Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 24, 1869, Image 1

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“ KKKOH CKA'tJKH TOI!EDA NGEROUB WUEN KEAHOIi 10 LEFT FKEE TO UOMBAT IT " -Jefftrwn. VOL. XV. ATLANTA. GttOIlGIA, SUNDAY. JANUARY 24. I860. NO. 20 She gaily $ntcUiflcnccr. ATLANTA, CEORCIA. Saturday Evening, .Jan. 23. livening' XCdiLion. Davis' Hall.—Id ihe bauds ol TumpUton, as ibis Hall wus last evening, as a matter ol cour&o we felt gatiafled that Camilla anil Fan- ulinn would be a -success. Our anticipations were more tban realized. Miss Alice Vane's Camille and Fauchon, with tbe dances of tbe Vaue Sisters, aud tbu charac ter dance of Webster, put tbe audience In tbe vuy ueal of humor. Tbe music constituted an ullmcltve leu.uro, while the management dis played tasto and skill. Miss Alice Vane's benefit won for bor laurels, aud tbe applause she elicited must still linger iu her ear*. Kecollcct to-night Is the IgAi* By particular request, Little Barefoot Is the play, “^empletun deserves success, lor be spares neither labor nor money to please the public. A large number ot last night's visitors, per haps ail, will bo present. We bespeak lor him u largo audience, lor bis troupe richly merit it. Churela Notice. Atlanta, Uu., Jaunary 28,1809. The MembeiB and Congregation ot .Trinity M. K. Church, are hereby-notified, that the Pews in said Church will he runted lor the present year, on Tuesday 20th rash, at 10 o'clock, a. in. All are respectlully and earnestly requested to be present or to get some one to represent them, Don’t forget the time. C. L. Reuwixk, Secretary. By order, Board ol Stewards. «KOR«IA 1. I is LA 'IT It F. ATLANTA B18INKSS DIRECTORY. HOUSE. House met at 10 a. m. 1‘rayet by the 11- v. .VI Kit rll A NT TAILUK. , T. (.*. IJIIAMI'K, Mt.rch.nl Tailor, Alabama aueel, Dr. Brantly. next door in Ki» office. Atlanta. Ui ,.wiu keep con- ct.i , ... t, a....„, vUnily on hand a wen eel cted Block or the vur, la lea t Mr. Stapleton, ol J. Ileteon,appealed and was , tly , e / of li00dJ , or u ^ u . We „_ Trimmings. *c. sworn In. .Mr. Barclay—A resolution that each member be furnished with ten dollars wuitli of statione ry. Mr. IlawJiatnended iiy^'Ming Clerks. cuts—ly IIIHACCO MKHtHANTM. i2- To tho Honorable Siaauin and Itepro- eentatlvea In General Assembly Mel We, the Undersigned, Lady Trustees of the Georgia State Lottery, respectfully beg to lay this memorial betore your honorable body. Tbe Legislature ot 1800 granted to your mo morialiats, without their application or know! edge, along with one W. \V. Boyd, who did apply tberelor, tbe franchise ol conducting a Mines ot lotteries lor the benefit of Indigent widows and orphans of our State: we accepted Hie trust In good faith, and with a sincere deter mmatlon to see that the object should be faith, lully carried out, aud, by virtue ol Bitch grant, entered upon the enterprise at great cost and still greater risk. The necessarily heavy expense (iucideut to novices) ot inaugurating aud estab lishing the institution, has beeit incurred and lully met The first struggle for existence, so far as relates to ourselves, imfflgt; the second, for a triumphant success to come, is tor your selves to determine. iu the face ol the most unprecedented and unscrupulous opposition, individual and organ ized; crippled by the attacks ot avowed loes; Letrayed by professions ot lalse friends, whose personal connexion with the enterprise, (and with whom we were placed In association by ■ he Legislature ol 