Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 28, 1871, Image 4

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jytadaxr o Ooloohamos hose in i hubkh gouge S caconsed tn the wild* of oneot;toe Mlddli .1 PRICE. REDUCED •50 KM TOW. .... 1ST W»t*O.Ti.OW. fore than Two Planters r.yeen ago. atood’BaSdeherto deW In ttaie oa n*dd“*Her Iki'L .n. trapped wltttte wtld-rnee ana Irani Buut, I trod Madame todachaopa, Buar.gcui wltonoitnJwnpr.Keetornn» rauraiiot^toi I*. appeared t S n«> by % tluui ol andar “don IMIIMUU i — i ua> wwtt-iw u«ru3a(iu r im am bleat ob, mini from nature': green awardAmfUw >o toe "eonnuun aide, bathing net brow In nariy morn". gentle rtowarop, eho lived miliurj aadakue tor many long >esre. The cziaztoent'e un- xartbl} midnight yeU,and toe woU’n aeletni bowl, ire- tiucuUr aro-ieer bar troa phaaoat midnight ilomtaere. Mow nod then »h* would eaurge from Mr unknown Hume gaaaBftm with ibu lieUrdani. «rou»a etontror •im nr two tnonthe il o un. she wu> eocoutrrc in her rot* zndaM viewed her ae a living nnaaitr. While (non home, ahe apparently nod Ml one object, ana Uut wan toe rettei of bar afflicted box. Under a belt na I he icfl aide, could ba Sean an o'd mablonec dlra ol coniuhtrabto rizo. earned tor hor own proto.torn, while atraiiped aenwa bar anmiuer waa ttupended a.cu rie ur sa.a nude from toe NUNS OF RABB1TSILNDJRACC00NJ tsarina. i certain rooto known only to haracll, _ ahaciaw tonetatotba trnacttr ot aa^tb. dh«aalBM Min Hum net wad ■unaiUJOKSnerinao tbattooa Hamariun. wnk toia uaxaown vegetable powder, which •he claimed ponamed a wondardu power oear all dim eeelncldctttio thefaaialr tcx. 8ha termed it -womb phiale," with which the itfopoecd to care all adecuuna and Maw—5 or that organ, ana kindred com- ptnlata trow oi caaige. With inch atagolar magic did aha tatter* all who npptteit, that within a law pear* net 'tame and tame became 1 town tar and wide, and ban- Ilndefnei tutoring Watahw tppaed wc reflet and returned to their hoetM healthy arc nappy. Many ware anxioae to Know nor great teem, not luge aoiaa ol monej were ottered u aha wouu onahpt it hot ahe etabborn- 1} related. Goring her eolitory Ufa ahe became Intimate with oal) one woman, a uoUa and* He rooie nuiee distant. . tu warn ahe peomiaed w DIVULGE HER SECRET Before c'/in*. la a few yetre, at tac scab?* xtodcr vxtht began to oo»t around he.* tottering frame, jq hu^anca ittfc^rwai mc**i W this trMML * " ~ Mse too puted quit* a reparation for relieving tfc% suffsrizg 01 her *00* and stras*** it may a. rCr»y flTM IftileU IO CUT* Ou*« rid CUftHUC formal W i*-ax .tr t—U hw resisted 4il o;di£ vy oxouee of ireoi- t eui. Many jvars ago* the enter 01 wt», while ec KWxkI 1. ;a<t practice ot toooicuwe, 0) 4 litiie *irmug> fttAe.tJa i-e*ocsriag the »ecrvi 01 ui- wuiLj urriQ ▼efCtebtc h*goJ*ter, which had ccrcr beet, mown U tne jicdr ju l*ro*eae^«. Bt gar* u « &kf ixuperttai trial la the iretuneu of wi-oos furau *jtd *U+en c. xemeie coxapt«lat4 wU£ face deaden nuutfectaia, that to Izu) he cahea pahiix aueoUca to it* virtue* ta Gross' Rtdico Chirurgical Reriewi Conblaed with other El own ▼tgetabieTe alo, hanxi* great power ovci the ctcrtiM otgui ; with Bitch, Koo tu act apit the u>*r ax>d bowe.*. ud boratne ittn:e o In 0 to correct tn*- hood, he bti hinaec a woLCvfta Ca-atMbeUdih tor tae cure oi ax< Fesaaxe Comp-aict*, con ENGLISH S'FfMILF|I BIT,TE|RF. The Medic a. Pi-cfe*#lor. tt large, hare iotg frit the heed of tach a urtl«-..ts, cooeq ienUy it :• Mat *t»acff toat Lhey to *ag«rly ptcecnoe and reconuorad Ukmk »uer» u> their tenure patiects v if you co Cad re* th* pie of nulling apoi oraia and ec eoatiacd* iron phyp'elac- and the pcblic « ho fcav* carrc thdx dasgaur*, their wive*, acd their *(ric.ee, by the Bn of there b»iters, no rckly letcale iroud heetute tc nee teed. Tt:* Fecal* hegaiator ie adapted lor old. yonag, aaxr.td or eicgie featalea. whe arc affected ar.th acute or chrou.c U rm* ot Lienee dcrartgeoeau 1 hsy cu e paiaioi, eappreaaed, ecanty, prefuee or inegaiai Men •CroatioD. Chioroete or Green s.ckaaw, Fiber Ai bur 01 fehlia*. hjeurtca, 1‘iiliag of the Womb, Ulceration and Irra ab i'ly of the Stumo. pain in thr- aide, back or Mae, clca Htad*ch« peapiutico or (!oi‘cr.ng o; u.. Heart, homed breathing, ewizen:eg o uie bead, eoio Feet acd Haz*de, low* o> App*t.