The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, March 05, 1858, Image 1

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DAILY & WEEKLY DUNCAN Sl LOCHRANE TERMS OV HUUSC1UPTION. DtUy Intolligoucbr, pur anr»um iu aivnoco, $f> Weakly, “ •* “ 82. f UA:i»KS OK AU VKH'I'IHINO. Advertising ln_ tb« Uftily Intolli^eno«r will bo InterUd at tfj^wllowlng rotoa pur *quare of tau ime*. CO eu. I Ono rr* C5 00 $1 tiO j Two,, 1 '2 b j Tbreo J 60 1 Four, 1 75 I Si t. 2 00 Ona irijertion, Two u Throo, 11 Four, 11 Viv*, *' One week, Georgia Rail Road & Ranking CtmpanJ Augii.M to Ailanti.: 171 .Ftit^r, 60. Jimu 1. Ub-tavus li y,.; (ft , EL L10 LM LH & EXiMliSLll ||jj£r||^ B{||tl6f A (jo, &dberiisciT)ei)i«. 1 tjiij b^i'tisemc^fs. GKOROE YO.NfJE, .SujmrirjlenJont. i year, MukNIXO Pa-rSKSOHI Tragi.' \ r.entru Atl’ii'.a cnilyat... urno A. M. Arrive* nt Aijgiuita, At 7 »0 JVM. I.av « Ai«tH-;*7fit 2 Uil A. M. Arrive* at Allan a, at It .iC A. Ah IjVKNINU PaSSKSGKR TaAI*. 1 «•»»« Atlanta. duly, ot 13 09 P. M. H out \rri*Cf at Aug'JUt at R 'fi A. M. 10 tm Leivrg Augti.ia, «!: i y, »t 4 Oil P. M. 12 tiO l .Arrive* lit AI aiila nt I 04 A. M. 15 OM j CP* Thi<H«»a J tune in canircriuti with th* 25 On } Trai **«f ih«* tfnuth-(JaMlina nnil »li« Savon Western & Atlantic (State) RailTtoad. \tlaiite t> (’halteiiofifa. IU* Mile*, Ka:e$'». JOHN W. LEWIS, Supjrmi.’.rlait. -ipeelaUontrnet* will r.*tu ido for yearly vivo? | nah a nil AugiM t Railroad* at Aug'itU* tWauiftiil* oocupyinj/ % a quarter, half or whaif* column. .T&r Adv«rtl*draent« from translaot perioct ~tau*t be paid in a-lvnnec. ’ a V_L*gai advertisements published at the upu* M*e$, Obituary nAtieOi-.-JCvodlng too liner cliar$ } « l as ftivyrtlwinetLi. Anuounciupi'andUater for euioo, 00, to be,paid ic, advatieo*. When advertisetncutr ar,. adored in boththr Daliy, rad Weekly, 2} j ur cesit. will be added to tboabovo rate*. The ovivilege of ynarly advertUerr is rirlctly liatiw l’to tUeir own immediate and regola; bueineis. Profo*’iona! OrrJi not exceeding rix Hner, i\b peraunoui. AdTC.'tiscmonU Doti| !*etfied nr to tiwovJM h? pubUnbed tillorderod out aud ciiargod ui regular rates. Advn*tkcment“ Inserted u the Weakly paper ill be * I *V for liook Store- New Store, New Goods. AND New ArrangemGuts. Books and Stationery! Mon.yixa Pavsknop.r Train, .. Leave* Atlanta, daily. n*. 2 10 l.M. Arrive*nl Chattanooga it 1007 A M. l***a«c« Chattanooga, daily, at.... i 3 » A. M Arrive* ni Af anti ut............ 0 30 A. At Niotir P .\‘Rt.voRH 1 ic a '.s t I.e.ive* Atlanta, nightly nt t*3 Ifi P. AV Arrivfg «» f’.liattnnosgs <t 8 26 P. M Li**v*Chati-ntf'gft, ni htty, ut..3 10 P. M Arrive M Ai'uiiIh ui.. It 22 P. M LjT Thu Hjh<! c uta^ct-on :b way * he tlhmie Drani-h PniininJ at King^tnii, ih^ E»>t Tuitrici»v« dt(ie*»rgin ei ron I ut Ualtoit, und the N.i-hvillc 6i Oflaltan-rog j llailroaJ at (Lit* TWIOOCJ'I, WHITAKER BATES, Attorneys ut Law’, Atlnntft, Owr^ift. Office, front rootna over J. A. A C. U. lVab lace'* Rtore, corner Whitehall and Alabama »U. ^eb 33, 1868. JOB OFFICE JAS.\ AI>X*Nt»r.R. wm a. sim.ny DR9. ALliXiNDER & SHELBY, OfTicc Co n r of Mstiotu i Miikcl firteUi; Jnn 3. 1853. do'ly THE PaoPIUBTOKS hirlnj? U'Dtlj »li.f to tb. JOB DEPAaf JCErr of tbo E.ut a.u. LARQE.nd VARIKS 'Sl.orLm.Ctof lb. inlr.l A'fjr/.. of PLA1« AWD FAl'iCY DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, PFICE on fUrttfua atrwat, oppuii.e Dr. J. u r «* prepared toVxeecteJn a nt^t and workman, he manner, every dtreriptir c of COMHIBSIOH KERCHAMTS. (OS Til KIC1U1 A,0 uu or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, •;0)T(JK (jllOCIUllEX, A-C., AXalo*ma Qtroot, tooth of the |U%6& ft UTeitera Defat,) Atlanta, Georgia 0'T*|y*an*a*e# V*a«y Uirs at tar fer PtuCae* Atb ta U»-TiiJ»Lr. 1MT Grubb, MERCHANTS, of all kinds! Valuable Book, Attb* • <^Pa<r.