The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 23, 1799, Image 3

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r rooms aru* tne rattle. Several J !j ‘! , re fo alarmed as to P :: ‘f; h e,r bed*. It* centum- Jas but for a very fesv fc coo^ s * . e WANNAH. nnSaturday laft arrived in , it . from 7 Charlefton, the f Oliver EttswoßTH. S lunice Of *• United P . The fame day arnved S tstt '’ Hetty, capt; Keen, in whom * the hon. Jofiah ?3u« “> louisvill E, TUESDAY, dp nl 2 3> 1 799- Jfit following is taken from Akx % McMillans Augujla CcntineL NOTE. When Judge Walton’s Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of JefFerfon was de ivered, general fatisfa&ion was apparent both in the Grand lurv and the audience; and vhen they had got to their room, twaspropofed, andnotobje&ed o, that there (hould be no party )refentments; or any thing am ended to but the county bufi iefs. But, on the night of the fe ;ond day of the court, a partial; netting was held, without the | irefcnce, knowledge,* or fandlion f the foreman fitter feveral in ividua\ interviews with the Go -ernor, at which the concluding jaragraph of the prefentment, vas agreed upon. On the third day all was hufh, tnd the non-attendants, at the >nvate meeting, fuppofed that he firft underftanding yet ex iled. In the evening, when the punty.bu Griefs, was gone thro*, nd the court ready to adjourn, hat paragraph was moved and ccopded; and a fufficient num* )er appeared prepared, andiofe nus fupport: but the foreman, n , on *; of^ er grand juror, refu- Et 0 ign it; and feveral, who 'ere oppofed, fubferibed it as “ e °f the majority. T L he futures of the child mi- the defeent,” And if this - ee mg is not interference f P lrt )’> rhe mind is incapable 1 comprehending what is. artin.i n ° Wledge of the above derived from the SranJ? tlon ° f fevcral ®f if c [„ , l U| s’> after they were ‘arnel* 4, 7 the court ad fbouiSe r ° mthenOlOriet y J Aii that an attack the judicial de ’ the cirr • he corn mencemcnt llWin^prefent apPCarS b J the ' the Gran7 nt > offered ttrejefted d of Burke, | ,e «ral rerpSaM thC °f ‘ nion I a d >ftor*ed i, ab j S enden *en, the Governor has the liibdeft aifurancc to pretend that the judicial is attacking the execu tive department; NO TICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Inform their Friends and the Public, that they have received by the way of Au gufta, a FRESH Aflbrtrncnt of MEDICINE* Suitable to the Practice; and allure them, that the ftriftert. attention will be paid to all Orders, fcc« Apiil 23. N o t i c i! ALL Perfons are hereby forwarred from trading for either of Two NOTES of HAND, given by the Subfcriber, to Mathias Dolton ; one for One Hundred and Ft rty Dullan, and the other f r One Huh dred and Thirty Dollars, as the condi’.ior for which 1 give the faid Notes for, has failed. I fade Rawls. April 18. Notice is hereby given* TO the Citizens of Louifville, end they adjacent vitini ies, that the Suufcriber will open Scho» 1 on MONdAt, the 29th inttanr, in the Hcufe formerly oc cupied by Mr. M*Murray : vh:re he wil’ teach the Englilh Tongue, agreeable to Dr. Louth's Eflay, aid the renowned Mr. Sheridan's Rhetorical Grammar. Alf>, Writing, Arithmetic, and Book Keeping, Geometry and Navigation, with man) other ulcful Parts ot the Mathematics*, as alfo of Aftronomy, 6cc. Terms, One Dollar per monflt, or Tei. Dollars per annum. H>urs in fummer, ten, two imermiliion ; winter, eight, ene iniermiffion, William M'Kain. April 13. By Wm. M Dow- GEORGIA,/ ELL, Clerk of the Jeffcnon County. v Court of Ordinary Wm. M‘Dowell ( of the County of ) J fir tom. WHEREAS Mary Summerlin hath applied to me tor letters of admi nittration on the Eftatc ofOw£n Summerlin, late of this County, deceafed : thefe are therefore to cite and adrnonifli all and lingular the kindred and Cieditorsof the faid deceafed, to be and appear at my Office, on of before the 18:h ddy of May near, to fhew caufe, if any they can, why letters of adminiftralion fhould not be granted hcf. Given under my hand, this ißrhday of April, x 7<)9* and in the twenty third y«ar of the American Inde pendence. TO BE SOL D, Cheap for Cafh or , SEVEN Hundred and ninety-two Acres of Oak and Hickory LAND, third quality, lying on the Eight Stile Branch, on the new road leading from Louifville to Savannah ; thirty Acres of the faid Lind is cleared, and under good Tehee. For fur ther particulars, enquire at this Office, or of the Subicribcr. Arthur Claik. April jjf. WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY, A NEGRO WENCH, For which the Cafh will be paid . For further particulars, enquire at this Office • April 23. * WANTED TO HIRE, JBv the Month or lTear 9 A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at this Office* January 3r. NOTICE. ALL thofe indebted to the filiate of John Ca trtooN, deceafed, are re- j quelled to come forward and fettle their Account* 5 alfo all thofe 10 whom the faid filiate is anywife indebted, are reqnelled to bring forward their Demands regularly attefted, to receive payment of John Burton, adminiflrator. February 