Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, December 16, 1868, Image 4

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JIUe gaily gntclliyenccr. LO HILLARD’S “YACHT CLUB” SMOKING TOBACCO. rnHK best Jndgc* ev rywhere declare It to be the best, 1 for many reasons: It is made of the finest stock grown. It has a mild and agreeable aroma. It Is auti-nervous In its effects— The Nicotine having been extracted— And in perfectly free from drugs. It leaves no acrid, disagreeable after-taste. Does not burn or sting the tongue. And leaves no offensive odor in the room. Being very light, one pound will last as long An two to three pounds of ordinary tobaccos. Orders for Elegant Meerschaum Pipes Are being parked daily In the various Kised Bags In which It is sola. Buy it, try it, and convince yourself That it has all the advantages we claim for it. If yonr dealer does not keep It, ask him to get it. LORILLARD’S EUREKA SMOKING TOBACCO. ▲ GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO 18 A PERPETUAL COMPORT. Ths “EUREKA" Tobacco Is likewise an excellent article of CHOICE VIRGINIA TOBACCO, of a heavier body than the former, and hence much cheaper in price; nevertheless, it makes an excellent smoke. Orders for Meerschaum Pipes are also packed daily in this brand. LORILLARD’S SNUFFS Still retain the excellent quality for which they hare be come famous wherever used. Circulars sent on application. P. LORILLARD, no vt\—dJL pi JSgw ^ork. GLENN, WRIGHT & CM, COTTON FACTORS, Storage and Commission Merchants, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THM "MISSES.; SEDGWICK’S Boarding <& Day School FOR YOUNG LADIES,; CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND TELFAIR STS. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T nE DUTIES ol this Institution will bo resumed OCTOBER Ut. The Misses Sedgwick will be assisted by their former efficient corps of Teachers. No extra charge lor Latin, French, or German. Vocal Musis is a daily exercise In the School. The Pupils will have thi advantage of attending fre quent Lectures upon ftclen .ifle Sulijbcta, for the purpose of explaining and ill u strati ig their various studies. For Circulars, containing additional particulars and terms, address the Principles. EeptHO— SITUATED ALONG SIDE THE RAILROAD, ENABLES US TO RECEIVE AND SHIP FREE OF BRAY AGE OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE for handling COTTON uneqnaied by any in the WE RECEIVE AND SELL ON COMMISSION LANIER HOUSE, ill A CON, GEORGIA. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS I COEN, OATS, WUEA1, FLOUR, BACON, LARD, 8AL1, tfcfl. WE HAVE A3IPLE STORAGE ROOM |jrgo situated as not to enhance o* vitiate Insurance. *43 FOR HAY COLLIER & BOVS H AVING assumed the management of this Honse respectfully solicit a share of e public patronage, inibus to and irom the House. Attentive Por- octS— 8m Free onu Come in out of tie JAWS OF DEATH! Hesitation and delay are nothing but another form ol suicide when you have a remedy at your hand to remove pain instantly. Dr. NU«(aEL’§ PILLS Are the true grains and essence ot health, and the latest gilt that Science has given to the world. FROM MEXICO TO ALASKA The people know them ! The People use them! Phe ueople praise them! These pills grapple with disease at its foun tain-head, and root it out of the patient’s system, at once. They fortily the body against Disease in all forms of sudden attack and epidemics, and enable all to brave the miasmatic danger of swamps and forests. One of Dr. Maggiel’s Pills relieves the entire sj'stem ot pains and aches, enlivens the spirits aud sends new blood BOUNDING THROUGH THE VEINS. Cal] for these inestimable medicines at your nearest druggist’s, and if he is out