The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 08, 1799, Image 4

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TO BE SOLD, | At Public rt the M.r.fl H u r, in L'-uifvjHe, On TUESDAY, Ike 15 tkinfl. '■PWO THOUSAND Ac..,-, of j -1 va uablc Q k and H tkorv Lind, fi uatcJ on *he watts o Gram's Crc k, in ht nc ghborhocd of LoUifv’ile, a d lands of Wal'er Robinfon, aid others. Ihe above Land will be fold inl;>»«, or in the whole b dy, as n may heft fuit the perfon or ppifors in f o purchfife. Tl c Termg of the bale, (. afli nn delivery of T lit* For fur her parti* n!at», plcafe app’y to the Subfcnbcr, at Jolcph G. Pofnci'a, in Louiiviiie. Gabriel Bailey, A Urnty to John Bowman. N. B. The Sale of *he shove Land j was advenifed for the ift inft. wi| uo* avoidab y poltpoaed by the Subfcnhtr’b illcefi. G. B. Oifober 8. pss UP, ard j q I JL L»’ought to gaol, ' a On he 19111 Septfni’er, 1 * TVV O N fcG RLFS, 1 J'liimy aud Ko'e, tc \'%\ dPT* '4 ,on K‘ K 10 K*'jrtnni “V—• */v Raynes. Tit Owner tu y have them, by— J applying to the gtoler, in Wft/hingn n County. l OTi b t 8. B\ J si ah Watts, G E 0 R 0 I A, / 'Cl,k of the c*u>t of iVaJh.ngton County. 1" Ordinary, for // ujb j inylon County. WHEREAS Hirvcy Criftin and Alien G ilfn hath applied t" me for let* let* tf af'niiniftration on the eflatt of Benjamin Gr fSn, drccalcil : thefe a’C therefore to ci e and admonifh ail and lingular ibr kindred o'd cieditors of the f<>id deceafed, to he end appear »t my ortice, on or be foie the 3 ol h day if, O oner nex', to fhew cau/c, if anv they have, why letter* of adminillraiion liuiuid not he granted tl cm. Given under my hand, this 37 h day ot Sept. 1799, at.d in the twertv. lounh year ct the American Inde pendence, j. Watts, clerk c. o, ") By j'osiah W atts, JEORGI A, f Gifti of the Court County. f of Ord narv, for the j County oj tVofhin^ton. WHEREAS Beijimin Manning hath! applied to me for letters of a.lmi runration on the EUale of John Manning, late « f mi* County, dcccafed ; theic are therefore to cite and ad no nidi all and lingular the K itulred aid Citd tors of the h:d eccafcd, 'o he and appear ar my Office, on or hr fore rhe 30 h clay of Oiftol e nex 1 , to ihcw c;\ufe, if any they have, whir rtiers o( adtniniflratir-n Ihould not be gtunted to the laid Bet'j Manning. Given under 1. y hand, this 27;h day of September, 1799, and in the twenty fourth year of the American Inde pendence. J. W.itts, clcik c. o. N O T I C E, THAT after the expiration of nine months Tom the date hereof, theic * ,! 1 b« an apilication made to he honor tlJ the Inferior C 'Urtof J<fF<rfoil County, t an order of lule, cf one hundred acre* ! if land, lltaate in the G >unty of Jclferfon j dor-I;,id, adjoining land of Jofeph Chain: I ft being pan of the re; 1 eOate of William ; Jenkins, deccafrd. The fair theieof will | i’C l< r (he benefit of die hem and creditors ! fi tkc albrcl. ,, ri Jenknt*, dree fed Henry G. Caldwell, 1 Attorney fur the Executors ol the almefaid Edatc. Jepteml er 25, tygg. The SUBSCRIBER Beg; leave to inform his Friend* and the Public, thu he has commenced the | Commiffion and Fadloragc • BUSINESS. j Gn Tel air’s Wharf, where he has fuit a le Stores lor the reception ol Goods, ?nd Produce ; and rffpeiT ully tende $ his fervices to hi* Fi iem’s in that line. Samuel Hammond, | STVRwrnh, Jure 6, 1799. BLANK LETTERS 0/ ADMINISTRATION, *N D BLANK BONDS, I or Sale at this Printing Office. ( R tbmord (Vir ) April 25, *99, To ike Republicans throughout the United Stales , PROPOSALS For publifliing, by lubfcnption, A RATIONAL MAGAZINE ; O R, A Political, B'ographira' and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. I. *1 he periods of publication to be feint-quarterly. IE Each number to contain 96f d>avn pages < f lener t ref* printing, upon large fine paper, nearly executed on an ei.tiic new type, fewed and glebed under a thick blue cover. 