The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, November 05, 1799, Image 2

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imu,m rTjuls .!■ ——ami Mm 3 i,f CHORM, Aug 7/y? 26. ( Vonel Raron A r T)r p has puMrftmd the following infor- O inatu n # “ I have this inflant received a"» authentic letter from the Sardinian ronfiil, Ha inp, (hat on the 20 h of Angufl, 4000 Ruffians, with for nr Neapolitan troops had enrercd Rome That city bring free, the who'e • of rhe ec lefiaflical Hates will loon be the 1 me. I) Asprr, colonel. CORK, Avguft 13. At a moll numerous and rcf peftable meeting of the county t)f I ippcrary, an unanimous addiefs to his map-fly was r greed to, cxprefllve of the (Iron gtft approbation ff a legiflarivc union between Great-Britain and Ireland, We have to add the name of the right hon. the earl of Co k and Oncry to the lift of the noblemen and gentlemen of the roun y of Cork, who have de clared their lentiments in favour of a leg flalive uiiion between Great-Britain and this kingdom. BOURDEAUX, July 25. What a fpcftacle our city prefents, flnre the authorities have regenerated I exclaims the eoitor of the Journal of Bour deaux. Ihe appearance of the armed force, cannon mourned at the town all Teems calculated 1 to alarm. Our fellow citizens' aflame grave countenances, and courageousrefignation ;by which may calculate how far free men will fufFcr the intolerable yoke of the mofl a rocious def •potiim. Ihe robbers, amount ing to about 1352, breathe no thing but blood and vengeance. 1 he execution of the law is cn frufled to men accuflomcd to brave it. Several arbitrary ar refls have taken place and great alarm prevails. BOSTON, OS. her 2. Citizen Talleyrand has at tempted to make his elrape from Paris; but has been prevented. Had he been luccelsful, he would certainly have puflied for the T ailed States; as he certain y would have expelled, from the Services he buafls of having ren dered them, to be cordially re ceived by the government and .people, SALE iVI, 0 Sober 1. American Gallantry ! The brig Hind, capt, Daniel Ropes, arrived here on Saturday l ift, from Tadrz. On the paf lagc he teil in with a veflef from Gibraltar, by which he received information of rhe arrival at that place cf the fhp Mount Vernon, that C'pt E M. Derby palled tire combined Trench and Spa mfh fleets, on his pafTage ; that a l igate and a floop of war were lent after feim, and that he cut- ; •. • j’ fli 1» d the frigate ai.d L at of the floop of war : that afterward in the Streights mouth, capuit ; Derby w>as attacked by fevera privateers, which he beat oft and one of which flruck to him, but he did not take the froubh ;to carry her in. In thefe ren- I contres capt. Derby received n* injury. Capt. Ropes was alb informed, through the farm channel, that a Boflon fchoone had funk a privateer in the Streights, after having receive* an 18 pound Trot from her without material damage, HARTFORD, OSoher 7; L*ft Thurlday evening the Prefident of the United States arrived in this city, and next morning proceeded on his jour ney to the feat of government. PHILADELPHIA, OSober g. Thomas Mifflin, Manuel Eyre, William Lirinard, Wil liam Penrofe, George Ingle and George Logan, are elected mem bers of alfernbly for the county of Philadelphia. Thecircuitcourtof the United States for the drftrift of Penr(\ J vania, will commence to-mor -1 row at Norriliown. Fries, w ho' was ordered to have a new trial, and others of Northampton, who have indiftments depend-. i°g a g a »nfl them for high trea lon, will, we underfGnd, be anaigned this feflion. 0 Sober 10. (ELECTION FOR GOVERNOR.' M'Kean, Rofs . Phila. City 1136 1611 County 1995 91 O' In W. C heller 130 867 Germantown deficient in which Mr. M Kean has a major ity of 240. In Delaware county Mr. Rofs has a majority of 724. In tiie borough of Lancafler Mr. M'Kean has a majority of 162. From the whole of which it refuhs that Mr. M'Kean has 3,663 votes, Sc Mr. Rofs 44, 1 2. CONGRESS. The Sixth ( ongrefs of the United States is to meet in a fhort rime. The fed ral major ity will be much (Longer than) in the Fifth ( ongrefs. With this increase of 11 ength, we expeft an increafe of energy, decifion and fed ra im. The will of the majority of the peo ple of the United States, ought, to be exprefled by the majority in Congrels. That will is to crufh all oppofition to the go vernment of their choice; and rid the country ol every lediti ous alien, or rebellious citizen. The firfl aft of 1 o’giefs will be the cleftion of a Speaker. Much depends upon the elefticn of a man of lound fcderalilm; qub k difeemment, and unfhaken firm nefs, Such qualities will be found in the hon. Mr. Sedgwick, who we learn is a candidate. But unlefs the federal members are punftual in their attendance to the Irrfl day of the feflion, the mi f ority may diftafe to the majority who fhnll be the organ of the houfe for two years. Cftoher 15. Arrived this morning the fhip Good Friends, rapt. Farle, in the very ffiort pafTage of 29 days from Hamburgh. This veil'd Tailed the 14th September, and bringsintelhgcnceof Amfterdam being in pofleffion of the Britifh troops The Dutch were flock ingin great numbers to the fland aid of rhe ftadtholder.