*e, xr.. c, rorpu: Liwvr, Meiattci oUy, Benroc*nc»e, WeKeiaxnec*. iUm . ce»e. hhjelcal FroatxaUnu, etc. Many of Iheee are re- levCo be rbfflr— /*» r. m -y ot-c r^iuk. TIE LUER liSDlj^ST0 H ACB Are thcroorb ;- arvu*4^iir.d reiftorec rot tealthj acrv.u. by itk o thvwe Bitten, ite peculiar Iron end Yeg*- taLle c* mbiLt: on. p*ce* it XM ehc«d of ar y ilciii«r pr*paragon before the public. htjcalee. after cotAcetrien: acd cot.vaierc*at • froc au> dtbiUtat'Xg cocpiam*. who retuaii. weaa and 1**- bte, with 1UC« or tc • jv * •-■> utwi.ee aru&eoc aoc •trengthen-.d •• . a i m-jj To u. lor mu. women acd th.-a u* t ode tao»e?pooti toj coma:; • me:* ncCrai prop-, ri.ee. than one te^u-c o any ol u t core tote!, r c pUs»cant *‘ d!At* aicotoi w bci l*»i, to be lOUi.0 a.. «.ve; he cocr.txj. When (he nutno be:r.* to ta*i.> uiatmcgud wh*.never toe art c«c tmarkr of whlekp. x .•-!*■* y deotfe a valoet^le Iron and V« aeutle Tonic i>> j.*crt* “i toe lanxily, one oottle ol h F. B. wul i4«i /Oi.gtr aud u.ort go*«d than on*.- Corel, of the ordinary '* ^rog shop'’ o-.turt u one tabt««p(>po fttiia water, laiofLctehUor a whote Ua^y. A» ke;m;il;s regulator, WWV.IINHIIMin Wtl — 5tSJ(ttiaHW l roandtep coantrj and ground at mi fflllia. ...FarmifiamIniitadw»IheMnV.V-t PUuUr, tboold hutnctthalr Mere bin ta to hup (or THE IANGDON FERTIL1ZFR, Becntoc tt'K a tltnple comprottlon of wtlelro knows to be good,niid theparitp of wh eh i» inrorod Became n.letokl at a lower price than any article of Wke. quality Co alb be, which U brought from a Bcctu e tt would glee greater Kturna from U» o», peand !or ponsd, than any other Fertilizer, no matte, what th, price. FHOM THk MINT TESTIMONIALS from pmettca! an u, ere are here giien : Tt^oaLooaa, JLlz., December 2J, tSiO. Oi. W. D. Mom ; t- but-Year Llrtalar of the 1st imuid. rams to hand. A* w? found the Laagdou Fertilizer tc* beat that we tried, 1 give ion my experience wuh It. Our and is pour, red hill bod. Uved *v) lbs. to th* acre. We u-«d one ton ol ulilaa'a, at #76; three tons of Zell’s, ai M per ton; two tons of tfc* Laogdon, at |xd per uitL The land was all worked alike, »nd the same q isn- LtT used 01 each. A did not Keep t s e weights of each held separate, but attended tu the picking and weighing myseU. and know that there was mote cbu> n gathurod to the acre ou *Jie Langdou itun any other pan ot tr.e pi vce. Tte ZeL'e was nexL Fn»m my own exp*irier.rt\ and m the opfniot; of ait farmers who t.x>it notice of it, ihe LacgxWh Feruiusr was far superior 10 xuiy thar we u#«d. BStpecifai'yjoun*, Ac. 0. n FlTTv Mb. Two was H. Kmjudt, ot Meridian, Miss., au.r rtcownttug his experience in the aseof the Laokdoi. FtrtuUKr, say* r - Warn I Ure* ou my pimiutfo in Jt has no «qna yr. Lii ti) it >* ju*i I i ’fcis continent, aev.rg poweifui.yanc j; ti) il axi t* where r c organic Itt.or. ezi«lr - )u*i the !BMi*r.oe lot jo .ng wr.o have tom* dL^ oitr m r* -jjrg the o.oom o- u.e check*, t*u. who co not fewx t-xrA vy ngb». Fur tb- u^her at r.,i *• rhange A lit*, * it *uolhe* and qu eu an*, i ikr criip.i. K nud xt pa*** d, ac - wttrt.j a* if enjoying the r.rtgi.t*-- auiF 01 upa; us diPiog throegb the air onttit r ime*. The c tc ».r.e sold at tte ow jric»- o; #1 £4 pc U.iUe. >r r.a lr*r 9b, ar.d can 6- Lad ol «il Crng»t*t» ani luec banta u r«**i : u -V .he 'ocUry. AUCUm• T. l)K(*m. *OLF A i'O.y Prp’a, aicwybis, Tc*u. dkubgouu: a u».\n bi < .it th.