly . D R. T. S. POWELL,* O FFICE over Smith A Eziard’« Dru? Store, where In can lo found during tho day, and at night, at his resideaceou the come.’ ot Collin#- and Jouea Streets. Atlanu, Jan* 20, 1353 dw^m W. A, jONEfl. J O N E Sa&YH O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 4• flicc in Kile'# Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Street#, ATLANTA, GEORGIA* Jan 13 . dim A “ "T. H.iCKfiTT; ATrultSEY AT 9 LAW, Hinggo/f/,Georgia, will practice in the following counties: Cotoosa, Chattooga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade. Rcftrence*; Maj. W. Y. Hansell, Mari* rtta, Han?c!l &, Simpson, .Marietta, Jumes R* Lawhon, LLq., Dahlonega. s&r Particular attention paid to thocolecling buainea*. May 28, 1867 _d*w ly J OHN V. IIE.iUD-ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,co , Georgia march 6 1857 ' wlv 1?, ELLIGENOEK &^XAliTN£K JOB OFFICE! T1«K PitOPIUKTOItH having recently added to til JOB DEPAHTJfEirr of tbe E#tab llibment a LARGE end VARIED iiortineatof tbe LatetlStylti of PLAIN AND FANCY ,re prepared to exaeute in a noat and workman, ke manner, every deception of IT Partleularattentlou will be given lo tbe Print log of Circulars, Way Bills, Blank Kotos, Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. We 'Mpcetfully lolicit the patronage of oar friend# in t'nceity and country, and a#rure them tb» tall order# will be promptly and satiifaclorily «. Odtly A To., fdt-a->M.aOH.SBO C. H. liXNt.QTKK-k CO Bf, JJ3 jiD CAF.3 ra||ffHw GFfitil, AND 33oolx.-El2xdloi*y, ... Corner of W hitehaU tiiukAlabama sta, fl ATLANTA, GKORGIA. G. P. EDDY & CO. extemive assort, ment of B 0 0 K and JOB TVPE.C U TS, ORNA MKNTS, Ac., a vary large variety of new materials, of the lateit together witk one of Hc#e'« celebrated Cylinder Presses, ire more fully prepared than heretofore, to give dispatch to all * ' . .«»»*«.■ -€ihj fl.()bertigsh]ei)tg. Iligli, llutier A Co. COMMISSION MEECHAHT8. FOB THE FCBCHASB AXD BALB Of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, &c., Alabama Street, (Kcbtli ol th* K&etto t Weaters Depot,) A tlan t a,' Georgia G<x»5 T«ane«ee Money taken st par fer Prodart Atlanta Oeorgta, Jane, WM, Ihb". New Stock Coming In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, A T W. UERKIKO <f- SOS'S Clothing Hidi, * LfscU/ry sod Merchant Tailoring ett*blub ment, lot Fall and Winter, ail the latest styles, pne of thebwt Mocks of Cloths, CAtfimerei »x*o Veiticge in Ueorgis, from which to make a selec tion'. Shirts, Drawers, Under Garment*, Cravati, Oent'irlloiicry, OloTee, Traveling Sb*wla and Blanktts. Tailor's Trimming?, Ac., for ul® at tbe lowest p ices, to theca»A trade, At W. HEP.EING A S05’S. 40 Whitehall it, AtUnto, Ga. Alio agent* for Singer* Sewing Machines. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY I ’ Adjoining the corner of Ala. k Loyd Streets, Atlanta, Oa. H O B 5 T ♦ JI . M A Y 5 Rarinp remortd his CARRIAGE REPOSITORY to tbe above tligi- oie itand oppoeite the Washington Jlallrand aUargcihi* facilities, xe prepared tor fill allVfrderi with which he may be favored, on as good term* as can be obtained in Augusta or Savannah, with the addition of Freight. \ His stock embrace* Carriage*, Concord Baggies, 4 and t teatRockswayi, Slide Seat* do., Fall Topi- Pacheoi, ndUr Wagon*, Corneal, do , With and without Top, N- Whip*', Ac., of the best manufac ture and latest ttyla A rhare of patron age is ‘rerpectfully solicited. 