19. BLANK. DEEDS For Sale, at this Office, WALTER ROBINSON / Has received from Chtrleftcn, • Gene ral Aflbrtmenr of SPRING GOODS , Which he will fell low for Cafli, it his Store, ocir the Market, in the Red Houfc, where Mr. Jofeph Chairs formerly lived. IRISH LINENS, 3.4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting A handfbme iffortmcot of Calicoes Ozoaburgs Cotton and Thread Hofc, fine It coirfe Ladies and Childrens Morocco Shoes Ind Slippers Metis, Womens and Children! coarfe and fine Ha's Twilled, plain and colored Nankeens Marfeiljes & Mnflioet Waiftcoal Shapes Corded Dimities Silks and Silk Handkerchiefs Tambored, ffriped, fprigged, plain Ja conet and Book Maflia Muflio Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemen! fine Neck Handkerchiefs Velvet and Corduroy, twilled and plain Serving Silk and Twitt Ribbons and Tapes Ladies long and fliort Kid Gloves Mens Buckfltin and Beaver do. Writing Paper, fine and coarfc Durants of all colors Camblets Ccffee, Chocolate and Tea Sugar, white aod brown MoiafTes Copperas, Allum and Brimftone Rum, Brandy, Wine end Whiflcy Weeding Hoes and Grubbing do. Broad and Club Axes 4/I 6d. Bd. tod. and 2od. Nails Pa ent Medic oe and Glauber Salt! Pewter Plates and Porringers Spoons, large and (mill Frying Pans Spades Ch'fiels of all fizes piles of different kinds Knives and Forks Cutteau and Pen Knives Thimbles , Beads and Neck Laces Effcoce of Peppermint Wool and Cotton Cards, No. t, 9 & io Bed Ticking and Checks Guo Locks and Flints Pipes Glafa, 8 by to Pruffun Blue Spirits Turpentine London bottled Porter Ginghams White and colored Thread Horfc Whips Pins of all Gzes Ivory and Horu Hair Combs Humbums Gunpowder Lead and Shot Ink Powder Bridle Bits and Sadlery Shoemaker’s Tools Bibles and Tcftamrnfs Spelling Bocka and Primmers White Chapel Needles Looking GlafTea Shaving Boses, Razors and Cafes Sped! idea Cake Blacking Plated, Gilt and Common Buttons Coffee Milts Drawing Knives Hand Saws and Hammers Curry Combs Stock and Pad Locks Tin Ware of all kinds Earthen Ware Pepper, Allfpicc,, Cloves, Cinnamon and Ginger Decanters, Tumblers, Glaffesand Salt Sellers A fmall dock of Woollen Goods ALSO) Broad Cloths Caflimercs Swandowns Drabs and Coatings Duffii and Brittol Blankets, with a variety of other Articles, 100 tedious to mention. April 23. Artifls of all Nations attend i A Premum for Genius . Executive Department, Georgia, Louifvillc , Feb . 23, 1799. The Adi, entitled “ an adk for altering the Great Seal of the State of Georgia/* parted the Bth day of February, 1799, being taken up and confides ed ; it is ORDERED, That a prmium of thirty dollars be given for the heft dtawing of the device Jor the Great Seal of this State , in pur fuance of the fecond feftion of the laid aft—the device being as follows s to wit: * 1 On the one fide , a view of the jea Jhore, with a flip hearing the flag of the United States , riding at anchor near a wharf receiving on board hogfheads of tobacco , and hales of cotton , emblematic cf the exports oj this State—at a /malt diftance a boat landing from the in terior of the State , with hogfheads , Ufc. on board , reprefenting her in ternal traffic —in the back pari of the fame fide> a man in the aft of ploughing , and at a jmall diftance a flock of /keep in different poftures, Jhaded by a ficurifhing tree—the motto on this fide agriculture and commerce , 1799 —that the ether fide contain three pillars , [upporting an arch, with the word conftitution engraven within the fame emble malic of the confutation , fupported by the three departments of the go • vernment, viz. the legijlafive , judi* dal and executive—the fir ft pillar to have engraven ori its haft wi/dom , the fecond jufice f and the third mo deration ; on i/ie right of the loft pillar a man ftanding with a drawn [word, reprefenting the aid of the military , in defence of the confti tution—the motto State oj Georgia , 1799" —Provided fuck drawing be lodged in the Executive Office, at Loui/ville , on or before the twentieth day of April next; the fize of the feat two inches and one quarter in diameter; and it is further Ordered, that propofols he re ceived d the fame office , until the Jaid twentieth day of Aprils for forming , making and engraving the fame , agreeably to fuck device and drawing , in a maflerly and workmanlike manner , on or before the third day of July next. Bend and Jecurity to be given for the due performance of the work , within the time limited , in the fum of two thoufand dollars . The propofols will be fealed up, addreffed to the executive , and marked propofols for forming , making and engraving the Great Seal of the State of Geor gia. The drawings will al/o be fealed up , addreffed inhke manner , and marked drawings for the device of the Great Seal , and will be ex -1 amined the twentieth of April afort faid. The cafh will he paid for the drawing , the moment it is decided on as the heft defgn, and for the Seal immediately it is covipleatcd and delivered, if applied for. Taken from the Minutes , } Teft, Thomas Johnson, ’ Secretary .