The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 08, 1799, Image 3

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from Endian-’, fay, , all kinds of American and Vfft-India produce was very. , : tniy , and the (ales dull, ex- Lot Georgia and Caiolma cot ‘ • this is quoted tn the prices current, from 2S. “> 4s, 6d. c ; we parcels had fold as high g S Rice was from 20s. to J2S. late and Important ! 'We ran announce for certain that Buonaparte, after having made a feint to raife the fiegeof Sc [ohn d’Acre, returned, du liner the night, with the rapidity of lightning, foaled the walls, made Sir Sidney Smith prifoner, and alfo the Turkifh General, and the whole of the garrifon. He found in the place an im menfe quantity of cannon, pow der, ammunition, and hocty of every kind. 1 he Turkifh army, j after this viftoiy of Buonaparte, : was difperfed and fcattered like dull, and he maiched againfl Conflantmople. recruiting his army, like Mahomet, in every place where he palled ! The dueftoiy learnt (offici ally) iyih ]uly, the jun&ion of Macdonald and Moieau. jou bcrt had ftt out in the morning ; 1 a courier was lent after him with , the fortunate news. On the morning of the 13th | [uly, a fire was difeovered in ! one of the wings of the king's; bench piifon, London. The flames ir.crcafed with fo much | rapidity, that the whole extent of the building, from the Tap! to the Chapel, containing nearly one hundred looms, were burnt. Xo perfonal injury was fuflain cd. Various reports have reached this country from different pla ces, that the Britifh feet has been defeated by the French and Spaniards, or the French alone, *md what is more lingular, thofe re P o!ts have in different inflan ces» k fen bmught from 1 iver- P OO ; frcm hondon and Ham bu’gh, Capt. Singl e f 0n Bates, that Morlaix, on the 4th of July, c ßeport was cuuent, that an a t ] on had taken place in the between the -o o e fleets, which ended in r ; C dc f fea , t cf the Eiitifh, but' n c of tnc particulars of it are ! Mentioned. Ve aie unwilling t Q indulge happy VeS contem Pla‘>”g the yJX r confe qncnces which w u: 1 re u,t f r °tn fuch an event, | fail W °? ld bc not onl y hene -I’berr °i Cau * e °f general Cvi'A ut high, y ufeful to ° ur r d °PP«ncd com unin.; A to ° on g Series of Jntoxic naval lucce^s has d"' , CdtlC B;kifl1 fomman \V e ': dm ri ra l ty> Hgcs.«c. &c. iviV ,T bhed by ,hem * tamelv j he utrnoft con *i:h i,’ i* n . IF l u ired to bow nu a d a . P U htbtniffion to (heir ♦ i-Titain, availing hoifeT of her naval fuperiority, 1 allnmes the lovcreignty of the ( ocean, and tyrannizes over every : weaker power. Counter/(it Dollars . '] he public are cautioned againft receiving Spanilh milled, Dollars of the year 1796, as many in circulation of that date are fuppofed to be counteifeit— the differences between the bad ones are made of copper with a handfome plate over it, appear to have a finer finilh than the t ue ones, and are fomewhat thicker in the middle We; have been only one, and that being very much biuifed, we are unable to give lo good a deferipfion as we wifh. The plate is thin, and by breaking through it, the copper is imme diately (iifcoveved, T he alarming degree to which Britifh influence has aii(«n in the United Slates, render it ne celfary for every well-wifhcr to the happinefs, prolperity, and independence of the union, to endeavor to expofe its origin, and arrefl its piogrefs, ’i here is many caulcs tvhich confpiic • r • * to give fuccefs to the infiduous arts, and ambitious defigns of the Britifh ; the fimilarify of habits, names, language, ar d jpurfuits, render intercomfe caty land acccfs to familiarity free.] i Any perfen the lead acquainted with Britifh hifloiy, or Bmifh | policy, need not be informed that the molt powerful weapon | of their cabinet is bribery ; their' emilfaries and embaflac’ors have long in ft fled this country ; thole who know the enormous fums annually expended by that na tion for Jecrd jer vices, may judge whether thele men come empty handed : after reminding the public of the dwindling Ipccula tions earned on by the puicha-, lers of reduced fcldiers certifi cates in the fnfl Congrefs, w’ould be ridiculous to pretend to the fuperior integrity of Americans. Britifh guineas will find market— the agents of Pitt, addiefs them felves to the vices of mankind, epublican Star, Another fource of Britifh in fluence, and of danger to the happinefs of America may be traced in the fwaims of agents I and faftors—from Britifli com meicial houles fcattered over the United States, together with the immenfe impoitations on credit, wTiich bind the debtors, to a fervile and uniform appro bation of Britifli politics ; al though thefe circumftances give the Britifli ccmmand and con troul over many thoufand inui vidua's ; at the fame time fliouid the United States ever fee and independent, fum, and virtuous | Uongrcfs, it will affioid them the means to indemnify the union for the infolence, injuf tice and cruelty of that haughty and barbarous nation. i Powerful as are the cflfc&s of j 1 thefe engines of corruption on the public mind, they ate not | the mod dangeiou? nor mod to be dreaded—corrupted and cor rupting as is the Britifh govern ment, even to a proverb, its agents know how to econcmife in th eir briberies : they know it is better to gain the Jriendjhip of a private citizen, and procure