Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, March 28, 1871, Image 1

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* ERROR OHAriaa 10 BB DAMOSKOUB WHJSN RKABOM Li LKFT FHE* TO UpilBAT LT."'-Jqf«r»». VOL. XVI. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 28,' 1:7L, N'< gnilg Intelligence*. SuDscrip.ion antlldvertising Hates. tkuiw or aouaouiPTXos. Vswly, a moatlM *00 frie’slf f r-SsSk-r- 3 99 »itt61»Vopfo»At th»09 ttnUr _. 10 ifaiUmtaio Now* Boy* a»4 Aj*at*. ... . UATK3 or AJJVKKTIbIHU. Tor or.eh square of 10 linos or less, for the Ant lneer tlon , hq.\ for each sobswaont Insertion 50 •qWCW 1 8S88S88°88 8SJ53SSS88S w Itnrtrei, 88888888 aaassasRss ,meets l S & 8~8 8 8 § 88 8 . 8 8 8 8 8 8 11:: | s a a a * a j j { j •Man 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 l l : 1 s - s s K a i i i ! i 8 8 8 8 8 8 : : s : *•*•*»» J ■ ” • 5 a s i j j | « o *• o ct »• 8 8 8 8 8 8 " * • • S a a i lit! 2 8 8 8 8 8 I I l ! 828888888 - «• * » «■*** .tun abg J J i J J ill 8 S a 2 biiauivl iSutlco*. -J oonuporllno Hr»t ln»oruou,»ml 10 l it lil£ iiut lor utca *uMe«aoat uuoruon. ....... i.ju.uv.ll»i^i.vUoa«l o« co&rgodti > e. ... i.ttmon. A . .j, a ... viuoruoiu so^ram ustnj parucalu oa ,'i 'j juca..^edM.ntrfeachluourUon. xHC Lic.:;ay lor uavorualnu cunilclurea da* Alter arm ^I'llooijranlcttlnuoriiirwrtoubMlMttlnMniledror IUli. 'jw.ii uuould c i aOurottml to THE IMTELLICENCERt ATLANTA, bKUUUU. Tiro Uoiuouiutlc Vuucu«~ltooruauizutii,u ui ilio rrourouritUvuutl Ouuaurvuilvo Out* Urc. IJi.al OuiuiuIUcc. Ail oil) niru.il caucus ui ilie Democratic and Uuum:i YiUivc member* ul Cougrcsa waa lield in the hall u; the House ot Representatives at 11 o’cloc:., ou batuiday morning. iacn, heruaiiuo Wood, ol New York, called the caucus to or. er, uud, ou inuliou, tlon. iau- gcue Ca'.-.erly, ol Calilorijia, took the cuair. U ,u. M. G. Kerr, ot ludiaua, moved the lol- lowiug resoluuons, which were unanimously adopied: Resolved, That wo cordially commend to our Dcuurcrauc and Conservative Icliow-cmzeue th.uugui ul the country the I’atriol, ot the city ol W dsn.i.glou, as a uewsnaper eminently worthy ot then tavor and suppoi\ hy reason ol the high tone, great anility and Udellly to correct priu- Cipico .> inch characterize its maugagi.menu Resolved, That a copy ol tins resolution be communicated to ‘.hat paper lor publication Ho".. V/iIham K. Niblick, ol ludiaua, oUered the tojlowing, which was also unanimously auopted: Uccolved, That there shall he appoiuted a committee, cua'.ijitng ol one Senator or Kepre- Bemanvj from each stale entitled hy the politi cal character ol us delegation to representation in mu cone is, to serve oaring the preseal Cuu- gres:, and -o to be known aa Democratic ami Conservative Congressional Committee, which sh.,d tie charged won such duties as it ma> properly p riurm m regurd to elcctious ami other polideal uu.Uers during its existence, with power to choose Us own chairman and othei officers, uud u.so lo choose and appoint a sub- commUiec, to cousisl, m whole or in pari, as may he deemed best, ol aietnoers ol Congress, lo act :.j a resident executive committee, lor the distribution ol documents uud other campaign Work. Unsolved lurther, That each delegation here repicseuted shall he entitled lo name its com imttee-mbQ under the loregoing resolution, ini Wlicu no peisou shad be named within a rea sonable time, Uitu mo cuairmun ot this caucus Shan uppo.ut such coiumuiee-m m. Ou motiuu, the roll ul the Stales was called, ai d it appeared that the luiioniug Slates aud Territories weie reprtBouled, viz: New York, New Jersey, Ucunsylvauia, Delaware, Mary land, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Quorum, Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, iudia.m, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan sas, Michigan, Florida, California, Oregon and Nevada, aud the territories ot Idaho und Da kota. Ou motiou, the tollowing-iiiinicd gentlemen were appointed to compose the said Dunocratn and Conservative Congressional committee, v.z New York—11 W. siocum. New Jersey—John I’. Stockton. PuuusylVaiua—Samuel J. ItanJalL Delaw aro—Benjamin 1'. Higgs. Mary laud—Stevelfijou Aicuer. Virginia-John Crueller. Norm Carolina—K. K Shotn r. bouih uttoliua— Isaac C. McKissick. Georgia—!’