'it Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at short notice. We are.also agent for Norwood A Robins 1 Patent Fan. • Atlanta. Ga., Dec. 4, 1S56. Mfc^erii?eh)eif|fg. *. HJOSSU ' Clarke,kHirubbT COMMISSION MERCHAXTS^ Agents for collections of aiLkind^ Ana Dealers la bacon lied, mm 0? ill mi GROCynmES. *fcC At thei fH*tand,ob Whitehall fit., Cjiij ^beHischieijfs. For Sale. A COSATAVr •apply of tbe Justly eelebeted hLUEKA OIL tl wbslesak ar.drtUlL Ana r%4acti«r. rt tit to the#** w1»ttny tCHtt a^ain. R. J. HU A CKJ2LFORD, Mrpietf j it ^ Just .Received. T«* 5S -^r«ifa#4 Ui fa store, and cfieri tor itios paid to Gonsifsncste of every do-ript o f V ~T~T arUel-*. Etemittaoees pnwaptiy made. Orders respeetfsiiy > rRW Ll 11360(1 Oil. (ElHrllih led. an dually tu/ei~Kcr .Cast. ’ 2 - Veiled a « * \ £ REED BARLEY ! J UST received, a firat rate article of Barley, for Seed. Price, 12 per buskeL Sept. 7, dtf, CLARKE A GRUBB. Whiskey! WbBkey! YYhUkey •• ** winter HtrtiiiiMisxrcEpr^Oi ■ “ “ “ YrnaleOi 20 Bbla. genmne Qjj ‘zs TaimerE. 'Bbii. McDrain's Extra Copper Distilled Corn K'hisktj, and for sale cheep. luu^h 21. Who want, any Bye. Ciltt* k> Ui 116 tsjtcii Hit 6rMu wbicb b.y .21 .ell lo.- rtf. 2 ItiT. •)l \ HBLF. Pike'# M.guolie Wbiikey, jui GyJlMlv.i hud lor tele by CUiRKE k GRUBB. Morcb 31. kLEX. U. Wii-luCt.. Tk. C EOBLVSO.V Wallace k Bobinson commissIoVmerchants, AND DEALERS IN TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We give special attention to the sale of Baeon, Lard, Flour, Grain, Whiskey, Tobacco, Ae., Ac. Consignments respectfully lolicited. £9* Prompt attention given to Cash Order* Rosin assorted YajidAe*. 95 percent Ak»hol. Burning FTdd. Cainpbene. Spirit^ Tnrpeatine. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glaj;, assorted sizes. haa^Broshee, e^ered Paintr, and all for Painters' use. Por sale by AlUcU. May 9. 1*ST. j - AIXEAXD12 V. AI i^lCi Jt ROBI.feOX. CORN IfXAL J lTtrtcezrotl'Sj trasheJs frrt-t Oort bamdet NEW BACON ! Tbe discovery of this Writing Phrid w« the result of chemical accident. Itrurparsej all oth er feki In relation to color, durability and easy tew from the pen. When too thiek, add a little rain water. It should sot be mixed with other Inks, but always be put into dean bottles and eept corked from the air when, not in nae. Ibis Ink will not corrode th* r«*el pen, and eaanet be rurpaiKsd in \u quality by any ink manafarturwd is Europe or Anneriea. Order* are rwpectfully K#Heited, as w* wil put up the above Ink u low at our. office, as ft an b* put up in Philadelphia, Boston, or 5 Y. jjarMade only by Dr*. Bigger* A Gniid, At- nu, Ga. Sold at all the bock lures. MarchS, dtf. Piin?Fo‘rte B^p*ir«?ini^Timer VT TILL attend to any calls in his \ \ line of business, seek as reg- LOT of prime ««B diM Xtw of Km- ^for til. it WALLACE £ ROBINSON’S. Jauury If.. 1858 W NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY —AND— El -AA H-r# tyr: me. - v ATLANTA, OA. 