The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 23, 1858, Image 1

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* - •jr'owvH.v -V’ r? AND EXAMINER BY DUNCAN"& LOCHKANE' "ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WIJEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT ITjEFFERSOi-.? JOHN H. STEELE, Editor. MW SERIES, VOL. 1. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1858. USER 124. Sqiltj Jqielrattjftp & £xi(hiinel*. DAILY & WEEKLY. DUNCAN & LOGHRANE TISIUIH OP aUMBClUPTlON. Dally IatolUgonoer, por annum In advance, Weakly, “ .*•' " tlATtt* OP AI)V'PIW*!»1W«. Advertising tbo Dally intelligencer will bo loscrtodat the following rate# per square of ten lines. 00 eta. One insertion, Two “ Three, « Four, 11 Five, *' One wook, $1 00 1 2b One month, Two, “ Tbroo * Four, “ Six, " Oao year, 05 00 8 011 10 00 12 00 15 00 25 00 Specie! contracts will bo made Tor yearly adver Usemont* ocoupylng a quarter, half- or whole 5£r Advertisement* from transient pertons must bo paid In advance. Legal advertisement# published at the usua rates. Obituary notlcosoxcocdinR ton linos eharg ed as advertisement*. Ahnouncintfcandldales for office, $5 00, to be paid In Advance. When advertisements are ordered In both the Dally, and Weekly, 25 por oesi. will be added t o the above ratec. The privilege of yearly advertisers l? strictly limited to their own immediate and rogala: buslnoss. Prof visional Cards notoxceedlngsix line#,? *5 per annum. —, Advertisements not spolfied aeto time jr.llbbo published till ordered out and chargod at regular Advertisements Insorted .n the Weekly papo: Only will be charged at former rates. Book Store New Store, New Gooda. New Arrangements. Books and Stationery THE undersigned !c Liu stock of. fogfeHPraBeaks and Stationery' .U^i-teby every e*cnn:cr from tbo Narth, and i# alto in receipt of the Now Publications .o( the principal publishing bouao# an soon aa ' ! sued from the prose, lio offers for rale prices— _ , 100 rentes Polio Post, Cap, Lotlor, Kuto.aud Commercial Note Paper. THE best flualitie* nf Tissvo and-Drswin^-Papcrr Uujic Paper, Unit'd Board, Bill Paper, Blotting apor, Kuvolopat of all sue* and quail ties; alio, “ CHEAPEST Evnecllcvo iDfvcctory Georgia Bail Road & Banking Company August* to ’Atlanta.. 171 Milee.. Fan* $ft-f»3. GEORGE Y ONI IK, Superintended Momutin Passsxuii* Thais** Loaves Atlanta «.ui!yr at 10 00 A. M. Arrives at Augusta, at 7 t'O P,M. L r nv:# Auctl-'n, ilai'y at 2 UO A. M. Arrive# at Allan n, at.,.. U 30 A.M. Evening Passkmier TuAI.N. T eaves Atlanta, daily, at 12 00 P. M- Arrives*at Augurtn. at 8 C6 A. M. Lewes Augusta, daily, et I 00 P. M. Arrivetfut At'mita at I 01 A. M. QT This H»»ad rune in connection with the Train* of the South Carolina and the Savin nah and Aufcuat* RhilroatU at Augusta. Wwtefflg Atliintio (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Tare $5. JOHN \V. .LEWIS, Superintendent. .Mou.nino Paksknokr Train, T,eaves Atlanta, daily, at... 2 10 \,M. Arrives at Chattanooga at. . 10 07 AM. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 30 A M. Arrives at Atlanta at 0 33 A. M Ntrtttr Pafhenukr Tralv,' Leaves Atlanta, nightly it 12 1ft P. M Arrive# at Chattinccg\ at 8 2ft P. Nf Loaves Chattanooga, nhrhtly. at. .3 10 P. M Arrives«l Atlanta ut 1 i 22 P. M Cl?* This Hoad c-*na*ct«en-h way with the (Romo Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tonnotsec A. Georgia ai'nni l al Dalton, and the Nashville til. Chattanooga Railroad at (i. ,t unooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Read. Atlanta to West Point.87 M lieu,. Fare ^3 .* GEORGE (1 HULL, Superintendent. Morning P.vbar.saKR Train. l eaves Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A. M Arrives at Weal Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at 4 00 A, M Ar.ivci at Atlanta r.t........... .0 27 \. M Kvc.stso Passes'okr Train. Leaves at daily ot I O0 P. M West P. int »t 6 28 i\ M. Loaves West Pniut daily at d 30 P. M. Arr?