• M B. Young. Alaba ua—P, M. Dox. Mississippi— Louisiana— Ohio—Philadclpb Van Trump. Kentucky—Boy J Winchester. Tennessee—W. 0. VVhltthornu, ludiaua—M. C. Kerr, llllinois—Samuel ri. .Marshall. Missouri— E'aslus Wells. Arkansas—James M. ilanks. Michigan—J. Q buincilaud. Florida—iiilas L. Niuiaek. Texas— Iowa— Wiscousln— Caliloruia— Eugeno Casserly. Minnesota — Oiegon James II. Slater. Kansas- West Virginia— Nevada-Charles W. Kendall. Nebraska— Idaho—Samu 1 A. Merritt. Dakota—Moses K. Armstrong, lion. John T. Bird, ot New Jersey, from the spec.al committee appointed at a previous cau cus to examine llie accounts ol the National lii inucruiic Executive Committee, reported that the same wire 1 correct. The report was adopted, aud the simcial committee was dis charged. Hen. Fernando Wood, ol New York, moved the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously: Unsolved, That it is essential lo the interests ot the people of this counliy that the Demo cratic Mini Conservative members ol Congress no in constant aiicmloucu upon the sessions un til the Unul ad|ournmcul, ami that Hie absentees lie iet|Uusled to r.mrn at once, to that llie evil le risia.loll contemplated may tie avoided Ou million ol Mr, Niblai k, It was ordered Hull the proceedings ol Hu- caucus he handed to the pr as l -r puu.ication. On mol.on, the caucus then ndj turned. BCQRNK CAtteKULV, l hail man. F. E. Buoukii, W. K. Ait ruirit, W. A Uanoukv, tSecretarioa, Tlic (Irsnil Jury ol Wchs'er county express their ui ,|uulilied ilisapproval ol Hio General (School bysiem lull, ami District Court bill, ». The wheat crop throughout the Bute has improved ill appearance during me past lew weeks. Fulton Sberilfs Sues for April, 1871. W ILL bo sold before Lie court boufe door In tho CU/ ol Atiauu, KuJton count/, tin., «vitniu tLc luwmi itouraoi aisle, ou the Ural vueaday m April uuxt, tbo loliuwiuu property, to-wtt; Au nuit part aud parcel oi laud lot No. 78. in the liih dlairici. l’Ua p*tri bj levied ou la iu ward ft, lrouLu« ou lirodd aud Porayth aueota, ill thu ciiyoi At auU. coataiutog uuu eUuih of an acru. more or leaa. jU:viud uu as ibu propuriy of 11 W Yoric, 11 aallAfy a htato aud couuly ux d to for hia tax lor the year Itfu. Amo, f»t tue aauiu Umu aud |>(at c, pari oi laud iot No 121 iu tUa i4lb dujurc;, couiaiuiii/ ouu hundred acroe, more or led, aud adjoinloi; the pr»poriy oi Mccool, rt.ri.orson aud oUure. LoVicd ou aa tno property of neiwaru unc, to e&Ucfy a atolu and count.. Ux d to for md tux lor iu* year ib7o. A.oo. ul luc ouuie umu aud place, a part of land lot No 121, in llie 14Xb tluu.c, of or n'u ..iy ilanry cow Fulton Connty, codUi u.ujj ouu nuutired acres, more or lea . nUjjuUi.tf llie property ol McUool, heritor -ou and otucie. levied ou aa Liu property of Howard VVuile, • > r siisi v a aiate aud oouuty tax ll la lor hu lax for the your 1>.'J. a. , -i she name lime uud place, part of laud lot Na i*l, m iuo 11'. U dmirici ol uri^.uaui ll jury now Kal- i« u louuty, La., cucUiukug ouu baiidred acres, more or iide aua adfQiuln*'Me pioporiy of Hc^Joot, r'erXereou aua ouura. novieil ou a* tue property of Hdward A title, lo saUB-'y a blale uud Couuty tax a fa lor lua tax for the )«ar lews, Aiau, at Liu came umu and place, four billiard tablua. U fiUU ou aa uie property of u Wubuu, lo aailffy a 8tale aud CoOiity tax ll ui for uh lux lor Utu year l.