The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, November 19, 1799, Image 2

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nr./i.tjw fji '"r mt • r *-A" l ' v. rr.y< RICHMOND, OElohcr 22* 7he news from Europe may he comprifed in the following brief ftaterncnt:—The Bri.ifri have landed in Holland, and go* pofTWfton of the Dutch fleet Maftena has defeated the umbduke in all points, and taken 10000 piifon-r'—and the Vi enna Gazette acknowledges the French we’e fucrcfsful in their general attack in Italy at all points but Novi, and even there they acknowledge the French took 1300 piiloners and the wounded. 24 The didrift court lately fitting at Norriflown, is adjourned, all its proceedings having nul lified by the difeovery of a flaw in 111 e notification of the remo val of the cou t. 0 Bober 2 7he eleftion of Thomas M*Kean, efq to the office of governor of this (late, wa< ce lebrated yefterday, on Ztigler's plains, Spring Garden, by a number of citizens. Celder 25. FIRE! ! About one o'clock rhis morn ing, the city was ala med by ihe cry of fire, which had been di(covered in the livery (tables of the late Mr Martin Murray, fituated at the corne r of Mora vian alley and Watkins court. Before the citizens could repair to th« fpot, the (lames had en tirely confumed the (fables, to gether with a la v gc number of valuable hoiTes. carriages, har nefs, See. and extended without oppofition to a number of ad joining buildings, the confined fituation of which preclndcdthe proper ule of the engines, Bc foie it yielded to the exertions of the citizen*, above 15 dwel ling h' ufes, and (fores were either wholly defiroyed or very materially injured, the ffores, we undfifland, contained pro* pcity to a confiderableamount. BALTIMORE, Oftobcr 79. \cfle?day pafled through this c i‘y * 011 his way from Virginia to Philadelphia, Mr. Liftun, the Hiitifh minifler, A writer in the New-York A -ercanlilc Advcriicr fa> s, that 1 word is felling at 12 dollars a j cord in that city. Nor fliould I wonder (fays he) if, in the courfe of a month, it was up to 20 dollars a cord, from the un feeling avarice of certain mono poiizers in this mod nectflary aiticlc of life. V e are in r ormcd by a gentle man direft from the Weft-In dks, that—“ i ettrrs from his grace the duke of Portland, have been circulated throughout the Enghfh \\ tft-India colonies, prohibiting the expoitation of m any other bottoms than Hritilh.” The above took place (lie 16th September. I [Middletown Gazette. 2 C fiber 30. Captain Tilton, of the flhp Mermrid, who arrived at Sew- York on Friday laft, from 1 ri* nidad and Cuba, inlorms, that all the Spamfli ports in Cuba, were op n to American trade for four months, from about the 10th of September laft, German literature is now held in fiich high efteern in England, that an Englifh printer has had a fet of German characters caft, in order fo print literary produc tions in (hat language. SAVANNAH, November 12. Ihe Jclloxiing rvas pohtdy bonded us by a friend, at St. Ma>y s,Jor fuhhcctu n. November 2 d, 1799. Yefterday an exprefs arrived here in 15 days from the Spanifh ganifon at St. Maik’s, with fit ters Lorn Mr. Ellicott, the Ame rican commiffioner for running the boundary line. Mr. Ellicott writes, that the adventurer gen. I William Auguftus Howies, h d again made his appearance in that quarter, his arrival at the Apalachee is ftaled as follows : A Hritifh floop of war called the Fox, commanded by lieu tenant Wooldridge, of the navy, mourning 16 guns, and near joo men, took 1 owlesand his attend ants on board at Jamaica, and on the 18th of September (aid veftel was wrecked on George s 1 liar d, in the bay of Apalachee, near the mouth of Chatahoochec, the veftel totally loft, hut the crew and paftengeis laved* Mr, i Ellicott about that time was ! coming down the river on bo ud his (chooner, Bowles wrote him | and dt fired an interview, which he h d—it appears that his views ate hoflile, elpecially to Spain; he is oppofed to the runn ng of the line. Bowles went up to the Crtek Nation attended by three aids, one of them an Kng hftiman. one a Scotchman, the other a Frenchman, all captains in the Britifh army. It is re ports d by them that a very large (upply of goods are on the way from Eng and asprefents for the lavages, Bowles declared to Mr. Ellicott, that, fhould he • all in with the Spanifh commif fioner and his attendants, he would make prisoners of them. Mr. Ellicott furmfhed the cap tain and crew of the Fox with a ronfiderable quantity of pro vifijns. It is much to be feared that Bowles will be kind y re ceived by the Indians ; the pre lent moment is favorable for him, the Indians are in great want of goods, many of them are out of temper with the Uni ted States and Spain, add tothefe things that their oifpofition at all limes inclines them to plun der, &c,. 