The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 02, 1799, Image 2

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..CJ i I/)Nl)ON T , December 19. Thedifpute between the (e -n.itc of Hamburgh, and the Bri- refident in that city, is faicl in have been terminated by the interference of the Hritifh rabi net, who have Pent over inflrue tions to their agent, not to infill on chaining Mapper Tandy, ]Jla-kwcll, and the other Irilh ,Tl-n in the military fcrvicc of France, 1 tely arrefted at that place. Blackwell ii Paid to be an officer of very high repute, and has ferved in fcveral cam paigns on the Rhine* KINGSTON, (Jam.) Feb. 16. His majeitv's (bio L* 1 W rc » rapt. Quinton, and brig Pelican, cant. Philpot, arrived at Port- Royal on VVednefday evening, from a cruife ; the latter con ducing a fh polacre, from H irce’ona, under Legunan co lon s, her prize. TV polacre 'eft Barcelona on the 27th /December. She Ihortly after fell in with Pome knglifti men of war, and was examined by them ; whence the captain learnt that a fquadron had been difnatchcd by lord St. Vincent | againft the Canaries! toe after wi v ds fell in with the find fqua dron, confiding of four fail of, the line and a (loop of war, full; of men. The captain of the | polacre inform*, that admiral j Nelfon had (ailed from Naples) for Leghorn, with a fleet of tranf ports under his convoy, having 28.000 itan troops on boa»d, which took poffcflion ol the city, to repd an atui k which it was fuppofed, the French me ditated ; aKo, »h«t tV king of Naples had poflelfcd hirnfeif of Rome, with a large fo ce; and chat the Gcnoefe had folicited protection from the Hritifh ad miral. March 5. We undeiftand that an Eng-, lilh fun d 011 of three fail of the line and five frigues has appear- I cd before the llavanmh, and taken a l uge 50 gun (hip laden with camocachy wood—it i.« I fuppofed the above fquadron is from Halifax. Wc are informed that the 1 Frcnchfiigate La Veflale,arrived about 1 4 days ago at Cape-Fran cois, from France, with dif patches; (he is now at Porc-au- Pnncc. It is mentioned, th it bv her, information has been received of three of the members of Ihe diredory h iving been put to death. Parras and Mer lin, aic the two furviving. N \SSAU, (n. p.) March 15. 1 E.vraft of a Utter j am Grand Caicos, dated the 2 d niji The French Republican commiflioncr, lately airived at St Domingo, has been called to the Cape by general Touflaint, and h is entered upon the duties < f 111 s ofli-’c. Tins fame (uppofc to be a po!i:icai manoeuvre gf rouffaintV> to carry more fc- 1 curdy his views into effe£l. 1 *< \ French frigate, with two ’ millions of livrcs in fpecie on hoard, after narrowly cfcaping being captured the Aquilon Hritifh frigate, is arrived at Cape Francois. « | hree Frenchmen arrived at Turk’s Ifland the other day, in an American (loop. They were (hipped olf from Cape Francois at a moment's notice, by Toflaint's fon in law, being , charged with holding corrcfpon dencc with Santhonax. Colonel Murray means to fend them off as foon as polliblc. A number of white perfons were arrefted at the Cape, and thrown into prifon, the evening before the American (loop failed. They wcic fufpedlcd of plotting the ovcithrow of the prefent eftab lifhed order of things, and fa vouring the Republic, « A French privateer of 6 guns and 45 men, captured of! üba, by the Lord Hawfkefbury Bermuda privateer, is arrived at Tuik's Ifland." BOSTON, February ij* Capt. Nafll, ift the brig Ha zard, of this port, armed with 8 carriage gun% on the 17th of December, off Bilboa bar, hav. ing a pilot on board, was attack-! ed by two French privateers, one | of 8 guns and 50 men, the other) of 2 guns, and 30 men, which he fought two hours and an and (rnally beat off—but two French luggers coming out of St. Anthony’s harbour, of 10 guns each, capt. N. was obliged to bear down to two Englifh luggers, to whom he gave 500 dollars to convoy him to Bilboa bar. Capt* N. had fix of his carriage guns difrnounted, by having block wheels. (J3r Wc hope this circumftancc will epe late aa a caution to thofc con cerned to fee that their gun car riages are mounted on diffident wheels. I . We learn, that the (hip Ac cepted Malon, capt. Delano, from Liverpool, bound to Bof ! ton, has been captured in lat. 47* long. 22. by a French pri vateer, and ordered for France. i This information we have from one of the crew, who was cap tured in the privateer, by a Bri tifh fiigate, and put afhorc at Lifboii. NEW-YORK, March 6. An attempt we underftand was made Ia(l week to burn the (hip Adams, of 32 guns, to be commanded by capt. Val. Mor ris, now building on Long Ifland, but like him whofe illuftrious | name it bears, it was found to ; be pi oof againlt the firebands of fa&ion. > March 9. Yc-fterday evening we were informed, that dilpatches had been received in town from Lif bm containing intelligence of a very important nature, We were aTiduous in fetching after the fa£ls, but could learn nothing upon which We could place re liance, tho' the probability of the events related, appear to merit countenance. In this form, and upon thefc general grbuhds, we relate what has been related to us: “ That the Spanidi fleet from Cadi*, had entered the port of Toulon, amounting to 19 fail of the line and 11, with feme fmall veffels. “ That an army of the French Republicans had entered the Spanifh territory, on the route for Poirugal. 