-fiu. Also, at the aauie 1\t*« aud piact, part of laud lot No U, :a tno 14lb dlotrict. Tue part »»o levied on u in a aid 1, frontline eu TroiiutBey aLd Wwt Hunter <3tre«ia,iu die city ol Atuuu, cj.uauuun ouo-'uil a. t o, more or lee*. Luvmd ou aa luc property of t* a Woo«l, ,u aaiiny a olute aud couuty Ux ll la lor baa Uu lor me year ls7o. aibo, at tbu tame Umu aud place, part of land lot No. .02, iu tne 14th uutilct. Tue part mi levied ou lain ware 8, city lot 117, Iroutiug ou rair aixeel, tu tue city ol AiioJ.ia, conUtuin^ ouo eigutu acre, more or iobb. levied ouub inu properly ol Mrs U w'ood,to axtisfya ouu and county lax ll u lor tier ux lor tne year lslu. rtleo, at llie oauifi Lulu aUd piacv, part ol iac(l .ot No i'.i, tu tuu Mill district. Tho part so levied on it iu w..ra 0, froutUK on Aleiandur and Powers atrev'e, lu .Uecnyoi Atlanta, conlaluiuK oue-tniru acra. more or ii.es. Levied oil as tue pio,.eity ol J II Warmer, to -ausiy a outc aud county ux n U lor uie ux lor tne year 1670. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No •b, iu iu*) ilta UiBUioi. iue pari ro levied ou le in Autii 1, tronUud on '1 nurtnuu eireel, in tnc city ol .uLiiiU, coutaming one-louau acre, more or lees, and aojoimiitf the property o( vS'a.iace, era g and Lowe. Levied ou aa tuu properly oi iliomac \N cetwaler, tA tAndiy i mtU and county ux h la for Ula Ux lor the y ear lb7d. Aieo. Ti me same time and place, part of land lot No tsf, in the lltU diBliici. The p*rt bo iovicv on la Iu ward 2, near \ LUinnng’a property. In tijjc.i/ oi Ai- uuaU, comaiumg one-La.. ol au acie, more or iu«*o. wtvlud on ao He property ol A'aierc X Lothrau, to Bit- iBt> a Male aud county ux U la lor Uio.r ux lor the year 1870, saibo, at the same lime and place, part ol Uud lot No t4, in the 14Li die.riel. 1 he p.wt »o *cv.ed on le to ward l, routing o u i'etere Btree-u, lu tire .ity u. AllahU, cuuUining dixsoj leet, more or iete. Levied ou as toe property oi i' ai ti.mbie, to eaLsly a bute and county tax u la for uie tax lor tue year laid. Aleo, at the #auie time and pmee, part of laud iot No ul, in t .e 141U district. i'Ucpa.t so levied ou is m warn 4, mock 11, iroliliUtf ou iiarris street, iu the city oi auu, couiaimui' acre, luoru or less. Levied its .he 1 repeity ot Jame oUpp o, (U ouehau, Agent.; to eatisiy a .'rta o und county ux u u lor his ux foi the. year iblu. Aito, at me eame time aud place, part of taud iot No 21, lu tuu 14di dietiit,.. The part so lev-lea on is in watd iJ, hear tuo ueoigtu Raaroad, in the city ol At ah- u, cohUiumg OUe*luurtU acre, more or uu. Levied the property oi Mrs Anna nice, lo aatisly a udconu.y Ux tl m lor her tax lor Uie year l#',u ui the same time auil piaee, part ol land lot No [y, m me ILh distrtet. Too part bo Jevitu on Is ih ,trd 4, irouting on ivy street, in the city ol Atlanta, containing one acre, more or ices. Levied on iu» the perty ol Wm Uu-Bcu, to ea.itdy a State and couuty il fa for h»« ux lor toe year lti7U. neo, u. the same ttme aud p .ie , part uf land jot No to the 141U aicir.Ci. Tue pal* su .evicd Ott ib in wain 1, irontliiK ou strong street, in .ho city ot Atlanta, .evied on the properly ol t horn*? I'oweti, to aatisly state and c .uuc> tax li .a tor hit ux » r ui« year lt.70. aibo. at toe rauc time and place, part oi mud lot No 51, to tne 14.u ultima, lne p*:t bo levied ou is iu ward 4, iron.mg on cane street, in Uie cny ol Atiau* .a, coutainiug one Pail acre, more or .ere. Levied ou as the prope.iy ot T Nevvuuii, to rat .ny a sute aud couuly ux tl .a lur hie tax ior the year 1^70 AttVO, at the .-aide time aaU p.i par, o. .and lot No 51, in tho I4tu Qietua. Tu* p-vrtso .oVTed on i? In ward bljcal7, ffOLl.ng on Uar.U e-ruct, in ihc-city of At- nta, COuUitl Uv 01X30 leet, mote uf list. Levied on »tue property oi U i* .tUruu, tru: .ee for Wife, to sati? ly a sute aud county lax tl U tor ms lax .or the year ltfO. aiso, at the same t me and place, part of land lot No 76, in the 141a district, luc part eo ievt-.d ua .am .va.d 2, block 7, i routing ou Crew uua Ha who a street, me city ot Atlanta, coutamsugo ie «rre, more or less, a adjoining tne property ol Newman A y y. Levied ae tne pro} erty ol Job*, U XU;UUSleo lor wl.e, to saU*fy u sm4c and county ux u ta lo: ho* ux lor the year 1&10, Aiso. at the same time and place, }»*ut of laLd lot No , m the inu district, i’ne pau »o levj. a uu .» in ward 4, block 17, city tut Uon'.iug uu aud Ivy treets, iu toe city ui Aliunu, coiiu.n.iu •»» o-u u »cu, core or less. Levied on a; LU-* pro}iert/ oi U c Uu.tomoo, trustee or Mrs H L >\oOdOei*y, Balls;,. <\ Stole and count.