1808,) led us to expect a dif ferent course of conduct, whether considered itt point of Interest or character, aud beset by ail manner ol untoward circumstances; we have yet struggled on, and now led assured that, under the piteenl management, honest and eco nomical, the institution will realize the hopes of its real friends, and abundautly satiety the rea sonable requirements ol the public; provided, . it be let alone aDd allowed—what even the meanest culprit may deinnud—a nut tidal. The experience ol the lust few mouths—since we met and placed the management in a Board iu whom we can confidently rely—has firmly persuaded us that the huuuue purposes of the grunt can und will he lully attained ; II the hand ol unfriendly legislation l>e only stayed. Will such opportunity be' given us? How many mouumenis ol Georgian enterprise, phi- lantbropy and i • uticence, all over tbe country, avouch tuo utility ot Lotteries ? How mauy In stitutions dedicated to science, patriotism and philanthropy, owe their origin thereto? Are we wiser than the Fathers ? ilay we not, fol lowing in tho loot-prims of an ancestry, ol whom to be ashamed were impious, essay to rival them iu building another and grander monument? Not to gratify the pride and am- biiion ol lull grown men ; not .o ostentatiously prove the munificence of an age; not even to commemorate the heroic dead; but a monu ment of noble and pious Charily, in the lorm ol a Home lor ihc Widows aud lrieudk-ss Orphans of our owu beloved Georgia I The laud, several acres, whereon we propose to build mis Homo, wilhin the corporate limits ot this city, eligible and commanding, as to sit- utiuun, has been already bought and paid tor.— But fuF-lorelgn and moat unirlendly imerterence, we snould have commenced our "labor ol love" iu October last. Let no "unlineal band" strike us down now, and, ere a twelve-mouth roll by, we shall have reared the walls ol an edifice which every true Georgian will behold with gratetul pride; »h eh will houorahly attest the considerate concent ot our generation tor the poor, the Irteudless, the unlortuuate; and which will prove to luture ages our appreciation ot those noble charities which impart to human nature iu truest dignity and most distinctive excellence. Mrs. Cuas. J. Williams, Mrs. W. T. Wilson, i Tm a„„ M its. Georoe D. >lks, f Tra ltC Mbs Caas. D Peaksok, j Mr. Auderson ameuded' by striking out ten and inserting five dollars. Rules suspendend and Mr. Anderson’s amendment acccpletf. Mr. Crawford — An amendment requiring members drnwing over five dollars worth ol stationery to uccouut to the Treasurer. Accepted. Mr. Sattsvey—A resolution appointing it Joint committee Irom the Senate and House to decide the amount ot stnlyfuery to be allowed each member. / Mr. Hamilton moved to lay the whole matter on the table. /Lost. Mr. Shumate called the previous question, which was sustained, aud U.e resolution adopted.- Mr. Shumate—A resolution requiring the Treasurer to report the amount ol money paid lor vacciDe matter. Rules suspended and reso lution adopted. The report of the Committee on the Macon A Brunswick Railroad was taken up, adopted, and transmitted to the Senate. Mr. Lane—A resolution that all resolutions be takeu up wilbont a suspension ot the rules. The rules were-,suspended to hear bill3 on first reading. Mr. Scott, of Floyd—A bill creating a new Judicial Circuit In North Georgia; also, a bill Incorporating tbe Rome Iron Muuuluctiiring Company. A bill to fix tbe lees of Clerks of tbe