Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 13, 1871, Image 1

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| - ". T~i -i% <I>irO[j vr M SHR0H OEASEh TO BK JANUKROUb WHEN RKaBON IF UtVT WRKF TO X)11BAT IT” Jtfftrxrn VOL. XVI. i'Jirlu XJi.i / ' ll ANTA. GF-l>RGIA. ( ,THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1871 Su 85 (tlu lutdUflcutirt r ‘ 'HEAD. . Out of the Fire 1 GOOO MEW h! JOB PRINTING butrivai fli Dopuriurt 01 'X rums \v4. WILSON, l’u UllMiier. Suascriptioth aatf_Adverlising Rates, Til km* or auuaummoN. WwtjW, i month*. j "j iniu"IT- ' uat*» or Ajjvutmame. For M3 square of 10 linos or loaa, for the flnt loser (loo 41, sod Tor each ittbsoquont inacrtion 00 cents. s s 8 8 3 8 8 0 3 8 iqvior*| | 3 a S 8 S 8 3 3 u f\ A 3 8 8 8 8 8 S S 8 8 ttnutmi j £ u ss ii & 8 8 8 8 8 £ 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^ .Wool 1 ri H «» * X S 8 0 » 8 t 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 ; ,uani( | • a ss IO s X * i i l ; 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 i 1 1 -nun» j M *- tt s s s a i i 1 i ' 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 t 1 . ♦ •■fiwnfl 1 m vo JJ S ; | • s s 8 8 a 8 : i 1 * •MBM • I «v 0 «* •* s S J 1 i i 8 8 8 2$ 8 a 1 1 \ 1 •V>mn 1 I A * ” OB a a i i j i S 8 8 8 8 3 1 i > 1 •Man 1 | «* * 40 - “ Jj i i f*«m 1 | 8 8 a - 8 S* 400 8 8 11 X X s * 0 1 ■swabs | i i I i i i S 8 8 0 1 -g—g- ~ aSpocisl Notices, atu ceniB poruuo first Insertion, sue m cants nor una iox ascu auusv^uunt lnaetuon. AarartiBomoaui tuserwd si intervals to bo Charged a* tew osen insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any parUcuiat DSf e, to De ensrgee ss new escu insertion. The money lor advertising considered das after ftrit lnswtnon. *"* A* 1 coiiimumcatious or letters on Dominoes intended lor ta.a U-1.U auuUiu Uw ^Uurauoou to THE Ifi T£lLIQENQ£R| ATLa M» A. LH l-Ml* and loLadlta. that Women s subject to uun.irons dis eases p. cunsrto ibelr »fx- tucfi us mpi»rfKsi«in 01 the jrtul MoccA- of; the 1 ark aud Worm), lire, ulsr iVtensirusUou, Hemorrhage, or Kxcssrivii •‘Flows," ana Fro- Wo^b^** ° f ?f the _ ThuuuUseasei have seldom been'treated sticfieisialiv The uferSloa hstAongkMlUlgent^ ,[<¥ •** e irotajd^thsi^waa'j^ ensb10 them to treat Use disease!* with roccess At lastlUat remedy uas been discovered by one of the most sir lira. ph/dcuus in Uiu Bute of Georgia. That rwmedy Is BRADFIELD'S FEMALE. RE9DLAT0H. It Is pnrely vecetablo, and Is put up In Atlanta, Ga., by Brudfle 0 & lo. . u W the blood and strengthen the aystem, re- l ltv P,iniUUi>a I the kid-sy*, and is a perfect specific lor til the strove diseases, ae a • ertalu cure as quinine is m» hiii*aud Fnvars. • For a HUtory of erteifse# and ccr.ttcates of Us won avrfil cures, the reader Is referred to the wrapper ari und each boli le. Avery Outue warrantedto give satisfaction or money reloaded. LaGbakos, Ga., March S3.1870. J/ffisra * rwi^i.'llSnr^lu^^mg thit 1 hrr.nied. wuo.uw u l U« UUOk UU „ togslhcr lor the disoAnea lor wu.cu it Is recoinm ndtd. I have beer* familiar wlih ih* pr scrp lon, i* th as ,»rac* tioner ot medicine and 'h domestic practice, and cvn boues ly ray that I Consider it a noon to mner ng fe» malts, aud cun but note every lady u lhe bud, abomay be tuff- ring in any way i.ecui ar to ir.eir sex, may hr *’jie to procure a bottle that their sufferings may ar' aly be relfeVfd, but that they may be restored 10 her * ana ana streu|ih. With my aindaat regards, I am, reepeclfQlly, W. B. Foitit&Lu, M. D. We. tbs undersigned. Druggists, take pleasure ending to the u*de Dr. J. nn.imiu/s r km a good and meual „ m ATou-beit»*ving