The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 21, 1799, Image 4

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EPITAPH On Merry, the Della-Crufcan Poet . lllSfreward mufc at Variance with Ins name , Poor Merry Jfghs for praife ) and whines for fame. Merry is gone—no Merry-maker he, For he is dead without pcflcrity J His tragic wije alone he Merry made % She's Merry fill in honor to his [hade ; But when her time's expir'd for looking fad, Quite tir'd, of being Merry Jhc'll be g'ad, Give birth to native tranfports and repen t Pajl [ernes o/unprolijic Merriment; Or holding cheap poetic gewgaw fame, « To tafle fubftantial mirth forego the name. Weep o'er theft ryhmes , for if you dare to laugh, He'll rife and tear the quibbling epitaph: Stay till his jhade has fairly crofs'd the Ferry, Then damn his “ Pains of Me mory,” Mid be Merry % EPIT A P H On Mr. Thomas Hammond, a\ parifh clerk, a good man , and' an excellent backgammon player, who xuas fucceeded in his office by a Mr. Price* . B Y the chance [f the die, On his back here doth he * Cur mof audible clerk , Maper Hammond; * Thd he bore many men, Till three/core and ten , Yet at length he by death is back gammon’d, ( But ha r k ! neighbours hark ! Hoe again cones the clerk ; By a hit very lucky and nice; 'With death we're now even. He jap pepp'd to Heaven , And is with us again in a Trice, < —— ANACREONTIC. To Sylvia. HOWcanP thou fmile at my defpair, And bid me 01 her nymphs adore ? Shew me a girl but half fo fair, And I will trouble thee no more. Jlidc then that heck , and lip and eye , Since thus refc-lvd to flmnpurfuit; For love will follow like the py , That always fecks the fairefl f ruit. ’ S H ERIFF’s SAL E. Orvibc FiKST TUESDAY in June next, a ilir Ciirr'-Hbute, in J ckfoo County, \>;il he f ’d, on thcufual hours, 1 HK FOLLOW ING TR ACT of LAND, viz, FIVE h Ac e« of I,AND, Ivinj> Turkey C eek, whereon J hn I 1' f 'I s, vv ive :it being r ar t .* "1 i t, tight thouland Ac ft, I <ed .iJ hn H',nfrn. l ake l ’ h' Er t ti ”i a iheF' .i erry r Geo M‘Falls, t t • In if ot lohn Hi nson . t n • i 110 s; h. Chailcs Dougherty, s. j, c, April 30. i WALTER ROBINSON Has received from C! arlcfton, ft Gene ral AfTortmt’nr of SPRING GOODS, Which he will fell low for Ca(h, at h’s Store, near the Market, in the Red Houfe, where Mr. Jofeph Cbaira 1 formerly 1 ved. IRISH LINENS, 3-4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting A handforae a. oriment of Ca icocs Oznaburgs Cotton gnu Thretd Hofe, fine & coarfe Lsdit a and Childrens Morocco Slices and Slippers Mens, Womens and Childrens coarfe and fine Hats Twilled, plain and colored Nankeens Marfeljles fic Moll net Waittcoat Shapes Corded D imit'Cg Silks and Sdk Handkerchiefs Tamborcd, ftriped, fprigged, plain Ja» contt and Berk Mufl n j Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Ocntlcmeno fine Neck Handkerchiefs Ve : vct and Corduroy, twilled and plain Sewing Silk and Tw ft Ribbons and Tapes Ladies loop and fliort Kid Gloves Mens Buck/kin and Beaver do. Writing Paper, fine and coarfe Durants of ail eoiors Camhlets CcfF c, Chocolate ind Tea Sugar, white and brown Mol. fles Copperas, Allum and Btimflore Rum, Brandy, Wine and Whifky Weeding Hoes and Grubbing do, Btoad and Club Axes 4d. 6d 8d• tod. and zod. Nads P. en Alt diene and Glauber Salts Pewter Plates and Porringer* Spoons, large and fmall Frying Pan* ' Sp »des ChiiTcfsof ail fizei Files of d ffVrcat kinJi Knives and Fotks ,CuiieBU and Pen Knives (Thimbles 1 Beads and Neck Laces EfLnce of Peppermint Wool and Cotton Cards, No 8, 9 & IO Bed Ticking and Checks Gun Locks and Flints Pipes Glafa, 8 by 10 PruflLn Bloc Spirits Turpentine | London bottled Porter Ginghams White and colored Thread i Horfc Whips Pina of all fizes I/ory and Horn Half Combi Humhums i Gunpowder Lead and Shot Ink Powder Br die Bis and Sadlery Shoemaker's Tools Bibles and Teftaments Spelling Bo ka and Primmeri Wnitc Chapel Needles Looking Glades Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafes Speftaclcs Blacking Plated, Gilt and Common Buttons Coffee Mills Drawing Knives Hand Saws and Hammeri Curry Combs Stock and Pad Locks Tin Ware of all kinds Earthen Ware Pepper, Ailfpice, Nutmegs, Coves, Cinnamon and Gioger Decanters, Tumblers, Gaffes and Salt; Sellers ALSO, A final! dock of Woollen Goods Broad Cloihs Ciiffimcrcfl >wandcwc3 Drabs and Coatings Dufli; and B'.ftol Blankets, with a variety of other Articles, too tedious to men non, April 23, Z. LAMAR. HAS FOR S ALE, . A* his STORE, Marked Square, Cheap Jor Ca/h 9 The following Articles, viz. IT ONDON Duffil Blankets jlj White, Hue ami Green Plains W m e and Red Flannel* Bath C aihigs Superfine Broad Clv-lhs Second do. do, Black Buff and Grey Caflimerei Falhionabi* Swandown and Cafllmcrc Veil Shapes MarfHlle*, J*ans and Jcanet do. Clouded Silk Nankeen* Royal Ribbi and Denimm* Vclvcrets, Corduroy* and TbSckfet* B ack, B uc and Pink Durants Cnlico/3 and Chintzes Tanboied, fprigged, rtriped and plain Jaconet and B»ok Muflia Mudin Shawl* and Haudkerchiefl K ink and Jaconet C avats and Cotton Cambricks B ack Silk Handkcrchicl* Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing Silk and Twill Men* Dear Skin G'oves 1 1 Th Linen, 3*4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting* Oznaburg* M?ns, Wirarni and Youths Cotton and W orfi «d Hofe Mens, Womens and Youths Shoe* Ltdics Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens coarfe and fine Hat* Kiblej, Tcllamenis and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoner* L) elionanes, and a variety of fmall Hifto* fit* Ink Powder, and beft Dutch Quill* Violins Looking GlaTe* Ivory Combs Rzor* and Cifes Gilt and Plated Button! L trge and final! do. Pen Knives Knivc* and Fork* Table Spoons Trunk and Chert Locks Saddle and Bridle Buckles Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bits s hoc Knives, Tacks, Awi Blades Pincers a - d Giniblet* Cotton Cards, No. 10 Ja oaica and Weft-ludia Rum Cogniac and Peach rantiy Tcoeiiffe and Malaga Wines Holland Gin Bohea Tea Sugar Peopcr and Sp'ct Biimftonc and Copperas 4 I. 6d. Bd. and tod. Nail* Ktfl Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot all'crted ALSO, An Aflortment of PATENT MEDICINE and QjJEENS-WARE, together with a variety of other articles, too numerous to infert. April 16. FOR SALE, Cheap for Cajh, ROSE and London Duffil Blanket* Bath Coating Keo els Clouded, Striped and Yellow Nankeen* 1 h'ckftMj Black, Blue and Pink Durants Camlets Caliccc* and Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged and Striped Plain Ja conet and Bonk Muflin Mullin Handkerchiefs Gingham* Pocket Handkerchiefs Mud: nets R bbands, Sewing Silk and Twift White and Coloured Thread Shoe Thread Ji iffi Linen 4-4 wide Humlmms Oznakuigs Men and Y.nitVs Cotton and Worflcd Hofe Federal Rc.-dy Reckoners Soclimg B nrks . A variety ul imall Hiftoiies and Song Books Looking Glafies Drclfing Combs Pen K. lives Knives and Fork* Table Spoons j B. i le Bits Cotton Cards No. to Jamaica and Weft India Rum Chocolate i Coffee Sugar Pc. per and Spice Copperas Smiff Belt Kiffl; Gun Powder Shot ail Tied Writing Paper. ♦ Alb, a large affortmenl cf to gether with a variety of »thcr articles. John Blair. February 16. TO BE SQL d \ A> lh ‘ r ,- : fc', L, 'J h '“'' LnlmiU,’ , i a- A n ■ •» The following Eftrays, viz. r R, Ar d v y hi,e STEEK - in th« if. lelUan of Mrs. James; and ~ne h-n > . ST££R, in .he poffdfiL „f Mr . D o "f* d Wm.M*Dowell, cleik. May 4, 1799. * TO BE SOLD. AHOUSR and LOT, fitnated nca/th. Coffca-Houfe, Louifville, containing a good Oven and Bake Houfe, Garden ard other improvements; an excellent lunation for trade. * Conditions, one part cafh, the other trade or credit, with approved Itcuritie, f or ! Particulars, apply at the Union’ Louifville, * May 14. MANUS L ilvlTlT Has removed his Dry Good Store, to ih e Houfe formerly occupied by Thomas Collier ii C ». as a Dry Good Store ; Where he has for /ale, cheap for ca/h or produce, A handfome Aflort/nent of DRY GOODS. LIKEWISE, All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, See, Alny 14, WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY, A NEG RO WENCH, For which the Ca/h will be paid. For further particulars, enquire at this Office . April 23. FOR SALE, A HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE adjoining, near the Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well of water. It has five fire places, and is forty two by twenty feet, with a SHED twelve icct wide, ALSO, A two flory HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good Ipring near th« Houfe, Conditions, one half cadi ; the remainder on a ciedit of iix months. Jofeph Chairs* February 19. • f R E M 0 V £ D, LUCKY ESCAPE WILL cover th : s Seafon, at the ftab’e of George Wilfon’j, feven mile* below Louifville, in the County of Jcffcr* fon, cn the Savannah road. That beautiful full-blooded Arabian Horfe LUCKY ESCAPE, lately brought from Ncw-York. He will cover on the following terms, viz. Six Dollars each, the Seafon ending the laft of June. Lucky Efcape is a beautiful dark bay, riling fi v * years old, near.y fifteen hands and an halt high ; he is very traclable, and will with- I out doubt produce as good flock as a turf Horfe ever inii orted. I. Reeves. April 16. LEARNED PIG WI L L be exhibited in Waftiington, Wilkes County, from the 14th to /he i2lft of May. Thofc Perfons who wifh to behold /he furpiz* ing fagaci/y of /his crea/ure, may /hen have an oppor/uni/y oL gra/ifying /heir curiofi/y. The price of admi/Zance 15 Half a Dollar for grown perfons and half price for children. April 16,