Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 01, 1869, Image 1

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X ‘KliilOU OKAHKH TO BK DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IB LEFT FREE TO COaMBAT IT."—./e/cram. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, TIGDA Y, .1 AN L A RY l.lMi. he gaily gntclliflcufcv. PUULtSIlKD DAILY AN I) WKKKI.Y UY lked iswiw whitakee, I’fOllPlOtOP. ■* ATLANTA BUSINESS DlllLl'TOHY. 1U (Ml a no a oo iscription and_ Advertising Jtates. TKKMS OP HUUHOUll’TION Y t por month ^ 1 00 t, if montba lay, B months Xly, lywtr ............ to coploi at tho counter >0 (. i> dpio* to Hovti-Bot) and Agents 1 HATifti OP AUVBUTIBINtl. . ,-acb miuniu of 111 lluos or lew, for th® nr " 1 ,‘‘1, iuhI fur melt **uh«uinn*iiUnsnrUon c*| renin. 3 S 1 3 S 3 S 8 S, §. § ' • rff?s : ^ S'8 T I S4I s a S s 8 ^ 8 I IIBAflW JM*: 11 ;* JOIIHAN, IIUWAItU * HAUAI,M).N,Tol.,..„r,,ti, Merchants, WIiUoIijiJI sttw't, AUffliin, cl.-nrgiii, litSft constantly on hand all grailo- ol L'tarwlug AM MnuktnK Tobacco, Plgurii. Ac. 3< > l 1V 3 S S" 8 S 8 S S 8 X 8 s s 3 8 sas »b^ •? - _JL P f'T“S~3 8 S • T i I a a ,9 S JW • i : : I~8 8 3 8 §““• I' f • *- 3 a S S i : ' : : e* «. .t*...*5- Ml . t- _ji. P Miittcu.f jii i^uu ii« a r Hue rlret lneoruou,auU Aita per one lor ouch subsequent tnmuan leitlsuiuoniB insorioU at Intervals to bo charged as ItrueemeiiM-urdated to rorasln ou any .particular J to b« charge*! kb new each lu*crttou. money ftir adverU«»ng coueidureU due atlor Ar*t ' cornmnnicatlonB or letters oil Wince* Intended for idee eiiould be eddroBBtHi to *;Tua Atlamti intbi.- liioHU." J AUKU lit WIN WaiTAKttR, l T . Proprietor. • Civil-A- l>ei»arMt»’o of Weelern A Atlantic llallroad. ^ niQtJT PABBBJJOKH TBXlft—OUTWAKD. y Atlanta v M ob ul Clmtiauooga OAT PABUBNOBH TUAIH-OUTWA y •* Atlanta '• £ JJ j ***1 Chattanooga.... ‘ I KieUT PABHBNUHli Till AM — i,B ChatUnoi*ga 1‘ M Woe at Allan la ■ OAT PAHflKNUMA TllAlM—IN 'm'.b Chattauooga A M wus at-AUuuU -*4:UU j M I jlacou 6c IVonteru Hall road* ^ DAT Pill IM U BH T II * I B • f Daily, excoot ttunilayu. ie Macon 1-^® A. A ijv*? at’ Atlanta r. M .i Atlanta 1-Qh A. M j vo il Macon A..*U 1'. A> NlrtHT MXPHMB PABBBNOHR rilAlN—DAll.T. Atlanta. 74. W A M ..&£> A , MtorKU Kallroifd. ; Allan la a *) r. M •i io a. a a 4o P. M 4.10 M » a M UBta 1® !'• y i* viiiMiBta 7.00 A. .M t.t AUgllBlH XII I* 41 at Atlanta 1 • 51 N1HHT rABhBMilkU MAll« TKAIH. o Atlanta ‘ • /o at i/giSi V* m 1 iii 1 M -tyoat Atlaiihi.. r;.;.'.!**' A - Atlanta 6c Weal-l'oliil Kallroad. day PABC^NIIKII TKAIN—OUTVVAHD. yc AtlautA ;5?l n ‘5 five at Went Point 1 DAT raiMB.VWBU THAIM-INWaHD. ..Voffsot Point ’H’ l-S- lv*. ** “• *• , NIUMT PHKI0IIT *SO l’*ss«HIIIU*-OUTVr*Hn. U« AI win u* . * .SSL’S .jVt III West ‘ I ,n r - a NIIIIIT PllSldlir AND PAS5BHIIPI1—IMWABU. • aim tSItllN S ATLANTIC RAILROAD. , i met Moy I JIIi,' |B>W, I’ustoiigor Trains will r OilOW** UUINU NORTH. | JS /%, .fF.