Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 28, 1871, Image 2

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ABOWUlOMa Fr’dsy IwntMr Ayrtl ll> ■**i£ag&8S22E&>- wlUi *o rlrnfltt iacomprtfcM'lbfe dodlhj ocmn- *Ud tubtukihw to, Mtd enuroltto »cqak*ecnc« In,nil th* «wni»iv* m<1 MTolnttan-rv krt» ol Coegrrt*, row cwnrtoat IMM tiro Kn-Klnx bill intn-ditf'ri) by tbe IntmUtble Ben. Builvr, Mllpww and Is ifgnal by Chinenl Ouuk. then wa will ipctP ind sntt upoHI, Uxl wm5wT a rwolnte opposition Wttt entohfemwit Ait army ot live -tiiminnd man will not guinea torpqp Mmirtri 9tf« - o«tSttta exchanjai at* filled with acoonatt ..—loUha~nttwoaUl nt dwowUnut -wttb-llottOT, th« imyea of tiwConfedeatt d»d>Mch m bean obaemd guntAly Sanaral Tarnttsa Maau Charts. It i* announced that General Toombs wjU de- ll»« hii»at lecture on Magna Chart* |n the dty or Aagnata on the Uth ol May next, doring the time ot the Borttcnltoral Exhibition and the sitting ol the Georgia Press Convention. Merest Valyaratty, . At the tale Baptist Convention, held at Car- teiavlUe, the qneadon oi the removal of Matoer University to Macon, was settled. It wu agreed to establish and endow a high school at Peo- Celd in consideration ol the withdrawal ol the anit wlflch was pending, to prerent the re- - monk Y ———♦ IMportani OkIbIob* The York Herald ol the 85ih Instant says i Tbe 8nprem* Court of the Untied States has decided by a vote ol flve to tour in favor ol the oonstitntionality of the legal-tender act. Chase, CMunl, HelaonaiHrr.eM'dinenleJ. . l * 55! The nolnt onon which tbe coart waa divided "Eft. a faffing. . 77™ 10epoii»ajna war™ sdbm&ai.on lo the whole. wiles ol usurpations _. it ii iV .i ii n,, ,., ■ of which this last is the natural, if nut neccssa- ** oaie C mpany has contracted State Wew«, The Washington Gazette has charg’d hands. It la now under the management ot J. P. An drews ds Ca The Euf tula Newaof Saturday reporta the arrest, In Cuthtiert, of a man who had |30 000 w o.-tii oi counterfeit greenbacks on his person> and says that he wrurommlUed to jail Tbr black Kit-IOux up In Monroe county are ■ooWlfiHUng ho rt lb it: outrage# an whlt^ folk's ohickKita,' ducks and turkeys. Tin Savannah Republican says: Tbr Oglethorpca are bent on Atlanta, and will I ke to the parsiBo ot that department cuougu men to n prt cent the bone and sin w, sum, substauce and muscle of the Savannah firemen. Fbost.—There was a heavy treat Sunday murn! n g. Con iderable dam ige dnno lo tender vegetables, cum, .ud in rone localities fiuit We have heard 0. m teftous Uiuiy to wheat; rust is doing it Uie greatest harm.—Calhoun such a law into execution, ll this incendiary firebrand » flung Into th« South, it will kindle aeon flag-ration which it may rt quire 'rivers ot blood' to extinguhh. The passage of such a bill If the overthrow of the Constitution and the distraction of our tree Institutions; and whosoever acknowledges Us authority or sub mits to tta enforcement is a traitor to his ooun try.' How, it it not our purpose to utter tho least protect agsinst this decisive language. It has not only tne ring oi pore patriotism, but ol true statesmanship•> tor it la no more the tmrt ot real stauamansbip to counsel retreat before the march ol usurpation than ot patriotism to sub mit, withsnt a‘struggle, to the lorn ot liberty. But why has this viriuous and patriotic wrath' r '' slept to long? It.is not ten days since the Mr. Josb Lewis, who resides iu this county, saro. paper counseled unlimited andeverlssling hl3 » ( RU iily 0 | twelve children r six sons and submission to a number of acts equally aa vlo- I... ,u , „ , . latirool the Constitution, and as subversive 0 | i ® lx daughth rs. lie is blue cji.d, and his wife liberty as this last Kn-Klnx bill ol the Beast ot black eyed. Three sons and three daughters Lowell. Why are all those conltssed acts ol I are blue-eyed, the other three sons and three usurpation and tyranny to be treated as dead I j, ac htera are bl vck eve-l Not one of the tttiu and abandoned issues, and this, tho Isst, it not,„ _ .... the U ait, to be resisted, spurned, an ) spit upon? ^7 W!U ever **' use t- bacco in any wise, Waa it wise to in-p re the people tor so long a nor was any of them ever known to be inioxi- Amurtements. AMATEUR CONCERT AT — D eOlVE'8TQ?N IGHT, ’ run TUE BXftETIT OT TUB Ktw X X. Church on Pegohtrec Street, Blngls Ttekvta (1.0*. Ttckvts tor Gaattwaan as* Lady tt SO. children Onto VUUta Tsar*, W ot*. Boon Ojwa at T O'clock. Oaaeait to B«*ia at 8 O’clock Precisely. tsptss-tf .we presume was as to the constitutionality ot tbe acts as affecting antecedent contracts. Chief laatice Taney, We publish bylow a skflih orChiel Justice Taney, taken from a review, which appeared in a late number of the New York World, of a volume of repotW by him, and which was edited by his son in-law, J. M. Campbell, de ceased, and prepared for publication by -Ur Brighliy, ot Philadelphia. Chief Justice Ta ney was one of the brightest luminaries of the judicial department of our Gofunment during iu better days, and one ol the last acta of hu offl. cial career and ol his