- tax tl tu lo. 0< r l:.x .* r .he year .sTo. , at lite same time at.d pta* c, }<arl oi .xml ,ot No the 11th dictr.ct. 'Jno }>art so .ev.ed ou tr in warJ o, minting on uunter .-.r- e. and al.cy, in the city ol Atlauia. C'inta.mug »i*xl4d tee*, muie or if?-, and .Jjoiniug tue property oH».a.*l. ne»icd ou as .be pr.ip- :rt? ot W L ilay-.cs, lo eau#«y a cU*e and County tox 1 fit n.r his tax .or tne war ls~.d. d piace, part of laud lot So 78, !n the 14th dtstrlct. The pert §o levied on le in ward 5, fronttnt: on Walton etreet, in tbe city o Ailxn- U,couuUilht(Rbx8dl««trisore or lees. Levied ou m tbe property of Kdmondaou A Bell, to MtUfy A BUto and county tax fl fa for bl« tax for tbe year 1H7«. AIbo, at the same time and placa, part of laud lot No. 78. Jw the litodistrict. fLe pari eo itvicd on ll In Ward 5, fronting ou MarletU street. In tbe dty of Atlanta, contaiulnir 25x100 feet, more or leaa. Levied on as the property of uu* Bills, to aat’stv a Btatv aud connty tax H U for bis tux for tba year lt>70. Alan, at tbe tame time aud placa, part of land lot No. 61, in the 14th district. The part so levied on la iu block4, city lot 181, front*'g o.i Uoortoa. Pord aud Kills airoa, to Lie city ol Atlanta, L», coutolnmic one-half acre, more or bias, and adjo. Ling tbo property of ilarttto. Levied on ae the property o< P. w Piynri.' trnstea for wife, to satisfy a Btate and cofluty Ur 6 fa for bis ux for the year la70. Aleo, at ttia same t<mu and place, part of land ’.ot No 35. in tbe I4lh district. The part bo levied ou ie to Ward 2, fronting on Whltebal 1 and McLanlei street. In tbe city ol AUtuU, Qa., couu nlng oi.e aud oue-cightu acres, more or lea*, and adjoining *n« property of Wells. Levied on as thi property ol rhli:lp« KHcvant, to satl-fy a rtute and county ux fl U for nis tax for bo year 1870. Aito, at Uie same time and pl&re, part of laud lot No. 84, in tbe lito district. The part *o levied on is in Wardl, fronting on Walker a.trvot, rontu n - one f urtb acre, more or Ic-bb. lu tne cii/ol a Paata, adjointoir LU» orormty of dwlft aud liasUu. L*jvi«ei ou bb tbe prop erty ol K P Cbauman, to eat.sfy a stale and county lax fl fa lorbl? Ux lor tbu year IHlu. Also, at tbe eame urac and place, part of land lot No. t0, !n the 14th district. Tbs part so levier on is iu Ward 4. block 5 city lot 5, fiouiihg uu iiec.rtur nud i Itoue streets, couUiuiug one -:a; f acre, m ire or les- ' and unjoining the property of itr.« xlriukley. Lev.ed on as t bs property oi 11 L* lit.lings, to satisfy a suit and cottity tax 6 fa for bis Ux lor the year ibid. Afro, at tno same lime and place, part of laud f ot No. 62, iu tbe 14th district *1 be part so levied ou is in ward 4, fronting on holler sweet, to tbe city of M'aata, coutauuojf oue-.uurta acre, mure or uses, and anjoiniug the properly of Hue. Cox and Hill. Levied on as the proparty of (J H A rents, to eatufv abutcoad couuly Ux Ilia for his Ut tor Ibc year 187U. Also, at tne -ame time and pia-.r, part of land 'ot No. Ill, in the mb district, containing U) acre*, more or lets, aud adjoining tbe propel-y of Gas Wilson, fTorse/ uua Alexander, lying ou tbe new Green Kerry Km a. about mne« Iroai the car Ehod in tne city of At juU. Levied on as tno property of T W Simmons, to wtriy a &ute and connty ux il fa for his ux for the year 18P». Also, at the same time and place, part of Und lot No 51, lu the 14ib district. Tho part so .de l on .e to ward 4, block 11, city lot 7d, fronitog on Cone «*tre*:t. in the city of Atlanta, conuining five e.ghtie oi an »-.re, more or less, and adjoining Hie proper:)' ol HUia and Marsh. Levied on ae ihe propuriy