The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 27, 1799, Image 3

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~ e-wgement. ir/w ofTouf h. men left hi' ftandard, and J,n a <? Vaiil: thiscircumflan'-e °f t f, Tou!laint's defeat. Pi ,4 after the engagement. ' Petit-Goave, r.nd took Veffwn of the fort of Leogan. w ,i m .king preparations to ,„ rk (he town of I-eogan. By 5, viaory. the whole pa.Hh of fell into his hands. Touffaint was bufily employ ,d in fortifying Port-au-Prince; w hite< and blacks, men. women children, were employed in the works. The canfe of the difigreement between the two generals is End robe the treaty which I ou(T*mt has formed with the Englifh. Rijraud highly difapptoves of it and is determined, he fays, that an Englishman (hall never put his foot on the part of the ifhnd where he commands. On her pafUge the William Dixon was boarded from the Brunfwi'k Brififh (hip; the of-; ficers mentioned, that gen. Mait landhad gone to Fngland, much; difappomted with the terms granted by Fou{Taint, Seven Frenchletters of marque ud ar’ived at the Cane, and );h *r ports of the ifland, loaded j nth goods from France; Tome! )f them mounted 28 guns- Statira. Seward, and Thomas, Tdger, from Charleftonto I on ion, ate captured and carried IUO Pampelune. j Augujl 1 Q. A letter received by the fbip ?erftvcrance, capt, Wind for, which left the Hcvannahthe sth :nflant, and anchored at Fort John Ton on Thurfday lad, ou-n -ions that a new Intendint for ;he citv of the Htvannah had nrivea at Primuiad, from : hat he brought with him the decree of the king for putting a (lop to the introduction of goods in neutral veffels, which it was expefted would be put in force as Toon as he came to the Hivan- | nah. It was fuppofed that the • port would remain opon for the! ahniflion of provifions, as here tofore, Extrn % of a letter from Kingflon , Jmaici % dated 'July 19. Ftie famous treaty with St. i>omingo is concluded: it was ’gned ,st L’Arcahayethe 15‘h of J une< The bafts of the treaty j, 5 ’ a nf arms, in rnn- N-irnceof which Bruifh veflfels 1 he allowed, under a fl *or of * U “ e ’ f ° £° to Cape Francois , Port-au-Prince only; t } e ° n;r ports will be fupphed by °aßers, under reftriftions point l,ne of navigation " ‘°’* vef l them, which is From the P 3;r| t °f Vl onte Chrifli to the . point of Gonaive, and > P‘ hm the Wefle-n Channel; on acrovmt nf o ntT‘,o‘ ,0n > 3,1 that m ,y be 1. <en m ,be Sou h ‘ liannel, anil pS«.- Coaft> fhall bc ds! or at LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, sUg-ft 27, 1799. On Saturday evening lad, the Union Society met, by agreement. Mr. T. Cox, filled the chair, during the convivial part-of their meeting; afterwards Mr. F. Browning—When the following very interetting quef lion was proposed by colonel A. Hums:—“ what qualifications ought a reprefentative of the people to pollels ?" We un derhand the queflion was not clofed, and will be renewed at their next night of meeting, which will be the enfuing Sa turday, agreeable to their adver tilement, when they will alfo difoufs the following important queflion : “ what are the rnofl jproh.'ble means to be ufed for 'a red e r s of American giievan- CCS ? The news received from the | Havannah, via Cadiz, places »the fituations of the different eets in the Mediterranean, in a very different point of view from what has been fo repeated ly afferted concerning them. Lift of burials in Philadelphia | for the lal> 48 hours,’ ending Monday, at 12 o'clock, July 29 —Four grown perfons, 7 children. From the Aurora, Several anxious enquiries hiving been made concerning the Editor yeflerday—and as he could not attend to them ad and perform h?s duty at the fame time—he is induced to latisfy them and inform the readers of the Am ora generally in this manner—that the Editor was vetterday between nine and ten o'clock a netted by John Vicho las, efq. marfhal