ot them send to the proprietor’s office lor them. They are mailed safely all over the globe. ONE MINUTE TO SAVE YOUR LIFE! Take Disease in time and yon will suffer less and be saved mauy days of useless misery. What One Hundred Letters a day say from pa tients all over the habitable globe:— Dr. Mazgtai. your pill has rid me of all billiousness. No more noxious doses for me iu tl ve or ton pills taken at one time. One of yonr pills cnied me. Thanks, Doctor. My headache has lelt me. Send me another box to keep in the honse. Aft er suffering torture from billions cholic, two of your pills cured me, and I have no return of the malady. Our doctors fretted me for Chronic Constipation, as they called it, and at last said I was incurable. Yonr Maggiel’s Pills cared me. I had no appetite ; Magglel'a Pills gave me a heart r one. Yonr Pills are inar\ elloua I send for another box, and keep them In the house. Dr. Magglel has cured my headache that wasrhrouic. 1 gave half ot one of your r>U s to my babe for Cholera Morons. The dear j oung thiug got wed in a day. My nausea ol a morning is now cured. Yonr Ik>x ot Maggiei’s Salve cured me of noises in the head. 1 rubbed eons o Salve behind my ear and the noises Jett. Send me two boxes; I want one for * poor family. I enclose a dollar; your price is twenty five cents, but tbe medicine to me is worm a dollar. Send me five boxes of yonr pills. Let me have three boxes of your Salve and Pills by re- tnrn mail. Doctor, n.j barn has been healed by yonr Salve. Wo Atways Insure, unless Otherwise Instructed. WE SELL, ALSO, bashing rope, iron ties, portable grist mills (FOR HORSE OR STEAM POWER.) SMUT MACHINES, TURBINE WATER-WHEELS, AND BRAN DUSTERS. SOLE AGENTS for AVERY’S and DODGE’8 IMPROVED PLOWS EARNESTS JEWELRY STORE! WHITEHALL STREET, (Markham’s Building, Empire Block, between Hitchel. and Hunter Streets.) E. E. EARNEST UR 8T11EET, OPPOSITE CITY PARK.J Her art Dialer ie lie Lstest styles el Sate, Bents FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, WOOLEN GOODS, HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK OF. jSliawls, Cloaks, FUTS, H 11 III 0, II Effi And other articles too numerous to mention. Please call and sxuilMjNock and Prices. FIRST CLASS JEWELRY Constating of elegant DIAMONDS. GOLD and SIL VER WATCHES oi all grades, CLOCKS of every style, and on immense assortment of FAN C V JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AUD EYE GLASSES. A DESIRABLE assortment of Pebble and Periscoplc Glosses, set In Gold, Silver, or Steel Frames. A foil supply of Sterling Table Ware, and Silver Plated Ware of every variety, kept constantly on hand. GOLD SETS, PEAELS, ETC. H E would especially call the attention of the Ladles to his snperb and beautiful assortment of Etrus- cas. Gold Sets set with Coral, Pearls, Garnets, Ac., La dies’ Watches and Chains. All qf which have Inst been opened, and are for sole at NEW YOuK PRICKS. He is determined to keep the finest qoality of JEW ELRY, and is prepared to guarantee satisfaction, as well in style as in prices. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All work warranted. Thanking the public and hie friends for past liberal favors, he respectfully submits his claims for continued patronage. ocl8—3m BOOTS AND SHOES! Gr. H. & W. FORCE, SIGN OF THE BIC IRON BOOT, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS and SHOES of ie 1st Approred Manufacture. OUR STOCK. IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS IICHM, And we call Especial Attention to th« City as well as Country Trade. BARGAINS, BARGAINS. BRANCH, SONS & CO., BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS AUGUSTA, G A . VffTEjHAVE(removed to “CITY BANK,” No. Sfifi VV^Broad street, where we shall continue ths Bank ing BMiness in all its branches, the same as an incorpor- atu^Htk. Seven per cent. Interest allowed on moi bfraM, and deposits payable on demand. 