Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, October 18, 1865, Image 4

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TEcthtyjtotfUigtttrtr. Desperation. The following is a passage? from the very laugh able tale of “Desperation,” one of the rich arti cles which are embraced in the literary remains of the late Willis Gaylord Clark It is only cessary to premise that the author delphfa student, w ho after a stolen amid the gaieties of a Washington season, finds himself (through the remissness of a chum,; at Baltimore, on his way home, without a penny in his pocket. He stops at a fashionable hotel, nevertheless, where, after tarrying a day or two, he finally, at the heel of a great dinner, “omnt solus," in his private apartment, franked with abundant Champagne and Burgundy, resolves to disclose all to the landlord. Summoning a ser vant, he said: “Ask the landlord to step ujy to my room and bring his bill.” He clattered down stairs laughing, and shortly after his master appeared. He entered with a generous smile, that made me hope for “the best his house afforded,'” and that, just then, was credit. “IIow much do f owe you ?” said I He handed inc the bill with all the grace of a private expectancy. “Let me set?—seventeen dollars. How very reasonable. But my dear sir, the most disagree able part of the matter is now'be disclosed. I grieve to inform you that at present I am out of money ; and I know by your philanthropic looks tliat you will l»e satisfied, when I Udl you that if I had it. I would give it to you with unqualified pleasure. But you see, my not having the change ny me, is the reason I cannot do it, and I am sure you will let the matter stand and say no more about it. I am a stranger to you that’s a fact, but in the place I came from, all my ac quaintances know me as easy ns can be.” The landlord turned all colors. “Where do you live, and how ?” “In Washington—I should say, in Philadel phia.” His eyes flashed with angry disappoint merit. “I see how it is, mister, my opinion Is that you are a black leg. You don’t know where your home is, you ls?gin with Washington and then drop it for Philadelphia. Yon must pay your bill." “But I can’t.” “Then I’ll take your clothes, if I don’t, blow me tight.” “ Scoundrel,” said I, raising hold upright, “ do it if you dare, and leave the rest td me.” There were no more words. He rose deliber ately, seized my hat and my only inexpressibles, and walked down stairs. Physicians say that two excitements can’t ex ist at' the same time in one system. External circumstances drove away, almost immediately, the confusion of my brain. I rose and looked out of the window, The snow was descending as I drummed on the pane. What was I to do V An unhappy sans culottes in a strange city; no money, andshglilyinebriated. A thought struck me. I had a large full cloak, which, with all mv other appointments, save those lie took, the land lord had spared. I dressed immediately, drew on my boots over my fair drawers, not unlike small clothes; put on my cravat, vest and coat, laid a traveling cap from my trunk jauntly, over my forehead, and flinging my fine long mantle gracefully about me, made my way through the hall into the street. Attracted by the shining lamps in tlie portico of a new hotel, a few squares from my first lodg ings, I entered, recorded some name on the hooks, and bespoke a bed. Everything was fresh and neat, every sen-ant attentive, all argued well. I kept myself closely cloaked, puffed a cigar, and retired to bed to mature mv plan. # # * * # “ Waiter, ju6t brush iny clothes well, my fine fellow,” said I, in the morning, as he entered my room; “mind the pantaloons; don’t spill anything from the pockets—there is money in both.” “ I don f t see no pantaloons.” “The devil von don’t. Where are they ?" “Can’t tell, I’m sure; I don’t know, s’elp me God!” “Go down, sir, and tell your master to come here immediately.” The publican was with me in a moment. I had arisen and worked my face before the mirror into a fiendish look of passion. “Landlord!” exclaimed I, with fierce gesture, “I have been robbed in your house—robbed, sir .bed! my pantaloons and a purse contain- .rec fifty dollar notes are gone! This is a .• hotel.' Is this the way you fulfill the in- j .ions of Scripture V I am a stranger, and ha»e been taken in with a vengeance. I will expose you at once if I am not recompensed.” “Pray keep your temper,” replied the publican. “I have just opened this house, and it is getting a good run; would you ruin its reputation by an accident ? I will find out the villain who robbed you, and I will send for a tailor to measure you for your missing garments. Your money shall he refunded. Do you see that your anger is use less ?’’ “My dear sir,” I replied, “I thank you for your kindness; I did not mean to reproach you. If those trousers can be done to-day I shall be sat isfied; time is more precious than money. You may keep the others if you find them, and in ex change for the one hundred and fifty dollars which you give me the contents arc yours.” The. next evening, with new inexpressibles, and one hundred and forty dollars in my pocket, I called upon my guardian in Philadelphia for sixty dollars. He gave it, with a lecture on col legiate dissipation, that I shall not soon forget. I enclosed the money back to my honorable land lord by the first post, settled my other bill at old Crusty’s, the first publican, and got my trunk by mail.' 13 Y TELEGRAPH. Afternoon Dispatches. New York, Oct. 10.—A special to the Times, dated Washington, 9. says: The through route from Washington to Lynchburg, Knoxville, Chat tanooga and Atlanta, and thence to Augusta and Montgomery, is now open, and communication The “ Fat Contributor ” on tlie Witursx Stand. A. M. Griswold, comic lecturer, author of ‘Hun-ki-do-ri,” was placed on the witness stand at the Police Court in Cincinnati, not long since to testify in a certain case. We don’t knoty whether or not the stand was enlarged any to accommodate the “fat man.” Prosecuting At toraey Straub, u personal friend of the lecturer roguishly determined to “ roast” the “ Fat Con tributor’’ in tlie examination, and accordingly put him through ns follows: Pros. Att’y—“What is your name, sir?” Fat Man—“Griswold.” * Pros. Att’y (sternly)—“Your full name, if you please ?” Fat Man—“Alplionso Miner Griswold.” Pros. Att’y—“What business do you follow ?’ Fat Man—“I am a lecturer.” Pros. Attfy—‘What kind of a lecturer?” Fat Man (blushing)—“Well, really, it don’t be come a man to—” Pros. Att'v (with sincerity)—“Answer the quo tion, sir. What kind of a lecturer are you?” Fat Man—"Editors that I don’t advertise with say I am a poor kind of a lecturer, lint my pos ters say ” Pros. Att’y—“I mean, what do you lecture on ?” Fat Man—“Generally on the stage—I once lee tured on a billiard table. The proprietor, who was opposed to tlie Fenian movement ob jected because it wa3 “ wearin’ of the green.” On another occasion I lectured on a bar—” Pros. Att’y—“Giving familiar illustrations of the effects of item ” Fat Man (coloring angrily—“You misunder stand me, sir, I said 1 once lectured on Pros. Att'v—“Well, I heard you. We are ready to admit that you have lectured on a liar a great many times.” ' Fat Mali (perspiring terribly)—“Confound it; won’t you hear me, t mean to say that I one lectured on a barrel !" By this time Court and spectators were in a roar of laughter, in which the lecturer finally had to join. It was trying to the fat man, though.— Cleceland Herald. A Quaker Joke.—K , the Quaker Presi dent of a Pennsylvania railroad, during the con fusion and panic last fall, called upon W bank, with which the road kept a large regular account, and asked for an extension of part of its paper falling due in a few da vs. The Bank President declined rather abruptly, saying in rough tone to the functionary: “Mr K , your paper must be paid at rnatu rity; we cannot renew it.” “Very well,” our Quaker friend replied, and left the bank. But he did not let the matter drop here. On leaving the bank he went to the depot and telegraphed to all the agents aiul conductors on the road to reject the hills of the W bank. In a few hours the trains began to arrive, full of the panic, and bringing the news of the W bank all ajong the lint. Stockholders and de positors flocked to the bank, quaking with panic, inquiring thus: ‘^What’s the matter ? Is the bank broke ?' etc., etc. A little inquiry on the part of the officer; #hov. .hat the trouble originated in the rejec tion die bills by the railroad agents. The Pro ,t seized liis hat and rushed down to the Quu s office, and came bursting in with this inquiry: ,? Mr. K , have you directed the refusal of our currency by your agents?” “Yes,” was the quiet reply. “Why is this ? It will ruin us.” “Well, friend L , I supposed the bank was going to fail, as it could not renew a little paper for us this morning.” It is needless to say that Mr. L renewed all the Quaker’s paper, and enlarged his line of discount, while the magic wires carried all around the road, to even- agent, the sedative message: “The W bank is all right. Thee may take its currency.” Yirginia line, arrived in this city this evening, on his way North to purchase additional rolling stock, fixtures for putting tlie road in working order. At present the speed on some parts of the line is very slow, but this will be increased as soon as the track is thoroughly repaired. Wm. Henry Prescott, form’eriy Assistant Sec retary of State witli Genegul Cass, Is in the city, seeking the restoration of sonw; Sea Island prop erty, now in the possession ofUie freeilmen. He has taken tlie oath of allegiance, but claims not to come within an)' of tlie csrepted classes. The receipts for Internal Revenue to-ilay are *14.8,849,830. Washington, OcL 9.