*v* at Atlanta at. 10 1ft i* r*r This Hoad connect# each way with the Montgomery A We*»t Point Railroad. Black Books of all qualities, together with all the staple artioles.of Stationery usually found lr BOOK STOW id Pork- such as county bou*o, School, Fancy et Inkstands, Portfolios. Back C.ur; Chois Board#, Chois Mon, ~ Book., Single nn'.l Doul - (flUtei; Era-ring Kdvo»,_Pil'er^Fi-lik.O , 1 J' Ilack., Stool anil Qolll l’ont. Muellnge, all tb belt Irani* of Writing, (lopylru anil IuJollbl ur tiiou, PjrlrannleJ, rocket ',1 Double Sinter, I’offSUln Ink,, Visiting anil l-laylng pardi, r.ll m a, goo! anil at a. low pricer as can bo foa IN THE CITY. ' jtl«o,BIU Files, India Rubber, India Rubber Rtnae, Qu® Sealing'.W«. RMi llinc 7 an! While; Inilia Ink, Dfawl JS Slain?. Lr '>W( Crayon llolJeri, Black Sand, .‘•and Ucxos, Bill Mead Boxof. Calender., *«• AU of which will ba told e> tb- lownit prices, \VM. KAV, Api’ut WM. ICA'i Whitehall Street, Atlanta, tie ,rpiu. rr. o.—» Stors to ths gonoral Passeugor deput Hotel'. J»» >*• MACON & WESTERN n.R. VAUOiN. III'.-- nil., r Mill. In.',7. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. " ninnrd Alltir I mfcy Ihd lSih tbo irama n /Il ha ruii a follows: l.rav*' Mtcih 1 o. in. nrr Atlanta 8 1ft a. m Li'ftVf Macm 11 30 a m nrr Atlvuti 5 20 pm ravu Atiauti Uuight, a r Macon 7.1ft a m. Leave Atlanta 12 m urrivu at Macon ft.HO p,m The night Lain# will not be run on Sunday*. The nigh* t ain Bom Atlanta c,unccU with the Central Hoad nt 9,P», nn«! the ft.nth*Western ut 11,30 s.m.also with the Al bany train,, which leave* Macon v,|ft a. m,on Mundays, Wednesdays and I ri days. Thu nouti train connects with the Central ibiOiLat_U*3tLp».m.^:md-£autLaWCit£rn iL— for Albany and (Jvdurnlms at 1 30 a. m. ALKHEU L. i’VLKH 8up*U Dvc 23. t«ft? JAw. FOR SALE. ^i’ofes^ioofi) Cqlrds. «StJltsl|Hi8.; -• (iiiij ftObctfiselocote, Jas. r, ai.vxanur.u. SHiJ.UV. DBS. ALEXANDER & SIIELBY, OlVico Corner of Marielu A Market stn^iU Jnn .1,1858. dwly DrTj A M ES M . MORRIS, O FPICK on Marietta street, F. Alornodcr’s. Atlanta, Ga., February 9, 1S58 «l»r STONE V fT t cH , Attorn ey « at L a w Dr. J. / GEORGIA. JnuUAfjr SO, 18il JAIMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TJSXISt i District and IiPrr* W ILL practice in the Dist hr Gou ts uf this State. Careful attmition paid to the investigating of l,and Tithe, to tha buying, telling and lo*. eating of Land Certificate# Promptnedj given to the collection of all claims. 1 HityniKMcrp:—Hon. Wm* f*e.ld«n, Wash- ington, DC; A Austin cJmiih, Washington. D »*; Hon Wm Hmith, VVashington. 1) C; Hon U Johnson. Ilaltlmore, Md; Oor Win Baton, Warrcnton, N C? Hcv IM jAhnson, .Vtlanta, (i«; W NY Gaines, New t’rlean#, La. Trxas HEfEHuKCKS—Hon P II Bril, ft^an Antonio; Judge /ftttchnl, A’au Antonio, Judj.e ({ 'V Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Houa- ton; Perkin# iV Krech, Houston, j.inuary 7,1858. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICK‘orcr Smith Jk Caaard'f Dru - St*ir where b) can le found during the day. r.r at night, at Ids residenteou tbo cornu.' ol Cullii and Jo e# Street*. All ve la, Jan’ 20, 1853 dwftiu jone s?&<;h O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT I.AW, < f!ke in Kite. Uuildinx. Corsor of Marietta and Peach-tree Street., ATLANTA, GEORGIA- 1 •l.nid dim m EHII.ENCKK &EXAM.INKR' JOB OFFICE! High, Butler & Co. COSHdlSSIOM MERCHANTS. •bi-iusx eiae or SsfSttfl THE I'UOPRIKTOltH . _ fgfi. fty^,l;;:,:«.r!TENNESSEE produce, <ajBBL ll,hm.nta LAROK.ud VAI'.iUi _ fferaivjiijuwyi.ierunealuf lb. Latmi’iylri PLAIW AHB FAJ40Y jm mi A 1 n In a m a FJtroot, (iviiiUi it •,!.* lixc'.o U ‘■VtAtefn I>{»>!,) Atlanta, Goo rgia •*'* xt c %i I ttAv.