The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 11, 1799, Image 1

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■~'7r t i TUESDAY, June it, 1799. [No. 21. \0 L» *•_] - -' . -'■ ■■■ ■« ■ ■ ... ——- ■ ■ ■■■ i- .1 • REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE VAT. -—f GM LOUISVILLE : —Pubhlhed eveiy Tuclday, by AMBROSE L)A V, at 3 dollars pci arm. payable lull yeailv. BOSTON 7 , May 10. Capt. Defhon, who left Gua daloupe, April 4, has favored us with the following: Declaration of WAR, Againjl the UNI TED STATES. AKR El E. The particular a r» e executive diredory at Guada loupe and its dependencies, has, ever fince his arrival in the co lony, confirmed the difpofitions of the executive diredory of the French Republic, with refpeft to neutral and ail ed nations; his meafures have been calcu lated to keep union and harmo ny, and to caufe their colours I and their propci ty to be ref pefled. Thole meafures were Ccrupu- I loufiy obferved with regard to i the Americans. The citizens of I that nation, who were detained, on his amva 1 , have been le’eaf- I ed. Thofe who were deftitute I of means, have been fuppiied I with the fuccou s which their I fituation required; and cartels I were difpatched at the expence I of the republic, to convey them I to Ncw-York. The cargoes and I fhips foized aid carried into the I ports of Guafaloupe and its I dependencies, were reffored to I the owners; and, to add to the I proofs of our averfion fom vex- I ations and hoftiliries, the armed I fchooner of the United States, I the Revenge, was feat back to I the Prefident. I The particular agent of the I diredory could not, without I aflonilhment and indiga <tion, I be informed, that in contempt I of the free and open conduct I obferved in refpeft to that nation, I Mr. Tmxton, commmding the I American (hip Conllellatioa, I moaning 50 guns, infulted the I colors ol the Ficnch Republic, I an d took, in an action wherein I he was aggreffor, the frigate In- I furgente, whofe captain had po- I Live orders to re/petl the Arne | dean flag. H - ■ Such a piece of hoflility, ex ■ erciled without a declaration of ■ ol war, has induced mediums, I refult of which leaves no I doubt, that the American officer, I la l hus acting, followed the or ■ tirs and inllrudions of his go ■ vernment. I From the above fads, and the ■ nullities which are daily com ■ nutted by the Americans iince ■ ( I le capture of the Infurgente ; ■ partiru ar agent of the ex ■ ccutivg diredory, confident!*, ■ '•Vuis his duty to caule the I I p f ! l^e french Republic to II. ~ 7e, P e &-d to protect commerce If ■ " T feamen from the rifles I V a vc to run from the Ame- THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. ricans, who are cruiling in fo:ce . on thefe coafts: | To adopt meafures which may be the leaf! prejudicial to nego tiations than may have began between the two nations; and which may juflify fclf-defmce again ft aggreflion and infults, : and even to prevent them : Refolves as follows: , 1. The captains and officers who command the velfels of the i Republic, and thole armed from ; j the ports of Gua daloupe and its dependencies, are aut hoofed Tom the date of the publication of the prefect refolve, to purfue all American veifels, whether belonging to the governm nt 01 individuals ; to feize and to cap ture them without diliindion, and bring them into the ports ol Guadaloupe and its.dependen cics. 2. The velTels belong ng to the American government ihall be kept to be uled according to the order of the executive di redorv. 3. Such as are the property of individuals, and which may contravene the laws ol the Re public, and the refolves of the executive dhedory, lihpedi-g neutrals and allies, and liable to condemnation agreeably to the purpose of thole lame Lws and refolves, (hall be, as Well as their cargoe*, condemned by a judgment of the tribunal oi commerce, and fold for the pro fit of the captors, according to cullom. 4. The merchants’ veffels, the pipers of which (ball h ivc been j acknowledged by the tribunal ol j the regular, and not liable to j condemnation, Ihall be fold, to gether whth their cargoes, and! the proceeds thereof to be de-! pofited in the public coders, that it may afterwaids be delive cd either to the captors or owners, agreeably to the orders of the executive diredory, r y In the foregoing difpofi tions arc inc’udcd all American j ■ veliels and their cargoes, detain* j ed in the po.ts of Guadaloupe. and its dependencies, ever fince information was received of the capture of the Inlurgente. The prefent relolve fliall be road, pubhfhed, polled up and . . regillered in the tribunal ol com mercq and contioul of the navy, j . All public functionaries, own ers and commanders of fhips of ’ the Republic, and privateer., whom it concerns, are hereby 1 ordered to conform to the } fame. - Done at BiflVterre, in the na s tional houfe ol rhe agent, the 24th Ventofe, 7th yea 1 (3 », C © of the Fiench Republic, one and indivifible. Signed, D£S F O RNE AU X, Agent of the dir eft nr \ Signed , DES CHAMPS, Pat ticidar fecretaryjor the gene ral /ecr clary . A true cop^'. Signed, DESFORMEAUX. PHILADELPHIA, May 2. I he :’*gitious milrepielenta tion of the affair of the cloath ing, made in the Gszette of the United States on the mil is one of the grofleft artifrees to keepalive and extend prejudices again ft the French we have ever witnelfed. Lis rcal y (Locking, fo to fport with truth and peace. Ape;(on who had feve’al 15ii tifh, (not French] mil laryom mdfi >ns actually found upon him, was dhcovered to he pre paring a parcel of foldicr s c'oath mg. It was made a (übjv6l of 1 information to the m »yor, and they were leized. It let ms to! have been made tnanjfefl by a judicial examination, to the f - cretiry offlae and judge Peccrs, that it was defigned for Tnuf- Lint, and we leam that they Cook fccurity tha: it fli uld not] be Ihipt 10 him, in any manner contrary to law, Itisiikdy from the employment of a H:i tilh military officer, that it wa. Tome order of general Maitland daring his late v fu| and was probably a part of feme larger parcels he has taken iu the Ca milla. Perhaps this w, s left 10 build a plot upon. How horrid | mult be the Ipirit of falfehood, how wicked the difpofition to j alarm the peaceable inhibit me, | when fuch a Britifh alfa r as this is repiefented by Fenno and Cobbcit as ceitain evidence that the cloathing was to be uled here, and that a Fiench icpuh lican army is to “ Hart up” among us, and overturn our I government. Thefe two men have long labored to compafs a ! bloody, bitter war between us i and France. Their abide of the ! French is among the greatefl caufes of the relentment ol France, Tue Gaz tts of th * United Stit.s his been paid u ‘ianzed. They are vilifying onr cor.fliiution and fappmg it by daily attacks, and long eLboiate ■ difcullioi.s. May 14. CIRCUIT COURT. This day, at ten o’clock, Mr Lewis, ag eeably to his intuna tion uf yclleidav, moved for “ a ride to Jhtw caufe why a ne v trial fkould not he granted fo r>i Fries.” As ground for this mo tion, he produced three affidavits • « • which concurred in de that (nine days previous to ihc romrnencement of the late mal of John flies, a ccitain |o'.n Rhode, who afterwards f rved as juror on the trial, publicly declin’d, thit the pnfoncr a -d li his all rciates fhouid lie hung; togedi r with other violent «*\- prcllions evincive of apte'io s hi is againll the pnlon ?, « h ch. Had it been known be'o e the the trial, would have rer de ed him u Tit to fcive on the p»v. The court appointed fo in mow morning, at iooMockio h ar this motion. May id. In (he dillntl ourr of ho United St*t« s y. fleid.iv, ms • ury gave m <he f ((owing v.-r -dct in the to il Inch wa h 't to a clofc the pieccding even ing : Chrifl an Rulh, guilty t f the third con tonlv—(r;l n-,) 1) i iel s chvvartz, le u g-ii ry of t’e full count onl> —( on- Ipiiacv.) Daniel Schwartz, jin. rut guilty genera 1 /. Henry Stabler, guilty of the thi d count on \ —(reicue ) Henry il*c t, yui tv . ihl thira count onh—(rchue.) Geor-e haefF* , guilt-, i t -he ,ft (I and (ourih c u is onh—- ponfpi acy and obllruclion of | pre c Is.) I Mr. Dallas appeared in behalf | of !< ties to move fur a n wc«i.d, in conlequence of the i;o i e given by Mr. Lcxuis on the y cefoie ; an l added, a> a farther ground for n, i 1 hit the mardial had fnm moned a greater number ot jui\ - aid on the trial than lie was authonl d .o do bv law. 2. That lie ha I alo iummon el til! jury from (u< h puts i f the cl i (Inti as he ihouglr proper, wi h ut any ot cr oi dmttioi from a court or jud„c. o. I hat it did not ippea fro a inv roll or record ih ir anv m ronven ence would hav< be u (attained by the mal of the pn fo er in t e coun y wherein t e crime is laii to have b en com mute J. Aher Mr Dal as had fp ken at confiderable length in !up u.rt f h’s n otion, he was fallowed by Mr. Sigrtwes nd Mr. DanU on i eu it ( f the U iced States, and a aintt a new 11 i I hem* granted, Aii tie before he f hie c u t adjourned tid tins morning at ten o' lock. I . li l. A N K I) EEI) S 0/ CO A ’VF.YAS'LF, Fur Suit, iv th' o) t!:c Lou* | ijv.l.c OdicUe,