Superior Court. A bill fixing tbe tee9 of Ordinaries A bill amending section 8508 ol Irwin’s Code. A bill amending the'clfirter oi Cave Soring. I A bill relieving D. A II. Beussee ol double isx- j ation in ClHrke county. A bill to.build a jail in Towns county ! Mr. O’Neal—A resolution requiring the Clerk 4 of ,tbo House to keep an account of the time consumed by each member in speech-making ! This is suicidal, and of course Mr O'Neal was joking. Mr. Felder moved that all "buuconihe" resolu tions be credited to tho member introducing such. The tesolution was indefinitely postponed A hill lor the election ot a Stale Gclogist. BILLS ON THIRD READING. A bill relieving members ol Watchful Fire Company ol Americas, from jury duty. Re committed. A bill establishing a county commissioner in Stewart county. Referred to Judiciary Com mittee. A bill to amend the act incorporating the town ol Lumpkin. Passed. A bill lor the relief of Waller Appling ol Cobb. Lost, A hill dcfiuiug tho mcauing ol section 3852 ol Code of Georgia. Passed. On motion ot Mr. Belbune, the House ad journed until Monday 10 o'clock. 'JORDAN. 1IOWAHIP « HARALSON,Tobacco Com- mlFBiou Merclmnte, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia, keep constantly un imud all grades of Chewing ana aHH.kilig nr -- - iel^-fy JKWKLKHN AND WATCH-MAKERS. Jewelry, Gold Pens, spectacles, CPC., t Retiair'ne riopf wed warranted ./Atlanta ArtvertlBemcn H. Come in out,of toe JaWS OF iiai'fl! Hesitation and delay are nothing but another torm ol suicide wheu you have a remedy at your band to remove pain instantly. Dr. SlAGftIEL’8 PILLS I Are the true grains and essence ol health, and the latest gill that beibhee haa given to the world. HOOTS A NO SHOES. u. il. it ex. VV. KOitCtt, kVDoJewue JjcawmB Hoot* *b0 .'Shoes, WhileUtt.il sireei, keep on haud the Urgeet and txMit selected stock in Atlanta, and frill alwayi acll to - . freight HH „ COW P K€TMIN A H\ . o aCK & DA VI.*5. Couecti zners. and detuere in foreign Fruits, ProierveB.JellieB, Toys, Willow Ware, &c., eor» n>:r Atacama and Whiwiuii etrcelt, Atlanta, Georgia. au-r^O-lm v G. W. JACK, Confectioner, Candy, and Cracker Man* r. f ‘t •tnrer, MThitohnlI Trent ai>5 »1 . FROM MEXICO TO ALA8KA Tha ***oplt know them I The People use them! ;Phe ocople praise them! 81/5,000 HOLIDAY PRESENTS —AT— . . TIE LITE JESTWOI f ,V; .1 ii t n A.<i v«-r-i luementa. : 1 J A. C I F I O GUANO GQIPANY. CAPITAL 1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. rjpitll* GUANO CEO. SHARP, Jr., Agent. KBDWINB* KoX Keep tfttr** Live £>ruxftt©re. M ly WI LI Aon A CRANK, Druggist, Dealers In Pun Madi- ciuce [.Ld Chemicals, under National Hotel. my3&-ly J. A. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Druggist—ngc M. a. ilKNN Y, Wnuleettle and itcuu Dca.cr in bran dies. Wines. Whibkies. Gina, and Oigare, No. 14 Alabama street. AtiMi-ta Os. 12m tfESItHN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ON und after May 18th, Passenger Tmln* will run 0 follows • GOING NORTH. LEAVE ATLANTA. ' 8j1 5 A. IU. Daily (Except Sukday’b,) Bxroxsi I’assrhi»eh.—Arrive at hattanooga 4:46 r. m., eouuectinK with trains of Naanrlilt and Chattanooga Railroad lor N&ehrille, Louie- vllie and the Wnet,And for New York and other Eastern Cities, rid Louisville; also with it.tins of JUemphia and L&rleiion Railroad <or Memphis, New Orleana. etc. .tl. Dailt ;Exc«rT Su/dat's,) Dalton A'.oommodatio.h.—Arr.ve at Marietta at 5*66 i* ¥.. CarL^rsville m:1S p. m , Kingston ktli* P. m , Dalton ia:30 a. X. 1 7:00 P. 71. Daily Gheat North ark Moail.