^JAJI^ (ftoBrT^ITMOAfB,) KxrKBBB i Pawknumh.—Arrive at hatuuooga i:« r. r u connecting with tr.lu. of NusnvUls mid i i-MlI.imnus ifflfiWw lor Nsshvtllo, Units- S Vitin uild tin* West, slid lor New York »nd uib.-r tvAsterh Cities, eio UiuisyUlo; ah>u wiU; irons of Muruphls mid hsrlcslon ItollroAd Cur Memphis, New Orloaua. etc, 11 ... Ifl. l)Alt.T (BXChfT Suit OAT’S,) Lf At.TOh Auoomhooation.—Arrive »t Mariett* st.VSS r CsrlorsvIllsSitH p. KlugtumWU r. » , UsIUm W:#l a. «. 0 P. >1. Daii.y UitSAT NoilTnsuH Maiu—Arrive At iinlton ldWAi couoMtlng wILh HUM .ilor Knoxville, Lyndiburg, Wneblngum, Bnlll mure, PhilmlolphU end Now York. Arrivei At ../;Wfli4«s*5v?^',i>l 4c* »■, ooi)netaU'e wilh trains of NMhvtlie mid hiUAuoogs llailro»d for Nuuhvlllo, Louisville »wl tho VYuet, »nd for t New York and'ntkur Khsloru cities, pm Lottie- vlltee; nlso wllh trains of Memphis And i lotileslou Kallroad lor Memphis, M. Louis I unU ■ lie West. I CUM ISO SUUTU. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. | A M. DaII.T tlllUAT SilUTUUHN UilL. -U«V ngt.'haiunoogaal 7:1(1 p. u .connocilng with ir.iin. of Nit.bvllle and Ohatutiooga and Memphis and Charleslou lUllroada, and Dab ton ill 11 is r. u., eoiunvtlng wllit tralua ol Kisl I’ennesico ami UeorgiaTUIIroad. oo ». M. Dah.t tKxraiT stmoAT'a,) Dai-tor Ais»i»«oiiATnm.-l.e«veD»ll‘>n »ul:16 a. n., Klugaton «JU »• CortoraTjUJ 1:lh x. Mailelta at A-R- _ 10 l». ,71. Daii.v irtvnaiw SuRnAT's,) KXI'HXS. I'AsHRNMmt. - IdutveChaluiioogaatA - *) a! dMiiuMlng w,ui frulu. of NaahvilleandChai i innoga, and M*mi|ihla and Ch*rlsston Kail- roads. Yi'man’s Potont Stooping Concho* on nil Nl°ht Trnlno. 1 K. It. WAI.KKU, . Master of TraneporUilou. lUKHMI.IR'r TATI.On. C. CHAMI'K,.Merchant -Tailor. Alaliamv s door lo giil'olllie. Atlanta. U» . k>c|i bluntly on hand ji well si-l'-eled stock ol the very etyleB nfiiuodB lor Ueiit*' W»»r, '1 rlitinnngi*, «t.r. JKtV KLJKIKN A N II W ATi)«1-jWA K K US. WM. BULLMAN, Denier In WatchcR."4'KtciCB t ' > Klinf' Jewelry, Gold Penn, hpecUiclufi, elc., Whitehall street. RepnmngduHo and warnmted. . * i* li .»t.t TO THE PUBLIC. .1 U..K. I. .V.pf—.fp. Cli: n f fil'lv Jo nit)' iVlt . IIOOTN AND SllOts. '. li. A A. W. fc'OKUK, Whulunnle Dealersin fkM>l*> and tUiuee, Whitehall mrtnti, keep un hand the largest and beat pM|«*otud atock in Atlautu, and will always pell lo country mBrchantt at Now York price*, with -freight added. may3b—'ly €ONFK(rnuNA|IYs , JACK ife DAVia.Confocthmeri.anddealernln Ptrreign PrullB, Preeervea, Julliea, Toys, Willow Ware, A.C., cur- uer Alabama and WhitelLill aiieetn, Atlanta, Ueuruia. aiiirVtK-lin U. w/JACK, Confectioner, Candy, aud Cracker Man ufyflprrr, Whliohall aireei. S m>» ly DltllUB AND iUKimiNKK. UKDWINK A POX koep the “Live Drugbiore.” ly WILhHON A (JUANB,Drugglat, Dealern in Porw.Medl dnoa and C'beuiioala, under National Hotel, my 'JS ly J. A. TAYLOR, Wholesele and Retail Drugglal—plgn Of tho Golden Ragle.inay*l — URUOHS. M. K. RUNNY. Whuleaale and KelivU Duaiur in Umu dlea, Wlnoa, WhlBklea,Glue, aud Cigar*, No. H A'nlmuu atrnnL Atlanta, Ua. Iu 1 y/i -l^m </<"/. 