8pecial attention given to the purchase and sale of TTAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO CHANGE THE 8TYLK OF THE PRESENT FIRM, AND IN ORDER Coin, Stocks, Bonds, and Securities generally. to make room (or a Mammoth Spring Stock. I will sell, for the next thirty day*, Sight Drafts drawn upon the principal cities of Great Britain and the Continent. We invite planters to ship their Cotton to us. We have fine storage for same, and will make liberal cash advances on consignments: or we shall be happy to for ward it to our friends in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Liverpool, free of any commissions for advancing, and will charge only 7 per cent, interest on amount advanced. Thankfnl for the patronage we are reeeiviDg, we hope, by promptness ana fidelity, to merit a continuance of same. BRANCH, SONS A CO., Bankers. N. B. Parties nnacqnainted with ne are referred to Banks and Bankers generally. B., S. & CO. octsK- % . 'll \ % \ % ./? __ AGENTS FOR THE SALE OB EOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, RETENTION OF URINE, &G. Maggfel’s Pills are a perfect cure. One Pill will satisfy any one. Georgia and Alabama Lime, and Georgia Roofinng Slate, A ad will Fill Orders for COTTON GOODS or other Merchandise. „ -- ,srnrnwimmmmmmmmmmsmmmmm mm" *■■■■! ■BjgggB GUANO! GUANO! Ho. 1 Peruvian Guano Per ton of 3,000 lbs. in bags, $03 00] SolublePhospho-Peruvian Guano, I Per ton of 2,000 lbs. in bags, TO 00 lAiuuionnrred with No. 1 Peruvian) J Ammonlaled Soluble Pacific Guano, j. .. ..per ton of 2JJ00 lbs. in bags or barrels, 06 00 (Amnioniated with animal matter) ) Baker’s and Jarvis’ Island (South Pacific, I per ton of 3,000 lbs. in bags or barrels, 60 00 BoUvian?(ri«Fb tl toaibra5“c;) do Per ton oi 3JJ00 lbs. in bags or barrels, 68 00 Also Lower Grades of Phospiiatio, I j» er ton of 2,000 ibe. In bags or barrels, 80 00 to 35 00 (Oariobean Sea,) Guanos I h a —i g ea Also Ground Land Piaster (Gypsum,) Poc barre1 ’ * 60 particular Attention ia Called to tbe Above Mentioned SOLUBLE PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN, H gs a till Oil §5| o ADVANCES ON COTTON. T O PLANTERS AND OTHERS WISHING TO HOLD COTTON IN ENGLAND, where storage. Insurance and other expenses for holding are less than iu the United States, we are prepared to ADVANCE TEN CENTS PER POUND On Middlings shipped to onr friends in Liverpool, and hold as long as desired, charging for interest the English commercial rate, which at present is FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. OLAGHORN, HERRING A CO. Augusta. G&., Nov. 11. lt>C8. novl4—daw2m JOHN K. WALLAOa. WALLACE HOAH B. FuWtBB, FOWLER, Real Estate and General Collecting Agents, \\f ILL sell Real Estate or Personal Property at prl IT vate or pnblic sale; will receive Notes and Ae counts for Collection, and attend to the Renting or Leas ing of City Property. nov!6—d8m WALLACE A FOWLER. FIRE WORKS I TOYS ! Confectionery, Fine Liquors and Segars. J OHN HENDERSON, Whitehall street, opposite National Ho1 el, has a large stock of Fire Works, Toys. Confectionery, Fine Liquors and genuine import ed Havana Segars. Also. Pipes of every description, Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, etc. All r want of such articles would do well to give 1 His goods are especially adapted for Christmas presents. Fresh Savannah Oysters, by the quart or gallon, or in the shell, received daily. Etf Remember the place “Bine Front," opposite National Hotel. novSO lm —AND— ilMBMATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GDANOS which are