The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 02, 1799, Image 4

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1 . A RACE, Trt if P for OM thf fir/l Mnnii’V VI Mo nQ-chy. ip Sfi'nrfdfwP fvUs. a hnnAftme ’ containing 20 pieces of Exhalation, 10 Pea ces. and 5 Penftnns, hy nnv fol, rogue or coward. To carry mailer for abilities—if a hoi to carry 20 weight of impudence ; a rogue to ca y ry 1r; lbs. of hypoenfy ; and if a coward, to carry a 1 equa 1 weight of flattery. The entrance for each to he i() ounces of apoftacy. Hone hut c uhfrihi rs to the Gog B’ll wil he allowid to flart The entrant to he paid to the clerk of the ccur/e, Mr. William Pitt Gagus , at the Sign of King John the. Fir ft, cor ner of Perfecution-fireet near the Royal Sfjuare, EafP America, N B. On the day of the o ace wdl be expofed for fale , a targe Affortment of Gags , neat ns im ported from the ftddion oj]ice> hy the Sahjcriher. Peter Guillotine. ■im • ■ T-rriw nw A New Grocery Store, JUST opened by the S bfenber, m the li.Mife formerly occupied by Mcflri. toC er & Bcnediv. Ht has at (a A Tnail an ' h? nlf^rr>» Mot trrent of Dry Goods, Wb'Hi wi I be fo’d cm ve j low Term?, for Ci.fli r Produce, David Thomas . I.nirfvilV. Tore 7 r 1700 F U R SAL E, At the UN 1 0 N, Low/vilU, • A qua lit v ot prim ’ Northward Chcefe, Pilot Bread; and Philadelphia Beer, In Bottles. L I K. E W I SF, Spanifh Segars, and Tobacco, Of the bell qualit j. yune 1 8. NOTICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Infoim then Fr.enns and the Public, that the* have received by the way cf Au gnfL, a FRESH ( Allortment of MEDICINE, Siinblc t tlic Practice; *nd afl'iirr them, bai 'he flrflcfl attention will b» paid n> a' Ordcu, &c, * rl’ 23. forty Dollars Rewcid. STOLEN FROM the Suhfcrthers p'anfa tion, on Big Creek, on luef d>v the 18 ih inf I ant, a dark ha' Ma y e. 4 years old % about four tan and rn half hamE high, branded on the m anting piouldcr and buttock , IM, joined together; Jhe has a Jmnll jlar in her forehead , and 0 e hind foot had while. Whoever wi I ( deliver the jaid Mare, or giv* in - Joirhaiion, fo that th Owner may ft her ngan, Jhall receive Twen y Dollirs reward and Forty Djlars on detection 0) the thi /. Thomas Mountain. Jfferjon County , June 25, 1793. NOTICE. j \LL Ferfors are hereby lorwajrc ■ fro < tr (t 1 n i» <or c trier of 1 iES j I aANU, given by the S» fct.her, to D-dton ; one fr O Hu; dred anri p. r ty D d'an, a. d be other f«>r One Hun dred and Dollars, as the conditio tor which 1 give the Ksii Notes for, ha: tailed. Ifaac Rawls, April 18. NOTICE. ALL thufe indebted to the EPatc of John Calhoun, deccafed, are re queued to come forward and fettle their ; Arc un f « ; alfo all thufe to whom the fair* Rflate it anywifie indebted, are rf’quefled to bring forward their Demands regularly attefled, to receive payment of John Burton, adminiflrator. February 19. Wafhmgton Superior Court, Sep'ember Term, 1798. Andrew Hemphill,”^) vs, )> Foreclofure . lames Hemphill, J UPON ihe petition of Andrew Hemphill, praying the fort clofu>e of the equity of redemption , in and to the following taft of land, ft'uale , Lying and being in the coun ty cf Wafhingt n t bounded by John foreman , John Rogers, and all oth'r Jidcs hy vacant land; and containing two handled eighty feven and an half acres , which trad 0) land was mortgaged to the /aid An drew Hcmph //, by the fold James Hemphill, for the fecurity of one hundred and thirty feven pounds , /hillings and three pence , on the 1 6th day of March , in the year of cur Lnd one ihoufand feven ' hundred and ninety-three. Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell, attorney for the plaintiff, it is or \ dered , that the principle inter eft and 1 col} he paid into ih's court , within twelve months from this time , other• wfc Ihe equity of redemption will be fortvr freckled , and that a copy cf this rule be firved upon the faid James Hemphill, or puhh/hed , nine months in one 0/ the Gazettes of this Stale , before the expire (ion of the faid nine months, agree hk to ! t an oft of the legijlalurc in fuck cafes . made and provided. A true copy from the minutes, J. Williams, deputy c'eik, I 1 T - - ■ ■ EO R SALE, \ HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE adjoi 'irg, rear the Market, wrh a K-'tihtn, Stab'e, an excellent well ol water. It has five fire placet, and is forty r vo by twenty feet, wi h a SHED twelve eet wide. ALSO, A 'wo Tory HOLI E and LOT with a Kitchen, S ao r, car-en, and a good iprii g near th • H n fr, Condi:ior», one half cafli ; the remainder on a credit of li* m nth*. Joleph Chair?, February tq. WANTED , A few lb>. of HOGS BR3ST L E S, For uhxh a gentrous price will \be g.ven, by Andrew Burns. ' June 11. SHERIFFS* blank deeds Of CONVEYANCE, For Sale , at the Office of the Lou ifvillc Gazette , April 2, WALTER. ROBINSON | HjB received horn Charlcdon, a Gene ral AfTornnenr of SPRING GOODS, Which he will fell low for Cafh, at his Store, near the Market, in the Red Houfe, where Mr. Joftph Chairs formerly lived. TT RISH LINENS, 3*4 and 4-4 wide Ji_ White and Brown Sheeting A handfomc tflortmcnt of Caiicoei Oznaburgs Cotton tod Thread Hole, fine & cnarfe i Lidica and Childrens Morocco Shoes and Slippers Mens, Womens sod Children* coarfe and fine Hats Twilled, plain and colored Nankeens Marfcillca 3c Mufl net Waiftcoal Shapes Corded Dimities Silks and Silk Handkerchiefs Jamborcd, ftriped, fprigged, plain Ja conet and Book Muflin Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemen* line Neck Handkerchiefs Ve'vet and Corduroy, twilled and plain Sewing Si.k and Ribbons and 'Tapes Ladies long and ftiort Kid Glove* Mens Buckfkiu and Beaver do. Writing Paper, fine and coatfc Durants of all colors Camblets Coffee, Chocolate *nd Tea Sugar, white and brown M daffei Copperas, Allum and Brimffonc Rum, Brandy, Wioc and Whifky Wced ng Hoes and Grubbing 00, Broad and Club Axes 4d. 6J Bi. tod. and 20J. Nails Pa cm Medic nc and Glauber Saits P.wter Plates and Porringer* Spoons, large and iinall j Frying Pans Sp.des Ch-fle.'s of all fizes Files of different kind* Knives and Foiks Cut:cau and Pen Knive* riiimblts Beads and Neck Lace* EfLnce of P.pptrmnt Wool and Cotton Cards, No. 1, 9 & IO Betl Ticking and Checks Gun Locks and Flints P pea G'afs, 8 by 10 Prufllau Blue Spirits Turpentine London bottied Porter / Ginghams i White and colored Threid Horie Whips Pins of all fizes Ivory and Horn Hair Conabl Humhums Gunpowder L-sd end Shot Ink Powder Br die Bits and Sadlery Tool* Biol’a aud Telia men** Spelling Boi ks and Primmer* White Chapel Ncedlea Lo king G