11 * a * *1.0 bnperlntendent of the Wcitern A All u.tic Kallrjiid he rw|u«at**d Dt Klvunotlru by pubUiav- in.ii <»r othfcfwire, lo all parties having claim* againut the Road thid arc willing to have them tahmltled lor an nrhitratiou, to llie Committee <»r the Isoglaldturonppolnt- ii*l lo invopllgate t)ic rondi'lloti ol the Itoad, to be pro*- out Iti Alhiiiia on the Mi <l»y of January next, with wit- uecacB, 16 proceed with the investigation of their claim*. HiiAirectluiiy, jour obedient Bcrvnnt, T. D W RIGHT, Secretary. 1 . * ‘ Wr.HTKUN & Atlantic Railroad, I urr ICB Htl-KHIHI bndhnt. V Atlanta, Ga., November ad, 1HA3; ) 1 > A RTi Kb Ilvlt.fc on the line of tho Weetern A Atlantic Railroad having clairun tliat they deal re to «abtull to tho d^cjBfon of the Committee, will he furulltbed with Irani*irorlatIon to and from Atlanta. nov*J7—tlljun l K. HQLHKRT, 8up*t. ■ 1808. Wintor AiTangement. x 1 *>.«><><> • l " ' J HOLIDAY PRESENTS !A.. . 1. I'm Y I> 3E3 TV, i iikhhl:»«.i*A*LKYl»K> )J Consult the Wishes of tho Ladins AND IIIIY 8TON PERFECT CLOTHES FRAME! Patentod February 11, l ts08. fltHKUR will bo no more Improvement!* in li.OTHRo X. PRAMUri, lor the ptnnuul ol oxi elU i.i e i 4 m» »>• on HTUlTIted in Utii*. It'la, without e'ai.cpuoii, tlio lx ;t mti de ol iti* kind ever offered to the puoilc. Whou in u mu it occupies no u»or« room thii»> a n mi pie ol chair*. It ctai.ila ilrui, anJ touUiur about loriy o.«*t ol hura. Wlicu not m utto It 10 cio.-od up, occupy litir no more epACe lUau a broom. The umlcrBigned lmi* secured the right <*f the* Male ol Gu«»rgia, and will dicj»«>pe ol territory to the advantage of ourchaBura. Thu Clothes Pramue* are on exhlhltion aud for Male at Kihola, Langford A MiCrath's, Whltulmtl Biroet, Al huita. Georgia. Price: TWO DOLLAKa. ocII — * +. ‘ ii. \V. STOCK IY. JOHN W. BE8SMAN, lMJ’OKTICU ANU UKAt.KK IN 43 II O I C !•: 1.1 <t II A It M , AND AUKNT KOU John Gibson * Son & Co., Philadelphia, 287 llrond Ulroel^ AUGUSTA, GF.OHGIA, A S AGKNT .of the celebratod Honee of JOHN GHL SoN'a SON* *i CO., fur thenaicuf th**ir»‘Ht»li E AND &UPKKIOR LlvjPGKS, and haviug an exciUBiyc right uf their extra brand*, DKDOitA. a, Ii. C A D V\ HISKIKM, gperiatly di-itllarl tor me, 1 un now pre pared lo odor to uiy Irion.ia and patroi^M large and well assorted Btock 6f the alnsve Liuuura, purclutved t*iu»*e ih« paeeago of tho M new Tax Bill, which 1 will Bell ut t. •inali advance on coat prlcea. To those In the huBlnvr- mii opportunity n* now presented ol rvp eniBldng Ihclr Block with the choicoat Liquors, at the mori reaBon.»bi» rate®. •optai- JOHN VY^RRljSMAV FAST EXPRESS LINE TO THE NORTH! WHEAT Atlantic iil Coast Boult -VM- Augusla, Kingsville, Wilmington, WE LVOV, rgTKMtbURU, am> iiic/ntosn, —TO — \Va.sliin^t'n, Bal(imorc f Philadelphia A XI) NEW TOUK s NO < ll\\<*i: OF ( Alls Laevo- * ■* Atlxhtx .. 