«L LertJ tiueike ,«li 1 is) IUni:uM«« { ■-Oct*.*■). «c £a»r«raUy I P LI' BSD3, AC , ittuu, *J». i-Tvaja kaaft- £«**■*) tatriflaa. EgX\ I very Fanner ought to JMB tmf have a Copy of the W CHINESE SUGARJDAXEI® r CHINESE SUGABJBAXEI! Sorgho and Imphce, TUB CHII7ES2 A HD AFKIOAH O i . F. AlMUmlcr'i, AUiat., Oa , F-bra.rj 9. U5S c 8TONE 4 FITCH, Attornefi ut l,u\T, Q m CE ffTTWkltfwH Ilk cfc*wp^«alrv /7UKTA /uBDKUIA. Jana«ry 3j. ieM Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Dead. \tianta to \V«*t Pj.iiit,^,7r \L*•**»■ Paru ^3 50 iJEOnGKO. Ill.'LL, 8ipcrintenJent. TflI2 iimlcrsigned is ncrtiiulrqj his Meek »f JlfroUi nn«l Stationer) •by overy n’eatm r from i nn.l is nlbo in recti pi of tboXovr PuWi the principal publiiliuc Uunos *. # mo sued trotu the prerr. Ho itfers for i prices— , ion ri.trus Full) T ost, Tap, L;U«r, Xole.Atn Comutircial Koto Paper at loa- Mopnino PAtsb^gv'r Train. I itavr* At.auta daily at .........2 0'1 A. M ' rrivr* *.t \N ? «>t Point nt .......7 28 A. M Lt'uvtat WrM Point ilai*y nt 4‘OOA.M Ar.irc* at A lanta .it ,p 2J A. M Evr.Nl.MI Pa5nKN(UM TlUlV. ] fives Ht daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrive* nt W«*t i’ itit at 0 2ft r\ M. Leav.'* West P-dnt d-ily at -I 3, P. M. Arritoj it Atlanta «t HUM’ M r79- Ti U K.*ad :o..n*’C'a n.rh wry Mi the ^on»ifrt»ne v \ vV .» T>P,, JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW U u US r US, '1 •/iXriSt ind In'er* Particular attention will be civen to the Print W ILL practice in tb( Dut i:t i ir hou li f thin 6'tate. Uarulul ntfontion p»id to the tnvrhtiirating <j( Land Tal.a, tub# buying, celling and In citing of Land Ceriiticatea Prompiucej given'ti lb* collection of n’i claim i. l{f.r*KC!(C*g:—II m. Wm HsMen, Wash* itigt m, D 0; A Auatiii 8mi b a -Waalingtam L’ | . ; Hon Wm Sm ;n*, Wa.b:listen D H *n ; KJohnaori, Uuli iu »r«s, Mil; Gov Wic E tion, j Warren.on, N t; Kt»v RJ Joni-a n, Atlanta. I ftn; W \\ G me*, New ''rlrana J.a. T xia htrsBr.scES—H »n P H Sell, i’an | Autv)niu;iu gu f'at-chol, A'jii ArPunn; JuJ v i fl W Puaebai, \u*tin; Hon P W Gray, Hoi ton; Pakius «Sc Ketch, Houalcn. jitiuory 7, 1858. ^ ' dwly Circular,, Way Bill,, Blank Note, BiB Head,, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programme,, Bautirn Car'd,, HAND 11 ILLS, POSTERS, U. Wo c?iioe:foi*y ..jiirlt tbo p.t-oK.Er of oar fri.od. In thr city *nd coantry, so.l »,.art iboo. tbo l ill .ird, n .HI I>, protspliy ind i,ti;f,cu,rili attended to. G. V. Eddv I ®o„ ( I'cefyaorrf to c. k. iuvi rirra y po.)' t'iri, ;Jj NJ PBISri.'tj. »AHrtU(i£ htPUbllUfit i i ^cjdtlig :t* ctrtrrtf AU. t I'.jd Il-hU, | N- Atlanta, On. H O U » T . 11 . ,HAV, S Hnticr.morod bi. CARRIAGE..V lEfOSITOKVtu the .bore ok thvnd oj.poilto the Wajhitgton X3t oolt-SInd. ory, Corner of H-hitihaUand. Aia'nima tU., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. DR. T. POWELL, O PFIt’B oior Smith A Lzxar-‘« j ru Store, »bere b> can ' o fvu id du ing tho day, j ui nigh , at h i reiitfo^ccon tho corns^-oi Collin* uud Jo oj fct ett*. AtU ta, Jnn* 20, 1S58 d*3:n THE w; a. j nog. b ii u:.vr JONES A. HOYT, ATTORNEYS&T LAW, t tfi -'f in la Hu 1 * Building, EDDY & CO., H aring just add*-I to their former etieriiive auofi* tr.ent of BOO K and JOB TYPK.C t T F., ORNA MRNTS, ic., a very Urge vcrioty cf new materiali, of r.W JyiMf •tyle*, together with une of lios'f celebrated Cytlmter Prruei, ire more fully prepared than heretofore, to clye Correr of Marietta and Fc»ch-trr, 8: r «eU,! tuyatob v, .lUrdrr.lor work lu tbeirtisn—«hiab ATI AMTA A'cnDA'iA.r twy .ill In tbt bell i tyli. of tbo art, it ATLANTA, GEORGIA? ! fairprice, foi Cash. price# . Particular attention 7*11 to the execution o. PI.VK WORK for Railroad and other JcintStcek IMACON k WESTERN R. R A! At .