The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 02, 1799, Image 1

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Vol. !•] - HQUISVIkkE :—Fublifhcd every Tuel'day, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollais per ann. payable halt yearly. G£'-1 a ’ * * _ from the Boston Chronicle. A we ll armed militia, the only fare end cheap defence of nations. IT betrays confcious guilt* of an extreme and unnatural jea joufy !n the government of a free country, when it is not wiling to place its laft refuge in a well appointed militia. In furh a community, it i? even an inftPt tofuppofea STANDING AR MY in time of PE ACE, would be necedaiv to defend it againft a foreign invafion, when the citizens are always ready to fly to their flandards, to repel the enemy. There is no example of a well governed people, in the annals of hiftory, who have turned a “ deaf ear” to the cfy of their country in the moment of real danger. There are ah ways men enough to be found, who are eager for the prft of honor and patriotifm, in a juft j \ and ncceflary war. They will never forfake the government, when the government does not afiudly confpire again ft their true interell. They will never feek a retreat within the “ lines I of an invading army,” if they It do not fear a more d-endful op- H predion at heme. The policy I of a fiee government muft be II deferable, belbre the fuppofi-j I tion can be admitted for a mo- j B ment, that any part of i‘s “ mem-, B bers” would adhere to the inva-j B ders, or give them “aidorrom- B fort.” Such an event would be ■ a prodigy in nature—. Did it fo H happen in Gteece or Rome?.; ■ Bid it fo happen in America ? j H Did it fo happen in France ? K Dave not the militia in theft' ■I nations been found fully fuftki- B f° r a!! the pirpofes of “ de- B fenfivc operations.” It is not ■ meant to be infmuated that in ■ the caie of actual invafion, or, B* n cy le of imminent danger ■ that an enemy fhould be in full ■ P°lfcffion of feme of the p v in B 3 ! fo’trcffes, as was the fo6l B ln °ur late revolution: that then, ■ 3 certain part of the militia B lh® u ldnot be embodied, armed, I P ald and equipped, to ferve ■ oaring the war, with a proper ■ tjam of artillery to re lift and I , e . ea * their incurfions, and to I .‘ ! ' e them from the country, I . f 0 unteers 'vill always be found, II *j,‘ e * r j contr a£ls are punc I ua y ciilrharged, who will (bon ■ econie an mvinfible army—for I then ffght for everv ■ dear to (hem. Their I , *' es ’ their children, their li ■ ' e,t 7» ad the bleftings they I a ki VC en j°>’ ed » and the irrefift- Pl tn e .r; vCB w htch impel them I hn <e to '’indicate the I * ncr * and maintain the THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. T U E S D A Y, July ?, 1799. RTAION AND TRUTH LMl'.-lh 111 I. rights of the STATE, again ft fo reign pollution—dorncflic trea chery would be impoflible. Even thofe political mal con tents who lately joined the Bri tifh aimy againft their country, had fomething like the fcmblagc of reafon to juflify theirconduft. The ariftocracy and the clergy of France too had been fo long in pofleflion of all the honors? and emoluments, as well as of almofl all the territory of the nation, that it is not wonderful, they fhould abandon the foil * which non:idled them, when its j precious fiuits had been fo long; exclufively devoted to theirj maintenance at tlje expence of: “ the people.” Such “ orders”j and deferiptions of pcrfons,j would naturally cleave to thofe; who would promote their per-i fonal views, even by the ruin of their country ; or, wculd be | fine to fupport and continue | them in their horrible ufurpa tions. But bach OR D£RS and j DESCRIPTIONS of per fans I aie now not known in America. In the firft of our late waragainft the Britifh, we had not a (ingle piece of artillervon its carriage. We had not a friend upon earth who could then furnifti the ne ceflary apparatus of defence, I much lefs of attack : and yet, I we finally furceeded in the ho ! norableconteft, notvvithftanding j the unwearied aftivity and efforts of our internal traitors. We had neither civil arrange ments nor mi itary fkill. The ! Britifh. befides. had poftbffion | of Bofton, New-Yo kand Phi ladelphia—for they had tioops in all of them. Our fir (I officers had not then fo much profeft fional knowledge, as tinny of j the exifling colonels, even ma-| jors in our prefent train lands, j The invafion of this country! by the French, has been fork ufly reprelentcd as a probable event, to give a currency to the idea o a STANDING ARMY being neceffary, and the militia incom petent. The dreadful bill oil cofb, already threatens an accu mulation of the pubbe debt be vond the ability, or inclination of the citizens to Every mercenary unneceffanly raifed and maintained, isa drone in the hive that exhaufts its Tweets, without contributing h:s proper fharc of