* t'dij tiSbeHigeinemi. *' B. rt-XKE»- ; f njt'cra (DlarkcA Grubb, COMMISSION MEROTHA.NT8, Ageut# for collection* of til kii.-li And Dealers In EICON UED, fiSMi 01 ill LEI, fHtOCEKIBS, &C At lUl biiUaU,.. WblUbaUBt., AUmU.Ol Uui %.%/> Cart air*/* ca k*oi. Hlrt**. ict i*t: U C*6**ou*rot«#f every 1—ttifUr**, *t: tuw>! ; rwoyUr m*A». Order# t—y+ttfnBj vj.ul**.. tu tewt+ily VaMt. gfy JjjbeH/gehjgi>lg. For Sale. !».*' «h. Jwii, erteWto* EUJICLA Oil* .t wb.i.irtuil Jm r^iuettea m *4* to tic*, wijfcse, , m p Mb, M. J. MUi<JK£LfOHD. “> 1W hmt ^repr.pared to exerut. ina.neM aoUworku.A.1 ke manner, »,er, ducrfptlon of rArtlecl.rattentioa will l. riven to lb. Print log or Circulars, Way Bills, Blank Notes, BiD Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Busiassii Cards, HANDBILLS,-POSTERS, Ac. jj Now Stock Coming In GENTS FURN1SH1NU GOODS, HAT'S AfD CAPS, A r'n . Jinni.IKD d SO.YS Clothing Mass* . vioii-.ry amI Mtfdbtt TaHoncg «taWi,b : ytrr.— %ML7uU UARLUT t J L'fiT rectittd, a t;a\ r*U arUda ni Bar Ivy, for Bt4rL Frio*, |2 p« baaUi. B*pt. 7, dLf. CLAZKZ A GBL'BB, BhltUey! Whlskcyl Wbisker 'Bli*. JLfctivaic'i Extra Copptr Dl*till*d Cm H'biuty, Ukd for *aU cl**y. harak Jl. t, KrlViI u.d Wiuur, all t Dae of thebut atvrki of Clotht, Caw 't«tij,j*> In Osy^rgia, from wbkb h&o.ii.. tl», Druwar#, Under Oartoa^te, Crarau, j 7 >*:crj, Ulotci, Trateasg bLawlt tad .y ajJtif 'Xtiy ’gyg"""""""'' \ k GrulO Lm Wt halt*!# E»*, t'.r -rhkb i2 wr.. (Ji_ lih lii » bhl.r.. Fikt*# Mt£i.oljk 7,’blmy, Jo# wi-I for #il* by r 1 , U u Trin We 'cpcctfully nollcit ibe pair, frieudeia the city wnd c*un fry, And thatall .rder# will be promptly i.lJ w.,arc them Miifaciorily cbingi.Ac., f.r *al» atybe Icnvvit V»‘. IIKRP.I.VG AF05*fi. 4-J Whitehall 1*.., AtUnu, Ga r Su/ftrt hcti ing Mathinti. CUAhKB a oedbb. Just Received. & CttcH r-A-a- Linseed Oil, (Engliah 2 “ i boiled 14 “ do 2 « ttr nindn’d pare r^r'm Oi 20 Blrla, genuine CLUaTannen. aasortod Yazstbfae*. V5 per c«t AlaAol. Burning FTrid. Campbcao. Spiriu Tnrpeatbe. 20,000 lbs White lead, aborted. 150 Boies Glata, aborted sizca. kquBnubn, eeltrad Paint,, oa4 an ‘ 10 10 “ 30 “ 20 rnM 10 “ for Paialwra' urn Por tale W titteu. lUy ». m>. 'a. Auamtnnt .wit. c a, 8ua»x (j. l\ Eddy k Co., (."CCCRSjjORj* to c. r. ijas*t rr. • L'lK, JO'J. C C-r.D F?, lili'i. GArtKIAGE REPOSITORY! Ate icing the center of Ala. U Lvjd Etroet,, A-tlnutn, Ga, It O ii • T . II . >1 A V , Il.-.Tinvrr-.v..Trd hi, CaKBIAOE HF.i'i r tTORY tatbt »>-, eUrunl 1;ei'ne tbe Wt-nlepoi: -r j ir.e tor Wallaces Robinson Tb. dlKorery of Ibi. Writtaw fhld ni tho * ■ ■ Uot.Il n rwalt of rUinieaj aeddeot. 11 leijaeoe, *0 oth- tr ink, la reiatioa to enter, dorahUB* and ewr /•»- VW tee thUfc, add a li«U rau> *kUS. Ii tbecld net to Mixed with other tokr,WiJ..„W pot Into Owe beUUoYw* topi torxed from lb. air whoa net la ooo. lkW car.oot bo Booln-n 1 n clcx-y, Corner of If hite&Al! an t Alabama iti., ATLANTA,GEORGIA. C.’UU order. With wbhh! m term.'*, ruu be H«-.-aaa*b,'ottl. the «Ad:b iiia Iteok ttabrt,,. Carriarer, i mar be tavor^l, t Al.t-iijo Au,u,La or not Freight. COMMISSI 0M E M £ R CH AN T 3, T r-1 N N ESS KYTRO DUCK! j We dir. rpotto! ottoot-oii w lb, .,:t of Eaton,: nrrnawd in iu ^aatitj ij no; ink au ri, Piter, Orals, bfii.kej, lohi/eo, An, Ac. j Is tarepe or Axnoriea. (Trim wo rwpottfc:!; »Ueltod, a, w. wm f at op eke abort fsk a, Uw at oor ofleo, a, it an b. pot op i* Pkiladolphia, Rctes. or X T. U otlj bp tort. Eii { .n A Oalid, At- Bold al UJ the hook .tore.. -oatau,rntf-tc follj ,c!j. ■ rrahrpl aiuotloti pm ; RYE k EARLEY k Luf>« ?*.; W IG !'T #*i« If V T- i eos:x*ox \ T.liACKCTT.ATluHaNHY AT 1±.H * ‘ \ W, Httiggoi/i, Utorgia, v» ill praclirc the tallowing cuu'itb**.