The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 10, 1799, Image 1

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Vot. I-j GEORGIA, LOUISVII-LE :— l’ablilhed every 1 uclday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 doil.'.’.s pci aim. payublcJH^-ea 1 1 y. x F. \V- Y ORK. Align ft 3, From the EX 1 MINER, On Monday evening lift, the editor of the Examiner was in formed by a gentleman of ref pe6fability, that a party of men aftociated for the purpofe of attacking his Office. He imme diately communicated the report to the mayor, and prepared for Jds defence, in the event of the civil authority heing inadequate to the fupprefficn of the riot. No attack however, was made U pon the Office of the Exami ner; and it now (eems, that they deny having bid it in contem plation to injure the editor in any refpeft, but to take a certain charafter from his office, and drum him out of town. The editor believes that this a cl would have injured him ; and will therefore thank tire parties con cerned, if, when thev differ from him again refpefting the arrangement of his office, they will be fo good as to fubmit the difpute to the laws of our coun try. The manner in which this paper has been conduced fiom its commencement, is pretty ge nerally known ; and it is as well known, that the editor differs in political opinion from thofe who fupport the prefent admimftra tion of our government. In defending or propagating his principles, either befoie or fince the commencement of the Ex aminer; the editor has invari ably confined himlelf in Zusopin ion, within the limits of the con flitution. But in doing this, it may be urged, that he is mifta *cn; a °d that he has infringed ‘ome conflitutional law of the United States. If this accufa- Lon be correft, let the penalty of that jaw which has been in fringed, be the punifliment of u!S imprudence ; or for thofe ano think with the editor, the puniihmcnt of his patiiotifm. We rnud fubmit to laws paffed y a majority of our reprefenta tlve,c unt il we can procure their repeal, Auer this flatement, the pro nncty whfch muft be adrnit jl> Hill any who (full have e r cn . combined with the party ;,11 ociated for the purpofe of attacking the Office of the Ex / ' lncr ° n Monday evening laft, -• utnte in acknowledging his hcemioufnefs, his difo.derly ~ bis highly culpable mo / ? We think not-and 0n y icgiet that the fecrecy in \ a,Cl l bis plot is enveloped, P Cv ents our yet expofmg their iu ,r!eS P u bhc cen tnrL •r t r is , punifhment is fuftici -1 h l4>: h diaraPiCrs can poftioly a particle of fcnfibility. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. 1 U E S D A Y, emr f. r 10, 1709. REASON JND TKI'TH IMPARTIAL <JC Hii 7//V- tV.ii'. Perhaos it may b* fi«id, that the attack was not defigned to injure the pcrlon or i tcrell of the editor, but a certain charac ter belonging to his office. Does ! this wipe away the odium ? Cer- 1 tainly it docs nor. Ihe crime j is as prominent and indeed heightened by the unmanly defign. In the fi ft place, this individual, in common with every other citizen, is refponfible oruy to the law : in the fecond place, they might have counted upon refinance from the editor of the Examiner and his friends. But this injured man, quite a flranger, apparently deftituteol every earthly affifhnre, with fcarcely a place wherein to hide bis head; and incapable of de fending himfelf was to be tri umphantly led to the extremity of the city, where he was to re ceive born a band of heroic bre athers, at the cxpence of duffing j their white filk (lockings and I loofirg the powder from their perfumed locks, a Jcdcral falutc : luch I prefume as was bellowed 1 upon Mr. Duane, and the print er at Reading. \ his was a dan gerous enterprize for ckarafters who intended to perpetuate an a6t fo dig raceful; and as well j worthy a little triumph, in the I little way from their little toad eaters, as the ttiumph demanded ; by Cali;, ula for gathering cockle (hells in the helmets of his fid dlers. The editor now takes the li berty to return his thanks to the mayor, magiftrates, and many citizens of both parties in ibis city, (or the promptitude in mi- 1 feffed in luppoiting o der and | harmony, on heuing the report. This is not the firfl inftance of folicitude for the public tranquil ity being ftrongly exhibited by the people of Virginia. The citizens of Richmond, the band of brothers and tiicir patrons excepted, are entitled to the acknowledgment of all pa 1 tie?, for this evidence of decency and difinteieffednefs. They hive fet an example to the 11 lends of adrniniftration, which ought to be followed from cne end of the continent to the other. pwmmtmmmmmv 11 Exiraft of a Utter , dated Ri h m >nd t July 24 y to the Editor of Baltimore American t . “ Sir, “ For many years pnfl, Au guffine Davis, pofl-malter of this city, had been printer to the commonwealth—But as I. s Virginia