life, was In defence oi the Constitution and civil liberty, the principles ol which, he attempted to enforce by the great . writ of"fcA*tM corpus. Bat the arm of the civ . j magtttt|te was paralyzed by tbe interposition ot military power, and the process issued by 1 him set at defiance. On account of the stand he then took in de fence oi the constitution and the rights ot the citizen, and the op.nion he had delivered in the Drcdd Scott case, the malignity ot tanalic&m and party feeling lias sought to tarnish his fame by refusing to honcr bis memory by plac ing his busi in the gallery at Washington, ap propriated to tbe great jurists oi the country Vain effort I Long alter the Sumners and Wilsons have been forgotten, or consigned to merited infamy, the,memory otCbigl Justice Taney will live, his judicial learning be admired, and hisp i rate virtues ciierith-.l a-. nn example lot email lion: Mr. Taney took hit seat on the berrh of the Supreme Court st January term, 1S37. There were but seven judges in all then—Story, Thompson, McLean, Baldwin, Wayne, and Bar hour. Tbe Chief Justice survived all but Wavne Their political antecedents had been Democrat ic, while the early t«n>nu ot the Chief were ot 1bc meat advanced F-derVism, but, like many others ot his party, he bad expiated it hy the moat demoortrative Jtcksocism. If there wa- aoy’cnrwpic as to which be did not ever seem ab:e to maintain an intelUctnal equilibrium, it waa the Bank ol the United State*, and every thing connected with it Oae by one bis orig inal associates pa-rei a»»y, and the temper ol the coort wa* modified, or would have be n so, but lor the grand controol which, u the presid ing officer, Judge Taney waa able to maintain. In 1848, Mr. Bubonr, ireararted or alt that was tcnjpulous and infinifesimaJ in Virginia, strei ry, capehtaf ? We have always believed that U tbe very first act ot usurpation had been met Memphis Branch Company pay* $100 0(20 The- with the determined tone and temper, on tbe Rome Kallroad Company lumUbe* *200,000, port oi ihe nulled Deroocrallc press, thtt taa . . . n Kl _ wjrtmik hj greeted the BuUer-Ku-KInx bill in the tbjvo , » nJ lhe Mcm P h 8 Br *^ b b w ,tU 'W ex'racf, country wonld have been saved from it bock, taking t ie.r b inds at 7 per cent, Tbe meat, it not all, the despotic measures lfouie Company baa charge of the railroad and wbich haTe tollowed. Kviry act ol jjj comp i t ^ il in twelve uior.ihs—Tha-eou- the party in power designed lo lessen; " *7 , the Individualliy and sovereignty 0 ; • tr ict is to besuomv.ted to Judge John 1. King the States, has oeeu aimed at the liberty of the and the Kornt City Council. people ot this country. Every step in ibis now —■ prolonged o arch ol consolidation haa been up- Tre Pkk-idk:.t.—General Grant is making on the fragments ot a shatterel Con-titution. a quiet and agreeable virit. a* is his wont, in our system.the definition ot eoasojjdadnn is ' am mg his old trieuds in St Louis, and mean- ietpotuoi. The only guarantee ot a stable and » htle Is attending to iosn- private business that tret givernraent in this system is the presetva-; required ms pr-euct. Y sm lay a plesanf I. ii <>l Ihe Stales in ail their si-vetiguty and : luuth gmup ihclodeil Ihe General, on Beuton'a tlelti This was the belief t fth- wisest statis- 1 larm at Gleu Keun tii ; anil a dinner party at men who framed the Federal Union, iu the ] Col. Robert Cainpbeit’s mansion, Lucas, i’iace, j 0* Dstuotlonal Convention, Mr. Dickinson, ol j uuiubeted, beside-1 e Fresld.nt and host, Gen- Delaware, uttered the sense of that patriotic : eral F’-ner, JikIvm Dillon, Judgt Treat. Jmlge , .Jr , l_ . * It., o„ -|... a* a-.., I....il u 'P DeQ-ive’s Opera House. US’ I L S S ON!! M AX 8TR.VKOaCIL.tiss the honor to announce to the pnbllcol Atjfctaand vicinity, that Mile Christiana Nilsson WILL QIVB, in Tins CITT, IIBK FIRST AND ONLY CONCERT Ou Monday, May 1, at 8 P. Id. inieCIIRI3TUNA NILSSOrr wlU b* assisted by big. P. UKIGNOLI. the popular Tenor. 8U. S. VERGER, tbe favorite Baritone, (fats Bret ap- pearance.ln thtscltv). . ..... Mr.-U. VtBtJXTAMPS, the world-renownod Vto.ln Virtuoso. Metical Conductor Slg. BOS ONI. Q,*Herat admiailon Two Dollar*. U***r red ---,1* Or-r- ad Two DoUars extra, actordlug 10 local mu. Tim lie ol septa will commenc* on Irrtday, Ap;U rstb, at PA. St., at the Untie and BtaUonary store of Meeen. pCiutps * ci«wr" 10 completethe^emphUBrunch Railroad. TUef ^m.