The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, March 02, 1858, Image 1

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! ■• BY DUNOAN & LOCHRANE: ■ ^ l. “ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT."—JEFFERSON. JOHN II. STEELE, EBitor- ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1853. raSER 130. Sqiljj ifiiellitiunceir &. £R|iP)<*. DAILY & WEEKLY." DUNCAN WOOHRANE TCJIMU OV 9UI1SCH1PTIOS. , I illy Intelligencer, par uuu io advance, BO w4«r, r l_ •* IIATMM oy AUVICHTIBISIO. Advottlllng In Ilia Dally Intelligencer will ho ItMUtod at the following ratal per equare of Ua llnaa, OOetl. . One lniortlon, Two « Three, “ Pour, " Pita, “ Ona woalt. 61 DO 1 IS l so l TO 1 00 Otto manlh, Two, “ Thraa ' Four, “ ai*. " Ona yaar, 05 00 8 011 io oo 12 00 IS 00 25 00 gpeetal contract. will ba toidofor yaarly ailrar tllamantl oeoupylog a quarter, half or whole aalunn. AilrertUainanta from trnnilent peraon; mmt ba paid in advance. Legal adrartliamanta pnhltihed at the nan* .ratal.Obttuarynoticer excavdlng ton linaa charg >J ai adrartliemauti. A nmmnciogcandidatai for oGeo, $S 00, to bo paid In advance. Whan advert!,otnont* are ordered in hoth tlio Daily, and Weekly, JS par cent, will ba addod 11 a the above ratal. •The privilege of yearly advertlaera i» itrlotly | limited to thatr own Immediate and regular hsiioaii. 'Profaivlonal Cardi notaxaaadinyilx llnaa, ale par annum, , ” 1 Advc-tliementinotspecific! a,lo tlmowlll be ( pnhlilKad til I ordered onl and charged at regular r& Adrertliementi Imertad .n the Weokl> paper Only will bc eharrod at fornier rater. ^ p*. Book Store New Store, New Goods. AND* New Arrangements [.Books ami Stationery 1 THE undersigned ia 'ncreariog hie stock of/ L ittroka and Stationery! *by every I'eainer from the Nsrih. | It also in receipt of the New Publications cf the Lriticlpal publiaMni! houses as »oun as at is- ittea from the press, lie offers for sale'at low ^;100 reams Folio Tost, Cup, Litter, Noto'and Commercial NotoJ’aver. THE JlTlbellei’s $jVecloV_ij. Georgia Rail Road & Bunking Company Augusta to Atlanta.. 171 .Mil**. .Fare bl). OKOROE VONOB, 8uporinVnJ#«t Murmiso Pa.scsoub Train.' LetTci Atlanta rally at. IO 00 A. M- Arrlvp«>t Augum, at... 7 «0J\M. J* ir iAutuor, dai’y *i * Sio A. M. Arrive* at Atlutrn, *t U aC A. M. EvKNINO l-ASSt.NOEn T-AIH. „ oavet Atlanta, daily, at........ 12 iw P, M. Arrives at August*, at 8 fid A. M. Leiyp* Augusts, daily, at <4 Wi P. M. Arrive*at At anta at 104 A.M. lar ThisKoa.l run* in connection with the Trab* <»f the Houth Carolina and tht* 9aven nah and Auguste Hsilrutd*. at .Augusta. Western & Atlantic (State) Rail Road. Atlanta ti Chattanooga. 13e* Mile*, Fa:o$S. JOHN W. LEW19, HupjrlntoQla'it Mor.vino Pahsknoeu Train, I.cjivm AtUnU, diily, nt 2 10 A.M. Atrivc* t»t Chattanooga at. ...10 07 A M. Lea«e* Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 30 A. M. Arrivofii at APantn at. 9 33 A. M Nintit Pafuknokk Train, Leave* Atlanta, nightly at 12 15 P. M Arrive* at (JhntUnoogi at H 25 P. M Le*vrs Chatt«no«'ga nrihlly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at ..II 22 l», M tST 'Phi* Hoad<Ttira?h way with the tltome Branch Nailmad at Kiiigston. the East Top.tieuwe Al Georgia ai'ror! at Dalton, and the Nashville At Chattanooga IUtlroa.l at ( Lot' a MOOR*, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Read. Atlanta to West IVint.87 Mile*!.Pare $3 So GEORGE 0. HELL, 8^i*crlnt«nJont. Mopnino Palsrsokh Train. Leave* At’.unU dailv at 2 00 A. M Arrive* at West Point at 7 24 A. M L rt nvr» Wrat Puint daily at 1 UO A. M Ar.ivos at A lanta at ......1127 A. M pAgsKVnER Train. Leave* at daily ut I 00 P. M Arrives at Writ Print ut f> 28 o'. M. Leaves West Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrive* at Atlanta at HUM* M EF* This Hoad sonnect* each way »i*h Ihc V<on»Komf'*v St W*«» Point lltiilrnad. I I ba*tqnnlitie* of Tissue and Drawing Pnpor, T Huai) Paper, Drill'd Uo«r<J, Bill P*ip«r, ItlottlflK tjwr, Ba/*lapji of all altw andipiAlltler; also, CHEAPEST ,«k Baoki of all qualltlaa, fng.lher with all the ila article! or Oatiouary u.ually feund in a (OOK. STOKE ,j iil county houro, School, Fancy amt Pock- lokitaoda, PortLILs, litick (iaoimon and llBo^rd*. Chois Moo. Porimonlos, Pocket il. 8lcglo and Doublo Slato.