-ON. December l-Lh. IH57. CHANGE OF SCHPDBtE. | dt™ pionr, EjvuId|i4, ni lil tlijr Iin.l q ulilbKi nl.ti, I On inj ,lt« FiiJiji tlu I3tb ibe (raioawill; T T. IlAClfCTT'; ATl iiHNEV AT , | lie mil a/ ffilja&ii | A, LAW. UinsiJimcufgia.viW lir.curc CottpanT.l.Tr.niiiortMlee Agwta, Bosk,. Col. ! I .|f?c M'CJII I a. m. ,rr A'lan'i R.1S ». m ; u 1L . I'.ib.aiii* c.u.,iu.: (Joito.a, ...ri i 6 *' k “ d Attorot;., Fcbllc Otc.r j.I.eavn Mac'in n 3‘l A m itrr Ailihti fi CU pm 1 Murray Ciiiner, WhitMM, Girilan, Walker, B'»-k qn.lUliii ggeSSr ni'.bnl! Ilo 111 ' " -''J- 1 "' 1 "isUi. u r Mirun 7 lb n. in. llide. UrftniuA Mrj. W. V llar.itll. Mnii- ■t.nt. Jtuliooery •jjaally foeitd Ij a" Allanbi U i;i Ogi.. a. Mamin ft U»».m j aiu, Ki.ii.-e i &. Si,u|-suii, Mtr.cllj, Jurat, K- ma x x“x 9 T ClOlV/V H"ft I'l ! ^ irdiit* will naLburuoon Sunday*. I Lawt.on. L*q , Lahiunuga. f *4 jia 8 Q§8«.jL The null, tain from Atlanta Connect. J-J3~ :’ji iiciilar .tloijtio'. pi;J Ij thr ca'rctir.g loobn. roll it! Jr hoti.o, Sebcol, Yr. ncy nnil.l’ock- -j v . .i.MWn el lb,30 oln,aleo wjjhllieAl CHEAPEST tt Inketaude, I’onfuih i, Back ( ho#< Bo-rd*. • Choti .Von. Port: fci iglo rqiI Di E!nt-*r, Erak*im* Knl n ,lc-, P coin!' hxtyf train, iri*w«fk'v, which lo.iv.-a >1 ion 7,t6 a. m,ou Man day#, Wednesday* and f ri ,vr jnigB.r, ( ci, i luEWSie-l anU' Qill! Pin. Sfiiinco. a I il.c 1 The noon , caanee't with the flonlrai bft.t Wni'liif. Coffli* fn,l fnifoliblo ! fl nf M 11,30 |. in.’ and F.® wclcrn If * ■ " «|j» t nil R.irunud for Albany and < • In .iihue at 1 3t» n. m- Ink#, VirUIng aud I’lnaiu^ Cu gnrjJ and at *i tow pries* ni IN TIIG CITY. A't», BUI Ki»e«, Indl < Bubher, India !t*i»dm ninsrs. Quill* Pealing Wai, Uo l, Olwslt, Fancy an-1 White;*India Ipk. Lrawl \* t.r-iyoi., Cr*ynn Ilotdrr*. Black Send, - ftuvl Uckif, Liil lle.-.d Jloxc*.#C-*leode»i,.ic* All of wb ch Vi ill U roid a? ihc lorest pticei, by WJJ. KAY, AfreuU ALFKKD L. i*v.LfiH.Sup*t. Dec 23.18*7 iLV.w. J OIia\ V. IIKAHO-ArroKNBY A i* LA H ,—Colquitt, Mille r, w tieorgi unreb o 18 7 L OCIIUANK At LAMAi;—n- 7 UtiS Whitehall Street, AtUota. Gcorpin N. B^—Pknie remember the loc»t*t*n. * ##^rcat R*.f ri to the general l’aeaergrr «lf po' and oll'ihf 1*. Jnn 23, V-8 dw.f NEW wor.K. M. LlVlilGSiOiE! - 17 YEAR'S . Explorations and Adventures FOR SALE. 4 L\RG>5 a?*•ament *>i Virginia Lea' Toharen, varying In price and qua’i'y, at : to-tiil and !«..** ‘heap a* therheaput. ■ H .1. MIACKHLF 'KD Ag'. j N.iv Ui »8'»7 dtf SltiS AT LAW-Macon (rcorgia U. A. LOCQEAKB. J. LAkiB- tUviiig aatLCUled thcm«r!vi^ in buaneaj will «luvote ih‘-m»«lvea to the ptaciiceol ftLetir profwion [7ant3iwly ilerchant*. and otter#. Book*, Pamphlets, Cataloguci. .Circular*, Card*. Prominory Rote*, BiuckDeoiU, Cherh* wvDi,«QBUiief7 siuu#. cuerac Way Bill., Fregroram.i, Raod and Show Ellli Fosters, Ao.. che ated .1 tbort.neiire. Printing ie Oat. 690 oinvei: Been liwfi;TOT Stock Coming In GEK^SFOllNJSUlXG •GOODS, HATSAN'D CAPS. A HV.11EERIXO A-S'J.’f'S ctotbior ( *«f * I list rriiiifJ, s tr«''ira» article J Or S.»i. i i.ct, IT fir laibai. edBerlaj. S«»J. ftr teeKilL Ftpt. 7, CL/b.EE A OHtTBB. (.aery and Mercboat Teilcriac ..ubi ii.femM • Rimkey! "tiifkryl iFblsbey , »1.AHEB A Ok'-.fcB b.t. Jcrl m.ired Ift Extra C-\f*t OrtOlWCorf tThbikoy/aid for **)« etioaf. 31 Ofllf 4 the VV«iii):aia Georgia, from which tem-ke » »elti- l#. Braver*,Cador OartueoH. Cravau ^ WLo w«kU ebyBt? _ _ CUri# i Tjfnlo uu f;>., i-t *•#!. whtcl Ut util mV >.• .re*). l*K tioa. Shirt*. r*ri»*ri, Coder Gartuet,*. f. ‘Jeoi*‘^Io*iery, Glorca, Trareliog *L»r:* BUi i T4cri# TmrrnlDr#,4e., fer tala at the lure* p left*, to thcco«4 trait,Ml W* ilKHKIMO k SOS'S, it Wbiletuili ii., AUsau, 0*. J ’ir» (*•* FI rf*- # r V »«« GBC3B. ALTX. M. WaLUC ...vrjt.CROBWSO A TBEA1 ISC CFOS THEIR VARIETIES & CULTURE. finp Crew esd lb* man A'aibel, nor*. Bee and Dy, taaSs «i'h a , r . _».