'T'HE eubscriber wouldimorm thecltlxecscf At L OCHRANE TO KM US AT L FOR SALE, A LARGE asaortment of Virginia Leaf Tobacco, varying in price ami quality, at retail and wholesale, os cheap as the che.aprut. ft J. SHACKELFORD, Ag'. Nov 14, 1857 dtf New Route to the Sou tit- v Vc s fiS^*T£rU™oQ i Connoctiog Chattanooga, Tenn.; Charleston, S. Savannah, Oa.; and all North*Eastorn Cities, with Memphis, Tonn, 27* Tho lost connecting Link of Rail-Road between Now York and tho Mississippi , River! orders for work in theirline—which they will execute in the best style of the art, at fair prices for Cash. Particular attention paid to the execution o, FINK WORK for Railroad and other JointStock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col leges and School*, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and others. « , - , . . ™:.- — ! Booka, Pamphlets, Cat&logtlei, Circulars, 1 x >nta and ncinlty that he has consUnUy.ot A. LAM AH —.47- i Carda, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks &ani * Confectionery and Baking WRabluN- [.A IV-Mac m Gporeia. Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills .««««»jR binds o. # ^ Poaters, Ac., executed at short notice. ; LoilfoctioiHj Pastries, Fruits k,C HO* Printing in Gold and Silver BRoatal He i* also prepared to furnish every description and Fxhct Colored Ihks, or on Vellum, Sarin of plain and ornaoental Cakes, for wedding* or Muslin, sc., done In beautiful *tyle. flaring likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they ire pre- LARD!LARD! I f* Can* ami Barrels, at low down prices, by V "A LLACE dc RO R1NX »N. January 16; ISA8 dtf Xew Orleans Groceries on CO.XSIGNMEXT, The firm arrival of the New Crop Ettn.'ftlud or Ujitg of uorttrisf# V, the octave, whole or tingle, Ac. Satisfficticn giTea in every instance cr at charge. Ail work wamated. Tuning by tho Tear dune at Reduced Price*. ^ar* AD orders should be left at Meccra. Wfl- liaar' Furniture Store, cn Peachtree AUan- it, Ga. nov-25, '54, duly; AT ATLANTA. Georgia, o. A. LOCUUAXK. J. LAMAR. Having associated themsolvert in bufcinew will devoto themndvcs etclusiYcly-lo the practice of thein profession. **• [JanlJdwly UriLU.UI Al. DA2VFORTH-— V r AVTURxSEX AT LA VV—Fairborn, Georgia. July 25, 1857. Uwtf UN 1)ERVVO01) At HARi is, A tto r n.e y s at La \v, .Vtlanta, ...... Georgia Whit.h.nmr»,t«,.r A r Ir, Sture. M.r.-lt I'Jtt.laM. tbe regular trauiportatlon oi I’asfengor# anil Freight, and will afford moro expedition and le#s expenie, than any other routo between the North Eaet and Soath-Wert. Fae.engor# and ihipper# will "take lue notice thereof, end govern thoin- lelveiacoordingly." Paiienget Train! leave Stevenson daily at; 12 i'eloek,A. M., (after tbe arriral of the train >ga and Nashville,) and arrive at Metnphl# #ntne dnyjtt 7, “ from Gbattauoot, Metnphi# sauto day at 7, P. M., connecting with Firit Clan Steam Packot# to New Orleans, nud all ether important point# upon the IVcsteru riv Oood# coni cr#.* Good# conilgned to Rail-Road Agcnta at Charleston nr Savannah, will he for^rded to Memphis and other point#, by Express Freight Trains. Jgg" Freight in charge of the Adam’# Expren Company, t# carried over thi# route daily, by the Passenger Trains. F. C. ARMS, General Bup't. Huntsville, Ala., April lit, XS57. 'Through Ticket# to Memphis, Ac., sold at Wilmington, N.O.j Oharleiton, S. C.j Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Colurabui, Oa., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and KaihviUe: Tenn. t%.To eonneet with the Western Train# on t il Road, pauengor# will take the Night Train# from Wilmington, N. C.