^NUssonConceru. New ^.dvertisements. DRUG STOllli) FOR8ALET T DB mott extensive wholesale DRUG bTORt In Yobl.e. Alabama. On acconut of til tiva.tli we odor onr ontlro stock and trade lor sale. We have tne best beslneaa In the Slate, and a paying one Any on. wishing to embara in tb- business, can address Lock Box an. Mobile Alabama; or como to Monlle, a d we wt I s-tialj them lhalonr business Is a paying one. Wc will redres stock to suit thu buyer, nr will sell th" hnstueai, dxturea and lurulture witbont the Stock, np’rt-wlm ” 'notice. PHI NO, 1 871. a H: &.TV. FORCE, • * ARE NOW OPENING AN ELEGANT, SEASONABLE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AID SLIPPERS, OF EVERY DI80RIPriON, FOR •V LTftlES, GRNTLEMEN, BDY^ MISSES AND CHILDREN. Latest atyies! ‘T ’ ... U nut Bliitortali*! , _ , ,, Tlkorovtch Workmanship t Onr assortment of K»noy Soot. *nd Shoe*, of Fall Dra*t Boot* and Bllpper*. anfi Buoklo* and Bo*ette*, ol e., Uab never boou so olaooraw, »mi wo are ooxblcd to oflor thorn at REASONABLE PRIOESI y G. H. & A iV. FORCE, Wliltehall Street. Atlanta, Georgia. Agents lor OXUILL'J JU0.VZ t L'qUID A.HD BLACK PJUMl PU i ALL SliOPS. aprl0-®m. . JUM KEELY, DKALLIU IN FORUGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cor. Whitehall &c Hunter St.’s, ORE AT SOUTHERN k DRY GO O D S- Which lie has ever oflored lor sale—prominent huh igsl* which, will tie louud, iu large and uenuuiul variety, tlie iollowing named clss.es oi ' "go .da : mess Qoot3s*‘Includin2: p.ny, 1 am Instructed to cnll.ct at once, at p each abareot slock tubecrlbcdto the West Rl_ General Giant was i hue ol the Atlanta Street Railroad, tubsntv r. will . cdl tmn liim at please cailat my odlcelu Kallroad Block,.udt ar u.eaa- i. I sesrmout according to tho resolution or the Wrt*tor*. aprt;-dt. Sorre'ary snd Treasurer. Ixxlyiu the; following language: • ’ 'Wagner, Hon. J'.s. B Y vat in n, tl'n H. T. “The division ot the c,untry Into distinct Biow, CapL Jas. B. Li.’s Geueial Lewis Par States lOtnis the principle re.urce ol stability, s-.fls; C'apt C. Parsons Hun .1 id O’Fallon, I hi* wa* thegr. and of bis enunciation when Genera! A J batit-r, ll-igti t flui.'Otill au l G c-.'ctemplating the p obabie future rite ol h'S W Ford. Iu the ev u n.g country. Without this, aed m.case or a con- ‘fal home” to all , li... an a.- soliilatiou of the States into one great republic, the residence of Wm id Benton, his domestic «c might read its fate in the history ol srua lar! headquarters. Tt.e rcceptiuti was a thronged on* It aoofeut repuniics have been found tp r«id plea-ant one. t Boaiish lorn moment only, and men vanish tor- I Attar visiting tne Carol delot furnaces to day, PROPOSALS FOR TIMBER, ever, it only proves (bat they w. re badly cot.jti- the-P.eodvnt will leave the city at 10 I*, il., on tu.ed, and that we ought to se. k lor every rem- the Wayavh aou T redo road, lor Lstayelte, In- edy ter their disease. One ot these remedies he ! diana.—ilutouri D< ru<-rat, April 85. c. nc»ive.i to tie the accidental lucky division ol I —>* » this cotiD'rv into d st net Sitates." ■ • Ulw AS Ibscrurnt Gr.v.HAt Met Dratk. ^uch »os tue belsti ol the great and wis< m-n Gen. Henry, who h 11 comm-tndi .1 an iusurgeut who frameo ur Ge>n»titution, such was, indeed, legio-J whrn r-'p-nr-t ni .r ' li Pill n , a id had thersirre oi which tbe Ifemocratio far-v was prevtmuly fora sho.t time acteo as comnmnder- •* ro, and id which it lived, movid. and had i's tn-ch.et ot the insurgents,. n Being informed hy b-. irg trom the foindation of the Urion i n’ll ns | Li* captors that he h id bu' a sli rt time to subvert), n, alter the election of Lincoln. 8in:e live, said: ”1 have (ought for a cause that 1 that melancholy event almost every political . bel.eve a goo I ode 1 know tne fate that. ondeUvoy. w. P. okme, *ci ot Locgrtss h j txeu des’gngd to beat etown awaits me. I have no ng.ets. My mother is Sccreta-y »na Tna-Lrer. tbe St> e lines, which oar patriotic ive:. «lu- , at SUterfon I prav you mlorm her what ins | cla-e.1 *err the only sure ga.rauttes ol .he > a- takeu ptace." Henry wa, abjut twenty two oi ity . i tree g vernm-ni In onr connt'V, and to years <. I, and was recently a student in the School ot Fine Art* It., i 're- lie was shot he was ask d if he w. ul I like lo see a priest, aud one ol Ho I is i p’s chaplains offered Ins ser- v-cos ilvnry rel-tse I to see him. lie was thin aski.l it he w juld like to see a Protestant pie 'o t ie Mate government's * hich they pukur. li : replied,‘‘No, I bel-eve iu uo Gjd ntfd. Chiet Justice Ellsworth ol .(.'on- — none of us dri; we are oi the universal and _ luih, lor tnrulehUig tbo loUuwmg umber :or lb,- Atlanta Street Hal roa* : 17,feu lineal test ut 4x8 etrineers, 17.7i*l tinea) teet ol 4x«cros--tfe*, IU* former to be In 14 teet lengths, ihe latter to be in 18 teet .engtha. To be all heart pine, tne growth known aa tbe long lealed p'.ue No variation allowed In size or una lty Proposal, mn t state tbe price en the can at tne I know tne tate that . Id Atlanta. mill or on car eens. t .lute power la out .tun c-se despotism Nt-a ly ev rj great leader in the Fcder-1 (Jon- venUou ire um the General Govvinaiem which they were- fuming as a government ne..’ts: anly sub rdir.ite in the affections and reverence ol h- p . re pie S ASSEE> T HOUSi:, UP*SITAIH8, naw-he A Uayi ee. Whlt.-hall sir.-* H. II. SAHSiaSN, Ageill, aptSM-lm Proprieto and athei-tical republic. Wnv sh. uid 1 waste my time by steing any priest?’’ ni client, ud. red a tentiment fr-rn which there was not a-ci-seming voue in the l.ouviuliun' when he s.ij: “ Under a National Governmeut we sh aid I CoMtso into court one day, Erskine perceived participate in :hr : ationa. st-curily; but that the aok e ol Mr Balfour, tvuo generally ex- was ait. What te wanted was d mes'.ic hap- press, d himselt in a very circumlocutory man- pittss The National Government tould x,oi utr, licdup with a silk "ban. kerchief “Why, CABLE screw wire BOOTS AND SllOES. BOTTOMS FASTKNED WITH A SCREW WIRE. Ail tho Rage! onuftrucriooion, died. Then Smith Thompson, J d.scend to the local objec.s on wnicb this de- what’s the matt, r?’’ said Erkiue. 'I was tak- I FOH balk bv alii dealers and iu 1845, that marvel o( judicial garrulity aco pended. I' could only ttnirice objects of & j n g a romantic walk in my brother's grounds," j fen^-im muitiiarioiu learning, Judge Story. Judge Nel- | general nalur; He turned his eyes, therefore, ri p.ied Balfour, "when, coming to a gate, I had ! UKOltUl.t, Patxtti Couktv. son succeeded Mr. Tbompsrn in 1HH, and i for the preservation oi his rights to the spate to climb over it, by wbi h 1 came in contact I t oniT nv oaniK*KT March at if through him only are Wrauow connected with tbe! goverrmonta. From these alo:.e he coald de-. with the first bar, an i gneed the epidermis ol j r l. u W iLoitoP navtng aa;. lad lor n't. i'*"o( dead. In iu second phase ot the period we are | nve the greatest happiness he txpects in this ' my leg. which has caused a sli.riit extravaration ‘ : ;nt*treMoun_poii in- . - ito of John n. .-for- commenting on, the court was not, with Dan’tl li'.e. Th t happiness depends on their existeree ot blood." "You may be th*pkfu said Er»- and Wooddary and McKinley, as strong within as much a.- a new-Lorn .mam on ita mother to; k'.ue, "that yqur b*oihei's ^a;e waa r.o-l so lolly u-.u.i-amcuk" . ns your sfyfe, or you must have biokeu your ! That was the language ot one ol the greatest nick." and wisest oi the statesmen who asarited in , ——— framing the Constitution. It was the sentiment 1 Ciscissati. April vij.—Tbe Daily and Week- ol all who gave form t< that sacrea instrument. : !y 'I inu-s wi,- ! t this morning at an execu- And now tjeh dd how ong have we, their sons, l tor’s rale, it was appraised at two hundred stood gaping and looking on, while our dear iho-'sind dollar*. News;,apt r men trom dif old mother, the State, has beeu shorn ol i s hritr. parts ol the couhtf. were present, and as it had been previously, or as it was after wards with Grier and Curtis, and that model judge, tor so the profession, witbont d-.sieal, re garded him, John A. Campbell. The Iasi change, anterior to the catastrophe ol 1861, was the succession ol Judge Clifford on the resig nation of Mr. Curtis in 1857 Justio s S wayne, Davis, Miller and Field were on the bench with Judge Taney, bat tbe son was going down and heavy clouds were gathering round the sinking luminary. Such was bis career a* Chief Jtulice. He had sworn into office no less than seven President* ol the United Slate. We.may re cord with a blush that of all the Chief Justice, his it the only hurt whom the rancor ot politics excludes lroin the chamber be so long honored This, momentous as Mr. rtnmr.cr, who guard: the portal, conaideta il, is a very small matter alter all. This is not the place, nor is ours tbe pen to d< the poorest justice to this emeinent mao's judi cial character as a member of an appellate tri- tuna). HisstyleasawriterUsnpemrtoChle' Justice Marshall’s, wb’ch was—we say it with due reverent e- like hi* figure, shambling.— 1 r.tir manner on the bench was not unlike Who that has ever argued a cause before Chit. Justice Taney—there are few 1th who personal ly remember his prfedeewsor—can forget th- Park bat genial lace, the eye which, wanting it what tbe garish world tills expression, bail a -Wuodettol power on him who was eithet set si by or foolishly addressing the court—the tap oi the hand that admonished silence—the atten tion which, often sorely tried, never seemed to flag-—In shi rt, tbe combination of high qaahtie- wbich make a perfect jo-i *iaj manner. Wt remeu her i>, have heard that the vulgar, bins tering soldier, wbo was the I carer ot General Cadwalder's defiant return to the habeas corps* m the c**e of Merryman. was so awed by tbe Chief Justice's manner that he acPially trem bled, and » as fcu dly able to sr iculale the in so lent me-Jage wiih which he was intrusted — This case we hod reported at ler g b in mis Vol ume, and there is vimf'blLg grand in he simp., eloquence with which tbe opi-.ian ends. It wi bear repetition: “In each a case my duty is too plain to he xi taken. I have extrcised all the poser wbic tne CoasUtutiob and tbe laws confer up<m m.. but that ptver has betn rest t-d by a force u- strong lor tue to overer me. It is possible th«' the officer ah > La* irru.'-ed tb-s grave re»pon sibi ity may have tni-u OeieP-d hi* in-trnc - lions, and exceeded the au horily intended to?» given him; I shall iheretore order ail the pr- o-eil-ngs in tl.i> case, wuh ity opinion, fob. filed and rt» oroed in tbe*d.’:icui: Court of the L'i itrd Staten ’or use District of Mary lack. *n I dire, t the c:< recto transmit a copy undersea! I i the Pre-idem ol tbe United States. It will ’.he i re main 'or that officer, in faifidmem of hit eoi - stitutioasl obi.gallon, >o ‘ take caieihai tne Uw i bv laimtuiy ixeculed.' to derermtoe atret men urea he will lake o cause the civil piocau the aw iota- le-p.t* ‘ *ni eutorad-’ Chtel Juitice T ney will live in th* pvg s < l " Peters' snd “ Howard ' as ;he li.ad.ng ugu 1 i on that canvas Where ii portrayed Hi*.