of this dittrift, upon a warrant from Judge I Peters, and on behalf of the adminift'anon, for publifliing 1 in the Aurora of the 24th intt. certain matters alledgcd to be defam itory or untrue, concern- 1 ing the adminittration. By the marfhal he was treated in a gentlcmany manner—and by Judge Peters, he was very I politely allowed until Friday morning to bring forward fecu ntiesi To thofe who are perfonallyj acquainted with the editor, no 1 declarations concerning his patt or future conduft are neceffary , —to thofc who know him only as the organ of public fentiment, —a trufiee for the public to detect and expofe public error"', and to promote the public good ; —he can give only thefc brief and ttedfatt affurances, that he ; has not pubUfhed a fad whichj he cannot prove, and that nei-! ther perfection nor any other | peril to which bad men may ex-j pole him, can make him fwerve'- 1 from the caufe of repubSicanifm i —or prove hirnfelf unworthy to be the of the de scendant of Frankl'n, in whofc Reps it is pride and pleafure to tread, with the fame confidence in his country and the laws. From the True American. The following communication we hate recc ved from St. Thoroaa*s, with a requift that it might be mfcrled io the i rue Amcrcan. Mutiny and Piracy, The (hip Columbus, from Guada* loupe, bound to St. Thomas**, under trench colon, was. about the beginning of latf month, captu eu by the Amcri can armed brig, ca n e( j t h c G- 0 ; U a f ( Elach Juke) i f New York, own cd by Cadwa'lader R Golden, com manded byDcnboCibl*— mounting 14 £Uns, and fent into Torto'a, for adju*- dicaiion, where the Brinfh court of idimrahy condemned Ih p and cargo, to be fold by the marfhal, and the proceeds thereof tojbe paid over the captors or their fffigns ; and to be divided between the owners, officeta and cr-w of the (aid brig Geniui, »s they may have rg'ecd on among themfelves, referving tliC coft of cxpcnces and condemnation. On the 5 1 ft ult. (he was fold at pub- Jic a.udion for 20,200 dolla-s. Mr. Wul ace of Baltimore became purcha ler, and upwards of twelve thou land dollar?, and agreed to pay the balance at St. Thomas's on the arrival of the (hip, which Mr. Coldcn agreed >0 convey wi h bis armed brig. Cap:. Samud LefHngwcll of Norfolk being jppomted to the command, by Mr. Wallace the (hip was got under weigh about the aBfh ult. to proceed from 1 ortola to St. Thomas*!, under convoy j £• kforefa d, with Air. Wallace on board. On their paflage down, about ten o'clock in the night, off Sf. John's, the fh p was hailed by her convoy, and orde ci to heave too until a boat (houd be fcnt on board ; this being comp’ied with, C men with drawn bangers came from the brig on board the /hip, took Mr, Wallace and capt. L'.ffingwcll on buauiS the brig, then told them that as they hid not rccc ved any pay nor their (hare of prize money, they had uken command of the brig from the c.pu o, and owner, aud were detrrna ned to pro ceed to New York with both v.ff.-la, where they would have juftire done them. Mr. Wallace, ignorant of any m-fun derftanding between the officers ard crew of the priva cer : then crquired io o the caufe of their ccmplaiot—and,! 00 hearing it he eflered to pay the b«- ; lance due for the .(hip Columbus and cargo, to any perfon appointed by the cew if they would give up the fh.p to •him, and fend their deputy to St. Tbo ! mas’s to receive the money, Th s pro p .fil they faid they would fake into I confi Jcratioo. They pu: Mr. Wallace and capt. L rfingwcll on board a fchoo ner bound into Su I h mai’s, and bavi j not (luce nude their appearance with! the flip, As Mr. Wal.aec holdi the copy of condemnation, bills of Talc, and* otner documents that ought to be cn [board the (hip, it is apprehended that; (hoald (he be overhauled af fca by fupc rior force, (he may be captured and fent tu fome uneapetted port, and th us avoid the vigilance of