it be for the diceae«s lor which he ruiomin< Lm ^_A..k Ai, \hpJiLL, Athuiia, oeirgla in com- YSMaLK uUH nahle remedy Tike Deukucrmtlc Ciiuvun-iteurgauizstiuu ui lire uuuiuuruiu mid Cuuservailve Cou- gre*a*ou«i tuiuiulUee. Au ttu|ouiucd uiucua oi iho Democratic and Coubci VttllVe UleinUcia oi Uuugtfcbk Was held 1U the hall oi lUb Uuiiab ol Kepieseulauvea at 11 o’clock, ou aatuiday moruiug. liou Fernando Wood, oi New York, called the caucus io or .er, aud, on motion, lion. Eu gene ituscriy, ot Gaiiluruia, took tne chair. Hon. Al. o. Kerr, oi ludiuua, muved me tol- lowiug rtbOiuiioua, wliicli were unanimously adopieu: iteaoived, That wo cordially commertd to oui Dem-iciatiC aud VJoustrvative ieliow-ciuzeu; tUiouguuut tne coUuliy inc Patriot, ol llrecny ol Wosuiuglou, us u ueAcpa,H.i cinlueull) vvoitny Ol Un.ll luVOi uuU eUppol I, t») reason ol li.C high lone, gicai ability auu uoeli y t*> correct pnu- Clpite WUICU cUafocti I r/.c 1 s in tli^ug> mail. iltsUlVcd, 1 Ual a copy Ol Hits fesoluliOU be CoamiUMicaiea to lUat [) .per iu pu iiicaiion H u. >V Illiaui E. ^luiack, ol luulaUa, otlered llic louowiu£, wiocu was ai&o unuuim^Usiy aoopte j : UcaoiVcd, Tuat mere thill be appointed a couuuiuee, coiiolstiiig «•! out- bt nalor or !(■ pre bburatiVe lo-m eaCU dlau eulillcd l*y tue pollil- Cal Cuaiactei oi Its Ucu ^allou l.« repres* Ulaliou iu tuie cauc .o, tu sci Vj oufiiig Uie pies cut Lr»u- griss, auu lo lo 0*. known as Dtun cruic and UouserVa ivc uuii^rc&sional Ooinuiiiiee wnten shall oe chargeu wilii rlicu duties as 11 may properly pcnorui in le^ara to ucclions auti oluer political ina.lera Out lug tie exiBteuCe, WitU l>ower to choose its own chairman nud oiUe otllcels, auu also to ChoO-C UUU appoint U SUO CouiiUittec, U* cou&isl, in whole or iu pall, ai ilia) oe oeeaieu ocst, ol inctuucrb ol LiiUcles.*' lo act as a icsiocut executive coimuiuee, lor ill dlsoiOutioU ol eiocuincnis aud other cuaipaigu w ik. Uesolved luriber, That each delegation here rtpreaei.ttu than lie entitled lo UuiUe lib Coin Uiillec man under the loiegoing [eauluilou, Out wueu no peisou shad Oe- named wiluin a rea BouaUte time, tin u tue ciiatunau ot this caucus bhaii up.M/.u. such coiuiiiittee-iu »u. Uu uiolion, the loi. ul the blatcs Was Called, auu it appealed that the iuuowing .biaies auu 'leriltol.en »>ete leplcseimd, VIA: New Volk, New Jersey, Ftuusy ivauia, Delaware, Alary* land, Vl gtuia, Noun Lllroi-na, htiUlli Carolina, GtUlula, AiaOaunt, tVllbslaelppi, Unto, KeUlUCky, Tenueknee, luaia..a, iiliuois, Misbouri, Arkau-. boa, anChigaU, hlorum, VJaiitoruin, Oregon aud Nevada, aud tile leirilu/leb ol Idaho aud Da kota Un motion, the lollowing-named gentlemen were appointed to eoui ( o»e the raid Dunocralic auu Uoi.servaiiVc C/ougitssioiiiilcommittee, v.A. New Voik—H. SV. omeum New Jeisey—Jouu P, diocklon. PeuusyIVaula -Dailiuei J. ItaudalL Dc.aaafe—bchjaiuiu l. Higgs. AlaiyiUud—Dtoeuson AieUer. Vugiuia-Johu UnicUer. Noun Ottioima—b\ E r*not)i r. bouih caionua —Isaac U. Mclvibsick. Ueoigta - P. ill il Vuuug. Alalia ua-P. Al. DoX. Aiississippi— Lioumiana— Ohio— I'hiladclpU Van Trump. Kentucky — li.