*, Porcelain i* f Era3sifiK Kuivas, Paper Folders, Pen I, 8te«l and QalU Pens. Mucilngo, all the -rands cfWrlihg* Copying and InJeUbld (••ij’VDltlng and Playing Card*, ail warranted f good and at a* low prloai os can be oiind M THE CITY t AUo, Bill Fit.., ladia Bubl-ar, India Sb;r I Ring., Quill., Scaling Way, Had, Black, Fancy 1 and White! India Ink, L raw! « Cra F“ , :( C.rayon lloltlcri. Black Sand, ?»nd Belt., Bill IMS Bbng, Oaland.u, ac Allot tlb ch will ba juld a* lha Iowan prlcet, .. ‘ WM. KAY, Agrnt I ' - : Str.el, Atlanta, Uaorgin. I K R,—Plcaio retaemiuT tha location, r.urrit I Bterotn tha g.nai.l Panongcr depot anil all lha THatflfcfe. Jan W. i8 dwt NEW VVtSRR. fMi LlVIN (1STONE’S lv YEAR'S Ions'and Adventures OKI TMiE M of AFRICA ILLUSTRATE'). jpur SO ccnls—oloih Sli 'or ii'o by £AV, Agant, Allnnln.Ott. $ Seed! Seed! Garden deed. 'WE have, u uvual, gnl out our large afock of Hatjcn fired, and _ a=iiai Alh'’ac *rh» have bsugbt of ua hare- tntof., van to their fill, uualiliei, A/cr- Ch.nte from the eouuuy, we particularly in vite and hup. to xcur. ther trade. We would a'ad aak a liberal .hare of patronage from ourcilnen. Call and ace 8M1TU * EZZ MID. January IB, 185* ' DOWNING HILL gs ■gg* s®. © ® vf I , ATLANTA, GEOUGIA. L, rriHEaubaribera cflkrat wtoleiale or retail, I ' I a very eyt.naive collection of Fruit Tree., ’L^tategMMnt’bjr »«U Mall applicants, b"ot ChM p*ETER8,nAriDKN A Offi Atlanta, tie rgia. rfovember t, HIT d4m IhAD ! 8HADI I 8HAD ! ! I Thft first Shad Taster CfllM SCP.OUS r . Kccolvcd In Atlantn, ^Janunry ’ 5lb< 1868. T 1’. COM I.ON. tod purchatfd by Thoa Hannon, Proprietor of lb. Traht Houte. r.Oanbm will b« leceiving fikad do- " it rcivm from Savannah and will he to accomodate hie (rien-’a In Atlanta, U. l.aOiange, N.» nan and Rom., Ha /Alto, the iDteia on (he O. R R. Piraa. to lUIONI.ON, Allan!., Ut. r. Conlon, can bo found by Inquiring it At W,.Depot, Atlanta. Oa. f lanSdmt .a dltMwry of thla Writing Fluid war tha It of ehemleal aodderit IimtjiuwialUQi- ktluraUUau tonaler, darablllty and toay B * vSm. Whan tea thi-k, add a lUUa It abould not h. died with atb*r i ha pat late clean bottlov am’ itha alrwhao not In ua*. 1M> ' aiteelpan.and aa-nat h. r by any Ink oaawuotarad gollelted, MACON & WESTERN R. R. MAHON, Docamlwr Ulh, 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On ami alter Finliy iho 18th the train, will be run a> folluwg l.ruve M-cuo ' a. in. arr Atlanta 8 l "> a. m. Leave Macon 11 31) a in arr HI,nil 5 311 pm ' enve Atlanta'I’i night, a.r Macon 7 15 a. in. Leavu Atlanta 13 in arrive at Macon 6 10 p ni The night t*airia will not liorunon fiondaya. The nigh, tain from Atlanta connects wilhitbo flontral jlbad at 015 a m., and Ihc rv.ullv WtuAo'lt at 11,30 a.ln.uUo with tlio AI hany train, tri-wcrklv, which leavea Mac in V.I5 a. m,on Monday!, Wodncadayaand F ri Jay*. Tho noon trnln connect..with the flontral Road at 11,30 p m.' and South weatern It, for Albany and U lu o Ini* at 1 31* a. m. ALFRED L. rVLEIi Sup't. Dec 23. Ifi'7 JAw. ■vv--: FOR SALE. A LMIUK a.i'itmriit u, Viig.n't Leaf Tobacco, varying in |ir|c.’ am! qua ity, at r. tail and wholeral*. aa rheap «• the chcapiat. H J. fillACKFILF. RD Ag'. Nor Id, *R*>7 dtf •\civ Uoute to tiro aoutiae'Vei tteinphl. I i.harla.tnn Kall Ki,ad t>uipl.lad I Ccnnectlug Chattanonga, Tcnny Dharlulon, S. ^rofegsiol^ bi\\'h. Jxi. P. AbVyANUCK, wu i. atikLar- DRS. ALEXANDER ft SHELBY, Office Corner ofM.rielta i Market ftreeta Jan 3. 1853. dwly DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, O FFICE on atraat, uppuait. Dr. J. F. Alexander*.. Atlanta, Ox, F.hnory i, 1959 dwtf 8TONE ft FITCH, Attorney, nt Lkw, »*• Uktk, up H»h Janatrj 3a, Ifif JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW uuusiox, rnxis, \\TILL prsctic* iulhe Di-tiict anJ InVr- Vf i »r Guu t* . 