- Ktder I judiciary. strength and g' ry, roabed, plundered, humiii- tafed, and even raped tiy negroes, w n lie we have cried: “ Hutids off I Don’t touch the robbers ' Don't disturb the ravagen I tor all taese things are dead issues now I ’ But here comes, at last, a bugle-blast even from one ot tbe patl-bearers wh * has been for sev rat years att. nd ng the tuoerals ol ail the issues of liberty in our conntry. A bugle-blast ! former period in the history ol that ' o ly. Scn- tiiat mu-' an;: ol the breath ol living lungs;' ator Davis mys Representative Btiler is “ a and is p . tic n| life out ol the tombs. Now j d _,:i scoundrel.” hensfor Chandler Bays Seoa- wbo a os)-. I every Democratic paper 1 l ” r Schurz 19 “ 9 ,1—J Oulcbman." A New Ire ii ..oe to r .a should re peal the same j n 1 s - na,or *f-» Pr*.s. ent Grant ii a hi* with "precisely :hs same pluck anddefi- I “d-d fool;' sod IhuJ they go on constantly, ail* —the horrr le m j”rity of On.gress would J II ' 9 D0 w ' n,i r t,iat tVt 'l 1 F "rion Brownlow dare tog >n much lurtuer in this war upon , P ror .‘> mces s me ol hi* contemporaries " a hell bidding was spirited Joseph Gleuu waa one ot ihe principal biddera, but the property was final y sold to W. D. Davs, on b- hall ol the Cbrjuiele Compiny, at $13b,550. Next Mon day the Times and Chronicle will be united and issued as an’ 1 evening paper. There is more pro’roily in Congress just now.jays the Courier Journal, than at any the State* ? boch a resurrection ot Deni <cracy wt id <tr ke error even ti the ,'olid *oul ol Gr .o’. A, I all the bre.lh* r Uree ar.: bro’.hei Bee..ncr* * ou d rta.-t off ou a fi. ng ir.p Tom tbe wrath to (orue. pati-otiatn ol the o»a*eea oily waits ’.he luminous -.1 ii brave, true journa'isuc learte. hip to a.aiu ab tii :se A'.nc&n thtevfs in'o the* u t 'Sooner than the usurper* can imagine, the artrocious rt.-p ton, wnicb they nave deiign el ti call -• iL: inevitable," will become 1At intoUtibU, and will be gwep away like great hei|is of chaff telore a inigUty win.) In the meantime fid the p*ople lull o; ihe proud old leeliug tiiat Vi aubmi' pvt'en'ly to u*urpa:ioa aud d'.ep- isBi is to make nnr- v Ives a party fo their crimes *B ;>K8 RAND DIAMOND GIFT HON AX reft* w; 1 be held 'n Wash nvt'M], I). C„ r. mm* Ii or in • 3d day of May, !87i, th-. prortts ol walch b dev *'. : ‘.o the rell-r ot '.be vie'.-ill- of the t rt war. tl ket* (and n , mote) will be i> . .1. n Ire red. from 1 to 180,010, 8*00,100 worth r.f Darn u or.tl ■ This te ng ol theseconr* in Char.eston, Fbost.—Last Sunday night was a very ’ I one in this city, but there was no lr.-- uucov eted. On yrs’eidiy we 1-arnel th l . in iv . Ire at fell *’li-l M-, same t*n miles from O' y hew. -u right-, kl »»• v.n- - .1 st-c O . th’ Mo e” vt 1 • - • mile v gusli, * Lea-, .fo*. U . n.’n .. g ■ was *o l.ea»> that tg.i Genian a-.. ,, ih t he gathered enough lioir, an expovd buggy cushioo to m&ks a snow hid Btrar .i i i... vegetation was not si all injured in re i. loca;- iljrAugusta LhronuU. .sfllsson la Cbsrle The Charleston News, speak ap;j;ir»nce o! Mile Nd**on says: l lurltstion has never seer, a more brilliian’ s Id; LC. 'hat whir h, las’, ntgut, ti led 'Ire *.r..a.J ••my ol Mnsic trom pit to ri one. Wm-i th. performance began, there w-.s n-< standir:. • r A.m Kvery ii.cii ol availspace app-are: !" ! e » copied an ! a i--w t ragg;ers hsd lonn.l there w.y iufo ’bv .ircne*trv. Mile. Tviisjoh s-.ng a .Vj-.t in Y-.l.o 'wit. .—gnor lirignon ) Thu w.. encoicd. li th r coot) pa l sh- smg t.n IJlutU, * ■■ ’*e R C ben Th s val-•• is Isr m-.ri’ • 'ffi. .1! tuar Dtei-’-j’-ui, hpl it served Pa show tne Ut'./j.i'g , c 1’ivsli <0 and sira/uf'ng fl’iihii ty ot Mi e ! t " * voice IU- g m ol the cre-nri g wat tiiv J: ref bo e 'r n 1 11 r, e. The a rup change iroru tne pauie .c n< the tragic, th • vvr.iru smiir, tne rn uric nigh an 1 melting pibylnlness, succce..*0 oy ootst* ot ps-. - □ a - - gn ' uro-ti n.v a • i-'ur- ' h*cr ze lDpheliv r 1 k og.y true to rroture, and. therefore, lire: (witect: n 01 art The •* .s re-ri.,1 grnv eyr 1 r-o-uied to H-u hre. For .. in ure.-nt it was -.. Hhr r Silsrem uor Oreln-da put thebe relma • vi n or cate* 1 (ha ging War riagaa 10 tiei hardy S'o’*-m»n. Wl,. n Ihe Uit note di*l1 nvay . • ppl.UaC SU ■ k lid L’UI.rJ.l.g, and .Mill: wnh her' wn mimiPilrle grar-e. brewed '•1 I f ibank? .’-.s «u .0e .re to/^t Nr s ou *aoy I) d Folks at liOUe *’ ’ WnS ol a set of blacng jard, I" Sr-retM iv Murray.—We learn Irnm residents of tne uorthwe-t. rn portion of Murray county, thv. a li-rnid : s.nrm prevailed in that section on .a-: Wednesdiy n’.ht a week ago. Consid erable '. image was do .« to Iruit, crops, lences, ale One gen l man l a.i his barn blown down; another had I i- house swept away, three or four ot the fonii-y bring S'ri.usly w. uodejD A cburclr houie, al*., w-v* overirirned hy the wind.