8:40 P. M Ananara .. ASOA.M Kiauavit.i.1... ..11X18 A. M Wll.NINuroN,. .. 8lOUP.il WnuiKin .. 1:00 A. 14 WlBlRHHTOa . .. H:40 P. M IJ U N 1TUHEI nl l.D r**(*|M*ctfuU> n»f »«*n ih * dlin*n« of Atlanta ,.,l the puhllc uen«*raily, Hat I have iiimI riMvlvtal a .true unit well .,l«ifl jx.-k of Fumlturo, .ling ol p.I.OKnbrt (IKK HOOB llRDSTKADffl lllltKAU,-, \V YSnHTANDS. TIRI.RH, THAIKH, ,'Tthmg tu'rt.loo..: I,» ll.u KUILFU’IIRK LINK— I , * -*; of tho vrrj liBvt »ml mo«l Improrml I horuwiih oxiotid tn InTtUlli.n toth. pub y lo *:.!] Riul«x«miiiq luy.luck boforepnr- ^io< -hero. OKAS. jolINKFRU), UBTWKBN, ip tear j'oixT, Atlanta, a.v/j wilminoto'n ^and- WtAldoit and A.oc]iiia Croolf. IVIIIV FAST SCURIHILF,! NORTH. wfriVB- Auudita am A. SI KlNU.VlI.LR llflJA A. M WlLNINOTOR..,.. 7:4.1 I-) M VVlLDOR Mil A. M Waruirutor .... R:»i P, M Niw Yogi MU A. M SOUTH. Lonve- , Arrlvo Now York 8:40 fi, Mj WmihiRglou .... A 111 A. »l Waahlugton 7:00 A. M WHilnn i,:t 11*. M Wolilun aw p. M Wilmington MjO A. J4 Wllmingtoi IkW A. M KlngRVlII* . 5,Al V, M Klug.vlllo S:«« P. M Augiiil* jnk) C. V. AnguilU IPilO I’M l^tlRHU 7:40 A SI Time nnd Fare by Coast Line’Same a* via Knoxville. PULLMAN A KIMBALL’S Palace Bleeping Oars ON TIMS ROUTB BAGGAOE CHECKED THROUGH (VTHROIMIU TICRKTS good h.Hh by ItlobmnnH «ml Hay Lino, »uil wllh option l» l’»..< „gor. „f .,*,,* iiingRi InrralnAl uoiuU—out bo wbulnod nt ih, Uauurhl Vlfkm Omen In rtlR oltf- lb* nnrfl jour tlrksn road rin Wilmington, N. C., olh orwlRR yon nifty exporlouc® mnrh Irnnhlr ind Innm VOIltoufO. _ _ W. J. WALKER, (or*- Oonornl P»RR«ng«r A gout. MKHCKR UNIVERSITY. T n R worclRct of Iht noil terra will hogln on the 4ih WMtrftday (*7lh) In Jannarr, INiV. Tallinn lot tho Swing T*rm |St. <4<Nid boara. la tluba, or In nil. vatu faroille* *»n be had at $18 ut $V prr month. Tin tnllru oxiwnmaf a cokoglaib year will rang, from frV' to MW. ) E. WII.LET, Ron.tarj Family. (■OL. P. B. DAVANT, a cmdnal* of the l’nlver*/(y, will npan. at Ihe Ram* Hmr, In lb# rlllage-a nrhonl Tn whlOi hoy* may be ,irop«io<l tor college. Pebdelu, (la.*Dre. ID, Iflfti “ drc»-<lMawSI TO THE NORTH AND EA8T, —yiA— Looisvilio, Cincinnati or IadianaDOlis. Pasaengera by thia Route have Choice of TH’KNTV-FIVK DIPFKRRNT HOUTK8 —TO— In' K W Y ol'K , Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. irr I'aeeengerR holding tlckete by tkli route to New Y**rk, ruiliuluf|jbia, or Ualllmore, cun visit Waeblngtoc wiUtnet oxtra (Jjargn, FAKE SAME AS via KNOXVILLE or AUGUSTA lllAtKi: I.KAVU ATLANTA liiilly of H.ir, a.in. und (l.-IS p.m. MF* Otaeek Baggage to LauInrUln, end It will b« rR-chscknd tn destination on trains of LooiavUls and Nashville Kallroad beforo arrival at LoaievlUt 0 \ MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS "N Al.l. NKIIIT TRAINS. Ample time for Heal* at Good Hotel* ASK KUK TICKETS VIA JL.O UISYILLE. CENERAL TIOKET OFFICE, Atlanto JO. M. jvA^KKH, Moelvr of 7V*iipportjiUou, W. Jt A. R. ft. THE LIVE JEWELRY STORE CEO. 8HARP, Jr., Agent. 