The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 05, 1799, Image 4

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G E O R G I A. By his Excellency J A I' 4 JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of die Army and Navy of tins State, and of the Militii (hereof. A PRO CL iMATIOy . WHEREAS the General Affembly of this Stale, pa fled an aft on the flxte nth day of February injlan\ entitled 11 an a r d “ t > compel all officers, civil and M military, to take and fahfcrile “ an oath to fupporl the. confutation 41 thereoff in the words following, to wit: Whereas, it is necefjary that all officers, civil and military, within I this State , fhould be hound to jup part an I maintain the confutation of the fame. Be it therefore enabled, that all and every officer, civil and mill 'P j , tary, holding any office under the authority of this State, Ay commif /ion or ether wife, /hall take and fuJhfcribe the following oath , before the clerk of the fuperior or inferior ■ courts, of the county in which he may re fide ; or it a fate officer, before his Excellency the Governor % for the time being, to wit: “LA. B. do fo'emny jwear, or a firm, (/7.s the cafe may be) that I will | hear true faith and allegiance, to the j State of Georgia; and to the ut- 1 mofl of my power and ability ,; cfjfcrve, conform to % fwpport and j defend the confutation thereof; without any rrfervation, nr equivo cation whatfoever , and the confu tation of the United States— we God.” " And be it further enabled, that all officers who are now in commi/fion , ciw7 or military , are/ 1 / yitf/i jlate officers as have been cle ft td by the General affemhly, at this prefent fi/fon, and have been day (qualified before his Excellency the Governor, /hall, within the term of fix months take and juhfcribe the afore [aid oath, in manner and form aforefaid , which /hall be made of record by the officer before whom it is taken ; and in ca/e of refu/al or neglect of any officer , his officeJhall he confidered null and void ; and his Excellency the Governor, is hereby authori/ed and required , to fill up finch vacancy , in the fame manner as x) it had been made by death, rcJig nation or removal from the difinft; and in cafe anyJhcriff clerk of the fuperior or inferior court, or any other officer having office or trujl under the auth or ity of this flats, /hall negleft or refufe to take the afore- j fvd oa f h, in manner and foim aforcfaid, within the term of fix months, their aft or afts as they ap- j pertain to the faid office, Jhall he confidered null and void.” I have therefore, though fit, to' [file this, my proclamation, notifying an ! requiring all officers , civil and military, within this flats, compre- I bended in the Jaid aft, io confirm thereto, by appearing before the pro per officer, and taking the faid oath, within the period thereby limited , as they wi I anfwcr the contrary at their peril. , Given under my hand, and { the Great Seal of the fad j State, at the State- lloufe,\ in LomfviUe, this eighteenth t day of February , one thou- . j.nd feven hundred and t ninety-nine , and in the . twenty-thirdyear of Arne -, man Independence. Signed, JAMES JACKSON . By the Governor , John Milton, Secretary . ! God Jave the State . Executive Department, Louijville, Feb. 20, 1790* ORDER f D, That a concur red Refolution of the 1 G h 1 of Febt wary infant, by the General | Afjembly , in the words following, to wit: " Refolved, by the Senate and Iloufe of Reprefentalives of the Slate of Georgia , that the Jufices j 0) the Inferior Courts of the fevc ral Counties, Jh all on the fir ft Mon da]' in April next, meet at the Court Iloufe, in their refpeftive Counties, and nominate two Jufices of the Peace, in each Captain s Difrift, 1 agreeably to the fifth feftion of the \ third article of the Con/litution, and certify and tranfmit the fame to Jus , FxcelL ncy the Governor be pub- ! lifted in the Louifville, Savannah | and Avgufa Gazelles, for the inf or- 1 ■ maiion of the Jufices cf the Life-. ! nor Courts for the fcveral Counties, I ! and cj all other perfons concerned , Taken from the Minutes , TJI, Thomas Johnson,. Secretary . Artifls of all Nations attend ! A Premium for Genius . Executive Department, Georgia, Louijville, Feb. 23, 1799. The A6f, entitled “ nn a£l far altering the Great Seal of the State of Georgia,’* palled