« lawjwai, and th» MOST FAV ORABLB i P.» TS ffraOtaTH are FHOaFhS • OOTTCN SEED MEAL StrrS?fJ , . , l’.o^ to0 ^ n 10 • T «'T SCIENTIFIC A iRf- CtlLTUltAUST. ThMe anitjer form the bo Ik o: (4-8) 01 tta 1.1 NliDUN.” to which ane added Diaper un*n- i }W« o'P°SA> U , QVPSUM MdTSlTTrThe^ die tngradlema Ihnn the compound. IT IS A HOME PRODUCTION I*hrgo capital it rested herein the work*, afford* a security lor ibe guarantee of lu PUhITY. HON. C. C. L A NIC DON, r ' (AgncUitUtol Xdltor Mobile RegiMecJ jlTM^adrlzoty aapemuon to the produdtlon ol thla No high* frelchtn horn the tar Mat, nor large com. mlealona to agentn hero, ban to oe proa, u man he tine at an article of.fore'im (Northern) manHicluie. acd hence the “ Langdon "can he told, and IS SOLD CHEAPER, lhan My atnndWB Fertilizer la ItmaiM. IM'UUIVS BRKO XKAL, it produced nt the work,, and the HAW BON S3 are gathered bom the iur- Tbe beef and eheaeeat combtnarom ioi al agrotio T t the Kldlieye MZl . '.dller tierettriadto the irobl • I to pt.pared h* f.* pro*. F**4IU k ' riaAid# *»• thiKiciatiF * tttr \j f t *>t« •* tor ft bvM I-) ptlCi e?r@»«-^V^“ ‘ *—aroii.ii'aa » .aiatonn so’cloumTa SALESMEN SKANi-ED tiauuM nonorahta. Ho duapattUoa, uharai pay gt,- T«h*~4w 8. W. mroiTOT. S B. 4th Bt- Phlln. ■■^■nwaaairaae... V height, color oleyeeand mu, yon will roewro, by tats tu wall, a correct piourool yuur fataro huauauu or wlimwuh wne and onto u. nauroma. .Anaroaa w, A)X, P, O. Dr.arur No. *4, FultounUo, N. h. Jaui-dw itUthh 4 WlUM paid, agauta, main orlemale, Ini XpOV a new mnnubKhnniig butunero at Homo. Mi jrot 7“ ASdreee MoinuTif Oo^ Sacco, Mo. Aiabamm > used many kind* of mannrtt. bail r.e»«r , eel any>'lm- irit would betfr- • com jure with toe langdon FenlHaer. ” THS PRICK AT TUS MiLLS IS ISO PER TON IN FIVE 1VN UJCb ; »« FOR a sUN^LB TON ; 14PJLt !«• Lit . Fuh S lALL LO'l>3 U to exchanged lor Couou 3c d an pound,. In -11010: Jncaa, deliierod iree on tonrd boat or at, ,1 Mobi.o, nr one ton Cotto,. -Ctrl, bee at tie landinz or depot up cooutiy—MCktand iwme lurmahed by li e Milir. til It, cbeapnea,, Co.'ocel Lacgaon >zia • " lu eb«p- ue« -I am mhy rouemetd tuat, at ibe pnee 1,0* fixed by r„ to-wtt: iU per ton, ,u.ce reduced to |ii, it 11 much tic ettaape*. fertlllner in *.ur maraet. Found for puand, 1 cuiulder 11 m're ta uihl- :haa oie pretiraciuiu tbai ..re rolling «: /;* t o |ato For ay own uae. 1 wouln greaiiy i.rrier it u> Prmeinn iMunoatihe amt price.’’ of tu merit, ueron: - Th. ream! 1, toe oee: ftrti. cer in tie worid a r our cnot-xm inude. In my opiuiou.” Again: "iitonton, more liny and complete y then tii uti-r, tie demenu necereary lor tee product o. o’ roelhtrn crop, and tie renoYatio . ol -out:., r■. * Frol.-Chare, l. btepard, Jr. M. I), Frol.,,or of ■him •!»> count Caro.ma Neu-cal Coiieir,, ,.na ,n-pcc- xr o, rtrllaz.ra uk souti Carofina, who niui-, a mi; andearefd analyataol uw Langor u y.n...ro r . iji0 .1: • It i,» let j superior article.” 1 ale- e-u»bi: the m!!'.,, Kivr Bone, t at, ground Ine Frice nt toe Htlia |ASr um. O-onno tta. Bone , too we l known a- a ttrong Fer.i.-.aer to need no la ment. For Trees, Shrebbcn an:Uharu .enaa rht Ground Bone ol tie Mobile ou XILe la warranted u> ronto.11 notiing but Bone. Acer.,, nil order, lor eitheir ol the aboee Pert linen accompanied by eaah or order, on roar merchant, to MOBILE oil .MILL-. _ , „ P. O.BoxM Mobile. Ala. t* Eld,* 0 per ton, Caen paid for Cott in a*’ed dell, tree at tie wian or depot here- aclu aid twine inni iibed free ot charge at your landing or depot. bonfj* Wanted, &grnmw&w® r?.s::as Cognac Bitters, FIRST PRIZE Paris Exhibition 1867. Purify the blood and strengthen the system, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame in condition of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and all mental dis tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habits lay them open to depression. They prevent and cure