1 1I1K unprecd-dentod ftif . ilnce it* opening h«. led rue IkjVi* of AlUnU know Low to *pprecUUs * first c'*p? btorn. My **le* have hoen heavy, and on the (rtrcngtb of thl«, I have this day ruccved the iar/cvt ai*p«jr'.m«fijt ■ b«wn in Jbie market, lx»l<»re FIFTY NK\V AND IIRAI TIFI L SCTS HnIrjj Inn, r-'licel liiu". nrllla. r 1IK GREAT SOUTHERN vnjro.tmd DAILY PAS8ENCER LINE ATLANTA Mi NEW TOM, PHIADELPHIA, WASHINGTON. X 1 AND OTBKB IC A ST K II TV CITIES -VIA- Wesl eni Sc Atlantic ^ -AND- VfRGINII t TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. A LL K-AJL KOUTE. T’ltbln, Nov. NOHTHr HOt'T^ 1 WON '6:45 r a i:au a » 11:15 a « 7:th J* ■ MAI 5:46 r h . fi:Ai r h 5:UU . ft:40 r * 7:90 a . 4:40 r . 6*97 a M . 1:14 r m . a-4o r m . 6*16 AN !grave Mint!tit Leave Dalton Leave Knoxville Leave brlnlol letave Lrncbburn ... Igoave Alexandria. . f**ave M'aahlngtoo ... Arrive at New York . Leave New York Leave A cxamlria ..., Leave Lyucnhurg Leave HrUhil l«tfavo Knoxville I/V.we Dalton Arrive at Atlanta.... Time Between Atlanta and New York, Fifty-Seven Honra HT The GItKA 1 MAIL between Atlanta and .Yrid York it flurried erctverrety by thix Lint. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains THROUGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, —AND— BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. I». WALltEll. Msslw of Transtwrulina, W A A.B.R. II I (1 II SCHOOL' sngl&MDbn II Nivi II N I I V I’KKI'VHATOKY DKPARTMBNT nr tiia UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, AtllKXS, DK0K01A. URlIANUATtON: * A. A. MP8C0MB, D R., - - - - Chancellor. FACULTY: BKNJ. T. lit'N'TKW, A M.! I’rrsbleul—.Malhcmstlc* and rbv.bsl S^b-nr.-. T. K. HOV AI.K it uir.'r*liv of Va )- IjSn and Orruk. W. (V. LIIMPKIN, A M.. Kngll.h l.wwnfun.. F A. LIPSOOMH, *.H , Pr.-nrb andOmuan. A IU1MK S('1UH'I.—IVwr.'rri Iwopi, mrmbrr. of lh« iV Prcslrtsm’s family. CnSfto of In.trsctlon ihorvm.b .r.,1 nramloal. Fonr ScbolaribfpR, wblcb rrenry FHKB T1TTI0N tn Ibe lligh.r Dr|iartnisnt> of Ihc VblnTrltr. sir al tba <ll*po.al of ibo Psrnltj of lbs IDch School, slid Will In* ansrib-,1 lo llir boo scbolsrs un u:e nompl* thin of ths High lb-bool course ol R4ndj. CHculsrs ssnt onaiiplb-albiu in llic (Tr.ldenl. droO-Xuuli COAL! A CONSTANT supply of snpcilnr "OorI Crook” Ooal, the bust Cost brought to Ibis tntrtsi. POoo by Km <« bushel.) si $8 IMco by csr load *1 <«nls V bnah All order* pnnnptly (lied. II f, JfHKRl, OMrc snd Y ard si the Atlanta In Hons*. West side Whitehall street Fitzgerald * Freih Norfolk Oyttera H AVK ARKANfir.D FOR CHRISTMAN SUPPLY. Uytbire la wood snd Ua parkiigce(gullon, balfnl- 1011, slut quarts.) The trade supplied at (s Mporgalkia. Slitlipul to say point, packed in W Hi H 0 * H X K at w' H * ◄* MlAiriO.N l)S, FKAHLS, U I B VS, G A KM ETT, miLAGIhll, f'AKBl NT UK, AWHTIIYST. 