* (>*otooi«4, Chittvoga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade, ltff'rniccs; Mnj. W. Y. Han*ell, Mari etta, Han>L‘!ldr .Simpsun, Marit'ttJ, Jutnc# K* Lawhon, Haq., D thloncgs. ; * 'onlnilirilfeolioTT ptiJtp Hg u<inft«,. May 78, i8.',7 J.wiy Tobacco, varying in prico nnJ ipialtty, at mtail alnl.nholeiele’i OJ cheap »u the chcainat. tj J. fiHAflgBLK KU, Ag'. Nov 11, I8V7 iltr NowHoilte t« tlie Si,tiU»-'Vcs Do you Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do you Want Che tp BOOKS ? Do you Pay CASH for BOOkS 1 Como HERB to got your BOOKS 1 - SCHOOL BOOKS ! ! T HERUBSORIUEH hu Oil b.tml, (ami i. daily receiving addition thereto.) one of the Urgent and mo., extentive stock offcbool and MitcftlUueou. the Mete, winch hx offers fot tale upon the meet reaftaiblc term*—Conn-ting in pa>t ol M<; Ultn.ted Bullion., Andrew.: Anthon., T»rk«t*. Lotn- .tock., 1‘help., (flood.icli’.) Angftlt, nurds, Mitchell*.OinoV., tterire. Comprising I'" :' li.h and Latin Gram-nar.. F.ngti'h reader, and daisies generallvt ficograpbi. *, /‘lr luJ.ipluei, Astronomies, Historiei, ftjielling Book.*, De fine!?, Anslysere, Arithmetic.,, Uictiftnarift., . Csteehisme.and tjnettion Booke, Ac, Ac. Al to a largo lot of niai’onvry. A liberal deduction made to ©actors and . Merchants purchasing hv the quvdtUjf}at the NEW BOOK SWUM ianJl.d&wtt WM. KAY, Agent. Atlanta, Oa. Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. WE have, at tnual, got out our large sfock of Garden Heed, and those who havo bought of uabere- can atteit to thw fine q>ivlitica. Mer chants from tho country, w« (mrticulwly in vite and bone to sirure tho’r trade. Wo would oln> aek a liberal share of patronage from ourcitixen* Call and fee 8MITII AEZZ VRD. January 1«, Iglifi dlf rr'HEaubtribora off-rat whole-doni retail, I a very extensive collection of F.-uit Tices, Crai'O Vims, Ac., Ac. Catalogue sent by mtil to all epplicanU, : Ire* ol charge PETERS, HA ItDIiN h. CO, Atlanta, Go* rgia. November 0,18B7 dim notHTeT DOWNING HILL ©* SSL a S3 is^a S SP o ATLANTA, UKOHlilA. I Jit cersoai iulobter I, lbs satata of 0. D. r „ r late of Jfurray S31 sty ds«ai«d, am ro- •o make ImrecJili paymtnl and those r tlmaads will rasJri them in, aeecrdlng , we, in Atlanta, tvsergia. 1 L J. I'Alltt,-Bxscotor. -Oeewnktt 1*« , >»'f ADI SHAD 1 1 SHAD!!! first Sbaily^gticHln tenons cfllu Atlnntii, ;Jt:niuir|- Oils, 1858. OORLON. and p",rhasrd by Th;s tow, ProwicUf nt Ihs t roll ILuse. mlon will h* te.-riving Phtd du- Btyannah and will ho U*. flWtt la in AtUn'a W-nan and Itome, Ca an Otefl. R.K. Plstie to ■ GO - - 1NI.ON, Atlanta, Oa. Cota pie I *d I Connecting Cbatunoogu, Teun.; Charleston, 8. Savannah, On.; ami'all Nortb*Ka*teru Citiw, with Moraphb, Tenn. dr Tbo lust connecting Liub r,f HaiLHcaJ letHccu Haw Fork and Ui* AlD#U#inni . River! ^ TM# Road D now cnnipleted/and opened foi »h« ro^ulMr uatirportatlon ol Pru^engeri oud Freight, and will afford more expedition and Icdi exptnee, than any other routo between tbo North Diiit nnd Soutb^N'eits Paeiengori and ihiripen will Jue notice thereof, and govern them- r clvo# accordingly.'' fOII.Y V. IIEAH»-ATT()HNF.Y ) AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,ca Georgia, march C 1857 wlv r < Jj7OHSJUS A r LA U-Mac »i Ij> ;rgia. o a. LocnniNx. j. uv.u Having uMoctatfd thelHudv^ in hupinrM vvii devote thrmuL*» oiciuaively tt> lue pmcirr.- . ihfciri prufuxiou, [Jun 13 f \v !y 4 P. EDDY & CO., ; jui; tdJcd to tb*lr ior oxumire axiort* mem of BOO K xr.-i JOB TV 1*K, CUTS, ORVA MK!»Tfi, Ac., a very lar^c variety of Lew uaterUD, «f tht lat'/i >t\.«#, together will one of Doe's'•tlebr.hted A lee. vf R ' CO^K KEAL Cyllndr r Pre*#ee, JLfpatc!. to all order# fo, JLhsy. .gill eXftccU .in-lho hetuiyLof-th*. Hft, -t fair pricer for Cash. Particular attention paid to (>•« •txecctlon c* PISK WORK for lUilrta? and ot:.-r Joint Star>. Cor.pader, Tranrportation Agents, lianVe, Oo-- legea xud Schools, Attorney#, Public OZcor Merchant#, and otteri. Boolu, Pamphlets, Ctitalc?uir Circular a. Cards, Fromi»Jory Rates, Blank D*- Cte /s NEW BACON ! 