his promotion, than to warp to their interefl a man elevated without their interpolation. im. If the American people are inot routed to a fenle of their I danger by the late daring out rages, which have been com mitted upon (evcral republican printers in the United States by 1 the immediate dependants or expedants of government, the great principles of liberty, for which cur fathers in '76 dared the furr of a Britifh tyrant, will Toon, tons, be a matter of hi/ - tory only. Of what have thefe Fditcrs of Gazettes been guilty, this to excite the fury of our newly railed military corps ? The anfwer is cate—They have had the unpardonable audacity to expole the mifehievous and wicked polity of railing armies of mercenary troops in time of peace. It is therefore that the condud of thefe felf flyled friends of order, in thefe irflan |ces of violence, is the more rc -1 prehenfiblc, fince it was not as a punifhment for anyj perjonal or private conct rn that ihele out rages have been committed, Ivt \jor invrJUgativg (as they mofl unqueflionably have a light to do) the propriety or impropriety— the necejjity or non ncceffity of raif \ing aimies, building national Jhips of war, &c. with an expojiiion of : the mijcry and diflrejfes univerfully 1 and inevitably attendant upon all \juch eflablijhments . This fo effec tually flnkes at the vital princi ples of liberty—fo completely annihilates every fhadow of a right in the people to examine, through the medium of the prefs, 1 the propriety, tendency, or even 1 the necelfity of any public mea luve, that the people who can tamely fuller fuch tranfadions to pafs unheeded, are ripe for, and would uniefiflingly receive, oriental delpotilm or Britifh ty ranny in their mofl hideous forms, As we know the people of America to entertain an ar dent attachment to the liberties cf 1 heir country, and polfcte a Ipirir to defend and maintain thofe liberties, wc feel no appre henfion for the iflue. T hey, or their legiflative reprefentatives will find ard apply the proper remedy for thefe dangerous and alarming inroads upon their wile and wholclcme conflituticnal lights . With the evils, however, ari fing from the all ults and beat ings which thofe printers who arc devoted to the true principles of the confutation have Utterly fo frequently received, lome good inufl refult, The eyes of ! the public cannot fail tvcntually ,of being opened to the dangeis of a (landing army, and the pUrpoles to which fuch a force may be applied, Of the expcnce of maintaining a military force when no necellity for it exifls, the people will have a Jtiling proof . [_BaLimore American, It were well, if inftcad of the bitternefs and contumely of par ty contentions, men would learn to cultivate the amiable and en dearing ties of good fiiendlhip, to permit party poilon to pollute the lacrcd fountain of fcllowfbip, and extend its baneful breath into the fweetefl comforts of fociety, is robbing lifo of half its fleering comforts. Is the “path cf life fo carpeted with joys” that wc nerd prels caufc of dif contentintoiistranfitory period? To foften that afpeiity which difference in political opinions produces in the heart, fhould be i the fludy of every man, what ever his fentiments, whatever his fituation. W hat is the world hut one wide family, in which the common parent looks with an eye of equal proteftion and impartiality ! how ahfurd then to Hafir the draught of lif« with the naufeous dregs of jea lousy, malice and contention f let man confider their fdloy/ men, like themfelvcs fallible, and not attribute to depravity of heart, ihat which (imply coa llrued, is but an error in judg ment. Let them leave per fonaliy invedlive for manly argument, and endeavor to convince, ra ther than to irritate each other— Let rcalon preferibe bounds to enthufialm, and difference of opinion ceafe to be confulered bare principles and finiflcr dc figns, [Rep. Star, | CT - On account of the illnefs of I the Editor, the publication cj this I paper uas unavoidtbl) prflponcd. Jcffcrfon Superior Court, April term, 1799. Prefcnt the hon. Geo. Walton, UPON the petition of Nathaniel M'Mtckin, Richard Curry, mil Hen j .Illin U'arnfr, paying the forednfurc of the equity of redemption, in and ro a certain tin cf t f land, c« ntan ing four hun dred atr-s lituair, lying aid being in thr | (aid county of J< fl*' rOn, one hundred pores t f which was granted to Frcdcrulc Dug 1 U fi, and the other three hundred acres t'» ifaac Auger, mortgaged to Che lai 1 N dhaniel M Mickin. Richard Curry and Heij mi i Warner, by Iliac Auger, 1 for the feturi'g the payment of a fum of money contained in a bund benri: g date h: toih day of |u y, ore ihoufand fevetl hundred and ninety eight. A r d \r on motion of Mr Car»-e», attor re* 1< r ri e petni’ nrn : it ij ordered, that the | nrtipal, interclt ar d colts he paid icro C urf, wi'hm twelve nrunihi from the < a c hc r enf, oiherwife the cq dry of redemption will he forever forccloird, t ad other proceedings take p! ce, agreeable to an act < f alleinbly, in fuch cafei male and provided ; and that this rue be publ flied in ct 9of the gaxcitev ol this t aie, at lend nee in eveiy month, u til the rxniratioa ol the laui twelve months, or lervrd ui on the m -r 1 1 age, or i ;s fpeciai ag*rd, at lead lix moniiis p eviuus ;• the ol' the (aid twelve months. Certified this day of Opl. ’97. Wra. M* Dowell, cltrk ,