The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 13, 1799, Image 2

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g■■ ■— —<*——* *' ,lll *"T ~~" F R A N C E‘. CO ‘J i:CI I. OF FIVE I, uNI)R H &• i o Hu real—May []• ■— A meftaore was received from . thcL-ciiicclory relative to the af bdlination of the* French minif - iers. It was the fame as that Jranfmitted to the council of .ancients. The melfage being read, the ' proficient ftated, that fifteen members had infrnbed their names to (peak. 'T he ptiotity was granted to Rh* lock. heilork—“ You have juft heard the reritd of the horrible outrage committed upon the p** Tons of our minivers; one dime was wanting to complete the long fcrics of offences, of which the houfc of Auftria has been gui’ty towards France, it comrs to frighten poflcrity. r I he moft barbarous ravages have a’- ways refpe£lcd tlie facred cha racter ( f the miffionarics of peace ; yet a civilized nation has juft dyed its hands in their blond! fnfolcnt corqunor! the triumph of a day b'inds you, and makes ynu forget fix yems of defeat. It is in the blood of the reft of the French \ on would walh off the fhame which the vifto ies of Fleurus of Areola, &c have imprinted upon vour fo: chead. Men of r !) ou wdl know how to check and to punifh him. Fiona a I parts of France let one unanimous cry be hea d—Revenge! Revenge ! Mar es of Bonnier and Rober joe, jou (hall be avenged ! and you, [can Debrv, your blood Hi all not have flowed in vain : a ciowd of avengers are daiting to tbofc parts, the (ccne of your .aflaffmation. Ihe vengeance (hall he proportioned to the atrocity of the crime/’ Sher- Jo. k concluded by moving, t. 1 hnr comiers extra tdna ry fh ul be ient to aU powers to infonn them of the hornbb outrage that has juft been com nutted, [Murmurs.] * 2. That in a place pointed ou*, there ffioidd be cftabhfhed a high tiibunal. compofed of judges lent thither (tom all pow ers. | Murmurs] 3. That the officers of the army fhould wear crape on their arm : that ti e black ftandatd, fhould be dilplayed in all the j communes: and that dicfe marks ; * of ge er il momning fhould not rcale till a fignal vengeance (ball have been inflifcled upon Auf tria. 4. That the councils would declare in the name of the Re public, thatthc country charges ithlf with widows and chtld r en of cur min tiers rftaifmated. 5. That a war tax fhoutd be eftabbihed to defray tire ext a o'dinaiy expcnccs renclc ed ne ccllary by circumftance bhedock defued that bis fen timents might be referred to a comm Ifiou. '1 he council ordered the print ing of his fpcech, 1 Ou planter of Ciror-de, Crrufe Latouche liallieid, Lucien Bu onaparte, and Souitbe, ciavted in the tribune, and all denied 1 to be hea:d. Duplanter called upon sh ra tions for vengeance. “ People of France (cried lie) 10 arms! your enemy has an rnlatiablc third for your blood; he has jufl bathed his bands in the blood of men unarmed, and in celled with a charafter facrcd among all nations, even the moil baibarous, March !—fly *—out raged humanity will lead you to viflory !—1 move that a com miflion be dirc&ed toprefent the form of an addrehs to the • rench peop'e.”—The printing was de ert ed. BaEieul— <c T he horrible af ;fafFination of our plenipo en tiaries is then but too true ! they have been maffacred by the lol diers of a nation who ought to have watched over their lafety I will not attempt to roufe youi indignation. The recital alone makes me fliudder. In hearing it, alt the nations’of buro e wiil be chided with horror; the authors thcmfelves arc frightened at it: the palenefs of gui't is upon their forehead. 6< The univerfal conflagration of Europe, a war of extermina tion, had already been the reluh of the new coalition. ihe hor rible alfaffmation which has jufl been committed by b caking «*l! the tics that unite men in foci -1 ety, by transforming civilized | people into hordes of I vage canibals, (huts the door to all means of conclusion. The | nation which foreigners them* felveshave chara6lertlcd as and the nations her allies a:e the only ones at this moment who ought to be tlaffed among civi lized people. r l he rights of tire o her people are fufpended; die v will not recover thole : they will not refume the ir place in the f cia! «rder, hut by their 'oima! affectation to revenge the crime which has jufl put huma nity in mourning." [Loud and repeated plaudits.] Bai cul repeated the preccd ng fentenre. “ I’or ou;felvcs, let us refume that menacing attitude which we have always km wn how to pre (erve in the inicift of the greatcll j dangers. Let us pu ge the foil of France of a I the enemies which (he dill holds in her bo fom ; of thole heterogeneous which check and oppoL her happincls, which rejoice at what defolate us, and which coniprre with the enemies without. Yes, unworthy Frenchmen you are the prime caufe of the ills that afflifl ns. Have iou lufficientlv abufed the indulgence, I lhall alinofl lay the weakness of re publicans ? I ITIOV'*, 1. That the rneffage and letter fiom Jean Debry be printed and dill ibured to the number of 1 2 copies, and lent to ad the Can tons of the Republic. 