The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 10, 1799, Image 3

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. , viz the yellow fev r, ar.d 1 m'Knant pcjlilential /ever TK-vellow fever is marked vnih. horrid efFuHon of bile, and ;; ffldom or never contagions. The nr'lign™ l peftilential fever t ever accompanied with ! hi i (hocking appearance, is hiffhlv contagious, terrible in its and very fatal. Ihe r T n ; s aimed always to be Found v certain feafons in the Wed rn(jies is there well known and dearly deferibed, and has been obferved once and again m this country, whereas the other whicti referr blcs mote the Levant plague has never been knnwn till lately jn tins country, neither has it been deferibed by any author heretofore prad fing in it. Both thefe dlFeafes have made their appearance at the fame time in fcvcral places on this continent, but have not been diftinguilhed with fudirient accuracy ; hence on; fource of the numerous contradictions which appear to disgrace a liberal profcfFion. [Balt. American .] Jo the Eduor of the Aurora . I mud give you another cir cumOance in which you are honored by the hatred of the lovers of g *od order and regular governmrnt. At a tavern in Market-Hiect a few days ago, a prrfon who calls himfe 1 f a major, was blattering very loudly on peace and moderation—-among a variety of meek ejaculations ae did not forget to curfe the Vicc-Prefident, and Mr, Dallas, and Mr. Gallatin, and the Edi tor of the Aurora—he widied rtiiy to have a guillotine erected for the four, and very honorably declared, that he would give an hundred dollars lo be your Executjpner; as you have given me the name of the Morristown Hero, I g!V e you mine; and am ready to produce several other refpeaable witnef. j . heard the fame declara-' *ioas. A CITIZEN. * 1 in ,inai i EUGENIUV upon (he 0 a ftiend, (hall apoear !n our next, For the Loui/vilk Gazette. i The America n, i m No. If. m but a fcnfe of uld F° U * na I Ure ot * hc cr fis me forh fr ° m that , ir o,t 0 ,t rn J d renrement, which are r:l t r ge - ! t 0 ™n<J. Mary ( r “?n a l JOn9 .* nd occurrences, fo- j »h are fufficient to cf the roo * o U3 Tb C °^ l ence of the 11)0(11 "'CLV Betu : eUr of Awe- Toe m °" g un, kered in filence, Tick nc r g o C f eC^ rated ( for ftrengih and *tfch, WV] !' fion ’ ' e W, ’H henceforth tiie enr-n , E J ea,oUB tn d menacing eye, Srr. " ,a ‘ ma r It : s * 8 an ' prerogative*. •v.!rns tr , n , ent i on ' 1 Q rhe following to ’ lred remark* princi-j CC: H3. f Dat^ nal ar ‘d domrftic coo- T and infidl cul| or rp"n al f aclc upon the confl’fution and laws of the United Sates, (lull be the fntjedTg of »n madverfinn. 1 we 1 know the common hypocritical cant of the ambitious, ard the dclufion of the ini'j fufp’ciotis, that there is no danger ; that all things will end well. I well know the common p’ace top c of the excellen cy of our con(li:u*ion aud laws—or the purity and refponflbility of onr rulers— and of the meteafing profperi y of our connry. I well know alfo the intox icating eiTefls «f vai try and pr<jadi< e, as well as the foporific du'lncfa of igno isnce and floth ; that I fliall probably j fiom the former receive nothing hut contempt ; and fcy the latter, he tcimcd a rommou d.fturber and alarm ft. ffuflum , ac tenneem propositi virum , Non civium ardor prava juhenttum Non \ultus injl antis tyranni t Mentt quatit sofida t &c. I dfimnd the candid alfen'ion of my fePow-ci izens for two nafons : as ihelc remarks arc written by one of felves, a native American, one who is proud ai d tenacious of his birthright ; and from the importance and iulercftmg nature of ;he lt is n«t necef fary to mention to you, fir, that if :he ea<!y growth of ambition and the fi ft approa :hes of tyranny are not wa ched and checked, it will be in vain lo op pofc the ttrength of the r advanced ma ur ty. To form a clear and accurate view of the prt&nr jurfturc in the iffairs of the United States, let m enter into a cand d and d fpf flUrate lamination. The firil circrmrtance that ftr kes our attent on is the want of union, and the violent pa ty fpirit that prevails. This fpirit ia diltin guiftrd by extraordinary rancour and viru ence. It is