*yu \N uicUester. Tennesbee—W. U. NS hilihorue, Indiana—M* C. Kerr. limnoib—s?ainuei o. Marsball. Mibsouri—Eiobtiib Wells Arkansas- James Al Hanks. Michigan— J U oumciluud. Fiollda- Blias L. Niuiack. '1 eXas— Iowa— VN tscousln — Ciimoiuia-Eugene Casacrly. Miuntboia - Oi egon Jam« a H. Slater. Kaustpi— West’Virginia— Nevada Char lea W. Kendall. Nchiack »— idaiiu -oarnu 1 A Merritt Dakota—Moses K Aim>irong. Lion. Juhu T- iiird, ol New Jersey, from the Bp c.al annmiltce uppoinied at a prtvious Cau- cu to examine ibu accounts ot the National Do uocraiie Executive Cmnmi.Ue, re|>orud that the bttme wue corrtcu The report was ado >ted, aud lire special couimiUee was dis charged. , lluu. Fernando Wood.ol New iork, moved the following resolution, wuicu wus adopted unanimously: icsoived, That it is essential to the intercsia ot tue people ol this Countiy tual tin: Deim»- cr v.ic auu Conservauve un mneisol (Jongresh be n coudaut attendance up»»u me sessions un til ue hnul ad)wurnmt ui, ami mat (lie abseouts be it-qucrted to return at once, so llml ibe evil legislation tonii uiplaicd may* « e avoided s |Uu moiiou, the cuiicu. in. u adj..uiu*-d At’OKNk LASSKHI.T, t imu man. F. E. Ml HKii, W E. AiiTnUH, fc \V. A HAMiLkY, becreiariefl. PJtMBkKTON^ILeBUrl aV/vloH A CO. At uuiu, Ue< rula. KKI)WINK A FoX, Atlanta, »*eorgta. W V LAWaU*, Atlauta, v*eoitrU. W MOOT 6b &UN, AtonetU, Georgia. DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER UEDiCINE! T he mahibtt-a i>»p*b Kill coKpakt has lebaittfta HU!, vrtalcA •»» duttoyM by Ira lot November, and commenced makrn* Newspaper of Excellent Qualify. fare are ready to All orders and will taka spre al CU9 to fo/msh oar casiuosert with papar that will give euis- Ut ion. ' pF" Order* solicited; mb30-8t T. F. GRADY’S Rail Road Ale. House, No. 22 ALABAMA BTBEET, rna« umobesionbd most h'bpkmpuolv ** *“* r *** < * i u * e UttatOtttU>4lotKe*u‘M. e C«st OI«u to < lot» ceau. th MM OKU to U lor K o«U. PI*M *t IB*, per Dos. to SI & per Dos. kUebtHAWHWHUt* ro tod «* JOHN riOKBN.U oil Mon, wkw.iil cugtube wir’h of b. ; - moo.? “*»>»• lOIlN FIGKBb. Ito. 11 r<*oa.roe ilreet. boom, To hkkt. -J W BOOKS TO KBIPP II* THB PICKBR BOOBS { X I A*. owTva Boon Hoom Apply to J UST KROBlVBD A PDRSBTOCK OP STAR WHX8- KY, PKBMf.-UBR.ADY, Gin, Win... BottlM At. »na I'jri.r, Jtttej Older, Ale end Beer on drelt CALL O i GRADY, oMi-41 KrerOeontUReUnwdueiMt. UEORGM, Lrmi Cotr.rr. Oouut or OnonueT, Kerch M. 1BIL J U H. W ALU HOP MTlnc eopiUd lor IMPeeof • Admmirire!|on apon tne eetete of Bonn O. Hor ton leuef eetd couty/d-«eeMd- Tnle Ir, inert, ore, to notify nil perron, concerned to tie tbelr onteciloa, I eny iter cen, on or by th* K(y Terj. lMl.oitbU Court, < »s Irtten wHI k. piM tDe npolieent. UaTiOO MI .OR,Orduier<. mbAr-aod Prtntrr'r Cm ft. GEOBGIA, P.TBTTn Cotmrt. Onoin.aYTOPrfMf, SymnnriMI. K ILLY, eeeurlty lor Rumoite. Oolllnn i r - XV. Pnecbnl K. l oumi, minor of Peiebsl A. CeiUns, dtowMO, H»tnB mpreeented uut M bar tally dto- iduneb- . hereiore, to notify dll perrOM COnCnrnM U ikny Un, o*er fentaretD. iuM uidmut— Tuie is, tbnreiore, to IIletAeir hbiicilau. If my i July Term 'irtl, of iht. Court, wuy*leuer< tboold not bo gitoted mid eppuceut. UAVU) C. K1MOB, Ordlnnry, npr4-4'd Printer', ioe IS, UKOHU1A, Ck.ITOX CoUHTI. court ol Urduury. A'jrildd, 18T1. w .. .... . . .mli leuoi ,ud co inly, d.ce* »d— '!bla it, ihereftrre, to notitr ell pereone coMerned, to Hie th. Ir objections, if euy inuy can, on or by the Hey Term, 1871. or this Court, eleo letters ml be ^rented tbe epsiUceut. J.H MORROW, Ordlnnry. epr4 30d printer', fee P Atlanta Medical College of Lec'nrea In toil luetltetlon will ret Mpndey la Bey next, naUl tbe tODowlru: 1 'eCULTY I D., Prots-sor ol Prtnelplee end D., Pnofaneor ot Oenerm eat , Profeeeor of Oeutrel end Bpe- -ro'MVjr ol p nyrlolo2y. iJ, M. L., Proleesor of Prli Berrerr. U., rrofeseor of 0 Pete trice end U Pre tensor of Ulnlcel unryery. ILaND K. Prolessor ol Meterie . Ac. Oeretor. S IVldff-!TA^P- wo in.u.^ driers per north inrptwt fa tie S'.d 1,11:1. t i iD-.r.