—Arrive a'. Dai ton 1:80 a. m., - ounectiug with trains ! ior Knoxvijie. laynchhurv. Washington, Haiti | in**re, nn'/tdeiphia aiKl New York. Arrtre at • 'hnttttU*^>ga at 4. a. * . eonntCtinL'with trains "i Nashviiie and baiuuooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville and the West, and for New York and other Eastern cities, Wd Louis- Viilee; ai-o with trams of Memphis and Charleston Kvlroad for Memphis, St. Louis aud the Vt est. COMtNOSOUTll. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3-4b A. 71, Daii.t Okeat MfUTHtBS Mail.— Lojiv- ink; Chattanooga at 7:10 r x.,connecting with trains or Niunvilie ‘aud Chattanooga and Memphis and Charleston Railroads, and Dai* ♦ on at ik4d r. k , conMectim» with trains of East Tennessee slid Georgia Railroad. 1 I tOO A. 71. Daily (Kioskt duxday s.) DaLTOX Accomxodatio.v.—Leave Dalton at 8:16 a. x<, Kiug-t"u 5:80 a. x.. Cartersrille 7:16 a. m., Marietta at H:*i7 a. x. IiIO P. *71. Daily (Except BtrNDAY’sJ Bxntxss I’assbnoeh.—Leave Chattanooga at 4:60 a. x., conuectlmr w.th trams of NashrilJe andCbah unooga, and Memphis and Charleston Ball* roads. Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaohes on all Nl^ht Trains. E. B. WALKER. mayia -Master of Transportation. of s;j e»tAb.lfnrr*'*r.’ t o b-i'.e\s ’.Li', the (. ‘ appr^date These pilli grapple with dlswiae &l it» foan- lain head, and ro«*t it out ol the paiieot'a syeiem, at once They wrtirv toe -ody againet liiMAAe in all fon»> of Aud-Jen Attack aca epidttDice, , — and enable all to brave the miasmauc hunger ol j swamp* and forecta. One ol Dr. Maggiel'a { Fills relieyea the ectire sysUrnj oi ano • mBE unprecedented r achea. enliven£ ’.hfc bpir.jj ana »*;Dua sew Llool , A * ,EC * *t« opet.mr la* 1 1 i U-ns of AUA-.ta know .. _ . . «.,n btore. My sales Iats b^srt. L«i-rr a;.»2 on tnt *tren.* ' BOIMHNG TiiKOlGli I HE 1 ElNi. 1 °' r ! at. «y no-. m u Ufr*»» * t of ins goods tAat oaa <m»r te u in th.autargci, Ufore ^ .. , . i or sines the war. CtU lor ihews intsutnaoie tobdicioee your » nearest dniggiat’h, and ii he is out ol ititstu xend to the. proprietor’* office lor theta. .They are i mailed sately all over the globe. ONE MINUTE TO 8AVE YOUR LIFE! | FIFTY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SETS Take Di&ense m time and you wv‘1 sufler lefis and be saved mauy days ol useie** misery. What One Hundred Letters s day say irom pa tients all over tne haoitable giooe Dr. Maggiel, yotu pH: has rid ms of a'.i n'.l’.ionsnaee. No more noxioas note* lor me .c tlvv or ich piu« uucec st one lime. One ol your pir.t uut*i Die. Thank*. Doctor. Mjr headache tu* .cit me. bend me tnotner box to Keep lo the HuU»c. After soflenng torxn retro in oi.^ous cholic, two of jonr pH la eared me, and X have no return o: u.« Our doctors trtited me for Chrooic Connipation, a* they called It, and at last aaid 1 was iLcuraixe. Your Maggiti'* Puls cured me. 1 tn*/i no appetite; Magglel's PiL's gave me t hearty one. Your Pills art man elloue. I send for another box, and keep them in ’.he hoo-e. Df. Maggiel has cured my htmoacLe Uia; vem rhxouic. I gave nslf ot one of your pil.s to my t%be for oLolen Morbus. The dear young thing uot wezi u* a o*y. My nausea ol a morning'.e low cured, koor box ol Magirtei's halve cured me of noises m the bead, i rnhbod some Salve behind my ear ar,u the Lw^c* .eft. ' • bona me two boxes; I want one for a pour tarn jr. I enclose a ooilar ; your price if twenty five ct-Eff but the medicine to mu is worth a dollar Send me five boxes uf juur pi .