-ctri TGij>>E» 1 • ^ CiEmie. eiJ • lUcrVbnerlMpeUMl pecea tmen* uir«R( <lu bale ar tbdi lB^na. T# vftWb •re added, Uopaw HiMtallnna ■ of • VetaeMa Frcorft PhaaiAkte. By HEXRT 8. OLCOTT. < Free *t U, next P^ip Tic*, to uy id- Ml* by. XVV KAT, Alert. Allest., Oa, Jan.S3. Iftf . *«a Wallace & Bobinson Received. GENERAL COMMlSSIL'Ii MERCHANTS, AKO BRALEES IS TKNNLbfih K 1‘KODl'CK! We rive tj+eM u> ;tt «aie of £•«*. L»rd, FiLcr, Orair, W tukey, Z c '. tree, 4t. f kt- lJ»i!vfitd eVlnrgi-dbli fadP.tiei, ii prepared iv. \ Cocrip,m«U* r«|tc* ni Crdrr fit 1 ** +:ssQS. CORK HXAL igatfei. AH til order* with which ba may be Lrare-J, ot | * r«ttpt put i a* g^od term* u cxn be obtained to Asguiu 01 j’ . AiiYE k UkULVi". Savtpuab, with the addition of Freight. i A ic*. a Hr* t hu*) IIUclock ambraet* j Carriage*, Coueerd I)aggiet, ; ■— 4 ao I ft loatBockawayi, Slide Sect* Jo., • Fall Topi do I With and without Tcp, ; J Top Rugglei, j ‘ . ; Kelojide., j NEW BACON ! Sf^traaeaf-c- AW 8 ! ^ »“T tan and Lt„i .1; 1. xl « ‘" r “. M ,. KC E A nOBlEo.VS. A »hare of patron r, rr ,.— .t ape l# rc#p4c;fu)ly icHrited. ! A -UI _ — Order* for Family or Plantation Wagon, • LARD ! LARD 20 Oliis. genuine Oil £2 Tanners. dtf Kosin assorted Vagfebes. 05 per cest 8355551 Burning Fldd. Caapkena. Spirits Turpeafine. 20.000 lbs WLitc lead, assorted. 150 Boies G Loss, ossor :e.j azee. h2^.Brw*L<t, colfTwJ Paint*, and all Lr Pmistcr** sac. fer tala by itiaeu. k«r *. 1UT. A AlXZZXTia -.nor vehicle* filled at atort uohoe. We ar* also agent for Norwood k Eohin# Patent Fan. Atlanta, Un., Doe. 4, 1846. j T"N Cat,# and Hindi, a. \ w down prirc*. lr Ii »*''...LLALE A MRINM N. I January 16; J‘»*8 dtf NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- ATLANTA, OA. '-pflK.ebecrib.r yrettMloiwta U«aMMs..fAt A lest, and eieiaity tdot ft. bo. enartutly sl Loci, at tf, Coafcctinacrjand Raida,Mtobuib- \mv Koine to (lie momn-»Ves Hate phi* ft f.'hirkfttoo Kail-Knad Cotapletad { Conoeciltig ilha'tanooga, Teuo.; Cbaricston, S, Faror «inokan Inc*, or on VeUum, Satit Uuilio, ec.. done In beautiful style. Having liktwlae connected a Hook-Bindery with the;r Printing BsUMieauwnt, they are pr#* pared to exacute order* frr evrry description ot work it, that department—including IUILIN0 and BLANK BOOK* MANUPACTUllIN«1 —in t style superior to any eu/ ‘■‘etvre done in thi# sec tion of the elite. Their Tv. !» being nil new and of the latest pattern*, tbeir Stock or material* the ht»t the Northern usarke-U afiVr i. and their work- men equal to any in tho South, they feel confident of their ability to giro enure eul#faction, and W r 1LUA3I M. DA.VFOIITII— consequently have no hajittney in auliolUag ^le A l VUiiS LX AT LA VV—Lauborn, p*troo*^c of their friend* and tha public. Georgia. •• &gt,DrJer#for work, in •iterr departmant of July 26. 1857. 'iwtf 1 tbeir hoiineii,from any part of Georgia anil i neighboring StatM, will meet with promptatua —~ Uoz. Atlanti Ga. Feb. 20, 1567. fdiwty.) jt**,Fhunk Now Orleans Groceries on CO.-VSIGXMEXT, The first arrival of the New Crop — AT ATLANTA. Sesgo, Abbott*- Co. aeifCWOfe^-, Confection Posirte* U-UaUaioravftmdlcfcrcuhav . _ _ ■A ) lain ftsravrcatMctal Caktat for wuddihga ot fartiei, at fhcrt c oil oa, and on acccnendatiay term*. ; . Imported wines and br«Mi#« of oil drtcripticst for medical ponmeet, key a always on hand. Also genuine Spanish Cigars, *nd choice chewing To L-acco^togotber with a largo aisortsost of Toj* Fcn?y Article*, Ac., Ac. Having recently rot creed from the North, whert! And will be it reeelrf, weakly, of farther Coo ke laid ic a fine ftoek of Fancy ArtieUsand *re ! slgtmru* fr.a ;br:r tneadatn Naw Ork-tu der ry thing necessary fur carrying on hi* candy mat. | »rg *kt u:n>v, whub »*.vy will »t i to cash osy- tfactory be wouifriefonneernty dealer* tha’t LaL t or* at 10 per coal lower iluc tb# tint good* can prepared to furnish eamiie* at irholo*ak* at t('i tw b* eyht io ccy o‘h<r Georgia naxktt Aho, cent# per pound. an ample at^ck of Col.