rich compounds of the highest grades of South Pacific Phosphatic (“ Baker’s Island and 1 Bolivian, GUANOS, ANNALYZING 65 AND80 PER CENT* BONE PHOSPHATE, iteniiered soluble, aud yielding 30 to 36 per cent, phosphoric acid, amnioniated with No. 1 Peruvian Guano, and with animal matter, making most coucenirated and prolific fertilizers; combining the chief mineral conatUueuu u f all vegetation, and adapted os nearly as possible to all soils ana crops, having been thoroughly tested by prac tical and scientific larmers and planters, upon Lotion, Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, and Vegetables ol all kinds, With great success, for which the highest testimonials have been received. For sale in Wgs ana barrels, in quantities to suit purchasers, by . . JOHN S. SARDY, Importer and Manufacturer, 68 South street, corner Wall, NEW YORK. General Depots for Georgia at Savannah, and Charleston. Apply to GLENN, WRIGHT & CARR, per* For further Particulars send for Pamphlet. Atlanta agents. jauSb—-c FOR FEMALE DISEASES, Nervous Prostratian, Weakness, General Lassitude and want 0/ Appetite, Maggiel’s Pill* will be found au Effectual Remedy. MA&GIEL’S PILLS AND SALYE Are almost universal in their effects, and a cure can be almost always guaranteed. BACH BOX CONTAINS 13 BOSESt Oue Pill la a Bose, “ Counterfeits ! Buy no Maggiel’s Pills or Salve with a little pamphlet inside the box- they are Ryu*. The geuuiue have the name of J. HaYDock on box with name ot J. Masgihx, M.D. The genuine have the Pill surrounded with white powder.” ALL OKI) ESS FOB THE UNITED STATES MUST BE ADDBE88ED TO HERBERT & O O ., 474M Broadway, Now York. DB. KAGGIEL’S PILLS OS SALVE ARB 25 CENTS PER BOX. bov36—ly W POSTPONES SHERIFF’S SALE. ALL be gold before the court house door in the iown of Camming, Forsyth couuty, on the ft #i Tik- oay 10 January next, two hundred acres or laud more or ,*~uumber not known—known a# ihe Creek Place. 48 the property of Jouu Arm.irong, to satisfy a fl fa In favor ot L. U. Hutchiu*. 1 dovi] td A ‘ ^ KL . L -. Deputy Sheriff. povm, ta .Fruiter s fee |2 50. FABMJBHI9, GAltDJiJVIHiiS, AND FRUIT-GHOWEB8. FLOUR OF RAW LOIsTE! HAim BY TH* OARXJtY alil.f JCiKUi'AOruaUfd OOKTANT, JUK3TTA, «£OB«IA. FLOUR OF RAW BONK ie tbe cneapest, aioit reliable, ana moat powerful lertiLscr in the market. The ver, oeot huper-Fnoapnatee ore inuobtea auuo&t entirety to the bone they contain for ; heir virtues, but are more chan U&ii made up ol oLhcr niatenaia, many of them utterly worchieea, while n ia a generally admitted fact that moat 01 the Guanos in tno market are very largely ahuiieiared. Tne lmpernsct couoiuou in wmeh bone nas been neceeoariiy need neretoiore, by reason of the impossibility 01 reducing it to line powder, hae been a serious drawback to He use aud value. Now, nowever, thin difficulty ie ef lectuany overcome, by a recent application 01 machinery watch reunowriw bone to the condition 01 Hoar. '1 ne value of Haw Hone is thus increased fully u.« Honored per cent., making it ae rapid in its action as dis solved none, ana muefi more durable. Raw Bone ie one-tniru organic animal matter, yielding upon decomposi tion lour and one-baa per cent, ammonia. Tin* rapid decomjiomuon set np by reaeon oi tne minute division oi pa* Bucr uieengages lie earthly phosphate*, rendering it immediately effective. W e warrant onr Flour of Raw Bone to be poriect.y pure, anc wui give absolute guarantees to that effect. Thu* article Huston* the ripening ol all orupa; n gives strunglu to the etaik and weignt to tne gram; it promotes the growth and hoaltn 01 trees, aud improves tno aavor 01 iruit; it o«#t not exnaust, but permanently improves ami strengthens the soil. in dry seasons it is well known that the use of