111. to Subfcribers 4 dollar* a year, two d -liars 10 b» paid in advance on the leceinl of the fir ft: number, and two dol lars on the receipt of the ftf.h number. IV. To each four numbers, which will j make a volume of 400 pages, will he added a talc page, and a .able of contents. To THE PUBLIC, 7Hr cbjeft p/ this publication is to colleft, prefervt , and diffc-mi natc the 7no[t valuable productions of the Republican pen, in ail parts 0) the Union ; the extreme necrjfity for Jack a publication , and ike beneficial ejjetls which might rejull jrom it, if well conduCitdy will be readily allowed, 7 he American people have long enough been impofid upon by the pretended impartiality of printers; it is all d-lvfion ; every pa*ty will have its printer , as welt as every fed its preacher ; and it is as in congruous for a publication to be alternately breathing the j'pint of two parties or jor a par/on to preach to his audience chnjlianify in the \morning , and paganifin in the even ing ; it is inconjijlent as Jor a chief magifirate to name an ambajfador to fettle a difpute rvith a foreign 1 nation, and immediately to violate the laws of civility, and make moc kery of religion , by heaping upon the fame nation and its reinejenta iives, the vilrjl philippics , fcurnlilv f and cbnfe , in a proclamation for a day oj fa fling and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable of fearing I above the fi alter yof villainy , and the adulation of folly , has too much \ at flake in the ccntefl of liberty ■ againfl flavory, virtue againfl vice , and truth agamfi fcphiflry , to admit of impartiality . In the pro/ecution of the plan of this work , it will be neeeffary to I take fo much of a retre/pedive view of the affairs of the United States . j and inti oduce fuch documents as will tend to elucidate and expiJe the ori gin, progrefs, and alarming influ ence of that fyflem of iniquity ai d robbery , bnheiy and opfrrjfion , hypocrify , and injujiice , which may be traced from the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton , to palm upon the convention a monarchical confuta tion through the corrupted mazes of funding and banking , flock jobbing, and /peculating fijlems , down to the alien and /edition taws, /landing army and navy of the prefent day? It is difficult , in pur filing a courfie cf ficrutiny into the mea/ures of go vernment, and deigns of men in office, to draw a line of demur ha tic n between legal plunder and per- {> Jonal villainy . public rapine, and private intrigue ; whenever the nature of enquiry will admit of it , perfonalucaknefs and /oily ought to he lightly touched , hut when an {officer of government, conneliing pa) lie fraud with private vice, at the fame time, is wallowing in the \ lap oj infamy and retelling in the peculation o) ike national tree fury, the regard for pcrfo al charUler ought to be Jacrificei to public juj- I tue. ddeing of the plan and principles on which the national magazine will he conduced, it only remains jor the people to be informed of the particular matter which it will contain , to enable them to deter mine whether they will or will not give it their Jupport. VIEW oj the WORK. TRIUMR Dedication ; firft, to the Rrf»ub icuis throughout the Un ted States; fccono, to John At amt, efq. prclident of the United Stales 5 a> ci third, to the Atif. toc.ats generally; Dec.aiation of Inde pendence; Corf) itunon of' the Uri c Sta'ej • Refolutim % and Addrefs of tin LcgiiLiuit of Virginia ; Herniations ol the Lrgiftature of Kentucky, Mr. Geotgr Nicholas’s defence of their?, in a Letter u In* fiend; flan of a Co* dilution ; re leii'Cti to the Conventi it, by Alexander Hamilton; a definition of paries, or p«. , 1 tical efLfts o t the paper fyflem con ; li cierl ; a review of Ihi rc\er.ue f;. Hen [adopted by the fit ft Ccrgrely, and an ex tainination of its pernici ns cffcftyj n thirteen Ictte-s to a friend, bv a citizen laid to be Mr. Findlcv • the Coniiitutto;- the “ feif-createo” f< ciery, «r the jorder of the Cincinnati; F.»tra(Tls frrrr j Mr. Ariairt’s Defence ; from Mr. Gallatin’s (Sketches of the Finances of the Uni ed States; fr m an Addicfs of Mr. J hr Page, of Rofewell. to his coni:i units ; jfroru Mr. Galetdar’s Sketches of 'he Fit tory of the United State's, Annual Rrgif Met, and Hiflcry <f in which he , handles vith as much delicacy as they defervr, many of the Whit dm, inc«n* fluencies, and cn rniitir* rf g< vemment. James Lyon. Subfcriptions Jor the work , will be received by Ambrose Day, at the Office of the Lcuijville Gaz ette. July 5. j NOTICE. THAT after the ex piiarkn of nine month* from the ('are 1 ereo', there u 11) be an ap| Ikation made to the h< 11 r* able the fifert. r Court of JrfTeilon Coun i ty, for an « rder o! falc of il c real efta’e 1 of Robert Hamb’eton, dcceafed, to wit : three hundred acres of Land, firuatt lin the county of arjottiitg ; lat d of y.