Mill- out and of/ter fevers, fevfr and Af/*te, Chilis, diarrhoea, ifysen- fery, 7>vspepsia, Sea - StfiK uets, Colie, Cholera, Cholera Jl(orbus 9 and every complaint Inci dental to diet or atmos phere Ladies will find them t: sovereign boon, as they eradioate all traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases peculiar to the sex. ^“Thousands of Testimo nials can be seen at tho office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Pronrietor, W-& W Water Strt-eV .v V. fectirrwl A gen T'fMtwtr .11. FKBST A ( O., for the am, of tin. FOll HALE BY 0 W CAMP, Biiwcnavillc,Oa. M B DKV AU0E1EN, Joneslioro, Oa. WOOD & ROOEKS, Covington, Oa. STILLWELL & PfJiTICOST, Rome, Ga W L HIGH, Madison, Ga. W B II AY GOOD & W J RUSSELL, Athens, Ga A LEA'DEN, Atlanta, Ga CLAGBORN HERRING & CO., COTTQN FACTORS Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. AIGIST .1,0%. jhn^D-<l^v.2o.' Ayer’s Sarsaparilla I S a o ficen»rated *xtractof Ui«; cbolc* root, fo com- *»'n«l wild otber ecl>#ujce* of tali jrr*4t«r4lteT4U7e power « to an<.rd «■ ffectox* 1 hijtt- lotr lor <iift4aamjA-.rUl* a reuated to *ur>>. ,»uct» a rtfLtvy i* «or--y wanud by ibopv woo tnSer iruin biru aiuv.t compitointi. ar t! ihzt on l ch wiL *ecf,a«pil*b tb*-ir U OlL-t prove, 4n tb‘| t4H r- o! ferv /-p lo ii *4.'.- cla j .* of co; afflicted ftro<*v-c:tlz*a*. How complete j tai* coaa»>oQad will meal on mtny of,tho *U'> -zi’I'J* folio -tna i . .... Blotch**, Braptiona, st. znthoay’r rirv, n* Kry^ipeiA*, Tetter or halt Kr.t a:.. he.* d Heed, c uirwonii, «xc. tyj*ax*U cr* Vcrural • Lkoj4 in expelled from the ry«- c . ; -a*. , ro;.yi.^*-i u-e of tbl* hzKazrAttiiXA, tnd :»• pf.K i ? ‘tft in coinparetive health. fttf/iU IAuoau ire '.au*tc\ by Scroiai4 1h the blood. * a; •> i■ a *oou cared by ti..* Bxtract oi* oarha P lUJ-LA Im, ut reject ihu Invalaable medicine, bectaic von aav. un.n icxpoveii upon i*y romethini; pretend)nR t . j>. »*r*aj 4riiLa, wai.r .lo- nut. Vv tun you have fined \TtkV—tx.cn, Ai d no*, ti.; them, wtl: yoo know the vir- toe* of h*rtap*rili4. For mm ate partlcuUr* or the d: -*?*•$ U care**, -ve met you Uj Ayer’* American tlrjunv, wh.cu the v nt i*ei'/W named will farxilih <Ditiji o 4i; *n » ca.i .i.r t. ATK* • CATHAhTic M.LH, for the rare of CoBtlvc- e--, Ijji.OiC:. Indigestion, DyteLtery V u n om&cb RcatUcbn, Pi*e», rtLc'aa.Atl<m, H.-.irt- on; ttuiLtr iron, t/i-ordertd oiomarb, P»:*, or Mortil.J nv on A me H*gwe:-. Pitta.ciicy, Lom of Appetite, i. .-r '.o:u; u: * . Uf'/p .. ’A-/r.fti, Goat, Neurni^ia, sad u* • It tii.c. Pi >, ttr Uaeqaiuled. n« ; sr>: ru#v<i>stcl, r-j th*x the moi»t m.'Qt1tlve ran '•* e *- • * w p ire, and they nr* the best Aperient n L-.- 4 ,<,r A , 'nc par><»?«« of a famoy pttyr e. uu. J. u . Y&K *U)., Luwexl, Maes., $10 Mad# from 50 Cents. homoUz.LH argonuy nuoucu uy evoryaouy. ctu.aud eeo; 100,000 AQZXm WAJNTAi), HOW WOMEN CAN MAKS MONEY Ana auiux ucst book* Ul lit* ntaritbi. MoAxJtK*T m Mamtui, Ifidh utMuUtat aueuu FBlU. JAUi-i ct FARMERS’HELPER ouowe ituw .o tluuuxu tn* pxouts ul ui* FaiuM, ana ixuw ntriucro ana tuutr auu» cun each inazu $100 PER MONTH •fimer. lU,0t)U uup*0B will uu utaoett ituo^o frann^ era, atuia u*mu ana aaarwsa tu ZUfidBlfiB •* AtoUUrt uk, Blunuluipluxi, Ba.jaih-aw •*) vKiflii* *ul Oca.cfF In medlcin L-OK TO YOUR CHILDREN. flit. GKMf f.OOTHffiG KEfflFDY a<jfctfs j’MWantedn l: KING of.HORSE BOOKS THE t.ULhl . H FA&bkR’n b( USE •«aowledg<.<: ,t, ear . 41,: tuunMid dcm.'iif w ,l«wt} and tore f,.r murm-nAwmiMm iiltatea, k.t i ’ ol Trotbli g. | (;KNTF. hi . ■ - ■ ■'.n'-iou, and / FhlL* Omb’, ‘ :«.z>ea U-rd-> 26 >1 ■ ’.todrfcudf’n. J <:XNTn. ; .ff u- ». Ijjrouuo-y , FhiCg ; mh’i ...d .’. .n i.omplalnt in l 36 "■ l i.r... t CSNTe. ” ’ f * - .ofani.*, *u. oundren’, mroining :. , iit/Ttr.n irouyot ut by Trotting or auj r.