The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 13, 1799, Image 3

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; r , vi;l Wgovernment i,‘capable of fach unexpreffihly , bir hj»roas conduft towards the. ien dcr and delicate fex ? Th'! numerous (hocking tales contained in rhe letters frojn Tre ]and, mnrh excite in every hu jnanbreaft, the ft ongeft detef- Ution for the Britifh barbarians who are inftrumental to fuch horrid cruelty. The black cata logue of dimes committed in that unfortunate country, ex hibits the fanguinary difpofition of defpotifm in true co ours. AVe live an age which of j s refinement and civilization, vet vice armed with power, in f:6h the mod poignant wounds on feeling and fenfibility, Mif crearvts in the wantonnefs of ty. rannv, fport with the forrows of a people weighed down to the earth with mifery and oppreffion. Wietched peafants are rendered more unfortunate by a remorfe lefs foldiers burning their cot tages, from wh ch their wives and children are happy to efcape almoft in a Hate of nature, Fa thers torn f»om their families by ruthlels villains and immured in the finders pefti ential hold, fight in vain over their unfortunate fate; but we have feen nothing • • f* I which violates fo much every principle of decorum and de cency, as the public whipping' of Mils D’s, in Cork. On that recital, wc felt an indignation in common with all who refpeft the weaker fex and who cannot but execrate the ivretches who could be guilty of fuch barbarity. Modefty is the principle charm of the fair, and is even honored by favages. What a dreadful punifhment mail it then be to a. female, to be expofed in public before a crowd of rude foldiers ? G:eat muil be the depravity of nvnd that cou d fentcnce any females to be whipped like cri minals, for a warUi expreffion of irritated feelings. Tor the Loui/villc Gazette . No. I. Mr. Day, IN looking over the newfpa p".rs ‘ are » there appears no *. ln o but one fulfomc, aciimo rilous dogmatical piece after •itiotnei, all tending to depreci-j a^ e ’ and break down e r, Bh'S, privileges, and liber-. *‘ es °^ tile pco de, and up >n rhe * a,ns thereof to build up a high-! onp d ariQocracy. before this latter do&rine is! jcceived, and becomes the eftab -1,1 ] " a principle of our govern rricn h it would be well for us to j C ? n . v^ r,e a httlc about the caufe' 1 r 6Jt ' V * or a Te publiran fyf-j - n oi government; having been landed down to rhe people, and 1 * C ol y c quence of their giving ‘p dioie liberties, and not fwd i. JV no ' Ivn 1 vn this new. unfair and !; {^m of ariftocracy, r C r . n,an d °es the dofe of Pu (^ c from his do&or. * no; beeaufe that unjuft/ unequal and oppreflivelaws we r e) made, which we were bound toj .obey, and in the forming ofj them, we nad no voice ? Was it' not bccaulc that men were in office ever us, who a6led like tyiants, and not like officers? W as it not becaufe that a very enormous, unwarrantable and giievous tax was levied upon our lands, houfes, and other■ property, that we objc&ed to the Britilh admimflration ? And was it not for the foregoing, and firnilar caufes, that thedeclaia-j tion of independence took place in 1776 ? Is it poffible, or rea fonable, to fuppofe that, that ever ought to be remembered day, on which our rights were declared and recorded, and the folemn pledge which took place 1 in confequcncc thereo', fhould at this day, be forgotten, 11 ifled with* and trampled upon ? Or can the merito ious exertions of thofe brave men, who left ami able families and reipeftabie connexions who drenched the valleys, and crimfoned the fields with their blood, to obtain liberty and an equal government, be (pinned and fcolfcd at, by any, but a few nabobs, office hunters, and tciTce-boys of a would be monarch ? No man, who flood the heat and burthen of the war, or was direftly or incHeftlv inftrumen tal in procuring our freedom, or was a