1 this 5t*m. Gorflul atlculi >n paid lu tha invrktif tti'ijj ul Lvul Title*, to iha buying, selling tnJ lu- catiug of Lain! Carfidcstra Pruruplnisi givcu to (h« cuilectiun of *'I claim lUrtRMcni:—ILm. Win HeUlen, Wash- ingion, D U; A Austin 9rai’b, Washingtnu. U • Hon Win Sinilh, Wathtiififtn. D C; Hun H Johnson. UiUiiniVe, Mdj Guv IVc Katun. Wanontun. S C; Rev HJ Jot.n* u, AlUnia, Go; W \V Gain**, New ''rlcanv, La. T. xa* Ktrsaaiicu—Hun T H Bell, ^an Antunln; JUuge ^mchal, *Sun Antouiu; JutL** G W l*t»rhul, Austin; Hon H W Gray, Huu* ton; Firkins* Keech, Houston. -January 7. IKfiH. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICE over Smith * Ktsari's £ru Store, where hi c*n (• fcuitl du lag tho d*y, and at nigh , at b s residue*oa the corns.' ol Cvliin- anJ Ju oi £t *el«. AtU'ta, Jan* 20, 1858 dw3*n IN KLLliiE.NCEK&NXAMiNEK JOB O FFIOEl toe paomrsTOUs having r.r.atly t. tha JOB DEPA3TKBITT af tha R.tah liahaeata BAhOB and VARtKU aortnrttcf tka 5., rat Pry tea of PLAIN AND FANCY js prepared to exeeota la a neat sod workmaa, ks manner, evary d*:eriptlcn of Circular*, Way Bills, Blank Note. Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Beck Checks, Prognwmdg, Bujtnssi Card*, KAtVDBILIiS’, FOSTERS, Ac. We *e*po?tfnI’y soiicit tht patronage of.oar friend* in the Hty aad cuuntrj, aed aj»nre them tha tall order# will oa promptly and iitirfoctorily 0. P. Eddy & €o., t.HVCBWOlWTOC. H. lU.VUTTVIYl l» ) BOx. /33 -S3 Ci.v] PSiftif.Vj C/FIC5. AWO BooK-Slnd ovy, Corner of K \iUKxll awl Aujtama tU., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. G. P. EDDY ft CO., w. t, j «r>. a c. ujyt JONESft HOYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I■ tfl-• e in Kilc'a Kuildin*, Coraor of Marietta aad Pesch-trrc Street., ATLANTA, GEORGIA* dan 13 dim TllIATCKETTrA’iTtiltSin'AT m L\ W, Hingyold,(jfurgia t Will prscftc tn the f vli’iwing counties: Cuioooa, Chktt.uga, Murray Gitaier, G*»rUon, Walker. L).tde. Rtftrtnceat Msj. W. V. Itonstll. Mari etta, 1 laure l A: Nimpson, Marielt), Juan** ){■ Lawhnn, K«<j, L)aht"nef«. . . they will execats in the best style of tns art, r.t particular attention paid to the colecting fair prices for Caih. ho sines*. May i9, l#A7 dawly I Particular eiteutlon r»id to the exeentiox o. * FI.VB WORK for lUUroad and other JoistStoch furmar extenrive assort- msnJ of BOOK and JOB TYPE, C LT S, 0RNA MKKT&, Ac., a very large variety. <% r n«|w msteriols, of ikt lute tt tty hi, together with oneef Hue's celebrated „ Cylinder Presses, trs more fully propsred than borstofore, to give llipatch to all orders for work in theiriine—which TOIIX V. IIKARD—ATTORNEY ‘ Companies,Transportation Agents, Backs, Col AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,co Georgia, much 6 18 )7 wlv L OCllUAISK Ai. LA.HAIi —.47- 7 OftXI8a AT L.i IV-.Macun Georgia. O A. LOCDRANI. J. LAUAR Hiving assccistrd th^maelve* in business will devote ihcntsdilve* to thv practice ol tbein profession. fJ*oI3fufy ^yil.U.Ol M. DAN FORTH— Geurgi*. July 25, 1857. ATTUKNK.Y AT LAW—Fxtrburn, • *wtf - UNDERWOOD & HAU»*l5^ A 11 o r ii e y b at Law, Atlanta Georgia. O FHCJ «n IThltshallstrsst i>*er A W.UtUVJ*w ehydiors. MarcMi Uox. vV. U. UimVK1VOOD.| LUTHER J. OLE N N Attorney at Law, Atlanta Georgia. WilUttend the Courts In the Counties of Ful ton, Do Kalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Savannah, Qa.; id*! all North-Eastern ( Coweta,Carroll, Henry, Troup, Ueard, C«bb, and Citios, with Memphis, Tenn. Spalding, ^7* The last connecting Link of RalLRutd between New York and the Mississippi River! This Road Is now eoupktA.l,'and opened for the regular transportation of Passengers and Freight and will afTori more expedition and less expense, than any other route between the Nunb Rostand Fuuth-West. Vaisengers and shiupers will 'Take luc notice thereof, and govern them- ^elv*•acco^dlnglT. ,, lege* and Schools, Attorneys, Public Offcer Merchants, and others. Books, Pamphlet?, Catalogues, Circulars, Card?, Promissory Notes, Blaak Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills Fosters, Ac., executed at short notice. ,•#” Printing In Gotti and Bitvaa Baoaxv and 7i*cv Coloacd tuns, or on Vellom, Satie. Muslin, sc., done In beautiful style. Having a'ikowife ccnoected a Hook-Bin<!ery with their Printing Establishment, they are pro- po.