1 hat Bowles will ftnnulate to defperate afts there can be no doubt, as his corifi*- quence and exiftcnce depends thereon, for it can fcarcely be hippo fed, that the United States wi.ll tamely lit (till and allow a « i Britifh etnirr.i y fuch as Bowies I to enter her icrritoiy and dillurb its peace and happmefs. Ii can not now be denied b it that Bowles is fupported by Britain, that common diflurber of the peace of mankind in every quar ter of the globe ; could fbe not be content with what fhe has already done, in being the aftive mover in deluging three fourths of the woildin blood, and fuf fered this quarter to have re mained in peace : but no—our unhappy fiontier fcttlers will have the cruel ravage let loofe on them, while Britain's fleet is robbing and infuUing us on the ocean, whilfl, perhaps, a deeper and more lerious plan is matu ring to deflroy our independ ence. The author of the pre ceding infoimation and remarks is dehrous that they fhould be publilhed, in order that the go vernment and frontier fettlers of Georgia fhould be prepared for the confequences that is to be apprehended. It is with pleafure we announce the fale arrival of major Minor, the Spanifh commiflioner, and all his party in good health, at Punt Peter, at the mou h of the river St. Mary's, on the 13th of lafl month, 1 LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, November 19, 1799. ——- Chief juflice M'Kean, Governor . elcft. We underftand, that the re turns from the dilFerent counties from the ftatc of Pennfylvania, liave been received at Lancafler; that Mr. Kc fs had a conlidcrable majority in the five counties wt ft of the mountains ; and that the total majority, by which chief juflice M‘Kean is elefted a inounts to leven thoufand four hundred and upwards. James Munroe, it is fuppofed will be the next governor of Virginia. Colonel William Nicholas, bro ther of John Nicholas, of Con grels, is cxpe&ed to be the fe nator for Virginia, in the room’ of the late venerated Mr. Taze- i well. EHzur Goodrich , efq. is elc6fed a member of Congrcfs, for the (fate of Connefficul, in of the Lon. john Allen, rehgncd. The Virginia legiflature in the 1 next Idlion will have, behde an , addition of 12 republican mem-: bers more (ban in the lafl, the m -ft relpe6fab!e body of men of talents and genius of any legifla tive body in the union. 1 he alien bill accords very badly with the language of Con grefs in their addrelfes to foreign ers, and other public pieces iil'u ed during tht revolution. At that period, a gtateiul acknow ledgement was expiclled of the fervices rendered to the caufe of America by the republican emu | grants who fleck? d together jdcr the banne sof freedom, ; i{ \ fu’ppoited them with their b O .„J Tl.ev were told that by t bcir exertions, a g eat extenfive r ot . tinent would be wrefied i cm * , ‘torn the power of de'potifm, an J that it would be an afylurn t>> which ihe poor, the perfected and the opp.tlLd might fly f 0 f tefuge. The following was the con cluding paragraph of the mani festo of Congrcfs, in anfwcr to the proclamation of lord Car- Idle and his colleagues; 1 he portals of the temple we have railed to freedom, fha!( then be thrown wide, as an afy lumto mankind. America fliall receive to her bofom, and com fort and cheer the referable and the poor of every nation and of every clime. The enterpnze of extend ng commerce {hall wave her friendly flag over the billows of the nmoteft regions. Induf try Shall collecf and bear to her (bores, a!! the various produc tions of the earth, and all by which human life and human manners are poliShed and adorn ed. In becoming acquainted with the religions, the cufloms, md the laws, the wifdom, vir tues and follies, and prejudices of dillerent countries, we Shall be taught to cheriSh the princi ples of general benevolence, We fliall learn to confider all men as rur brethren, being w P equally children of the univer fdl parent-—that God of the heavens and of the eaith, whofe infinite majeSly for providential favor I during the late revolution, al mighty power in our preferva tion fiom impending ruin, and gracious mercy in our redemp tion from the iron Shackles of 1 defpotifm, we cannot ceafe, with | gratitude and deep humility to praife, to reverence and adore.” 1 hefe were the fentiments of the patriots of that tr)ing time. They were elevated, liberal and philanthropise, but now every eSTort is made to warp and pre judice the American mind, by a faftion which dreads the enthu- Siafm of L uropean republicans, and fears that thofe who may have fled fiom oppreflion at home, will be ready and willing heie to oppofe all attempts to introduce in America, the coun terpan of a BritiSh government. He e is the reafon why the federaliSls a?e fo zealous in ridi culing philanthrophy, and m inculcating the molt Sordid, nar row contracted and illiberal pre judices. Curled be that patri otism which can cxift without a love of liberty, without the g c ' nerouswilh fo? general prcfpei 1 and happinefs. Of what ufe can an attachment be tor inani mate things ? Neither the clay nor the (tones can reciprocal eftcem. A love Sor our coun trymen is rational and p ral e worthy, but of what federal pitriotifm ? It chenfh a IIiODT haUeJ for all o