The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 07, 1799, Image 3

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, T . > : -';c r?r;-.i.: "A . ’ f ihe r.cop'c of the dv?) v ken on bond , tier, which cap. !; ' w % j, . h: -e fmee arrived at i 11 ;w'l. " Tbcpiivatcer after -1 *'/' v in with a vclfcl horn ' '* rl * f • S 1 * * /■* *1 t v whu!i was o iCak) jKkasfafiered to pafi. and and people Wong ;„-r(o the 1 ?cdo ‘ P UI oa Jvai^ **6 her. r»I T LAT)?.I PHIA, April 16. ■j. is f,i(l there is in town a jjllfr of a late date from a gen tleman of this city, at Gibraltar, n a tiDO’ tliat informationhoc her n , rceivtd there, of the French i , via- rot into Naples, anclmade general (laughter oc all the cobles, idigieulM, &c. April 18. Arrived this morning, sncl f ed a falute, the armed fhip I Connedicnt, capt. Hylandcr, I from London, and laft from the jlOeof Wight. I Verbal accounts by the Con- I ncclicut agree with thole rccciv- I cdihlsdayby the Fair American, I for which fee our New-York ■ head. The king of Pruflia had I declared him Til independent of ■die German empire. A fleet BronSllins: of 200 fail of tranf ■novts, with 15,000 troops had; Bailed horn Spit head on the 3 d ! B)f March, for Portugal, to a Bill ■/•is power in repelling the threat- ' Bned invafion bv the French.* BW:;m iiusin ? ivcry convoked ■late, and under martial law, in Bonlcquence of the propofed Bnion; the decifion of which Had been poftponed to a more Bavorable period. Nineteen Bails from Hamburgh were due B-lhe a (Pairs of the continent Beic of courfe unknown. IL 0 U I S V I L L E, I IiESDAT, May yj 1799, I ■ Wcunderftand that the device Bipioved of by the Governor, W ' | c Great of this Stare, H‘ hawu by Air. Sturges, the ■ at r , e >’ or general. The elegant drawing fent to the B;' CI * UVC department, was per- Charles Frazer, ■ vioaia-Carolina, and which ■ lure d would liavc ob mT' hZ Premmm had he not : '■^‘ 1 n ‘bhike placed all the ■By ' or 3 fiGc i ml cad of n a icvcife. 'I his voung . ■‘ LWCare Wormed is bat fix ■/ a,s . fc f a £ e —his genius is : m T ; Serves encourage : Br n ‘ Y .° ,:verai °thcr handfoine I ■ > ‘. u:rc ' s wer e fent to the 1 IV • I c. Gazette. V B> 1 p » * H*‘ ; t\ { V p t r Her of F' °V C ! ved ia your ■ . ‘ nf A *1 J ■’ H^tioa,.]- 3 f A ! )n! * are- V ai J otpfr °m the ■-'■-'ll v.|V nClj of the lBr -b .5 p ’ I.’, ' “] r ctnarks cm th e I ' 2i of Giand f i ~v.ry of jt fict ion County, Whichj contains matter derogatory of lruth ; as members of that fury j vve feel it our duty to make; known to the public the glaring falfehc-ods therein contained; and therefore requefl you to publilh the following obferva tions thereon. Fir ft, We fay that however apparent a general fatisfaftion 1 r O , r may have been to the writer of that note, on the delivery of the charge, we neither difeovered it in the countenances, or ever heard one approbatory fentcnce of it uttered either in or out of the Grand fury. Secondly , That it was propofed and not ohjc&d to, that there fhould be no party presentments, may be true; but to have entered into any fucli determination, would have been equally im proper and unneedfary ; the oath we had taken having pre feribed our limits.; and that the Grand Jury agreed to enter on none but County buhneG, is falfe, and would certainly have been contrary to our oaths. Thirdly . That any individual interview took place between the Governor, and any member whole name is hereunto fubferi bed (either previous to the mcet j ing or during the feflion of the ! court, on the fubjedf of the con cluding paragraph of our pre : fcntmentSj