ui Mary A Wilson, to satlefy a Stole and county d la lor her tax for toe year 187U. a >o, at the same time and place, port of und Jot No. 77, I • the 11 to Lietnct. The part bo levied on s .u Ward 1, b’.uckifl. fronting on IV.cio r\.. • ol AtiauU,couVdluing one-stxt • m.i mure or m r, old adjointtg qv propuriy ot On.p aau and Wc ju. Levied on xi the property nl r L lioute, to «aus:y a blite and couniy uix ll .a i-.t u.c ux ior tin. year U7U. Aleo, at Ui« same lime and plan*, purl of IX .d lot No. 31, in the 14ih d.s net l'he o.rt m» levied on U in Ward 1, BiOck 2, Irouiug on itoek anu iiaynes etreete, in the city ol AlLauta, coutoin;: g ouc-nud aoree, more or less, and adjoining toe p.o^e:.) ol Logon xud Alley. Levied on as toe prop.rtj ot j C ileudersou, to satlefy a blateand county ux li ta for n.» tax lor the year JpTO. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 81, lu the Hlb d'airict. ’1 he pa. t ?o levied or. i= in ward 1, containing Qah acre, more **r icsb, tn-j on oi at* .auto. Leviul oa a* tue property o Mce. a ce McCar- tj, to satisfy a olate and coaa-.j i.g n >• i . tne year 1870. Amo, at the same »lme and place, p»rt of tond .ot No 83, in the 14ui dn-tricL Tne part bo .tvlod on t* in ward 1, Iron.mg u ittce Track .na uice.-.erry :.r .s, m the city oi Atlanta, conU»niu n aare, more u. ltte, anu adjotnlne tue properiyot 0ou:n. Levied ot a* the property o W A Jonuson :o sa*. y a stole ana coal ty tax a (u ior hie ux tor tue 4 cur ic*. .. Also, o.tbt-'iaQie time aim p.acy part of land lot No 84. m th*. i4*.u district, fhe par: so .evied o^ ;« lu rtorc 1, buy iot 15, I touting Sr.upson und alxugam streeu, onto. I... .g uue-clght- of ail acre Ui*j.c i * r .•-as. ULG ud- »e p.OJ-e. J oi Joi.es’ ML - Levied on as to. oi Stephen '1 iliggtrt io sati.-fy a outo uua •x n u lor n:s tax tor toe year lt7u. t toe same urn. aua p.aec,a ^art ol land let No e Hth diatr.c. oi origma.1) ucury now Km ton GSEiT FERTILIZER. * T<>T ^ ' hwboyi: STANDARD GUARANTEED iaonis. .MANUFACTURED BY [WALTON,WHANN&i WILMINGTON,DEL. FOR SALE 1, in the lito net. Ti. aril 5, city jol78, .routiug on VS a.nice street, in the city of Atlauia, couiaimug ihreo-iour.ar acre, more or ,t*ss. Levied ou aa toe property ui G *V litudirruh, to satisty a 3Uitu and County ux tl fu for u.b tax lorthu at tho faino time and jilace, p irt of land lot No m the i-iih district, i'te part bo .eued ou i? iu ward ronrttig on Johts strutr, tu Atlanta, coutotutnc id one-quartei acre.-, more or lore, tr.d adjoining iperlv ot Hall and nr. loiing. Levied ou ai* tue »;-crty of W 0 Hortoti, to Bat.m/ a state and county tax u la for his ux ior toe y ear ls7u. Alm>,nl too »4inc time and piace, part of laud lot No ., 1. thcllib cle.rnl. The }>trt so levied ou !*• in tru 8, irout trig on Anderson street, in the city oi At unto, couutniug one utr«, more or lees Levied ou i the i.ropery ot Miss u J lla.c, to rULslva btote j : couniy tux il ia for her tax lor the year l>7d. A so, at the rams iluu* and p ace, part of iami lot No » lu lUe 14tr. disirtct. ’IU* part so icv.eu on is in urn 5, Itoutii g ou Koundiy and Luokiu si roots; tu the city of At anu, COhUlalUgoue thirdac-e. I. ore or loss nevted on as the prop* rty of W 1* lUrntlson, to catirly a Male and county ux ll fa for hie ux ior the y ear 137U. Also, at tho same time and place, part of land lot No 45, m the 14th district. The part so levied on t- m tmg ou t oung site i, ii. t..e city of At auta. ntoln.ng I. oi Wm Ho .rty, to s.*t tax' ti fa lor ins tax lor tho ye A'su, at the saute t.rno and p >1, n the H.udieL.ci '1 h. }•»! 