-w, Sait, 7'Laroo, Gandies, Order acecopanled wiihtk#eaih orgoodeL'y • kc. 6EAGG, ABBOTT J O'*, rtftrenccjpromptly attesded to. j 0.copy 5**co ard Abbott** bu.iuatg, coreex Fee- La VALENTINO. ryf& and Stitcbdl tinuU. Atlanta, Nov. S€th 854. d*w>y j Ja» 2-iflfi dtf HAVE no- L. -*w mpcfNrr.t Mo^airc#, Sjrsp, " linn tapes*, CRvi.-t. Piiafc Flil'r Fair, ■XsJ Fal-, UKDEllWOOD R llAllI IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, .* Georgia. m ?p WILDS oL AFRICA. ILLUSl’BATE''. »!.; Snvanuib, Or*.; and oil North*Ea<torn /»n Whit«haU*tre*t o7#r A. Jew Qfiiei, «®Marapbl«,, I V. ' 1 y r * 1 »f ,, „ «*«ki,th,H»». <4i,) SSTTbc l«.i connecting Unk of. Rall-Ro.U ln» ■ »■ H. Uromwoon. | j. * IUiik bttwoon New York an^ tho .Mississippi Hirer! .£2? Thl* Hoad Unow cum pitted,* and opened for the rogularV* n, P° ru “ on oJ Fa«*«nger# *nd Freight, und will uff-r l more expedition and irss ixpense, than auv other route between the North UP'inko iue nolle* thereof, end govern elve•.1Cconiingl>•. ,, FA‘seus«r Trains leave Stevenson dally at 12 o'clock, A M„ (a‘>or the orrlvul of tho treln ■•ruin Crattinooga and Naabvillo,) and arrive at Meiupht* *uuie day 7, F. M., connecting with F;r*t Class Steam Packet* to New Orloans, ind all other lu:i*ortnnt point* upon tho tVcstern riv- » i ••**-• Goods cnneigr.o,! to llril-Ilond Agents at In nnnor fiO rents—o'oth 31; ’cr safe uv j oheilcMor. "t Savanr. ih, will be forwurded u. WM. K AY, Ag.nit. Atlnntu. (Ju. »»«»« LUTHER J. GLEN N A ttorney ut Law, Atlauta, Georgia. WUUttond the Courts In the Counties of Ful ton, DeKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. UK. L % J. KOliliUT. Medical &. Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. GfLceut hisresideuce. Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. J WE bav.\ a* usual, g *t out \v ri ~ - |irge s/ork of (Iordan _Sih *c wh*> luvt (sought of u* lien • an 4tt»**t tu their line qunlitte*. Afi*i chant* from the country, wo partic'iUr’y in vito and hope to *• • urc t! t r rr.»d**. VS. would fc'#u a ).l»ers! aharo *-f pair »na r . from ourcitueua C»!l and Pir DM IT II At EZZVUIL Januv- !fi, tRM dtf DOWNING HiLL Al’I.XNTA, ukoik/ia. * cHer »*C at.'*!cK ; c nr retail. r Fruit Trr * fTSHL.nhJ.ibe # dllr at trs.o!o• a’c J[ a v-.r) i-z^srnivu collection of F*i (5u|.o Vine*, A c , Ac. Mfinphli and oitir puiuts, by Kipress Fruigh Trains. * &T Fieight In charge of the Adan.% Expresr I . ; Company, t« iwrri-d over thii routn daily, by the ^uuuin , PaiieCfrer Train*. May 16, 1S67 F. C. ARMS, Genoral Sap't. Huntsville, Ala., April 1st l-157. U. J. WUIUUT, Attorney at Laxv, . . . . Georgia. I’TJH.NITmiE! current .floury Bought. Blanks! Blanks! Blanks!! Of all rie§criiHiotiSa P IT R TkJ • 1 k T BS BJ1 I 1 : We will > u, the lo!m cf Tesaa*, M tJ lla if fl fl fll II fljl , .'[Banalaho,KertueRy tn'i Nc* Orletna. ^I.A.\« KOKAlii. UESCUIPTKmS.eiE : Ucl * THE iLb»criberj hire coheid I ImeU ,r, sett ojesic, t latge aed iartauU, Minted buck the' iNonhern Manuractortca. ftEX- 0, ABBOTT 4 CO. Nowmbii 11, ifeiT dJ had at ill timet, at the ic Bird. Eye I.imc.' . We are Agent* for the sale of Mr. R L Re-er’s )Y uenccr ; Birds-eve Lime, put up in 5 bushel barrels, war- i full measure, and of superior D. B. PLUMB & CO., BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, Oft, WHULXULXAJroUCUJLDKAUnsm Brass, M^cIbss, and Cheakib, DYE wooce & DTE STUFFS, 'Jilo. Punt, end PtfctarV Article, Vunoheo. WicUv QIm, esd Patty, Ulaa, Wen, P rtnfi. ttul .Voerieoa Pnfsram. I'u. T.