not mere’y a of opinion ; it ii not a falutarv, raiii a tiag competition of talents ; but it is d vio’ent, exterminating perfecu ion. I his fpir>l has been too mush foft:rcd and p ornotid by men of inducnce a d lt is lime that it fuhfide ; and give p’aceto a (pint of moderation. From the former principle, the greateft evils are to be apprel.endid I can didly declare, lha: from it I finally the total deftnrflton of our rights and 1 htrtivs Already have appear'd feme effor'B to take advantage of our difuaron. ■ r l'be mini ns of r. yalty and defpotlfm , are either fo extremely weak or fo per versely wicked, as never to diliioguifh between the evi's arifing from the m f lakes or excefs of a good principle, and its 1 mited, legitimate opera ion The j errors of parry, and the accidental ex—| cedes of popular zeal, are by them ad duced aa irrefragable arguments agai&ft republican governments. ' i j In this country onfortuna f e!y exift I ■ two parties. The one ia too much at tached to French, and the other to Cri tifh p litics. We ought to confine our concern and our attachments to our own country. Nature has ir.fulated i us from the European continent ; and i w fdom directs us lo keep ourfe ves free i , from European cabals and litigations. ! At a lare town meeting in the fta:e of Manachufetts, the chairman requefted Ihofc prelent, who were friends to Trance, to retire to one fide; and thofe who wcee friends to Great-Britain, to retire to the other. The whole mcet-j ing divided to either fide, the ex- j ception of the chairman and a few old meo - The chairman then fold them, that there was nearly an equal number for France and Greal-Britam : bui who j were lo defend America ?—None but few aged and infirm men. This is j too true a picture of the prefcot hate of partite. j Standing armies have always Ucn I thought by wife and moderate men, to j , be dellru<ff ve to republican governments. Notwithftanding the inconfertiblc truth and importance cf this max m, it haa j been thought proper to organ zc fuch au army. Already hive we (en and experienced i f s evils. Already have wc ; fi-cn ittcmp'B made by the fu di ly to j influence by force the public opinion, j Not to mention the pernicious tfi ds of the prtlent cftablifiiment, n adding to Ihc ferocity of patty fp rit; ia creating ! a horde of u]’e, proH’ga'e chfcraften, I who will be the drone? of foe e-'y » ror j lie cn rmoug expencc* incurred by it to I the United S a'es. Already have we j fern the loldlery tyrann zc over their rei-ow c tiz ns not io arms, and the mi it ary fuprrcede the civ-1 authority. I Ittfe daring attempts of the jaoifTarus of mrrica ought to excite the mo ft fer ou? alarm and indignation, Nofwnbltanding tic pomp and rho domonta !c of naval prepiration, rur property 19 ftill very mfccme on the ocean. ]wo of the bell gerent powcis j continue to commit depredations on our , commerce. Bad aa the Bri r ifh treaty is, the perfidy of the cabinet of S'. James, and the infolenre of Engl fh rapacity, have rendered nuga'Ory ifs meft lolemn It pula ions. The lyran of the ocean continues to hanafl our trane, to infult our ft;g, to piandc our property, and to imprefu our fea men. Ibe moll daring infuhs of this kind have been offered, that were evtr to'eratrd by an independent peop e, 1 chal'engc any a ivocatc for Britain to produ.c tin inftancc of a free, f.'v. reign and molt enlightened ra ion” being inful'ed in having their framcn tnkeu fiom fh pi of war, and pa icmiy lubmittmg to the it ful:. Ifh /I not take no r ice of the fp r-t of fp p culat on ai d deltruftive cnlerprizc ptrrlmt in the United S'ates. fo than we have been emphatically called by fo reigners a ration of Jlocl jobber t. I (hall mention wi liout a y particular anirmclve» fioo the enoimous weight of taxes for ihe expences of the cnlu ng year, lo fill up the rup of bit ernefs, we are on the brn k of a war with the power ul and fucttefsful nalu n in Europe A war from which we can no p r (lib's advantage; hut evil beyond calcula ion. A war from which we fhail probably experience me dangers of foreign invafiun, with (he accumulated calamities of civil difTenlion and cjvil bloodfhcd. A war in fine with a people, 1 