8A PPHIHE, KTf Bit ALD, RfHIM AN % roil A L, lied nud Pi PLAIN GOLD, FUOSf LD, F.N4. It A VKI). < >>»n a bu ru#’ CJicokSe and VaruH. By the B*.e, &l Factory mce*. TOBACCO! TOBACCO! POPULAR bHANDS OT MMolllia AND CHEWING, At xtb^rtA price*, by JL LEYDEN, M iilUh*K Str*eL, AtiAHtA, G&: PiSSEEGEE & IUL1ETE •*- VIA ATLANTA AND AH.il STA. Coifnectimis b| this Line are Mr«t Orlnin and Sure at al! Sf?a.sons! XIIK KATINCi HOUSES Gn !h*« Line har^ ted. Antpic ties*! g J .v 'l X I > > £ Sewing Machines! Jt-'l KkCEIVHD. A IJ »7 OF TUB s.'BLKBRATED WEED MACHINES To K>*«1 *! J*rvT-«J*ey A L®DEN, * 5; bargains: bargains: / 54*vf*nty-flr T G i L J :; S flnu W*tcbf§, f<»r L New York pr ;j i ; >V K lx K.V SILYEK 'NY FIVE HUNPRKI* 1*KK>ENTS T tlrtffjrnew Btylamj ts. arr>».. next tnj fo boy. will mvc money bv N»«*.r.j lor* pifrrnarin^ «l*cwht-rr« * rut from anythin* in At ndU . n: .. .1 1 duly competltwii. MV GUAJLANTJ’JE. THE LIVE JEWZl.tlY STOfiH (tocuW ! «:.tbc repotatiur. bHARr .in-. Agent. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. CLOTHS, CAS81XZRB&1 Piece, aid Gent’s Fnrnisliuig G&cjj, 15 F>CT TKF| KNTIRK STOCK <-• 4» >• l» l C T 4> K M On Ibis Line are Alst/e t:.i Cr>',rcr>zt xn Pass,: NO CHANCE OF CARS Birwata-Wett t- i-.t, La., and Wi’.oabgton, !. QUICK TIME AND EURE CONNECTIONS VIA CEORCIA RAILROAD. fth»ogers Can Piirtha'* Through Tickr!', BAGGAG2 CHECKED THROUGH , f BO 1 Near Orltan*« ir Iobllf. TlrttiicDm^rr* r«* Inrabii*, and .4 tl* ntn, 1 Richmond. Italiimnrf-,VI awLloai..», PMi- •delphta, and New York. j FOUR .DIFFERENT ROUTES- Via AntxM«»ta, C^or^lA. PULLMAN S PLLACE SLEEPING CiftS Ob t~ yu*t TrxL-t tl r’.» * I tr Vi - :t.. v.- „ Tir^t Spittdld -”*.- -j rx-. * * .... A ... Oeorri*. to Brier 5.. • - S- -I’t ' tr*: *r *. Ra- . R*--*.-! w^r*- -:* ■* ^ v. an Solhers Paakcr uA Mi.: E::l Charles; n. r'oVitr. 1- - mingToa, XV,, id BaSlimort, Pl FAKE THE SAME BY EITEES nOCTr | Via Aurisu. k:acnr*. s- • > - -■ ■ ■ . / I Cbaroto. sr d h» -- /, I snd hirnm-T.; - , / AJ-tK.juTE fllM OF HERRING & L£WmEB||ilf|iUBLlj|Hjt!!.:r: MLYER. ~ ' ft, j | X All Good* booL'b *ro wArnuitisd to quality *n<! ftyie s»f AT-ANI) BKLOW COST, Hy A- LEYDEN, ocllf— / Snr*-*rltr Partner. CITY BANKING" COMPANY OF MACON. dc*rl7— GKo. I ctuwe*, iodlotitf and bbo* Finding. T EC* 111 tht B l W P GOOD AIL, Cashier. A. HUTTING, President. LARliK rxr»r: thoFf (kn>d» fattnd to the want* of th* inulo. and $mar antve that N nit* K t tbi* bt bi’ir.K e, 1 can, S aboil offer better inducement* SOWING at 1 do bum many year*’, axpeilcnce In thi* bu*in<**a. in Guor^ia tbe unni* of bor {MMpki ami boIrtR drlorminod to rttvJi r quantity, var1<*ty. and %n & will CSTAIN the be*t Sbor ai»A Jrcather Jinnee In tl»e South. Kamomber (bo plac« and frun, 1. T. BANKS, Rawwon'* BalHlir.f