his friend m America, j Thofc who were informed of the circum (lance attending this cxlraord uary pro. cteding, could not conclude whc.her the 'captain aud owner were privy to the conduit of the crew or no' ; bu', as the papers in Mr. Wal.act’s peff (lion were perfectly clear and correct, he no doubt is a fer ous fuffercr by this trans action > and, (houid t: c (h p arrive (afe jin either Amcpca or ibe Wjlt Indies, lit is hoped the perpetrators wid be , ! red and brought to the Aruer.caa bar of | I jufticc. | The (h’p Columbua >’« about 300 1 tooa burthen, Biitifh bult, coppered, to the bcudg, mm figure head, point'd white with yclio v hits, mounts four niac pouodcra—(he was a h'*U dtdud ffflT.l, with two breaks on her deck— Columbus painted on her llern—had oq board 170 hhds chufly clayed— lo hhds. molatJVs, and 16 hhdf. rum. To Meffra. .Stouffcr dt Clefs, met chants, in Baltimore, it is f«id that au'hentic copies of her papers hate been forwarded. The Genius, mount tog 14 guns, one fide painted red and the other yellow, was formerly owned in New •Yoik ( and, at fuch, received a letter of marque’s ccmmiflion about October left. JOHN IMLAY, Jao. St. Thomas’s, July 4. 1799. CAUTION, TO fill concerned, particularly to Mr, Chefley Boi>wirk, and VAlMiam fau lett, elq. (lierill’ uf |eff*rfon County* The Suhfcriben hcrrbv forbid the fait of two Tract 1 of Lan)t, 5- feffei fon Coun ty, formerly St. George*! Pariftl, contain 'ni?» together 800 Acres, adjoining each o'her, originally granted 10 Charlei Wat f n, formerly of Savannah, efquirr, de a. advertiaed, in iht Lonilville Journal, of 30th July, 1799— Fur ,he foU lowing and other re-ifoni, that will be ihewn : That Charles YTatfor, the original grantee, made his laft will and leflamenf, which wsj duly proved m 1771, and it of r*eord, in bo k A, page* 371, ~ 3,4, 5, in the Secreianc’s Office, at Louifvtlle, unil that the executors, therein namtd qualified —That the whole, real and per ( Hftate of the deer a fed, wbi fo'd, under authority of the will, and under exccut'oni on judgments, legally obtained, frveral yean before the revolution, many >f which judgments, remain uufatiificd, the aftetts, being fully appled. That ih® Sublcribcr John Tebcau, claims th? f id land, as principal heir and devtfee uf the (aid Charles Watlon. Therefore, all further trefpafles on th® premifes, fair, or transfer, either publicly or privately, is forbid ; us a prohibition, to (lay lunher proceedings, will be prayed (or, m the neat Superior Court, in Jeffer fon County, and t<> revoke the admimftra tion, laid to he granted to Chrilry Boft wick, on the eftmc and eff'fts ol the faid Charles Waifm, which appears to bav® been err incoufl; oltincd. W. Steph«ns, Surviving Executor Charles Wi Ion; John Tebcau, Sevlfee of Charles Wailuq, Savannah, Angull 16, 1799. rr NOTICE . That the Members belonging to Capt. Connolly 5 Jefferfon Troop of Light Dragoons , are re queued lo meet at his Iloufe , on the lafl SA TURDAY in September , precifely at ten o’clock , armed and accoutred , , when an e'echon will be held , fur lo eleft a CORNET , in the room of J.B. Spivy, who has removed . Hy order of the Captain , William M Dowcll, fcc'ry, Augujl 20. (Pr The Jefferfon I ight 'infan try Company , are requeued to meet in Louijvile , on the fir ft Saturday in September next , in complete nni ' form t to chooje their fubaltern off cers t and improve themjelves in i martial exercife . July 30, CT The Members of the Union Society , are requefled to meet on Satu?day t the 31 ft of Augufl , in the Lodge Room , at the Union 9 Loui/ville. Chair taken at feven o'clock • J u! y 9- ■■*■«■***■«— ll 1 ■—C-lih ,iiii - «■■l jp i Tus SUBSCRIBER HA VIHG received an elegnnt Aflort* ment of WATCH MATERIALS, | wa Savanrnh J He will there! tc cirry 'Ol the fci-• I*nrr* of WATCH REPAIRS, * with ceatucis aad cifpatrh. Andrew Burns. ' Louilvllle, July 30.