-ilet and Sbaun, Soane, Fist rood, and Hide lira dine, Pant Justw, niJknUt hdluawlt TRUSaESrbUPjPnWSas :<?? aia 6fjr», Fees, Uass&lmiTtkMce, t3 ■he r^enteePrapinaii MoBBif «f the l»,y. Superior lake. Pen Wioee and Braciieefsr Had- >ai Pupan, Sxttaat far rUraas.ChoaTci- let end Pescy Arhdee, nr W, o9rr p»de ofsoSy a low ee Aoy eep be ohuloed fan eny aietfato^aUHeRaesi in thi, ere'ion* c HamsJeJ <« ie Pure, fter*. csJ ff-crisd. ‘ Order, Ins the Ooantty enapdf tnsuaderith rertrd Sled and Mtudecnoa (sansuad with refird »price and qoali-y. PH Y81C1ANI? PKBSOUPnOHB aril rreehe penkolar tt all hoar,of lb* deymo-rtt. fn-» I d«tf OE?XrEC:|E:a . Attornier, Sherillr. C|i.-V» of C.rattft, #rd Oalllutin. crij be fumir: ■ .1. ,t rh,»r. notice, a tty /.icnff fiirin of IjKCU. ItIRIT, or HO (/‘I'Socchich they ir.»j .luricr ; en.l.ll Ft llfflc •it I. gal nrtjumri.t.. common!) i>, ure, urr »1- wev. .a fiintl, to be told ,t th. l-.Brtl price. Vtrdnboi, Bar mm, Beerettrr,, WtdnUndt, , •V r . r >1111 Stoaee.Holtine CloiUBj&c. hefr, of aty dttlMd pettern mod prlc. A Sm i ... »» c * a,r *- ‘ 8i ^ f O. Z-. BdURTEC Pisso Fort# Bspsim tnd Toser IT'ILL etusd to eny eeHiia kle ^rgM, V » Uc. of bciicut, each et n;. JFrld „. eiatltf of aedca, eor«i»| efbaa- II # ( . vo I oeie, (Mtod or baled,) laying ef cevtOtttgl by ,, : ibe ccuTt, .belt or ltael,. Ac. m M. SEAGO, rabiee—Et Agere's, Curntx and Sid*—Sofas. Tete*, b-T*.te,ttc, [.5for*. M4., Importer* *r^ JSir In addition to the above large stock, wc | >*-«» ia Freath Barr, Co c# receiving weekly a applies. Th* public are tn • l ^gtt aaA lUopo# Mi2 fioeo* mod to«*ll ai»d examibt our stock. • BcUiag .Vc. Or'.* V. A. * J b WILLIAMS, j wL! be Saxikoot UiltuZ*n*C*iko,t aa<hitt* *t. f - --M*y ettcald-oS t.f li*o «l j aiaafacicre* yncts- ^ ^ *CT otkiF Rmovold in this market. Orders by 1 ^ oetave, whole or single. Aa. w tha CarlMi cill be CUed at kiln trine*, by j BaHa&etio* fljw in snry tfittasca n H —- S., A. d- CO. i eharge. AUwcrk warranted. Tuning by tha Ttardea* eUUdueed Pricer. AH order* thoald W Uft at Heart. WO- Ham*' Furniture Store, eg Peachtree n, Aihm 4er1y. T O 31 AST FACTOREEI W E art t*m iceemcg a 1 - large kx of Sot* l^ath- fixers?*u: TOSKAOO ft lavnwiv WILL COST IS l K THK THO DIVE CO)f Mi SSI OS H l 6 IS ESS, •Through Tick*'!# MeuipM*, Ac, sold a I Wil!uingU>n» N.C.;!«*t#»n, C ; Auguita. .Savannah, Macon, Atlanta anJ Columbos, Ga , Montgomery, AU ; Chutthnocgu and Nashville. W.U. A. Attorney at lr a xv , Isibolla, Worth Co., Uofers to—Maj J. L. Harris, Mtlledgevtile; , |rjB ll«o. A, 11. tUniill, ThouMsvitle; Miller ft Hall, ‘ oonoe.'t will tbo W..|«rn dn {*““■ H- Ul «»»*, M »^ C I C® t i* KoaJ, passengers will take the Nleht Train* i Duncan, AtlauU. 1 Casoc, short notice. W* have secured th* AT HIS SEW UOMMOUIOUS FIRK W. .MpTap.”"”"IoULkT*-; MeullifBar. , " SBAtlO, ABliOTT A CO. S-pttmV<r, H. 1557. j M,Cal! •■-tin,. l.iniBM. UinJ- ^a. Kit, PROOF Rl’iLlHNG, front of Atl*ut. ; .. » . ATLASr. 1, t t-juThr »«u»J Facui.ieftdifiyu-d U'coij^ ( » *o?v;:c* of a Cwupdem rtnot to attend to thi* de ** J.S. WILLIAMS, •V*v 2?,*56-dwl v Peachtree *rwL Oei iretn Wiluilogion, N* 0 ; ^ugust.i, CbjiUtv*ogi j •nd Nashrlilo, Tcno ; and the day train# from i **.nston and Kirgsv.i.**, tf. C.; and Atl»uta, 1 » 2—J i y. Arrll 1st. •U.VlUv JOU.Vs'2tl>. Attorney at Law, •JiMerovillo, .... Georgia U.t’Unn. win by n»U tJ »I1 awCeaul,. (see of charge PETBRSyllAHDEN A CO., Allanla, CiVr'ii. Novfm^rr 0,18A7 tMm SH AD ! SHAD ! ! SHAD ! ! ! Tl«> first ill) fcuiins Received lu AUauUt, .Jcuuiu’} Oil), ISAS- B Y 1* UOM.OtY, uud pKichinril by TIim (ijlinbVj) Pr P'imt of th. ’Front II. un-. ^ffllCq.