41 1 hat a fevrre aftion had taken place in the neighborhood of Rome, between the armies of the confederate republics, and gen foubert, and the royal Nea politan army, in which th? latter I were defeated with the lofs of 15,000 men. “ That two French columns had palled from the department of Mont Blanc, into the Sarde nian dominions. . w That gen. Championet, with a Cifalpine army, and part of the Polilh legion of Dom broulky, had been ordered to 1 Tufeany, to i«fcuc that ft ite from the Eftglifh, # M Great alarms were manifell ed at Lifbon, for the lately of 1 Goa, in the £all-Indies, as that city is now the oniy depot for the liches of the Portuguefe in the Eaft, and the intrepor b:- tween Macon and Lilbon 4 * Aurora . PHILADELPHI March 8. An audacious attempt to rob the general poft-of&ce, w s dif covercd laft Thurfday nignr, about 11 o'clock by Mr, Bui rail, j albftant poft-mafter general, who apprehended a woman in the aft of taking money out of the. drawer. She rums out to be the wife of a porter to the depart ment of (late, who lived in the houfe. They were this morning brought for examination before the mayor ; and ftrong circum (lances of fufpicion appearing againft the husband, Francis M*Donald, he was committed along with his wife, to prifon. have a family of five or fix fmall children. BALTIMORE. March n-. On Monday night laft, two attempts were made to fet fire again to the borough of Norfolk. The mayor and aldermen arc ufi»g their bell endeavors to j bring the incendiaries to punilh ment, and have offered a reward of 500 dollars for their appre henfion. 1 CHARLESTON, March 21. Extraft of a letter from capt, George Burns, cj the letter of ?narque Jchooner Amazon , belong ng to this port, mounting eight guns,- and carrying twelve men , da:ed at Curracoa , Feb, 6. •* I am ve.y forry to inform you, on the 10th ot }»nu.ry, being ten leagues to the r t of Laguira, I unfortunately fell in with the Ficnch privates? Flower of the Sea, of eight gum and feventy men. They eng*, ged us, and we fought them five glades; then they hoifted the bloody flag, and the mod of my people at this time were wound, ed, Jefs or more ; and finding it impolffble to keep them off' any longer, was obliged to ftrike. The privateer had (even men killed, and nine wounded in the engagement. They carried us in here, landed the cargo, and (tripped the vcficl of every thing." Extraft of a Utter from Philadel phia, to a merchant in this cit y dated the jth of March, “ The enemies of America, i and the friends of war, it is faid, I afraid of a peace between France and America, arc inventing every (tratagem to prevent it. There is a report here, that they are forming, through hired or bribed plots in all the neutral places, which are to be fent to America, and to appear as French plots , to irritate the public mind and prevent negociation. This city is full of reports to that efFefl; I ant told Tome publica tion is to take place on this Tub* jea." Savannah, March 29, Oft Sunday evening arrived here bom Charlefton, Major General’Pinckney and Brigadier General Wafhington, accompa nied by major Rutledge. They were efrorted by capt. Gordon's troop of hoife from Mulberry Grove to a marque within fix mi es of town, where they par look of a repafl ; after which j they proceeded, and at the roads leading to Louifville and Au guftv were received with mili tary honors by the Chatham Rangers, commanded by capt. Young, who joined the efcort; at Springhill, capt. Robertfon's Artillery Company fired a fede ral falute on their frrft appearing in fight, and another after they pafled. On cnteiing the city, and palling along the Bav, there was a general difeharge of can non on boa;d the armed veflels in the haibor; and when they arrived at their lodgings the tillcry again fainted them with 16 guns, and the Rangers with three vollies of fmall arms. On Wednefday eveningabail was given at the filature, in honor of Major General Pinck ney & Brigadier General Walh ington. NOTICE.' ALL thi.fe indebted to the Eftat* of John Cxliioon, deccafed, ar* ff ‘ quelled 10 come forward and f«1 1 !U c ‘ A courts; eifo all tfiofe to whom the fa Eftaic i« anywife indebted, are rrque * to bring forward iheir Demands regular-; attefted, to receive payment H John Burton, adminifv&l^' *F:bru:iry IQ. SHE RIFF S' BLANK DEED'. 1 for Sale, a