The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 28, 1799, Image 2

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late European Intelligence, ROME, February 4. If n faid that a Moody in fmrrftion has again taken plare in Naples. More troops are marching to }oin fh* French in that ritv. Rencra! Chamoionpt has only left fome troops in the caftles. and retreated with the reft to Capua. Royalifls aftem ble in great numbers in C alabria and Apulia. Fifty thoufand men arc demanded for Naples alone, Civita, Vecchia, Montenal ronc, Traeetfo, and other pla ces, being Hill in a Rate of in (urrrftion, more troops arc or deied to march againft them. LEC HOR V, February 12. A ftip from Palermo brings 1 intelligence that admiral Ncllon has (ailed with a (Iron? convov of troops in franfports; and h aving appeared before Naples had encouraged the people to revo’t a-new againft the French, who with the affiftance ok the Brtrfh, had obtained a fignal . viftorv, and again diven them out of tHe r’tv, wait wiih impatience for the confirmation of »his intelligence. The Neapolitan patriots we are told had declared war againlt Sicily. • Amfher letter , fame Sate, New difturban cs h*ve occur red in N:pies. The people in-1 fifbd that the Trench (hould! themfelvea merely as auxida y troops, and not hold the nty as a conquered place, and that the governin' nt of the l.azz roni (b onld al o be re- U wards of 60,000 people, i. is (aid had f *ken againft the French, to fupport the above demands, The king of Sardinia's family ate upon the point of embarkation. The Ruffians and (inks have landed on the Southern coafl of b aples. Admiral Nfdfon has alfo landed at Salerno Ihe imperial troopsin Italy areevery where in motion a* well as the French. A telegraph is creded at Milan, VIE N N February 23. The Indians appointed to a A againfl the French by Tea and land ire cflimatcdat 300,000 men. Fighty waggons, with pon toons. &c. were difpatched hence on »he rtyb, with a ftrong d vifir n of Tappers and timers to the armies ; in faft all the army waggons arc in motion. MANHEIM, March 2. . Th is city is now in poffellion of the French. In confequence of a capitulation concluded be* tween the French general of l brigade, citizen Ncy, and the ' Palatine general Mann, 300 French troops, infantry and ca valry, entered the townwabout nine this morning, and will foon be followed by many more. GENOA, February 14. According to the lateft ac-i counts received here from Alex andria, Buonaparte is indefati gably employed in the organiza lion of Egypt, and hi* army is 30,000 ftrong; befide? which, he has organized another army of 50,000 men, confiding of Copts, Drutes, &c, which is much devoted to him. He only waits for the finking of th** Nile, to proceed on his expedition. CADIZ, February 4, This morning at a quarter pad eight, a Barbary fleet, con- j lifting of eight (hips of the line, was difeovered in the offing. At half pad nine it was joined by four (hips of the line from the, Britifli fleet, which is Rill befoic this port. In about three quar ters of an hour af er, the Britifli (hips pu to Tea, and feemed to proceed towards Minorca. Eve ly veflfel fit to be employed againfl the fleet of the Emperor of Morocco, is now fitting out here. HAMBURGfT, March 5. The Emperor is Lid to have declared war againil France, and we may hourly expcß the moll important inte ligcncc from every quarter. The courier, who was expelled to have a»rived here from Raftadt this day, has not yet come, probably on ac count of being delayed by the , inundations. ! LONDON. 19. IRELAND. There is no harmonizing the account* in the different Irifh papers, wh ch fpeak of the (late of the 1 te ior; thofe in the intcreft of oppofit on, in gene ral term*, reorefent the country as not mored ftu bed than ulual, whi e the HubUn journal and the Tel graph exhibits a differ ent pi&ure. The former of thefc pape s, of the date of Saturday ialt, Hates as follows : I 9 _ " The accounts from the dif ferent fouthern and weftern dif iritis continue to furnifh the ftrongeft rcafons to apprehend that the fpirit of rebellion is by no means To dep effed as we have of late been led to hope. The roik and Limerick papers a c filled with dreadful details of murders committed in thofe count:ics, and force upon us the melancholy recollc&ion, that the rebellion of May laft was preceded by exaßly the fame kind of outrages againfi individuals, and the fame fero city of fpirit which afterwards ripened into atrocious and hor rible infurre&ion." The Tele graph Rates as follows: M In confequence of the known defigns of our enemies, of every defeription, the mod formidaMe military preparation is now carrying on in every part of the kingdom. Tire exertions of the executive power to tnecr any hoftility which may fpring up, have been uncommon and’ indefatigable; and there is not i a place, adapted to the purpofc i throw ghou: the kingdom, where there is not a large depot of fuit able and efficient army and mi litary (lores/* GLASGOW, March 16. Our private letters by the lad Hamburgh mails afford us a ge neral, and we believe, a pretty accurate view of the prefent (ituation and profpefls of the powers of the continent. The treaty entered into by Prince the Viceroy of Naples, who h*d been long fufpefted of a penchant for the 1 French, and by which general Mack found him felt reduced to 1 the humiliating ncccffity of fur ' rendering as piifoncr and hoft age, was difavowed by the Laz zaroni, moll of the inhabitants of Naples, and the peafants of the fuirotmdmg country, who marched towards the French armies at Capua, whence after a brave and bloody conflidl, they retreated to the city, whi ther the French purfued, and alter three days conllant refill ance and (laughter, they forced them, by their tupcrioiity in difeipline and artillery, to yield. LIVERPOOL, March 23; The Sun of Lft night fays, the report of the ferret commit tee of ihc home of commons, will prove the mod important and intcrefting thateverengaged the attention of the B.itilh na tion/* It will appear (:f the Sun is not misinformed) that a plan was very n«ar execution for maffacremg the members of both hou/es of pi iatheit, and after wards attacking the king’s palace ! this was to have been executed by United Irijhmtn , 50000 of ( , whom are fuppolcd to be now in this country. SALEM, May 4. French GenftoJiiy % Capt. Jofeph Ropes arrived here this day from India, in the (hip Recovery, belonging to E. H. Derby, efq. fays, that on his outward bound paflhgc was boarded in eroding the line, by a French frigate, who only in fpe&ed his roe of equipage, and difmiffed him with polite nefs. And in the Gulph of Arabia was detained by a priva teer of 22 guns, fiom the Kle of France; the captain having information of a fleet of Eng li(h merchantmen, which were to (ail from Mocha about that time, to which port capt Ropes was bound ; in 48 hours the fleet as expe&ed hove in fight, when the captain of the priva teer difmiffed capt. Ropes with many apologies for the delay, and pretented him with 520 dollars for his detention. Capt. R. adds the p ivatcer captured a number of the tnglifh Ihips. CON FRIST Capt. John Fciicbrown, in the brig Speedwell, to MeflrstvPierce and Wait, Salem, was boarded on his p ; ,f, fage from La Vera Cruz to the Havannah, by an Englifo f r j, gate, and robbed of cafh to the amount of feveral tiioufand dol lars—<he Teamen (Lipped of cve.y (billing, and their very fhoes torn afunder in fearch of gold, the bills the captain had on the Havannah, dcflroyed and the account of fales defaced • the captain of the frigate info* lently gave capt. Filleb own a receipt for the articles plundered without fignature, and difmilTcci him with every mark of con tumely and difrcTpeft. Capt,. Fiilebrown is now arrived at the Havannah, and this news comes by a vcflel from thence arrived at Marblehead. PROVIDENCE, May t, A new fpecics of fraud has lately been pra&ifed in New. York. Some trunks of muflin, while depofited in the public flore, were opened, themuflins taken out, and old wrappers, ropes, wood, draw, Ac depo- Gted in their dead, and the packages left in fuch exaft order, that they were exported, and the trick not difeovered until the goods arrived in a foreign market. Five hundrd dollars are offered for a detedion. SBy Wm. M : Dow ELI., Clerk cj the Cjurt of Ordinary *J r** Ccumy oj' 'Jefferson, WHEREAS Wm. Fountain, fen. haik applied ro me for latter* of admi* niitration on the Eftate of Seth Fountain, hte of this County, dcceafcd ; thei'c are therefore to cite and adinonifh all ami Angular the Kindred and Creditors of the ifa d dcceafcd, to be and appear at my ! Office, on or before the 24 h day of June j near, to fhew caufc, if any they can, why tetters of admiuiUralion ihouldnotbe | granted him. Given under my hand, this 24th day of May, 1799, and in the twenty* thir i year of the American lade* peadcnce. By Wm. M‘Dow* GEORGIA,/ ell, Clerk of the Jeff erf on County, Court of Ordinary, Wm. M‘D OWELL. V of the County if I 3 Jffttton, WHEREAS Richard Rowell aid Martha Rowell hath applied to me for letters of adminiftration on the ellate of Elijah Grout, late of this County, deceafcd : thefe ai« therefor* to cite and admonifh all and Angular its kindred a: d creditors of the faid dcccafed, 10/he and appear at my office, on or befo * the 24 h day cf June nexr, to ffiewcaufe, if any they have, why letters of adminif* (ration (ho ald not be granted them. Given under my hand, this 24 h day of May, 1799, and in the twenty* third year of the American lode* peadcnce. NO TICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Inform their Friends and the Public, they have received by the way of .' u ‘ ■ gufta, a FRESH Affortmcnt of MEDICINE* Suitable to the Prafticc ; and »f iure them, that the (trifled aticndoa will -* paid to all Orders, Sic, April 23. SHERIFFS* BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE, For Sale, at the Office of the & J i/villc Gazette* April 2.