-de e tbe 1A.i.eln*Impsoss. ab.II Beose fan y se.iur Hs- cunee. Th.Bs.Jinc.ii rtilcn, eun, ini, iuc>, tucd, bra.d,ford, avirt.ene rnureiucr in e urn. mperiur m Jitet_ Price »n.y tu. yu..y ws rectod lor err ycera. V.tnB |.y |1,0<l for toy oeebtue that will BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. W aiTEIIALL 8TBEET, Kiduejsas promptly as Uslouiel and Buchu, without ary diUgcr - f bkI.vulon or dcsu.if lion of the rmnt*8. i' .r.ns ukiiirf iblf m dicme Lecanjt Icu. getting wet, or hlj uLhvr reasonable expoBUrc. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : heartache. Dull Feeling or tbe Blues, Sour Stomach, Hick or >ejvou • ucaaac mj, Heirtbum inuige-tion ««r i y?* P»p *a. Had o dp ter impIo iu hr Mouiu, Mu pkin hue a tii.ck. roiig f . l.i g. and i« - aik- r iimii upu » , « orti.e HMc*, Alt HLCUxl) rbwilrus, Cfttli P*. co.d FcCt, i OuC, y uut* ry or Dia:i mb,, cnulp :.nd ever, au I IMee. In fact, wh- ie Le e. ve. ip oui o or^er. ) u uu uabit to eveiy d »ea-o th.U ■» i.u comogt .UB. • ruphiU’p l.ive. Aied c uu u fiKeu proper’y, wrlil preveut aiidfUie uiij disease re?ul .iu Irurn a cer*uj,ed ti function* atm thus cu*e all dtecasee re ul .1* iieaiii y «c. uiu. eat n.uibtr ul years, and has li will rtguiai cau.-« » bj tue ft a ca- reel, u*ed fo g vt i. uu.vuisul ail f i bt r is im blotter or sjU claim.i f lo havu the or gl* ua r.ccijii. 1; le pm up u b^iu iow..cr auu F.uid lorm. . . person and proper <>• oi Kn t d nouasou. mi Mud county, having fully duebanmi his said vail, tp piles u be dism.Bbcd irorn his Guardianship** a oie- sald - Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby notified and required to appear at my once, on or bdore the first Monusy ioJji no it, aud .-uow came, if auy they h%ve, why raid tic«'n;e w. Kdmonapoo should not be dis united ir.-m his s.ia (Yoardtuusnlp. viivcd under my hand and official signature. UaYui G. a IN utt. Ordinary. mh51-4od Priisur'e leefifi. :u.n,Ua., September 4,1SW. Kan i Da O. 8. Pbophitt i &i»»: .Vtjr wi o t.as been an fnvilid for It (torn years. 1) cu*rs an »g't*e siie-naa •• i.iver HifsHso.’’ lo couuuc non xn i hi ir pruc Ice r-be used v-trlou? Ootidrenieiiies, ik. e t.f Wuicu H-tUitd o d ■ «uy g >..u /omei ui sgo 1 rticuitke a oo Ua ol “ Li>cr • edi l • re. i«. iturve), which be ug ict.ons, hae uiiec.ed a «.ouip.cic tort GkUnGk ; “ aceuidlug tb. di L. TJlOMFoOW. A ti. asta, Ga., July IS, 1870, MlbBKS BRAIiYIELD X Co i iYr.sTi KM a a U»si y.ur. durli g y iravels in Ala- true t- d t n .ii* «Ld *ir> bad l tiled ’•* ana leuhergt r’-* i o purpose I w.»- tr u i til w lb luieurO -m> i >i u.\ l>a k uiu 1 iim. in- 1 dm l.i .-. t’e r.»L ’ 1 ba.i ae.i u'gti a.sp-irtd of re eu a fr.m.d rcccmiLOi.Ucd un to «hc Dr. vur M-u-ct.je. 1 uiu -u. ml one b -t le nap iid t-<da., i li ei 1-ke au ilbur mau l cou ol toe ucst metf Clue? fo gtoei« u?c u<..w witUi.Ui auy re-erva iou recouiineua it to V 1011,109 ObOlthlA, Fat ATT* Cogmtt Uehimaht's Urvicx, March S3, 1S71. W /iEKBAS, George VV. Uavis applits to me for the Guardianship oi the persons aud pioperty of the m.uor children ol Joqu vV. Davis, uteeared - Ah purs*ins - otuerued are uolided to file their ob)ec- Gulp, Il my olilce. U ol.. cxi*l, Within the t.fijo allo«*d by aw. to ea.u ap,o Limtnt, oibervn-t letters of goar> d.&ueuio wilt b* giantcd ue apyllcaut, as applied ror uu uu first Monday in May at xi jjaYU g. MINuK, Ordinary. mb81-30d Priuier'cfM S3. F-rsyih Sheriff S&lei ILL be m# d b. *«.re tbe c un h^UAe door, In the lowu of' unim Lg, «ta , ol tbe'ftrst Tuesday in at leXV. Delate, u leg&i L ar - Of sa.e, Loi of Lai d o. 1UIV il tbe )4tn D tutci ot the 1st sect'-n ol Fortyt c.ui'y, G* uevud ou satisfy sun dry fl ia’p ireUdO Irorn • Juel c* Conn <u mIq couuty. In W 1 the *• oiacwc uoex Sut n.