The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 16, 1799, Image 3

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iktGrarJM, r .eo.i ft that yea wi.t feel ir'.rfii, tint by any tiling h ive[ 'jj [ mean no perianal attack the perfons alluded have had their 10 fU as it was. and acqait- Ij 1 * 'ai.J are n.v.v rcfponhl.le. to [ confidences, and their God 1 V; it was impoffible for me to the community, ‘v,'evils I have been comp.ain- ! fl : 0 f without joining the m ’> n ’of their exiftence; and I, became the more indifpcnfible ‘ j„ h after being Called in ' .(Uon, by the head of another Inartnientof the government; Ji if any perfons fhould have impleafant feelings m confe nuence, to that fource may they sferibe them. The Governor having thought proper in his addrefs to ufher in his favorite fubjea of the yazoo bufinefs, I cannot but take this occafion of faying, without re girding i-s merits, that it has been converted for too long a time into a popular hobby-horfe, riding down all decency, order, and propriety, and in fome in llances the a&ive reprobation of the Tale has been found diffident to fupply the abfence of virtue, patriotifm and talents, in cafes where they were effential. After all, itrannot but be known, that contcflcd queflions affeding citizens of different Rates, are ultimately to be fettled by the j calm enquiry and independent j decdon of the fupreme judicial j authority of the United States. | I am alio juflilied by the lan guage and fpirit of the addrefs. to add, that in ray opinion he has by his inflamatory writing,: fpeaking and intrigue, done ma terial injury to the Rate— them he has excited pernicious animofities between the citizens, and produced a ferment in the government—thereby driving from its refpeftable offices the men who were bell qualified ; and, dilorder, crime, and im punity have been the effects. This dading theme he ftill piques in his addrefs; but it is time formy countryman to open their eyes upon thefe ruin ous ; to harmonize eac h other, and improve our excellent country ; to fettle the government from that "" upon which it has too moved, to principles of 1 juiiice and lound policy. Whl include, gentlemen, jv rec l Ue ffing you fumly to whi Iff upon this L*“ > fr not buffer ray mind i u ; T^ ed b y paffion, or in i.Uf ,V P art y or political jt t’w ‘ U^nddl 'P s P r enmities, J. :t t 0e «c u te the law in ■r- ,!; q iC Uatc > and t 0 tender 10 bumble and he fri-nd . Tf 1 and tlle P oor . tderedVr UIS f oe * are con iaties V*' indifpcnfible ■■•'eh ‘ 1 wi« difeharge ' .viteS, and fidelit 7 * and I ■ whi-S JU | ne P° '"V aiuftance, ■“J u-,vj will recover their efficient force; order, h»A ,rnony and jufticc will be reffor- Jed ; and the names of lynch anti-lynch, yazoo & anti-yazoo, will be no longer heard of. GEORGE WALTON. Publifhed by order of Court , Extra 6l from the Minutes, Wm. M‘Dowell, Clerk, j Loui/ville , April 11, 1799 TRENTON, March 25. On Friday left arrived in tbia city, a large detachment of federal troops un der the command cf capta a Henry, being nn their way towards Northamp ton (Penn ) to aid in fupprelling the infurreftioo. They were partly from New Bruoiwick, but principally from the fortifications at Nt«r York. Od Saturday morning they proceeded to Newtown, where they are to remain in readioefs, until further orders. NEW-YOIIK, March 28. Ycfterday an hermaphrodite brig, on her way through Hell Gale to this city, (truck on the rocks, overfcl, and funk- Wc do not learn her name, but under*- (land that 8 of the people perifhed. Cap:, Sells, of the (loop Maria, in 16 days from Sr, Kill’s, latl from Sr. Thomas, arrived lail evening. He failed under convoy of the United States brig Norfolk, capt. Williams, in company of 14 fail of American veiTeia. One of the officers of the Norfolk informed cap;. S. that a few days before they b«d an engagement with a French priva eer of 14 guns, from St. Martin’s, in which they (hot away her main top' mad, and killed 8 men, when (lie (truck to the Norfolk ; but that captain Wil liams had not courage to board her . A reprUentation of this fad being made j to capr. Truxtoa, induced him to order , c*pt. Williams home, that an inveftiga* j lion of hia conduit might take place. : The privateer put into i>t. Martin’s, j Aa myilcrious as the above may ap pear—roming from as officer of the Norfolk, it mult, wc think, be true. i PHILADELPHIA, March 22. j We can from unqueflionable authority fay, that the frrft and fecond troops of Philadelphia cavalry, with the troop of volun teer Greens, are ready to march agreeably to orders* The difagreeable (late of the weather prevented the intended parade of the City Cavalry, as advertised for this day, which will take place on Monday next, at two o'clock. March 26. OFFICIAL LETTERS. Extract oj a IdlerJrom lieutenant Byrne , oj the cutter General Greene, dated off the JJiand of Cuba, March 9, 1799. <c On the sth inftant, at one, A. m. v/e fell in with and cap tured the fchooner Porpoife, pierced for twelve guns, had one brafs nine-pounder and 26 men, loaded with provifions, from the Havannah, and bound to Capo*Francois—fhe fails very! fall. Capt. Decatur took all the. men out of her, and we have, manned her between us. Thei Governor fay was not in fight I when we captured her. We