- The p.iflengcr from whom we have obtained the above, alfo informs, that 30,000 Ruffians had arrived at Hamburgh defi ned to aft againft France. This is no doubt the Ruffian expedi tion which failed ftom ETmeur the 23d of Auguft, and which was defigned to co-operate with the Britifh troops in the reduc tion of Holland* It is more than probable that this has been efßfted without the aid of the former. r lhe day capt. C. left Cadiz, the governor of that place, by requefl of Mr, Yznardi, Ame rican conful, politely iffued drift orders to the commanders ; c f French cruizers, not to at tempt to proceed to fca within 48 hours after his failing. The conduft of our conful docs ho ! nour to the government which he fo faithfully represents. The fleet under lord St. Vin cent's command is reported to ' 1 ibour under the plague ; all the cun (I of Haibary arc infcfled with it- La Fayette and La Tour Moubomg have been for fome time paft in Hamburgh. Wc have been politely favo red by capt. Cunningham, of the fhip Superior, from Cadiz, with the following information : Immediately aftergeneral orders were iffued for all the Spaniffi officers to remain on board, and hold themfelves in readinefs for failing, upwards of 50 officers, upon this fignal being given, brew up their commiffions, which were not, however, ac-" cepted. Seven or eight American vef fels have been captured lately by the French, and carried to St. Lucia; the French conful there is faid to have eolleagued with them to condemn every thing. I bis report is corroborated by their avoiding to bring their pri. zes into Cadiz, as the French conful of that place fome time ago feta fhip at liberty. The Tea's were put upon all the public coaches in Cadiz, on the 20th of Augufl, by an order of the government, to prevent the tranlportation of fpecie, and the better to afceitain the real amount of every man's property. 1 he fame meaiure took place at the fame time throughout the whole kingdom. SHERIFFS* BLA N K DEEDS for Sale , at this Office, BALTIMORE, Oader». ExtraH of a letter from a gentle* man at Cape Frances , to another in this city t dated >ept. 6 • " Ihe government of thij place have iflued an edia p ro , ; hibitingthe payment of all debts rontraaed anterior to the 7t year of the republic. Therefore under thisexifting cir C umftanr.c‘ thofe who hold debts on the adminiftration about that tim? need not in my opinion, cheiifh the mod diflant idea of recover, ing payment/* [ CHARLESTON, Oftober Yefterday the frigate JOHN ADAMS, capt. Crofs, got un* der way oppofite this city, and dropped down near Fort John- Ton ; as (be paflfed the town (he fired a falute of 24 guns, which was leturned by the artillery of Fort Mechanic. This elegant frigate is now completely fitted, and will proceed to Tea in a few days. LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY , November 5, 1799. Yefterday being the day ap pointed by law for the meeting of the legiflature of this (late, a number of the members aflem bled at the State Hou'e, and took the oaths required by the • conflhution but there not be* ing a quorum prefent, they ad* 1 journed until this day. Tuefday , November 5. The Senate have chofen the honorable David Emanuf.i, Efq. Prefident, and William Robertson, Efq fecretaiy. ' The Houfeof Reprefentatives ihave chofen the honorable Da vid Meriwether, Efq. their Speaker, and Hines Hoir, ; Efq. their clerk. His Excellency the Gover nor’s communication was ie ceived and read, which (hall appear in a future paper. Judge C arn>.s's Charge to the I Grand Jury of Jeffrrfon county , Cdober Term , 1799. Gent'cmen of the Grand Jury , IT is doubtlels of the greatefl confcquence in every govern ment to have a pure and fpeedy l • * rp adminiftration of juftire 1° difeover in any nation a rational conftitution—laws made within the limits prescribed to the legis lators, and a judiciary faidy ana promptly adminiftered muft afford real and lubftantial p^ l ' fare to the contemplative and intelligent part of fociety. ” e are indebted to home of [^e wifefl heads and b-ft of moth e ’ for the government now enjo e by the people of our common country. In numerous inftan ces the fyftem may be ameliora ted, but ought never to be ed for as perfeft To long ? * c f * vernment is under the dtreclio * of fublumry beings; we O U S *