—aYurfA Cltorjit CrCrdn, 27fA, H ‘.iiTKoiiD, April 20 —A sickening case is on ir.a! in the a :j er, .: C urt, 'll rt of Joel W l'i r kih', charged wi'h incest with biy six daugu- itr.-. The revui'ing practice h:n continued lor tne past ten years, with offtpring in nearly every case, severs 1 of w l b;h sra -.opposed Ur have ben murdered. I’, rkm* confrs-es to hi* Xnil . and >av* i.u « t . wno < isrl three weeks ago, knew it ar.d tncourngal Irerx Th*. Indian ri-m.se- — I ms old popular re- stre i- n w ucdercolrg thorough repair*, pre pare- ..ry tor simmer v.-iioi*. OEGIti;| t. y . T - T T K 1 T*TT b.. .- Irn; .--lal ret. Breastpin a. it Krrnniri, wjiranted be re [Inert in ,\mer ca, worch 8'rl.Oo 1; one ruavnlrt cent fa ■ -el, Brea..'.pin, Barrings and Uiaccl I-. w.irtb *r7'>-U; -n- -Imllsr set, worm |k’j,i>»i; one S .l iatrr b' -m-n.d ding, worth tl.-.ii.b; one rnagntilcear set ol ,-.. re.al-e re-amonu binds, worth 111,10); 10:0 neinttta; ( I'.ies’, lu.i sot < ’nstsr Breastpin, Birrlhgs and Bisce : .1-. worth *5,000 ; 8.650-e-s and asitsra'earticle., .n .1 ranging in va u: (run *55 to *61 iDOeac.i 'Ihe -ropoi. tp.n between tbe g P - and reckeis is unquestionably tin rnu-t lavoraoie er-i p-eesr.ted Tile nrosr satls'ae.o.ry ar d arrhpntlr. proofs Of *11 onr aoertIons,from rhein-.1i it sn.i most responsible r. urce- and ev'deiK.** of tbe in 1 pro eetjon of tbe pusl .. will be loui il in tbe binds 01 agents -r a-i principal * .tie-. Orders'nr rlck-t- nr Inlorui-.tinn, arldr-a-id 1 our N w Vo k ofll'e. will reC-l.o prolmd iltrnp. n. ror I-iri cu ar* -ee cirui ars. reatl..i.ai Rank ol I .-public Celsirllory. J. L KOilEUTSON A b’O , Au»*TS,k. 1 'cVi is *r, 1,7* Broadway, New or U ink and Colored Silks, Japanese Silks, Japan o.- iiik l’op.iu.-, and J rpaneso C.oiha, In every style; Lawns, both in solid colors aud tuncy punts ; l’riuled J,mouets, Orgaudivs, etc; Ureu adiues m all variety, and iu new styles; 131ack IDreas o o cl s , In great variety—includingGennappine Cloths; Fine Apple Cloths ; Grenadines, Iron Barges, and the justly lum-ius •* £ dipse" brand ol £ng li-.lv Alpacuv, (ol every piece ol whicn„llie color is guaranteed,) Colored Alpacas 01 same brand, in every variety ol color, lroin the most delic Uu shades lo medium browns, and other classes ot dress goods, impossible to enumerate here. White Goods in Beautiful Variety ©■ All new and Fresh Goods, including all tbe va- riei.es made iu Check*, Stripes and Fluin, aud at considerably less than previous prices. Table Limns, h th in blown; 11 .It-bleached, Bleached and Turkey lied, willpNapkins and D'ovlies lo (listen, in beautiful variety ; Irish Linens, I oivels, i owedmgs, etc. in unusually great va riety. N B.—Having had a lilc-long experience In the liiisiness ul Linens, While Goods, Towels, ere:, I guarantee the goods in this department to be seooud lo none, as regards price aud quilily. Parasols, Fans, Lacd Col.ars, Linen Sets, real 1 . 1 I'liuaY.ou Laces,' etc, in very great variety, a;.d tare tudy selected A Very large ami choice lot of Embroideries, at low prices. Lmeu Fauu, Coats and Dress Goods, iu great variety; Also, a choice lot ot summer Casst- mt-rs for Gentlemen’* aud Boys wear. An inspection ol ill s Stock is respcctlully so- hcitcamju• ' JOHN KEELY, Corner WhileUail auu Hauler streets. mh29-lt. THE l* 14JKAT FlllK i.N 141(11.VIONI); HERRING-’S SAFES, IN THE SPOOrsWOJD. aro:*’.*»oo irs clhbSncy, tuij ilia Book*, Fajiers, Silver aud Valuables ol the Spots wood Hotel aud the A lums & Southern Express Companies, are Saved in Herring’s Safes. urriLb or apax* Kxhikes Company, ) .40 *y. Uhoauwat, V Nl-w York December u, 1*>T0. \ .Mefl-ri*. UiauiMj, Kammbl & siUitHM x.** -Our A*;uut at Hicbmood wrilve : •• We sol ib:ou,b to-ni|{bt d'-yim- .do Ux.l'l' up the money irum the late Are. Toe con temn of th* safj -$i'J Ws in btils, we recovered. It wa- Uerrutf sale, auu a *c«.-od oue,certaiu. \ou.s, truly. R l. I! Hi «» M :er^» ATLANTA AND AUGUSTA, -TO- Jbarlcaton. Colombia, Charlotte, KAleigh, Wlimlagton, Weldon, Kicnmoua, WaahiuKtOJ ,Btitimoro, Philadelphia, and New York. JNNtiUTIONi' hyth r Linear. > oft certain and i’Ui£ xi.kA us a* ou ihU as*q« Lave boei thor- >a«'hlyr .MHLtflflHfd, Arn^a.ttma arlv*tik for M3KS75TfuKUiax uoutfl. CONI> UC TOR8 onthlaLine are Aflabic and Cot.-.eca* tc Faeeeni{era« NO OF CAR8 Between West feint, Oa.i and Wl.alngton, H.O. jOlGK TIME AND SORE COSNEGTIOSS VIA QSORCIA RAILROAD. Tbruuvh Tlcklti chi- ked ihrc ogb from N«w Orieaue. fflobile, JleutaomerF, Co* lasnbua, aud Atlanta. TO iilahmondU RaliluiD re, W wniiiiilOD, Pkli- adalpbla, and Move York. B Y FOUR OIFFfficiiSNT ROTTTE3 Via A..ksfUJtJ., Koonflua * Jt.iiKeviile and Wi mitijv. i. v a <’ icinbla. Char otto and Kalelsh ; vi; Colncih *. i>*uv))lc and Klch- jmod; via Atlanta. .v.i<ui*u W'umiunon, and day Line. Parti as low oy Ausasta & auy oiner Hoata. i a ai«biLS(JfiK» w SpIoL-ud Line o; t 1 ; JalUmote, rhilade ^ t.» ko N jrih oy Sea will flnda ■'nljjs In m < l ar t.iton, b, C., to 1. Uo-*ton and New Y'ork. TSE OELAiiLESTOW STEAMSHIPS Oder every .udneem plied vsith every ton Market! l 10 with TAbleeenp* uxury * In Northern aud t iiarlea- c ”.: -.uord; JT.il fnr • ftfety. I .i.d conitor: ir- UITKiVALLilB ON THE COAST I oBt^omerj; Wcet Thro'jj?h TicUeit; «»’ Point, and Atlanta to Now *i •»hlp«. irU vu C*wvl J X HOBBKT, kiCJtai.iivoritlvs Sta.lri ad. WESTERN & iTLAMIC liAILRO.lD CHANCE OF SCH&DJUE. M101IT I'AFSK.NUUll TliAiM. ' I*eave Atlanta 1 ....10 1ft I* M • Arnvee at Kingston i ha M • Arrive? ai Dalton 3 *Jd A M rnven at Chattanoojfa 6 40 A M 1 Leave? Uhatianooi; i u) I* .M Arrive* at Ditiun.. .Ml 11 F M DAY PAEflt OKU TIU M. nr rr.cf, .March ti, ifftl o r-*e :.jt the p*rty of iba t>.1 h Qle their oh|-r. w ’.ti'fl ’.M. t!r7j«: al:nA« l herw!