Peruvian Guano is ruinous to crops, while uic Flour or Raw Rone can oc used wuii the same advantage in ary seasons as in wet. Floor of Raw Bone contains, by Ui« analysis 01 Dr. R. .v. Bayes, ol Boston, and Dr. Leibig, 01 Baltimore, 48.33 per cent. Pnosphate o! Lime, and sa per cent, animal matter, yielding 4J>t per cent. Arna-ouia—more tnu oonhie *Ue amount ciauued lor most oi the leru inters in the market. Circular i*am t Riote lumishea wnen assured. GLENN, WRIGHT 4$ f CASTLE ROCK COAL! We are now prepared to fUmieh this CELEBRATED COAL I N ANT QUANTITY, either for mannlhotaring ox do mestic nee. Having eembliehed a YARD OPPOSITE Ol-R WAREHOUSE, T H£ Ia E E F E E DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL. for the receipt and delivery o supplied at short notice wnen rue, iamilies can be Orders are Left at our Office, The beet eoonomizer In water, and securing the Greatest Power Thie OOA L being tree from Sulphur, and not liable to slack by expo*are, rHitlers it superior for the pnrpoees above named, i rie«A, at onr Yard, are a* follows : Lump Coal, per c-r load, 35c. ^ bushel of 80 fi>s. I umpCoal, les? t: an car load, 3bc Q bushel of 80 Ms. Fine Coal, per car load, »»c buanel of ah Ms. f me Co..!, !-.ss than car load, 35c. 9' bushel of 80 Me. Oiuers respectfully solicited, and contracts made for ehipiutaito lrota ibe mi':ee direct. We will also famish COKE 01 the very best quality, when desired, at low est pn««. GLENN, WEIGHT * CASK, *»pl3—3m yAthUM-a, Georgia. . to any given quantity of any other wheel. This I wheel must and will, when known, supercede all oth ers. For particulars and cir culars apply to the under signed Agents, where a specimen wheel can at all times be seen. GLENN, WEIGHT ft CAHR, Agents. The Whitney Turbine Water Wheel T HE cheapest wheel made and well adapted to all water power. Many are ia ase in till a State, giving entire satismetion. For circulars and particulars apply to the undersigned agents, who have constantly on hand some of these wheels for sale. GLENN, WEIGHT ft ents oc*»?— 9818EH-MML TO ALL PARTIES, rog irdlesa ot quantity; and have on hand and to arrive a foil assortment of everything usu ally fonnd in a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORK, consisting, iu i>art, 01 the following articles: 10,000 lbs WHITE LEAD, 5,000 Hi;*. Mineral Paints, 500 Gallons Linseed Oil, IO bblsi. Kerosene Oil, 1.10 fire tekt. 5 bbls. Kerosene Oil, 1.75 fire test, 8 bt)ls. Varnishes, assorted, very low, 1 Walnut Stain Varnish, 300 boxes ot Window Glass, 130 ounces of* Quinine, 1.300 lbs. Bluestone, ait 13 cents per lt>. TANNER’S OIL LARD OILS, MACHINE OILS, DYESTUFFS. All the Patent MouU ines of the day, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles, FROM THE MOST CELEBRATED DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MANUFACTORIES INJBUROPE ft AMERICA CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST. J. S. WTIULSOlSr, Druggist, t— Under National Hotel DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS, GREAT BARGAINS. ONE PRICE ONLY! ONE PRICE ONLY! JULY ISOS ALL GOODS WARRANTED! ALL OOODS WARRANTED Z JOHN Mi- GANNON, CORNER WHITEHALL AND HUNTER STREETS, HAS NOW IN STORE AN EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS CAPITAL, - - $3,000,000.00 Assets, Market Value, - Liabilities, $5,052,880,19 600,103 55 Net, - - - - $4,552,776.64 BRANCH, 171 VINE ST., CINCINNATI. INSURANCE WITH THE /Etna Insurance Company IS Hist, A bond of Brotherhood; v*d. The evidence of prudence ; 8d, Saves anxiety; 4th, Stimulates ecurity; 6ih, Favors accumulations; 6th, Encourages wealth; 7th, Assists business credit; 8th, Rebuilds aud obliterates the rains; 9th, A blessing to the unfortunate; 10th, Sets the poor man