The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 23, 1799, Image 4

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Mr. Day, The following Song was male by Mr. Dihdtn , of Covent Garden Theatre, and in my opinion ought to he ranked among the forma,! of Sea Songs. By inferting the fame in your gazette, you will oblige A Subscriber. SPANKING Jick was fa comely, Co clever and jolly, Tim 1 wind* blew guns Rill he d whittle «nd ling ; . Jack lov’d hi. friend, and was true to his Molly, And if honor gave greatnefi, was as great nt a king. _ . . One clay as we drove with two rtefs m the m.tin-fail, A feud came on low’ring upon a lee If ore ; Juk went m» aloft lor to hand the u>j> gallant-fail, A fpray wafhM him off, and we ne’er law him more. C H 0 R U S. But grieving'* a folly, Come let us be jolly, If there’* trouble at Tea boyi, Thcie’s pleafure on (lure. Bonny Ren was to each jolly raelTmate a brother, 11: wn* manly, rijit honcll, good natui J and free ; And If ever one tar was more fret than another, To hi friend and his duty that failor was he. One day as he went with the davy to heave the hedge anchor, R-n went in a boat on a bold craggy fhore * When he overboard tipp’t it, andalhaik and a fpanker, Soon nlpp’d him in two, and we ue’er law Jii.u more. CHORUS, But grieving’* a folly, Come let u* be jolly. If there’* trouble at fea bny», There’, pleafure cn Ihutr, Whittling Tom then with fun In the' middle. Thro’ liJc in all weather*, at random he’d j°fi ; HfM dance and he’d fing, and he’d play upon the fiddle, And fw’g with an air lilt allowance of grog. Along fide the Don in the terrible frigate, As yard arm and yard aim we lay oil the Ihore ; In and out whilking Tom did fo caper and jog if, That his head was Riot o(T, and «c ne’er favy him more. CHORDS. Rut grieving’, a folly, C ime let u* be j lly, If there 1 * trouble at fea boy., Theie’s pleafure on Ihore. Rut what of it all lads, fhould we be down hearted, Suppofc then we were to drink the lafl . . , l ip * Ltfc i cable mud one day or other be parted, And demb in fafe moorings will bring ui all up. Rut *tis always the way on’t we can fcarce find n brother, “That’s a pitch honcll hearted, and true to the core ; Rut by bar tic or florin, or fome damn’d thing or oilier, Uc’i popp’d of! the hook., and we ne’er fee him more. CHORUS. Rut grieving’, a folly, Come let u* be j lly, It thfie’i trouble at fea bays, J hire's pleafure on Ihore. ■ -■ ——s^jSSss—■* From the Carolina Gazette, IMPROMPTU, Occafoned by the late libels on Pre fident Adayns • >VHFN Adams, faithful to his country’s If uft, Uc liatt, firm, inexorably juft, Furlues ihe genuine welfare of the nation, Her arm J neutrality, her jute fa /vat ion ; Correi*, wall eyes, that fcldom blench, books ()ui:e through Britifli deeds, and mirk’s the French ; I a.way’ll by threats, or councils not our own, 1 be tierce ,ire&o~y, or craftier throne ; Vfby do the curs of double fart ions bark, H 'WI in ihe light, and murmur in the dark ; Adam’s, ’tii plain ; proceeds, exult ! be glad J Stark blind is cue cur firucky and cnt gone mad. you know bell; for me, I’ll takerav oath, i \liak fait-water would b: good fur both I GEORGIA. j By his Excellency JAMES, JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . WHEREAS in and by in aft, entitled “ an aft, explanatory of that part of the Charter of the Uni verfity of Georgia, relative to the board of T'fitors ) and to empower the S(na‘ tus /. tcademicus , to decide on a proper place for the feat of that in^tiluc , .OQ, ,, pafled the fixth day of February, in the prefent year, one theufand feven hundred and ninety'-nine, it is enatled, “ that in virtue of their fcvcral offices, according to the true intent and meaning of the faid Charter ; the Governor, the Judges of the Superior Courts, the Prefident of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Houfe of UeprefcntatiTes, do and of right ought now to confiitute the board of vifitors, and a part of the Se nafus Academ'cus of the faid univer' fity.” And whereas* and hy 3 refoluticn