-.liin ni.l b« lerrivin, bhs,i do- iLiiffl* *‘*SS r, ’’ m ^»' r,nn *l*5fl“ , ' il1 ,l ' hipi y to tc-'t in idow hi< frii-n •* i-> Al.’mii, M.rirli,. I..f No-»n,n ei.d R- ir ", dn Al,n, tho lli n’lo on fit. ft. If It. P' to ti'rrit I’.L’OVI OX, atl.iitJ.lii Mr. t.’on'nn, ton 1. Iduna I'Y ffloir n, nl r„ IRK W. All.lit., ft,, f i.iil.lm CAMPHENE l>urnin»’ Fluid! tB AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR -CASH, f, R. RIPJ.EY. P.-S.—A liberal discount bj tho Dbl. 1*. O. IIAUI’EK, Attorney at Law, Watt Point, Georgia April tit, 1,55. ii„'tlf J. T. WIU.HW-, ., IS.a WILLIAMS L BAKER, t» H'.nant, nun ,1- U.,) (I rtX ft K X1, t;i) M M! - *1 [•i.n XI L i i. It XV COMMISSION’ MERCHANT H«. 1’jrt TUB I*Ur:« II*Mil » il Mur.j. of Predi^' i-p fxnli the It non A Acus- slJJ.Jnt. ib-ill. 1**7 jjU*tf XV. T. C. CumpDcll At, Uro., 'L’RUEOX Hen■ n , S l tJ.iiu, onpreparaa lr p*rfarin >11 to. pur.tit.or la th. profM tion with UJ I f » .lUrobUity asJ (kill or.r AUxinder. 0ra*St<ira,XThit, UkU it.* w. t. c. Campbell. G.P. CAMPBELL. Atltota, J,n. ]- j,| A the-t. am frgJl OLUlt WHEXI 1 uiij.ny. Kwt At 1 X) Ot^4r|l, i.i», tirorxia* Ho inj-t and par iroiir alien f! Vwna in (Ijii. he >*!n oi(7.,rn; Uae-n. I aid i ebMtinp, ieur, reathat, end J rr.nff ee ’ - liio (,n .1.- Jin IT. 6.x- .Ilf ; LOU P, Aik® Hcmale Collie, j nR.TI. T. I'l LLl.Vll harir, r.-. I / lurne 1 Ir.'tn a nm m k i gmia will jiua^-k sjtj’Xo vThe JUeeewy of iMr 'Vnj}i>K PftU *** th* krnit nl climiiieal aeeM.i 1. Ileurpaatet .itUh- r ink, inr«Llioo to color, 'luiebility »nd rs»} r fr.m lb. p-n. Xk hsli Ipo thi-k.ti'M a mil, i walar. K -haul) n il ho wUcy will. ut=»* nke, billalw.j*l>e pot lulu UK I 11 *',, - '” .opt enrttod from lb. ,lr nhen nol A, *t.l.. J • '* Twliiooi sorr il, lb. it«i i .r-aod er-ool ►, rnouad in lu e,ualiiy Ly *oy luk in»nti»tture I hump, ur Amorim. Onion oriToijpaeilully roli l .-l. «• »• *1U kit op th* aboro tak m'I»» i ba pat op is Pkllad.lpb . ei X V. laU. At , LU. Prua. New Futhcrr J iu reoelr n.r ? mr. dwtf LAN D,N EAR ATLANTA xrL Si tA, 5c| Ie3 a .1 rvtfr *tltn j urno th« practice ofli.* profeieioii u the ci»v ut Atlanta aud iu vicinity. Can bo foui U itTiuwilfic* at alt boura.eicop. when prVttai maMy rngastM CiTutrh* WAaUuMJI'llX HALL. •v.nWwtf -°"i rjpiir.TIllltliSESS! >.||fthi. -.iLNIMY . tne Irian .n l u f»a«* nitrd up t^e hu«m*< t of;h Frc*’v)t r»a i t with a n.>« fl.-er, and .e-4 «ir»Atinf \ inuc i in re camaod^- ou* * Lit Ci'rrmrub * r»*m than the i»n*i «*rcu- p'ed «a*t jcir. We will »c>*u,>y »hi« ro»'m !€»;«» '»ti l *r an/men»* cm <*»mp ! e;*d 'oicifctmc jfvraieneiit Ccllc^c ttui'd ng*.- Tt t;n- ih • -a*n? a* Ifrtumri* p ►li.h • Jan • it .UV-Vr-n J L JMGEti { 100 Kega Nnil#; A 4a»anur.e Canulea, tiJ.trtjiig., F«um the Miintccr Co<t*»a Mk*#j fcug«r ai*xi C .7.W, Hear a»-J Moiksni ft by.*cp James ffl. Carter Forwarding Uommi»ion"er ep*«Jif ; to,*. U;ja P^t. 3£it, tod _ . iTtrjihin, rennet led »iih th. Bee) ,o4 8k ! batmtw, which wgf h. told a) law price* Oa.h 1 AP order, arrenpanied with Cuh wil b. ’ fc.nepa'j fiiirJ with |cod Oenk, tad at low ! r»u»—*"i the Sign of the Bi, Boat, Piwkaw rtrtct, Cbcewkc* Biock. onncK a tax. chant. SAVANNAH. OA.. Uuca. Mm-i— MMlMi ' ■ i 1 . q J P. S. Ltbcrm ladeOAeu ewJe oa ail oar.* tioxne.fx. ItlttCMXt —T»tt«a. Et itt- a Cr.. .'tr» «n. iu«.. k V'-rr t.mco, tu.--. i, Em . Hew,, c. , r. It. ot«T Ut. aeuri ... ti ^ r.-:» -:V-.*•)• iproved Colton Oln,’ and Tbrctbing Harbinro. T td bf^rj mami their l freoa Kefgaa Gsastj. Oa., to ilUsU, tog ton * -iJt -M Mbouimi t’ ^ — ** NEW AUCT.;.J HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, TThittbal tear Mitchell St. Atlanta Ga #1' f l. At 8di.i.»v3«ih»aS«-«, vtlfir* partu I . c artt «-.j.xe i. ih-pa eh*»t’ o • of 3 • :si* «««iW-r«.« r.K#^t. Varahascl-ft, 0*4 Cnsc*. srr #r F*atlra*«. ' r .