The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 10, 1799, Image 4

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tf Executive pariment , I ouijville, 151 b Inly, »799* ORDFRED. 'That the o' the Sunf"O r *nd Inferior C> arts of the r f'l/i'vf roun?'f» r.f this State, do wi !nr nnrrh af er tl c 16'b cl »v O' kdLi t, mak* a frtir f etnro /of (■ T I) par’m-nt nn<! r their handi uJk.'Wf of Gonn y r)ifice-s who mm a r'l ft’l frr bed f ! >r oath to fcs f r maintain lie ronfl ut i n of ihb : 'a.r 'n ttufuance of t' p of hr General AflVmhly of flop State, patted the i6fb clay of Frbrua'v laft, enritlet!, “an aft to compel all Officers, c’v ! and mlifary. within th• s State, to lake and ful (tribe an oa'b, to fuppnit l!:e rot ffitnt’on th'te f *’ /JND, 'I hat they do further roller return in !ke manner of a I ( fficers w o may have neg'cft d or tefufed to like the fa-nr. r ktn from the J\ Jinnies, Thomas Johnson, Sccry. G E O R G I A. By his Excellency ] A ME S JACKS () N, Governor and Commanclei in ( hief of • the Army and Navy oF thh State, and of the Militia tlitficof. A PROCLAMATION. WI IF 1\ F, A S I have received official information t 0/ a mc/l barbarous and and murder having hem committed on the body of Allen Worn ck, in the county of Franklin, in this Slat', on the thirtieth day of May htfl, which appears from the inqur/l held there on, and 1 chirred to the Executive J)cpa 1 burnt, to have hern perpetrated hy one 11 aid}' Ha den, of Pin el ton county in the flate of S uth- Caiolina who has face abfeonded. In order then cjore that the /aid Hardy Had n, may he. brought to exam plan jufhee, I have thought jit h tjjue this my proclamati n, here v offering a reward 0} ONf. HUNDRED DOIIARS to any fnfonor perfons , who will appre hend(he fad Hardy llatden, and Edge him in /vine fecure gaol within this pate. And I further change and require ■ all officers, civil and military be hogging t 1 this fla'e, i$ he aiding and iff fling in apprehending and / cur ing the f id Id a1 d v linden, fo that lit may bp A ought to trial and c ndignp nnfment accordingly. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the [aid fate, at the State-llovfe. in Louif- • vI f, this el venth day of JTy, m the year of our lord one thoufard fven hundred and ninety-nine and in the twenty-fourth year of the In dependence of the United 1 Stales of America. ( AMES JACKSON. By the Cover nor, 11 or . Mahii u r y, deputy [eery. God fave the State. C A U T I O N. \T T HIT,E AS my wife, Mmy Summon, * Ims eioped from m» b( ( nd board, . V 1 Is Hi Ht>v provocatio ; this is U ) »• .- } v;lr ” ■'! 1 PerfM » wha f f c - fo m , re -h -*"« 1 mv ar 011 I, •“ 1 am determined not to pay any debts of her cm ruHir.; Benjamin Summons. J l, ' v -f', 17W- B I AN K I) >' K l) s for Side,at this 0 o 9 % Ri hfT.or.fl (Vir.) April 2J, ’99- To the Republicans throughout tht United Stales , r 1 PROPOSALS For pufclifhing, by (nblri iption, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O K, A Political, Biographical and Iliflorical R E P O S I T O R V. CONDI I I O N S. f 1 hr periods of publication fo be I mi-quarterly. if Each 11 u in bey fo contain qS oftavo pai»<rs 1 I ic‘ i rr prtfs printing, upon large fine paper, neatly executed on rm enti*r r v type, fcwed aiui vtcd under a thick hire cove 1. IN. P ice to Subfcriben 4 dollars a year two dollars to be paid in advance on the icccipt of Hie firrt number, and two dol arc on ’lie reicij t of the fif h number. IV. To each lour numbers, which will II ike a volume of 400 will I'f aducu 1 title page, ai d a able of coi lcl.Cs. To the PUBLIC. Ill* object of this puhication is to collett, preferve , ani difftmi nate the mo ft valuab e productions of the Republican pen, in all parts of the Union ; the extreme necefpty for fuck a publication , and the beneficial rfjetls which might refult from it, if well conduced, will be readily allowed. 