1 2. That a manifcfto be drawn 1. which the crime that lias • juft been comrniued lhall be I denounced to France, Europe, I end poilerity; 3. That in all the communes i a funeral fete be celebrated, in i which ail the citizens fhall pio j nounce the oath of hatred to j royalty ; and the government, authors of this aflaflination, (hall be dev'ted to public execration. 4. Thata flandard, analogous to the occafion, be lent to the armies. 5. That in each chief place of the department, a monument be erefted to pe»petuate the remembrance of this outrage. 6. That th* legiflative body adopt the widows and children of our unfortunate minifters. he council ordered the print ing to the number of 12 copies. Foulain I pro pofe an add.tional article to Bal licul's plan. Here is your poft; it is from the height of this tri bunal that the impulfes of your patiiotifm mud eledbify all the ' icpublic ; the nations of Europe mud hear us ; they mud know that we will not lay down our arms until this horrible outrage has been revenged. Our aflafTi naled minifters were our old col leagues; they were members of that wonderful convention wlrch nveithrew the throne, founded the republic, and cemented it with the blood of its la ft tyrant. FnghtfuJ Auftria, atrocious rc | vel ing in atrocity, had already lexercded unheard of ciuelties 1 upon the members of the con vention, whom treafon had fur rendered into her hands ; and fhe would, have mcrcdefsly im molated them to her vengeance, if they had not been exchanged for the remnant of that impure race which has conftiluted all the ihs of France. ’ t I move, that upon the day which lliall be confecrated to the , funeral fete, the prefidents of the . two councils pronounce an ana . logons difeourfe. I move that jail the patriots in this aflembly II forget ail ddfentions, fufpend all i hatred and difeord (a great many voice? —bravo) and that we fur , niih the government with the . j means of developing the national , energy. 1 move that Ballieul’s and my propositions be leferred to a committee of feven mem ber'' Agiccd to. The fitting was then put an end to, ..midft loud and reitera ted cr;es of vengeance I ven* geance! vive la republic ! May 6. The meftage of the direflory upon the allaftination of our plenipotentiaries, together with | the proportions to which it gave 1 life yellerday, were refeired to | a ronimidion, compofed of the deputies Pioulain Grandpre, Bcilies, Ballieul, Duplanier, Talot, Boulay-Paty, and Fran cois de Nantes. BLA NK DE ED S For Sale , at this Office, * LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, ,3, , 799 . An extraordinary circum- Hance Las happened in Penn fylvania flate, which will i n a great meafure account for the rapid fbides which the govern ment of this country has taken of late towards monarchy, an rl the oppreffions we daily find coming upon us. It is no lefs than a clofe connexion difco vered to be between Mr, Litton, the Englifh minifter, and fome men high in office, in our ov n government. The following may be relied on : “ Sweezy, a noted horfe thief in Bucks comfy was outlawed, and fled to Nova Scotia and Canada, from the government of which latter colony, he was lent with difpatches to this city, and on his return was purfued under the iormer outlawry he | efcaped, but his chara&er called for an examination of a parcel which he left behind, in whicti were found three letters fiom Mr. Lillon to the honorable Prefident Ruffell ; befides a great number of letters from * certain OLD TORIES, refident in this flare, to others who took refuge f;om juftice in Canada. The papers are fo warded by the rnagillrate who opened them to Prefident Adams/* We (hall be able next week to lay two of the letters before | cur readeis. J here is a third letter of the Britifh rniniller of which we have not been able to obtain a | copy, becaufe it is in the hands of adminittration, but there is a faft in it, which has come to our knowledge, in a manner which we can neither depute nor fufpeft the authenucity of. It /lates to the Briiifh government oj Canada , that in the event of that Britijh province being attacked h any foreign power , the government of the United States Hood pledged to /apply a military force adequate to the exigency to defend that cclonv , and to prejerve it to the Entijh government. One rcfle&ion prefents itlelf on thefe attempts of Bdtifh in triguers to involve us in this war; let any man compare this praiie of a public violation of the laws by the Britilh minilier, with the barbarous expofurc and /logging of the two Mi/s Daly s, at ( on, in Ireland , the daughters oj Mr.E u * gene Daly , a Uatiorer of gr^ c lefpeclabilhy in private andpuh lie life—with a [ ntence of lafhes inflißed on two beautiful V ct *'v; ladies, both in the ptime of youin and beauty ; and foi onlv lament ing the cruelty pia&ifed on intS brother , for it was the brother bewailed- —let any American Ills hand to his heart, and 1') it dehrable ; is not the iaea 0 tabic —to have any connexion! with a government whole mm l |1 I ter interferes in our natrn^