4 LOT of prime web dried Nex Bason, JLfw tile ct WALLACE A ROBI.VSONU JaiTtir !*, ia Peru Spaixer zS^Tantr W ILL atund U any eoBsU hi# line ol Lteixteu, meh u ref- dating of netloa, •overing *f haau FT f F II LARD ! LARD I rrelt. at lr»*r down pnett, bj LI.ACE L RORLNr CV. A ■ ■ 6‘J CANDY MANUFACTORY -ANT3- ks - Hu. Hr«L.*ec mr, -xsi h V . -,°C. , neri, (MU4 or baUL) Uyfag ol cxw rtrisp V? ; U. t.«a.vs, whtl. eMittgU, it. i SuJsfKttvs givn la rrtty lasUM, or a, ) shs/f.. AJ1 vwk wsmated, | Tunlwg by tb. *>ax «», at EUSMt, Prfeee. fiSt" AU order* ibooid b* leA at Macert. WB- ' lbuss’ Tsrzirsrt filero, «* Pwcktn, n, S.I.- ’. lx, fix. | X7V.5S.-kt, dwly. NVw Orleans Groceries on eo\siG\Mi:\T 1 he first arrival of ihf: New Crop Wx- y BlUx, ProgrusBst, Himd xcdblmw Bill* iter.,! XLd i A r ATLANTA. T O M * II t'F AC'Tl'BEBg \\J E uv nrw rMxiviag a IT Ixrg. lot of Md, Ixslto er.Csii wiir-x. I irstogs, Bm4- I mgs, Luts, Pegs, Kit, snl >-> rytotof eoanirtel with th. Bom'xsI ffi X XX X. XX B •4- VlfliiuM M, DAitFORllfa ~VY at re ATTOnNEX'A T r'HAWi-l-’airbaiii, Gsurgic. July 2, r ). I8f,7. L NDKUWOOI) Si Attorneys a Atlanta, • tv, If li AK ■ IS, t L a w, Goo rgia LUTHER J. GLENN A t to r n e y at La w , Atlanta, . , . . . . Georgia. Willnttpnd the Court# lu th© Countieiof Ful ton, DeKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Menwether, Cok*ct0,CtrrolI, Henry, Troup, Ucard, Cobb, Sp&ldinp, o’clock, A M„ (after th# arrival of ObM.Uuoug.1 and Niuebvillo,) and arrive at Memphis futr.o dxy at 7, P. ftL. connecting with First Class Steam Packet# to New Orleans, aad nil other important point? upon the Western riv ed to lUll-Kead Agents et consign^ Charleston <,r Savannah, Trill he forwarded to Memphis and other polntr, by Kxpresj Freight Trains. fiSt" Freight in charge nf the Adam's Rtpre** Company, t# carried over this route daily, by the ‘’osronyer Train*. F. C. ARMS, Genera! Sup't. UuntaviPe, Ain., April l#t, ISM. ‘Through Ticket# to Memphis, Ac., cold at •Through Ticket# to oIoinpr.ii. Ac., cold at \Vlhu!ng*on, N. C.; Charleston, H. C-; Augusta, Savannah, Mr.can, AlUuta and Columbus, Ha-, Montgomery, AU.; Chattanooga auA Nashville; Tenti* 'ISfUTo connect with the Western Trains on l i# Road, paesengercwill take tho Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, Ch-ittanocga and Noahvllle, Tenn.; and tho day trains from ‘ harleston and Kingsville, S. C.; and Atlanta, April 1st. dtf. J. H. SMITH, Predate otuJ Commituon Mtrchanty and Umltra in /‘tif.jt/y and i'lu’UitHon Qrocnit*, ,pc * M.riettv Ktr.-et Atlanta, Georgia J ., H . SMITH. r.j WOULD respeettuUj aonounc# the cititrn* if AtUota tod ronodics country, that <c onenlrir. ^nd ’•III kr*n id ■Know rrcrivtng ano openirg, ^nd ’•III kr#n in #tor*, a spleuJld stock of FAMILY OROCUIUks; which he J* offering at iric## that will compel# with any boat* to th# city, aad.a*i* a #hare of pat- ronage. He will glveipeetal atteotlnn to the sole ofB* con, Lard, Hour, Greta, Tobacco, 4a., 4e. Coaxlgonurit# rtipeetfuy aolicitad. tA-l'rvmptattention giveu tot'**h (trier*. More on Marieti* street, to the baUdtng ^formerly occupied hjr G, P. Parr. lVccraber 12,1MT dwt 25 Package* Glass ^ we, Juit Received YJ Y the Buhwxihcr uf the nir.t moiiern' Yj ,’yle*. and will he «»M Sh prr cent Win than I have cvertwfore been elle retell lur 1 infill. Aim. Ghina .ml Qan-n. Ware. Piah-il (ia.ter,, J'lateJ (.’.