The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 07, 1799, Image 2

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1 ale Eurrp:ai Intelligence- CONSTANTINOPLE, Dtemper 94: Fonr bomb ketches have Juft fried for Co»fu. Two Ruffian fhi'7 n . of the line and a frigate, under the command of rear-ad. fniral Powtofkin, have failed to Join the combined fleet. Jen fhips of the line and fcvcral f»i are getting ready for Tea in tliis port, which are to be rein forced by eight Ruffian (hips of the line. They arc intended to rruife in the Mediterranean, where they arc to be joined by eight Englifh (hips. The com bined fleet will then confift of 26 fhips of the line, cxclufive of tranfpom, PETERSBURG]!, Dec. 28. The news of the march of his Neapolitan majefty into the Ro- 1 man territory has excited very ! agreeable fenfations here, and his majefty, the Emperor has fignified his determination of fuppomng that monarch with; his forces. In confcqucnce of this refoluf. ion a corps of 10,000 men is about to march with all poftiblc (peed, from the frontiers of Turkey into Dalmatia, in) order to be conveyed to Italy, There is no fubfidy to be paid for thefe troojxs, and his majefty fends them without any felicita tion whatever, from the foie im pulfc of his own gcierofity, VIENNA, January 1 2 . By a meffenger from Italy, we have received the official iu tehigence, that prince Frederick of Orange, commandant of the Auftrian army in Italy, died the 6th inftant, of a contagious fever ; and it is fuppofed that general Rcllcgrade is to fuccecd him in the command of the aimy. Notwithftanding the hopes entertained of the conclufion of peace, the preparations for war are continued in our dominion! with redoubled a&ivity, TURIN, January fit. V* r e have been informed of the arrival of our deputies at Paris, but aic llill ignorant of their million. Two opinions prevail here at pufent; the one fupports an union with the French Republic, the other dc (lares itlclf lor the abfolutc in dependence of Piedmont, or for i.s incorporation with Italy, w hich, it is thought, will con fiitute one great republic. COLOGN E, January 27. I his moment we receive the following letter from Coblentz,' dated the 25th January—“ The fortrefs of Ehrenbreitfteia has been at laft obliged to lunender through want of provilions, and the irnpoflibility of its being fuccourcd, k efterday the capi tuladon was figned, the whale i~ of which anot vet , * t known, but it if laid (Ji*t the parrifon is fo evacuate jt in thter 11 column*, the 27 li, cßr'i rnd * ?<)*h in (I ant, with all the honors { of war, and to deliver up their 0 7 r /* * *”1 aims; and farther, to promife J not to fcfve for one year againfl 1 France or her allies, nor to rnarcl! r to the interior of (Germany. Fo:p tranfporting the tick, and ihd f baggage, the ntceffary waggon j are ordered. In the Thai pan , ‘ ticularly (he mifery has cxceeda i all belief/* I R AST AD T r January 1 1. ( The Jong expeded rneflcngc { from V r icnna is a? lafl arrived— j the anfwer he brings is of th > following import: “ his Inipcria Majefty has perceived by th 4 1 report, that the French miniftcr ■ to the Oongiefs at Raftadthaw ] afkccl a queflion not at all rela { ting to the affairs of the Empire , concerning the march of the | I Kufiiau troops—his majefty ap- - ■ plauds the If rm and wife condufl of the deputation of the Empire on this p»int, and waits for the , ; representation to be made to the 1 diet, upon which lha final icfo- j lulion will follow T omorrow the deputation is., again to hold its fitting, and in cafe the French fliould 0:1 the receipt ot this anfwer not take any ftcpx, it will be confidcrcd as a favorable fign, and as a proof, that between Vienna and Baris negociations arc carried on. Private Utters from Vienna mention, that the Ruffian troops j now on the confines of Auftiia and Bohemia, are to flop till further orders; and that from Paris a final declaration was expelled on the lubjefl of Italy, on which war or peace will de pend. PARIS. January £7. On the 7th inftant, fix prin cipal leaders of the Brabancon inlurgcnts were fhot at Luxem burgh, purfuant to the fcntcnce of the military commiffion, January 28. ; One of the United lufhmcn arrefted with Napper Tandy at Hamburgh, cfcapcdthe vigilance of his guards, and is arrived a; Paris. W« learn by letters from Italy, that our ambafiaclor, Lacombe St, Michel, was carried oIF on board (he Englifh fquadron, Championet having enquired where it was fuppofed they in tended to convey him, was in formed that he was to be landed at Gunoa, January 3 1 . i .us directory has received' di I patches from Egypt, which t contain the mofl fatisfaflory in formation with lefpecl t# the fituation of the army, and tha commander in chief. N o traul- of moment h.d taken place hnee the infurreclLon ati Lairo. Buonaparte has con-! teuton himfeif with maintaining, the I reach &uthoiity in iliac* countiv, by a fevers difcipline/ hs a Vantages of which tie' vativcs wor« the (lift to feel and' acknowledge» The contdbu ions are paid with pun&ua’ity, snd the army is newly clothed. There ;ve very few lick, The report that general Berthier had returned to Europe, appears to hr unfounded. It is only cer tain that Lewis Buonaparte fcas landed in Corfica: This intel ligence is dated the iGth of No vember, A letter written from Milan to acoinmiflioner of the national treafury, fays, that the French troops entered Naples after a fanguinary victory gained under the walls of Capua. General KCv was killed, and general Chainpionct (lightly wounded. The Neapolitans, who were col lected on the mountains poured down upon the French in the plain. The (hock was dreadful; but what can withlland the re publican bayonets ? February t: Difputes have been revived with great aniinofity between the Bates and the duke of Wir temburgh. The Bates are fup poitcd by a very great majority of the inhabitants, and there are Itrong appearances of difeontent in that country. Eighteen hundred Neapolitan prifoners are about to be trans ferred to Dijon, February 3. General Jordan, in a difpatch, dated the 29th of January, in forms the directory, that on the j 27 th the troops of Treves, under i the command of colonel Faber, evacuated the fortrefs of Ehren hreitftein, which was taken pof fcflion of the fame day by the troops of the republic. Febrrary 5. It is Laid, that admiral Nclfon, on his anival at Palermo, col ie6led a great number of tranf porrs, with which he failed tow ards the Levant. His projeA mu ft be to take on board fome Ruin an and Turkifh troops, and ro cany them to the kingdom of Naples, toatl again ft the French. February 6. It is reported that Malta has received fupplies from the fqua dron which lately failed from Ancona. February 8. The triumphant entrance of our troops into the city of Na ples was announced by the frequent diftharges of artillery. It is reported that the Lazza roni made a vigorous refiftance, in which a great number of them were killed. It is alfo confident ly laid, that the houfes from which ihots had been difcliarged agaiuft the French, were let on lire. LONDON, February 12. We learn with ferious con jeern, that many perfons at Lif- | bon are fal'peGed of being fa- I von b e to trie French project of attaching the kingdom of Por iug d 4 and ievcral have in con fcquence been taken no. rn i committed to clofc cuflodv. Among ft thefe, we is count Zenobio, who was r ;rr ,’ time ago Cent out cf this country on account of his political r>rin ciplcS; By the latcft accounts received at Lifbon from the Mediterra nean, Malta was (lili in the nof leftion of the Ficneh. Fion the tempeftuous weather which had prevailed, the blockade of the ifland was not Id clofc as it would othervvife have been, and it was apprehended that the French would take advantage of the circumftance. to throw fuccours into the garrifpn, which would of courfc prctia£b its fur render. The Portuguese government Teemed determined to difpute every inch of their territory with the French, and we truft, that receiving, as they no doubt will, the moft efFential aid from the fleet and army of Britain, the French will at laft bind that in one quarter at lead their arms will prove equally unfucccfsful, February 18; It was yefterday reported that government meant to fend 200,000 Britifh troops to Por tugal, for the defence of that country, and that the Duke cf York was about to leave town for ronfmouth,to make arrange ments for their immediate cm , barkation. Herald * ! NEW-YORK, April 17. ( The Britifh packet, Way . mouth, in 63 days from Fab . mouth, and tht (hip Fair Ame ; rican, in 44 days from Pouf mouth. By the arrival of thefe two . vciJels we expedlcd to receive * * . late and interefiing information}. . as yet our hopes ai d not realized. . The Britifh packet left Falmouth : on the 12th of February, and 1 brings the mail of that month. It was not received at the pofl : office laft evening; 1 he Fair American left Portf mouth on the 4th of March. , Her letters were received at the poft-o'hce laft night, but were not delivered from thence, Englifh papers to the sth of February, (three days later than : our communications via Charlcf ton) are received here; but wc [ believe they do not contain an f : thing important. We have con* veiled with a gentleman, pafltr.- . ger in the Fair American, who ( informs, that nothing particular k had tranlpired previous to their . failing; with this exception, that 1 a convoy with 15,000 men failed [ from England, for Portugal, thi t day before the departure of im pair American ; and that 60,0c0 men of the French armv, ers 4 / moving towards that country; * we are in hopes to collaft feme ■ thing further on this fubjeft h* r • to-morrow's nublication. •. A «"1 # We undstftand that the W r i American has brought 100 to- 1 * 1 of euunen for government,