1, trouti g ou riol)ur«cy street, coauin’ngtnree-eichts note, ui* the piopeity ol ilaydt n and .M toe property of Mr* i*r> and county ux tl la ..i her ux ior uu Also, at the same time a t o ace, p s2 in the 14ih disi icl. 1 ho pari n> a ih nd county Stole lsii). e, }.art of land ‘ot No 0 lv Vied 1 the city of Atlanta, or le«s, and ailjotutug Clarke. Levied la Uarrt-, to euti-ty a Stole :>7* ri ol und lot N .ol? ** t. y * entity Inx U county, uu . coau...ii.g iJ To tot. Levied on as .u- sat.sij x o tote and noun: Also, at the tetine l.uu 1W, in Cook’- district, of count/, Gx.,conuiuing j tot property oi xtrr ^ state ana wanly ux n iu i *r L Also, at toe p-.me .tme a..u , vtod ouas toe property o. k» state ana county ,ax a la lor Ln •, at tue same time ana pi w,ar iy ol J h CUKpaaii lo •x L ix ior the ye.: .-.o, I»- acc,^ part ol .Ai.il .o: No grtia yu.ni/ n u ruA u lone'* u si. ueViLd uhe .t*ify a sta: and cou a1»j, ut the earn - i No 77, in TcU .Ud.rt warn *, u.uu* a trv-u*u At.ania, uuUlnm, oa •ci, ) nrop- ;n :y. L.v.ea uU: .he pro,»- :sa a.ute <*«d Cvhn.y toi IT lSlU. d , e, a jnr: of iii.d .ot No HERRU ssm.. , ^UCUSTA ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER BOOK ISO JOB PRINTING OFFICE WXIi rKII.VtoL STREET, U esteru 4. Atiaulu, Ualiroad. vmut fxxMXGZji rax a-otrrwxxn. LeaveAthtiito Str.ih p x Arrive* a; LCiaOanoogx p yj bxr faxaeawaa taxoa—ucTWAJiL. L^aveeAttonto. t .- A ^ Arr.Vex a. ciAiUtoo^i 4;x0 P t» Mlout rxxa.suaa uwxai*: P M Arnrw a; * bAX t'Ai£JLA+*U ti.A+4—LX <AJUj. tm vEoOgA , ,, Georgia fixllroad. Dxt pAjuxAfexa rauui. tLau/, anrjtoy* xxccpunl.) CHARLE&TO^i Wk AGAIN OFFEU TO THE PUBLIC j THE G rea t Fertilizer WHANN’S RAW BONE SUPER PHG.LPHAT: *»« Aag .» va uave A—*~.x -ir.ve xi Arrive it j..^u.-b a to mi racaxjtoxx raauL V* uv-i uini iuiiiexc -A. is r. ML • aa T*LX-OrWxaL. P. M a- Uci*. «ka—u£'. *alj^ - i:w p.'M, • M. Which hts Given Such Uxiiy-crSaL Satisfaction ! Daring '.he Pas: ’wo Yefirs. We Guarantee it Iqual in Quality To thu Previously SolJ hy US AND our agents, AND Wfi Etilff la ail waa Says Oisfl it, . 1- ll C- J-1 . 851 Caal^ DeTv ; r ,d ua Oats ai Char es uk 858 50 for Fac’.?r*' Aee D-ance. Die lK-Jfrrs-nbar D:-; v*r. ' on Ca-s at Chari c«oa $54 03 Sash, Delivered on Cars at An- ensta. SS2 For Factors’ Accept nee. 0 T :e 1st Fovember, Deliverer ou Cars at Angnsta -So ' urr/t; j, at tbs eituu tunc-nd p., •, *n tuo lito ai*L.c( iu l 5, city lot It. h street conl more or ic«c. i^v.ca on ,.i *uu p. U Pasl.f. a - tote tod Com t Uie year 15.U. a, a', toe same xud place, pv ando«, to Uag arum t/i.-tnct, com Hr AL ; i’j.to! n or . Lev.0J k uu:;, ux u U for n.s : part of .and kiu to Bttt.*iy a au;e lor Vue yen lo7t). An*.*, at tiu eame time and plxco, So I&, iu the i4ta diatrict. Tuo part eo .evied ou :i ,n W*xtd 5, fronuug on Korsyth tlrecl, to the citj of AtiaUto, cohUinmg :*d by 150 feu, mate ».: .oee. and aujotulLg too »a*?ioa property. Levied on xs the} rup rty .>1 1 honnae w h.taxer, trustee ior w.ie, to eat.eiy x >.Ate and couuty tax il u ior hi? ux lur in- year :?70. A.i the foregoing prop.n/ .tv.e; to ?.»i;i/ ux g as. roinu-doutoy Jouu >1 uarwv.i. r. c. JaMEsu. il ARRIS, Sheriff. mhT-uls prtntcr'p Left 50 j-cr icvy Notice to Debtors aud Creditors- A LL iH*r,on*hiUug demand- agxtn-t tdw.:. rtxyne, doc on i*. d. late of Kq. one Min.», are h re by . vii: h d tnd re.| nroii to pre-ent t a n, pro.H?r.y xttep.ed. to .* undersigned, wutr.n the muepre^.-.k- • by n . .v d ill , ersotis indiha U t 'ai-.i ileceaB^d are heit by re^uireo to m-ske immediate paymnto; to toe ut: l-.-r-.g >1. C M KAt .ML -xv. ator. Jar.21 itxi pfin riftfcfj ‘iio0K,GlA Clayton County. Ordinary p i)kfilk, Octol»cr 19.1870. HKKb.\>, &. R. Fortr •... adrai isU* or oi R. il. “’oriBoo,deceased, i. .* .l.edbir tliiv. retoru, show- full diBinbittloh u.d set * rnn n; ol said de* s estate, amt app.ter for letters ol a.*wi*s.nE granted on the dr» Monday in i)e- tome vxdd objection* are li.cd ac VVi FO It s-i Vi. li 11 V G W CAMP, I?-w nsv lie,Ox M B DEV AUG BEN, J -NottK.r... Ga. WOOD & ROGERS; Covia fc -ioN, Ga STILLWELL & PE.NT1COST. Runic, Go. W L mon. M, iUon, Gv. W B QAYG00D & W J RUS'ELL. A LEYDEN. Atlanta, Ga CLAGBORX, QEKRi.NG vt CO., COTTON FACTORS - AND - Commission Nlorchants, 1 IX 4RLE>rON, N 1 We INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OUit FRIENDS and tbe Pubnc generaliy, to onr complf-te ard erlensiye JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our fatiiili&e lor Esecultng the Genera: Rur BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. 