—General Rousseau bad a confereuce with the Bresident anil Secretary of War to-day, during Which tlie General Palmer troubles in IventucJu' Were discussed. Tlie re- rsult of tlie intervrew was that the President promised the jieople of Kentucky, through their popular Congressman, that martial law shall be repealed throughout their State; that all the ne gro troops shall soon be withdrawn, and that the abuses of tlie Freedmen’s Bureau shall lie cor rected so far as a vigorous prohibition can reach them. It is understood that the course of Gen. Palmer in the administration of Kentucky mili tary affairs is in tlie main approved by the Presi dent, and that he will probably be retained in command of the Department of Kentucky.— They are aot so much displeased with the acts of General Palmer as they are disgusted with those of some of his subordinates, who have been run ning a little darkey machine of their own in some of tlie remote districts of the State. The withdrawal of colored troops as promised by the President , and the dethronement of meddlesome little Brevet Brigadiers’ of darkeys and freeel- men's agents, will speedily harmonize affains in that State. Fifteen millions of newly authorized cojjper- sions into 5-20s, were taken during tlie first meek instead of forty millions as staled in the Bhila- dclphia papers. At a meeting of the Wisconsin Club in this city, this evening, appropriate resolutions of con dolence with the family of t he late General Ho race L. Sanders, were unanimously adopted. All citizens of the State were invited to accompany his remains to the depot to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Van Horne, member of Congress elect from Missouri, arrived in Washington this eve ning, direct from Kansas City. Col. Van Horne lias been in attendance upon the great Indian council at Fort Smith, looking to the future de velopment of the western border, and will be enubled to lay before the next Congress a most valuable report concerning the health, advanta ges and resources of the West. The Colonel has figured prominently in Western Missouri during the last ten years. Ex-Marshal Ward II. Lamon is in the city, and will open a law 7 office here within a fortnight. Mr. Ward, of Savannah, former representative of the United States in China, is spoken of as United States Senator from Georgia. The specifications for the trial of Capt. Pettit, late of the Andersonville prison, are nearly made up, and the trial will be commenced in the course of a few days, in Alexandria, with the Assistant Judge Advocate and Gen. Gowan to conduct tlie case. New York, Oct. 10.—The Tribune's Browns ville, Texas, correspondent, of the loth ult., says the 15th corps in passing in review on the 10th inst., the first division under command of Gen. Smith, was reviewed and found to be in an effi cient state; the sanitary condition of the corps is good now, owing to tlie change of location of hospitals, which have been removed to the ranch es near the town; this change has caused a de crease of one-fifth in the mortality, and the sick list is growing small again. We hear that Gen. Cawajal is to be here in a few days with 5,000 to 6,000 men, but those few days have been mul tiplied so much that I put no faith in the re port. New 7 Y'ork, Oct. 10.—The Tribune's Matamo- ras correspondent says: On the 12th Gocloulaupe Garci, who, four months ago, was in command of the line of the Rio Grande, arrived at Brownsville. He reports that a loan of $5,000,000 has been effected by the Liberal Minister to the United States. He also says that arms and other warlike materials have been bought for the army. If this be true the loan will enable tlie Liberal Government to raise a legion of ten or twenty thousand men, and this it has had in view 7 for some time past. Such a corps would enable it to regain all the country north of San Antonio river before the French could collect a force adequate to arrest its ’pro gress. The steamship City of Washington, from Liv erpool t he 27th, has arrived. News anticipated. Niglit. Dispatches. Raleigh, N. C., Oet. 9.—The State Conven tion reconsidered to-day, and after making an unimportant amendment passed again tlie ordi nance fixing the day for tlie election of Governor, members of Congress and Legislature, on the first Thursday in November. Caitio, Oct. 10.—Tlie steamer Tycoon, from Memphis for Louisville, with fifteen hundred bales of cotton, burned last night. No lives lost. Texas papers estimate that no more than a half crop of cotton will he raised in that State. That raised by the Germans will be cleaner and of a finer quality than that grown by slaves. St. Louts, Oct. 10.—The steamer Hattie May, from Flunseon, Sept. 19, reports a meeting of the Indian Commissioners near Fort Benton. A portion of Gen. Sully’s army is en route for Sioux city; it has passed below 7 Fort Rice; tlie remainder is left at different Forts along the river. All the Indians along tlie Mississippi river are reported friendly. Sixty returned miners from Montonano bring $100,000 in gold. San Francisco, Oct. 9.—The damage by the earthquake yesterday amounts to considerable in the aggregate. Many bouses needing patching and new plastering and repairing. The windows of the City Hall and the front wall are damaged to such an extent that, a portion must be rebuilt, at a cost of srveral thousand dollars. The old Custom House will probably require rebuilding. No really substantial and well constructed build ings were seriously damaged. Santa Cruz felt the shock more generally than any other place. Several brick buildings are so badly damaged that partial reconstruction is necessary. A dispatch from there says there was ageneral tumble down of chimneys, and those now standing tire turned partially around. Tlie motion was apparently from east to west The ground along the river opened in tisures tiiul spouted water like Geysers. Tlie people are unable to use some of the wells, which' are cither dry or filled up with sand. Tlie chimney at tlie Powder Mill was thrown down, and other injury done to the works. Portions of' tlie wall of the new hotel were thrown down, but the foundation is all right. The smash in drug stores is great, as also in other stores. Some very narrow escapes from falling chimneys are mentioned. The tide rose very lngli at the time of the shock and fell very low immediately .after. There have been eleven distinct shocks felt since the 1st. Up to five o’clock this morniug there was a number of smaller visitations. The loss this morning is estimated at about $10,000 but may exceed that amount. Dates from Honolulu to the lOtli of September have been received. Th ewar steamer Sarranac arrived at Honolulu on the Gtli. Nothing had been heard of the Shenandoah. Philadelphia, Oct. 10.—The election is pro gressing quietly. Indications are tliat a moder ate vote will be polled. * The contest lor Mayor is exciting most interest, together with Senators from 2d District, there being candidates for the latter offices on the Union ticket. Boston, Oct. 10.—The mails per the steamship Cuba for Liverpool will close at ten o’clock to morrow morning, but she will not sail rill about ton in the afternoon. The steamer China, from Halifax, has just been gnalled. She will arrive up to port at three o'clock this afternoon. Observatory Ann Harbor, / Oct. 9,11 p. m. \ To Press: I have the pleasure to announce that I discov ered a new planet at about half past 10 o’clock this p. m. It shines like a star of the nine and a half magnitude, and is situated on right ascen- ion 14 deg. and 35 min. and in descension 6 deg. north. [Signed] J. C. Watson. New Y'ork, Oct. 10.—Tlie Mexican Consul has sent the following note to the Associated Pres.-. New York, Oct. 10. To Agent Associated Press: Dear Sir:—Permit me through your efficient and reliable agency to again contradict the re port that President Juarez has left the territory of the Mexican Republic. The statement to the effect of the correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, published in the papers this a. m., is a pure falsehood, and only adds another proof to the many we already have of the unscrupulous char acter of the agents of Maximilian, and of the means they employ to support the unholy cause. I am in possession of official dates from Elpasso to 8th September, five days later than the date of the letter of the correspondent of the Phila delphia Press, and I can aver that not onlv has . Grand Jury l» *~rn1~ of Dalton Conn* President Juarez never had the slightest 'inten- i ty—Second Week, October Term, tion of leaving the territory of the Republic, but i _ die Grand Jwy duly sworn and organized for tbe that there is no oeension for him to do so I Second v Y eek of October Term, of Fnlxon Superior mat mere IS no occasion ior mm to ao SO. ■ Court, ask leave to make oar general Presentments: So respectable and influential journal as the I We concur with our predecessors of the First Week in Philadelphia Press cannot be aware of the in- i off “ rin s ° Qr congratulations to the country upon the cea- And utter]r unreliable chflrsipipr of* f bp^e ?stioD of wsr niid the udveot of pcscc. It is th® duty of ens? anu uueriy unruiaoie cnaracier oi tnese both the vanquished and the victors to recognize the reports, Of it‘WOUlu not nave taken place in a i grateful truth that peace haa supervened. Let ut» endeavor correspondent SO unworthy, or for an American to Obliterate an traces of the war and address onraelves so unpatriotic. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. N. Namone, Mexican Consul. Philadelphia, Oct 10.—Tlie General Con vention of the Episcopal Church re-assembled at 10 o’clock this morning. The Rev. Dr. Burgess, of Maine, from the committee on tlie consecra tion of Bishops, reported a resolution favoring the transfer of Bishop Talbott to the assistant Bishopric of Indiana. Mr. Burnett, of Pennsyl vania, made a speech denouncing the spirit wliieh he said had crept into the church, that nothing must be said against such evils as slavery inter- ruptauee, Ac., because some serious feelings may lie caused by it. A southern delegate attempted to stop the speech by calls of order, but Mr. Bur nett was sustained by the Chairman. A motion to lav the whole subject on the table was then lost. New York, Oct. 10— Robt. Thorpe, book keeper for Geo. H. Hughes A Co., while under arrest under charge of being a defaulter to the amount of several thousand dollars, jumped from a ferry boat this morning and was drowned. Boston, Oct. 10.—The sixth district Republi can Convention, held in Reading to-day, nomi nated Gen. Banks jor Congres s. Richmond, Ocl 10.—The Commercial Bulle tin establishment was restored to its proprietors to-day, and publication of the paper will be re sumed on Tuesday; but, for the present, Wed- burn will not be allowed to resume editorial con trol. The publication of the Enquirer will be re sumed next week. The Examiner will soon be reopened by Henry R. Pollard, correspondent of the Times. Philadelphia, Oct. 10.—In making up the election returns to-night the gains or loss will be sent as compared with the vote of 1862, when Mr. Slenker, the Democratic candidate, was elected by 3,524 majority. Tlie day has passed quietly. Chester county: The North and South precincts of A Vest Chester and East go to show a Union gain of 123, over the vote of 18C2. Arsenic Eating. Statements of the most opposite character have been current from time to time as to the ex istence in Styria of a class pf arsenic eaters, who habitually indulged, with impunity, a taste for this violent irritant poison, and derived various supposed advantages from the practice. Dr. Von Tscnudi’s paper on the subject, in 1851 was extensively circulated in this country, and while by some it was accepted as veracious, it was gen erally rejected as fabulous. Professor Johnson gave it vogue by adopting it iu his Chemistry of Connnon Life, but Taylor in his standard work “ On Poisons,” treats the stories of Styrian arse nic eaters as exaggerated statements, utterly in consistent with all that is known concerning the action of arsenic in this and other countries, and which but for the literary support of Prof. John son would not have required any serious refuta tion. Professor Cristison, apropos of the AVooler case, absolutely denied them in 1855, and treated the story as “ a mass of absurdity” and a “ pure fable.” It does indeed seem incredible that men should swallow so virulent a poison as arsenic in doses of five or six grains with habitual impunity and even advantage. Roscoe and Hirseh have, however, furnished of late years unequivocal ev idence that such is the fact, and in a late number of the Pharmaceutical Journal Dr. Craig Macfar- lane adduces additional evidence of the most en tirely conclusive character. Arsenic eaters pro duced in propriis personis, the arsenic which they ate before him was taken from duly tested sam ples, and the secretions of the arsenic eaters be ing subsequently tested, gave, the various chem ical reactions indicating the presence of arsenic. Here there is no room for scepticism. Hoker, one of the arsenic eaters, stated that he could not do without his dose of arsenic, which he took at in tervals varying from four to eight days; that when he lias a distance to walk to his work he takes a larger dose, and is then in good spirits for about eight days; that if, however, he inter mits it for fourteen days, he feels still' iu the feet, with craving for another dose; the arsenic helps his digestion. He stated that all arsenic eaters are healthy; and that he believed that, as with opium, if the dose be gradually diminished, an arstn'c eater can break himself of the habit. It is evident that we must modify the opinion for merly held, that although the human body may be bi-ought to bear with impunity gradually in creasing doses of vegetable poisons, such as opi um, it is not so with mineral poisons. Evidently a tolerance can be established of arsenic, one of the most violent of mineral irritants. OFFICIAL NOTICES. ’OST, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 6, 1885. f Gen beal. Orders, l No 1. f PAR. I.—By direction of the General commanding Dis trict, I assume command of the first sub-district, third division, department of Georgia. The following officers are announced, and will compose tlie staff until further orders. They will be respected and obeyed accordingiy. Captain L. L. Parker, 150th Illinois Volunteors, Provost Marshal. First Lieutenant and Adjutant John L. Walsh, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Second Lieutenant John A. Roberts, 138th U. S. C. 1., A. A. D. C. By command of F. W. BENTEEN, oc7—42t Col. 138th U. S. C. T., Com. Sub. Dis. Headquarters Military Post, I Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 6, 1805. / Special Orders,' I No. 4. ) PAR. V.—Hereafter no Spirituous Liquors will be al- allowed to be sold or given to soldiers (enlisted men,) do ing duty in, or in transitu through, this sub-district, aud each aud evory establishment for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors at retail, in this sub-district, will be required to be licensed by the proper civil authorities, which license will be approved and recorded at these Headquarters. All violations of this paragraph will be promptly and summarily dealt with. By command of F. W. Benteen, Colonel 138th U. S. C. Troops, commanding sub-district. JOHN L. WALSH, oc7—12t Lieut. & A. A. A. G. ^Atlanta medical College.—The course of Lectures in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in November next, and continue four months— the Faculty having changed the time for the session from summer to the winter months. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. The following papers will please copy weekly one month aud forward accounts to Intelligencer office for collection: Enquirer, Columbus, Georgia; Telegraph, Macon, Ga.; Republican. Savannah, Georgia; Mail, Montgomery, Ala bama ; Courier, Rome, Georgia; Times, Selma, Alabama; Gazette, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Press and Times, Nashville, Tennessee; News, Jackson, Mississippi; Flo ridian & Journal, Tallahassee, Florida; Phrenix, Colum bia, South Carolina. oc3—d*wlm ST. LOUIS AND JOHNSONVILLE DAILY LINE OF PACKETS, RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITII THE Kaskville and Northwestern, Nashville and Chattanooga, and Tennessee aud Alabama Railroads. A FIRST CLASS PASSENGER STEAMER LEAVES Johnsonville for St. Louis, Cairo, and Paducah every day on the arrival of the cars, connecting at Padu cah with the Cincinnati Packets: at Cairo with the Illi nois Central Railroad, the Memphis Packet Company aDd Atlantic and Mississippi Steamship Company, and at Si. Louis with all the Railroads and Upper Mississippi Boats. oct3—dawlm to a perfect realization of the blessings of peace. And such, we believe, is the solemn determination of the Southern people. The same manly earnestness _ which they displayed in war will now be employed in cultivating the arts of peace. As the grand inquest of the county, we declare our conviction that no rebellions spirit now pre vails demanding the scrutinv and power of martial law to detect and to subdue. We are at peace, and the resto ration of civil law, at once potent and benign, is what we most earnestly crave for onr protection and development, and such, we are gratified to learn, is the policy of the national administration. It cannot be denied that the protracted contest in which we have been engaged has left behind some relics of de moralization engendered in the camp. The resumption of manual labor is somewhat irksome to onr citizen sol diery. hence idleness, vagrancy, and a train of attendant vices, are increasin'? to an extent that fills the minds of thinking men with grave apprehensions, but let ns hope that these evils which follow in the wake of war will not long survive its termination. We concur also in the recommendation of last week's Grand Jury, that the Bridges and Roads in the County be repaired; and, in this connection, would suggest to our fellow-citizens the propriety of an application to the Leg islature for power to raise a special and sufficient fund from the property of the whole County for their perma nent maintenance, »nd that the principal Roads be made Turnpikes, so that all who nse them, whether belonging to tlie County or not, shall contribute to maintaining them. The old system, we all know, was inadeqnate.and under the new system of labor must, if continued, be still less so, as the hands formerly attached as it were to the soil, and subject to road duty, will now be only hired for longer or shorter periods, aiid thus, perhaps, escape the duty. We have pleasure in recording the satisfaction we have experienced in onr intercourse with his Honor, Judge Bigham, and N. J. Hammond, Esq., Solicitor General. JXmks F. Cooper, Foreman, Jonas S. Smith, James E. Williams, Coleman F. Wood. Robert J. Massey, John H. Mecaslin, Maxwell R. Berry, David Demerest, James Ormond, Lewis H. Clarke, Merrill T. Castleberry, Willis Peck, John M. Blackburn, John J. Ford. Robert Winship, William A. Wilson, Green T. Dodd, Adam S. Pool, Benjamin E. Crane, William L. Abbott, Larkin H. Davis. Ordered that the foregoing Presentments be published in the city papers. N. J. HAMMOND, Solicitor General. A true extract Item the minutes of said Court. W. R. VENABLE, Clerk. GEORGIA, Meriwether County. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county for leave to sell the real estate Jbelonging to the estate of Isaac D. Brazwell, late offJiktf'eounty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. September 14th, 1865. MQSES ALMON, Adm’r de bonis non. sepl9—2m[Printer's fee $6.] GEORGIA, Meriwether County : W HEREAS John Douglas, Administrator de bonis non on the estate of Jas. L. Robinson, represents to the court that he has fully administered James L. Robinson’s estate: This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administntion and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, 1866. Given under my hand at office. Sept. 25th, 1865. J. W. BANNING, O. M. C. octl—Cm [Printer's fee $6,] GEORGIA, Meriwether County : W HEREAS, W. T. Moreland, administrator of A. C. Moreland, represents to the court that he has fully administered A. C. Moreland’s estate: This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons con- cemee, kindred anil creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administntion, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, 1866. Given under my hand at office, Sept. 14th, 1865. J. W. BANNING, O. M. C. seplil—6m [Printer's fee |!0.] GEORGIA, Meriwether County : W HEREAS, Wm. P. Howard, administrator of C. W. Howard, represents to the conrt that he has fully administered C. W. Howard’s estate; „ This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why eaid administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in March, 1865. Given under my hand at office, August 22d, 1865. J. W. BANNING. O, M. C. sepl—6m [Printer’s fee $6.] GEORGIA, Mriuwether County. S IXTY days aft el date application will be made to the Court of Orditary of Meriwether Connty for leave tp sell lot of land No. 176, in 11th district of said connty, belonging to the estate of Abner Rosser, late of said connty deceased, far the benefit of the heirs of said es tate. Sept. 19,186? L. D. F. ROSSER, octl—wtd Executor. GEORGIA, Mhsiwether County. \TTHEREAS, James H. Wideman applies to be ap- TT pointed guardian of the person and property of Julia A. T. Rosser, a minor under fourteen years of age, a resident of said tounty— This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the a>urt of ordinary to be held next after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if they can, why said James H. Wideman shoiftl not be entrusted with the guardian ship of the perstri and property of Julia A. T. Rosser. Given under my h»d and official signature at office, this October 2d, 1865. J. W. BANNING, oc8—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] O. M. C. GEORGIA, Campbell County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. W ILLIAM A. WILSON having in proper form applied to me fin' fWPianent letters of administration on the estate of .Tames H. Wilson, late of said connty, de ceased— This is tocite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Jairas H. Wilson, to be and appear at my office, within the time aSowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, whv pernaneut administration should not be granted to Julian A. Wilson on James H. Wilson’s estate. Witness iry hand and official signature, October 2d, 1S65. R. C. BEAVERS, oc4—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] Ordinary. GEORGIA, C oipbell County. to ail whom rr may concern. S P. STEED hating in proper form applied to me for . permanent fetters of administration on the estate of John Askew, lfte of said county— This is to cite aS and singular the creditors and next of kin of John Asker, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed ljy law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to S. f*. Steed on Join Askew's estate. Witness my hand aud official signature, this 4th day of October, 1865. R. C. BEAVERS. Ordinary, oefi—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, CiMPBELL County. J OHN M. JAMFS having applied to be appointed guar dian of the person and property of Nancy D. and Joshua T. Bowen, minors under fourteen years of age, resident of said ci-unty— This is to cite ail persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of Shirty days from the first publication of this notice, and Aow’cause, if they can, why said John M. James should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the person aul property of Nancy D. and Joshua T. Bowen. Witness my official signature, this 4th day of October, 1865. K C. BEAVERS, ocO—3Ud [Printer’s fee $3.]Ordinary. GEORGIA, (Kmpbell County. to All. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. T HOMAS j. HOWARD having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Jaites W. Howard, deceased, late of said connty— , ... This is to cite ail and singular the creditors and next of kin of James W. Howard to be and appear at my office, within the time illowed by law, and snow cause, if any they can, why peananent letters of administration should not be granted toThomas J. Howard on James W. How ard’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 4th day of Octobtr, 1865. R. C. BEAVERS, ocU—30d [Printer’s fee $3.j Ordinary. GEORGIA, Campbell County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. R ICHARD A. JUNG and Eliza A. King having in pro per form aiplied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on te estate of Adam B. King, deceased, late of said connw— This is to cite Hi and singular the creditors and next of kin of Adam B. King to he and appear at my office, with- iu the time allowed by law, and snow cause, if nny they can, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to Richard A. King and Eliza A. King on Adam B. King's estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 4th dav of October, 1865. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. ocO—39d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Campbell County. T WO MONTIS^ after date hereof application will be made to tfee Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell lots ft land number 42 an'd 43, eighth district, half of 444 hud 413 in eighteenth district, first section of said conn tv, the intire real estate of Dr. Thomas C. Glo ver, deceased, fopthe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This October 4th, 1865. ELIZABETH S. GLOVER. Adm’x. orfi—60d [B.C.B.) Printer's fee $6. GEORGIA, Meriwether County. \\f HEREAS, John L. Dixon, administrator of Geo. A. IT Hall, represents to the Conrt that he lias fully ad ministered Geo. A. Hall’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his adininie- iration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mom dav in March, 1866, fjjveu under my hand at office, this August 22d. 1865. J AXLES W. BANNING. O. M. C. sepl—6m[Printer’s fee $6.) ADiWtNISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be soiefon the first Tuesday in November next, at the cotrt house door in McDonough, Henry countv, within the legal hours of sale, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, the following lands, sold as the real estate of Alexander Price, deceased, late of said county, fir the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms madc'kfown on dav of sale. The Land lies in Henrv conntv, aid described as follows: Lot. No. 27, in the 7th district, 202M acres • lot No. 5, in 7th district. 2021 acres ; lot No, 5, in 11th district, 202M acres; lot No. 4, in 11th district, 202.5* acres; lot No. is, in Oth district. acres ■ part of lot No. 4, in 7th dis trict, 50 acres; Hast half of lot No. 29, iu 11th district, lOV acres; part of lot No. 57, in 7th district, 8134 acres; part of lot No. 7i. in 7th district, 23 acres. Also, at ihe sape time and place, the plantation former* iv kDowa as rbe .“Loyd Head Place,” in said couuay, in the Cth district, *nd being lots and and parts of lots Nos. 237, 238. 239, 241 and 211, containing 55S acres, more or less. Some of these firms are well unproved. There is also a Mill, now in running order, with abundant water privileges, on Walnut creek. '.?!. . . ELI PRICE, Adm’r. Printer's fee oil cents per square each insertion. [Q.R.N.] sep!2—w40d GEORGIA, Con County. ilfHKRRAS, Sarah Ann Hembree having applied to me TT for the administration of the estate or S. G. Hem bree, deceased, with the will annexed— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Conrt of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, in Marietta, this 2d October, 1865. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. oc4—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Henry County. I WO MONTHS after date application will be made to T the Court of Ordinary of. GEORGIA, Meriwether County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Cou. t of Ordinary of Meriwether county, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave io sell the lands belonging to the estate of James M. Rosser, late of said county, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs anti creditors of said deceased. August 31st, 1865. DANIEL FLING, Administrator of Marion Rosser. sepT—2m [j.w.b.] [Printer’s fee $6.] _. ''^wnnty, Geoigia, i for leave to sell the real estate of WiUjfim A. Nipper, de- i ceased, late of connty, for the benefit of heirs and I creditors of saidideceaeed. October 2,1S6A GEORGE W. SORTER, Adm’r. oco—2m [Q.R.K.]Printer’s fee $6. References—Dunn & Mangham, Macon, Ga; G. R. Crump and Co., Augusta, Ga.; Kile & Co., Atlanta, Ga ; Brooks and Cox, Columbus, Ga ; J. Moshier & Co., Au gusta, Ga.: Hugh McCrea, Hardcastle. Gennett and Co., Brien and Thaxton. Pavne. James A Co., Trcanor & Co., Nashville. Teuu; Hinde and Porter, Cincinnati: J. M. Davis & Co., Louisville, Ky. ocll—2m ADMIXISTRATOB’S sale. W ILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in Me* dououghj Henri* connty. qn the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, oue hun dred acre* of Laud, more or lees, known as the late res idence of Wm. A. Nipper, deceased, lying In Bear Creek ; Di«mct. in Henry connty. Sold aa the real estate of said Wm, A. Nipper, for benefit of his heirs and creditors. 7 Terms made known on day of sale. GEORGE W SOFTER, ocS—40d [q.R.N.j Administrator. Printer's fee 59 cents per square each insertion. GEORGIA. Heard Cousty. - ' J CiSHX'A PALMER having applied to^me for letteraof administration upon C ' ” '“~ -eased, late of sjid county- This is therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors to be and appear at my office within the time x. 3. Haralson. o. d. jackson. A. J. HAHAL30N & CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS AXD n m i <>**1 On \ f n11ic; *9 administration npoii the estate of P. P. Norman, do- *1X01 Clldll tb., ceased, late of s»|d county— Phrenix Building, Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga prescribed bv law, and ahow cause, if any they have, why fetters of administratibn should not be ‘granted* to said applicant. ' - Given under my hand and official signature, Oct. Cth, 1863. R. P- WOOD, Ordinary noil—3od ... , Printer's fre^i. GEORGIA, Cobb County. \\t HEREAS, James C. Moss hating applied to me for ii the administration of the estate of John E. Gober, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if anv they have, in my office, cm or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Conrt of Ordinary for said countv. Given under mv hand at office, in Marietta, this 2d October, 1865. JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. oc4—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGI4, Cobb County-. All HEREAS. A. N. Simpson having applied to me for IT letters of administration of the estate of D. 8. Dutton, late of said connty. deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicant at tliat term of the Court of Ordinary of said connty. Given under mv hand, at office, in Marietta, this 6th October, 1S63. JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. oo8—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Cherokee County. A GREEABLE to the last will aud testament of John ft McConnell, deceased, will be sold at the late resi dence of the deceased, on Thursday. November 2d. 1865. the plantation whereon tlie deceased lived at his death, containing three himdred acres of land, well improved and good land, composed of the following lots : Nos. 332. 333, 387, 3S8, 3S6. 284, 283, X 389. At the" same time and place will be sold five hundred bushels coni, more or less. Terms cash. September 18. 1865. isaac McConnell, ( FTepntn - S. M. McCONNELL. [ Executors. Printer's fee 50 cents per square for each insertion. sep21—tOd ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. \\l ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, TT before the court house door in Jonesboro, Clayton county, within the legal hours of sale, by virtue o’f an order "from the Court of Ordinv of Henry connty, lots or parts of town lots in Jonesboro’, known as Nos, 5 and8; X acre lots, more or less, One lot has a framed building on it. Sold as the real estate of Alexander Price, deceased, late of Henry couuty, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Terms made known on dav of sale. ELl PRICE. Adm’r. Printer's fee 50 cents per square for each insertion, [q.r.n.] sepl2—w40d GEORGIA, Clayton County. A R. HARRISON haring applied to be appointed gnar- A • dian of the person and property of Wiley Iv. Yeale, an idiot, resident of said county— This is to cite all persons concerned to lie and apjiear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show "cause, if any they can. why said A. R. Harrison should not be intrusted with the guardian ship of the person and property of Wiley K. Yeale. YVit- ness my official signature. C. A. DOLLAR, oc-3—30d [Printer’s fee £3.] Ordinary. GEORGIA, Clayton County-. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN : jllARTHA C. LAMB having applied to ine in proper lTl. form for permanent letters of administration on the estate of John M. Lamb, late of eaid county— This is to cite all and singular the creditors aiid next of kin of John if. Lamb, to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent, administration should not be granted Martha C. Lamb on John M. Lamb’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature this October 2d, 1865. C. A. DOLLAR, Ordinary. oc5—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Clayton County. TTtLIZABETH B. FORTSON having applied to be ap- M-J pointed guardian of the persons and property of Ben. A.JFortson, John S. Fortson, Millard F. Fortson and Andrew W. Fortson, minors under fourteen years of age. residents of said connty— This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the Conrt of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of thirty days from"the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if they can, why said Eliza beth B. Fortson should not be entrusted with the guardi anship of the persous and property of Ben. A., John S„ Millard F„ ana Andrew 7 W. Fortson. Witness my official signature this October 2d, 1865. C. A. DOLLAR. Ordinary. oc5—30d Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County : All HEREAS, Oliver Co9by applies to me for letters of T T administration upon the estate of Jas. II. CoBby, deceased, late of said county: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law,and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. Sept. 22d, 1865. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary. sep24—30d [Printer's lee $3.] GEORGIA, Gwinnett County : Air HEREAS, Jas. L. Moore applies to me for letters of if administration upon the estate of Wm. V. Moore, deceased, late of said coumy: These are therefore to cite arid admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time presbribed by law, ana show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, September 22d, 1865. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ord’y, sep24—30d [Printer's fee $3.] GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. AITIIEREAS, Hugh W. Mills, jr.. applies for letters of IT guardianship of the property of James C. L. Mills, minor, and orphan of Hugh W. Mills, sr., deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 7th October, 1865. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary, ocll—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. AATHEREAS, Mary J. Brewer applies to me for letters TT of administration upon the estate of Benjamin P. Weaver, deceas^l, late of said connty— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed bv law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, October 7th, 1865. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary, ocll—30d Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, Gyvinnett County. Air HERE AS, George W. Mills applies to me for letters Tf of administration upon the estate of Cintliia A. Mills, deceased, late of said county— These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given tinder my hand and official signature, October 7th, 1865. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary, ocll—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Gyvinnett County. \\l HEREAS, George W. Mills applies for letters of T T guardianship of the property of Albert P. Mills, or phan of Hugh W. Mills, sr., deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time alloYved by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 7th October, 1865. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordiuary. ocll—80d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. T\rOTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that LA some time in the year 1863, Charles W. Cheatham, late of Gwinnett county, departed tills life intestate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said Charles W. Cheatham, and tliat in terms of the law administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, o. some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, unless some Y-aiid objection is made to his appointment, GiY’en under mv hand and official signature, this 7tli October, 1865. " G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ord. ocll—30d Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. AATHEREAS, Margaret Simonton applies for letters of TT administration upon the estate of Robert Siinon- ton, deceased, late of said county— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, YY-ithiu the time allowed by law, and shoYv cause, if anv they can, why Baid letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under mv hand and official signature, October 7th, 1865. " G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary, ocll—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Gordon County: AITtsEREAS, Robert N. White and Angcline Wall have TT appled to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Lovin R. Wall, deceased, late of said county: These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singu lar, the kindred and creditors oi said deceased to be and appear at,my office, within the time prescribed by Isyv, and shoYv cause, if any they can, Yvhv fetters of adminis tration on the estate of said deceased should not issne to the applicants. Given under my hand and official signature, Sept. 21st, 1865. D. W. KEEL, Ordinary. sep24—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Gordon County : AATHEREAS, P. C. Smith oi said connty applies to me TT for letters of administration upon the estate of Henry Stuard. deceased, late of said couDty: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindrep and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at mv office, Yvitein the time prescribed by Iuyv, ana shoYv cause, if any they can, why fetters of adminis tration on the estate of said deceased should not issne to the applicant. Given under mv hand and official signature. Sept. 21st, 1865. " D. W. KEEL, Ordinary. sep24—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Murray County : AATHEREAS, Andrew Gamble and John Oates apply for TT letters of administration ou the estate of John Gamble, deceased.— . . „ , . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singa- lar, the kindreAand creditors of said deceased, to Hie their objections, if any they have, on or before the No vember term of the Conrt of Ordinary to be held in and for said connty on the first Monday in November next; otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 2d day of October, 1865. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ordiuary. oc5—UOd Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Murray Countr.“ rfTWO MONTHS after date I shall apply to the Court of B Ordinarv of Murray conntv for leave to sell the real estate of John H. Johnson, late" of said county, deceased. This 2d dav of October, 1S65. JOHN OATES, Administrator. oo5—2m [ilr.] Printer’s fee $6. CABS SHERIFF SALES. W ILT. BE SOLD, before the Court-House door, in the town of CaseviUe, Cass connty, Georgia, on tlie first Tuesday in November next, between the usual honrs of sale, the following property, to wit: The settlement of Land wnereon the defendant now lives in Cass county, adjoining tlie lands of Mark John ston, John Smith and L. M. Mumford; number unknown, levied on to satisfy a mortgage fl. fa. iu favor of Abda Johnson vs. Dempsey F. Bishop, issued from t’ass alias Bartow Superior Court. Said settlement of Land de scribed in said mortgage fl. fa., also other 6. fits. vs. Dempsey F. Bishop, in mv hands. Also, at the same time and place, lots of Land num bers 490. 491, and north half of lot No. 517 in the 17th district, and 3d section, Casa conntv. Levied on as the property of Hillery Meeks, to satis/v a fi. fa. issued from Dibs Superior Court in favor of W. T. Levingston vs. Hillery Meeks. Also, at the same time and place, one House and Lot in the town of Cassiille, containing ten acres, mote or less, of lot No. 5M, in the 5th district and 3d section, oeenpied now bv W. L. Aycock. Also. 45 acres of lot No. 123, in the 5th district and 3d section. Also, ten acres, more or less, within the town of CaseviUe, being the lot recently occupied by Arthur Haire, as the property of B. H. Leak. Also, lots of land Nos. 81, 135. 134. 82 anil S3, in Ihe 4!li district and Sd section, as the property of B. H. Leak. Levied on to satisfy- two fi. fas. from Cass Superior Court iu favor of Lindsay Johnson vs. Martha Carter, principal, and B. H. Leak, security. Also, at same time and place, three lots of land, num bers not known, lying in the 4th district, .'Id section, Cass connty, being the settlement of laud whereon defendant now lives, bv virtue of two fi. fas. issued from Justices’ Court 822d district* G. M. in favor of Atsla Johnson vs. John W. Foster. Levy made aud returned to me by a Constable. This 3d October, 1805. oe7—td A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff. Printer’s fee $3 per levy. T 1 GEORGIA, Carroll County. fpWO months after date application wili be made to the JV . niui* uu cooper oueei, near u«. -B- Ordinary of Carroll county for leave to sell the real . will take a few gentlemen as dav estate of James H. Lasseter, late of said county, deceased. | CHAS. WHITEHEAD. " Sept. 26th, 1*5. J- P. WATSON, Adm’r. octl—2m T [j-B.b-3 [Printer’* fee f&j HOARDERS. IHE SUBSCRIBER, living on Cooper street, near Col. L. J. Glenn’s, boarders. ocll—6t* * j TRUSTEE SAEE. B Y virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by J. - A. Kline and Sarah-L. Kline, to me as Trustee, on the 7th of December, 1860, to secure to WiUiam Blair and Benjamin Franklin cermin snms of money, expressed in eaid Trust Deed, I wiU sell io the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the residence of the said J. A. Kline, in Roane connty, Tennessee, on Saturday, the 14th day of October, 1865, two tracts of land belonging to the eaid J. A. Kline and Sarah L. Kline, in the otn civil district of said county.—. One tract contains one himdred and sixty acres, and being the Southeast quarter of eection twenty-seven, first frac tional township, second range East of the Meridian. The other tract coutains one hundred msd. sixty acres, and be- ins the Northeast quarter of section twenty-seven, situa ted in' the second range East of the Meridian, and first fractional township, Such title as is in me Vested by said Deed of Trust, will be given to the purchaser, and no rar- ther. WILLIAM CANNON, Trustee. Philadelphia, Tenn., Aug. 29th, 1865, GEORGIA, C’ass County. AATHEREAS. Nancy Henderson applies to me for let - TT ters of administration on the estate of J. W. Hen derson, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be rind appear at my office, Yvithin the time prescribed by Uiyv. and shoYY- cause, if any they can, Yvhy said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand anil official signature, this 29th September, 1865. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. oc3—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Cass County - . AATHEREAS, John C. Sims and Sarah A. Turner ap- T T ply to me for letters of administration on the es tate of Benjamin Turner, late of said connty, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish^ all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said Benjamin Turner, deceased, to be and appear nt my office, within tlie time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, Yvhy said letters of administration should not be'granted to said applicants. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this 26th day of September, 1865. octl—w3Dd ’ J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Cass County: AATHERES, James R. Brown applies to me for letters TT of administration upon the estate of John W. Lewis, deceased, late of said countv: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at. my office, withiu tlie time prescribed by lav. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 2.3d day of September", 1865, J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y. sep27—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Fayette County - . Cy TEPIIEN RENTFROW having applied to lie appointed O Guardian of the person aud property of Susan S. T. Duffel, a minor under fourteen years pf age, resident of said county— This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the term of tlie Court of Ordiuary to be held next after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show canse, if any they can, whv said Stephen Rentfrovv should not be entrusted with tho Guardianship of the person and property of Snsan S. D. Duffel. Witness mv hand and official signature. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, ocll—30d Printer's fee $3. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ri EORGIA, FAYETTE COUNTY.—AU persons having VJT any demands against the estate of Samuel Cox, late of said connty, deceased, are hereby notified to ren der them iu, properly authenticated, within the time pre scribed by laiv; and all those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. October 2, 1866. WILLIAM H. PERSONS, Adm’r. ocS—tt}d [E.o.] Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, Fayette County. mWO months after date, application will he made to JL the conrt of ordinary of Fayette county, for leave to sell the laud belonging to the estate of L. B.