aylk—c PArncr YTblt# hall and Haatoratree A. C. McNitlLte, Hunttnaion, T»T.nc*eee M. 11. WKIGHT, H V. 8ASOURS, I*M» of Tennaeaea. l*ateof 8and»*r* A JoitriH>&. . M NEILL, WRIGHT A SANDERS, COTTON FACTORS Commission Merchants, |>a. 116 nxtn iTMrr, mrero rn:xr a ropurn, LOUI8VILLF,, KT. \ (W Order, tor awnpUn* eoRdtcd. Liberal adrancee B(j$aK (Oiilriirnii imivct*: J. H. n»de«Nwrer. IV'hlcr Merchant*’ ik, UmtvrtlYa, Ky.; R. T. Wiboa JI Oo., New York; tw York. oct’—*u MamCjkOo.NawTorh. OannuRT’* Orrm Hvhkt Corxrr, 1 MclKwromR, Ga., Dec- 15.1^5^ l J KJ46K COOOL4R ha* ajvpUrd ftvr aTcmption of pee- •onalty, and Mtttmt apart and ralaaUon of bomo- nfMNt, aad X will i*aaa »|k>« tbo fame at 11 o’clock «* m M on ihe td day <& January iffs®, a* my office, OKU. M. NOLAN* Ordinary, m•dawit Prtntet’a fee (h. DIRECTORS: W IV JOHNSTON, W. S. HOLT I J. ORES HAM, J F.. JOXBS do a cei iHai;*. Th* Stock of thl* OoTB|«any 1* all enraed Msr»o and riclnliy. Havlnp r»o rircnktlon to proiect. ir «L»k Cnpitai i* *fuarantr%U for the eecnrti) of I>v- i*Titor* and i»atron*. )*c i Vorrt*)1>h4t*:- NATIONAL OTY BANK. References: liulhneJi'e MrFr r.xn, Arm*irx>nr A (.«> Ni-ichaue* Naiiona: Bai.k A O Smith .% 10 J Y UrkinAOo Gorman NaUoual Bank Prop}*’# Hank of Knoxr'..i Pi ret National liank ■Vrt'om. Mrtiai.r Jt t o. Hugh fK»uj:ia*» & t - adHvct iw5t» I*4>x}»x1l)c, Ky. .lounvilla, Ky l uotevin*. Ky. lsoatarLle, Ky M. Louis, No. bt Luai*. Mo. • Oncir.natl. O U emphi*. Term KtHtxviUe, Tent KiKiXvIlift, T«t K no xx We, T^aa NoobvilK Tran t'batUDAOfO, TfcWJ. a r ri(.>ox vl 8 6 9* e rt aivvr. IlIOJiON Jte CHUMP, :(C. V. WALKES, Anrtlouier.i Commission Merchants, -ASD- A U CTI O N.E E R S, 286 Broad Street, Augusta, Ceorgla. tW 'T il make prompt nrtam* oj any oaflnaat (o«k- •dad to them. t'othAjrument* of Mrrchandlsa. Heai E*- lato, atc^w foUrttud. rvrt—*m E R L A W 8 H E I The Oldest Jewelry House in Atlanta I KST 4*111* 19 If VCD IN I6SO! 1 VkRMANKNT cltiaer Nrf>r« . ? ra , ; *r,i »iccf ibr war My motto—.lo*tir» ti* a’ ;>.•►*' 1 hnv fr\>m. tluvaf 1 *all fo, and Ja*t1ct to myae’f. If t b '>'** first-class goods at fair prices. Ron*.*, Tkroaffb T<cketr **» ; o » t At 1 bta, Wjlmuiftor^, V*r c *'r. Ki*i . kdtiipkvaTand Nrw Y Paseanperf :l j I’. -is i*-. •• p.-,. cWH*eke«3 tbwrg^ .• *■ V- ;*• r . :t lor_ Pblladr’j*r-ta. 1:•: N.» 1 . k • via Ac*nvt%.. k. t • , ’. .- • Ckaxloauic. IV>JgsY-.*. u *.-> , a t . .. < P..Uad< ; k:* • - >>w \ . u Tbe train InrtK Av—: ..*••• ■ ft Puitmar; * Paia«<* ■ t - ■ ■ • section**.: Ab*tup'j» » •; t* :• ‘ •- *.* . . ■ Ha'atuak. Cb*rWt«L .tmt-v, ••••■-::*. >; u Wtlxnltqrton. Wcaiot* Peterp|vxr t . K .-iu- •• ’A i*;. U»U* Baitioore. Philadelphia, a-d Nv. w . a I'aaeenvec* from N*w.4«wrena?, y, ter. yj> . • - and Ouistabse, bi, make o- re ccLC<rr- c • at .» with ua n* h>r Amra*»a. Savaerat. bla, OUar-otte, Uaiv^c.. ^ 1 r; x.jTV-0, > r ; WoeblTiClon. Phitadr 11 a. t \ . r *•. •: ' • - \ Pf* Paeecarrr* w>: • r . a *pW®di(1'ir.i t«f » *, - - - , haJumon. I’b:a*1»'- 1 *• i;.i ?