The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 30, 1799, Image 3

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. r ttf3 r : the dead bodies ( ft'? °, , , k v capt. Brown ;, i f ne B riii(h regi™ enta,s > wlth a S watch in his fob. Fourteen [,n carnages were On the quar- Kr dtck. .. April**' The Fox, with the M.nerva r his port, failed from Portf ith on the s 'h of March Ivoved by two fngatcs and °o Hoops, along about ‘ oo fail of Britilh and American merchantmen. SAVANNAH, April 23. A general meeting of the commifiioners of this Bate, undei the aft of Congrefs. to provide for the valuation of lands and dwelling houfes. and the enu meration of (laves within the United States, took place in this city, on Saturday lad. We are informed, that the commiflioners will on Wednef day next, proceed to the appoint ment of a clerk. April 26. On Friday laft, the 19th of this month, Samuel Fowler, who had been conviaed during the fitting of the fapevior court in this county, for the murder of his wife, was fentenced for exe cution to-morrow. LOUISVI LLE, TUESDAY , April 3®, 1799, We hear there has been a dreadful fire in the town of Frc dcrickfourgh, Virginia, and that upwards of thirty houfes were burnt. The fleps taken by the Pre fident upon receiving advices of a peace between France and the empire, will, we are perfuaded, be further juflified by the recent ftatc of things, and promote a neutrality compatible with our true interefls and honor. Aurora . "William I* Miller, efq. has been formally received and acknowledged as the conful of t e United States of America, 7 th ' Bf itifh territories in In ®la i at Calcutta. Richard Derby, cfq. of a cm, is appointed a captain TT c ?J v y of the United States. 1.,! 1 " command the frigate buildln g at Salem. * ll P s k at Sr ref ° r the er vice of go are Wlll be launc hed, we the lnf! ed ‘ toWards the dofe of The >- Will t 0 b- call r l"V° guns * and are ■« ait '“ r bepartmint \jl > MR ~-Mai 0 r rJ V, * j Gen. Hamilton ■ being charged with the recruit ing fervice, you will hold your !felf in readinefs to obey fuch orders or inftruftions relative thereto, as may be tranfmitted to you dire&ly from him; The materials for the appoint ment of officers to be drawn from North-Carolina, Soutb- Carolina and Georgia, being yet incomplete, no final arrange ments can be made refpe&ing relative rank; it has therefore been thought advifeable to poft pone any partial iffue of com miffioners, until the officers from thofe dates (hall be appointed. Your pay and emoluments will commence from the date of your letter of acceptance; I have the honor to be, with much refpeft, your obedient fervant, James M'HenrV. LIBERTY of the PRESS. “ Curfd is the man, and void cf law and right, Unworrhy property, unworthy light ; Unfir lor public rule or private care, That wretch, that monftcr who delights in trat ; Whofe lull is murder, and whofe horrid joy, To tear his country and his kind deftro*.” Pope's HiaJ, “ Without freedom of tho’t there can be no fuch thing as wifdom ; and no fuch thing as public liberty without freedom of fpeech : which is the right of every man, as far as by it he does not hurt and controul the right of another ; and this is the only check which it ought to j fufFer, and the only bounds which it ought to know. I 44 Whoever would overturn the liberty of the nation, mud begin by fubduing the freedom of fpeech. j “To do publicmifchief with out hearing of it, is the prero gative and felicity of tyranny, j All miniders therefore, who ; were oppreffors, or intended to be oppreflbrs, have been loud ill their complaints againft the freedom of fpeech, and the li cenfe of the prefs; and always redrained or endeavored to re drain both. In confequence of this, they have brow beaten writers, punifhed them violently andagaind law, and burned their works. By all which they (hew ed how much truth alarmed them, and how much they were at enmity with truth. “ Freedom offpccch produces excellent writers, and encourages men of fine genius. Tacitus tells us, that the Roman com monwealth bred great and nu merous authors ; but when it was enflaved thofe great wits were no more ; tyranny had ufurped the place of equality, which is the foul of liberty, and dedroyed public courage; the minds of men, terrified by unjud power, degeneratecHnto all the vilenefs and methods of fervi tude : abjefl fycophancy and blind (übmiffion grew the only means of preferment, and indeed of fafety : men durft not open their mouths but to flatter. “ Pilny the younger obfcrres, that this dread of tyranny had fuch effe&, that the fenate, the great Roman fenate, became at laft ftupid and dumb. And in one of his epi flies, (peaking of the works of his uncle, he makes an apology for eight of them, as not written with the fame vigor : wliich was to be found in the ■ reft;; for that thefc eight were ; written in the reign of Nero , : when the fpirit of writing was - tramped by fear,” Catos Letters • £3“ Agreeable to Orders from : Brigadier General Morrifon, all Commijfioned OJftccrs % in the Coun [ ty of Jtffcrjon , with the Jirfl Ser . jeant and Adjutant, of each Com pany, are required to attend at Louifville , on THURSDAY, the twenty third day of May next ; hkewife ihe Companies to meet at the fame place on FRIDAY, the ?. 4 th of May , by ten o'clock in the forenoon, equipped as the law directs. All Commijfwned Officers are re quired to bring their Commiffims on the Ground; and thofe commanding Companies will come provided with exaft rolls of the number of each grade , enrolled under their refpec live commands, and there to he fab jtU to fuch evolutions as the Adju tant General may dire% . S. WOOD, Col. J. C. April 30. ■■■„ =3 WANTED TO HIRE, By the Month or 7“ear n A NEGRO MAN. /inquire at this Office. . j’nnuary 30. EBENEZAR JENCKES Ref/ieF.futly informs bis F> tends in fiat tmilar t and the public in general , that he has lately re * eeivei from Charlejlon. AN EXTENSIVE SUPPLY Of Dry Goods and Groceries, Which renders hi\prefent Affortment as complete as offered for salt here , and which he will sell lo~u for Cnjh or Produce ; the follow ng Ar ticles form part of hit Affortment : SUPERFINE Second and oilier Broad Cloths kerfeymeres and Swandown Elaftic Cloths and Caffimeres Negro Cloth and Flannels Green and Olive Veivereis Do. do. Corduroys A handfome Affortment of Muffim Six dozen of Muflin Handkerchiefs A handfome Affortment of Calicoes Four pieces of Curtain Calicoes Twelve pieces of Linen Six pieces of Humhnms Six pieces of afforted Durants Two pieces of Bath Coating Browa Holland Worftcd and Cotton Hofe Clouded and Striped Narkeenf Marfeilles, Dimity and Jean Waiffcoai Patterns Silk, Twift and Threads affj» ted Tape* and Ferrcttings A general affortment of Ribbons Ladies Kid fit in and Silk Gloves Worfted do. do. Four dozen of Mens Fine Stats Four dozen of Ladies Fine do. Six dozen of Mens Stockings Three dozen of Lactesdo, Three dozen of Ladies Bonnets Two dozen of Mens Cravat* Six groce of fmall Buttons Two dozen of large fine Mens Shoe* Three dozen of Ivory Comb* Three dozen of Blankets Four lbs, of colored Thread Four lbs. of fine do. Two dozen of Cotton Cards, of the befl i kind Fifty lbs. of Powder and Shot Saddle Tacks Snuff Knives and Forks Muflard Snuff Boxes Hair Powder and Playing CarJl Mens Saddles and Bridles ; Sugar, Coffee and Chocolate* ' January H, sHE R IF Ps SAL E. i On ihe FIRST TUESDAY in Jnnp neif, at die Court>Haule, in J ckfon County, will be fold, on the ufual hours. THE FOLLOWING TRACT of LAND, viz. FIVE hundred Acres of LAND, lying on Turkey Creek, whereon John Hendrick*, now live*: it being part of a Trart, containing tight thoufand Acre*, granted to John Hinfon. Taken hr cution a* the Property of Geo. M‘Falls, at the fuit of John Hinson. Conditions, Cafh. Charles Dougherty, s. j. c, April 30. SBy Wm. M Dow- ILL. CU,k 0/ the Court of Ordinary of the County of Jrffertoti, WHEREAS Mary Summerlin hath applied ro me for Utters of tdmi nntration on the Eftate of Owen Summerlin, late of this County, dcceafsd : thefe arc therefore to cite and admonilh all and lingular the Kindred and Creditors of the . laid deceafcd, to be and appear at my 1 Office, on or before the iBth day of May near, to Ihew caufe, if any they can, ) why letters of adminiftration Ihouldnot be g r anted her. , Given under my hand, this 18th day of Ajiril, 1799, and in the twenty » third year tf the American Indc* pcudencc. Z. LAMAR, HAS FOR SALE , A* his STORE, MatkcLSquare Cheap for Gaft, The following Articles, viz. London Duffii uinnvets White, Blue anti Green Plains Wkite and Red Flannels Bath Coatings Superfine Broadf Clothl Second do. do. Black Bull and Grey CarfUmeret Falhionabie Swandown and Cafllmcrc Veil Shapes Marfcilles, Jeant and Jeanct do. Clouded and Silk Nankeens Royal Ribbs and Dcnimmi Vclvereti, Corduroy* and Thickfctl Black, Blue and Pink Durants Calicoes and Chintzes Tamboied, fprigged, ftriptd and plain Jaconet and Book Muflin Mullin Shawls and Handkerchiefs Hook and Jaconet Cravats and Cotton Cambricks Black Silk Handkerchiefs Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing Silk and Twill Mens Dear Skin Gloves Irifh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheetings Oznaburgs Mens, Women* and Youtbf cStton and Worfted Hofe Mens, Women* and Youths Shoes Ladies Morocco Sandal* Men* and Womens coarfe and fine Haft Bible*, Teftament* and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoners Dictionaries, and a variety of fmall Hiflo« rie* Ink Powder, and beft Dutch Quills Violins Looking Clafles Ivory Combs Razor* and Cafes Gilt and Mated Buttons Large and fmall do. Pen Knives Knives and Forks Table Spoons Trunk and Cbifl Lock; • Saddle and Bridle Buckle; ! St irrnp Irons and Bridle Bits Shoe Knives, Tacks, Awl Blade! Pincers and Ginblcts Cotton Card*, No. 10 A* Jamaica and WefMndia Rnm Cogniac and Peach brandy . ’ Tenerife and Malaga Wines Holland Gin Bohea Tea Sugar Pepper and Spice Brimftonc and Copper?,; • 4H. 6d. Bd. and jod. Nails Bed Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot afibrtcJ ALSO, An Aflortment of PATENT MEDICINF and QJJEENS-WARE, together with a variety of other articles, too numerous to infert. /f April 16. / BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE, Fur Sale , et t"' : Office of the Lcih | if jilt* Gczette % April 2,