1 ire as ^ood as that ol any Office in the o>ur. v taring recently added a large lot o! new i lu'xiem tyres to our already mtecsive Ee: nchineat c; ^ R r> s . Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit p.ll Check Books, Draft Books, Dray Receipt Books and Blank Books, ol every description, pr.cte .nd bound on tne most favorable term, a-- •: the neate st style. L c gul B1 anl|s. Sherid’a, Ordinary’s, Clerk's, Magistrate’s, an-. Gyw BGt.k 4 . every kind, Printed on the Be- 5 ' Paper, an at !*.-« P. ,.i t'.-'.ers true, tbt country pr ..pt'.y illei Hook Printing. Ad’, who appreciate the .tnporteae* ol harimy their work done on New Type ar.! G\V* : Presses, and Rrst-ClaRS 'V ramer.. w.. cots their own interest, as weU a; e^-a, by giving - a lair tr-ai. Bill Heads, Hie. K-tiou X Yt..i«ci itiurou, j.r rmuiii ti.uj eiLCiii Bltcayi, .’1 rmi>bl>. Va.hvilie and tnai- ta—* llama Ua.Jroad Clue, t v;::;::— --A a ^ 1 !.« Alt —; a m ' ...S3 r JS r.::: -a.— ;*.,- *.». A M. .. a*. A M. COTTON STATES LIFE mSORiNCE COMPANY Principal uflicc-Macon, La. -? 2.000.000 e i.oo,uoO TO THE EUBffiC. V • ^ 1 4Ja—, ■ ’.*? A*3SN«.-:SS. < »tos--xL*x. toe^x*; ie of 1 1 I T C 14 E H xx: LOSSilH magill, suU A.iSNclS?*. which Ictie Cviulkcr tnxt cording to ..i ix 1 Mini M'iM’I at the same time and place, part of lni.a !ot No 77, in the ; it:* dlftrict. Tho part ?.» .veil .g v 2. n ock 25, Routing on Loyd rtreot, iu ihcrtty -il At- uauu, contaiuiug inrue-clght* a rt», tuorc or .it**, nml abjoti.nig the properly uf toman *t lU-lorook Lcv.eU on a* Ihe property of John Gannon. trui-Lo for wife, la BAiiriy a &utc anti COhuly tax U fu tor nls ux for the year lsTt) ,t.*o, rt the name time and pare, part of land iot No 51, .i. the 14th diairlct. Tuo part t*i» levied on i* In ward t, block 4», cit, lot 17, ir.'utiug on liouno- street, iu the dty of At.itnta, conuun.ng one h a’.l acre, more or less, and adjotulng ihe properly of Vcnuh'.e and Ma- bone) Levied on at* tne property of Mr* H A iitw, tOBatwfy a Mato and couuty tax u lu lor her tailor tho y ar 1^7U , v , tieJ.ai ihe Mine time and place, part of land lot No lu the 1 uu district. The part bo u vied on i« tu ward 8, Iroot.ug on I'eii el reel, in tie city ol Atlanta, cou- taluu.f oue-quarter acre, wore or lo**, auo *dJ fuiog the property of Newell A Lmglonl. Le vied on a* the property of T M Gauioge, to *ail ly a >Ute and couuly x tl ra tor the year 1&7U. Also, *1 tbe *amo time aud p;aco, part of Und lot No. 45, In the 14th district. The iwrt *o levied on U in W ard 4, Irouvtng ou 1’ackard * All* y, lo tho cltvof Aliauta. coi.Uhuag one half acr*-, more or le**, and adjoining the property ol Seltr. A Ha)eon. Le' ;ed on a* the prone rty ol It s Green, to rutiety a &uteaud county tax ft la lor hi* tax fur the year 1>7J. A *.». at the »ftmu lime and place, part ol laud lot No S4, in the Hth district. Tho part *o levied on i* lu Ward 1, lrouting ou Trvbareey etreet, iu the city ot Altai.'.*, containing cue it urlh acre, more or ic»». , «vu i on h* lie properly ol U Utwi, to Belief/ a btate and coum > in rt lu lor hie tax lor ihe year lh7t». Al*o. Y the Mine time aud place, part of land lot No la the . tih dUtrtci. 'Ihe j»ari eo levied k to hip lei.ow pude f GTAt K" -.'•O.lV*: o j.- • i vd t>) yoiithl . iricg year* of v-der vi) witho.l re.lef; h i t cure, which ue w . K. Hr.va.Ht t ... rtt;*. nut :suu ttu a., jv 7 . a flr-r-to**» naeai ue. No. 1 to a. r*c Til .4 it EE- 1KN>, with *evera’ ograp*i e»; H H, l" ai r, ihe merchar ,rd. ol lUi’fo mode oi government. . t* ygnmy. etc . traifcu*. phovrlng tbe g*Y’ aid ahn.-e arnit «* un'v f? A YEAR. ,r f t bib* of ton. $2 each ana t xtra e,*pk dree*, > R. WiCLL* ^ rin.>aJ»a), Ni Ir. the ,:-c - . ktr n01 iJt uF lH.4NG£ Of SCHEDULE —ON — GEORGIA RAILROAD ^ r .j, tt* ri«c. Poituoned Sheriff Sale. Addrei JebT wll A void QUACKS.