<l o> :ue GhAFlO:. MKDICINg CO. Bt. h. h'.ih in,and ueraizr-. , WYirolc; tij. ; a. ! II <n.Y.ji*.Uc. Bidiwetlrr, gekctTc and »i. rr«. j ■ <x..i oi T iAlmei,t. 644 cl.e.l, d' 1 '■ »1 j/>;« i'r.c. ii y |; M. The n,■ «:.. mput*, t-u-D a. rCna ve *ad j.#; u r tu.- > a,. .’Ice’ Murk -a »I-i im... .. IU.WI.I y yO' .ircu .r, w i, MM( ■’.•• . I |. . “ y '■ '* ’K, wltr*«c F VaLT Fuo on rr. ' . -I g.'iiilh tllaL CMfflnngtt, OLtu. kirKviA, | rri-,h M.wden, I.iwer, Print, Herb, Tie* hud : Liub, ana Evergreen berait, briDaiuby mail, with dlrectut* tor cul ture. Iwen-y-fivB differeu’. packet* of Miberciiw, io $1 Oj. Abe m o.aeet* * . u; p- urni* fcftr/f./-n and T»«* *«***.»: Apple, I tar, Cherry. Ac ;<*ra-fve' i; Bimil Catbatf* C*rn»L (/i. «.n, i*dua«L. 4on.ip,ftnr ft)I V*g«table arm Yi- wur tre-u, In -‘:«rt nr lt’f% ^t.Eiilillc* ; 41 *u titaal; FroiU, r * Qro*f, i.<,*<■*, VvrUna*, Ac., by mall, I I < •*■« • { ’• 'i-i Bsz(U*i -Iftpao uiily, tOe. BrlroD 4 ' * ; • '• » •»* ' k’ - **t t to ca) plain ft< dms, vr<u*. /. .tt et,i - •), Lin it* Ay.-ou, Clabs acd nVnKY FAdMKd, MoCiiauiC lit Worfaf CAN rU ARK *40 io *100 **cr MoUitl wltU uur Popular nooks, Maps & Pictures. *u/~ 00 P«fct*0 °J o*aii i.,„ gxuuiw.a uoolHiBAMiJ'OAiutMra Book ana' jap4~4W Map iioaae, Chicago, SUPER PHOSPHATE, Wliicli has Qiven Such U nivevsal Satisfaction! During the Pa*t two Years. We Guarantee it Tqual in Quailty To llinl Previously Sold by AND OUR AGENTS, ACENTft WANTEDrOft Groat li io to re of th* War. Uumplel* in unc vuiUinu.— hcuu lur circoiara, with larma ana mil duecrtpuuu ot li;* wurk. Aaarcu Uio NailouxU Publishing Ou., x'tuia- aelphnt. Pa., Aixxuiixt, Ga., or hi. Luul*, Mu. Jan4-4 GEiTlNG UF ILL US. Great Savin 0 to Consumers. Pm Lea entpiift: nuw to pet up cint>0. our anewux in, bend lor Pricn List, ana a Club iurm wul accumpeaiy u with. lull airucuoue—making a huge saving io cun- euxucrtt and rvinuntiauvu lu Cxdh oiganusera, fie Great Ainitai Tea Co. si a «ss vLSfc,\ sium;i, ,U. BOX 5oi3 iNKW KURA. jau4-4w Wo Refer io all tto Have Used II. I* It I C JE3 « Sol Caih, Delivered on Cars at Charles ton. $58 50 For Factors’ Acccntance, Due 1st IXnvsmbe., Delivered on Cars at Charleston, 854 00 Cash, Delivered on Cars at Au gusta. $62 For Factors’ Acceptance, Dne lit November, Delivered on Cars at Augusta auroiNTo.WAtvtKU FOB, Hit LOVE. AND IT** VOTABI3E?*. bj Du, Jouu B. Bu.18, Lxuku huith, Jttu-i uve Fn iUtf, atnpunduup rtveiaixun* ana «taruiux uibCJusnrec Tno wuoiv buujccl laid hare and it* hideuuaucea x xitoecd uj unlversai txecrniiuu. VS hittmn lh tub uvraiUbST or UVILIXITIO*, t HHl8TlAMtTV AhU PUBLIC Mji ALITT.— htnu lur cucutars Mii*t terms. 0. b. n^ Lo. t 411 Broome street, York. psn4—4w WOMEN LIVE AUENTN WASTEb FOli OF NEW YUttK OR huClttL LIFE in the GREAT CITY. vV uiidtrful deveiopmeiil* among the threat anaiocracy. Married * omen lixpo*«e<lv Ac., dc. t.t-wi ilniic tu sell puolisheu. Tac u Address, N. Y. Book <Ju. 146 Na*sa. Price 46. )bt l u.-k. J.il4-4W A GK.NTN WANTED FOli TI* K Litextr Oi f 121*4 vYOllLaD ConialhinK Pleoiwuud's * Llie of chrisL" bud "i-ivt-e oi ihiApudUes, Bvau^eUat* and Martyr*,” L«/*ldn■..*?** "bi.de tex oi curuuauity,” **lii«iury oi th. Jew a, by Jorcphas; * HlsluJ-y ol adrel.Riuus .jen* mi- uii-.i with ir**aure and -tames relating to eve tr tonnecieU wuh-Blhi* llU'Ory, coniatnlnR m*u> flue *b>pravti.-c. The who.e tunning a‘complete Treasury e!t;i:.tLL KauwaUbte. VV.PL.»>i, l*r.4 tw Wh. hfcVKNTll »T„ Phliadeipuia. A. 0. GARLINGTON, ATTOKNIlY at law, i'raotioos lit all tho Couftw. l£T OFFICE-la iNTKLLiuKMCVR's ai-urlm*. Wbttebal; street, oppoellu Jimes’ Bauku.g House. I ar/Bi-u Phillips, Charles A Co., Attk uFr'iiKlNU Peril &ALK f,U -0 H> <• II ICON AND LAUD, ao.OLO lbs*. HULK MEAT, 10,0(H) btiahel* COltM, 200 ISalea ol HAY, 1,000 bblft. FLO It, and mafiy other articles ol Produce and <ir;ccrles. MITOHLTLL 31’BEET, Atlanta. (4,'Ju.AJN Cl? 1'tiE.auUTH I. V GENUINE S T R.A I PORTABLE GIUBT MILiiS. • C 1DRN MEAl., >'• • ’• lUUKING AND -4. / * £El>, ilBlinR fi.'