* Let m« have three boles of your Sairc and PJls ^y r»- dom malL Doctor, my burn bse been healed V' your ve FOR ALL oISEAsis OF-THE KIDNEYS, RETENTION OF URINE, &C. M&gglel'i F'.r.s uc n |jeni-a cure. One Pil; will sails!*' an* one. DIAJIOMMs PEARLS. KLBYS, i r U . TV m 3 V H H GAHJf ETT, 9ULACUETT, |5 m CAFIB L > CL K, AJWKTUYVf , Is F4 0 8APPH1BK, 1- 1 < r EMERALD, ■e % ETKl SCAN, ( DUAL, Hfd din ** A» m , Pt c PLAIN GOLD. •* w r. < FROSTED, ■ - ENGBAVKD l s V. . ‘s> .nd r»y ezp«rtcnc« to po*M-*s folly ' u’Cvr «-.me cntdjtif n». gieateT. fertl- iht* h-rtv-n Gcaao Its co^t per ton is I’tnr.aa; crtce, pUnters can icii thus reante greater • hr • ip- >. c** of Wo. II Yonog. Esq., • (.x :*•. wh--m we r t :er. 20 pounds ps*r . r.r'....~r. Ii-.xlo :x.cre&f»d the crop three : .luc* • er A'.-e lLcrtased tne crop ■ y r. It?. X otr half the quantity to - . . . ?Ld piai.tcpoc it. -.r ... . r L - . a stand, acd well etiw r halt broadcast -» . . . a • Tuts is found to . • r . • v. -l? dri.,. - • * r .cc crop »o largely, but > •.»? <e*t er- thus adding - * r. slc makes a good . : • - k kCkti v j. uterpUlar. —. ~ cl tne last crop - r rrzt. rz :iv»rstaent. ; l i» P tfce*e fads. • - - . -- r y i tr.a. on a -msli.scale, • * a*. « tet rxpenence gained • .f pour .sa will £ If AIR 4 BRO., Seiiiug Afreuts, Atlanta, Georgta. . _ - jl -Jj.:* J -UiiA^more, Mi. . • ‘ 7 - -/r- oULdM with ft:r- . • •-•Ar.nr-ta..i*r naae» None "Co. 'cstlmonlaUi . *»a., Dfenber 10th. 18M. -* it *.--'xrr: I • 1 ,p'..cd OO'.bU KiCifiC ; : f. *.l< .*%•«! of »'•: pi-mas per . . *.•! -: produced a crop .* • •*.- wvtld produce with— Cr.Lusj^iLEY. . . ; Gx . btc 1, :956. - ' . i spplted 3»*' poaedi per •_ : . • «—; ; .. :ract you. Not- * ... ..... kLd the at tecs of f cotton per Acre. . he Goals I fc *sthered culy i—• -• u-vto.r.'.fc the qua:*- >.r.'-c the quau- E. MO Rids. I 5 ‘:.,':a. ox.. Dec. 1W A- . \ Z-.r This xtxs the So.ub A — i‘ *h rt t of 1\.0 vo8i.de- • : j Apert. :l the dr:... • : - i • x. . br.'eve -.Lcrt-Ased ’ * weeks’ drought : *\.M CALHOUN W ^ T C II 1£ S • BY TELEGRAPH. .VSIV YORK ASSOCIATED PRKSS DISPATCHES FOR FEMALE DISEASES, Serwue yruttratum, WcaMneoi, (ieneru. Lteniudi and leant of Aypotile, Maffgiel’s Fills will oe lnUiifi an EfieCtnal Retneuy. r-vv.Li.d*/ dr.s Witcze. ' : HAMIEL*S FILLS LW SALVE; Are alrnoet univeioal in Uieir efietu, and a cure can be almost always cMranteed J E V E L R AT atvles too aamsrco-tJ) met’,', z. TuaX ACCIDE.ST.—Mr. James Pope, one oi tbe sufferers irotn the accident on tbe Macon & Brunswick road, heretofore noticed in this paper, wus in our office yestciduy, and gave us tbe name aud residence ot each ol Uie sufferers, as lollowa: Jno. Ward, North Carolina, killed. Mr. Davenport, Cutooua county, Ga., killed. James Pop-, Wbiitluld county, (near Dalton,) Ga„ shot in tbe moulh. Win. Saudsiuc, Catoosa county, Ga., slight’lv wounded in tbe chin. Mr. Pope said be saw the negro load his mus ket mat morning with buckshot, and that the uegro remarked at the time that be intended to kill the first man who tooled with bifn that day. Mr. P. lurtber stated that the negro was walk- lug in Irom ol tbe crowd ot men, among whom the shot look effect, with the musket cocked on bis shoulder, and that be saw tbe negro look back, as it to give the muzzle ol bit gun the Proper direction, aud he then pulled the trigger Mr. P. denies that himselt or triends were teas ing tho negro at the lime; that, being strangers who bad juat arrived the night betore, they did eot know tbu negro, and had no object in annoy ing bim. ii Mr. Pope's statements to us are correct, we have only to say a most 4 brutal and savago out rage was committed, and the guilty party lisa been acquitted oi all criminality.