- Am m of exrlT Indocre- liun, Cau-ing r.eiv.i-* dcrt.UT prt.u:.;.c dc\*.ty. ac .having trleJ lu vain every advertiM-. -• mt-i). > a- a *imp.e mean* of eelf-ctire. which be *» ; -ei.d tree to hi* (ellow-tulleror*. Adore** J. ll. TL TiT.K. ;> N»a- *au tirvx-i. Now York «Uv,al—want Phillips, Charles & Co., ARB OFFERING FOR sALB SO,000 lba. BACON AND LAUD, 20,000 lba. BULK .TlHAT, I 0,rtu0 buahrla 4'OltN, 200 Bale* ol HIV, 1,000 bbla FLO I It, xiul many other arltdee of Foduco and Grocer lc*. MITCHFLL STREET, Atlanta. mar 2-Hm vt. in thr rrt o u known a* ’• *■ orx*. c*c *a Postponed Sheriff Sale. t). f Auani*. Ka’. on coatuy. Kerv.htlt g and H r,.r». I*»iu w ,«r uu' u May mxt. within the leg c::.Diroctioa gheokJ h««U>:ore, to tiev--...i nc-s: w L \-k, sdJ »s!svorsble terms, ss s.ny hozse ia Sc>u:: sod to gasriciee fnt r,Y-.v-> whk’h is near) item to psriies ordentg iori,-e Jor-s. s they seldom cet .' r.c.vhc:s whea they or,: : work North. To N li o tv ui e ii . o> MACON AND AOIUSIA RAiLRQAO. T.,,. .T .. — ;>xi rx>*a.v«sB : A it* xx -irrir.i In xl'i kinds ol Show Printing ired, such M PUt r-of i W HEREAS, l' H Kanin. k iirv*i*<*rty of Pe t, by I l»' s H' the i lih di?trici. 1 he jMiri e.» levied ou 1* iu . Th<«u thoreforc to notify a'.’, t>or«.'n* concurred kk ■■■:—-• v.-f tax fur the year »?70 Also, at the 77, in the Hth triei i Kin! place The part land lot No ed on le in < feet ou Whitehall Warn 2. Block 4, l etreet, ui ;hw citv ot Atlanta, ad-uuutu the property of Joti04 On earn lot *• » tw.» *t *:y nrtek rtorehu«M, now occup ed by tupi. •!•• • R’ * - **, ** *t dry gooue elore Levied on a* the pro,H*r.y » l John tk Gannon, o euitffy a Mate and co.i. y tax A U for UU ux for the year 1K70. , _ Aleo, at the enme time an t place, part of land lot No 15, turtle 14th dietrtct Tne y W'ard 4, (dock ll ft - Atlanta, coiiumli , liuai't ; on ■»* the prof erty ot J T ami countt «**x tl f» f»*» . - Aleo, at the *amc umu uuj id, i m toe city ot Letted ,tv a Slate o I STM. .and .ut No. (JKOUiai A, KtrtTOk XOtmTT ..... UHDinaHT'eOrrtcB, Janntry !V1. lsil OI1N T. BRANNON having applied tor toe guar* J the guar- Ki la Uwk. dlanehip of the i*er**»i; and property of S', a minor child of J. T. Lana, late of IHrtialb count), deceaaetl - Thl# 1* therefore to notify a’.! pereon# concerned to ft!* their objection*. If any they have, within tne ilim proeerthed by law, alee leave w. , to* gnu.ttti raid ap plicant aa applied for. DA NIKI. IMT V 44 AN. Ordinary. Attoat: John T. tVoran, c i#rk. Jairt 2m iTtotcr'a Uc (4 50. t of Li toe i uriKi*t* ot Dili.ding ro.an. an. 4 , id v'? a* the proper!i ol Gin. A w r.g <d .** *artafy a matioiaciurer* lien i. r of Or.n*.u, her Dodd, agml tor Wt. : I, A d r-.ghu March to* 7vh, ’.'77 CABLE SCREW WIRE BIOTS AND SHOES. !'. TY KASi'KSB.Y Wlfll A bClHJW YVIKK. Ail tho Rage! FOK S.YU UV ALL DSALKRS. diiS 1m Pickem sheriff bale. .. _ . .*ril next, one i'.iI haudod boggy, evicd on aa toe propectv of Tlio-na* i*. Brown, ander aud hr T.rtae .rt a magiairate ,.t F.uton tXKinty, Goorgia, ogn n*t Fhonia* Br >«n tu uv.»rof tlenry 1*. I'a’i, c*.. -dad .'f Albert Mu»eiy. PrujH'r v .omied OQl to *.vd .*. •to, tstt. fvl*l»-lda U m. r , rtl-* rriniiu'e L v ^tvki j*er i Posters, Program!:^ Hcnse-WllsEtc, This Office w:’.'. be F'ur. it- ‘x <-.;<• snytUing in the South. Fxr:;es i tve b;:t : cs-i luJ Ezaiatne Samples to be c. r-v.nctx! 13 o o 1; Hindi mu. Every DescripllOn ol ihaJing ami Ruling | — 1’rompliy EiecuteJ in any style desireO Oall i»t or Addre»« INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLA.RT\, G.V, For l'ncos or Esumstes, lot tr- \ l'-vr ’ lion ‘'riating. April 1 STEAM PUMPS' i-YY'j rnuu. P «• » K il PtJIPS r s lunjioAm, *nuj, ytsu, SfOYvorios. Dlstlliorlo*. >*S^LS J ■ l.-TK.-LNS, Hydraulic In'-srs, isc.. .1 i IK*. uOK \N 3ROS.. CA.iCtRS, fU.iiORi, UiCERS. Ki5u!.7« WOWDfcttFUL CANCER ANTIDOTES N K- , • • v No LLoud. Lit: