Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 21, 1871, Image 1

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KKKOH OKArifth TO tiifi J)AN(*KKOUK W-HJO* KKAKON IH IJ5FT ro 4>Mii VOL. mi. vILANTA. GEORGIA. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 21, 871 (ill* Jliiili jJiitcUigciwet W >1. W t Ij^o ts, Puhliwher. SuiiscAn dadjiivertising Rates. I'BUMs OP SUUBCHIPTION. l)*Hr,ii«r mootb... . S I QO UfU'/ • ** rr.or.thi,•••<»••• »*♦ • 1 '! oolU*.. ........... wmu.'jr ITMI — tlazl* *>pt9» at mo cjunto...... •lnjlj iJflVi.' <i»i Hflv, »rd Afftntt UATICb UP AUVBH'llBIMO. por o.o .uiuro of lu ilnoo or lots, (or the lint lnoor tl.m .1. > i<l 'or eiMSb anhso>mentliieorUuu SOcents. S X 3 2 £ 8 ° 8 3 i a £ S S S s —- s o g g'g g g g-g~f mi«jm t | sS88SSS“8e [ i"8~WS 8 8 8 8 8~£ ,«aouu I sS'SSSSS^Sf ,4WUXU (I •*#<au tf •**tavi U •a«tan I wani •svnmi S 2 2,8 3 8 \ i ; . • s a - 8 * i 1 ! i S S ‘8 S S 8 I r~| i 8 3 8 8 8 8 i ! : i * « “ S S 3 | j j ; S 2 S'8 S" S : ; !' I W gas: .; 5 ; 8 8 8 2 8 8 : t i i a s i i i j f, ii i i I 8 g 8 :8 8 8 8 8 8 g I 5 " " * “ - » « b h •OIODbS ! o o o s s a s;.o ,| Scilicet, lu tent, por Hue flrst iueuruon, end 10 nut por line lor M3 sot sctineni Insertion. Ail.ort' -emeut* Inserted tt lntorroltto bo charged*, to insertion! .. , Advert sjmi i’it ordvrod to remain cn tny particular „«» . to no .huge? st now etch Insertion. The monoy (or advertising considered duo t(tor flrst **4” eomimnnlcntlon, nr letterson batlne»«lnt«ndod(or t'5l» oUice should h -.ddrossed to THE INTELLICENOERi ATI.AM A, OB' l'OIA, The Dniuncrtiile <11ill'll.—Hei>ri®it*H0Jiii oi itie iietiincrMiieendConservativeCuu* ure.tioiiiiI t .iillmlttee. An mlffluriit'ii caucus ot tlie Democratic ami Consi iviiiive m-inhers nl OSngress was laid in the hail ol the Hjiutu gt Keweseulalive* at 11 o'clock, cm Satiml iy morning. Hon. Fernando Wood, of New York, called the caucus co ' r o r, mid. on motion, Hon. Eu gene Ciiwcrly, ol California, look the chair. lion M. C. Kerr, dl Indiana, moved the fol lowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: llesolvt'd, That wo cordially commend to our pcmjcriitic and Const rvattvo lellow-citizens thioiighool tiie in ot .try the I’atriot, ol the city ol Washington, ns a newspaper eminently worthy ol Iheir 1 ivor and support, by reason ol the high tone, great at -ili'y ami fidelity, to correct pnu- ciplt s w Inch charsctr i ?.r i's m tngagi menl. Ilesotye'il, Thai a co,.y td this restdtiUon be comimi'iieated to 'list p per lor publication 11 it. William E. p'llilnck, "I lmimiiT,"hffe.ml the Inllmviug, which was also unanimously adopted: ltusoiv. il, That there shall be appointed a commit'ee, con.1-iing .d one Senator or lb pre- sentative It. in etch SL.t.t enillltil Ity the polili- cal c oimcier ol its if i..a'iotl t > representation In litis cane to ,-eiv .luring the present pm- gr. ss, and to t" h Known as Democratic auij (Jons.tv civ. Cottsr. s-umal Committee, which shall he t iisrgjffl w.lli -uc'i dulies as It mat prop, rly periorui in ice rl in ehclious and other |>. li i a. ma I. r. .I.nn g ilsexistence, with newer to cliotise p. own elmirui.n Slid ol tie i,flie r., arid .e>o I., eln t) e and appoint a sub- Ctmiui liee. to cni.-.-t, in whole or in pari, as mai i o, .1 ,i iiiemui rs ol C,meres.. pi ad a. iie-idii ' \ i...i*iv, commilee, lor the dibit li ml i,. ri ol doe'iineiils and other campaign w ik It. solve,I till ■ li r. That each legation lit r, r>.pieset 'e,i ■ i> he i t.t.1 It,I lo name ilsc..in lion, e n.ii oder lie loreeoing nsolution, hnj wl en no p-is,m sli. I he n one I within u rea si,nat)t( lime,Tli ii iin enat.inati id this caucus siiho ,p „■ n s’leii, ton mitee in ot. O i n,,,|n i , die r,,i ol ihe St ilts was called, an . n a i .p mi,,l Hid 'In I" owing at ales And Tern lot e. wee i, ;,i si-nod, viz: New Y lit New Jersiy l J . nil y'v n.ia, i). laware, Mary- 1 no. Vi g'loa, N"i n i Hi'-loia. S. u'h Claroona. Oi iiigi i, A'ah oim, Vi "i.-ippi II ,i„. Keutuckjj Tillies If, lieha a. I In i-, M:-Souri, Arkan sas, n.ciiig ot Kitei 'a, C. d ,inui. Oregon ami Nevada, and Ihe mnio.-tts ol Idaho and Da kota (>n m lion, (ho In lowirg-named gentlemen Wgre appo ti'fd to C'.io: o-nghe aid 11, mod atie an i Co -er a iv> ' '.eigns-i uial eommitlee, v.z New Yu k—tl W s> oi urn New .li r«ey— .lohn 1’. 'll , k'on, i'eiinsylv uoa -A.i'ii ie .1, I land all. Di .asare Henpimin I It ggs. Maryland— theven.oii Atdur. Virginia- John t nil her. Norm Coro m i—F E SbO'f r. Soil'll Carol.no —l.ine. (J. M. KiSsick, Oeorgia 1* 'I 11 Youug. AI ilia na— IV M. DoX. Mnjsis.ippi— .Louisiana - Ohio—I'h ladclph Van Trump. K.tiioi ky — It nl Wtnchf-ier. I'einiesSie—W C Whltlliorne, Indian i— M. C. Kerr, lillitiois —saooi.n S Marshall. ,M s-oori — E aolus W' Ils Arkuisns ,1 ones M 11 inks. Michigan— J 0. mu net laud, Fmndu—tnia* L. Ni'dack, Texas — loiva— Wisconsin — Caidorma- Eugene On'scrly. Miutnsota - (.) ogon .1 urns II Slater. Kansas — West V.rginln — Nev eta t Inirles W. Keuilall. Nelu a k *— Idaho —Saintl 1 A .Merritt. Dakota— tt K Aioi-trong. Hon J din T. I! rd.ol New yerscy, from the Special co niuiui e appomie.l al a previous cut- cur to examine the n counis ol the Nalioual I'Odtocrultc Executive Coiuini t, e, reported that the same were correct. Thu report was adopted, and the special committee was dis charged. Hon. Fernando Wood, ol New York, moved the following resolution, wlitcn was adopted iiiianlmi'U.ly: Iteaolved, That It is essential to the interests ol the people ot Hits cmnpy Unit the Demo nic and Consol vanve tnciuborafpt Congress i ■ u enlist alii attend nice unon the sessions un til the limit itil'mriimjuit, mid that ihe absentees he icqnusteit to rsimn at once, so that the evil logisiatlim eoulimplaied may tie avoided. On motion, the oauctt, tie n ailj.'Uiunl. AUOKNK CaSSKIII Y, l gait man. F E. 'MI IlKtl, W E. Aitriiuu, W. A Uamiukv, Meielarics. liKOIIi<l.t. fiuasas cuurtt. O S.< ii" .ia iiit* * tin i a ^pvtiictuon will ho nude to ibo , 'iiUMii, »»r»iimry »*.. “t* h.-ii* «ouutjr, lieouU. nt 11*%? A -« r u inr «r i i toitlm cijurilUni of ouo nioiilb fro'n ini'* • i ‘ " l«»r i. uve t" * ■ i ihe UmU lu Uhuju.k to lho ml or h»‘ir» ot A , it. '«oiiton, ticru^K.t intoo| ruid CuUoiy, lar ue b in It. ol until miuorn td vi ft BID AD I T 1* well known to Doctor* and to l adle*, that V\ ouitn iwo Biihjoct to i tmurofl* dt*- en*ue p eum.r to ihtlr *rz - •ucn mb f U|it re#*U»n oi tbo Mettae* WlnUi.hilu nl Month iv •• Renoda *; nheniuail^ra "f the • tt< k and Wurnu, irre aim Meu*<mullon, Ueiuoirbag , or fcxccv*lvu •♦Flow*." ttUu i'/o- lEi-i‘H» Utert or kailiu^ ol the Womb. TbeMo dlMMe* have ieMom been Uuitctt vOixeMamliy. '1 be profuealon ba* b-diligent- ly for iiuio rcnledy th it wou.d rnnb o them to treat there UiBeavL*- wlin uc. esa At iMrt ttittl remedy na- been diro>ve'i‘d by one of the nioet bk iilUi pbj.tciaUB in .be Huue of Geoiafia. 'lhal riintdy la BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. It I* pnrely vegetable, and la put up in Atlanta, Ga., by tlniadu u «&. tu, it wl.l pnniy the blood aad atrenjftb-n the system, re lieve irritation t the kid • y#, and is a perf* ct me -iflc tor all rbe above tiiecareB a • ertain cure at uulnlnt .a in t hill** and K* vora. Kor a history of ..iBeanoi* and c* r'ldcatea of it* won d< rf.l cures, the reader In inferred to the wrapper ar. und eacbbol.le. avety buttle warranted to jjive aatiefactlon reloaded. inoiiey LaUhanob. Ga., March 23.18'.0, llBisriiLO & Cci., Alima.a. uoorKl i: DeAubmu: i tike |.l«urur«iIn B.aunir that Ihavenaed, O' th • Ink lWent* )cat , toe « n e y<>u are up, kuowu as Dr. l>^tAl•t , lCiL,u , > KJS i.iuit KKiic A- I Ok. and c »naiuer I' ihe oert c mnin*nmi ever irotten t* K?W»« r lor tie dire*r«r ior wn.c i it i* r<c iinm od-d I nave been.Cmmat-'MUi th • |.r s* r p io i. ^ tn .- ire- tinner o» medicine and n dtune-t t piacin- . and c«u Lone* ly ray Uu. I c »n*id r .i n to -tine ug l- ma'iB. and cm but fun e »vt;r> Indy h land. ^Ii.au-bv betel! ring i. any WAyiic.iarto e r »ex. m »y r- >■ i e to pruenre a bot.l , mat thur BufleiiiikB ui *y c< n:y l»e • eli. v- d but itiai ih y mny be icrtoren .o m.. . ai d AuanrenKlh. With my uludeat regards, l am, reapec.fully, v\ . D. t uiiHanu, M. D. til atom—believing il t" be a puou ui i for the dircaata lor ubich ne re* uuiui i». a l. W A oA^ac/buL. (Vllun.a, tve run. RKMtlfCUTuN, WlLn.au.N A KKDWINK Jt FOX, AtJanU, Morgue 1 ' W C LsiWatlo, Alianln, .*» ui« ia W KUU1 & oON.ManetU, Oeorgia. DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE! # It ia purely vegetable, and will act u >ou the 1 Ivor and Kiduuy* aa promptly aa csi..mil ,md Uu bu, wimont ui ydin^ir f aai vi iuu or di*«ti tiu. •, f.lit J'jriiia taking this medicine i ee . u .1 tu. gelling "ft, or ai y other reasonable eAporure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVL.lt DISEASES : Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, .Sour Stomach, Sic* or .\ervoU' neadac ie. IleirUmiu. m-rgevtiun or ■ v*- pep m, bud or ttcter i it-tf in r..- Mouui, tn.- *km bde a lUtck, roug , f.. l.i and ie . mk r tn..n urti», • u*t;.e ntai*, Nieitiuciioiy ruuin<B, isiau p*. t oiu Feet, * u. ■. . y euury or D.arrt <ui, Lni.l-and -ev. r. ant i*nf. in fact, where'be ^ ver ir oui o • er. ) u UabL t«^ evciy a aea-o lliaiip i.u com gi.uii*. »ruphitt’- i.tve. .nelcn- *. tuKen proper v. w:,- prevent altdcutf tiny UiSeaeu re?ui. n^ Irom a iic.'r.L^ed i.iver. il will rcuulaieita function* and tbua cu*e a.: disease cauco i b> me fra. .ie ui ip ne.iltl y t. ion. it Da* been u-*M fo a eteat u-muer oi yeuts, and had given univeipal an fsCt.oa I here is no brother or e >n claiming t<» hive *,be or'yi- na r.ceipi. li ie pm up u bum rowucr auu F.uid FAiaavKM,OA., Septtmber l, Du. O. 8. Pr< rniTT : Sin: .My wi e bas been an Invalid for fl'tecn vear*. 1) ctma an a^M-e aOC'hnd “ i ve- . *i-ape ” In c.i..ne« Sion AMt'i ilu ir pr.ic iit -lit t»i: i v ,rn u* iiotd rem« uie*. I.U. e id Willett ne- m.ll u d ml ) >,.u .‘OIU, in. ago I procured a no tl-' ui * i. vir • eu i t" ot y.mr a^» nt A. Ilarvei, ■bin, bit-|,g k'lv.u actu.Ulsig lo ill Atlanta, Ga.. Ju'y 1?, IrTD. Mafeua. BuArnr.in (.'o: b'kTiinta I.u? y nr. dii i g rv travel- in AiH 'until Ml I .'.uhitul e• • . . i c >: ’ . i ■ Ii ftji fe.i i, aud • y _ i.vtt In. .It.. . e ..r <t b. ; I L in. k m.. g . i Ir • D...C tied to ..»rie Dr. p.lt'- ..vcrAl .ifui", I tit. •. . «■ b d-.e line, cu-ejiue; aid t -da. I M'i I a. m. •( .. ma.. Icu. m|: ii u .e ol l..e item med I.. g : v . u-i n w p.t u • aut, wit 11 v U, duy tc erv.i t-.n ia -mineua .1 tu t:.e til c.id. 1 am, gent.e.uvu, ve’y ivepectiuiiy. y u -, «to., u. .a. ilAivislsuN, DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL Tm h i* Mrirn-hnA bcou u*e for years, and g.-t ? uu eiaalva .-tnciiuu. me injat oot.CAie chi.d umy .ake tt wuh impunity. Covisotok, (Ia., No Dm. i'BoiMiiTT : ? f iiowevl. .» nl h .ui r be obuteed. U. 8. I’UHTAh. CrraiTA, Tix.v!», 13 9. Du. BuoritiTT: Th'? !r* the relet<ra’ed medicine rh 11 run 1’* rr> lKv>, D tvi-m id 'I'ropnltt cuauge tbe i.amc ruiu i m.i K .Lr lu t'aiu Kill il. Fur Htn iinui urn, Neuralgia, or pain »f any k n«l. it ba? no eijunl t>, it i? the beat ui a, Umlaev, ! u nr. or old th ii. you eau u-e lor a d.e?rtmr. Fur Lake biles or sbugs uf I’oisouou? Iusect* it is tt ’ erfect antidote. Il if .-uollor uic » u il*.» i -.. T9 or iVuwel I'omplalnt. Du n m ii diuiii-B its nature .ui y It ie iru.y de.nu to i am. .Muuuittciuieil and »«>ld t y ID'ADFIKbl) CO., At lanta, ucorgiu, and by ml D nigg.M*, N«wton Factohy, Ga., November, iS<»7. Du FRf rmrrf ( nut Huiunrr my horse sprained hi? ankle sever e elu-ing tne »h »le leg 'o rw\ I io it! out w ,«v me n«.u. a f . and r»u iiern g u d uo-( he-pie**, i *o app vn* tlooa of ..our Anodyne c'j.in Ki.l D mor. ugiil) c.r. d u. JOHN it. Da\ Is. Out of the Fire! Newspaper of Excellent Quality. We are ready to ill I order* and will tak** rp* cal rare to f irniBh our c irlotnera with paper that Mill give Mtia- lac’ion. V1T Order* solicited. T. F. GRADY’S Rail Road Ale House, no. 22 A L IB A .11.%. ITRBBT, KY. FUBV^il BB^^DY, Urn, +lnos. Bottled Ale •nd Forier, Jersey GTdur, Ale and Beer on drnlt. CALL O . f; It % D V, tnhUI-dt Near Georria Railroad (-KOXIGIA, Payettk Cod ity. Codiit or Ohdimaiit, March 'll, ism. J L. II. WNLLMO!* bavlmr a >p id1 for left^i*of • Adminla’ratlou upon tne.L*»utie oi Joh^ G. Nor- Udi, ’‘.Ufof *T;d county, deckel — Toia I?, ih«r*i ora, to n H.:fy all person* cov/»rn^d to file tbeir oidtJctioa. t* any moy can, on or by tha May*’ Term. 1871* of th*.< Conrr. r«a latrer* w1!f be i^rir.t/d’ (■FOIIGIA, Kayktt* Cocmtt. UHbiitAKY’H urplOB, April Term, 1^71 K KLLY, ty for R nno i* Col’I^e Guar*iun of 1‘a-chi B. • olims, laino*’ of Fascnat n. CoilUs, d-t:»'a*ed, ba* lug repre* ;ut«d tntt be h*i fuJy c'!a- cnargf-d Bair, iruat — Tbit* ii*. there tire, to rot'fy a’l perapo* conceme I to fl etheir obj-cfoiu*. If any they hire, >n or buGr • the J-ily r*?rm, i-Tl. "f hi* '‘<iurt, w y .ettera fhuald uui be grantiid fca.Q app t — aprl-rd (iliOULIA, Cl at to.v County. Court of Uid'.ujry. A-.rlCid, 1P71. W. CiMBbavtnr ap,»n- i.:o W. apr \ JOd , to uoti'Y all pi:r*on? noo erned, t» •f »Uy cut. on or by me May ., e ee letters wul be granteU J. 11 MOKHOW, Ordinary, prmur's fee #3. the sd J.Idp Ity i..f I be OKbRblA, r AYl TTK * »L*MTT Ohiii.mAiiv'a orricnt, March 23. 19T!. W HKKE a8, (ie »rgo A’. Dav ? appdt* to Guardiananip oi tne person* i jui.ior cruidreu ol John W. Davie, u Ai; pe.*i»'d.a ut.eurued (iuvl . » tl« liv.r o.‘.|-C- tioi.-, in o:li.v, If an> en>;. w • •‘r. • o *1 b) aw. to Ba d ap, o nirnmt, *jUi : t . r« of ,.u.»r- Oiiiisum wt:i b: granted tr.c •t/iicniii. at upp.nal ior on tin. ii rat Monday ;u M- Yix*.. uAVId c. y.lNuK, Ordinary m031 30d l*r i • er r fee #3. F rsyth Sheriff Sales- W ILL be M d • u;re tne r t»r. b u-e *!•- r i . the town of :. :im ..g. 1 II O KLltsU « V X t; D MURRAY & LViNMAN’S FLORIDA WATlR. The most lasting, agreeanie, m, 2 reirathlttg o' all periumes, lor use on the Hau'ikercht'.l, at the Toilet, and in the Baiu. For sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. ncv9-eodly .1013 FIUNTIiVi READ CAREFULLY. AGUE ANU FEVER. WOLFE’8 SCHIEDAM 8GHNAPPb <a «n>od s.r U}r~kn* r ia. ATLANTA MllIGESCEB BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. w aiTEHAL.E eTKEKT, Vrr.lvol Ar Departure ot Traiim WuntPrv A 4tl»ntte Hallroad, nuiu’f rsint—otttwabo. jjv.r T . w Arrive* at ChaUAfK-ov* ..S.Y...V M oat fa*«*«*».*b TP-im—onrwAko. ’aivas 0 .^ . WIvm»* f>at*arr*07*... .*.**,*'*/.*.*.V*.' P v Ninr»- nwBXDKs v^r A i*__, jn r Ali:) . r ("V •»«*rrvr»fl^ > r , f. t> u A V Wolfe't Schiedam Schnnyps Is a preven a'tvc oi Cuillr and Fever Wolf ft tic/iudam Sct-najrjti la for \ I »4>dn*-y and • er c WOLFE'8 S0H.1E0#M 8CIGA - Pa I* naed an over the worm, oy p..ye.Ctt:.i • lractne WOLFE'S:8 CH i E 0 A M 8 C H N t P ? 8 1b vc(i>. t-.r o<s.<t WuLFt'S SCHUCAM SC1N PPj WOLFt'8|cHI. DAM iCHhAPPS Ie ittumraendeu by a. 11. •• M -act a- Wolfe m ScJtWlan ScK\ iyj • I* good .or • uiir a c pam in :i.e * m»v- Wolfe t SeJt vtUt rn .V'. • L< Imitated and cocn: r r* , na p rr u. _!«( Or- t iUtldL ll^ f-'j " n r _• I b. e le iuc ;ir?t Tu.?,*, i ijol dl sect:, d.) li l( ID 1. 1» ol Korryt n u . io .. *■ r. ' r w a-*tui »ro;V- ed • u. »> x e ci.caiu. ud -i. lu'.uji, L. v. , tui? vy JOHN A. M db, Ordinary. FOILS V I'll Ml Kll I F F’S SALE. Lu be so d tveiofc th.- • a* 1 ; u . ise u, »r-*tu uuniy. i J' hu C iiw, i’ <i r« lurueu t 1=71 tip; i.J No Ap: i ■-ytn • 1 -l » :l). « i A. tl. M.Doua.j iv .roi i rum .a n. am.-oo. vy made und reiurued to m. by a co ww Mortgage Sheriff’ Sale. Hue pro?.-, 1 to o flu . •or, Ir. the v, .... me 1 jiiop.rty. 5 ir. posing : al tbe aut:. J fie t-oa. . : ?iy ’hai f r- iru'tnoverv rt?p<tt j>:t mi O m d • n. p TuL•ill . At a ti I.t *. c . U* !• . :.U . (,ud a* -u- u : n . > • David L. Mul x. Jd 1ul£ LdCIBVILl.* LT , = ' 1. kdt^tc-a io. ••Nthtapj** la a r m.. • plalr t-. ot ; 1 tHki *:r. at i tj.'t • < tlmuLy io u? i :71 . . . »• IjC Width }d • *t‘ (• : be z u • ; • ti«n. I rtgaid pen,tu-u V, “ i.beuiirt ?eru4 •, * ..A=. a. Lt 2d !*Ufa arnr*’ v nr in. k r. ">L'E P, i. . a; taam u.ti . . - . , nap.. ' tb r itj >riour -u.' t. id ?, lrite. » iam H'.ltd. the Cile’i In U- eunpla-c • 'V a-«- t u In th * ttdul e.'UHd. ol q .ur?. I* . usi my-o.j. or ric * . d : . . p *•*•«, b.- “retb auu sc .r p • * u.ibjccti«<nabic raiict) o „ u \■ . • t'Ui-CGJ HAi* Ar ('HIM’CAL AMD T*CH>:ClL ■ 11. O <HA'b* r'L»ca. N. Y . .>• I>-7 - r.?s Kaiicui: , l - d r . < . . .*c , ou«m*>cnL.ii(^rB > tr • a by • ur f"aiu. .ht-Bauief eo :rv.m ■ . .• v , u.: o-r i-Xira.uatioL mc *. r . uuvi"> uHMt. ORDINAUV'f OrKICK, October .iinmcws. k . ,ami Tl F.-.tSvio, di-ctfttscd. b(»a.cd ui. \ t.^ a fau dipinb. i-m a..a sc; mi u. vi? d’? es'.ati. and appl.er or ,:•'•? t ; ^n-cb idler? wm t>? irrauUM "ti ihe £:< .V daw next. uu.c#« eu.i.c va.;d uojcv; u. - art coroiug io .aw. J. U. MuhitidV, .-rd octai-fm nnt i r * •-* a BOOK FUi\ l'hh, AlriiL MARRIAGE l> riiuiiiri's P L Ni K E L L I T, CKRT1FI ATF<: We, th<* n* ii»’-* gi.nl. n.-.vc u «*d D 1’n'phitt'? rr*pa- r.it’.o: hisi.d • .KC ;■ ,-urc in r«, crn..,» r.d;i g them to me public, tt- Ik :• _• i . be - » m» !■•• I - :u : I dl n I U. ".i. r .1 . * d.' n, «*a; i* C K»cor*. evil LTt 1 . ' s 1*1. UT is.v 1-k'U'!,, lv.-i; l*Idl J l. ' Ct; ’ Ucv \T \V* I ?’ u‘ 'UST. -I • u . : »•*.; K " ■*WHii?«di, Mont be to. ior, Il t».-r - l».n>- .la»;t-r c .My, im; A M M.d..u»o.i, .Mu. . cc .u m, cod t , U»; Juice J J r "id. t'- v • ; n v»t, VV iKe, ••v'ov.uwnm l i b r.-r-f." A If / sc »*>.i.vr.« on. coUMi, Tv it a?; A Hawk »Mi» i • VVZ INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OUh FKIKNDt? and ’.be I*’i v j>.c g^neraily, t - out c- '\h sand exl€2H:Y» JOS PRINTIfLC OFFICE i Our -ici'i’.ies 1-r Eiecnttnz'he Gecer . .:. B >0K AND JOB PRINTING, c tod as that •>'. usj 02*ce is (be c . ' . avlug receaCy - c- i a Ivge 1 -t it n- > ■•t tj :• jut hireajy-Extensive E • !‘hmer L O A R D W , 3u.=. ness, v 'i-iting, Railroad, Wedding, ttnd Sverv Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit ail Check Books, Draft Books, Jrav Receipt Books L o ffftl 33 1 n n 1,- ts . - - >* i'.nxry's. C'.ers'*. iliNf’.rste’;. v: • ->r. Ia i Pneta. Or :er. tr ttr. th- •unfrv :>r .. :;.t SUN * ■»* t», t» >♦**?■•< -rTfjtr* t»i •«nrft«r> *Hjr» at»»nlf* Ar vr?(t.p A | n v R»ftrn*4 >*•«• carver* nnr*?/ jrp Sr V Vac* tv A • * - >>unsr» »»im—nrv»*f> r ' '* P v# - »■■•'•***• » V T> U » ~ r>»- r tr» , , ruirvct»—f»r-r? » «- ***f A ‘'a*** * • ■ * .. •VveATT A W*«i?pp Raff rood. " *"*'’ r * n - T - fo”ow«on aci t'ter Jizziry Sat *iii*van •tin IH‘-v *!T'-et>* sitndaT*. * •* • IF P. % r.ar-r IIT’.WI YAAni—DAH T. ’ ‘ \T> v k ’X V PPr wo; Vv“*’ 'N-rrr.i: -‘p. w. *. **-:.*YiL T-1-- Ae^r.;, HI. Lon la, Vr,.brflle nr.<1 Chat- Idnr.nrii/n I t I n n ! h Flttllrnad Lin*. *'• 5-15. A M i >' A v '* ••• P M '.i T V • -* A M nonet Lf CHANGE Of SCHEDULE GEORGIA RAILROAD O':y. • - •' \ * -t r ■•..r •’t.iditi iirirrir ^ciii:i >L i.i: o> MAdCM 'to AUuliiTA ralroa! 1 - / GUIDE. phy xnat Byietn, witn tne a.n-i d.?o»*vcp - d preveutiagd lipr.r.K’. ,>re*orv m. . Tm? :* »u intere?i.:. fc w »rk wec*.>-foor j»a^e*. with uumeroir er TuntAit.* mlunbie information for f*)i - r ed or cut.cuipJitc luarrta^t . ?ti. (■•-urb: to be amier lock aad *c>. aua n«» a'.itu; the oonav. •MJtsl io \ny «u Autire?? Dr. Ball*' U:»;»eu?io s . M. U>*>. Mo. IXT Mottc* lo th* Atftlcted and Cnfnruna’.v •* .*p > : liar to the LuNTidi? 4^'.'4 k? w: *".vi -<• it putme or .? tu’ auj k .ku; :t.- ;>eru?i 1 »r bait?' w or*, im a a:: e: »i.v. y»*u: O *ur : *t * !•,» u-anie your totvi.n.oi; i»r. itu t* at be co..?a'tAi. ,H-.-««*t.A..y or by ma. o t ifr»*e ol iKmAirm tor Fv.'\ v ill*’ UtBpcuaHTj. No. la S. ti *•: r - i 13 o o li Printing. ! A' we.- a;.rreastt the impor^nce el hat n. j ;r j heir w :i j< ne on New Type »• • • | 1'-,^-. an . First-das* Workme*. snl ttwa . , 1 ttetr wr. interest, xs well x; ours, by e.v.ng ut! - i l 'i .Air tns. 7.4 r V. : i ; M 13111 Mends, Etc RROPiiYLACTIC FLUID. T IIS invtt'nab : e F*ra' Me.1 < Lin X Mr Jefl, ?r»ner?i lie, i«-; * L f. n?. .*«> \ i vS a Koali.nii f, : *•»"!) . »«*; .!%• i. t- Jo i?. Ni -on Fat tor-, U f Bi*.*, " - u - , un ; STATE OPGKOKGU, ( Knew .s'.! me: bv Kn.TiMH ('"I* V TY \ "r. ? !,f. Thnl 1 F(t'v t - day, lor value ro c vul ?o u hi it rrt d to lu»A D KinLD ,t • • , the i**n • :.i to m»iium n •• Hi.ti u 1 my Kami y VUub'mwn «t !. • f ’ »?*-!»« .1 r.\ •« ' fa rt.c ipi?, m.d r.avvhu 'iui . . i . h m* In • %tCp. t<M nnt -r lute ;• .d, . >.Hiirtbej »• *; ?.v pro)H>r c* ic ..n*. u) Ni.tt • > : un .»:> '« t..- r r,i Midu-m-. . hi? 15 h dl) of I t.e, -'70 ln| • guild J vSl'KOPHlTF i DK- PHOPHITT’8 Fever mid Apuo Pill*. Thebjat Antidote f *r ( h' '* and Fever known. Pare* uiu.e^ re linden- Purity Sec- DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PI LLS. Wilt fell, ve Uo*dfC*u\ N» rv it<ne**, .Imndiee, *t>d all Oth r . ? ttnietnent* ••( the »er »n-. ly v ve *hV M o uf* r n a. .1 i .r o . ’•> Bit '«*• i' a i 1 ' , |tro«d .- iieel. At a .id, lioor.t ., ti>‘- I": e :y ail DrUjtxitU ut Ailu.u, Ueoig .i, ai uijvu vUtiurer’B prtt** cooo NEW?! Cigars aro H\illm«x I 10 cout Cigar to (f . r * .N cent Cigar to (t t . - 2\ Cent Cigar W> 12 ‘or 25 emit?. Plpos Jit I Be* per Doz. to $ I S por O x. Alt can aaveniouej to ft* a?»4 »*« e JOHN Fli SSN at hi? store where all cun gvt the 1. u.ouv*y anc lUwro. JOHN FI(KK>. No. It l eacti.rev- eirvct. ROOM- TTik 11ENT. m Ti' KHNT ! % Alio 1-Aitt iTicAcatLf, removing bad txior* ir. a., kmd? . f ncrx.tr* . lor barn?, eorca. woauda, ftmg* ; for Sr>* ,« \* rD; mattatn. and a , ?k , .n d.?ai?e# ; for catvrrb. ts. air. »uro ihroat, d.pUier.a ; for co‘..c. dlar: h»e. c:.< er* . v wa?t» to ?oft«r. and bewail lying the -n x.; to removi .r k <j». t?, :u;.d»w, truit »Uin?. laker, ttiema.'.) a? we. M? app'.led externally; ao h'ghiy recotauu Ldiv. b> .1,. who have uaed tt— i* lor aa e by ail Drcgg;?;?xzi Country Merchinta, and may be ordered dirocu* ol DAHBY l'KOrtlTLACTlC CO.. df*c6- 1*1 W‘am S V I.IOItt.l A. FaYKTTB Ot N v Tu hb M.icoijU* e i oari o* i»r m.; ,ry « f \ c» i . * \V r a. me uii 'erBignro, re?j*««c;fu;:y \* .; s.-i. f : % Tt anu ci, to bo Id ud trn.u m. , u% :. . : "i> ol ihi 1AM b Di?lnct remaiuic*; It. ;h ? c >a * . Fxj. u*. and ;hai poruoa o. tn M:*m d *t**c. . : e%?* ui »S n.towa er the liuea ol the ucw x ire: . • d«c. .*'d a? toiiowa: i'Oinai?oc:ng m th • . vm, - . -1; ty line where ,t err**?## Whitewater er rv *.h rr*ek to be toe da# ? .atnwanl t.i where tt *:r.»r» r min Oiatnci I'ne and irom there untnc one u , .'A twardio *%her-* t; atrike? he 1 h t> »:r o: !*k.a k lb« 18Ut Di.*»ric. lit e. t mi ::rg ot %ii "I the nud lttm Diatrlet. runn ; c n -r h*» u : i >ci *b- L c any uue «re»iMttM iu warre l m»? vs . utu:ncrjra And **e the u ....rv. d . ? <•:* iiiton. tn ^e*a! of ihe r* icli- .• ?* .. ;t.e prwmc? ot te«.u».r;. be. „»*.< M il. p. .a. Caur U. H c UI’mi*. , PAUL F.iYoK. H'ouiui r*. J J.UttttrLKY, \ FAYKTTS COURT OF ORPIN AKV. of orpinaky. \ Pebmary S.I. 1-71 | The fit r on a t K - *aq*atriiur port ou orinr hfiqdi ; Inatrtf.. tt j* :..nof hebPHL utatrici, having ,u- f.tton d -o uave a it m di* r rt t uuu oat, u> b»'C»*m,s*«.tti 1 ef Mid reau ant ol the ..wain an t a portioa ot tue *4* h j l).» rtcu, and tn.re h.tn-g baen cnmtrl«?.dner- | app 'luted, who bare oedt >» the line# at.4 mnue a ! rt-t»vn **» ’h? ?tt ne t * th'a ofll * arc r\iir.g t * *w - i it t* th.udore or f.trw' that t r. tof -% 1 com n.l?*ton»;« be and the aam »* b.-r.'• . r.<\.Hi DAVID C MloOK,ordtf ttry. mdi.-SvkJ l . ihe .ino •! Bill LIcaJ.-. Letter UcaAf>. Gc j -.u.vrs. D.rection ChecL?. Sc., we are prer-a.:* .-vs hereto} re, to exec .ie sls neat work, and oi •\* tsT.^rshle a? ry hoaw in t;. ^ • sniJ to »:uAmntee r.nmVr>. wh:.'h it * ncar> A rn t<t partief or L'nng !\rge Jobs, at .Lev Stthi.mcet R.l when they order work N. rth. T o 5*4 li o ** in o ii . I in all ktr.As ol Show 1'ru.ting, plain or c - j >red. such as ''Fitters, ProiraiMss. Hoase-kilisBt?.. j This Offloe vri’.! bo F- - •'!' V St:;vrH>r; • snything in the Sontii. I'atties h*c. bo; toe* i | and Ex>buu.e Sample* l - !< ecnvinmal. ;i Book It i n d i ii g . Every [ltserptioc o! Binding and Rult-g Fromptly Execute.! in any style de«ired. Co! 1 i\t or AtlUroa, INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA 6 A.. ?or l'ric-'s or Estimates, lor every !>.-• r>-> l N , UC Out tion •'rmtiag. Apri. 1 >au* COTTON b 7 A T fc 8 Fii LSSBiinNCt CUSfAJil Principal dltu c-.Tlucon. i.a. ?J.OOG.OOO ? 5 00,UUU TO r lT l Ll ir‘ UHL 1C. \ i* i: n i> i r i it kk • 4 * u. -c, -* LONNf;« s‘ >1. ,i . >! \C1 U.U, ' l r *wgyeiB8. S»UM PUMPS nANJ PUMPS, I* O W K it |> V yi t» S r K KVLttOAr*?. VIL’.d, 11*1 4 , Brewcrios* DtstIherios. »v jt * I - . i.iNa, !•. I’rFyH'', Sic,, M A D 1. IKONS. McCO tV AN owes.. r * *. co. • i LA: . w .t ^ - -ett? iisrrat v BV ; ftt*Uft to::-« 1***': Tv.-- ’■ -ale* • r T'* *be . Merry