The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 21, 1799, Image 3

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, , in which he declares', C - hM -Mention of immediately I,S 'hint to the attack of the £cacljn confluence of their * . * nl T-d th? Rhine. biv,ng Toonaparte At Milan it was reported, that tier had been received from General Lannue, Rating, that the pacha of Svria. at the head of army of 60.000 men had been " f , a tedia a general engagement who had in con- S*l bi. torn in Efß ' P '' DUBLIN, February 12. Yellerday at one o’clock, pur fuant to an order of the houle of commons, three publications of The Sun, a London Mmiftc rial Print, of the 28th, 29th & ooth of January laft, were burnt by the hatids of the common ex ecutioner, the high fhentfs of the city of Dublin, and a military guard attending. Thcconcouife of fpeftators alfcmbled on this occafion was the greateft we ever witneffei, andtompofed of eve?y defeription of perfons. 1 he windows and roofs of the houles prefented nothing but fpeftators, and as each paper was committed to the flames, loud acclamations followed the aft, and the whole was do fed by three univedal huzzas, and the waving of hats. We are happy to add, that al though the crowd was immenfe the flighted accident did not 1 occur, I NEW-YORK , May 2. i Yeflerday arrived thefhip Sally , tapt, Lackyer , of Philadelphia , in 8 weeks /rom Port[mouth . Sailed nth the We [I-India convoy , and brings 70 pieces of cannon , for the navy of the United Slates , and 4 large anchors, The cannon are 4, 9) 12 » 18, 24 and 32 pounders , May 7, Recent advice from St, Kill's /la'e, that commodore Truxton was fofth to have that ijland to cruife °S Guadaloupt for a French 50 pn fhip [aid io be in thofe waters . A letter from the Havannah, the 6th infant, confirms the Mounts we have already received, I tfle ydlw fever raging at that ■f :t '. Among a number of other ■ wtrican vejjtis, there was one Tj m Actu-York, w ith about 70 aitno llthe whole of whom were wen down, PHILADELPHIA, April 2 g. AtvanfaQion that has taken place I lll £ recent extraordinary mi iVff/' duio)l * merits the earned, >P a Senate con [deration of [ ] h m ari who feels the leafl ref pell ‘f 5 ' ° r h ° !lsthe {■•‘h ° re sard for ourJrce " j nani equal rights. lan h f io 3 4v’.v- r was ordered 4!/, ; iCt * as a P art of the J / 10.1 inkers th had proffered n lu ' lr m - :rc h to join the army , they wer{ guiltv 0/ fame exeffs in Reading , which occafumed much , heartburning , and fever al of them | efcapcd profecution at law only h\> the interference of influential federal , characters, and an accommodating , difpofition in perfons who had been injured, A flatement of the transition ' was however pnhlijhed in a German new [paper at Reading, the printer of which is a Mr. Schnyder, Upon the breaking up of the army a few days ago , the Lancajltr troop under the command oj capt. Mont gmcry, retraced its march through the fame town , where they halted. A ferjeant and fix troop trs were di[patdied to Mr . Schnyder s houfe , from whence they took him by force. Fie was bi ought before the cap tain> and after a j tries of interro~ ! gatories , this felf-appointed di rector, ordered Mr, Schnyder to be taken to the market houfe , [ripped naked , and there punfficd by the inf iliicn of 25 lafhes. The peaceable citizen was aßua ly fo taken , formally flripped by a mi litary force, and without any form of trial whip fed —by thofe newly created Janiffaries; he did not receive 25 lafhes ; a ferjeant of another corps of horfe , interfered , and he received but five (tripes, and he was then permitted to return thus lacerated and naked to his dif trailed family , and in the face of his fellow citizens , who looked on with filent honor trembling, Mr, Schnyder applied to a magif \ trait , who declared his apprehen ■fions of the military , Jhoidd he iffue ‘ , warrants for their apprehenjions. \ j This di [graceful affair took place on' Saturday ; no warrant was iffaed ' till Monday , but thefe violators of the law had marched out on Sunday 1 evening, j The above is a fpecimen of the . effefts of Jlanding armies, .<> j LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY , ATuv *i, 1709. POLITICAL DICTIONARY. Abomination . The French Republic has been guilty of many “ foul abo-' minations.” She has given men j the libeity of laughing at the ancient vites and ceremonies of the mofl abfurd fuperflitions ; has overturned the throne, and broken the fereptre of facred majefly, and laid impious hands on the “ Lord's anointed/' Nor is this all. The pure and unde filed ariflocracies of the little nations around, and rhe heredi tary viitues of nobility have fallen before her arm ; and die abominable doftrines of demo cracy have been feduloufly im prelfed on the minds of the ca naille, for the facrilcgious pur pofe of teaching them that they arc men. Addrefs. A fine flavored aromatic, ge nerally offered up as incenfe to great men. This fweec feented commodity has of late come into great demand in thele Rates; : and it is probable it will foon be produced in fuflicient abund ! ante to fuppiy all our wan s. It is gathered from an herb known by the name of flattery, or lyco- Iphancy, which wil flou ifh well in any counfry where men will | tend their minds to its rthure. 11 feldom fails to emich rhofe who traffic in it with tee ming fpuit The anlwcrs of addr (i s partake much of the fame flavor, (To be continued.) j The following is an extract of a letter, f rom a phyfician in Bris tol, to his friend in London. “ Dear Sir, €t ABOU f a week ago I was called to attend about feventy hek recruits, juft brought from Ireland, and for whom a humane gentleman had fitted up a tem porary holpital. From thefe men I received the following account: “ 1 he colonel of this regiment who, with his family, poffefles great part of the county of Mayo, perhaps thinking to recommend j tiimfelf to the notice of govern ment for his loyalty, &c. &c, in 'quickly raifing a regimen:, by j deceit obtained his comm (lion } He had recourfe to the moll vile i and wicked means of trapanning, kidnapping, and even canying men away out of their in the dead of the night, to the honor and diftrefs of their fami lies ; others were feized in the flreet, draggeddown into cellars, .and there kept till a fuflicient i number werecolle&ed to match I off to tiie barracks, which 1 un |derftand one of the colonel's I old houfes ferved for; where I the men were confined, j that they had not liberty to go lout, even when neceflaiy; the confcquence was, their own fifth polluted their health, and pro- I duccd a fever, as contagious al moft as the plague, though not fo fatal. " 1 enquired of them if there was not a juftice of the peace in the neighbourhood, to whom they might have made complaint 'of their treatment ; or why they ;did not complain to the juftice who attefted them. They laid they were not attefted till they I were brought before the colonel's father, who was a juftice, and who, when they allied for the bounty, feeing it was impoffible j for them to do otherwife than be (oldiers, would lay a purfe of guineas on the table, faying 1 “ there my lads , there s money enough, fign this ; make your attej ■ | iation , and then you [hall have it.” . j Wh:ch, when they had done, J the purfe, with its contents, was put up again, and they were told they fhould be paid alion joining I the regiment : but they were defrauded in that too; for inftead of money, the receipt they had figned at the time of aitefting, with a bill for clothes and necel laries, w T ere produced, and they were told, there was nothing coming to them but a few days pay. j (t With w*iat courage or fpirit ■can fuch men (land before an enemy ? What flimulus have they to make them fight tor the prefervdtion of the piooerty or lives of their oppteflrrs ?—Are th fe thing* likely to biing a blef fi» g upon a nation ? Are theje things worthy a nation profeflmg to br Chnftians ? If theic arc the f uits of < hnftranity, it is time the fyftcm (hould be abol ifhed ” C3* Americans ? be watchful of your liberty I take care you do not form an alliance with lo bale a government, that not only winks at luch bafe actions, but abfolutely encourages it, • fry Agreeable to Or den from Brigadier General Morrifon, all Commiffiioned Officers, in the Coun ty of Jeffcrjon, with the fir/I Ser jeant and Adjutant, of each Com pany, are required to attend at Louifviile, on THURSDAY, the twenty third day of May next; like wife the Companies to meet at the fame place on FRIDAY, the 2\th of May, by ten o'clock in the forenoon, equipped as the law dir ells. All Commiffiioned Officers are re quired to bring their Commiffirns on the Ground ; and thofe commanding Companies will come provided with exalt rolls of the number of each grade , enrolled under their refpec live commands, and there to be fub j Cl to fuch evolutions as the Adju tant General may direCl • S. WOOD, Col. J. C. i > j April 30. 1 ■■ t ■■■■■ - EBENEZARJENCKES Ref fed fully informs Lis Ft sends in particular, and the public in that he has lately re tell td from Char teflon AN EXTENSIVE SUPPLY OF Dry Goods and Groceries, | Which renders his prefent dljjw trner.t as com piste as offend fur sale here , and I which he will sell low for Cajb or Produce', rhe follows ng Ar* tide j form past of his Ajfut tr/sent : SUPf RFiNE Second and other Broad Cloths kerfey meres and Swnndown t.laflic Cloths and C. Hlmeres Negro Girth and Flannel* Green and Olive Velvcrels Do. do. Corduroys A hand fume Affortn enr of Muflins Si* drz:n <A Muflin Handkerchiefs A handfotne Aflurtmcnt of Calicoes Four pieces of Curtain Calicoes T welve piece* of Linen Six pieces of Kumhums Site pieces of allotted D.irants Tho piece* of Bath Coaling Brown H jJland Worded and Cotton Hofe Clouded ai d Stuped Narkfesif Marfcilles, Dimity and Jcaa WaiPcoat Pattern) Silk, Twift and Threads affuiled j Tapes and Ferrcttings A general Affortment of Ribbons Ladies Kidikin and Siik Gloves I Worltcd do. do. Four dozen cf Mens Fine Hats Four dozen of Ladie* Fine do. { Six dozen of Mens Stockings Three dozen of Ladie* do. I Three dozen of Ladie* Bonnets 1 Twodt zen of Mens Cravats Six groce of fmall Butiops 1 T wo dc zen of large fine Mens Shoes Three d zen «rf I very Combs Thre» dozen of Blanke t Four lbs. of colorea Thread Four lbs. of fine do. Two dt zen of Gotten Cards, cf the beft kind Fifty lt's. of Powder and Shot Tacks Snuff Waives aad Forks Muflard Snuff Boxes Hair Powder and Playing Cards Men* Saddles and Bridles Sugar, Coffc* and Chocolate* January 12,