-*d t<xexecute orders for every description of work in taat department—ir.eladiac RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a of tb* latest patterns, their Stock of materials the beat the Northern markets afford, and thoir work men tqaal to any in the Sooth, they f««! confident of thair ability to give entire satisfaction, consequently have no hesitancy in soliciting the patronsge of their friends end the public. •55L.0rJers fur work, in either department o! their business, frva any part of Georgia and neighboring Statos, will meet with prompt at ten lion. Atlanta Ga. Feb. Jfl, 1857. (uAwlj.) r yJi o’clock, A M„ (aOor the arrival from ChattaiiOQga and Nashville,) and arrive at Memphis same day at 7, P. M-, connecting with First Class Steam Packets to N*w Orleans, and all other important points upon the Western riv ers. 9 Ooods consigned to Hu il-Road Agents at Charleston >»r B*v*nnab, will ho forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express Freight Trains. Freight In charge of the Adam's Express Company, t« oarried over this route daily, by the Pajsourer Trains. ^ F.C. ARMS, General Snp’t. Huntsville, AU., April 1st, 1857. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., sold ai Wilmington, N. C.; Charleston. S. C.; Augusta. Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Oa., Montgomery, AU.,* Chattanooga and Nashville. Tenn. ^.To connect with Iho lYertern Traini oo t U, f.uongtra will take tha Kight Train, from Wilmington, N. 0.| Angnata, Chatunoog: and Naihvlllo, Tano., And tho da, train from Charlo.ton and KingrvUla, 8. Oq and Atlanta, da. April lit. dtf, j ."hTsmith, Pr»du<*antt fVam/ssiao Merchant, and thalert in Family amt Plantation Oroctriea, fc MarielU Mtrjol Atlanta, Georgia 77H. SMITH. Wbtil.D napMtltilljaaooaaea tea eitil'aa of Atlanta aad >n roooiUag enjnlrv, that h a i now racotvte, and naaotn., a-1 vtll io aura, a epleadtd ateek ol FA.Iffi Y aROacniHS, which ho la afarta, at prieaa that will compel, with to, koala to tha allj, aoo.oaka o .hart of pat ron, g* n. will flveepaelal ottantlon to thaaalo ofBa eon. Lard, tvmr, tlraln, Tobacco, Aa., Aa. Cfcnainment. raapaclfav aolteltrd. — .iWn. Mvan to Caah Ordava. 1JU. L. J. KOIiKKT. Aledical & Surgical Practitioner. Marietta Georgia. Office at hiirosidence. G. J. WniGUT. Attorney at Law, Albany, Georgia. May Iil, is<r. IVAI. A. UAUK1S, Attorney ut Law, lialxolla, Worth Co., Oeoigia. Kafirs to—.Maj. J. L. lhrrif, Alillodgcviil* ; Him. A. U. lUnsell, Thomvsville; Miller A 1U11. Oglethorpe; lion. R. U. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W, Duncan, Atlanta. Juno 2-Hl;y. MARK Attorn Cartorsvillo, Ktb.’JS, ISM. JOHNSTON, e y at Law, . . . Georgia .!*• I a p. o. UA11PKH, Attoruey at Law, Wdtt Point, . . Georgir. April 18,1555. da W t! W, T. C. Cmupbcll ft Bro,, CUKUKON.andMochanlMl Deo- ApnZJ, aro prepared to perform all L^r*JoS3 operation. In tha profaa alon with durability and iklll. XM- Office ovor Alexander! Dm,Store, White 12.11W. T. 0. CAM PBKLL. Q.P. CAMFBUUL. Atlanta, Jan. If dtf 28 Packages Gloss Ware, Jtut Received B Y Uw Btihacrib*. of tho moot raodtrnljJJ a'jlaa. anil "ill ho aahl 26 p«r cont\_J fart than I bare *v«r Ufot. boon ab!*toa*ll tip (fnsll. Also. Uhina anti Qur-na Ware, Plated r.itora, P'atvd Candlraticka, Fork., fiponus, Tea 8«ll». Britain Jo, China Flotvi. Vax.-a At- 10 mhieb I would invito the at* .ection of my farmer paUona and eapeeiallj tho Ltdit* to call and auroina, T.K.KIPLFV. Nov. 18. 