.M •- *j.’4i itt*;r-», lArm «u- Fl-.ar 1 eckcr-. aii*l MIL!* WOUK O fiiiNiatt K 1a \ m if .1X4*1 aa 4- a : to the Mht As Qeretoiure, oor OnHtof choice Burr Blocks, selected ul to fnt.r-: nd lor Deacnptive Pampniet dD K J iii, .isr.t ’ > ii. ir e Ad.ir- 88, • - tA c: *- i is- Lit dt co (Jvr. front and John Sir. ;n,y!.' ,!Aw. C1N* INN i.Jtiy i'r TUP. fiklKAT FAMILY MHDICI.NE, TABKN INTEIfNALLY, vodden Cold*, C'orwhs, Ac., an'' Weak 8tom erii DebiUiy, Nur* Sore Moiith, » anker, 1 ompla xst jysps'jHii r Inillve*!. ■»». Cramp or npisu t, ft •re’ l ullc 1 l)>s APPLIED EXTERNALLY, Cure* Pelons, Kwila. and O il H-i-*, hrv-r* », braid*. Cats, Prol-et and pram- hw:. :i.^ ihe J. 'ms, Ktngwo.m and *' f»er nrokm n: ;-. : . ft -ted Petit and < lx .inuifii, r« n »eno, fa a Ire in lace .a* r* Ria and llhetjrnatism. It is « aura remedy for A. u«, U.Tils and Fever. PAIN KI ,LER, Taken intern*l»y. sbooid r^i ado Iterated with milk or witer. or rx^U* into a syrup wttb rauiae*.-* For a Luoxfb a f.-w drop* on sa^ar, tn.eo, wtb bu mere effec live tfaftXi an/thing else. See printed direct on*, which accompany each bout* fv .d by an DrnRRl«U. lalvWLdlmAw Agents Wanted. ffrvt-elay* by IzCtUr, Lock kM.x i*i. , r.» .14wt* rut <»r f « t.aryut Fa)t*m c/jouty. «»*., 1 wth aail b*tor. th* irV-k/jQ** of PalUiO • >*Jf4 — j April net: at | ob i* outery, carh, thA LHhzW.cg iaods ; fzoi* of land 4.umb.r* xsu, Wl, 3TH, and SM, all lytnr In th*i 13th DUutnt ot Milter c»»u »ty, conta’uxnK ffW acres each. .)•'», VAuf lead No. Itt, yta* In Ur» lith lA«tr'ct The attbstioi of t is public is r«mctfully oi superior STOCK OB' DRUGS and MEDICINES. m And Especially to the Very Large Aneottment ol .. v... *’ Plain, Colored and Ornamental Window Glass* W Now in Stock; Alio on Hand 80,000 Pouucw ' ■■ ... STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, a And other Grade* ot Lower PrlaW#* ? OILS, Points, TARNISHES, Ac o.» All of which wo are oSerlng at very low priced—many of them at leai money than they htttB ^ . • •**- - 1 ’ “7* ; . been sold lor since the war. Cat! and examline for yourselves. Bpeeial attention glyen to our ’ RETAIL and PIS* BCRIPTIOH TkADE. — , REDWINE Ac FOX, oeoeoift- ATLANTA, THE SBEATMEDIGAL DISCOVERY] ^ Dr. WAlKElt’3 CALIFORNIA vinegar bitters. m RUSSIAN BRACES FISK, CLARK A FLAOC PATKNTBB8 AHD MAHUFACTUK1E9, 090 BltOADWAT, N B W 'f YORK . 1JFANCY DR |N K.-ul? Mmls nf Poor Eum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, And Befuso Iiiquors, «V rtoml, iplced, and evreetened to t>ica*tt I lur-’-s, c.iUtrd “Tonicf 'W** Aitpetlter*,'* •* Ho- efr.rm," A*., t tint l ca.it Ik tlr pier on todrankerncn* and ruin, hut *re a true Medicine, aitulo from the Nutiv* Koota and HerWof CaUlornla, freefWjm nil Alcohol ic Stimulants. They are flu* GPEAIMDIjOOD- PCrRIFIERKnttlitFB-QrVINQ PRINdPLP S perf.i»t lleriovatoruud luvirforutorof tPeSystem, carry ing off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to • h. Alt by condition. No person can take these li)* 1 m ns. irdtnir to direction*, and remain longtnnrelk . * • .100 will betnvenfor an incurable case, ptoviffkwcA tjoups oro not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital ore*** t*M beyond the point of Top Inflammatory .A* Ohronlo Ehouma- tism, and Gout, D/epopnm, or InriiRe*tlon, Buious, Remittont. ud IntormJttont Fever*, Dtsf.usea of tho Blood, Xdver, Kidneys, ana liladdor. tiiese Betters have been moat successful. Buch Drtoasos are caused by Vitiated Blood, v ; h in iren.