| Auguitn, Chattanooga and Nwhville, Tenn.; and the day train# from Oharlwten and Klngiville, 8. C.; and Atlanta, Ga. April lit. dtf. LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at La w, Atlanta, Georgia. Willstteml the Courts In the Countlejof Ful ton, DoKrU*, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta,Carroll, floury, Troup, Uoard, Cobb, and Spalding. ”‘^DUTiuX ROBert7 Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, . . ... Georgia. ^Office at bisrosidcnce. work in that deportment—including RILING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a •tylo luperibr to any ever before done in thi* *ec- tic»n of the State. Their Toil* being all new and of ibe lateit pattern*, their Stock of matorial* the beet the Northern market* afford, and their work men equal to any in tbe South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire latiefaction, and comoquently have no heriuncy in soliciting the patronage of their friend* and the public. ; fctuOrdi 'rdcr* for work, in either department ol their buiinen,from any pari of Georgia and neighboriDgSute?,will moet with prompt alien j tion. Atlanta Oa. Feb. 20, 1557. (dJwly.) Q; J. WRIGHT. Attorney at La tv , Albany, . . . . . , Georgia. May fiS 1367. WM. A. 11AKltlS, Attorney at Laxv, IvaboUn, Worth Co., Georgia. Refurs to—Maj^ J. L. Harris, Millodgarill* ; Hon. A. II. Hansell, Tbomaiville: Miller A 1L1I, Oglethorpe; lion. R. U. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta, June 2-4ly. J/UIED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Office, front room# over J. R. A C. 11. Wal- lace’i Store, corner Whitehall »nd Alabama it*. May .28, 1557. J. H. SMITH, Product and Commiition Merchant, and Dealeri Family amt Plantation Groceritt, 4*c. Mariotta Htrcet, Atlanta, Georgia J . H . S Ml T H . WOULD reipectfully announce 8 th# citixm* of AUaata and tor- |reundlBf counter, that know moving * opening, and will keep in •tojjv a ipltodldjitoek of FAAIIL V GROCERIES, he U offering at price* that will eompet* with any koai# la th# city, aud;a*k# a thar# of pat ronage. II* wlU'ftvaapeeUI attention to th# eon, Lord, Flour, Grain. Tobacco, ke., fcc Conalgament# r«p#etfcr solicited. faSrowpt * ‘ “ moraon Mat »aala of Ba iriatta #tr##t, in th# buiidmg |fonn#riy u; v, D. Parr. Dreambar 12,1867 dwt 20 PRcEag«OIa«rWwe7Jttit Received T>Y the Subscriber of the moat modem 1 I 1 ttylej, and will bo amid 26 per corn I 13a than I havo ever liefore been able to sell lot Ca*ta> Also, China and (Jueens Were, Plated Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Koike, Spoons, Tea Setts, Britain do , China Flown Vatea, <Vc., to which 1 would invito tbe at tention of my former patron# and especially thi Ladiea to call and examine, T. R.RtPLBY, Nov. id. 1867 ‘ d/f LAND NEAR ATLANTA S* #9 sa. SAStSo ' ONK haodrM acre# of Lnd pear Allan ta, lying between paanhtm ana Marietta Roa4a, U otfarad far Fata, thar* ar* *J*ty •cr** of yeji.keavy timber, forty aor«a of axaeUavt cleared land, about thirty aitva T _. — Jabot Vow. There ar* flva hundred chaice Apple traae,of tbe very b«at aeWttrn, Wide# th# above, two U ai good a MIl.L hlTK m can be toned «tlo>U, <le.rfta, Me 0,1041. 