*<- i-».tr-T4 of ynar- a:; A* Ap^.led 10r MIMuK. Ordinary fotaj.r'p foe**. • i r rr\' t. M\rch V iwi. AD alNi.VI tATuM OP a* ft • it ti# S .al retarn, 1 - u •«.!.•. of -aid d • l'..- I’. 1 i;» • * J ' ■ I'fB of I»Dm •(tlrrll, • - o- ^ . . r • •».” r.r*t •*<>. ,i lf i„ Jj. ***■).. vj'do.g,- • : -i ar; ft voi'd.rg J. 11. MoR’'m a, urdlrary. rtmistrau jr .s Sale* o. ar. : r h oar; ot Ordinary o ' •• * “< p before the <:•*• r .i. »h*jt w. at Wr .,r,oQ/b, Henry W" K "' r> " • “ ;,; v Vf r.s ”*t. v. • ; -■•on? i ;if , lop, WTO Ni Tii" Brunswick Appeal w.ff b rexfur 1 l.ihitl iri-weekly imfeoa ol weekly. pu ll wc- k r *at , N -EfXEhJ Hi re., a revenue inrrn.ilafy, vrhb ve-re. I ren gh the cow try last U!1 ijumii g Still- ho.s<*g rrenily, «u .rr«le.t m thu place on WVJncfo.y Us’ by Ifeputy hberifl Marin arrei pi fo'-' U’ ler b ml Ui answer the char es al .- Cl x s ip. n.re <;- rt. Th re. Ig., [; Uoi t t-Rpc I tooa lluougb.—Q’tjjln hint, tarJS M- IJElHifil l, i-.r.TM £ si*' ah Turn! wh eh efer* n Apr 1 next, unit rjjffUn-/ to law <» 1 r.y.dBtwfld, Ll/A I-mV < Ada r*rsAHY. Mar a 7 i«7l # ••rcarny of John D Wck- r. Vnraer, ha* fl ed Ma trihnilnn ul tb* e»t*te of • ot d'iml*»ion, . t f ijitfCllo i arc A c MlN'rH. f >r41ttary, k'fUiUr'a Uv ii Ml. II.'ui long be.fn n*uMnlo«l as the l**-it and '-hwipeat Paklnrr Powder In use. Perfectly pu It mikea. at rfhort notice, dellciotM I Aa.;. Tliore need bo no wartte of fmul it, fw it ia alwuyg of the beat qimlity * h*»vo never trifU/i will eruble th*fm P* u aat.HfAction. but with econ< t opu i.i., >>:r weight. «u reprcaontal 1 it that ti -J !• . not only u ith entire Groce rs and Dealer* ***ll it. DOCLEY & BROTHER, Prop’s, OB How Street, N’f >v YORK CITY beat ex ch tna ac er c.». >»o.lfti*-J. an«i no*t Aoproprla’e pir»uit- are ftv ,, •.... TUB PHRgNOL'.’UlOAL lyUKNAL. f< r 1*j7i, i ftr**.-:DF* ma«(t7.lnu. No. 1 now ready, cot • tain lilB HiB'.HBKS, with sevtrrtl ortn ■? and bio/r«ph H. B. Cladiu, tbe merchant; it. Il Wood wtrJ. ol i.'v.ifonta; ih’* Mortnoca, irteir r> e .n. inode ol irov^rnment, doiy^tmy, etc., with 4hli!u-trx WlOtf ‘ mi v • .ah* of Ten |'2 each, and rxtta cop/ to n^bi / d- dreaa.d K. WKLLK ’■dtfroMVKf.NevYorK Jai ii f.i:OUL].\, PAYaTTM fViDNTY, Ohdimbar'* Orrici, Mar/h A 1-71. W flKKKA •. d or^« W’. Bdm cd*on, UuardUi *.f t-.** peraon and prrroersy of Bll Ld nundton in nor ol ?a dcounty, htvlrg filly dHcharffcd hi* *ald Du t. ap p»;e? to ba dumicacd Irum hi* fJuardunabip a« a oto- 4b Id Therefore, ail peraon* conoerred. are btr-by notlAcd and re/joireo to appear at in> oJl'r, on ort»elore the Arrt Monday In J 11 - next, and *ttow came. If any th y have, why *a'd fl'torxa W. Kdinor.d*on *hoaid not be dit- m •««>! Irons hi* uu tia4rdi*/i*hlp. uivia anler my hand and official almati STTt A WB_h'.K HI US I H AVING the d.tpoail* of f-trawbcrrli * r.l*«d at bolitude btrawruirv 7* .r.ta» : o*. (|ir Y - • Thur- Proprietory i *isM . .«• 11 f/J HA AU. UUY f'AHTrt donnf'rtiii Maaob, m •• t*» flopply lowm ef ib'.a deilctoq* trait II all part* of tbe city. Hot. tf any •noaid be overlooked, they cal k** Ho id at the same price, by ■•'Ld-n* to the Hatch, Holnode M'rtwberry riant at Ion, on Martiu street, in the lb rd Ware, or at 1. U H v • O K, Termer' Mee*rs. I1k oil no, Ka hull A Bukhman, New Vork— U'.nt* ; The two safes of your manutactore, wnicb we hud in Q?o on the rrtornlng of tna Slft'h InsUnt at lo« difaairou* Are which deauojed the bpotuwood Hotel uu aojuliiiiirf block of bui.dinif*, have n ven lull aatipiac. ion. and reived to prove t theUceuuction ol roiue |do uOO li. currency, b rides the valuable Uppers and book* ei. c.ore t:.eie:n. It waa luip Ji*lble for worimeu to ex CAVate the sale until ncariy (JU hour* alter Ihe tire. He apecUuily, j. K. GItl*>i»N, Ars't h'upt. for Adaimr Jt boutheru Lx. toe., Kiciimonu, V* , December tJ, l:Tu. LETTKH PHOM J. M, SDBLBTT A CO., l*ru),rictorx of Ike fyatnicuviU HkiixoM), Va.. DbCeittber >9, 1870. Me**!*. lUllRINo, t'AUHXLL A SiinMvN GuuU: Ol, the w min# ol the kit'i ineuuit. wu were loriuiiAtc «Dui<jth t * have one ol your tleirink'* Patent Unauplon >af* r which fell into t ie c»*l ar uiuomc a burmm ol ruiim. Alter loo fl'e. iu onr utiuori eurpn-o, w< foUi d tile Cont«niH c<,u*.rttL( of vaiua no paper*, mou.e. a u r tver war -, aw In ktood order, litd II not iieuu lot your Herrin*;’" cal# we would have io*l o^eristhlng. J. M. bLllul IT A Cu. HERRING’S PATEN’l’ CHAMPION HAFEM l’ho most reliable proteu. on from Are now, kuovn. \rrlve?Atlantn Arrive* at K ucaton.... Arrive* at Da too Leaves \ i untU'm- c* Leivo 4 Chiittn ooj/a... Arrive? at Dalto- Arrive* at K nir-tou ... Arrives at Atlanta lebll t.