Gazette was an exceed ingly fcurrilous .r: ftocratical newfpapcr, the aflfembly, in th sr i laft winter feffion turned him; out, In his place they appoint- cd Mr. Meriwether Jones, a zealous republican, and who is othe? wife a gentleman of a very popular charaftfcr. Mr. Jones, at the fame tim*, Cat up a newf paper, call'd “ die Examiner ; and, as his own health is a li tic Impaired, lome months ago engaged Callender, whom you mull know hy his publications, to come down here, and allill b in. Nothing could he more wanted in Virginia than a well managed newfpapcr. One half of the newfpapers in this fiafe,| are in the fervice of govci nmentj' and fome of them are almoll as inlainous as liirnfelf, * “ In order to filence the Ex aminer's b tlery, fome clcfpera does formed a plan for attacking the printing-office, and fizing| upon Callender. Ihe rcpo;t ns, that they were to drive him out ol the city; but the moll pre* i table iHue is, that they would have muideredhim. The feheme feemed fo black, that a peifon to whom it had been entiidled, came and told it to one of the ft lends of captain (ones, on Mond \y afternoon, fome bouts before it was to have been pot in o execution. It was faid that the confpratois were in numbei li Ft x -three : other accounts have It* 11 ned this amount—one of their leaders was lieut. Pope, ol the federal troops quartered here ; but it mud not from thence be inferred, that either the officers or the men were in general, friendly fo his purpofe. On receipt of this news, the i republicans were immediately in motion, and within lefs than ,an hour and an half, they had muttered a large body cf armed I men to piotecl the printing office, and all who belonged to it. Captain M < Kea, of the Richmond Grenadiers, was, on j this occalion, diff nguifhed by his particular activity in collect ing the volunteers. The con spirators, perceiving th t their plot was dilcoveied, kept aloof; and it was fortunate for rbem lelvcs that they did fo. Public notire was given by the friends of the Examiner, that if the at tempt had been m dc, they would have levelled with the ground the houfc of every tory in Richmond. It herns hard, as it was then obferved ; tliat (lie people of Ameiica cannot get leave to manage their own buh ne!s in their own way, for a few ove bearing foreign fhoo-kcep en* A party of armed men re mained upon gaud beloie the Office of the Examiner, lilt 12 at night, whan the p 'pers fo* th* poll of next morning had been worked rff. had actually fubfciibed a written agreement rc'pcfting this 1 ufi nels. Undoubtedly they looked up to governru-nt far proteftiou and promotion, having before their eyes the irnnunify with which Duane was flogged. But after all, tFicy inflook their i ground. If John Dunlan had |a6lrd in Richmond ivh t he did in Philadelphia, he could only it ive cfcaprd a kicking by Hi in* , ° ut °l the ritv. lln houfe would hove laid as /Jot q\ a pancake Rut (uppohng that thelc w etches had (urceeded in fhoo'ing : al lender, and in burning (lie print ing-office, the militia from t c adjacent country wouM ly have he n colle.&ed, and would aflure *Jy have cut them to pieces. Ihe Examiner is "a popn! ii newfpapci It has done (eivice in the Repub ican caufe, ami on the plan by which it has hitherto been conduced, it will do much more. The fublathers to (hat pubiicalh n. will not per mit their amufement to he in tenupted by a petty hand of Ruffian*. But piav what kit d of gr "rnrnent ihufl that he, whole favor is courted by the ( ( 'h tillC7i of vie and the pevpefra.• Un of ??ths ?In pure juffirc to (lie officcis o( the federal 11 oops quartered here, I mufl ohferve, that lorne of than have exnrcT fed the ntirolt concern on ac count of (hi. project of confla gration, and of mu der. ( apt. Ed dins fent down to tiie crowd, and offered to capt. [ones to rna'di Ills company to his aflift ance. If the fecretary at war does his duty/ he will turn lieu tenant Rope out of the ranks, as well as any oilier federal oT cers who may have been con cerned in fo fcandalous a f< heme. ;lf fuch an expulfion docs not take place, we muff infer, that this friend of order meets w ith the approbation of his fupcii ors.” Hie honorable the Inferior Court of the County of Joffer [on. PrriTION of D mid humbly fhr w*■i h, lha r bring c<-‘iS r« i i ■ th? gi.-l of h * County, for dchr, at nt '8 Have ; and rb 1 1 he it uni!'’? o f ppo't i iiifclf a Trig (ml) hit c< t fuienient, arul t erf‘V.rc pra j that he mov be adtnitird to ?• joy the benefit of ib? a 5l, pr *\ i teJ b)r me <elicf’ vf infolvent <!r »*o'j. Daniel M‘Dowell. Srn’*ml»er 2,1 -99. NO TICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX I f r :i ih*u F.irnuaiol (he Public. 1 t ih*' have »- rri vcd by the way t f An* E"fH, a FJ* E'iH ATurt.ncnt of MEDICINE, S 5 j'-'r tie Prnrtice • and ;(1 »i hr ili • b• dru el tmcud.'fl will ;i -.r! 10 all Ord;»s, A;ril rj. [No. 3 1.