of both braocheo of the IcgiHature, at their la 11 feflion, the Governor is au thorifed and empowered to iiiue his pro clamation, requiring the members of tue Scnatus Academicui of |he Uulveifiiy of the State of Georgia, to convene at Lounvillr, at the mod convenient ttme in his judgment, between the terms ot the Superior Courts, in the prclent year, to take under their confideralion, and adopt fuch nuafurcs as may belt promote the ohjeft of that inllitution. I HAVE THEREFORE thought fit to iffue this my Proclamation, re quiring the attendance, as well of the members of the faid hoard of vifitors, as of the members of the board of truf | tees of the faid univeifity, at the Stale Houfe, in Louifvil’e, on Tutfday, the fecond day of July neat, then and there to form the Status Academicut , and proceed on the important duties of the mftitution accordingly. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the faid S’ate, at the State Houfe. in LouUvillc, this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one 1 thoufand feven hundred and! ninety-nice, and in the twenty! third year ot American Inde pendence. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, Horatio Marbury, Deputy Sec’ry. God fuve the Stale. GEORGIA. By his Excellency J AM E S JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof, A PROCLAMATION. WI IE REAS the General AJfnnhly of this State, pa/Jed an all on Tie fixteenth day of February injlan\ entitled “ an all “ to compel all officers, civil and “ military, to take and fubferihe 14 an oath to /uppert the confutation “ thereof” in the words following, to wit: “ Whereas, it is necejfary that all officers, civil and military , within this State , fhould be hound to fup• port and maintain the confutation of the fame. “ Be it therefore enafted. that all and every officer, civil and mili tary, holding any office under the authority of this State, by commif fion or etherwife, /hall take and fubferihe the following oath, before the clerk of the fnpenor or inferior , courts, of the county in which he 1 ,w ( 7V re fide; or if a flale officer, ' before his Excellency the Governor, for the time being, to wit: “ LA. B. do folemnfy /wear, or affirm, (<25 the cafe may be) that I zvill hear true faith and allegiance, to the State of Georgia; and to the ut mofl of my power and ability, obferve, conform to, fupport and defend the conflitiUicn thereof; without any re foliation, cr equivc cation whatfoever, and the confu tation of the United Stales—So help me God." " And be it further enabled, that all officers who arc now in ' commiffion, civil or military, except juch fate officers as have been elect ed by the General offembly, at this prefentfeffon , and have teen duly qualified before his Excellency the Governor,f.half within the term of \ fix month, take and jubferibe the afore [aid oath, in manner and form aforefaid, which Jliall be made of record by the officer before whom it is token ; and in cafe of refufal or neglect of any officer, his office Jhall he confdered null and void ; and his Excellency the Governor, is hereby authorifei and required, to fill up fich vacancy, in the fame manner as if it had been made by death, re fig nation or removal from the. difnft; and in cafe any ficrijfi, clerk of the fuperior cr inferior court, or any other officer having office, or trujl under the authority of thisfate,fiall negleft or refufe to take the afore fdid oath, in manner and form aforefaid, within ths term of fix months, their aft or acts as they ap pertain to the faid office, Jhall be confdered null and void." I have therefore, thought fit, to iffue this, my proclamation , notifying and requiring all officers, civil and . military, within this fate , compre | hended in the faid aft, to conform thereto , by appearing before the pro per officer, and taking the faid oath, within the period thereby limited, as they will anfwer the contrary at their peril. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the [aid State, at the State-Houfe, in Louifville, this eighteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thmfand f even hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty third year cj American i Independence, JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor , John Milton,^ ecrclary \ God Javc the Slate. LEARNED ■ PIG ! WI L L be exhibited in ! Walhington, Wilkes'. County* from the 14th to /he j 2i(l of j\lay, Thole Perfons who wifh to behold /he furpriz ing fagaci ty of /his crea/ure, may ' /hen have an oppor/uni/y or 1 gra/ifying /heir curiofi/y. The price of admi/'ance is Half a Dollar for grown perfons, J and half price for children. April 16. PROPOSALS For Pub:ijbirtg 9 by Su,bfcripthn } a 2d£ PAPER, entitled, lit LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. /. The LOUISVILLE GAZETTE Jhdlh. neatly printed, on a demy fz;, (,f which thn is a Jjuamrnj and delivered to Su/friEn in / su , every Luefday, and to difan/ Su/fnhrs I* ,1. rnojl fp'tdy contynnt. 11. Price to SufferHers*—three dollars h tf annum, payable half yearly in advance. 111. Adverttfemcntj infer ted on rtafonablt ter hi t. JV. Fffayy Article, 0 f Intelligence , an j Communications of an intcrefling natwt, will fj thankfully received , andflnhly attended to. To the PUBLIC. BY the advice of a number of refpcfJalle n,n% tit men of this town, the Editor fubmits the above to the public eye. Pledges himfef to adopt a line o f conduti, which, be thinks cannot Jail to Jecure him the approbation of all—that he is determined to adhuc to the drifted impartiality yz LOUISVILLE GAZELLE fall ever'U cp ‘ n to all par ties—influenced by none, //:’ will confantly endeavor to prefent his read . en with the }atef and mef authenticated Foreint and Dorr file Intelligence. It will be his parti . 1 cu'ar Judy to render it a ufeful and entertain, eg paper, And hopes by his ajfduity andf ifl at . tuition to luftnefs, to meet with the patronage of a generous public. The uti/’fy of u paper , cnihg plan propofed , rnuf appear obvious to ea'ery one. hVith thefe prrofdjfons, and a reliance on the inhabitants of Louift ille, end the public in gene* ral , he remains with due refpetl, th ir obedient servant , AMBROSE DAY, Louifvillc , 'January 22, 1799. Z. LAMAR, HAS TOR SALE , At his STORE, Mai kef .Square Cheap for Cafiy The following Articles, viz. London Dudii Blanket* Whitt, Blue and Green Plains White and Red Flannel* Rath Coatings Superfine Broad Cloths Second do. do. Black Bull and Grey Cafiimcrct j Fafhionable Swandown and CaUlmerf Veft Shapes ' Marfeille 1, Jean* and Jcanet do, ; Clouded and Silk Nankeens Royal Ribb* and Denimm* Velverets, Corduroys and Tliickfetl Black, Blue and Pink Durants Calicoes and Chintzes Tamborcd, fprigged, ftriped and plain Jaconet and Book Muflin Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs Book and Jaconet Cravats nnd Cotton Cambricks Black Silk Handkerchief* Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing jjilk and Twid Mens Dear Skin Gloves Irifh Linen, 3-4 and 4.4 wide White and Brown Sheetings Oznaburgs Mens, Womens and Youths Cotton and Worded Hofe Mens, Womens and Youths Shoes Ladies Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens ccarfe and fine Haf« Hibles, Teftaments and Spelling Bocks Federal Ready Reckoners Dictionaries, and a variety of fmall ries Powder, and bed Dutch Quill* Violins Looking GlaTc* Ivory Combs Razors and Cafes Gilt and Plated Buttons Large and fmall do. Pen Knives Knives and Fork* Table Spoons I Trunk and Ched Locks Saddle and Bridle Buckles Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bit* Shoe Knives, Tacks, Awl Blade* Pincer* and Gimblet* Cotton Cardr, No. io Jamaica and Wed-iudia Runt Cogniac and Peach brandy Tcneriffc and Malaga Wines I Holland Gin I Bohea Tea I Sugar I Pepper and Spice I Brimdone and Copperas I 6d. Bd. and tod. Nails I Bed Rifle Gunpowder I Bar Lead and Shot allotted I also, ■ An Afinrrment of PATENT and QUEENS-W A RE, together with } H variety of other articles, 100 numerous ;J H inferr. V April 16. ■ SHERIFFS* I BLANK DEED f.i For Saky at this Ofcc. Apiil 2, I