1*57 d/( LAND NEAR ATLANTA «» Sb ariAaBffiB ladrfdai'carfHM hear itta. katwvM Pear Stra-ana p.ratta ,i.iw..,.»oflarad(atSttathwo areataty acre, if vr.r taavy tlmWt,ten. acraaof , axtaUMt etaar.4 'awl ateot thirty am. SI u. ,»> U hottees. leave atal*. hnadp d tk«wa a^i^r.»al7^Ml 4 ^; aaywhaaa. A ^<5»lv»»lawni hajrfww ^ t iilwH. rtewtv' t, l«*f - * "* h Uavaau* rthnwiiffitM D R. U. T. PULLIAM having re- lumel Irotn a In' Vi/ will ra- .oui* Iho practice of hi. proltnioa ia the city of Atlanta and its vicinity. Can ho fuui d at hisnffice at all hours,except "hen pr .'euitnally engaged. BT Office WA8HIN0T0N HAM., •epihdartf Uli. . M. BAUKH, HOMCEOPATHIST. Q FFICE and llooma in Dr. l’omroy'e of- Are, opposite Pettis Stable, ovember 20, 1857 dawl y CAMPHENE Btuning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER terms low for OASXZ* T. E. RIPLEY. P.S.tA liboml discount by the Bbl. Cili) lidbertisenjejits. Sfligh, Butler & Co. C0HMI88I0H KEECHAHT8. w« vox renewal* m siu or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, curru.v, ubOcbries, it., ’ Alabama Btroot, (death or tha Due * "eaters tape*,). A tlanta, Gteorgia o-«! Tawanaaa newer taken et tar fn froiuu Atlanta Cacrgta, lax, tteh. US!. New Stock Coming In . fen^TTgai^ GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A TW.HEKRt.VO i SOK’3 nothiag Man nficiory ltd Merehost Tailoring «*taUi.b* matt, for Fall tid Win Ur, all tb* latest ity’.M. On* of th*b**t stocks ol Cloths, Casrimtreaaj • Vestings ic Grorgu, from which to ask* a ttlto- rian. fiblrts. Drawors, Under Oamoct*, Crarais’ U*nt'i Hosiery, Gloves, Travotlng Ebawls and BUnkvts. Tailor'»TriittBing*,4e., for talaalth* lowest p iceii to tbteosA trade, it \ W. UERBING' 4 SON’S7 41 Whitehall sL, Atlanta, Oa. AIm* f«r Fl'rtrv CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoining Ike center ol AU- k Loyd Itncu, Atlama, Oa, ROBiT. U . MAY, fierier removed hi* CAERIAOB XBF08II0KY to the .bar. aiigi- olt (tend cppoilte the Wuniogtou UaU.'ind enlarged ill fecilitiea.ia prepend tor fill all order! with which ha may bo favored, os ai good term, ai can he obtained Is Augusta or Savannah, with tha addiUoa of Freight. Hi. aleck eabrseci Carrisgar, Concord Buggiu, t andjt .aalRockawayi, Slid. Ssau do., ~ " ~ With and without Top, Top Baggies, No Top do., Whipa, 4c., of th* bast aacufafw tur* and latest ityls A thar* of pa^oa- »g* is re»p*etfally scllciUd. )r S®hw Dr Jen for Family or Plantation Wagots ofber T#bi-;ej fill*d st snarl n&iic*. We or* also ag*nt for Norwood 4 Robins Patent Fas. Atlanta, Go.. Dee. 4, 1856. NEW CANDY ''‘MANUFACTORY -AND- 6itl) '■i\5btril3eb|er}H‘. A M. Cl AlUiL ...T F. CECBB Clarkeft Grubb, COMUBSIOX MERCHANT*!, Agents for collections of all kinds Add Dealers la IEOH LAID. PEOOSCE Of ill DHBJ, GltOCKlIJES, AO At tM le.U»A,a» lrkfl^aO St., Atlanta, Ca. tlwhcn. Itfl i»4 Cun ihnn ca Ltd. Ftr-et UfosUct j-ffiid u CsMipMsU of retry dwtdpliM. ‘ VBBBituoM* frtmfXJr nuk Orf*nmp»rtf«ll; t*d. aa tMtailf tlU4—Fqr Cm. BBSD BAXULIKT I J UST r*«dv*4, a trat rat* anicl* of B«ri«y. for &t*4. Frit*, $1 per UckoL S*pt.7, dtL CLARKE A QRCB2. WbULey! Whiskey! Whiskey i''LAKES A QE’.'BB hare jnxt raeaived Af UEUt MaUrais'a Extra Cop par DiatdUod Core Ifbtikay. and for sale vkaap. h.'-t ,1. Who wants any Bye. Clark* k Crubb La* Uj btikcii ?.y«. ler ****-. »Met t*; rd mu l»*. topi. & J«7. /roeoivad and for sal* by C*-4RKK 4 GRUBB. KaM. 21. ALXX. tL VALLA ..V1C.C BOBLKSON Wallace & Robinson GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ad.'D DEALERS IK TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We riv* rptriol attention to tb* sal* of Baron, Lard, Floor, Grain, Whiskey, Tcbaree, 4c., 4c. Coo sign mart* mpcctf&Dy solicited. Prompt stUaUor. pven U Cai £j)]l gbi!hjisch)em Valuable Book, ary Psrmer ought te Mh sve a Copy cf the NESE SUGAR CANEIHO Sorgho and Imphce, THE CHI5E8EAHD A ERIC AH A TREATISE CFOS THE2E ORIGIN. VARIETIES & CULTURE; Their v aJoe aa aTmfr Crop; anJ iKa.ixan ufactore of fiagxr, fiytnp, Aic.h .l, tainra. Boar 1’iJ. r. Vm-g ar, fitareh and Dye iftaffi; wi t t paper by Le nard Wny, Erq . of Oaflrana. and • deaerp-ion of hw pateotel prrcea* for cry a- taUxiog iho Juice of tte (mphen. T» "birh are add.,J, tracsUlicn of Yaiaahde Franrb Phaaphltta. By HF.NRY8 OLCOrr. Pr ec *1 25, sect Pcragc Free. , any ad- dr»a. for sale Fy, W V KAT, Arc't., Jan. tt, IK . mSm XTI * BABLET A lot af Fra k Barter w*3 woxvd I j.)