well-wifhei o f true reoub- 1 licanifrn, and has remained in h s fenfe« will corfent or ag r ee r o tor one fingle atom, of ou> pri vileges, liberties, or the right of fuffrage to be given np or relin quiffied, except he fhould have an intereft in expectancy from the n j w fyftern of anflocracy and oppreffion; and here he ought to aft with the utmofti precaution, for if it fhould fo turn out, that he did not (land; high upon the lift, or was not a; favorite on the diy of diftribu-j tion, he will find himfelf in a worle fituation, than if he h id rcm.iined an advocate for the lights of the people, and a re publican. No young man, who has I come into 1 fe, fince the pro mulgation and eftabliffirnent of an equal government, nor no foreigner who has become a citi zen among us, but who ought j to revere and adrniie thofe in-. cftimable bleffings, which are O 7 |de»ived from the free and full; j | ‘fountain of our republican go- 1 vernment. That the unrelent ing arm of no imperi »us mo narch can fway the feeptre, nor I no ftern band haughty arif 'tncrats can lord it over us (altho’ j many are Crying that we are' governed by a code of laws, made j by ourlelves, that we have the right of calling upon the be ft of our citizens, ro be our rulers, j and that we have the power of, examining and judging the pro . pHety or impropriety of their 'official behaviour. It never could have been con ' femplated by any man, who pcF ■ felled one (ingle ray of genuine j republican viitue, thu our liber ties were only to la(l twenty-! three or four years, when the rains had fcarcely wafhed atvayj the blood our of the fields, which guQied from the veins of thofel heroic martyrs who fell in the | glorious caufe. But that they; ■ were to be preferred pure and, unfullicd, and li nded down to pollerity with all the ornaments | of impiovement, which cnlight- I ened and upright iociety could produce, that future ages might boafl of the virtues of their re publican ancefiors. It is therefore acknowledged that we are by our own virtues, a free peope, that the funda mental principles of our govern ment are founded in fieedom, and wc ought pofitively to de dare, that any law, resolution or oidinancc, made in contra vention of that fieedom, is a manifefl violation of our liber ties, and at all hazards our rights as a free peop'e, wc will main tain. A GEORGIAN 1 . NEW-YORK, Ju’y 20. May dev oj the French niniflers, HORRID! HORRID! The horrid »n J inhuman murder com mitted on the peifons of the French i minifters, Bonnier and Robetjor, is the mod flagrant violation of the laws of oationt. which baa happened for ccn*u» rice. Even in 'he dsrk. ages, when 1 cvihzntinn was (cufe perccp able, the of amha 'adors were field facred, | and however bitter the enmity of one people aga'nft another, y?t an unirmed me enger fent for an avowed purport was co fjltred ai entitled to the rights ot hofpitalty and fat; ptnh&ion by all. S nee the flrft dawu of the revo’u ion , of France, its en mies have pa heticahy dilcribed the cxcefi which an enraged | people were guilty of. They have dwelt with plcafurc upon the m< fl in* j ficant accident, and have labored I to attain a whole nation for the guilt of i a ftw. The e'qieiit pen of ■ Burke | was emp oyed to raife the general fym ! pat by for the it jured ieelmgi of a proud, a haughty and v c ous cueen, for the jnt dull (erneot of a diff-dute, tyrao wi ;a» nobility, and ad prieflhool. Ihe HoppirjcTa of rmilicns was of do moment, nor co be pu: in compurfm wt h the bounty and profperity of roy* ; a,; y a,, d ar ftocracy. While France has b;en pourirayed aa covered with crimes, iand waging a war againft religion, mo* jralify and virtue, her enemies have pre j tended to un tc together for the pre | f?rvation of order and religion ; but h .w have th y afled towards this Grcat ; N-f on ? i’bcy have n >1 hefitatcd for a moment to encourage trcafoi, mur- I der and rcbeilion. M<'bi have been repea ediy excited to aflaffinate unpro tected Frenchmen, and have repeatedly murdered fuch individuiii. Even the followers of the Pope, the fucetfF-Ji 8 of 6\ Peter facrificcd feveral Frenchmen, I p rticularly general Duphot, to their | hatred, and in Vienna, tie capital of 1 tUe Emperor, the French ambaflador and h sfuitc would have been murdered, I lad they not taken timely mcafur. 