affes Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafe* bp dac'rfl C»kc Backlog Plated, Gdt and Common Button* Coffee Mills Drawing Knives Ha ul Saws and Hammer* C.u iy Combs 1 Binek and Pad Locks [ Tin Ware of all k;Cid* Earthen Ware Pepper, A’lfpice, Nulmegi, Cloves, Cinnamon and Ginger Decanters, Tumblers, Giaffcs and Salt Bellas also, A fmill flock of Woollen Good* Broad Ciolh* Cafii’nercfl Bwandown* Drabs and Coatinga Dufal and Briltol Blankets, with a variety of other Articles, 100 tedious lo mention, April 23, TO RESOLD A L 0T ’ rear th« C. «c* Houle, Louifvillc, cental, j. * a good Oven and Houfe, Garden a -j impiovcmeais; an excellent lit for trade. Conditions, one part cafh, the r-h tr trade or erruit, with approved f««. uritiej For further j anicuiars, apply m the Umofi’ Luuitvillc. * May 14, TO BE SOLD. Cheap Jor Cafh or Produce , SEVEN nundred and ninety. two /ere* of Oak and Hickory LAND, third quality, lying on the Eight Mie Branch, on the new road leading from Lcuilviii* l( J Savannah ; thirty Acies of the (aid Land is e’eared, and under geod fence. For fur. thcr particulars, enquire at this Office, or of the Subicriber. Arthur Claik, April 23. MANUS LEM L E Has removed his Dry Good Store, to «he Houle formerly occupied bv Thomas Collier & Co. as a Dry Good Store ; Where he has jor Jale i cheap for cajh or produce , A handfome Aflcrtment of DRY GOODS. All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, Sc c, ALSO, Juft received and for fa , .e t A colle&ion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. See, y*te 4. Z. LAMAR, HAS FOR SALE , A/his STORE, MarkeLSquarc, Cheap jor Cajh t London Duffii Blanket* White, Blue ano Green Plain! Whi;c and Red Flannel* Bath C atings Superfine Broad Cloths i Second do. do. Black Buff and Grey Cafliraercf i Fufhionable Swandown and CafHmere Vtft Shapes Marfrilles, Jeans and Jeanef do. • Clouded ard Silk Nankeens 1 Royal Ribbs ard Denimmi 1 Velverefs, Corduroys and Thickfttl i B ack, Blue and Pink Durants j Calicoes ami Chintzes JTa mboied, fprigged, firiped and plill I j Jaconet and Book Muflin Mullin Shawl* and Handkerchief* Book and Jaconet C avals ami Cotton Cambrick* Black Silk Handkerchiefs Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing Siik and Twift Mens Dear Skin Gloves Infh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wic?« Wh itc ami Brown Sheetings I Oznaburgi Mens, Womens and Youth* Cotton ari Worded Hofe Mens, Womens and Youth* Shoe* L idles Morocco Sandals Men* and Womens coarfe and fine Hat* Bibles, Tcftaments and Spelling Book* Federal Ready Reckoner* Dictionaries, snd a variety of frnail rics Ink Powder, and beft Dutch Quill* Violin* , Looking Glaffc* Ivory Combs R *ors and Cafes Gilt and Plated Button! Large and fmail do. Pen Knives Knives and Forks Tabic Spoons Trunk and Chefl Locks Saddle ard Bridle Buckles Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bits Shoe Knives, Ta ks, Awi Blade! Pit cers a .d Gimblet* Cotton Cards, No. 10 Jamaica and Weft-India Rum Cogniac and Peach 1 randy Teneriffc and Malaga Wine* Holland Gin Bohca Tea Sugar Pepper and Spiff Brimftone and Copperas qd. 6<l. Bd. and tod. Nails Hcfl; Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot afferted An A flortment ofPATENT and QJJEENS-WaBE, together variety of other articles, too nu»CI vU, ‘ infert. April 16.