—Maxn Trie- prafh. Pciitr cK is alter tho leadership of t'.ie House, aud Butler la alter Schetick. Wnahbnrnc holds that indefinite office at present, and Butler only waits for him to get a foreign mission belore ho scalps bis rival. Twp.nty-mni; women in Indianapolis have petitioned the city council for mi appropriation of money to aid them Iu leaving the Cily ami going lo distant places whoro their character is unknown. They declare their intention to loro> .V0 0.V DISPATCHES. WAsnufoTo-s, January 28.—Tbe House is dis cussing Mr. Boutwell's manhood suffrage amend ments. Tbe Senate, while endeavoring to get up the Manhood Suffrage bill, found that there was no quorum present Tbe Senate Seems loth to take it up. Efforts are now pending to make it the special order ior Thursday. Havas*, JaBuary 28.—It is reported that the rebels are deceiving Valmaseda by a small force in his front, and moving westward. A large force baa already reached Villa Clara. Steamers ire engaged to bring Valmaseca back. Lodok, January 38.—The Greek adhesion lo the protocol is considered certain. Havre, January 38—Travelers are annoyed by tbe severe passport system. Banco del Comercio has resumed. Monetary and Commercial market Report* bjr Telegraph. Niw Voss, Jammy Jl.—Slocks uuictUol. Money easy St 7. Excasngs WR. Gold Ut\. Bonds ol IMS, 1S*<. North Carolina!, old, 61; new, 6> Vlrglr.ua, ex-coupons, 56is' asked - now, tig. Tsnusssces, cx-iou- p.lUB, 67; n«w, 67*. Flour 10 to 16 coots b-ttor oc low .padoa. Wbsst firm and quiet Coro quiet sod uu- ebsoerd. Pork quiet; now msss (Su. Steam lard atnady, by tbe bArttl, 19* to 19*. Cottob lowsr at »*.- Freights qnltt. Lomdon, January 93 -Noon -Conscli 93* Bauds 76*. L mi stool, January S3 —Noon.—Cottou easier but uotlowur. Uplands 11* lu Jl*. Orleans 11* to 11*. Salas 19,tAI0. Ilavai, January S3.—6uga: drmcr at 6*. . IitvxurooL January gt. Afternoon.—Cotton qulst Uplands 11* to 11* ; Orisons 11* to ii*. Salas ig,fb i. NOTICE. F ROM and after tils isle, Mr COLD UN C. KETCH- UM.iaticopartner withaiain the Wbotasala tiro- csty. Froduca, and Commtaaion basis as*, under tba Arm The Oldest and Longest Established STANDARD MANURE JT can he rellfd on as unUorm tc qnallty, alwsys raila- bia. productive ol large crops, and “ COCNTEBTElTa ! BuV no Magoiel’s I’lLLS or Salve with* little pampnlct iusijc luc box thev art boyu*. The genuine have me name of ;ct T V* T-T T-f 'W J. HaYDock on box with iiamc ot .1. Mao,net., ' ° -*• -* J v - L - J xv >LD. The genuine have the l'i'd surrounded ’ with white powder." j FIVE HUNDRED PKEpEN'.' '• ttre.y new sir es, to arrive ntx- ALL ORDERS FOR TUB CR'ITBD r TA TBS SU'Sl tng to buy. win save mousy 7 a« RB AbDHABsKD To 'X&tZ&ZTgL-. * - H E It IB E R T O O *, : compicLoc 474K Broxtw»y, 5ew York a. r j: , Dei: Vi h. IMS ' ‘.f TOC XT- i>ZCL COtiOO. * xz; I CLwrfuI.y •i t fc.-.I wr tor 't DuLiilN'S. • i Pc.~-.ruc. 1< :<* tl ;; *af. • ■<: xpp.'y -- 1*- e»ery ca^< * c corn. 7- ’.‘.s*. I »u^e z.t cxV7'ienc*\ VM k. YOUNG. f rC'UL’.y. JLAbccu, x . .-v lmsI. ted know t: • * cow tzc tk« At *.ae fda-.