\r,i!le»tiek., Forke, S|WK>na,Tea Sell*. Britain <!o, Chin* Flown Va>f«, Ac., to which I wmrlJ invite th. at- ttotion of my former patrons ami especially the I.nlivs to call ami examine, T. It. RIPLEY Nov. lit. 1R57 .Iff LAND NEAR ATLANTA GNB hundred acre* rf krd neer Att*o i.lyto# 1>etwten IVacbtr** ant Martevt# c-lf#r»4 for 8«te, tl.w are ri’-tj ' nber. fort v acre# of * hunt thirty a ire# m hoau», .bottom. Ibere *>• five hit ml red chatce Apple flee*,of tb* very b«et eiUcit-r, t-#l4«# tbe above: time U «a goo.) a ilU.l,' ITK a% can be toaiiil anyuhnro. A good bargain will be given * «4-~ Jl*. C. WwtUWUTKa Atlanta, tta<.rfia,neaX lUT, “varn8Y <n> h« found by Inquiring at aek.t pilee. AtUnU, O*. [JgnMwil 0*««mb*r It, HIT. YARN TUST ttcolveO, an I will keep coulaxtly era .1 |,a1 a g.-eit aMort nant of Tkr-ad from Ur. r.nco 'io Fastoty, whl.h IwlUMllatIh*regular T. S.LOW, Agaah OH. L. J. HOHr.HT. Medical k Surgical Practitioner, MnricUa, Georgia. Office at hiirwidonee. Foster#, Ac., eat^uud at ?hcrt /kfC^Frintlcg in OoL-n and civvrn Fa.i**:; and Farct Cot.or.FG LtKfc, cr on Yellusi, tj*t;c Mdxltn, i.\ f done in beautiful style. Having likewiro cococcttd a lioivli-Hiiidorf jrlth-thfclx.Cri&tiptf KJUl4U^a»atr-they-arT"^rT- pi.*«3 to execute order j Lr every description cf work In that det-artteect—including Rl’LlNO r,nd BLANK HOOK MANl-FACTDHINU- i;. * stylo Runorior to any ever before dono in tbii rc<*. lion of the State. Thai* To >U being ill r.< k x. ! of tht Utcit pattern#, their Mvf J. olrcateri^I# :: c beat tho Northern markets afford,and their « :.L men equal to any iu the South, they fcol eot.Sde". of their ability to givu ontiro latlrfoctiou, a:;.- conrc.^atotly have no heslutncyln soliciUr.g the patronege ot their fr>id# and tfca \ ublic. X!&.0tiore for work, in either -iepariment c; their huiinssi, from ur,y part of Georgia '.no neighboring State#, t»iii m«#t with prompt ituc tion. Atlanta Oa. Fob. 20, 1<S7. (dAwly.) »n*, Hfitlrio, Fi tilt? i-•'•♦•drt f tZzr+.itX* t«'wry «rr: Seap, Abbott & to. j which trill be arAi «| Vow Vtiet* it *L r Jrjpsrtfr s *.5/J bm-irtt cf ill vs# tcrer.fctp. htiriri t,n Itni. Also, .CWkfid ckoioa-hewing To- ortxnaet of Toys, , t< . Lr rdfr rab*r N-rtk.- HAVE tm .• trt<*<k of ctw vnp Brtwc Ssgagar, Chcic*. Prime, Ftily Talr, rt And fib, And will te :t rectlrt, weekly, tf faribtr C«>a- AU rtfbrtt arc6o)paracd with Ca*h wifi U promptly I'M wuh grx*d Goods, tod at Vow tmUs—at th# bigri ol tbs Big Boot, Ptadlnw BU**i.CUrok~ BkcJu ./■Wt/DIUICK AMO. BRILL? A HT PROSPECTUS I roc it* TUX or rvx Cf-soapoliKB Art .AssocUUml thi rxxtm frem !ke:r ■.-.f-itSvw dor- Uu*afldorr Gojery of PaintlnCl! ■di ■■■' «»*«• they rr-i tvi X4 e*»khey- j Vunhottd «< « Coil o/gI63,000‘. iri a; H I-' rr-l»rr lb: ttnv rs-ii exc . ,^wE»*a wo*LI» memo, rrxm 0* . sojpt. .of C< rcorkfi-t l. x-*-u*x r tX'JX r x''rjxxa3: -—- .. *o*LD nxxonnrzD it am or J}”’, THE GREEK SLAVE!! n A K>-TT 7 : • i E*-f-=rroxx<1 iu rtx tioatxtX XxlUrt. vBh w- lytLand SUunaU atm;#, r 2. tm Blanks! Blanks! Blanks G. J. WH1GIIT. Attorney a t L alw , Albany, ...... Georgia. May IB/ ISfri Of all De$cri|)tioiH, B I.AN K'SjOF A 1.1, l)ESCRigl?fON8iean be h.'l al all time., nr the FMmijKE!! o (rtoerlktri hive c-ahiad (?> Northcru Mamifuctoirtc-a. Ban'. • j xrw ut EracMx eomfrUo Ik* Frmalcw* , t< t* xvxrBxl hy U* r-.hxWi »f tb. Oomo^o- ' titaa f.n 4iKtxa >, vie i.UerIU Ufor* lb* ! rflaoutoy UU, at rkich tia* ikaawax*. i v.a 1X4Ojiheo. Tent, et Sr.iaaimtx—Every raUmka j ef tkr-.v di.ixri u nut+i to o reyy cf tb* laeg. xai.jlitBM Ei*viEagr*viag,«cbxb4 -kua'ar Examiner & Mfencer WM. A. H ViUllS, Attorney a .t U a w , Isabella, Worth Co , Qoorgle. Refers to—M-»j J. L. Harri#, 3lillod/»uville ; j on. A. II. llanscll, Thoiuafvillo; Miller A U *K, ' O^lrth'.rpe; Ron; R. 11. Clark, Macon; Co 1.3. M. Duncan, Atlanta. 2-dly. J AU K D 7 H \ V IN \V if 1T A A Kit, Attorffly at Law', Atlanta, Geonrin. Attornicc, Cirrhs of Court#, rml Ordinatif#, ca^ue furnished,'at short not:*«\ any famriu fonn uf DDKD, WRIT, or 1 RO ; CHftS which they may desire ; and all Ft Hi M v ol legal in»truir.erji«, commonly inUM, nn tl- wey# tin hind, to ha s-aU at tho v»r»cr». • \tlantn- M w current ^Ioucy Bought. wU luy the note* of the TinM**t+\ a ieo, K t-vAn ct y and ft r w Ori# atu- tEAGO, ABBOTT At CO, i’., igft: dif J Doat-iT,’ aSsaUa copyef i2m Co«a«*cliua Art j Jourtjw oos }rar, aUo to a ewrtdUal* fa lie award Bird# Eve I.liae. |;*,o^mteafmadsaiwi-.a t# th# D**- Wr ore > t*. £.11“f \ L v -rwr’i! ^ Cosmo?