labor topreferve its flock. The militia on the other hand, find an amulrment in their martial exercifes, after their diurnal occupations are fulfilled. But the invafion of this country is but the dream of i an over heated imagination, o : the work of an infiduous policy. i The French could not invade it, if they would , and they wou’d not if they could. An attempt of this kind, would be on their part, -fitch an aft of extreme folly ; fuel) an outrage on every principle of common fenfe as to put it beyond the fear even of the moft fordid credulity. They have not had in any period of the prefent war, the tranfports to convey their troops, or (hips of force to proteft them on their voyage. They have not even an objeft to be attained, which couidmakeaconquell beneficial, j T hry can find here no kings to ■ punifh for perfidy, no ariflocrats j to be reduced, either as to power or property, to the fiandard of a juft and philofophic equality | wuh their oppreffed fellow-citi- I zens. No ecchfiaftiral digni itariesto he humbled to the pri- Imi ive regimen of the gofpt 1 : a STANDING ARMY then, can have no view to a foreign invafion. Heaven fend that ft | may never be employed in this (young and happy country, for the horrid purposes of erefting an internal defpotifrn. An cxcife law, (lamp aft, and a land tax, are the fit ft ft nits of our late military inhalations. Impolitic laws are fometimes enafted, that a STANDING ARMY may be rained to cxc* cute them ; and the opprellive charge of this fortnidable inllru men' of power, in its turn, will invariably render inch laws in r ifpemible, for its regular fup poit. National profpeiity', in efiirnate : i? the appropr ate re fait of individual happimTs—• i Where there is the lead polfible coil to the citizen, consilient j with the proper order of (ociery, ■there is then the belt podihle !3 d m ini ft ration • Lxpnfive mi-' | lit ary arrangements mu‘l pervert the accuflomcd order of things. Already they have opened to the (anguine hopes of [ome, the i flattering prolpeft of finally | compoundingour prefentrepub-; lican infiitutions, and of form-| ing on their ruins, an indolent and opprellive ariflocracy, and | a bafe & degraded PEOPLE, \ O O L 1 The SUBSCRIBER | licg leave £<* inform his Friend* and the Punlic, that he hu commenced the Commiflion and bactoiage BUSINESS, On T-Ifair’s Wharf, where he ha* Suit able Stores lor ;he reception of Good’, rod Produce ; and revert ul!y tcnde.s bis Cervices to hi* F*lcn<‘s in that line. Samuel Hammond. Savannah, June 6, 17^9. WANTED TO HIRE, By tie Month or Tear, A NEGRO M A N. Enquire ut tin Cfsi. i* January so. To he fold, at public auftlon, On TUESDAY, The 6th Augufl next. In the 1 own of W in(b*rough, Burke C untv. 150 Acres of I. A N D, Kel aging to the E laic of Jams* M c Qj x»w, deep fed, Ivirg on M‘Be«a Creek, adjoining lands ofThoj. Miller. Con iiionj, C Hi. Hv nnVr of C< up', Daniel M‘Murphy, admr • June 18. F O R S ALE, At the Oil-ICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ* £ ‘T'TEy cheap for Cafb, NIME pair Gold Far-Rings Tweivc pair round Gold Wire* Six G'lt Seals to tell the day of the month Six Silver Bottle fables Six i’lrttcd do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladle* Six Plated do, do, do. Four pair of Silver Root Buckles Six pair of Plated Spurs Plated Whins F >ur Tl/O'if.tnd Needle* One grocc large feat I Button* Cotton or Tobacco will bo received in payment for the above Articles. M.i:« h |2. JOHN BL A I \X, Has jor Sa V, at his Store, cheap jnr Ca/h, 1 he following Articles, viz. IRISH Linen 4-4 wide Brown Sheeting (Jznahiugi Brown Linen Tit klcnhmgt H uni hums Colored and plain Nankeen* Tambourel, Sinned, S >i igged and Plain | conet and Ho k M fiin Mullin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Boole and J.ic<>ret Gentlemens Netk Handkerchiefs and Cra vat j Calicoes and Chintzes Pocket Handkerchiefs Rla< I’, Blue and Pink Durants Kbbuiuß, Ferredrgt and Tape* Sc ah g v ilx and Twift Mr s Womens and Youth’s Cotton *n<3 Woiftcd Hafc Lndics Shoes Ginghams Man: he Iter M fl : n i Si Me* n T d T nmrntr j I>. worth’s ami Wrld'ct’s Spcllirg Bot kl Fe cral Readv Kctkoncis W1 iting Paper G L and P m ted Buitcnj j Lai gr and r.nall Jo. I ra Canni! ers Pea K. ives kuivc and Foi kl I able Spoons 11 ca Spoon* ! 1 k Pois I Sulio s> an( j larje G l ' n b f{s N ccd cs and Pins :u j I himble* I Cotton (j rd* No. to jamdcaand Wed India Rut* 1 1 c crilTc VV inc j Apple Brandy } 1 S ,g ;r a id MulafTcs j H y on Tc 1 ColLe and Chocolate K tilms Pei per and Spice Copperas Hcu Rifle Gunpowder Shot all rr cd B g Balls Sal:. ALSO, A qir.nti'y of Mti’lClNES, vi 2. Rdcnec of Peppermint J Hop an., Rhubarb riritifh Oil T artar Calome 1 # IVithy a large and genial nflorfment ef icge.her *i h a variety of oilier anir cs > too tedious t'* mentis n. junc 4. BLANK D EEDS tor Sale, at this OJfice, [No. 24.