*' Everj sec nd stitch safi be cat. and suit the cloth c»ou >\ be pk-led apart wfthtai taar ng iu We pay ajeou f7t to S»>* vee naonih find expensed, < t a c mmiseioa trues which tw*c thuem^nnt can be msde, For CUcttlars and * eons apply to or address 0. BOWkh*AOO., 438 Spruoe kirset, Pbllade p Pa. Cacmov.—De not be im^oasd upon by ouer purt'.ei pelmuig off worthless cast Lon nucume* a ider th> same name or otherwise. Oort i» the only genu te and realiy practical cheap machinr now matuiur cred. znkiktm U*itliBY’s PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, 1H18 invahishis Family Medicine, for ••fr-v. cleansing, removing bad odors in all kinds of eicxnesi; tor bums, sorea, wounds, vtimrs: for Erysipelas, rheu tnatism, and all skfu d m .ses; for catarrh, -ort auutn. •ore throat, dlptberia; .or colic, cUa;. but. cLo'.ura; at a waen to soften and beautifying the tAiu; to re-more ink spots, mildew, frail stains; takec interna:./ as we., as applied externally: so htgh:y recommended by all who have used it Is fo; sa t. by Drugg.sUand Country Merchants, and miy be ordered directly oi DARBY PROPHYLACTIC CO., 161 William Street. N Y. deca ni L31 wids ; by a. i«tum, L. c., ibis Wib JOHN A. bind, Ordinary. VV 1 ^ FORSYTH SHKRIFF’S RALE. oeiore lb court bjase door in the wu ol c.uniu 1 lie. r'orsytb county on tbe Firs; fues-iay n April lcxi, wi.hi tbe .ega/boors or sale, iui o< utid No. i.lVl. iu hi lit a District and 1st soc- ilon ol Fursylb ouaty, Gs oev.vd oo as be t>roperiy U A. U. M UOLA. l tj ssv eiy so slucbm ut fi U in svi.roi iruuuu u amiora. F«'tnvea on. .n said fi la. Levy rnaoe «iul returned io uie oy s mcb4-td -jAGfilHd Clayton County. Ordinary*t Office, Oaober 19, 1870. W iikUkA.*', &. rt Foruou, admiuipuaior oi B H. Ko.'trou, dec eapud. has ILeii bit buu return, show* ;ug s fun diPtnbuUun aud se.t'vmcnt ol said de- ceaptd’e et.atc. aua sppliee 'or letters ol dlimiseioL wbicb letierp win o« ^rabiol on tbe first Monday iu De amber next, uu.ess eotue valid ooJkcUous are filed ac- curoiLg to iiw. J. H. MORROW, Ordinary. octhMiin one sr’r Iu* 34 M. THU (J !J L cid ti.L T U D MURRAY & LANMAiYS FLORIDA WATER. The most luting, a^rccxo.c, and relrtf.cing o all perfume*, tor use on tne Handkerchiei, at tne Toilet, and In tbe Bath. For sale oy ail Druflrtsw and Perfumer*nova-co'.lv (jr.OHJJIA, fleam, coe«TT. / \ S > uiOiatu allur dato application will txi made to Iho Aj’joartoi Ordvuary o. Pickens county, Geor*la, at tbe first reg Bar leror a isr tbe expiration ol onemon b from inis notice for leave to s 11 mo taml* belonging to th« mluor oeirs ol *V. li. Gordon. «i«cea-»o.|, mteol said cuuutv* deceosod, for mo beUtll oi s«ui minors. County, «*« j u GORDON, Oeardlan. piAflietm Joseph H. and W. A. Goruou, DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL lui n.o llciue lias bcoa Utc for years, and gives uui- isalsa . Irtciion. tuo uiott dui.cate cbiid may take it wuh imp-inity. CoViNuroM, Ga., November 9,1867. Dk. PBurniTt: Hav i ir a povero attack of PytvU-ry rtnring the j>as summer 1 ws» iluu ul;*» u». y«» r 1)*p«-u %.t) * nwi. a ou.-r vid .iiersiro.n imiuu.mu- and peruiai-oLi ril e O. 6. roKTKM. CtrssiTA, Texas, ta.fl. Dh. Pa«ipiutT; Deau -iu Your Liver Medicine ard Pstn K* 11 It Is a comp.ete success. J. L. wuiITli. This Is the rolcnrstod medicine that run Perry Davis, Tain Ki-ior out - I u.e in r. wner* v.-r u was so d. D.»vip mAil i i'ropuiu cuauge me name .rum i »iu Kokr tu * alU Kill It- For hnckinat sm, Neuralgia, or |utin of auy kind, it has no cqi.nl r or i ut*, Uiuiaos, urus, or oid bores, it g the best thuu yon can u-e for ti drcpsiLk’. For u»ke BiPjs or aungr uf i’oisoniius lusecie. il is orfiCt ituOdoie. I IP LJ.oil for v o to, Co (K Coughs **r Bowel Complaint, il* nunc lLiltott.es .is nature ;ul y. it is truly deam to Manulacturcd an.i sold l»y B ADF1ELD A CO., At lanta, ucorgia, and ^y all Druggists, Newton Factory, Ga Dh. PB^ruiTr: JDH* PROPHITT’S Fever and Ague Pill*. The be*t AntMo’r f»r < htils and Fever known. Cur*>* wrr.anted tue'e.y inn*or iuouSj r»uuudva- l uiily \ eg- Stable. DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. NY ill relieve Headache. Nerv umers, .Inim i ce, ard all otbir * •raiuemi-ni* m I/.* *- in >»v v ge.ib'e M-jLUf.ot 11* «l Al.d Ij'I r»*f by 'B'V I’f •' D I’ll, ltroad *'«i4>. V, At in'*, ticorgi-., n ’. lor »a e by all Druggist* of AlUuu, Georgia, al manuUdure;'* price* Mortgage Sheriff Sale. W ILL be son be vie tuo Juuri-bou»e door, in the city tf AtmnU at tne usual hours of sate, on tbe Vost lueavsy in jiaj next, the fodowlnv pioperty, : Gov large Hoe press, 1 loi o Hoc press, S tu posing stones, I'i i-tamls. V Cabinets, %< c »■»» ty^c to eavu cao- t vt, 1 c*r' press. IS pair? oi ease* wan 'yp*. A) non chases, t tu v cj-’*» with ru es, IX b *ii gai.eys, 7 w H'Uvu ga 1 yp lo l. ms *oou poster ty p , 1 tuut metal t. p., 1 u« t>a, 1 Kit rnetai tu u ia.>, 9 ,.ud fomi*os.ug rt car, 1 gvany tack, 1 io. icads. 1 case cuts, 1 lead cot ter. 4 tu post•<£ slum. 1 piooi press, ntiaids. 34 pslr cares win t p , 14 brass s aiiv>s 1 rui bg nucuicv 1 pianuiLg i res-, 9 pap*r mu r*. 1 ovard .n.t«., 1 ret btuuir e lOwiis, I Lantuet with tipu, 1 w.irE b*"cb, 6 tab: r, IS t-nairs, i book cip«* ana dirk, l lar^s iron s*f , aLd fie kOod w t. o Ulc ufttvc Levitt ol the prop t-r.y . f J . »VbJU*vr oy vir u ol aua to s»tiny s mo 'gage ti. fa , is.-oid irou* ru on a peilur Court in fe\or oi B v Y jUky -s. Jared i Wmtnk r. ako. at ’.ue s-me univ ana p.ec- l Jv#o boos printing press ol n. Hov ot to s pate j now .« u^e to the ffice o tne ALa.ta luivingt uwr Levied on as u. v-roi^it. 1 J l.W uiUker bj vir u. of ana to sattsiy a tu 'rlga fc e fl ia , i-su u f ora ruitoii eLpojior Gonrt in u>ot oi o. v Yaeccy vs. J I. wulUkci A.so, «i me same t me ai.a place one honored and stxiy (.00) CA-iB, *nd one bum rod aud sersnty five G"j) lo*.ts ol type oi difiercni site* ana descriui.ua, ai a nev. n Oly stuiius, Muiw at the Allan s lutc> geLCvr Job c dice. Levied ou as - be property ol Jared i w L lake* b„. > r ue n aud to rsv.riy a mortgage li. la , irsu.d irorn Fu tou M p.r.o. Cjort ra uvar I D. M. IUil vp. Ja.tii i lYuiuxcr. l'.operty pointed out by p au-t.lf • at orcey. Also, ai th« aatne and p<*ce 1 lot of tarrchandlse con- sistiu*, ol . ro* eno*, do uesllcs, bo -ts, aho> s, calicos* haul ware. Ac Levud ou a* me prt.peiiyof -ai Jatk.ou i»y vir ne ol and Io »al<sijr a a .r»^age a (a , ir u i irorn Fu oa -apvror ^“uri ;u lavo ol Henry d J cobu P.op.rt) poimea * ut ny plant fl * » loruty a. M. kKKanou.v Deputy ba*nfl. luail AM p.iuierafse fir bj per levy.- PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT. CKHT1F1CATBS: Ws, the under*ifned bare «*sd Dr Prcphltt's Prrps- ratloi'SaLd I- so pleasure in n coraivendUif them to Ul* pa'ilit, aa Deii gaii he claims for tnem : Oui J Ue vmgo u f Ro We invite the attention of ouk FRIENDS And lie Public geocnlly, to our complete &nd crteotiTe JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our Udlitie* lor Executing the Genem Run BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, xre u good u tint ol *ny OfSce in the countr) having recently added * larg* lot of new and modern typ* to our already Exteniivc Er-v. v - dahmect. CARDS. Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Pricestosuitall Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Receipt Books and Blank Bo-vka. ot erery dweription. prune.: -lud bound on the m06t laTorkbl* terma, and a tbe neatest style. • *«•** IAA. ae«j>. O- ‘TSiit imiiT. uir.k L.VC a.. U si. n.. * Lou La, JicittyUlA, .’l Aall tuie and UtAl* U*a vvu4«— 4 uai* >4 tiaureau Liuc. 5.W, A M i*C< »* V-4t-J.tA/i» -•« — -'•*-»*-«- <L4h A M .*%: a. AM.u*.t A Jg .r*a a* * a.*> £ A •* - A A —= c A ,»« c a. A-w A A • •«-* — **•—- a. JJ A M A BOOK 9'OJti THE M-iLOioN. .A Ptit»w MARRIAGE I» u* «umw » r m-*. GUIDE. 1 »lwot to mxrry itnbuou uu irMa, «mh u« itieft 4.«eTene» :e ..ro-tac:-, n* prerestlnfofiiprtae, praomu* tbe eompieiioe.a.- TUI, ti an tntee**un* fur* ul two banurre u.o twentj-roer pun*, wit* naoeroo. en*r»r.oj:*, soi eoufiJn* VUIasDff Tef&rdtxCoo for too— »!m- ... mu r:ed or ooo^mottle raxrr.xcr; »Ub !t i» • btue Uu> ought lo 0* uboer loch had Jef. *utt not IxtU cre.Mil. about the boa**. boot to tor OB. rim ol po«*«»l lor Filtr catt*. Addrau Dr. Ball*' DUpmer,. So. It S. Oenth »L 81, Loois. Mo. cr lode* to thi *ffliet*d **d Oarartuau. toeurr epMjin* to the ootorioos t^u.-tu vpo U.re; UK t* domic piper*, or using itj Vc*. 1 nxoictu peruM Dr. Batte’ worn, no manor wt»t p>*r dl«*a- or how d«plombii roar condition Dr. bait. c*n be eouralMd, per. tbidi*e*Mi awnbooea Is ht> woi__. BghthitreM. between Rnrhet end Cheenut. St u>. Leg a 1 B1 n n k h. NOllUt UF GtiAnbh UF hCHLQULE GEORGIA RAILROAD , wi FLSS«a- c»D4T* sxcxrrEo ) irksvt a:.’3 U* *. cl *; v *moA. <* r.~ This is therefore to notify all peraoos coneeraeOk. fi»« *• “ they have, w;Uir. the — ,v« wUi be granted s*: thru obJocUoos, |f any they have, w.unr. the ;.m< preecrioed by law, else i«* r " v J ‘ * pheam as applied for. DANIML PITTMAN. Grdinar; Attest. Jorx T. Coo via. Clerk. 1an4-ta p Tm»«*r’» im fl W Manafacturrre and Importers of MILITARY, REGALIA, CHURCH, TBBATSICAl., «A»QtEBADE AID COSTUMER'S GOODS, FLAGS AND 13VNNER8. AGENTS FOR THB VNITBD STATE* BCJITIJIC COMPANY. Fifth & Cherry Sts., Philadelphia. A:cviLgu*r, ua; u b I’oru-r. o»v.hcu>il Ga; Pn»l J L Jon**, •-vtLg of, Ga; M VV Aruola. itcaraia xuMi'.er cue*; Hiv it W i mu, tioorgia v-oaenn e; F A’ Nwauson, Montt<*lo, t«a; K-'bert Borne*. Jasper CAiumy, a*a; a M iti bmrwo, Moutioeila Ga; Jones " r gat, ITiti'am county. t» ; a w#*4brooa, * ot* ora cou u, V* ; Juujc J J fluid, 0«T ngura. Go; W .t IW* bett, ‘Vovitittion *oUri.n*9i" All Zac&sry,tut ugion, Ga; '*«urgt Wallace, Al ont*, no; btek l ockelt, Davis cou .tv, r«.xor; a n*wk v\ batUy. v Bsswio, i% e«s; C JAa/ikhp, |,io ro d an'*, oxa-: Tumour* M Mewart, At onto. Go; W uudi»i l. Dr« g<isis. AGoata, a; H K NoUtiox,of K r Mood x JS »*. Ationto, Go; t r ob bievrna. v j.rtersnl e, i»a; .% .a i v.ais, • uvMHf^ ^Matr. Grojg.u; .1us«i»L Uld. a.a'WH •- c uulv. k*s J*n»«S Jtff r.stOiPVtlW, i**. •* i i. ns. jk % amuu* . Ga; W .i IMoly county, Ua; Jotit. U D.vis, New ton FoaIutv, B F Ba#o, Luwudiw coamy. WANTED. A snTATION, uTmeherle t prinu littt ’y. dr. A, ndr wh’ le thennghly competettl to were tee Kneliu breLShennMWgiTi tsetnction, o*tee i Ur.o Addroit; ' TnA' iiUR." Oimrin*. ttonth < ’*r*tln*. mb* it enre w IllUm. A W bumlre. Hotice to Debtor* and Dreduor* • btvlnx demand* against *d*-n Tuyte. , Ut* M Pal »»• e»aa;*. *i« h re.vy BYATB OP QIORGl 4, fVLMA t oriTTT. - day, for valns ucslved son! and in*iufftrM to Biul)' I Know all m«a by the** I pn emit, That l have t*is FltaLl) * * t>., Uk **.!« ncht to m«nu:actnr* and tli ray Faint y Mculctnrf oi»a h.vefmulab** lUrm witulbe fab r«c ti|.t*, oral Love *nu*uii«*vi Ue *a il tvji.