squarely upon his feet; 11th, Re-enforces the wealthy; AND 12th, Helps along this busy, grand old world. TOTAL LOSSES PAID IK 49 YEARS, >23,500,000 OO ! ’Wf~Agencies In all the principal cities and towns in the United States. Rates and terms as liberal as is consistent with relia ble indemn.ty. W. P. PATTILLO, Agent, At Atlanta, Georeia. OFFICE—First Room, np stairs, of the Railroad Block, opposite National Hotel.apr3— lawly J UST REOEIVFD-fiOO PIECES DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OP BIB- KINOES, Empress Clothe. Poplin Alpaccae, All-Wool Scotch Plaids, Canton Cloths, All-Wool Delaines, Irish Poplins, Silks, Mohairs, Imperial Keps, Black Alpaccas, Bombazines. JCST PECEIYEB— 56© DLOAES, at ail prices. JEST RECEIVED—500 SHAWLS, at extremely low prices. JEST RECEIVED—200 DOZ. BEAVTIFCL ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. JEST RECEIVED—200 DOZ. CHILD’S AND BUSSES* COTTON anti WOOL HOSE. JEST RECEIVED—100 DOZ. LADIES’ AND BUSSES* BALMORAL SKIRTS. JEST RECEIVED—100 DOZ. LADIES* AND HISSES* HOOP SKIRTS. JEST RECEIVED—50 PIECES FINE IRISH LINEN. JEST RECEIVED—80 PIECES SPLENDID LINEN TABLE DAMAIK. JEST RECEIVED—20 PIECES RICH CERTAIN DAMASK. JEST RECEIVED-200 ALHAMBRA QUILTS. JEST RECEIVED—IOO TOILET AND MARSEILLES QUILTS. J EST RECEIVED—A SPLENDID LINE OF NOTIONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS E.VlBKClDRKlUb, Lace*. Haridkerchieia. oud Button*. JEST RECEIVED—A BEAETIPCL LOT OF CORSETS AND LACE COLLARS. 'CSX RECEIVED—500 PIECES KENTCCKY AND NORTH CAROLINA IRANI. CHARLES BOHNEFELD, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, UNDERTAKER, Manufhctnrer of Coffins, AKD DSALKR IK Metalic Burial Casas, Caskets, £c. ALSO, MANUFACTURER AND DIALn m ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. FACTORY: Lnckle Street, Near Walton Spring. WARE ROOMS'* Peachtree Street, Opposite Wes’ey j Chapel octSO-em • JEST JEST JEST JEST JEST JEST J EST BTS. TEST RECEIVED—100 PAIRS RECEIVED—500 PIECES KERSEYS. RECEIVED—200 PIECES WOOL LINSEYS. RECEIVED—200 PIECES CASSIMERES, BROADCLOTHS and SATINETS. RECEIVED—300 PIECES RED AND WRITE FLANNELS. RECEIVED—50 PIECES WHITE AND RED SHAKER FLANNEL. RECEIVED—50 PIECES CANTON FLANNEL. RECEIVED—IOO PAIRS FINE RIBBON ROUND ALL-WOOL BLANK- COLORED BLANKETS. novB— ESTABLISHED IN 18*4. T. M. & R. - ST CLARKE, I) Importers & Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Hardware, " * KEEP constantly 01 hand a full astortment of Iron, Steel, Nailo, Note, Wash. I erg and Rivets, Circular, Mill, Tenant, and Crone-Cut Saw*. Leather and Rubber ] Belting and Packing, ernes’ Shovel* and bpaaee, Building Materia), Pocket and Ta- ! ble Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tool*, Rime, Spoke Hub*, Agricultural implement*, Spring ’• and Axles, Carnage Hardware—ail of which we are offering low for cash. 1 Orders from the country promptly attended to. AGENTS FOR Fairbanks Standard Seales. SIGH Knoxville Iron Works. OP BIG PAD LOCK, Peachtree street. Atlanta. Georfda. IS ! , M. C. & J. F. KISER A re now receiving their second stock of fall AND WINTER GOODS. Have now in •tore and to arrive — 501 pieces Prints. 300 pieces Drees Goode, consisting of Merinos, Empress Cloths, Poplins, Alapscas, all-wool DeLains, Scotch Plads, Plad Poplins, Chenia Poplin:, Chenia Mohair, Imperial Reps, Black Alpaca*. 200 rh-iwi*, all grade*. 25 dor Btimorai Skirts. 12 dor Ladies’ Cloaks. 100 doz Men and Boys’ Hats. 100 pieces Jeans and Ca6simeres. 40 pieces Flannels, Red anil White. 40 cases Boots and Shoes. 150 do* Pocket Knives. 300 do* Knives and Forks. 50 pair White Bed Blankets. fWALL 07 WHICH Will BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE decs Old Stand Talley, Brown <£ Qo. f Whitehall Street,