*hn Irgri mand J hn Kemu- I dy. If be ng pan of a T rad! of Land, I containing four hundred aud fitly acres, ■ granted to Robert Ci oper. i Alio, one other Ir;{\ of Land, contain ing three hundred and fifty acres, fituate 1 in 'he county of Bvnke, on the waters of j MBeen Creek, adjoining lands of-■ f ' granted 10 The fale of the above and foregoing iTradsof Land, w il he for the benefit of I the heirs and creditors of’the laid Rt bert j Hambicton, dcceafed. H. G. Caldwell, Fo r the AUm : n:Jh a tor oj the iifurtfaiJ FJlatt. J*nt 26, 1799. A BARGAIN. For Sale, Cheap for Cqffi , A VALUABLE TRACT Of Land, of 500 Acrts, of the very fi ft qua i’y, adjoining lan Is of Frank Jones, Ling on’ the Ogcchce River, about 40 miles below j Louilvillc. For »urther particulars, pleafc ! apply to the Sublcribe-. Geoige W. Cliifolin. j September to. i I WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AS an Apprentice to the Print ing Bufincfs, a LAD . about I 13 or 14 ytars of age , who has ! 1 eceivid a Uln able good ducat on , | and can be we I recommended. Ln \ quire at this Office. Augitfl 6, CAUTION. ro cl] corcfrrrd, particu'arly to Mr, Chfflrv Boft wick, and Willi* m p d ciq. Iheritt'uft leffcrfon C. untv. The Sitbfcribcn hctrby forbid tbe fo 1 « of two Tr-uTs of Land, in Irffe fr, n Cou D . ty, formerly Sr. George’* Punlh, coi.t&i . up y together £co At re*, Zl j 0 | s i rg o'hcr, originally granted rb Cl»arle» W k \. fn, f rn.crly of Savannah, cfq\.i.c, (£ , cccfcd, ui advertized, in the Louilvi U J- rm»l, of 30 h July, (be f, . lowing and oihcr rcafot.j, that will \, c it tun! That Charles WaTor, the orig-nsf grnmee, made hn laft v.ill and tdtcmcnr which was duly proved m t 7 7 and u J record, in page* 371 j. 3, a, c ,1111 the Sccietarie’s Office, ai Louifvil.c I and that ihr executors, therein named* qua- fie —That the whole, real erd , er. j fonr. 1 Eftatc of the ('ecep.fed, wc» f 0 (j under authority cf the will, Br d u der cxfoit oni * n judgments legally ob'aired Icvcral years before the revolution, many of which judgments, remain urfdtijfied the being fully applied. Thar ,he Subfcriber J-hu Tebeau, claims the f.jd 'and, us principal heir and devifee of the aid Cltarif, Wation, Therefore, all further trcfpafci on ti e ptemitei, fair, or transfer, ehl er publicly or privately, is forbid ; a* a pr< hibiiior to (lay further proceedings, will be prryrd for, at the next Superior Court, in jeffer. fon County, and to revoke the adtniniftra. lion, fa id to he granted m Che(le) Boh. wick, on tfic efta'e and cffVdhi cl the fa d C.’lirrles W uf n, which appears to have been errontoofly obtained, ' W. Stephens, SurfivirgExecutor Charles Walon, John Tebeau, Devifee of Charles Watfon. Savannah, Auguft 16, 1799. Wafhirgton Superior Court, September Term, 1798. Andrew Hemphill,"'! vs. p Forcclofure . ■ ames Hemphill, J UPON the petition oj Andrew Hemphill praying the jore* do fare of the equity cf redt mptkn, in and to the following ti cB cj laid, filuale , lying and being in the ccun* ty of H ojhington , bounded by join ha? emeu, fohn Rogers, and fill other Jides by vacant land ; and containing two hundied eighty f even and an half acres , which trad cf \ land was mortgaged to the Jaid An* drew Hemphill, by the jcid James Hemphill, for the fecurity of one hundred and thirty fevtii pounds, fevinteen ft.tilings aid three pence, on the 1 Gch day cf March in the year oj cur Lord one theu/andJciin hundred and ninety-three . Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell, attorney for (he plaintiff, it is or dered, that the principle mteref cri cofl be paid into this court, within j twelve months from this time , other* wife ihe equity of redemption will be forev r frec'ojed, end that <J j (opy oj this rule be ftrved upon the \faid fames Hemphill , or futh/hd nine months in one cf the Gazettes loj this State , before the expiration I of the /aid nine months, agreeable to I an aH of the leg'Jlaturc in juch cafes made and prcviced . A true copy from the minutes, J. Williams, deputy c.’cik* A BARGAIN. !To be fold, cheap for Cafh, or a Negro Fellow, 1 A VALUAB E TRACT cf L*fcD, 1 / ico Afre7, about two rtTes ;t ,r * Louifvilie, adjoining Jan Is <f Alcxiddet Cafnei , and other*. For further culars, ci quite of Muthew CtT , *' r ii‘ Patrick Magee. September to, 1799. SHERIFFS* BLAN'K. DEEDS Of CON V E Y A NC E, For Die it this Office.