who at Itatl cail themf-'vjs republicans; while we refort to an od oua al'iancc with the k ngo and d fpota of ti c world. Fiuai vhc iauer c mOdcration, the tn ft frightful dangers thrra'en. It is tread ing over a p ecip’ce of the ntoft ifre |tiirvable diftrefs and unfathomable mi fery. It would be unchaiiub'e, fir, to doubt the integrity cf our immaculate Executive, and the higheft preemption to impeach the fuptemc wifdom of the councils of the nai on. I (ha!), however, | tta‘e a facf with very little comment If wc examine the hirtory of different 'nations, we fhail find this principle ge ocrally true ; that monarchical and def p >t'C g vernmeuts have preferred the a-liince and fr cruJfhip of monarchies and d fpot-fms; and that republics luvc n ver courted their friendfhip, but on their decline and previous ro their final dciirudfion. If is an eftab'ifhed maxim with lomc politicians, that one of the I aiolf certain methods of w 'akening and eradicating republican principles ; n a free j cc-un :r r is lo proJu:c a rupture or op pefi ion of intertills with republican go vernments, and to c*m*-ni the doled union with monarchies. The pr nciplc is founded in nature and deep polcy. Friendfhip wi h nations, it foroewhat like friend fh p bftvvc-n indiv dua e From a fiicndlhip for their perform, wc j giaduaily lofc ail av.ifion for their vices J and def da, and acquire an habitual propenfity to adopt their fentimen s, and imi.aie their manners. By tins means a free people may lofc ail anti pathy to the principles of monarchies ; and fiua ly fubmit without a ftrugglc to the yoke of defpoc frn. R, WILL B£ SOLI), On the Premifes , c i the THIRD SATVIiDAY in May next , \ TRACT (t LAND, comainirg eight) two Acres, Ijing m Waih n-aton County, on Big Creek, being the property ( f William Monrford, deccafcd ; or vir tue ( t an order ot tl-.C Conn of Ordinary, for laid C unty, for the benefit of the heirs a d creditors of faid K late, M irgery Mont ford, adnix, /uguft 20, Inferior Court, JeJfitfon County, Sept. 9 1799. John &~\ John \V a 1 lace, V from the IS. | Juft ices Dan. M'Dowcll, J Comt, ON the petition mV I M‘l)ow*dl. that hr is confined by virtue of a writ of ad fattsfac’cndmn, illued out of the { u(ticcs Court of the Town of Louifville, at the fuits of lohn Boflick, and John Wallace ; and that he is unable 10 fuppott himfclf during Inch his confine ment, and proving to be adimt ted to the benefit of the aft of the general aflembly, in fuch cates made and provided : if i<? oidercd, (hat notification he twice pubiifhcd in one of the Gazettes, that all prrfon? con cerned do attend at the Clerk's j Office, on Saturday, the ?1 (t in ft to fhew raufc, if any they have, why the petitioner fhould ► not be discharged agreeably to I the prayer of the petition, and that a copy of this order be feived on the plaintiffs or tlitir attorney. Taken from the Minutes % James Bozeman, Clerk, FOR SAL E, At the Oh f IGF of tit LOUiayiLLR GAZ h. ‘F'F A, ebtafi jur (~Jbt • A variety of Gold Ear-Ring", GILT SEALS, To tell the Day of the M-’n't, Silver and plated Bottle Lablcs, Silver Boot Buckles, t silver an,i pi a rrn TEA CADDIE LADLES, Plated Spun and Whips, A quantity of large and elegant .PEARL BUTTO NS. ALSO, Bed White Chapel Needles, September 10. The SUBSCRIBEk Beps leave to inform bit F-ie <li an I the Public, thnt h* ha* commenced (be Commiflion and Faftoragc BUSINE S S, On Telfair’s Wharf, wli-re be fnt fnit* a >lr Stores for the reception o and Produce • and refprfl u!ly tende s his fei vices to bit Friends in rh t linr. Samuel Hammond, Savannah, June 6, 1799. WANTED IMMEDIATELY , AS an Apprentice to the Print ing Bn fine ft , a LAD , about 13 or 14 years of age , who has received a tolerable good ed cat on, and can be we I recommended . En* I quire at this Ojftce . AuguJl 6. 0 r NOTICE. That the Members belonging to Ct'pt. Connolly s JeJferfon Troop of Light DragnonSy are ?rquefted to m'et at his Ilou/e, on the IaftSA TURD AY in September , precifth at ten o’dxk % armed and accoutred , when an election will he held , for to elect a COR NET , in the room of y. B. Spiiy t who has removed. By order of the Captain % William M Dowell, fecVy* Augujl 20.