\Dr Ifiuu A 0*» , t<» innt % r bow p >u sd. o y I if they msv si-e proper c •' osr. ti n uy aim »!•»( ms •*»» ve-notticd Mrdicmoi*. *» kis 15 b day of J mo | - ifurn] o 8 FBOPHITT. Iu proeenc • of T bonus F Juno* *Ld hobert LTowford, NoUrylautte. [uc] IU a di-r-tened. wivbla lbs liner prr*c _ oil arsons ludeh.ed t*> «otd deoeosfd ore hc««by roqatr*M to m.ke tasuKdiate payment to Ik* aader-igo** t. C M PAk NK, Shxocnuvr. JonV4-40d pnntsr s »tw $3 I t—BKWAKS OP QCACK*-3MW> ol *, hurried to pressure crows year y oee dsbUttf, Ac., prodaerd by yoatbinl Tbe advertiser, eurtag years ol sofar- icy advertieea remedy wttkoot radef; M iiiidiii iwkMta tAMoch nervoee Uxtlecroltoa. T“ lux. tr.od eretj .... discovered a simple mean* of set< care, which be will seed rasa to his iallow sufferers. Address, d. R. SHAW, leblwM S- as. OlUn, ttl Broadway. New York. Job Work. We are fully prepared lo do all descriptions ol job wutb qoicUjr, elcganily tod cboaply. Snenff's, (»rdinary’a. Clerk’s, MagvsfraU’fi, and Law Blanks, ot every kind, Primed on the Bfc*. I’aper. and at Low Prres. Orders from thf country promptly filiod* Book Bri.n ting: ai' who Appreciate lhe imporUoc* ol thTin. ibeir work done on New Type *nd l»ot- Pre**ci, »nd Fini-C.&M Workmen, will consul! their own interert, u well is onr,, by ginnc us * tiir lntL Bill Heads, Etc. In ibe line ol Bill Hchd*. Letter Hevls, Cir- culhr*. Direction CbecL, ic., we ire prep*rcJ u beretolore, to execute u ne»t work, mi oc u t»ror»ble term*, u *njr hon»e in ibe bouta. .mi to ga&r*nUse /uk nwwiben, wkich is a Beary item to p*rtie* ordering l*rge Job*, is they icMora get tall namber* when they orJer { work North. To S li o vy m. o n . In *1! kindi ol Show Frinting, pl*in or ool- ored, rneb u Posters, Proinmmes. Hoise-hillsEtc., Thi* Office will be Foun.l to be Superior to anything in the South. Firue* hire but to c*!l .n,l w.*mine Simple* to be conTtnoe.1. Book Binding-. Krery Deecnpdon ol Binding end Ruling Promptly Executed in *ny itvle desired, rail at or AddreM INTELL16EH0ER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., tor Price* or Buimhte*, tar eyety De*crip- too t*rintmg. April 1 ISCIiLDL'LE 0> MACON f N0 AUGUiFA RA L8OA0. uoe efiec; Moca*;. Jsl-o.*i U, .;7:. ?e;wt*sn A-- oCOVt AUiUSU 1 T. khoats xx.-arrao.) Tr».n V A M . W. 1 i.u. uau.j .o; . Geerg'A.OL. X* COrTum sTATtS LIFE UsSUHiHUli CUaFAJil- friucipul 4»rt»ve— Hutun. I.a. fi,000,000 * 400,000 TO THE JPLTLIC. o.-Ki.-i ii-rror *«*>v-tt.». l Ar.A> TA. |»A.. .'TvVmSvf U'Tlr \ VOll Srtea*. 1 COK»J*Lj Gcori'.a ♦:i c i , 3.. . orvvhh a d t>c; a »tax »..a * aa*: a uth«>: rx:.* • ..t :*?•. •- the over Ih-othoasaud v* Omd .? 1 ^pu*a;.lj ia te X l’ tz S l> l T U HEN are ^'oocii.-a.r uauagwd, sac tls LOSbKS t-e *>{'•-' r*- J lob a.-.-* Tn .*.-•• oar. lid : biMrtst’vr to th- 3;- ofnev a..i p*:r :..-a t-i p*OL>*-. (ur Cunuoucd tUpi<ort. rt:s LVwi.^L) t CotfiLvi to G.-h rc*o, bui is rapid j viL-bdiL* hvs.n--# .cu* .'Ucrauurs. Gvl»l> AuaM's WAX. *J. MaGILLh decT lra >1 PT AQKNCIP. ST CAM PUMPS LiAAD PUMns P O VT K It F I T F .** o. it aa» aJrwadj a;* ah:. I; ha* rtovd c*a..j tacrvdM.ug tu h.’u; rOB *U:tUL.»AO*, BILL*. MINIS, Breweries. Distilleries. H 4...S i U'TKr..'>s, Hjilrauiic Prrxvo, &c., McCOWAN BROS.. AHiniinsn tit >i's •— tHe B Y virtu* 01 an »n H try ct-'U ly. h« court ccwotv i*v. ire Tue*t*> U>UtO > *•- ** * * C.-33’) SS tbe vub't >m icv • oart oi Urdiuary o v» '>« -o J bvfor*' v* : .<» ac onuaco, Hsnry ;«ua 'lour u ir of ku*-wtt fit ol : feb u U the *1 disk lltrrt* ;• vcv. M»ld tb-J ^us • trvdlt of KL VI F r *lc«i. AdlUkListrslOf. pr.u.cr’s ie«|5 psr sqaara. oaba, trcvae^t