*:e Yclhaci a got'.vfciy COMTilAL: J CFTr*e*:TtdlUS t iiLjIa Ira»t Can ¥•*'. ia 0*n* Hi pm cl A Carh Cyderi , 10 I 10 1 30 20 10 Will A. a tiostsa.< 10 Just Meceived. T UB kos ia «Unv aadc7«v* far tttovpricM, Tt*fr-Cowfeifaxtleka. 3 Casks raw Linseed Oil, (English 2 - boiled M u do 9. “ winlerstrein’dtnresnr’mOi 2 “ “ “ ‘ wiialeOi , 20 Bills, genuine Oil f ry Tanners. Rosin assorted Vsafe'jis. *J5 per cert AkohoL Burning Flsld. GampLene ’ipiritl Turpentine. A NEW BACON \ 20,000 lbshitc lead, assorted. LOT of \4Jnt well dried Xevr Dicr.k, 150 BoiCS Glas, ftFJOrted for »*le tl ^SQuEruihci, e&iorvi Foiuu, tad oil WALLACE ft ROBINSON'S. fer Paretrr,' tae. For lala by atiaaia, May », ill:. X AUJXSST* Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofnll Pcscriinions. B LA.N * SOF v 1 *L DI>JiUKlP r 1UNS.eta . bo hid at all tunes, at the i Examiner & Inlellmccri Jar.narj !*. I*i» dtf LARD ! LARD ! D. B. PLUMB & CO., i P' c “‘ " , ?..“YLACE*KoiSte bJ BIl0A1)8TBBET * AUGUSTA, QA., 1 Jacc.ry If; Uf>R olf* "-rnjLEaiLI AID EETAIL DEALS as IJj —— — r— Drags, Medisiuca* aad Cheuioala, /Scvi Orleans Groceries onlyy E wooiw & dye stuffs, CONSIGNMENT, j OiU, Ttifit* and Pninieti’Ariiclea. Van-iahea. ATLANTA. QA. m. r . • i r *i v- n Wnyijw GUn tad Putty. Guos Wam, r PHKiob#cril?*r wouldiuicm th*eitit*D8of At The flrSl WTlVll of the New Crop j Frtrch.aaiAacricaa Perfuxacry. Vii* A Usu and vicinity that h* bos eocsiautly ct ' AT ATLANTA* j 1 Abbott & Ca 1 ( oiifcctloiji, Psitrith FsuJti KC i t3C "B W 5 AUWUUW VW. 5 He i* alio preparad to farniih a»ary dea.-ripttot if plain aid crsameuul Cakci, (or waddngt or! pxniea, at ihort aoUca, aad oa »eeaxunodatli| Eertca. Imported wine, aad bra-dial of all dvaeriptioar fer medical purpoaaa.kep. alwaya ea bud. Alio genuine Spaailh Cigara, aad cboioa ehewlag To- ticc r—togeiar with a large aatortmoat of Toya, .Tatfy ArtieJar, Ac., Ac. Uxviif raeeatly rateraad freai tha North,where ba laid is e laa nock of Tasty Artldtiend era- ry tbiig uaeeaaary far aerryisg oa hU sasdy mar ceicecct ba would'efom eossty daalcra that tat, prefer ad to furnUt caaiiea at wholaaaJa at If •rcr. perpeand. Coder accompanied with tha eaah or good sit} •cfcrrneet promptly ettexdad to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. Slth lii. daw-y E’TTEUN-iT'mFLaj F (1R N1T U EG!! % HAVE now la of otw crop cf; oluttt, ^"IrewcSapgar, Chokw, Prime, Fally Fair, And Pai“, AnJ will b* in rtc*if t- weekly, ef farther C*a- sigtaents from tbeir friends ;a N«v Ork*u dur itg tb« season, which tb*y will sell to cash bry- •r* at 16'par cent tower than the sama goods e*s {n to ufb: in xey o'hir tieurgia caikti. AUo. *n icpU stock cf Coffee, Salt, Toba«o, Ger.dles, 4c. SEAG0, ABBOTT 4 CO. Occupy Fesp acd Abbwtt'* building, ecmtr For- syth and Miiebeii lutcu. Jarun*y 2.1^56 dtf THE inbseribers hav* on hand and ar* onw opening a large and carefully selected Stock (rum th* Northern Manufactories. Bust Safas, Wsidrobes, Bureau, SeereUr/i, w a* hr lands, Bedsteads and Altnnnc., tj|,irilti.CI,.-k. of Couru, , r . j : -hair* of*ny dwirrd asd prioo. A la Or.linarir*. can hr furniah'-.i. at abort colic- !-*»?»•«» *?««., Work, S»lo-s aucIT Lett. jtSoriU form ol DEED' WltlT.orPRO «»•■-***,lg| CEriK tvhicb they may d. airr; and all FORMS ; *'^*u Uditloa to tha ahova larg. atoek, an ol legal matrumenta, commonly mure, art »l- ) oraracaiving weak!, .uppliaa. Th. public are ia- ••n hind, io be **>lu at the towest prices.. fiiod to call and txaaint our stock. K. A. A J H. W1L.L1A33S, Kelt 4oor to Ullbsrt a darks, t-tachtr*^#t.. 4Uaata,Oe Burin! Cage*. V e are prepared to furaixh Fi.k'. Matalile Bari ai Caere, at rhert uotire, Wa have eacured tb, .truer, of a competent parvon to attesd to thia ic- partmrrt. F. A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, Y.