*T% te»‘ecit«lly »cLc:.MaaC ffcwjtlf a»* f * Hh Ail fa* tfair by Fli WINSHIP. JObEFI ITHE __ I’m itj.if BEST SLi.uCTE’D asn ASSORTED STOCK OF butter ano cheese. »V ,„•! A l.dttiiB eoppJy ob hind of nijtifi; fl' BlUlly VrFOCCriCS iialit*. afkil tut UV K» ) • ... — ••V • .quality, and tut sa'e by JOSEPH WIX9HIP. Norll 1PA7 iU»ti rn*. ». filT *i >8ClH . th-i ) Ui'iwlu iluibt'r, foil* a:r#« i f>irftajr«« • !l»# hun'r*^* ch«»c# t of tliw \• iy *• •: • >t l it, b 8l-1.i li» t It 8ft * UU.l.rlii. w r H T lei im.dJ A <0iJ l*t*A>o **i'i It fir* tlhnU, , tvj» C bLAl^UTFa .tit ZELLfiR® & ieiaiDE, wiikuati.K ami arraiL bra..kb, ut FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (In Mvkliara’, Iroo-bTonUJutblin,-,) WDltoDaU atroot M-lIi&IWA, SiL^MSA. Fuhraary U.h, Hie—.li. nil. . m. niut'.it, HOMCEOPATHIST. ar.d R iora, in Hr. 1‘bmto)’. tf. W#wpia| Paw V I A KOK \a ,: t Tyres v*i of a.i #ixe* an J W.U K v V, Agent ) the, t*pp ••lift iMUt Static. TVmtrolwr 10, 1837 Jawl y Iroa! irou! Ui TUB CUT OF AILAA fJ, I i X • ha fa tkTs d at t h » w Atlanta family Store,” 1 I.’AKUE Suck 3f itdwah Me mile £\*unnt and H.t.oj Camptn)', ’r.,o. con wtatlt an havX, at kfinaficiunr. pn ft by JOSEPH XVlXsHiP NmaUell. IM, 4»- - JSaaaliiU S^ltWCr. A 1.1*3S»,*!/«.■ chJiMM,I>ni,j mtkdeawubmg!RlachiBtlituui * -'by JuiBPa ktCC5aU“. j BFoioea *r.d Bnrfea Iran. ^ I t-.lmta. May ft, »Mt tdawy 25 Packages Glass Ware, Just Received! 1 > Y the Sutxcribe. of th. treat m nlcrnF ) , jle., and will b. ,ald 55 p. r eaii( ic. loan I ha', bel.ire hoen ihlrtueeil lot cnab Alw>, llhina end Qui-n, XV.ia, Pi.trd Lahore. Hided Uandlotirkt, Koike, -tpoonw Tow belt.. Britain do, China Ktnw t. Vues. fte. In which I would intita ihe »l- rntipti u(my furi^fr palnm, and eapecialiy th. Ltdus to coll and examine, ' T.H.RIPl,rV. . Not. I«. ISVT .Iff X’EKY Cur AM-uimrct of ibe abdfii j !•-. to !>»o l «n c «,'nniant. Dice low .Vi a link Srorr. by Vt \|. K VY, 4*#nt BACON a LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WlNSDlP. ; BANK AGENCY. J IK *fi ,; *tsr aUnua. Dr U. W Jl>UIaCt) t j HrodUn. N. V, NuV.lA l«»T ■***•+> 1 «0,a»MIt* CO K 1 to S-M 'tataUdilM fbf* M. WaHii'S®, 08 tfOtmien S Ctrr/um. tP«jue, ».d Bng^ea Tteu* :id. Ucn AaU trtaa yn: dor new *id o’d, war “ CAOMd. llone vaocicf; in the beat ityla. AU aiedt el fmotrg laiptetseot,, lop;h,r with wagons hurstM . s, mid. -o o.-dtr, with dii- ratch, hr iS 'u.t wcrk-tei. Wagma on hand * “ >ie< for oal*. fh-p adjriain, Dr. J. F. ' —:s MaiiMU ftnrt. 4AS. U. MORRIS. Tihtwrn >»m. iwarorsper. im u tebra th«r *M aatroa, tad th* | that Day wfll Mtnat* tt* Uasr" - Git, ace WStAt TOrwhan cstF wd. IhWrkdtfOM MtSkaew* awd aatmaaSyaa ■rend la aaaca, beats CaiwUaa, tad Akkawa -at Ufarwa-TUOA. UlaUaink Xartt CanUaa. TV.J ■nubdohiiwjM wwWrkl, % hiwii ...iirlt* wsbythww iMMainl aid dMaala Uywa >ntl vawlol OdMa Ot. mr toml Dwftw.w Lfectamr dan] n^tka. »W wUl Ittr T.rahaMPt iwlftttr. MtMrMt aMapil ttaw I .1 ,b*i|* fer tia*o*rtatia*. Oaotneta way MM, I witt cwr tnMil*, or ImoI Sfotts or by SlraW wrSw* |r»a>cadAst«td unltnu, a, Mlht«wd ■■MdMrCamlTaaSivwwd’BBk lo(U ihn-,v:, aw* la tt MObw jmzib raarhooi NEGRO SHOES! OHSAPIOHEAPII TO VUOSB V7ASTIKQ A PRIME toltrttria of doaWatal* or wahadh ' Kww, willl tay that wa aaw harait j ahaaTy Stock, and a*l at ear rww MilBbaTwrl., which wa will mU at tn ccntt a pal; lower than tay boai. in ahU city will ttll at cohd Bn artitla iwniwtttlcn wa d«f> althartn Ytmli.ce Made* Georgia Hade, Uome-skiadr. orowyetharwakt,and warrant tOeai uptdi) amcl, a, ba, arer Wn otwwd ia thl, aarkat «* Sat*. All kind, of ■ ■' a ss* pnporttMuSyohMp All roodrp.rrOaMd Pchchttto 6treat i t th* dp of BIO BOOT A liallt O*-t.ia. DIMIUK. JOTOE.* CO btUNGAtOMSR, TiATWAD tAuyvneukair: KNOEVl'Lfi, viR.srKRU.Na ■ iVl* tier, Ui* *r Tnuei to ccct all iriasd* dm whtMthi far two hs*dt*4i_ mt