‘rally produced by derangement of the TJ ^OU 1 'smi5 aI DIBBA8E3,-Eruptloiu, Tattor, -nit Hhuurn, lUutcht*, hj-ola, Pimple*, Pustules, Boils, Jarbunde*. Biog-Worms, 8cald Bead, Sore Byes, Kry- tlpelas, Itch, Fcurts, Discolorations of the ^kin, Humors and Disease* of the Skin, of whatever namo or nature, pro lit* rally dug up end carried out of the system ma short timely the use of these Bitters. One bottle tn euch c.mrs will convince the moat mcndulou* of the r enmth •» . tfrefs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache. r.xm m tho Hhuuhlrr-, Coitgiis, TightT.ewof theChcM Dlzzinewi, Four Htomnch, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Btl- lious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Copton* DU* charges of Urine, I’.dn in tho region* of tho Kidney* and a hundred oth-r painful symptom*, which are th ctlsprings of Dyspei*ia, are cured by these Bitten. Cluai.bO tho Vitiated Blood when* *r you And it* im* pumiesbarMtingthrougUtheekintn Pimple*, Eruptions, or Here*; cleanse it when yon And it obstructed tindslag- pi h in tho vein*; cloanee it when it i* foul, and your l Irgswillt*yen when. Keep tho bleed pure and th* b -M, : the • m will follow. , .... Ai’l xodother WORMS,lurkingi* theersten. f*. ; ..)■>• tuousunds, are effectually destroyed tad For ! ill directions, read carefully the circular around •• *ch 1. U. printed in tour Ittuguagjt*—English, Oer» r.ftn, Ki-.x.'.h, and hpamsh. • • * .* *• aLKER. 1'iopn* 4 nr, S2 A Rl Commerce ! . - •'*. R. IL Me) ONAI.D ft Co.. Druggiitts, and Men. A*.- 4, ,f cisco, Cal1tor»ii&. -12 At 84 Oornraeron Bt. Hr hs 00LJ DY ALL ImUOOlSTB AND DEALEBB, PEMBERTON, TAYLOR & CO., Wholesale Agents, n-plfl- cinlfim Atlanta, Georgia. R'DER GOVERNOR CUT-OFF ENGINE8 Hor zontal Vertical and Inollnod, Esbhacinm, without complication, all tho perfections a'tamed In the most complex KfiKinc*. the smallest site* having all the excellence ol the larger one*, s ft-atur*! nut possible iu any other construction of h*Vh- c. t-s hxxmnsioti Ki.gine*. ; mb ititBATKnr attainable economy and perfect regu lation, hy the m«Mt simple and doruh e mechanism. A large narnber now In operation. I'muphlei* and Price Liston at p leatlon. DELA^ATP.R IRON WO^XB. a-KV wedaaabim Foot Was; ldth fft. N Y, LI IILL roH DlvOlU li. * KBTTS 11a I KL FULTON 8UPKKI0R OOURT, OotoBKtl TlhX. 1U7U. LRJNI M Tu PMttFtfCTHBHVK E. of Wurth count;,cunuutg acres. Hold f**r Um )>«b- fl ui Us scMltKir* of uu> csuits ol Jo. A. Dans dw «s- »d D. v mu., Ha'i for frUP of Jo«l imvis SsarT-ld* prUiun l«* |fi per sqaax. 1' app*-arn g tu the Opart, by t ie return of the Sheriff, h it the Mu.' 1 dsi.u J 1'iet e u 1 .. is nut to be found In aidcumijr; und it jpt.earing »lxat the Raid defendant chides »' jui.-1 tut iimiieul fiid ."fate: Itlstiurcfore rdured by the t.’onrt. that t' u nherlfl jwirfoci service in aid rttn* t>> puidicatiwii in U.ii* ux-e unce a month, lo. !*>ur months, previous to the next Term of said Conn, w. R. uyingion, Attorney for Libellant. A trnc extract from the tninui a ol the <’oort. W. it. Vbnadlx, ‘ lerk. October Term 1^7 dt*c8-4m A BOOK FOR THE MILL 10IL mm m. fA * ^ ** »'Onn*eliof MA R • iGiis l l V ln ^farrlaff orthos* • about to marrj, ou the C U l ii £. 1 pay«Io.-»toir«l nratort.p ^ * I and revelations of the bi*i sy-K.io, witn the latcet discoverte* in iirododnr <1 prevuntirigortiprtng, preserving the comp.«txton, jk. This is an Int*vesting work of two hundred and aenty-foar pfiges, with numerous engravings, and contair.* vaiaabie Information for those who are mar ried or con ' Miplate marriage; stUi tt is a book that onghi to be under lock and key, and not laid carelessly atNiet the house. mmt to any one (free of posts*;*; for Fifty cent*. Address Dr. Butt*’ Dispensary, No. 13 N. Eighth si. 8t. Louis, Ito, t*T Notice to lk* Afflicted and Unfortunate. tW'i •* suuiymg t*. tr.u i.'itnrttms fracas who adver tise u pqbitr p*i(s-rs. or r • ..