4it YARN YARN8t TUST received, and will keen constantly on k) make famedl<l # payment and the#. "taluhSSfTjSS. ta ’ "* I finS™ B$1 »«>HtUtag regUar ^ L.J.PABB.BxMutof. |n-k»tprie*. r . .... Ii f.LOW,A«a»L J bad a aaaortmant of Thraad. from tha IttbkVuit. MARK JOUXSTOK, Attorney it Law, Cartcrsvillc, Geortria. FtE‘2#, t»M. 4.4.1; P. O. UARl’KU, Attorney at La w, We*tPoint Georgia dJVtt April IS, I sis’. ’ W. T, C. Cniupbcll & Hro,. S UHGEON^andMechanicaf Den- tl#U, ar* prepared to perform all operation# in the profc#-#ion with operation# in the profer durability and skill. jay OiSce over Alexanders Drugstore. White Hall at.. W. T. 0. CAMPBELL. G.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. If dtf D U, B. T. PUMilA.n hiving re tumo I (nno a visit to Virginia sumo Ihe practice of hi# profession in the city of Atisnla and its vicinity. Can be four d st hisoflice at >11 hours, except when professionally engaged, fy Office WASHINOTO.V liAl.l.. seplhdwtf UK. . M. BAHRU; HOMOEOPATHIST. , f'"VFF10E and Kooios tn Or. Pomroy ' o'. Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of nil Descriptions. JgLAN K8 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, can edding* or parti&f, at ihort notice, and on accommodating term*. Importod wine* and bra-dle* of ail-devcription* for medical purro*e*,kep; alwayi on hand. Al*o, genuine Spacieh Cigars, and choice chewing To bacco—together with a large a**ortment of Tcyi, Fancy Article*, Ac., Ac. Having recently returned from the North, wher# he laid in • fine itoek of Fancy Article# and eve ry thing necemry for carrying on hi# candy man ufactory he would^form county dealer* thaYfce i# prepared to furnish eandie* at wholeraAr at 20 cent* per pound. Order accompanied with the carh or good city reference* promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO .* Atlanta, Nov. 50th 556. d#w-r ^XTJUl.lVmATTH.El FIRHIURE!! Sesp. Abbott & Co.. HAVE now in ttore a ebtioe k of new :rcp of Ntw Orlean. ola*»e#, Syren, Brown Sugagar, . Choice, Trim#, Folly Fair, And Fair, And will be in receipt, weekly, of farther Con signment* from their friend* is New Orlesn* dar ing tbe leaaoc, which they will roll to ca*h buy er* at Iflj-er centlawer that the aaae good# can l*c bcught in any other Gosrgia market. Al#», an ample it/xfc of Coffee, Salt, Tobareo, Gandies, Ac. SEA GO, ABBOTT A CO. Occupy Seagt and AbV>tt'« boil ding, corner For. ryth and Mitchell iireeVi. Januarv- 2.155# dtf bo had at all lime*. At the fed! Best Safe*, THE inbicriber# hare on hand id are now opening a large and carefully *el*ct*d Stock from tho Northern Maun factories current money Bought ■ We will buy the louw of the Tenneetee Banka, aho, Kentucky and New Orlcana. bEAGO,ABBOTT & CO November H,* 1857 dtf genccr! Jtr- 3t;«=3 JK32 m Attornie*, Sheriff*, Clerk# of Court*,' Ordinance, can be furm*hcd,{at abort notice, any fawrilr form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO CESS which they may desire ; and all Ft) RMS o| legal instrument*, commonly inu*c, arc al- way# on hand, to be *old at the lowest [«rico*. Atlanta, M w AVardrot-e*, Bureaa*, v- Serrctir.-i. Wajhiund#, Bedvtead* and Chair* of any derired pattern and price. a**rtrim«nt ot Centre, Work, Saloon and Toilette Table#—EragereV, Comer ana Side—Sofa#, Teta- E. M, SEAGO, f L‘0CE.34OH TO SKAGO k LAWHE.NCt WILL COST1SVK THE PRODUCE CO)!