* ■ . <xru ts xzi ^ Nutter ” r--' DE. MAGGIEL’8 PILL8 OE SALVE AEE 25 CESTS PTE BOX Dr, r JL_^. WfkLSoN.ho'r Agt., Atlanta GTE UNEXCELLED BY ANY INiTHE MARKET IN THE HIGH PER CENTAQB OF TRUE FERTILIZING PRINCIPLE So d under a binding legal gttsmmr* of purity and free, om from adnlt ration. L"r*i aud approved ny tbe most suoeessioi crop growers, and prafarrod by many to Peruvian Ouano. DIREQTION9 FOR USE) Rhode*' Standard Nauurs is prenarad ax- ptvse.y for drill rultuia An application oi 100 pounds pvr sera la considered sofRcient for Ctone, but expert- enred fenders report &>i p uuns st repaying the outlay. tST Prices In Atlanta, per too. cash, (53. Tricaa, so- cepiaucat or notea, per ton, (07 63, and tnteieet, payebla November and December, 16 0 P. r. PEAHK .V CO., Aeeuta, No 11 Alatuma Sure:. Atlanta, Georgia. HARNEY X CO , Gauers! Agents, barannab, Goor.da. JanSOday 1 SOa. Winter Ajrrangement. Great WasIe 3 THE ( LottisriOe, CiLclimatl or lfca]><§, JS 1 EE. sc. Gools bought tl THE LIVE JEWELKT STORE t warranted to be exactly »* -rr'«t:r! ‘ n lit CHARLES BOHNEFELD, ATI.kNTA, GEORGIA. U X DERTAKEK, Mauui'acturer ol Coffin*, a>r tyj’-x* t> caAlstj wid »t;)< of cay u I f'» GEv. >HA d«17— •' ’ r TO THE NORTH AND EAST, —NT-i- ■ EKN-atV nsuta of OAKHOLL k HKTCBU Jd. Wa occupy tne new bqLolagMconerof Broad and Hunier stresu. Jtnu- WM. 6, CARROLL. NOTICE. W ILL ba sold at the raaldeoca of Mrs. Grant, on tbe west side of Prior attest, benrseu Peu-e end Gar- nan streets, la the city of Alieme. on tbe ed dey oi Fab- riury next, comaauunget 10 o'clock, s. m., tbe per- •oiieipruneny beloegteg t» theeeUU ol JeaasL. •rant, late of said ooenty, da cessed, conalrttng of hnuaebold eed kitchen lunuiure, cemage, horsea, end teeny ouier articles loo numerous to mention. Alao, on tha same day, at the edict ot Btllyar k B.-n., oa VS bllaball airaet, In salu city, one office desk aud chair, Belonging to Said deceased. Terms (ask. Jeiigi—lot L JoUM T. GRANT, Adm'r. FOB BALE. ^ 'beQfjSsMR^*f*«t& «shSng“i purcb.M me referred lo W. B. Debuey, eFthe uBcd of . . • Cel. L V. GRANT, Superlntendeot Atleata A Weet Point Rellroed, jeugj - lot* Offios Kallroed Block, Whiubell aL MXnUttKf XAMUUKlf R AGfl LOAUb OF BEST S3 ABLE MANORS UyV/VV/ lor aila at ibe Cavalry Camp. Tenut rea sonable. Cell or apply to Commending Officer, at the t»»f, JenlMt* LOCHRANK A CLARK, Attorneys at Law. I HAVE asAxdated with me In tha practice of law st Atlanta, ludga ItlCUAHU JL CLARK, who will be islantlv at onr office, ou Br.vad atrvet. Brown's Build- end devote his eervtcee to the bnslncee'of the firm, end excius.vely to cares is the various Octtrta u this dly. . O. A. LOCQMaMB, Attorney at Law, Isnit-tm offl;e el Beoon end Atiacta. Pataougert by tha Bout* have Choice of TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT HOCTBb —TO- 1ST E W YORK:, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wathington. tr Peaeangere boktiag uckeu bj Uus rente to New Tort. Philadelphia, or SelUoorc. an rail W itbibe-to: without extra chirr*. yak* UU AJ vfa MOXVILLI or ACQCflA TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA Dolly mt b.ia a.m. and B.4 6 p.m. After arrrvsl of eU Scmibarn warns, an: mats dose connections to above cam ad dues. . ixd JLu .tu.» t L R G S s Goofit rtitK to the *r»tt* c: lit t.’vie. irfi tbttt BOA-. CffcT N’VM ttt vr Check Baggnf* to Louisville, ssi ivwUl be • re-cheeked to doatiaatldb on Trains of Louierille ' and Rasbruie BaUroad before arrival at Lotus Till* HAMMOND 1 WRLLBURN, Attorneys at Law, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL practlde'fn tba'Supreui* Court, held la Atlseta 71 Ir.t Moidkye tn June end Dtceesber ,, . ftn IhaFad- eisl Court, bold In Atfnnu eceond Moedeytla March and beptameert end in theanpetlor Courts, held 1* At lanta tret Meadaye iu May and Novembec. Jteurx day gl ilays before conn.•Jael-ty SHELL OYSTERS! THE BEST IN THE CITY! AT F. EDDLEMAN’8, WHITEHALL STREET. Jaill-l MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINc. A W^tt» k N, x t* K »ba: bnt c 1 CoX. V<CST. Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, &c, MAM'FACTUUEH j. yD r i .mi j* ALL KIHDS OF FURNITURE, W'Al\S f.: 3l> rI-A---S««t Wm *7 ' V- .s-rafU-4o THIS WAY FOR CHRISTMAS! .T. M. HOLBROOK • ex f$rrr»’. Mxe. . n;\»s MQiirxt 8itu, -x Frrccs t ccty tt\*. Ckthirv&'E f» e,Foc:MuJes ..»» ? ' » Dtrm feilk Be'.j. A.fitT Hltf, r:5Ba. Y*..>e>. »a<i Trxrtiirg p* & ' dvusa- ,\cl\ iTfisi'tneut*. cm BAhK'G CQSfeBANT.OF,MACON., | W. P GOODAII I CRdh'.fr. C. A. NUTTIHG President. SNOWING as I da fraa 1 tnaxy rears' expertesev la tan hn-.rKVS. ;a Gvorgta tt Wsiis oi her l-oopJc. and bring determined to anas, tn quentlty. variety, sal prke, 1 on. sad wU DIRECTORS; 1 VV 3. JClHNbTOSi W. S. HOLT J. GK2J2AM, J. E. JONES,. Ample Tim* tor Xtsdf at Good Hotels j AUK FUR TICKkla Via '-'j LOUISVILLE. CENERAL TICKET OFFICE, Atlanta E. H. 7VAEREH, Muter of Tranaporunos, mffilj w * A. R K. tad Leather Hove ta tbe ^outb, Beaamber the place and eitn. FIL.-v . W (55 • vriLL-da s g-uer»' BANKING BTSWEM In *:'. «} C»Ta-> L.. b... oaos , ^ detal If. Ti.e-io-.k.’ in*» totnpauy 1. aL owned :t L | :n Macon ai.d v-..; IU\...g nocircnlaliw tepiotect, I. T. BANKS, :&* wbo ; rv#i!or» <c*i t-a'^ i .V,a- if.- nrity of De- NATIONAL C1TT BANK. Consult the Wleho* of the Ladles.' a>d err 8T O IN E’8 New York AdvriUompnts. B. O. MORRIS, Jr., llmcceeeorisCaaDwxj.t A Mass- 1 COTTON EACTOlt AM) Roferertoest t.re-n,ky. V .Tv: »». A n,:r r.C .V Me.-.-. ■ •• Naarnsi Bstk. A u h ■■ tn a C,i PERFECT CLOTHES FRAME |;oesebai pommissiok xwchaxt. 20 OLD SLIP. Patented February 11, 1868. | uny. y, 51 < so nor* InproTomBoU lo CLOTHES • Purri B. Mru-xxv .or Um ♦oamll of oxcoUcoc* b« b#<*xi is lht«. U wittottl exception, th« b*tl *xU- iWodmrofw*AteU»«poStlc. Wb*o to om it occople* no Bior» room tbui couple II tMixie firm, *nH cootmloe Bbout forty feet G.r.nac N **local »4-vk 1Vu;i.c’* back c! Kaox«.!» F ret S*?i-*r.!i ‘ *uk Mo - wcl. Me\>utc t Co Iloch Don*;'.*** Ov C'virunooct l».*jouat x^i Depo*lt B»nk •i .t->» - tl* wfim i?h*t tttrAQg*. Te*nn. .. .LotvtxrUle, Ky. ....Loc'ertHe, Ky, ... l-OUlaTtlltt, Sy. ....Icuirrtllt, Ky. . ^Llo«!t, Mo. .... m. Loci*. Mo C icci&sAti, 0. Mviophi* Tew. . Kci»xnU»s Tcna. KtoxrtHe, Tfna. Kuoin ie. Tenn. Naanrill*, To&&. of xOn* When not tu atoll ts eloeed up, occupying no 'iffia'andifeimed haa aecured the right of tbe State ol Georgia, a*i will dlapoee of territory to the advantage ^TbciSothe* Frame* are on exhibition end far tele st “ ' " J 3 MeCrath’s. VVblteball etroet, At Frtce: TWO DOLLARS. Q. TT. STOCK13. vvT’h‘«aVb^s. i Now York, Eurulkthod lloume to Rent NS-VLT-" " NIv.iED itoystc_CObU(25e *lx A Jackaoc. Attorseyt )in7it-6t J . H . GOULD, H aving c-roedaiimitedpariter*b:raadertbeiaw*! no BrvRd S.'rsst, Oppoaite the Market, of tbe State of New Tort, with Mr.„r» Franti B. 1 “ «?.»! 1*0™- SAVANNAH, CEORC1A, Muller aud Wm. Herman Brown at vp c dcr til* Am c»mt of “B. C* J r.. tin Blue, with leer****! hdlltie*, tbe Vn» •hue office, Mo. Oifi SJt|\ New Totk. AsgWl *, ISOS. D. C. MORRIS, da. AI.L KIXDS OF bALTw tv Alt* OY^TKhfi, in #b«li or by ; -.no *a l; iiEDUi.C' U xty qu*ntUie« to I tcii purciuc<t». Term 4 catU.