*.** Oailcr’-a* ,j trim'i ‘ Thai It i# tees that hr wrerj tzrm deUan paid, 'J. J'j % .t/LLr onlji'T , ’ ! *ar.»criWrtUoalj itositu a rploadU Um fy i. toil & bj: ‘;“Y •fifjfc*. U. 7 ^, a* uJtjZj iw , Car i-al *ui t*tli.a .1 luto |TWO DOLLAR ARTJOURC ■' Aryans yaxr. Back uVscnw i# ok# yre—>t i acwrticate lath#awards ei Prbiuh,* tkhavaJaaWe work tf Art* U Kisdagov Mill Stoneit. fiolftui Clotbk) &c.i Ww at* auc »«•«•« fe-r Mm Tz* i t V. A. £i, J R. V. II-MAM Office, front rooms over J. R. A C. II. Wu loco's Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama its. May 2*, 1857. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cnrtersville, . . . . Georgia t.b.TS, l«M. ftxwi, 1>. O. UAllPMU, Attorney at Law, Weit Point Georgia drill! April lb, liii. \V. T. O* Can.pbrll H, Bro,, 'lists, are prepared t« perform all oporation# in the profession with durability and skill. Office over Alexanders DrugtStore, Whit# Hall it.. W. T. C. CAMPBELL, a.P. CA.MFBULL. Atlanta, Jan. J? dtf ® n* SI y. iHJIfiLIA.M having h- tumc I /mm s’ — ^ visit to Virginia will re- »um«* tbs practice ofhii prof##*iun in the city of Atlanta and iu vicinity. Can bo font d ut hlootfico nt all hour#,except when pr.»fc*siinnlly engaged. '*OrOffiw NVA8UINGT0X HALL. •eplMvrtf DU* . M# BAUKR. HOMCEOPATHIST. , □ FFIGB and Rooms uv.P r * Foniroy • of* fice,opp*eitu Petti# Ruble* November 20, 1857 dawly CAMPHENE It a rn i ns Fluid! ■» AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, E, M, SEAGO, gtiCf»«‘R70«E.litr» X LAtVRKN. / viill cos nxun. Tin: i kodvok com■ jiissios twsrsEss, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE' PROOF BUILDING, Ttdr.t afAtlaeU He.!, Jeer to t s ;f«* llea.i, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. tB-Th#un:»l F»tiftti**ofl*r#3 to tiLirj-i-ri, Ori-r# : IUirial Cftkci*. -TVR : fsrr-.'h loi'r » r»!ut fir* k t;r{l« pr«#{ fiofe*, *e*- tax’.!* r a l*a: at Sew Y .wk Sy S-. X * Ca 8EAOO, ABBOTT A CO- FipWttber, 11, 1S5T- Joseph Wins hip, James Hi. Carter, stfull. .olieit Oet. lei !>. me. comm rsi- Ft lit J. K. W-II.LIXKS. n 'U.-.SG BlKi.r,. WILLIAMS & DAKER, {S:tcec3tori : io II-’rl/mMx, Rhea tl* Cu.,) oi:xi:r..\i, commi^ioN'Lw* f-ilfl MEKCHANTS. Atkenvum ffl SB#aif)uttJinfi, Demur Hiieet, Al lanta, (leoreia. l’r mpl enl (uniiul.r atrrn- t un given tufhe r.!e oM.', Baron,, Fiour, Feather.,.nil TenneweePrOJuc* grn trail.- J.n, S7, 1858 Jif i# Atlanta Female College. HB THIBD SE88K1N of thi. m T MON DAY, the 18th in*t We have fitted up the basement of the Presbyterian Clnirch with a new tlx-r, and new de*kf, a/r«>rding a murb more e.»mmodi* otis and comfortehV room than the one oecu* pied loot year. We will occupy this "r>-:h' temporarily till ariangment# can be t o.upif.ed for#refling permanent i'^Urge Uuildiiik*- Terms the *ame a# bo>*n>tor# prt.beh *i. Jen 13 JAw3m J. 1„ RttGERS, Prt*. ml: ION MlUCHANT THE TORr.MbE.gJ I Drp. WuU-ra A. AUx... Ponrardin; k Cotumitxioa^er- eiuut. SAVANNAH. GA.. r-u,. U.-...J ter.;.. ex; m rmtvadliadlUiM, tintfinax t-- .vb-j »atKr.l«r u «,xln>xl u Um vxta* f (.. dt.lxn,aid a M-uficmt*gratia. At, ex. tl it* Wltf fit Xfxfazi:u !i fara i.W, Umw1«( Zasavtof a*4 An Jooatol, dxtlrxL 5« i*r» n U rwv-.rr.J u a riaf* tier. - TtoMUUxglv. tcott-miifo, raaintef ltd u* miiiol to to .lie* Lsgnrmg tod rixtUkaa. 7x1! y.rtiralan cf —. Atoodifika irt final * tfi* In J.tmi, a kick eoslxixr avar uxty ^taa- :e,i Eefrxntf., jr.e. Ifl, mxu r*r llxaW— "7X. aia fca wr I* xi! janou aka , ieeixa to nWrila, oa raeatot tf i.a Mataxa i-. t i i u caxta. AMnm C. L. hEthr, Aouurj C. A. * IU Hmtnj, Bra WJf, B. BABB£5, Hcx y fiac'y D«(l-dif A tinu. Owrix. B I RK u i ahiitg# ky J l*|.) i P. S. Liberal aJranca nodi on all ccn+ ' tifnrnev'.i. . Ki3TXr.sur* —Rctt//E kCa., Jt,ti | K Tceftf. f*; £*ras.a«k. (r* -H ‘ i Ha'*: , kco* Ha. ,P. ii. (few, laa., ata»n ' f4* U BU St 't. .