1 he American people hove long tntugh been wipofed upon by the pretended impartiality of printers; At is all d lupon ; every party will : have its pi inter , as well as every feel its preacher ; and it is as in congruous jar a pub'ication to be ' alternately breathing the fpirit of • two parties, or for a par [on to preach to his audience chnjl/amty in the morning , and pagan, fm in the even- , mg ; it is inconpfent as for a chief magi fir ate to name an amhaffador . to fet lea difpute with a foreign nation , and immediately to violate the I axes of civility , and make moc kny of religion, by heaping upon the fame nati n and its rep, efenta- ! lives, the vil ft philippics , fcurnliiy, 1 and abufe, in a proclamation for a day of fafing andprayer :—Every j Editor who is capable of faring above (he flattery of villainy, and the adulation of folly, has too much at flake in the contefl of liberty againjl flavery , virtue againfl vice , and truth a gain ft fophifiry , to admit of impartiality. . In the profecution of the plan of this work, it will he necej/ary to ; take fo much of- a reiro/pettive view ' of the affairs of the United States, and inti odnee fuck documents as will lead to elucidate and expo ft the ori gin, pr gre/s, and a 'arming influ ence of that fyflem of iniqui 'y and \ robbery, bribery and oppreffion, I hypooify , and, which may he tracedfnm the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton, to palm upon the ! convention a monarchical conjliiu j lion through the corrupted mazes of f unding and banking, Jlvd jobbing, and /peculating fxfleins, down co the alien and /edition laws, f landing • army and vaw of the prefent day. It is d/jfruU, in pw fang a courfe of ferutiny in'e the meafures of go vernment, and dejigns of men in office, 1 1 drew a line of dnnarha ■ ■ tinn between legal plunder and per \fonol villainy public rapine , and pi hale intrigue ; whenever the ' - I nature of enquiry trill admit cj it, ; per/onal.wei.knc/s and folly ought to , be lightly touched , but ' when <?n officer of government , conneUing\ public fraud with private vice, at\ the fame time , t’j wallowing in the lap of infamy and revelling in the pecula ton o) the national ireafury , the regard for per fora! character ought to he jacrificed to public juf tue. Being p 'fjejfed of the plan and principles on which the national magazine will be conduced, it only remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter which it will contain , to enable them to deter mine whether they will or will not give it tlmr fapport, VIEW of the WORK . TRIUNE Dedication ; firfl, to the Repub* throughout ih' Un ted States; leto a, to John A amt, elq. prefidenr of the United Suues ; h> cl third, to tiie Arif_ tocrats geicallv; Dec’aration of hide r pri'ilfnee ; Confutation of ihe United States; RcCul ntioi s and Acldiefs of the Legifl.i ure o( Virgina ; K'f dull ns o the Legillunre of Kentucky, Mr. George Nicholas’* de!en;:e of them, in a Letter 10 ' im f i i-n 1 ; Plan of a Confhtution j re ferre to die Convention, bv Alexander Harnil or * a d find on of par ies, or po luical eftc*sfs o* the paper fyflem con* li ered ; a i C\ iew of the revenue f Item ad med (iy ihr full Congrefs, and an cx an tnation of i:s pernici us rfleets, ir • th i .ern lettc s to a friend, b« a cnizen, laid r<» be Mr. Fiudlcv ; the Cnniiitunoi ol the “ ic fucated” f cisiy, <r the order of the Cincinnati; Extracts firm Mr. Adam’s D fence ; from Mr. Gallatin** Sketches of the Finances of the Uui : ed Slates; from an Acldiefs of Mr. J hn Page, of Hofewell, m 1 s conlti units ; from Mi. Calendar’s Skrtc cs ol the Hif- 1 t.ity ol tnc Unitcu State*, Annual Regif- ! te , and 13 dory if 179'), in which he i handle* vi h as m rh tie icarv as they drlrrve, man* of the blunders, incon- It cnucs, and cn unities ofgi vermnent. James Lyon. frT Siibfcriptions for the work , will be 7ectived by Ambrose Day, at the Office of the Louijville Gaz elle. July 5. N () T J C E. THAT after the exmrati n of nine months from ihc date hereof, their will be an application made to die lunor- , a be the Inferior Court <f Jr {f* (on Coun ty, for an r rcier ot Elc of the real efta c <>f Rohe t H.cmldcton, deceafcd, to wu ; three bundled and fifty acies of Land, liiuatc in the ccumy of m join- M g land oi jfohn lugr m and J hn Kenne dy. It being pan of a l.act of Land, containing four bundled and fifty acre , j granted to Robert Cooper. Alfo, one other Trafl of Land, contain ing three bundled ami fifty acres, lituate in 1 he countv of Bnike, on (he wa:c*j of M‘Been Cieek, acijoiuiug lands of , granird to —. Ihe fide of the above and foregoing Tracts of Land, w II he for ih- henefi of < he he rs and credi on of the laid Robert HLunbieion, decc.ifed. H. G. Caldwell, Fo> thf A.'mini/ < at or oj the EJlate f:-ne 26. 