the Bth day of February, 1799, being taken up and conlidcr ed ; it is ORDERED, That a premium of thirty dollars be given for the bef drawing of the device for the Great Seal of this State, in pur fiance cj the fecond feftion of the fid aft—the device being as Jo Hows, to wit: j On the one fide, a view of the fa fhorc, with a ftp bearing ike fag cf the United States, riding at anchor near a wharf\ receiving on board hogjheads of tobacco, and bales of cotton, emblematic of the exports oj this State—at a fmall dtfancc a boat landing from the in terior cf the State, with hogjheads, RjV. on board, reprefeniing her in ternal traffic —in the back part cj fhe fame fide , a man in the aft of ploughing, and at a fmall difance I aflock of fierp in different pofares, fiaded by a fourifhing tree—the motto on this tide agriculture and ! commerce , 1799 —that the ether\ fide contain three pillars , ftp porting \ an arch, with the word con/litution I engraven within the fame, cmhlc -1 malic of the con/litution, fupportedl by the three departments of the go-\ vernment, viz. thelegifuivc, judi-] cul and executive —thcjirjl pillar ! tc hm engraven on i's la ft wifdom , ! j the freond jnjhce, and the third mo - I deration ; cn the right of the lajl pilhr a man jl meting with a drawn ■ fwc Y d, reprefen ting the aid of the 'military , in defence of the confti tution —the met to State of Georgia, 1799” —Provded fuck drawing he lodged in the Executive Qjfi e t at Loufville , on or before the tuen ieth i/tfy 0/ ; the fize of the , 1 Jcal tiuo inches and one quarter in diameter; and it is further Ordered, that profofah le re ceived at the fame office , until the fold twentieth day of Aprils for formings making and engraving the fime, agreeably to fuck device and drawing , in a maflerly and workmanlike manner , on or he)ore the third day of July next. In nd and jeevrity to be given for the due performance of the work , within ’ the time limited , in the fm of two I thoufani dollars . The prcpofals will be fealed up, addref/cd to the executive, and markedp> opofals for forming , makiog and engraving the Great Seal of the State of Geer- 1 gia The drawings will alfo he fealed up, addrcjf 'ed in like manner, and marked drawings for the device of the Great Seal , and will be ex ! amined the twentieth oj April afore -, fid, | The cajh will he paid for the | ' drawing , the moment it is decided j on as the hefl dejign, end for the Seal immediately it is compleaied and delivered , if applied for. Taken from the Minutes , Jo//, Thom as Johnson, Sea etaiy, ‘TO BE sold, On TUESDAY, the sth March, At the Market Houfe , in Louisville, A TRACT of LAND, on the Louifvillc Koad, adjoining lands of Jofeph Chairs and Archibald Little, containing 10 Acres* Six months credit will be g.vcu, on giving app oved fernnty. Archibald Woods. February C. WANTED TO HIRE, Bv the IVeck or Month, A NEGRO WENCH, w'io can Cook, Waih and Iron ; for fuch a civ, generous Wages will be given. Enquire at this Office. January 2 2. 1 By Wm. 1 GEORGIA,/ Clerk oj the Court of J'Jfrson County, t Ordinary , for the j County of J jf ; rson. applied to the Inferior Court of the County of Jcffcrfon, for letters ef admimftration, on the Eftate of John Mur ray, laic of this County, dcceafed : rhefe are therefore to cite and admonifh all and lingular the Kindred and Creditors of the faid dcceafed, :o aopcar before the f id Court, or one cf the Judges thereof, on or before she eighteenth day of March next, to (hew caufe, if any they have, why Li ters of admnnftralion fhould not be gi anted me. Wm, M f Dowel!, clerk, February 26. f VVm MDow * 1 Jr-jfrfon County. I Rc^er *f \ W M. M‘Dowell, ( Probates oj thi \ s County ajor esaid, WHEREAS Mary Prince hath applied j t > me lor letters of tu miniftraiion on the eftat: cf Sylvam s Price, late of ; ! this county dcceafed ; thefe a c therefore I to cite and adinonifh all and fhgular the i 1 kin ired aid cicJ;tor; of the laid Syivanus | Prince, to appear before ire at my office, 1 jin L utlville, on or belo:s the twenty ( fecund day cf February next, ;o fhew | caul-*, it any they have, why letters of j I adminiltration fhould not be granted her. j Given under my hand, this 2tJ dav of January, 1797, a d in the 23d year rf tlic inoe cadence ol the UiuicU States 0* America, A / PROPOSALS F,r Pub fing, by Subfeription, a L'EVES. PAPER, entiled, tie LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. I. The LOUISFILLF. CJZETTF jh^ utility printed) on adr niy fze, (rf -when At ■, • u JptcimenJ ami dJive-td to Sy/f rib n /6 every due)day, and to diflant Stiff nh.rt Ly /, e mof tp e<ly onveyanct, 11. P>ice to Su f filers—three dollars j : „ annum, payable half ycat ly in advance 111. Advc tif extents infer ted on reafnablt te> m>. ) IV. Effays, Articles of Intelligence , a .j I Communications of an int refing nntu e, wil, b t thankfully received , and fir idly attended tj. To the PUBLIC. BT the advice of a number of refpePlalU gen* ilemrn of this town, the Editor fubmits the to the public eye. Pledges hlmfef tc adopt a i lnt of tondud, which bethinks cannot ja.lto fecure him the approbation of all—that he is determine I to aethert to the 11. ftclk impartiality. 7 1 LOUISVILLE GAZETTE fall ever l e c; J to oilparties—- influenced ly none. He will conf intly endeavor to prefent Jus reed, ers with the lakji and mcfl authenticated Fcrti >n and Domefiic Intelligence. It will be his parti. ' cular fudy to render it a ufe'ul and (ntertainiro p'p-'r. And hopes by his offiduity and ft id af ten! ion to lufnefs , to meet with the patronage of a generous pul He. The utrT'y of a paper, oaths pian propofed , mufl appear obvious to every cne. U'ith theft prof efforts, and a reliance on the inhabitants of Louijville, and the public in gene* ra I, he remains with due rejped, th'ir obedient servant, AMBROSE DAT* Louifville, January 22, 1799. |7to b e s o l d,~ /At the Market House , in Louisville, on t 7 HVRSDATT. the iGth of April n.x!, the f dlowing ESTRATS, to wit : SOWS and rre BARROW, JL red fancied, with feme black fpotj, marked with an under fqiarc in Ihe right ear, and fnlit and under keel in the le t ; i BALL I'.AGLE MARE, If years old, i2| ' hands high, branded on the thigh V ; hit head ol SHEEP, marked fwallow fork, and i;ndcr keel in each car ; a BLACK 1 Maߣ v 7 ye rs oM, 4 fe-t 7 inches high, | with a tell on j a DUN COW, white 'acc and belly, crop and hole in the right car, and u dcr Hope and hole in the left ; one B ACk COW and CALF, and one white COW and CALF, b anded DM ; and one HEIFER, branded RB ; one white STRrR, S; two SOWS and three BAR ROW S, marked with a fwallow fork in the r gilt nr, and half,moon in the left, Wrn. M* Dowell, clerk. Felr unry 26. For sTIk; ' A HOUSE and LOT, wilh a STORE adjoining, near the Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well of water. It has five fire place?, and is forty two by twenty feet, with a iHED twelve feet wide. ALSO, A two fiery HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good Ipring near the Houfc. Conditions, one half cafli • the remainder on a credit of fix months jofeph Chairs. February 19. The SUBSCRIBER E) EGS leav c to inform the Ci.izens of ) Louifville, and the neighborhood Adjacent, that he purpofes teaching a ybhool in Louifville, providing he meets kvi f h encoi ragement. \ His plan of teaching, with rcfprdl to rime, will be as follows ; that is, he will in winter, teach lix hours every day, with out ary inlcrmiflion. In lunnncr, he will teach eight hours every day, with one hours intc: million. He will confine him fclf to thirty fcht lars ; but privileged cccalionally, to take youths, who nmy with to learn fume Branches cf the Mathe matics- He will teach his Scholars, without dif tin :tion, fhould it be wifled, Reading, Wri ting, Aiuhmetic, Geometry, Trigono mciiy, Surveying ; the Theory of Navi gation, in ft?c cafes ; the ufc of the Glebes, tercnc a’d ccleftial ; Geography, E'emcntJ of Aftronomy, with an caly method of calculating the magnitudes and of the Heavenly bodies ; the Elements ft .Practical, Natural Phiiofophy, agreeable uoFergufon, with a number ot other life* fill Branches. And all tnis, for Twelve Dollar* per annum, or One Dollar per pionth. The School to commence as fcon as there is a fuiScicnt fu Tcription, and a hoofs provided. The Houle at the fcholars c»* pence. 1 he Subfcriber flatters himfelf. that he will give general fatisfaftion to thofe La dies cr Gentlemen who may favor him with tire tuiti >n of their Children, ns he hath fpem fomc jears of his youth in teaching fchool. ANDREW BURNS. Delightful tnfk to rear the tender plant , To teach the young idea how to foot , And pour the fre/h infiruchoit u1 (he mind* January 12. *