-r j»,'5»-dwly Faachtre* treat. rurreut .Uoucy Buu;iih We wtil I uy the t.otee cf the Tenne-eee Backx, aJ*o,K»rtuckv end New Or'.etne. tEA'.O. ABBOTT A CO. November 11, 1*57 dtf Bird* Eye l.lise. We are Agaati for the tele cf Mr. R L Kccer’i Twin aad Shaving fioapa, Fine Tooth tsd Hail DroaLaa, Paint Broaboa. ftacguoJ and Denial hutruuentt, TRUbfiES, SUPPORTERS OF ALL KIN IMS 8fleet. SouBe, Manofaetared Tobacco, til ■h* Patent or Profnexary MeJteucca of tha Day. Superior fnke. Pure Wee and Brand tea fo> Med ical Purpoeea, Ertrict foa riavuncf.Chk* Tc4- let and Fancy Artietea, ete. UF We efSrr geode oqoxliy ea low ea they can he obtained from any acmuar *teahdkhawu m thix aec ino. Warranted to he Pure, Frttk. end Genuine. t3T Ordere from lha. Coascry promptly dlled and aatadactinn guarecC'rd wiia regard to pntw and quality. PHV8ICIANV PRESCRIPTIONS w:U recritt parucuiar altanteon ax ait bou ;. f the day oa sight. fuey dwtf reye L rested full meeaure, as xcy othat time acid in tnii market. Ordtn by fte Car load a ill be tiled et kiln pricer, by S„ A. ft CO. of rr :t ■ o. as*, u^uta-xi Piano Porte Repairer aad Inter i IA JILL extend to any belli in LU er*'" r *£yi » V line cf buxxseea, eucb ax rag- KSHOTj , alatieg c! actios, coterie, cf barn- 11 * ' a II ! •men,(felted er baled,; laris, c! ra* lists,, bp E. 1YL SEAGO SCOCBBOMO SSttTO A uaTKKXCg H7LL OOXT1SUB THE PRODUCE COX Mission hl .h.sess. AT HIS SEIF COMMODIOUS FIRE 1‘ROOE Bl’lLDhNG, front of Atl.r.t.,dnnl dooitf. ( xltoo Qoare. jn.j.vr.i, Georgia. •3.Tb*a»uihl K*fl»r.Jf*oS*rsaI to Stiver*. iirJsr* looctfully »olieit*4. 0«t »Aih. (dhwly.) J. K. WlLUAiM B 'l.U.N’0 iHKKR. WILLIAMS ft BAKER, [Sitcccuor. la IFilliami, Rhea if-Co.,) COMMISSION MEHCHANTci, Alhcneum iliiitilmg, Decatur fitrert. At lanta. (imrgia. 1‘rsntf.t and pat'icultr alien 1 Itn gi -rn to the itlu <8Ctein, Bacon, Lanl Flout, Feather., and Twtfiiw Produce gtn Jan. S7,185S dtf Atlanta Female College. T Hit VHE rill no SESSION of thie _ In. itutitn wll out nenc* nn ON DAY, the 18th in.t M'ee®--* have fitted up the bacemrnt ofiht Prcehylcrian Church with a new fl.rer, end row Joka. effimling a much mote eotnntodi. •>ut end comf-wtab'e room than the one otcu. pied leat year. We will ,c*upy thia room temporarily ti l ar:xngm*nla cm to compieled for electing )tormaiicnl College Building*. Term, th* aatnrai teietolore p iMiehrl. Jen 13 dftw3m J. !,. ItIMiERS, I'nf, Wrapping Paper. A LARGE lut ya-t received of all .oca end XAqual lice end lor eele low. by Jau 33 dwtf WM KAY, Agent. JHaouilla Paper. A VERY fine aeeortmcnl of the above, juat to hand on coueigumeut. Puce low at the. New Bo«k S ore, by Jm 13 Jwtf WM. KAY. Jl.nL Joseph Winship, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOK THE PUKCHAgE* •a* aud yioraj* of IW1cc*m£k9 p p.iita tb« WMuro At AUoe* uc Kai.h**J Dppot. \ov»mbar i(. I<‘>7 dawif w L BK WHE AT FLOUR. Oenahurge, Yam a, bheetinga, Vhirtinga, From the M.«»tn Cotton Mliia; Sugar aoj CoSee. Flour aud Nice; Motaaaee A tiyrcp 103 Kcgv Naibq A taruantine Caadlea, iannarv 8, I8A* Ail for Sale by JOSEPH WINSHIP, dtf BUTTER AND CHEESE. A l.AKGE eupply oa band of auparior quality, and lot cate by JOSEPH WINSHIP. iron! Iron! A LARUE Slock of Mfiwih Man-tala.• turing and Muting Company’. Iron, con, .until oa ha,',at Manufacturer! nt-*. by JOSEPH WINSHIP November 11. l*5a die ft JMPOKT.lNTINFOJC.V' Tl 'N. hy wuiuuyi wuunyii OOfkAhbla gee* Tvaaf.wv tbue CM.kry, I* Un'otlyn, N. Yl, Ifi57 2 OuU aiort,a.< rw tra area Via Ure,, 1 r'4,.114 WXLUCg * IttllUKlMN ' hlch much auflrring in fam.l ee may |e iroide,l,acntlo married men attj thuac e>' tteinplaling marriage- AJJrrre rn _ Ctcoagiout etem|i. Dr G. W .IDDlcCUMBn dfttagm I 8>|WI FEATHERS. A i. a Rill lAprlr ol ch<*b» o*w r MU*rv fw *»l i by JOSEPH WINSHIP. BACON ft LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WINSIUP. Sariefteiic* gifts is ,r«y isvuae* ef a* charge. All vtrk earrexted. _ .... Taalug bjr tk. Taar*eaa at Radaeag .Mill Stouca, Bolting Clolthi,ftc. prte«a. Wa are alee Sgeit. fer Mae.