- HISSIOX BUS1XESS, AT HIS XEIV COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of AtUnt* Hotel, and next door to Faltoc Bon*#, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. ^H.Th#a!ual Farilftie# offered tn Shipper** irrilen ipcctfallvK'liclted. Oct. 16th, 1W6. (dkirly ) ‘ J. I!. WILLIAMS. DOl.l.lNa. RAKES WILLIAMS So BAKER, (Successors to HIlliams, llhtn tf* Co.,} GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Athencum •Building, Decatur Stiwt, At latita, Georgia. .Prompt and particular atten t on given to the nie of Grain, fl*co n , Lard, Flour, Feather*, and Tennewce Pn'duce gen crally* Jan. 27. ISI»8 dtf 'm Atlanta Female Collejc. mHE THIRD SESSION of thi* JL Institution w ; U com nence oh MON DAY, the 18th ituL have fitted up the basement of the Ftvabyterian Church with a new fix?, and new deak#, affording a much more commodi* ou* and comfortah’e room than the one occu pied la#t' year. We will occupy thi* room temporarily tiil arrangment* can bi Ci'mpleted for erecting jwumanent College fluiidinga. Term* tlie aarae a* heretofore puhli#hed. Jan 13 d&w3m J. L. ROGERS, Pn*. Wrapping* Paper. I JJfice, opjwaite Petti# Stable- No Vovomber 30, 1857 CAMPIIENE Riirning Fluid! AND FOR S ALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR 1 IL RIPLEY.i P. S.—A liberal ducojjutby tbo Bbl, D*»«iur, iutt LARGE lot,ju#t oi all »ttc#and ,le l ow. by \VM K A Y. Agent j^qual tie-*, and lor e»!e l»-*w. by Jan 23. dwtf iVlannilla Paper. VERY fine aaaortment of the above, iu*t to hand on conaignment. Price low at the New Book Stor»\ bv J«n 23. dwtf WM; KAV, .IgenL M I be arc B cotitei MPOKT.4NT INFOR.V\Tl l )N, by I ^whichmuch «uffenng in famdiea may I avoided, aent t>* married man and tho«* a contemplating marriage. Addrea# en*^* ricJoaff*^ atampa, l)r G. W .4DDISCOMBR Brooklyn, N. V, Nov, 18, |S57 ddkw€i Tete, etc. In addition to the above large riock, we are receiving weekly rapplie*. The public are In vited to call and examine our Mock. F. A, A J S WILLIAMS, Kelt door to Gilbert k Clarke. Peaehtre* Atlanta, iia IBurial Caite^. Zf) e a^e prepared to furnifh Fifk’i Metallic Bari ai Ca*iM, at ihori notice. We hare recured th# eorvice* of a competent p«r*on to attend to thi* de partment. F. A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, r 25,*56-dwly Peachtree ireeL Joseph Winship, B l C O M M l SSI v.) N M ERC H AN T ® FOK THE PURCHASE, Sa.’ and Storage of op poite the NVeetern A Atlan tic Railroad Depot. v ’oVerobct 11. 1857 dawtf t’BK AVHE.Vl r FXol;b\ ~~ Oanaburg#, Varna, Sheetuiga, Shirting*, From the Montour Cotton Mill*; Sugar and Co fire. Flour and Ktor; VlolaaM*# \ Syrup 100 Keg# N ail*; Adamantine Candle#. All fbt Sale hv JOSEPH WINSHIP, January 8. 1858 dtf butter and cheese ^ LARGE supply on band of aupenov quahtv, and for *a)« by ’ JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nor 24. 