‘ 8 1ft A M 11 l‘>AM -J 18 Y M 4 J5 P M b .Vi A M . 8 10 A M in UU A- M tf OU P M iLKEL, .V. T COPARTNERSHIP. GEO. SH aRP. 0 > aLU aI>4 r this date. ated with me ar a bi re The n tm • an . *ty.o of the flr.u lroin ihtr date l«, NllAMPsk FcU* > USD. -il.\KP, Jtt. At'auUi. ni., Marc a U, laTL E. B. FLOYD. 1C I* I.U » l) I* Jeweiry Special N'otioei TO Mr FRIENDS AND THE PDBLIC. I T I? wit KL >Y l»r irt cal. c»p # f *r the p i k id O' M» the yeir* id III" • aaiuoot MU. - Mr h’. le a I’ve Ji’wtner, IV rn ihtll 1C!'1- i and eM' llrm lo oiler limit i ' to pur :b,i <ur drm to i- they are I bu 7 cx u- Horrlns' <JU/* MPD »n The beat pro teeth HtflfcINC Now Patont t i> Iv talln'nl t FE aj;altt0t Hur^iar*’ Toole extant. FA u RELL &. SHERMAN* .Murray st. New York. Phl.adcipbia. tfftl Broadway, cor FA If It LL II Kit .UN l IL.itir Nt* * ;u., C'bictjio. Ii .HrtsNU, FAUUKL A b 11 SUM AN, New Orleani apr^J- J NO. M HOLBROOK, i\ Mi. of the nubile. lie hue . .<> .liacued lo h » Hat tod Cap Km|>orloiu. a MAGNIFICENT MILINERY DEPARTMENT where nil c'a-nc* can bo ac.com nodated at the Lowed Ma>k«*t i'ricea. To country merchanta Greii Inducements i tue ar my oJu ealabllahed Are hold v. r.V»m aUttd, on A rJtciulJ aprtO-lt. CANCERS, TUMOiS, ULCtRi. A BTONIHII540 carM b/ Prof. Klla.,.t fio I’hllad.i iX ,.hla Cancer In.tltuto, 971 Arch .Irect, I’hlarlcl. ijhia I’a. ai ilMrica bjr Jar. Ilallou, J.7, V,. ruarth .trwit, Citiclnall, O.; hr Dr. Ur ar.o,. harlott., N. o.; by Dr Ural/. tabhlaiU'.it lluu.u. At.anta, tta. WONDERFUL OaNCER ANTIDOTES. Ku:i... No .'au.lic McJicUiO.. NuDooU. Little I’aiD Ci,r iitrt i - - *. t ii.-. . - t • .» tx. ,tr o tiU i in IN *> 4 il; .-a tasior. u.« a. an u-lray, March 1871 bjr HUM.. Jica.n tnct. G M.,»f ka/.tto Co rot/. tMorgla, vno HOU r T lh« tfTth day of .ft •• 1 it ith r Ma- mtrkaof «-oll«r and avtdlo. Appr *| e<l bv J T. ttrog* y btor», on Decatur atrnt, oipo-iio U<Jr*i,gc’lirpot' ! dl**i and Win.”Wo*t, freebo dar* ol aalu diat let, to bo "*»1«IU tifeat, Uiwovii J w»#riu Ally doUara and my brotbor'* nfnro on Broad itfoo' and the * o«t« fflea ) ftt* , *lh« bon»eo 1 toll a/a ea/ciody Klacied, and aro ad . pr ,vo prupody, pay frovb and nice Pi* Me to careful to tend t« tjr *cr- , away, tlaa It wil> bo vaua lor berrloa. and not aoeh aa will oat ot thtma* ! ut aaldc* u 1/ ou ll tbe* do In/pany litiUftceo boforo ibov a/o nut •<) »urVi. I um tf tho uw. a,ttiHDta W. W.IUUMleDN. I mMb I* hereby nolldu 1 to appear before we. u»*t« an • *apee*oa. and take U adver t* d a »o ao<d hy ibu nue/if 1*4 k b dav of April h* XI. 1871,in DAVUi 0. MLNUL, Of^l.-ary. nabl Ih rityio, «l . ... in.de her • «.f re I 10 ih • 11.t • . 1.>n o Uiut tin* market l.» all new idy.ts *.* 1» In.r-.daced i.y tne t* ton*:.*, aim a- «*• -n •IVely for ca*h. we 1 m v . ; r.m oiler u line on better term* In .n t i* y CtiiV nail e.t* where in Ihe Mate, our Motto riim.i. o .nti^us th : ou as Til* OLD KlIH - KIlfo.'-l'L.Yh » iiUUJ UUsCK bALKh AN.1 MIAIL PltOM TS V Thank’n< my fri r,iln f rr ilie.r t r.*:i- purport In the p:»-t,a (1 tne r M”«U;*j.r ’i»i|..’ ol iny h-inbl** o :*»rta U» e-tiblrih in this .ay a UrBt c a**.*, i,ohv»*l, rename ami Lylti .iile yew* ry tr dr. iii.u a-aiu«< a toialuuanco ol ih-.-ii av *r* for m ,.ew flr.a, 1 .lu, very r*--• • 1: la ly. \our oheou-til NorvAOt, UKOKUK ^li.Utl*, Jr*, n»bW41t 111 ta LIVl Jr. \ KLLftif. MRS. MARIAN SPAHR, ~ ARTISTE IN HAIR WOKKI Bitcurll druxrr, ubtwbrn Puvok and («oyu, W OULL) call the a*.trotioii oi tho Ludico *o her newly nveuted i'hl<i.oti, w I’.cb cocuh tui- me adV’ii’*ai!e ifbdiia very n^u wearer’* head j»url requirlhij no hair pi bhu wiiicontinu*! hid < to nm7*n it. execute all kinds 01 ARTIFICIAL HAIR WORK, at short notice, aud chal'uiigc# coiniKHtt'* n, tritner in work man* hu.| or^»n< e Thu rdui-' 1.. - - . j.ucai paid Gaik of DiscoDQi, Deposit aud Er,inline, —— iiknuy o. IioIT*: ixhwin 41. j »aa«, lute Tel»r Uu. Nat. lh»uk. HO YT it J-OXKS, BANKERS & BROKERS, AILaNTA, - GEDIIGI.V, Do ler* Id Doaie*tic an-i Korean Kxchaiiffe, 0*»ld, sti ver. btiKk-, ILinil**, .Mortk-a^* i*. ifnilrotil * .*1 olhor ae- c irltte*. i^peital aUt ntlou »ivi. to o 'Frtti n*. Ifciur to (tcor^ia Natlo .a. Unna, Allan 1. ui> 1 to Na* tloLal Park liana New Vork. aplfi lie Notice to .Gontraotors.! S *AI Ki> r’ROi'OiAl.h *111 1^- r cc'.v.ii mull Hud nc.d.j, lire Ud u.y.it Mu, ntxl, for .Iio hu • ; .il . COCrtl’7 I’ll,SON In All 1a u. it,,... i.u o.d .Itj, the main prl*nn to in* of rtjbb » *t nt> w irk m.l inn te lined; *od tho hherlTa gr Jailor'* houae ai.d offi e lu front tu be holli oi orlrk, and compleirvt throu^uoat aa par plan* and *porirt *»t«.n* t.. b -m h at myoffin; tbe whole to be rompl* ie*l hr tbe Iftih »l October n* it. ' cCUrU > w i. In nqiirei! lor Iho toflnte a-re a Ml o-.inpVthiti 01 the work, aa par pUua. apwrtft. att.»n. lo .,ir .cx And th* «i dwr- atgiiad rt **.rv* • the right of rpjaftlntf any or n I |.m- P 0 ** 1 "* DANUL PI TTHaN. AlUnla, C.„ A W U„, Wn-SlSJ^r"‘