• * * THE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIFS Offer every Irdnceaent • piled with every icxl . 1 to* Market* r.ir , Pf*-l Coot. (f l- N i-Ml.e rr r rt. * • ■* UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST ! a: Moclvorcery. W. J A. Kt*HKK7. BL Ota % b RV. TVtf.1 %3gr Tbn-*na*b Tr-ki”* on *i * Poltt, and A car. la. ;« New York •blpa, G* r t *a‘ T’. ket Apei Aujarta. Sc;*i. *fd. I'vb Give me a call. RTemhlcc warmrt.v %• rrpre*eet4s!. MY Ml.YBK PLATED MKuDS ARB Ktjl At. 1X» ANY m the l ulled Mate*, and I Sell at the Manufacturers' List Prices mo. *ae, and prove for ronrvelve* My •!’> rr I c**r ante* equal U> tba tUodard of Ai’tvr f oXan My YVatcbc* and Jewtary are eqoa- to th<H* in any mar ket, and a( nricx'a a* low a* ih* eame qualify ol good* can ba bought anywhere—Nonh. S»otb, FU*t, or Wear •rove wfcat 1 «ay, cive me t call ^jr SpectocJna—au cotliae* varirty; Pebb'fw.warrant ed and proven. Hock*, of ihe Seth. Tbomat and other mafcea. at rodwced prieaa.decf-lm W A DM IS (STRATH IK-9 SALK. 111. he nM before the Court Hour* deor la the iown ol Cammine. Da., on lb* Stet Taetday in Jannarr next, between (be legal bonrr of aale, all ol the IntenVt In two lota of land, ho* flf aad til, M dDlrl-t and lei Mellon ol ronnb eonnty. Oa.. Indodirg the null and tail! prirtlOR* t e.neglac to W. K. HeOlanlr, decraard, being one-Self Interest (>0 acres *lrented uli! off.) Aho. <me-UM InMeotta Ini] belonging lo Dr. K. 14. Bacon. Sold forth* parpowela (Irleloa, eie, aid Kir (he beaed of tho heirs aad crrdllora ol axis IfcOie- nia.dccwed. Terma caah. Sot. IS, USA ' STSTUA W. UcGUfSl#. Admlala mltlx. norK-ltla Prtnirt’a ice ADAIR M BRO., (frcvwoiM ro cLirr-'x a *^a:v. > Comimsttion Merchants;, and wi'ei.*-• r * t*viLvk* rv GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, Will toll all frt.e Atlanta, Xf rau«*antJr «t r i* Um m\ ] ’ i c -»i*... COPFKX, MuLAbJ»u>. b.*. v . ‘ GIN«. ROFB. Produce and Pn'rt*lon- ct ci. rr k r.i. %- •old to the trade at >ow Lrov We are aleo arvnta for ibe »«■> f > • ■ ' * : • * . ODO, Mapc’* rbCephute. A-'-r.’-j Vi t • . % . MWtoa, Wilder* Inn }>'■ ' Sir* s- i - . > Bn?*ti CVuou Gm-»uprn.ff t.w » - Weartai*o affeuu fur in Sm * v • V \* out other* Oethm titxvl*. Y'arr*. *1' Oon*'.ffunjrr.t# re*p-v: » • v.-<: . promptly attendee lu. ocUI-go U^IKAIK" 3. C. MORRIS, Jr., (5ucce**<vt.' • .•» r*r* ? A M ' COTTON FAC'D' Ii AND general commission merchant, 20 OLD SLI1 . PS5! (. Mcthkt*. Jit . »«. • * faixti 5 krv.ia • s . , x ... ‘Wm. Harman Dkoa«. . f - - * H AVlXrt iorme-Vt • • o: tb»» Sta'e Cm New Mailer and Wm. iter:: -r. : der the firm name o: ‘t* - tltuln^, wvb iucrrUM.'. -sc coudnctcd bv tbf it » * am# office. So. CD Old > New York. A -^ ■' i. *•- TEN5K|«KK noi'sr,' Deet KeDxwi Ct,-.-.: t— r:.c.. n*.Lac • . ROME. CEOKCIA. f*~ J ,\ rTAhiBl'hY.