1867 dawtl SALT. K i\t\ Sack* in riore'aud for sale by #)UU JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov It. I$a*»? vUwtf Iron! Iron! l.AROE Stock of Kxowah Manuals.. Aturin, anJ Minin, C«mpanj’» Iran, canj .untly au hati!,at Manufacturrrs pnrr, by JOSEFH W1NSH1IV Sarerohat II. ikAs <Uv#- FEATHERS. LAKES of choie* t»w FmUwi, far *al juteKPH wivsmr BACON * LARD. A NK.W Sn'l'LY, BY JOSEBH wixsiur. T D.iiA.V l'F.4CTl : BEBS TTT E are nsw rereitinr a » l Iar,e lea of Sol, Lutn- er. Calf Skins, Lining!, Bind- I m,s. Lasts, Pees. KiL. and even-thin, ronn«-ted with the Boot'end St trasineat, which will be Mid et lew pricea t'esh. All cedcre accompanied with Ceah will be prompt); filled with good Good., and at low rates—at tha Sign of the Big Boot, Peachtree^ etrset, Cherokee Block. apiftdtI DIJOCK dc MU. Bird# Eye I.lme., TVs are Agent# for the tale cf Hi. K L Bogcr’l Eird#-e;e Lime, pet up in & bushel barrels, wag. ranted full measure, and of superior euaiit; tc any other lime sold in this market. Orders by the Car load will be filled et kiln prioes, by S, A. i CO. Mill Stone#, Bolting Clothe. Ac. W« ar* *l*r agret* for Um- *r». Korn* k 7nmb'-#. Balti. , Hi-. Iniport#r* aei r«ai*r* it Trrtit Butt. Co. lofa# Eaepc* Kill 5vca*a, Bwtooc Clotfc*. Jtr, OrJ*r* aa-ircM*^ to Till b# £arii ftilt r i pc tied bj Vans at taaccfactur** yncea. 8., A- k Co Hcr-Bg’* Patent r.r* k Bergl#t proof 5afe«, tea- until ot ha si at X#* York pnre*bp S.. A. iCo. SKAflO, ABBOTT A CO. Septemb-er, U, 1S67. BRIT. LIA ITT PROSPECTUS I rcc*TB riAi or ibx Cosmopolite Art Association. THI TlXOVi Dus«ic!dorf Galcry or Paintings! Purchased at a Cat: of $133,000! AX'D rOWEK’* WORLD lEXOWKED StxTUX OT „ the GREEK SLAVE!! B*-purekw*d for ox thoaaand dollan, with re- Teral hundred other work# of art, is Fainting#, Sculpture* and Brc-xV, compriaa tha Premism# to be awarded by ih* tabadriWrt of tha Cbrmepo- litas Art A*K<iatioc, who rcbacribe before tht Sfthcf January 166?, at which time the award# will ukeplact. Tmi or cr**c*:?ncx—Every #uh#crib«T oi three dollar* i* entitled to s copy of tha large and rplended Steel Engraving, entitled M kUaife*t Dttt:ny,”al#otoa copyefth« Conuop&Iitan Art J vsaraal one year, aIn to a eertifieatt Is the award rf premiam#, al#o to a free adoiarios u th* Dm- •elaorf and Coraopolitaa Galkrie*. Thu* it is »eea that for every three dollar* paid, the rubacriber not only receive# a *p5esdjd three ‘dollar engraving, but also, ihe heaa&fuflj {Qua* rated TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR5 NAL. cw year. Each robeenber » alao prtaent- ed witb x certicate is the award* of Premium#, r xhick a raluabie work ef Art, is Fair ring or Sculpture may ke received ir addflios, thu# giving to everT fubacriber aa equivalent to the value 1‘ tv# dollan, and a certificate graria. Act cue cf the leading id JCagasisee U fan. iibed, imtead of Engraving and Art Journal, dealrod. No penon i# reatrirtei to a #ingle rhare’- Thoae taking five membership, rtmitriag $15 are entitled to as extra Ecgrarirg and rixt icketf Full particular# cf the Aa#**ciatjoo are gtveai'a the Art Journal, which contain over sixty rpka- James M. Carter, did Engraving*, price fifty cenu per number.—- Srecimen ccpie* w£U be rest tc all pej Forwarding U Commie,ion Mer chant. SAVANNAH. G A.. j-!» Joa**• Kew RLvA. B*y rtreet--^lately ooexytwt b» J. lagtno’.l, > P. & Liberal odvanete mode cn all eon. ianments. - tertRESCE? —Patten, Batten, A Co , Jota leger- FX; , Robt B. Toner. Saransiah, Ga—X J Bayard. B*e., Boa*. 