8 for i thc.r fecurity. In the Vcnetiao terri ; tury the French fo’d ers who were io the hofp:ta a were murdered io the mod cruel manner. We might repeat the long catalogue of finnl.r afTaflinations which hive been committed—For what p'.irpnfc P i o prtftrve order and religion Good Heaven what Lypocr'iy ! Arc the fav.oura of rcligiou ua like <9 « m " tmons * *rmcd with ih’ocd daggers anj covered with blood ? 1 be French envoy* when ordered to ( qu;t Railadt, were entitled to • f«fc I conveyance to their own coun ry. The , le'ter from Jean Debry prow a that tberc tmift have been a concerted pl o '. The I buffers approaching He m lo ift cr(l tn d ( demanding their names, (hew* that the murder waa planned, and that the en foya alone were the devoted v Aims of I I d'iboWcal confp racy. This birbsrous, unprecedented will cower Aufltii with infamy, and declare the atrocious na urc rt the pref nt coa Irion of vil lain*. Humanity mud blufh for the (hocking depravity which gave birth to luch a cr me, We had f'-por'a before of rbia mur der, but we thought them unworthy of notice, but we now have a melancholy confi matioo of it. The wife of Ro bc-ij°* claims the grcatcll compaflion. lo have her bufbaod murdered in her arena by the motift-rs, mud be dread fully (hocking to a mind of the lead f nlibiiity. But the death of 'hofe mar tyrs will I c attended with the very bed effect. A cry for veng-aoec will per vade. Franee and brr f< id ers w II in the hour of ba tie rccoiltA ihc fate of Bon* uur and Robeijot. It will rtfufeitate that enthofiafm wiiich has o ( fteo c rquered for F ench men, and d(fc mfi rd her fcca. Crowds *•11 fly to the (londard of Mercy and be emu ous to icvenge the hot rid deed, ihc tffei?cfce;;ce of popular indignation will iculc die national energy to combat w lb fuectfa the m (creams who have imbrued their bands in the blood of tha raciers (acred even among lavages. For the Louifville Gazette, T HRO’ little Cu , . . f alai! ’iwal done, 0 h dear girl ! fay, art thou gone ?—- M ild, as thy graceful fteps advance* 1 n fweetc f l language doth thy eyes S peak from the mod enamouiM glance S of. as the breathing of thy fighs. | A h Meet Aurcha ! *re tho(c cha r mi U nnumber’d—pure cs when the cad K eccivca the cheering ray that wsrma E. ach heart that nature lull’d to red L ike desreft A . i»* to N , ~ . o doom’d ? I o thee docs cvc*y virtue flow, A bread where facial fetlings glow. G rant—--ye Icn * power* d vine R eceivr h 8 vows. O ! Grant HIM thil # A ml VIRTUES emb erratic (hrinc Y cars of content and purelt bhfs. EUGENIUS. , , - ■ •m TO BE SOLD, On THURSDAY , the izth of September , at the hou/e oj Dr, Newton, near Eanns Bridge, THE WHOLE of (he E'ateof Sjlva nui Prince, !a f c of ihi* county, de ceased • < onhftmg of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CATTLE, HOGS, &c. also, A NEGRO WENCH, named Jenny, with her three children. A credit of twelve monthi will be given, wih approved fecurty. Mary Newton Prince, A 'miniitratrix. NOTICE. PUGSLEY Sc DEVEAUX Inform their Friend* and the Public, ihat they have rereived by the way of Au« gufti, a FREbH Aflortment of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and them, ihat (he ft rill ell atientun will be paid to all Order*, &rc« April 23. WANTED TO HIRE, Uy the Month or T'tar, A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at this OJjh.e, *Jnnuaiy BLANK. LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION . For Sale at this Printing Ollice