- - t gft A3 erdert tboutd Ca left ax Mctvra. Wtl* tra. Horri. A triable, Iklu- i -»®*’ Cnniatt Sura, ca Pauhteee it. Atlas- mere. ML, tayertare tkl J&gjSSJfj/yESgR . Cealrr. It rre.eb Barr,' S#T- I T O *1 A 5 V r A C T V B E B it 'll ' E are nxw reeeinnf i r 11 large W Site laaih- rr.CaR Stina. t tniega, Bind, laata. Paga. Kit, and everything connected otth th. Boot aid fb buatneat, which w;ij be void at k-w pm. a Ctib ABoraevv accKapaaieJ with Caah wffl ba froot;riy filled »;tb good Gooda, and at low rate—yl the Signor th* Big Boot, Peachtree, atrect. Caerxare BLcx. priOtf DIMT K ft MIX. Orion if ai viU to fotij;- rtlaj osoccUi hr U*o at Bortnt’r Patoat Pr# k Batftor aroef Saf**, * fU&Uj e* baa4 at K*« Vert trie#* vj >, k C SEAGO, ABBOTT A CO. Btiua'htr, 11, l$i*. James M. Carter. Forwarding ft Commiaaion.-’cr chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. vta Jeotl - See Black, Bay ,tr»»t—<Ulaty otezfUt by J. Inf*n*U, U^.) P. S. Liberal advance* made on all con* iionmrrjt. RUTRKNCJM —Toltoo. Hotteo. k C* . Jobs I*n» •cfl, Km.. Itobt H. T.>c»s, Koq. torfctfcftfc. Oft — S 3. Dft«ftr4. C*^.. Rets*, H- OUrtr. E»\. Itaftri 0» mar 10 'H4kw\y NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. IF. LOWE, WkitebAl rtoar Uitchell St .Atlanta Qa pft, #r fArtAiiaa cr F»*U/ **» C*ri«n tt*r*< ftlijfioiifkiftiftfti wrttrOv 1 nVy it■•Pit*\f.r^*g U4*|T T11E BEST SELECTED 1JCD ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN TI1K CITT OP A1 LJxb TA, la to h* frill it tha w Atlanta Family Store," Improved Colton Giua an Thrcehiiiffi Machine*. r pBlt »a4nn%**4 UtM| ttotr btiaoa 1 Irrob Btryu Coctty, 04-. V> A'Otu, b*f '.tan io itln vtour uil jiitru *&4 lb* yitic fvwnl j, itot ttov *ill « tto XmbtJidai a f i Jtci usd * b*ftt fan*.*»*f j •?* tkaix octal atimrirt •cal* Tl« t art *rli .ter*a »» J . s arraraal-j pre rad i* K*- s rpa, Scc-.’a CartoiM. a»4 A Uba-ca •• hi# laphrt**f TaaftA. nusiuippi. Sank Carabao. Tray op# Kftto e! tb* rosy toot atl^ a M^sn * iHiai to BftU Vbta tMirttoi »#4 tiwtMi. If y*« art >a vut at ft fX«dlV.U* GU « srtit tV-ftCiftr. tr- *e fr*c* bft, ftft-s •• MS ft* »« as# ot*«r W»» i'*f!kW» of #-,wl fffaUfs, fttl ra tbrcftt •b« fcTteftMT’a FfttitoMt or mwc A (r#i tl tUA.-ft foe traft»r«*tftXAML CbftUacU tu; to«*4« wnh «ftf trttftfcft* orlftoftl tr ky iirwti ft*dtn Ttfetttia »t dtefiN (.' Ma-tfofttM ft* totb«f*o4 i'ftfunaftftC* ef *«r G :« t«4 Ik.thtot, Not if vbitb eat to «ft*a **« ft^^ft*^" ta i|«au. tS, A3 Gift* ftv.-rva-.ol to fftrfarm *«£L Rtjftift. to* m ft toot wfttot ftto la tk •• rktort. JOsSSrH IGNBlT ACO. Atlanta, U*F 4,044. A U* oar good* will b* told at low price* for ctikor wanuyPr *4**, ** * 00| ABB0XT. A C0, n# HANK AGENCY. Mo AjTvwf^r At Bank tf Omica S OanMna Offiea at ITaUicj ft Hobicaona Warehieee- earear et Baiter aad Prycr atreata, Atlanta, Oa. rire aallereiam eeweraly. 300 c “*-*ffiS,'5fiS{S5r JnwiVUM w Ot”: BlacUsmlUilnp! Btacbimltblng n’agea* aad Baggie* Iren- Iron Axle tree, put un-^t~»J_eL mw and oH wagosa, war ^^^e reeled. Hcne ihoelug is tba heat rtyle. AU kisda ol fartalog irapiataecu, together with algoushuggie* aa, uxada to Order, with die- catch, by cficiect wutkereu. Wages, os hud of cU atylea for eala. Bh-p edjctaiag Dr. J. F. Alexander^ Oftre, Marir.u atreex. JAB. M. MORRIS. February tl. IMA delta A SUPERIOR article ef Hatdwaqp pin* Jkhr al. ct low tktm hy laRM WMcXAY.Acsft Wffi NEGRO SHOES! OHBAP! CHEAP!! ^ TO IBOSB WANTING A FRIMB^^ Mlartif'a of double tola cr waited brocaa*,MI 1 Move null ray that wa low have ta Otcrv K a heavy Stock, aud all ot ea- owl Masatecturiag wktek we wiU aeUattu cure a pair lower tree any heart Is thia rity wiU aeti u good aa ante 1* —competition w* defy either lx Yankee Made, Georgia Had*, Home-made, . erasy ether sake, esJwirraai theta ea good ex article at bar aver area oSarei la thia market er But*. All Kindi cf Boom rib Shorn# pcopecuetxblj cheap esd warrant*!. Allgsoda pwnkaaodefierwnirodfrua'oharg*. Altheaigsof BIO BOOT, ha-Vna Street Atlteta ae.'. 4 ta. DIMICK. JOTC*. A CO ULLVd LtKTOt. turen tan xiAma fi bottbsi mwjtExi v--JiAvy yptftt KNOXVI ( LE, l > .‘ VPd?BB. M R. grCBLf.NQ LAMB"., tat* tf tft* Ua Liar Boaie, Mecca, 9» udMMM La- otar, Uxe ef Turergec, Ala xa, wiU Le bxppy la meet ell trie ode and cw ,wan at tft* Lamar Boure, where they have aaplt aeronfwhllM (or two hundred aad thy pereoaa. ft ft B. LABIBR. Preprieaava. HAY! HAY I TC8T reco ad,* tot of T.xrumm Clavat J'—'Sfi^rssas**