6a..P. B. Olirar, Em.. Anen fa aaxio ’l.dkriy Improved Cotton Gin* and Threshing Machines. T HE aoAemgeed fcanac'rwcxv^l lheir b-.nn**# frosa McTfaa Cosnty, da., to Atlanta, beg ;•ar* to tntrem tteir o»i patrvui a&4 th# puh&e'feeeraDy, that tber will ronfcau* the Manafacurisx ef Cotton Cicaaai Wheat rbrnhaM ca their uaua extonafve asale' Tbair G.w are e^ltaoww a»d watetmCyTir" NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Kitchell St-, Atlanta Ba' F . I -. ia adiiUon tc the abe^e. »U1 gtr» prcv«d in Georgia. South Carolina, and Alabama -all :ni»rt* of T**a*v KlwytUpfi, X*nh Ckrohca. They ar* aale of the very beat natariai* a m:«m i» tyoared to ntaie th<e» eotreaWot and duatla. ffyen \e the parch a** t<.. ;.-e. Gr.-bcertea MerchaaC:**. and Xe- er t* - *elation or FamUyaM tirier* reape.-tto’.iy •olictrtjbnd protaytly aai f * ith fally armdf.ita, {dee 1* i*tT wet, cr- win rtU a* low a* any other Vlaa- ufaetur»r«ofe^ualrrfation. and willdehrar ibaaaat th# y arehaaar'i reddeace or eearoft R- S» Depot free of charge for traa»pertalkm. Conti act* may bemad* with oar travehsg or local Agasta, or by dimt order# We hare an abundanoerd rertiloatM a* Vo the rood peformanc* ef eor G;»» and Thmhara, aecua et width may be wwa as apy beatioa to A grata. Igg. AU Gm* warranted to yeefera w*il tag at abort - etiee and ta th •# ehtaar. THE BEST SELECTED ASD ASStlKTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN TOE CITT or AlLAbTA, 1# to bit found at tht “Atlanta Family Store,” mO. Whitehall Street. GORGE H. DANIEL, _ Propnatar. AUnuU, May 8, 854, ldawy m a s o o STALL FED BEEVES rpii E Sub-cribot U in want cf a larp> anon A I.L out pood# will bo aold at low prirea for cnihbrcouutrj Fruluco. \ s* 5 '<10, ABBOTT. A.CO. ' biian* n» BANK AGENCY. M. Wsillll®«®g Agent for UO Bank cf CtmJen S fiWtwu Oficu at 'TTallaca A Robinaoo# W«whae#^- WUi £1T$ PtvBfl KURBW*# nunwai.^aww# tity ofNvv l. Fat Becvca, foe which he pevaoe# wk# desire to oibKribr, <va receipt ef fiTi putty# rtamr# Id retu. Address C. L DERBY, Acmury C. A. R 54i Broadway, Now Turk,or WJf, fl. BARNES, Hca y Sec'y Dac 35-—dtf Atlanta. Georgia. JOSEPa WTXHIP h CO. NKGRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP!! ^ 10 THOSE WAKYDiO A PRIME^- fsI trtiria of doubla aola or wal tod brocaui.*WI • K.C willl aaj that wo bow bar. In Store ^ a hoary Stock, and all ot our own Mouu&aturiu* which wo will aoll al ton rent* a pair lowar than any hou»a In tiio eit, will tall ai food an orticla —oompadtion wa daf, althtr U Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, ar any other make, and warrant thatn a# nod M trticloaihaaarcrboon offered in tills market or Sum. All kind# of - _ prepor^k^^hoap and warrnnt2°^ All rood# parehaMdofuarepalred free «f shorn At Sneign of BIO BOOT, Poaohtre* stmt Atlanta UWM.U. DWICK , JOTCI.d CO pa; the high ret Market prior, dehwred in thi. bit! in any number fmm thi* uinr until let of ffir next. EDWARD PARSONS. Jan. U. 116S. d*»V WBIUXT! WBUXEYi! aortil hr’* 1 roed I*wet«ee cure Whi.ktj, tc Store. ki4 leoS'i re»Kw»M»r.rasa ivV »*»' ** » macs a KoRtxrox* n h Butheii new corn Jfctl for «ai# by 2(JU„. mac, abboti* co; «WMI LKUX6 lA-VIDt, r.AiuTA n house' iTOk3»I f^LWO S BOGOLt KliOXHlLfi, TESKB88KB. M K. srERLIhO LASaN.UUof the Ul unr Uoum, Macon, Oe and Sampson La* nier, iota of Tuskocoo, Alt ma, will bo happ, w meet ail friend# and eo .mere at tha Lamar Uouie, where the, hart ample aoeommodatioa for two hundredand t^pareonj. TEST rereTeA* C ' # ™ i