or any other fubjeft direFtly or indire£lly relating ( thereto) is a wiifull and malici ous falfehood. Fourthly , Notwithdandlng all the keen difeernment of the writer of that note, he has cer tainly miflaken the defeent, if not the features of the child , and that his mind is inciipab’e of comprehending what interfer ence and paity is, there can he no doubt, or he certainly muff have difeovered them in the Judge’s charge to that Jury, which however we obfhrvc his honor hat been careful to pub lilh only in part. The author of that illiberal note has prudently withheld hi.s name, and given us no other criterion by which we can judge of his merit, but from that per formance ; he mull therefore be too contemptible to enquire af ter, or Tome of us might feel ourfelves difpofed to nodee him in lorne other way as well as in a confutation of his falfehood. j We are further conflrained to j obferve to the public, that we , fhould have felt more injured by the remarks contained in that note, as well as by the Judge’s charge ; but from our obferving; a fimilarity in his charges (and j x no doubt for fimilar purpofes) j r from the commencement of the ! prefent circuit, we (ind kc has been uniform in his attacks on the late, as well as preceding ■ Grand Juries for fcveral years paft, which makes our calc but 1 a common orie with oar fellow * citizens. James John Raiford, j fofeph Harbor, John Harring ton, *1 hoinas Js'cciy, Blailingatn | Harvey, fen. Jofcph Chairs, I Ben], Browning, James Spivy, Peter Vinton Rowell, Mathew Cafwell, David Jame* lon, John Clements, Benjamin Dailey, Z. Lamar, Abner itain mond, Bird Tarver, John Jacob Schley, John Kennedy, Note, It will be obierved every member of the fury, who figure! the prefenimenfs, have fubferib eel to the above, except Mr. Philip Clayton, (Ft* Agreeable to Orders from Brigadier General Morrilon , all o m . / * Commjficned Officers, in the Coun ty of Jejftrfon , zvith the fir ft Ser jeant end Adjutant, of each Com pany, are required to attend at Louifville , on THU RS D A Y, the twenty third day cf May next; likewife the Companies to meet at the fame place on FRIDAY , the 24 th cj May , by ten o'clock in the f&renoon, equipped a* the law dir clh. All CommiJJioned Officers arc re quired to bring their Commijftons on the Ground ; and thoje commanding Companies will come provided with cxaß rolls of the number of each grade , enrolled under their respec tive commands, and there to be fid jell to fuck evolutions as the Adju tant General may diref, S. WOOD, Col. J. C. April 30. SHERIF F*s SALE. On the FITIST TUESDAY in June netr, at the Court-H on Ce, in J stkfun County, Will be Ail 1, on the ufua! hours, 7 he: Follow in a TRACT of LAND, viz. FIVE hundred Acre* of LAND, I yin/’ on Turkey C'cck, whereon ji hti Hendricks, now lives; it hcin*; part of” a Traft, containing eight itmuiand Acres, granted to John Hinfcn.- Taken bv E e cution as the Ero. crty of Geo. M'Falls, at the full of John Hinson, Condition', Calh. Charles Dougherty, s. j. c. April 30. NO TIC .£. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Inform their Friends and the Public, that the/ have received by the way of Au £ulha, a FRESH AlFortrnent of MEDICINE, Suitable to the PratfHcc ; and efiure ibct.n, that the fir id ell attention will be paid to all Order?, Sic. April 23. N O T I C F. ALL I 5 *rfons arc hereby fnrwarccd fron trading for either of J wo NOT ES of rtAND, give.) by the Sm feriher, tc Llcilnr.s Dolton; cue fi r One Hund.e.l and F> rcy D liars, a;.d the other for One Hun* dred and Thnty Dollar:, a; 1 lie cotuiilio.i fjr which 1 tuc I'aii Notes for, has (failed. Ifaac Rawls, April 18. Notice is hereby given, TO the Citizens of Louifviile, ard they adjacent vicinities, that the Subfcriber wilopcn School on MONDAY, the iqth ir.tlan*, in the Kuufe formerly cc unpicJ by Mg Al c Murray : win.the will te-c(1 ilia Englifh Tongue, agreeable to L>. Louth 1 * Kllay, a::d the renowned Mr, S'eridan’* Rhetorical Grammar. Alin, Wilting, Arithmetic, and B; ok Krcp ng, Geometry ard fcsavigation, wMi nnnv other mein! Pari* ot H.e Mathematic:; a. alto of Aflio icrr.v, !bc. Terms, Ot.c D>»lla'r per month, rr Ten Dollars per n.inun.. H;.ur* in Imnaier, tc:., tv.o iorermiuiuii ; winter, eight, one iHi CtUI 1 fIiCK. > ■ William M‘Kuin; A;ril 23. f Wa%MDv,-- I O K n R C r Aj it.»v, »/ /■/ j r\ff’t tiy. V. C u r t */ Or' V/'i. M'Dow ELL. I 0/ <4-« £ f 1 'T'TTHEREAS Mnry Sunirrerlh ha h 1 v, y npp: elto me for )crer» pfa'rri niurnticn on the TLRIe nfDwen Sun rue: Im, Inert'thit County, dcccafcd : thee nro 1 therefore to <ii« and admrnifh nil an t lingular the Kindred uni the .liters * 4 ’ the -1 id tltfcMfeJ, to he and appear at my \ Office, on or before the tM;h any tt May ne:t’, to ihevtr carl*?, if ruy ther can, why letters of admin/llntion thouldnoi be granted her. Liven under my hand, this iB»h day of Ap-il, 171,9, and in the t\vr;ty ihir 1 yr;ir *. f the /.nlcilcan Index pendencc. N O T I C E. Ail thole indebted to the I'llafe of )oNN ; CatHOt/H, dccealVd, .we ft* quelled to come forward and te: 11 c their Accounts ; alfo nil thole 10 whom the laid K.Tsjt* is anywife indebted, are rcqucfteJ fn bring f rvvard their Demands regular)/ .iltcfl-d, to receive payment of John Burlon, adminiflraior . February 19. T O B E SOLD, Cheap Jcr Cafi or Produce, OF V i£S Hundred and i::tcty-fwo Acres 1,1 Oak a*d Hickory 1 AND, third quality, lying on the Eight IVli e Branch, on the new road leading from Louifvillc to Savannah ; thirty Aac* of the /aid Land is e'eartd, an 1 under good fence. For fur ther particular*, enquire at this Ollier, or of the Sublet iber* Arthur Claik, p pH *3- WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY, A NEGRO WENCH , For which the Cnfh will he paid, for further particulars) enquire at this Office* April 23. FOR S A L \HOTJSK and LOT, with a STORK at joining, rear the Market, with \ KLiuhen, Stable, and an excellent ■well of water. It has live fuc plater, and is forty two by twenty feet, with a SHED twelve feci wide. ALSO, A two ftory 110U5K ami LOT, with n Kitchen, Stable, Garden, ami a good Iprirg near «h.- Houle# Conditions, one half cnfh ; the remainder on a credit of iix mohtl s. Jofeph Chain. February rq. F O R S A L E, Cheap fur Ca[)i, ROSE and London Dullll Blanket* Rail) C< ating Kej Fiance's Clcu led, ht.ipcd and Yellow Nankceuj Thickfets Black, Blue and Pink Durants Camlets C ilicces end Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged end Striped Plait* Jan cmrtt and Book Mullin Muldin Handkerchiefs Ginghams Pocket Handkerchiefs Mtill nets R'bbauds, Sc wing Silk and Twifl: White*and Coloured Thread Slice 1 bread [rilh Linen q 4 wide llumhums Oznairujgj Men °nd Youlh’ < s Cnttna and WorHed Hofc Feder Li Ready Reckoners Spalling Bock; A variety offmall Hiiloriei and Song Boolu Looking GI.HUs UreHlng Combs Pen K. lives Knives and Fork* Table Spoons . Bridle H.ts Cotton Cdirii; No. :o Hm.ic i and Well India Hum Apple Brandy Hyfon Tea Chocolate ColFce Sugar Pepper and sp : «a Copperas Snu If Heft Riffle Gun Patodtr Shot atb ; ted Writing Taper. A ; <t, a larger afTortmeU cl (Ticenware, fa* gcihtf with a Tauct/ tf •th«raniales. Johu 13 H r* February x 6.