1799. TO BE SO L D, On THURSDAY , ihe 12 ih of September , at the houfe of Dr. Newton , near Fanns Bridge , in Jefferfon County , THE WHOLE of he Elate of Sylva* nus Prime, la e of this county, de cra'fH ; rotiliOifig rf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CAITLE, RUGS, tkc. ALSO, A NEGRO U ENCtt, named fenny, her 1 brer rhildi en. A ci edit of twelve months will he given, vn h approved fecurity. . Mary Newton Prince, Adminiflratrix.- * Augufi :o. BLANK LETTERS 0/ AD MINIS’! RATION, For Sole at this I’dnting Oilicc, •C.AUTIO n. ■X 0 r l a ! l n < '"''■ .0 Mr! . 1 C.ifHev 8 Wiiliam f „ le»f, oq. bientf < { leffcrfon Cut,nr*/ I Ihe bubfcribcrs hereby forbid r . Of Iwo L.nil. iol cffr'fo a c«u a ; r ;P» formerly Sr. George’, p ar ifh, Conta - * ,n fi> together Bco Acres, ad]< nir e e , 0 tier, originally granted to CharlefvOt 1 n, f rmerlv of Savannah, efq„i. f c-afrd, as advertized, in the LoumvM * J'l.rir.l, M 30ih Inly, 1799 —Fo, ihe lowing and other rcafon,, that wilt »" " l>.t Ch.rl.. gianicr, made hu tail .ill a „.l tedam.h "i" h ,* as , dl V r veH in '77', and i," f record, in io. k .A, pagr, •j-ti , - , in llic Sccrearic’i Office,'a’, Lolmlmi t' 's,' '• , ‘ cu "’ rs . >l>«reiir nan..,! qualified That the whole, real and* P loni Eft ate of the deceafed, was fS / under authority of the will, and u eA executions on judgments, legally obtairer icveral y eats before the revolution, many 1 which judgments, remain unfatisfie•• the a-Icifs, being fully allied. That*»l,e Subic.iber Jhn I ebeau, claims the fid as principal heir and devifee of il P laid Charles W at ion. Therefore, all fur;her trcfpaflcs on the prcmrles, fale, or transfer, eiil cr publicly or privately, is forbid ; as a pnhibHo to flay lunher proceeding*, will be prayed lor, at the next Superior Court, in Jcffcr fon County, and to revoke the adminifU; - tion, raid to be granted to Chedey Bog. wi( k, °n the eftate and «ftes oI the ird Charles Watf-p, which appears to have been crroticoufly obtained. W* Stephens, Surviving Charles Wa lon, John Tebcau, Devifee of Cliarlcs Watfon. Savannah, /uguft i 6, 1799. Wafhington Superior Court, I September I'erm, 3798. I Andrew Hemphill,“l I vs, y Forcclofm , I James Hemphill, J I UPON th? petition of Andrew I Hemphill , praying the /ore- I cloju>e 0) the equity of redemption, I in and to the following t y aft of lajid, I filuate , lying and being in ihe conn- I ty of II ajihington, bounded by John I Foreman, John Foyers, aud-FJ | J other Jides by vacant land ; and I containing two hundred eighty [even I and an half acres , which trdft of I land uas mortgaged to the faid An- I drew Hemphill , by the /aid James I Hemphill, for the fecurity of cm I hundred and thirty /even pounds, I jeventeen /hillings and three pence, I on the 1 6lh day oj March m the E year of cur Lord one thou/and Jowl I hundred and ninety-three, E Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell, E attoi ney for the plaintiff \ it is or- I dered , that the principle inter eft arid B coft be paid into this court , within fl twelve months from this time , other- B wife the equity of redemption mid B be forev r foreclofcd , and that a B copy of this rule be ferved upon the fl jdid James Hemphill, or pubhfhd I nine months in one of the Gazettes B of this State , before ihe expiration E of the /aid nine 7norths, agreeable to B an aft of ihe legiflaturc in huh cap fl made and provided. K A true copy from the minutes, k |. Williams, deputy clcik« B The SUBSCRIBER K Beg' ic. vc to inform bis Friend* an! ,l * B Public, that he hat commenced the K CommilTion and Ea6loiag e B BUSINESS, ■ On TH'aii’s Whirl, where he ha* f - B 1 le St ores for he reception ft G '* and Pi educe ; and rffp"cft ul'y tend.c ; H fervices to h* Fiien sin that Ji^c Samuel Hammond, B Sa’annals, June 6, 1799' fll WANTED TO 111KK. I; B. the Month or 2en r , , A NEG R 0 MA i ■ / quire at tkU c - January jC. B