‘ Clark, late of said county, deceased, fer tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. August 11,1865. H. V. CLARK, Executrix. nugl0-2m [Printer’s fee $6.] GEORGIA, Fayette County. rilWO months after date application Yviil be made to the A court of ordinary of Fayette county, for leave to sell one half the interest in a set of Mills, and oue hundred and fifty acres of Laud attached to said Mills, beiug a part of the real estate belonging to Eli Edmondson, deceased. Sold for the purpose of settlement with tho other copart ner, and the benefit of heirs and creditors. August 19th, 1865. JANE EDMONDSON, Executrix. JOHN EDMONDSON, Executor. eep2(}-2m [Printer's fee $6.] GEORGIA, Coweta County'. TKTOT1CE is hereby giY-en to all persons having demands La against Bird Parks, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed Iw law, so as to shoiv their character anil amount; and all persons indebted to said deceased, arc hereby required to make immediate payment. August 19th, 1865. THOMAS B. PARKS, Executor of Bird Parks. sep31-40d (BH1T) [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Coweta Countt. Wf HEREAS, John F. Cook, administrator of John C. TT Perkins, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has folly admin istered John C. Perkins' estate— This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to sIioyv canse, if any they can, Yvhy said administrator should not be dismissed from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dismission on the sec ond Monday in January, 1866. B. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary. julyl-6m [Printer’s fee $6,] GEORGIA, Fulton County : HEREAS, John Neal applies for letters of adminis- TT trntion upon the estate of James H. Neal, late of said county, deceased : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all ami singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oflice on or before the first Monday in No vember next, and show canse, if any they can, Yvhy said letters should not be granted. Oct. 2, 1865. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. oct3—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Fulton County. rilWO months after date application will be made to tlie _I_ Honorable Court of Ordinary of said connty for leaY-e to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of David II. Wells, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. October 2d, 1865. L. C. WELLS, Atlm’r. Printer’s fee $6. oct-3—Yv2m GEORGIA, Fulton County. TAMES E. GULLATT having in proper form applied *1 to me for letters of administration npon the estate of William Barnes, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish aii and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at niy office, ou or before the first Monday in November next, and show canse, if any exists, why let ters should not lie granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, tins 28th September, 1805. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, ocl—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Fulton County-. A LEXANDER M. WALLACE having in proper form J\ appiied to me for letters of administration on the estate or William Wallace, late of Blount county, Ten nessee, deceased, Yvho died leaving property in this coun ty— These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditor’s of said deceased ,to lie and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in No vember next, and show cause, if any exists, why letters of administration should not be granted the applicant so far as regards the estate of said deceased in this State and connty. Given under mv hand and official signature this 28th September, 1S65. " DANIEL PITTMAN, ocl—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton County. fTIWO MONTHS after date application will be made to _I_ the honorable court of Ordinary said connty, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Thomas McShef- frey and John J. McShcffrey, Conors, for the benefit of said minors. September 28, 1865. G. R. WALTON, Guardian, ocl—60il ' [Printer’s fee $6.] GEORGIA, Fulton County. TT J. SPRAYBERRY having applied to me for letters XI* of administration on the estate of Albert Spone- gal, deceased, who died intestate, owning real estate in said county— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be and anpear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, and show cause, if any exists, why let ters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 28th September, 1865. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, ocl—30d [Printer's fee $3.] GEORGIA, Fulton County - . T OYD COURSEY having applied to me for letters of Xti administration upon the estate of William C’oursey, late of said connty, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my oflice, on or before the first Monday in No vember next, and shoYv canse, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 28th September, 1865. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, ocl—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Fulton County. IVtGTICE.—Two months after date application will be made to the honorable Conrt of Ordinary to sell the land belonging to the estate of C. H. Wallace! deceased, for the benefit oi the heirs and creditors of the said de ceased. Atlanta, September 29th, 1665. JOHN R. WALLACE, Adm’r. octl—2m [D.r.] [Printer’s fee $6.] GEORGIA, Fulton County. 4 PPLICATION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, Georgia, at the firet regular term after the expiration of two months from the first publica tion of this notice, for leave to sell the real estate belong ing to the estate of Michael Myers, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. September 16th, 1865. JOHN LYNCH. Administrator. eep2D—2m [Printer’s fee $6,] GEORGIA, Fulton County. rjlWO MONTHS after date application will be made to X. the honorable Court of Ordinary of said connty, for leave-to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of John L. EvinE, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor*. October 4,1665. J. R. EVTNS. Adm r. oco—2m Printer’s fee $‘i. Notice to Debtor* aud Creditor*. fS EORGIA, FULTON COUNTY.—Ail persons indebt- V*" ed to the estate of John L. Evins, late of said coon tv, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, properly proven. October 4, 1865. J. Ii. EVTN8_Adm’ r. oco—40d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Fulton County. N OTICE is hereby given in terms of the law, tliat on the expiration of three months I shali apply to the Inferior Court of the Co-ntv of Fultou for an order cliangiug the surname of myself, ami the members of niy faniifv. From that of iAzarus to Idromlon. oo4—3m GEKSHON LAZARUS. GEORGIA, Fulton County. M rs. M. J. JOHNSON having applied to me for letters of administration de bonis mm upon the estate of Allen E. Johnson, formerly of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite ami admonish all aud singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be aud appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in No vember next, and show cause, if any exists, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under ray hand and sea! of office, this 3utn SepteiDls r. 1S65. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, ocl—30d Printer’s fee *'!. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A LL persous iudebted to the estate of Charles Savage, late of said county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment: and all persons having demands against said estate are notified to present them to the un dersigned property proven. ' MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD, Adm’r. septfi—tOd [Printer’s fee £3.*| GEORGIA, WlIITFIKLll I’Ol'tsTY. M ARY KEDWINE having applied Io me for letters of administration on the estate of Wm. T. Itcdwine, late of said county, del eased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my offic e within tlie time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of adminis tration on tlie estate of said deceased, should not issue to said applicant. Given under ray hand and official signa ture. this 25th ilav of September, 1865. ). IV FREEMAN, Ordinary. oc8-39il Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, W niTt'iFLit county . M ARTIN 1*. BERRY having applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of John Broaderick, late of said connty, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar Ihe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be anil appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, ana show caiise, if any they can, why letters of adminis tration on the estate of sa'ul deceased, should not issue to said applicant. September 27,1865. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordiuarv. octl—30d [Printer's fee $3.] GEORGIA, Whitfield County. A INESWORTH K. BLUNT haring applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Benjamin C. Morse, late of the State of Michigan, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kiudreil aud creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, withiu the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of adminis tration on the estate of said deceased, should not issne to said applicant. SeptenVberJrtjriRtS. octl—30d liner si, iaa. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary. [Printer’s fee $3. ] GEORGIA, Whitfield County-. J AMES M. ALTOM having applied to me for letters of guardianship of tlie person and property of Jesse F Altom, minor sou of George W. Altom, deceased— These a*e therefore to require all persons concerned to be and appear at. my office, on or before tlie first Moudav in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of guardianship should not he granted the appli cant. September 25, 1865. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary, octl—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Whitfield County. M ARY KEDWINE having applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Wm. T. Kedwine, late of said county, deceased: These are. therefore to cite and admonish all and single lar, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show eanse, if any they have, why letters of adminis tration on the estate of said deceased should not issne to said applicant. September 25th, 1865. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary, octl—30d [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Newton County : A GREEABLY to the last will anil testament of Sames Read, deceased, late of Newton county, will be sold before the court house door in Covington, Newton coun ty, on the first Tuesday in December next, the lands be longing to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: Lot No. 118, containing 202)6 acres; part of lot No, 116, contain ing IOIJi acres; part of lot No. 108, containing 100 acres ; part of lot No. 101, containing 50 acres; part of lot No. 79, containing 20 acres: and 75 acres, part of lot No. not known, all lying in the 10th district of oririnally Henry, now Newton county. Terms on tlie dav of sale. WM, T. READ, Executor. [Printer’s fee 50 cents per square for each insertion.] sep27—2m [w.d.l,] W ILL be sold before the court, house door in Coving ton, Newton county, agreeable to an order of the Conrt of Ordinary of said county, on the first Tuesday in November next, one hundred aud twenty-five acres of land iu the 10th district of originally Henrv, now Newton county. Sold as the property of James McCollnm, late of said connty, deceased, it being the widow’s dower in the real estate of said Janies McCollum, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on day of sale. September 18th, 1S65. Joseph McCollum, [ A , , ra ,TNO. W. McCOLLUM, 1 Aam [Printer’s fee 50 cents per square for each insertion.] ~* "' [W.D.L. J sep20—40d GEORGIA, Newton County. W HEREAS, Newton Anderson applies for letters of administration upon the estate of John White, deceased, late of Newton county— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not he granted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of October, 1865. W. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary. oc4—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Newton County. W HEREAS, James Cook applies for letters of admin istration, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Silas M. Johnson, deceased, late of Newton connty— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of October, 1865. W. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary, oc4—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Newton County : T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Newton connty for leave to sell the real estate of Benjamin Darnell, deceased, late of said connty. O. S. PROPHITT, Adm’r. sep23—2in [w.d.l,] [Printer’s fee $6.] GEORGIA, DeKalb County. A PPLICATION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb conntv, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration or two months from this notice, for leave to sell the real estate of Renley N. Morris, consist ing of the east half of lot No. 42. Also lots No 43 and 44 in'the 16th district of DeKalb county, Georgia, belonging to the estate of said Renley N. Morris, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Octo ber 2d, 1865. ANN MORRIS, Adm’x, THOS. L. ROBERTSON, Adm’r. oc5—2m [.r.n.w.[ Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, DeKalb County: TO ALL WHOM IT MAY' CONCEHN. said county: Tiffs is to cite, all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of William McElroy to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and snow cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Tilly McElroy on William MeElroy’s estate.— Sept. 25th, 1865. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. sep27—30d [Priuaer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, DeKalb County : R ICHARD M. MORRIS having applied to be appoint ed guardian of the person and property of John W. Morris, a minor of Renley N. Morris, deceased, under fourteen years of age, resident of said county: This is to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held next af ter the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if any they can, why said Richard M. Morris should not be entrusted with the guar dianship of the person and property of John W. Morris. Witness my hand and official signature, this 25th of September, 1865. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. sep27—30d [Printer’s fee (3.] GEORGIA, DeKalb County. T WO months after date application will be made to tlie court of ordinary of DeKalb connty, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the real estate of Miss Nancy McCrory, late of said county, deceased, consisting of one house and lot in Decatur, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ANDREW McCRARY, Administrator. sep8-2in jJ B W) [Printer’s fee $3. | GEORGIA, DeKalb County. to all whom it may- concern. E NOS ADAMS having in proper form applied to ine for permanent letters oi administration on the es tate of Alphens Adams, la'e of said county: This is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of Alpheus Baker, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Enos Adams on Alpheus Adams’ estate. September 29th, 1865. J. B. WILSON, Ord’y. octl—30d [Printer’s fee ft}.] GEORGIA, DeKalb County. T WO months after date application will be made to the conrt of ordinary of DeKalb county, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration oi two months from this notice, for leave to sell the West half of lot of land number three himdred and fifty-two (352,) in the eigh teenth district of originally Henry, now DeKalb countv, Georgia, belonging to the estate of Virgil D. Power, late of said connty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. Sept. 19th, 1865. SAMUEL POWER, Administrator. sep21-2m (J B W)[Printer’s fee $6.1 GEORGIA, Dawson County. W HEREAS, Jeptha Talley, administrator of Marr Palmer, represents to the conrt, in bis petition duly filed anil entered on record, that he has fully admin istered Mary Palmer’s estate— This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his admin istration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in January, 1866. DANIEL FOWLER, Ordinarv. ang22—Gm[Printer’s fee *6.] GEORGIA, Fulton County. . COURT -or. ORDINARY OF SAID COUNTT, J OSEPH WILLIS, administrator of the estate of Wil lis Roberts, deceased, having represented to the Conrt. fp his petition duly-filed and recorded, that he lias fitUv adihihistered said estate: This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors of saiddece^geo, to show cause, if any ex ists, why said administrator should not be discharged from said administration, and receive letters of dismis- eion on the first Monday in March, 1S66. Given under my hand a*d oflfici»Hiignatnre this August 30th, 1865. DANIEL HTTMAN, Ord'y. [Printer’s fee $&] Notice to Debtors and Creditors. FN EORGIA, Dawson County :—Notice is herebv given VA to all persons having demands against Asa "'Talley, deceased, late of said county, to present them to me pro perly made out, within the time prescribed by law, go us to snow their character and amount; and all persons in debted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment. HENRY TALLEY, Administrator. eep27—30d[D.F.] [Printer’s fee $3.] GEORGIA, Dawson County : T WO months after date application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary of Dawson county, Georgia, at the first regular term alter the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the laud belonging to the estate of John Harbin, deceased, late of said conntv, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of deceased. SAMUEL HARBIN, Administrator. sep26—2m [D.F.] [Printer’s fee $6 ] GEORGIA, Haralson County; TO ALL WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN. W HEREAS, James M. Holcomb and George M. Hoi- comb apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Mrtin Holcomb, deceased, late of said county: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail aud singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, Yvithiu the time prescribed by law, and show cause, ii any they have, why letters of admin istration should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my hand at office, this September 1st, 1865. JAMES H. WILLIAMS!, sep24—30d . Ord’y. [Printer’s fee *3.| GEORGIA, Pike County. CJ-lXil’Y DAY? after date application Yviil be made to the © Court of Ordinary of Pike couuty for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of J. W. Townsend late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. H. BREWSTER, Adm’r. seplMkn [Printer’* fee $6.]