arc t convoy ing another fleet of twen- j ty fail, bound to different ports* in the United States, but none; lb Philadelphia. We fend thei prifoners home by the fleet. There are two cruifers ready to come out of the Havannah, v w e hope we may fall in with them.” ExtraH if a letter from capt: Ste phen Decatur , to the fecretary oj the navv, dated “ On board the Delaware* off the Moro-Caflte, March 5, 1799. “ embrace the earlieft op ' poitunity to inform you, that lall night, about twelve o’clock, we law a fail {landing atho’t us; after giving her four guns, fhe hove too, and proved to be the privateer Marfouin, commillion edout of Cape-Francois, which has expired feveral months. She mounts by her commi(fion one brafs nine-pounder in her hatch way, ten fwivels, ten muftcets, tnirty cutlaftes, bound from the Havannah to Cape Francois, with a load of beef and poik, as I underhand. She was com manded by capt. Mermand. Hon, D • Stoddert ” BALTIMORE, March 15. A letter from on board the Baltimore floop of war, dated the 3d inftant, mentions, that the fhip had been reftored to order, and was weighing anchor to proceed on a cruife, of per haps three or four months, un der the command of the fir ft lieutenant, capt. Speak. Monfieur Buneil, we under hand, by a letter from himfelf, has taken his paffage, in com pany with Dr. Stevens, fpccial agent of the United States, and Mr. Meyer, former conful of that place, in order to return £0 the Cape. We further learn, that as foon as general Touffaiht prohibits the privateers of the illand from committing further depredations on our commerce, the veffels of the United States, will be again permitted to carry on trade with St. Domingo. T II E ■ LEARNED PIG WI L L be exhibited in Wafbingron, Wilkes County, from the 14th to the 2 1 ft; of May, Thofe Perfons who wifh to behold die furpriz ing ftigacity of this creature, may then have an opportunity of gratifying /heir curiofity. The price of admittance is Half a Dollar for grown perfons, and half price for children. April 16. *—— ißy Wm. M Dow ell, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of the County of Jefferson . rWJ HEREAS Martha Yeaton hath j V V applied to me for letters difinif-f ! f-ry on the Eliate of Thomas Alexander, I J late of this County, deceafed : thei'e arc j | therefore to cite and admorifh all and j I fiogulnr the Kindred ami Creditors of the . ! faid deceafed, 10 be and appear at my Office, Ln or before the jBth day of April [next, ro flicw caufc, if any they can, wly letters dil’miffary ihould not be granted her. Given under my hand, this r3th clay of * March, 1799, aud in tfie twenty- < third Anicucau ladfi,- ] pccdtnCf*.’ WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY. A NEGRO WENCH, f r For which the Cafh will be paid. For further particulars, enquire ad this Office. April i£. R E M 0 V £ D. LUCKY ESCAPE WyX cover this Seafon, at the (table ot George WiUon’s, feven mile* below Louifvillc, in the County of Jcfler fon. That beautiful full-blooded Arabian Horle LUCK\ ESCAPE, lately brought from New-York. He will cover on the following terms, viz. Si* Dollars each, the Seafon ending the lait of June. Lucky 1 Lfcapc 1$ a beautilul dark bay, rifiog five years old, nearly fifteen hands »rd an half high ; he is very tractable, and will with out doubt produce at good (luck as any lurf Horfc ever imported. J. Reeves, April 16. Z. LAMAR, HAS FOR SALE, Adiis STORE, Marked Square^ Cheap for CaJ7j t LONDON Duffil Blanket* White, Hiue and Giccn Plain! White and Red Flannels Rath Coalings Superfine Broad Cloth* Second do. do. Black Buff and Grey Cafllmere* Falhinnable Swandown and Cafilmcre Vcfl Shapes Marfeillci, Jeans and Jcanct do. Clouded and Silk Nankeens Royal Ribbi and Denimmi V elveretj, Corduroys and Thickfct* Hlack, Blue and Pink Durants Calicoes and Chintzes Tainbotcd, fprigged, ftriped and plaifj Jaconet and Book Muflin Muffin Sliawls and Handkerchief* Book and Jaconet Cravats and Cotton Cambrick* Black Silk Handkerchief* Ribbons nnd Ferretings Sewing Siik and Twift Mens Dear Skin Gloves Irifh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheetings Oznaburgs Mens, Womens and Youths Cotton and Worded Hofe Mens, Womens nnd Youths Shoe* Ladies Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens coarfe and fine Hat* Bibles, Teftament* and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoners Dictionaries, and a variety of finall HH!a« ries Ink Powder, and beft Dutch Quifl* Violins Looking Glafic* Ivory Combs Razors and Cafe* Giit and Plated Button* Large and (mall do. Pen Knives Knives and Fork* Tab!c Spcons Trunk and Chefl Lock* Saddle and Bridle Buckles Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bits Shoe Knives, Ta hs. Awl Blade! Pincers ar.d Gimblct* Cotton Cards, No, 10 Jamaica and VV cft-India Rum Cogniac and Peach I'randy Tcncriffe and Malaga Wine* Holland Gin Bohca Tea Sugar Peeper and Spice Biimftone and Copperas 4 ). 6d» BJ. and 10 1. Nails Kcfi Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot aflbrtcd ALSO, An Afiortment of PATENT MEDICINE and QUEENS-WARE, together wiih a variety of other articles, too numerous to infert. April 16, SHERIFFS’ BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE , For Sale , at the Office of the Lou* i/villc Gazette, April 2,