•iktJy NEW AUCTION HOUSE tv THOS. F. LOWE, lnpror«d Cation Otna and Tlireablufi JUfkloet, -I-nt uta^M inn m*..t tiiau kaOwaa 1 !m> U,-JX»« Cntt,, Ct , M xUXxU, Uf Wva Ur Utora .1*.: kH jaUtM u4 U# mMU geiatsDj, IUI Ik+r • Qi BMtir.t u# kfiMtuunw «f CMXe WMi* 04*4 Vfc*»i Tkrmksn va tkair uni Mwedt* Tk#sr tilt# or* w^JV#### o*4 eatotoafyM pn*si te S-owU. Ur*L%a. ktA i «U«a tk u|#M««jTnu. MiMktiyyt, k«rti Ctnltaa TVey o. otok U« Very Wit * mow ■4 tf+xad to o*t# (MO MHotoot kid 4ti»Sk it feat on U waat ot a madOxu* file <r wUat Un4#,«. m, a#4 ••« tCO Keire- Nails*. A-lauanur?e t’a .Ml t * r.\mt j rawfUy as* t« >ik Jfc-Ll'H WLNRHIP, ! T U E BUTTER AND CHEESE. 1 LARGE ».,p;.v onheud.if #oj«nr \ quanty, and n>r Jo^HPli WINS HIP. Wrapping* Paper. SALT. Asrk. iu rtfrr «-d fur .ale by ,)Ut/ JOSEi-HAV INhaiP. Nu< 5t. IX.‘>7 Ax—11 REST SELECTED , *K» ! ASSORTED STOCK OF lFamily Groceries IK THE CITY or A1LARTA, It to b. fu tl at lb. n u Atlanta Family Store,” A LARGE lot.ju«t receitrJ of al! sixea and Ai k »ju»l tioa, and tor »ale low, b y ”Jan 23 dwtf WM KAY, Agent- irou I Irou! LARGE FuvV of r.imh Man-utu. Wanniila Paper. luring or., M riling Oaipati)’# I wo, eon* stantl) on ha* :,ai ♦! JOSEPH NYINBHIP. VERY fin# as#ortmrnt of the abose Ntbrember 11. juet to hand on coiiUgnmeuL Price loW at the .Now Rook Slow, by J«ti S3 dwtf FEATHERS. a;'t4>' ut ct-.oiN* a»» >aa’.h*-» f--r »%l ■ JitdCPB «I,V.'Uir MO. 13 WhUehnlt Street. eORGEU. DANIEL, Prcyrtatax. Atlastx, Kiy I, abb. I-r. 1 taa BACON 4. LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WINBUIP. UrooHyn, N. Y. No.. 18, list dfitf T, B. RIPLEY.3 P. S—A liberal discount by the llbl.j M Mil at lea price* lor Pr-daea. JBB0TTA CO. WtrHI M BANK AGENCY. Afiasc'M. WaMas-s, A oral lor the Rank of Crmdrn .S Carolina, OEca at tFallara h IUUn»aa - corner of IlaxUr and Pryor .uaau, Atiasla, Ox. trill (In pr**ft mmbSh to toU*tSBMjto*wIy. S 300Q STALL FED BEEVES. X HE HuUcribtf is tn want cf a large ccao* UtyofNa I. Fat Dccvre, for wt* pay ihe highest Market pri<#. d:hv««d iL'ta City ut any number Crew tht» tia# uMd 1st of July next. EDWARD PARBO.NH, J*.n dAwtt WaXftXXT 1 WHIIXXT * g«*>i T«w#*s—s Cd*r» 1 Store, o#i tio sale *• r*%*.ukC* Wno*. » At>,AL» a K#*«tVKilte OAfV BuUU e#w esn Jgcal t)i nil by ZUU fiAao, jjaon * cif . knftwyuuua CfiittUUM/ h«««4# w.Ud o%» innU| cr focal l|*»u, ee Vy <tract crisis Viimu uiHimm/ meUUstm ee fotfoml r#-MTs*#m #f •#.* G kd uS Thmfofi, sew# eg fhUk iu^foMra-t»yfiwUatoS|Wta «S» AU d-«kfi vkfruwt vs fstUas ws Ug ai ifort .«u« ut kthH «W#w. ;oezrfl wunarum. NEGRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP!! ^ TO THOS* tTASrUIO A Hum ^ r„<x-4-:, «f ixabUacUor w.!u-Ut--- • G; { 1 Kva allH aay tktt »a MV kxva lltn 1 K baavy Stock, tad all at air m Mxx.iutxrtaf aUah «t aiijxaa at taa aacta a pair low ary bxaM la uii ally wtU aaU aa goo* aa amUi ~x«;»liuxa a* d*fj «dtkor 1* Yuke* Blade, G**nta Mfitto, Homt-tofid*, arxay *th*r raxk., xsl vxrrae-tkdaa a* pod ax irtieUa. hx.a.«r b**a aSwaa'i* tUa aarttr ar Stxta. AU xixdj af Boots da Bhooo fnpennnokl, ebaaf a** varrutal. AU »««4. parckaaaA a f aamxlrad fru af .barf. At Ikafifi* cf BIG BOOT, Puebtraa Straab itkiufie*xU. * DHIJC*. J0TC*,A 00 frur-to lxy_ry, lABHIUKt X*AMJ XT XXOTOOB rmam.' •'’JU-t-» K'.osvii ct, M JLan.-iU.nia LAHI* .,IU*rf U« Iron tw fiwalfflH aafi fi>i.aa.U- no, Wu n Tatkifa*, Ala aa, afil ‘. kxfyy u amt til btoadtaada* /mon u tka Lxjmt Uoxia, whara dtoy ka»a tayla wiaarirta tot taa Inind a*4 Kit mthu. a. a s. La.ura. fmitona hay!HAY! Ih of Tcao. r Cttmtowrm, to IT ^ fi w^rstsss*>* --A.'.lW: