The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 25, 1799, Image 3

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IT 0 0 I s V 1 L L E ’ TUESDAY, J«** : 5‘ \\ r c hear from Augufta. that . celebrated Gunn is arrived “.hat place. and that the pur re of his vifit up the country ta tone up the democrats into Lrited remon(trance to Con- c r s and to urge the abfolute oc'diency of their making him j his colleagues, a fee fimple !e to all the Weflern Territory longing to this date. Citizens beware ! If there be , y among you who have not n-r fince feen the condud of i’little Cataline—that he has ‘in your fenate and bartered )Ur rights—that he has labored r four years inceffantly to de rive your children of the inhe re nature intended they iould have; if there arc any irong you, who by a connec un with him have become fo seeding 1 )' corrupted as to Rill ifh to favor his meafures in ppoGng with all his might the ropofuion now before Congrefs, i cede our Weftern lands to lie United States, on terms qually beneficial to both, and rhich will leave it in tire option f your defendants to fettle here upon an equal footing with thcr citizens of the United' »tates —If I fay, there be any mong you, who for a temporary ccommodation can be fo wani ng to your offspring, as to give ito his and forego he important and durable ad antages refulting from ceding our lands to the United States; ben I fay, you will dcfcrvedly ncur, whatyou would inevitably lecome (could he carry his joints] hewers of wood and irawers of water; W hat my fellow-citizens has bis man ever done for the Rate ? i<is he ever been hcaid of as a mblicman but in his attempting 0 ij 7 Rate proßrate at his uvn > an d the feet of a few lord mgs, hisaffociates? If he has, : basnotcome within my know odge—therefore citizens take ; this man has the motley nuture of a Cataline and a 1 11 ’ n Wm ; he firß began, as IJa * h Y i n trigue and lucceeded ip to his wifhes ; but the excel •ntcharaQer who now conduds °ur government having broke lm an llls panizans down, he pw pats on the Cefar, and tells s adherents that nothing but f will do ; fo that ' plain > be "ig in poflcffion of , unn * be only wants the .j , e .‘ t 0 cbl P ( be match to it ow you all up together. " " atttm P t ing this, a little iav i n f may be neceirar y. or he eathr ' :Xp , eilence ‘h« ‘ar and ■ CJl 'rs C m‘h e K arroWiyerea P efl Auguft a C . glnn,ng ° f his " K G E EDS at this Office , : Honor I fay, or hone [I fame , I mean the p.bfiance — not the name. Prick. Mr. Day, A FEW hours ago, I was in formed of a flagitious re port, which through the channel of your paper, I beg leave to contradid, tending to injure the reputation, and throw the un principled condu£t on Dodor Pugflcy and myfclf, fandionedi by certain undermining charac ters, wafted as they fuppofe the current of prejudice in their favor ; but imbibed only by the illiterate dupes to faction. It is weli known in cafes of lunacy, the patient will be ob- Rinate, and will not take any thing; threatening, and a I trie conedion is advifeab'e, to have fame command, in order to make the patient take Rich medicine as may be preferibed, which I allow was recommended with that humanity natural to the fouls of fenfibility ; his alfo well known that it was with difficulty wc could prevail on Mrs. Brown- Ron, it was not deception in the negro which flic in lifted was, and at aimoft every interview would life, or caufe to be inflid ed, fuch feverity that was un becoming a feeling breafl, an appeal to a part of her own family, will convince that by 'their interccffions her wanton ciuelty was frequency checked, and the envenomed fpleen vent? ed on thernfelvcs. I muR ac knowledge her conduct has not been any way genteel towards us ; and that others have endeavored to’propagate with as bad ten dency like inflammatory reports, and lay down that for truth, which they knew in their own hearts to be falfe, is too evident; the more fcandalous an accula tion is, the greater reafon is there for requiring convincing proofs of it. The celebrated Lavator was of opinion, that the Rudy of phyfiognomy was of import ! ance ; I am firmly of opinion it is of great importance to a phyfician, for where patients under our care are ill, the?e is conßantly conventions of the elders, and among them walking, gazettes, who coled the reports: of the day, and blacken themi with the tongue of fcandal, and at one glance mav be read what would fill a volume, a ferutiniz ing eye (from a head like the cormorant that was tranfmogra o lied f lomthe devil) piercing its rays beyond the notice of fads. Sack heads extremely nice di[cover t That folks will die [me ten timesovcr ; : But vjt by too rejin d a touch '■ do prove things nice—they prove ■ too much. A phiz of prejudice ferewing 1 the lips to confine the tongue of fcandal : : So voluble and kind 1 It always runs before the wind , As times do ferve fhe filly pleaaes : With promifes as thick as weeds. Speaks pro and con , is always civil, To day a Saint, to-morrow devil. Although every perfon may not comorchend the chaiafcleril tic ot true defimulation by view ing the countenance alone, yet the ingenious Lavator has fo juftlv delineated the principles of phyfiognomy, that to the Me dical Obferver, the verv r fecrct fentimentsmay be fluftied hefo c die face of-- - - Day. Wnat (hall the contemplative mule ft art from her pen five fhade to dip the pen in the gall of hitter nels, to unravel their projc&s. and unveil them of the garb of defimulation ; be affuied when ever they are difpofcd to fucb falle inftnuations, I (hall be al ways ready to refill the attack— chance threw my fnend Tome years ago into Jefferfon, where he prolecuted with the greateft fuc efs, a lyflem which every enlightened mind would vvilli rather to admire than give ftrength to die abfurd policy or the weak projc6l; of the picju diccd ; *tis beyond a doubt the medical department has ( f late years been much enlightened ; but in order to promote fcicnce, ibouid the knowledge be con fiued to the facultv alone ? There ate many wi o might be more uleful to fociety would they throw off thofc prejudices that have kept them fo long in obfcuiity. With • pleafure, I obferve lorne of the aged Tons of Ifculapius nfing from them duffy old calihets, and ftrength ening di ir weak p inciples by flopping forward to the beautiful field of improvement; and with contempt I obferve others ftdl pondering over thofe handed down by the anceftors ftnee the fifteen h century ; are they qu • - lifted for the promotion of any branch offcience ? W th refpecl to our treatment of Mrs. Wright’s cafe can I condefcend to en deavor to convin e certain feep tics, i( the integrity of the lady is not fufticient to fatisfy the 1 minds of thofc miCcreants ; Hie can inform them, that while fhc , re Tided n Savannah, file labored j under the fame complaint, and: was attended by thole gentlemen from whom I ha 1 the honor of receiving the fiift.principles of medicine; it will afford me the 1 grcatefl la isfaftion in being in • r> flrurnental in relieving her effec tually ( f what caul d her to be one of the rnofl unhappy being'. She is now on th? recovery, and has not hid the leaft return of the old comp aim—therefore | under their aulo ces will I rigid- , ly perfeve’e in the improvement of thofe principles ingrafted in j me, and with no lels >r •■ad will I fuooort an r :>i m 1, 11 . r I reputation. DiLVr, AI X. | June 25, 1709. y~ ru~ ?maKDa' s ? F S’ B L A X K DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE , For Sale , at th * Jficje of the Lou - April 2, A New Grocery Store, J r 'ST opened by the S' h'Vruer, In ’?tfi houle formerly occupied by Metiu. Sc Rfi'e.i’x. //' /at n'fo A fnalt »n lio (■T , me Adoitment of Dry Goods, \A h-h wi 1 be fold rn ?e y 1 w Tcrmi, or C<fh < r Produce • plv. David 1 lianas, l ouTv il’f, Jure 2<; 1 -(;p Walhi gum Superior Court, Sep ember Term, 1798. Andrew Hemphill,""j vs. y Forcclofare, fames Hemphill, J UPON the petition oj Andrew Hemphill , praying the /ore clo/ure of the equity of red>mption 9 in and to the Jolowing baH of land 9 fituatty lying and being in the coun ty rj Wafhmgt n , bounded by 'Jehu foreman , John Rogers, and ail other Jid s by va ont land; and containing two handled eighty fivert and an half acres t which tract of land w is mortgaged to the fa’d An drew Hemphll , by the fid James Hemphill , /or the /ecurity of one hundred and thirty fevm pounds t Jevcnteen /hillings a* d th ee penrr 9 on the iGth day of Match in the year 0/ our L rd one thou/and /even hundred and ninety-live'. Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell 9 attorney /or the plaintiff it is or dered , that the principle intne/l and cojl be paid into Ih s courts within twelve, months jrom this lime , olhcr wfe the equity of redemption will be /oreviT fureclo/ed, and that a copy of this ride be ferved upon the /aid James Hemphill , nr puhh/hei nine months in one of the Qazrttrs oj this Stale , before the. of the j aid nine months, agree hie to an >id of the I g flature in ; Uih cafes made and brewed. A true c py from the minutes , |. Williams, deputy c ci k. Bv VV m . M Dow* GEORGIA,/ Rf.l, C/e-k of the J f for County, > Court of Ordinary, VV M. M* Do WELL. I of the County of 3 *J -jfer ton, Whereas n ci? rd Rnwrii nad Martha R 'Wr!l lia'h a plied t»> me for leite s < f »»• miniftration • n the e '.ate of li! jj Ii Grout, late of this County, deccalcd ; ilie 1 c a c therefore to tj e and adrronifh all and Angular 'Ue kindred a d cteuitOTS of t!ic faid deteafed, ' >/’ e and appear at my office, tin or be tore the h day cf June rex', to fhewraufe, if any ihev hav-, *hy letter? of adminif* tratiun thculd not be granted them. Gi'-en under rny hand, this 74th day of May, 1799, and in the twenty third year ot the American Inde* 1c dence. SBy Wm. M D"w« E 1,1., Clerk of the Cuur t of Or unary ej the C unty of 7. fen on, WHEREAS Wm. Fountain, fen. hath appled to me tor lerers of admi ni 1 ration on the F.(*ate of Seth Fountain, I .re of this County, deceafed ; the'e are theref >re t<» cite and adnv n fh all ml fi.ig ilar the kindred a: d Cred toriof the End ( eccafcd, ’o be and appear at my Office, on or before the 25 h dav of ]• nc i nex r , t<» (tics' cai fc, if snv ihev can, 1 whv e.ter? of admir.irtration Ihot.ldnot be o-hittcd him Given under my hand, thi? 24th da* of Mav, 171,9, and in the Iwolv third year t;f the Amc ican Indc- TC-iderjcf. IV A N T E D, A few lb>. of HOGS BRIST L E S, For which a generous price will be given , by Andrew Burns. j tine 11 x -«i