* a > i|uaun hihidiu perus»* I r. Hu"-’ worn, n*. io- - sx.sr your disease or how <tr !o» - •• . our coodtu Df. HUUi »- <4 LUnsUlted, pKl a ., '1 by mat), OL th.id.H' i*- «ifi<:uiiuni<) in nis woi-i*. • No. U N. Enpi'L'tiWMit. iietweon Market and Chesnut, at, u*u.s Mo lUfiso-Aaeri* TtOKGlA ClzAYro* COUKTy. OttDiNAur’a Office, Octokwr 10,1870. W HHR4AA, tt. K. Fortsor;, administrator or tt. II. F. rt**»n,d«Kefflsed, has Aiedhis Anal rvturn, show- In* u fuu distribution and seUierucnt ol ssld do- c*mm d's estate, and applies lor letters of dtsulsslon whirh .'otters wi I ns granted on the Orel Eundty in l>e cem'F.r next, un eas sour* valid uh)*cuuus are dl*«d ac- cuvet*- u» Uw. J. U. MORROW, Ordinary. Mta>-*n prlAwer’s to* |4 W, NOW R UADY. OVER ONE HUNDRED STYLES! CON* STANTLY IN STOCK. * mhl-WAM ■ S-B. BOBSOH’S BROOM FACTORY Urond Street, Near Alattamo. ATLANTA, OEOBOIA, UN1TKD STATES. Kefpyoar money at home by pa&onixing Domeatlc Manu'nctnre* fanlMkm $25 it) $100 PER WEEK. M aUK EASILY BY any lady. W.Mio Bold In «lz mouths. The most rapidly selling article ever invented lur married or single ladles'use. NO PKM4UT CAN DO Wll BOUT iT. Durable, Elegant, Cheap, and what bat always been wanted, and alwaya wtlh Proflti *ye M largo. Rights tor sale. Lady agouti can make fortunes. Standard article, t lrculare free. Address Bandanan Mauulactnring Co., Box GO, Btation V A,” *>ew York* augDl-wlv OF ACL KINDS:-./ A. V. OU PONT & €0., Blauuflieiarera and Wholesale Dealer* LOUISVILLE. HY. Steel Engraving of Gen. Robert E. Lee. 8 UUSUHIIIBK8 remitting ,* lor one jear'a labaertp- Uoe to Tun Soutuchm Puku, tn Illnttmcd Weekly Joarnal ol 40 coiamua, will receive kn elegant Btoe Enertvlug ol Uon. hobert B. Lea, Mxl» tnenea, for warded lu a yecere ca«e, poitaze pain by na. TUa Dumber contalna a large dnely executed itkcnoaa of Q in. Lee, engraved br a eklllinl artlat, (ram • photo- K agh, ezpreraly lor Tho Freee, with an ontllna ol bis fo, and an account ol dll obaeqalea. dingleeopiet, (If ordered enrly) lorwardcd lo any addrora ou receipt ol 10 conto. Energetic canvawere wanted In ovorv connr ’ . a. ’at o( THE PRICES REDUCED. STANDARD ’SCALES, 5 Wore than 250 Different Modification*. .-nnra uai nm rat nur alarm uourr onawuu, l AHUI AxliS At CO., Hi* BIIUADIVAY,NEW YORK, Id* Baltimore Bt„ Baltimore’ M ( amp Bt., New Urleana. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., Iia BULK BTUKKT, BOSTON. EUltlCSON'S CALORIC ENGINE. BAFB, ECONUMIOAI-, DUHAULE. USES NO WATBH. KEyulUKS NO ENUINEKB. Having toade arrangementi for manatactnrlng tola Eiigli.o on ,an_exten»Fve'4c»le, wa are now prepared to Delamater Iron Worki, Foot of Weet utb Bt.. N. Y. UrwcbOfflce: JAB. A. HOHINBi.N. 13UBroadway. 8EGQND HAND OOTTQN MACHINERY FUlt HALE. C ONH1BTINQ ot Opanera, Lappart, Garde, Drawing Frame., BpeederA eplnnlng Frame., Ac., Ac Thla macbln.r, le bat partially worn, ill In good ocndltlon and will be sold cheap. * For description and price apply In perron or by mall to _ TliOHABB, HflAw, Agent Tremont and Haffoik Kills ct*t-eod*>4m Lowell. Make FOH8VTH «I*KHIFF>I BALK. ILL bu sold before lh» cowl bonae door In the . town ol Camming, Forsyth eoanly. on the Viral Tneaday tn April nazt,wUbln Marnllegal hoar* M tale, lot ol Und No. l.lol. in the !4th Dlatrict and Ut tee- 11 on of Korarth eoaaty, (it. Ltvied on aa 'ba property ol A. U. McDonald, to taMafr an attachment la In itvor ol rroman u. Sanford. Pointed oat in laid a r. Levy made and returned to ma by a eonitoble. J. A. HIM-. Dupaty Hheria mebt-ld printer. Ite » M per levy"' 0QLUN8, WETHERILL ft 00. U’holcaalo Need Grower*, 1111 ft lll3JMarkot Street, PHILADELPHIA. G ARDEN REEDS ot choicest stock anu tn* to name -our owujrrowvk. Kvarv vavloiy ol ati*o*d Uardao. Fmld and /tower tt**da. W* havo nearly am «M Of (i Irn&a ecrue excmalvely devoted to toe no eed Flower Beeda. i>elarv lad ethara direct (Tom toe grower Hum 1 * a m* e*ww... itwi eem The largely Increeeed tfemu , for our Beedn to I eueeol toe care beniowed on toetr growth and pro to na. a beat •vldaoeec pt ration. trernMol Wkoletait Trade Un euljpd tree on ap- aiubu m tro., . __ ...J Mark. 1 , ft treat PUILADKLril