The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, November 26, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. Vol. I.j E S D A Y, November 1799. [Xo. 4^. JfFjSSOVs/\'P TRUTH IMPERIL,I. OG. -/7/,v ir.,T. 7 GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE, i übiilhed every iuelday, by AMBROSE UA V, at j doiiais pei aun. pa) able bait yearly. From the Newark Ccntmel. Men may h entered, but prin ciples CANNOT. Be it remembered, t liar Luther, Baldwin b*s been prorecutedj and fined i3O dollars cods and j expences, P5O fo> fp-aVing fedi-; tious words, in the whole 400' dollars. V/e wi*l (late the fuels with tegard £0 the time and place where thefe words were utteied : Some time in June, 1798, Piefident Adams was pa (Ting through this town, on his way to the call ward : Luther Bald win happening to becoming towards [ohn Barnet's dram (hop, a perfon that was there fays to Luther, there goes the Piefident, and they are firing at his a—: Luther a little mer ry, replies, that he did not care if they fired through his a— : 1 then exclaims the dram feller, 1 that is (edition —a confiderable colle&ion gathered—and the prfetended fedeialids, being! much diLppoinied, that the prefident 1 ad no f (lopped that they might have had the honor of killing his hand, bent his 1 malice on poor I ufher, and the* cry was, that he mud be punllii- 1 ed, he rnud be puniffied. this he has fa len a (acnfice thro*' the means of tines or four ty rants of this town. Of couife it is evident, that nothing is warning but power with them to peifecute and tread under, foot all thole that refufe to be ’ duped into their meafures. Q>iere. Of what materials mull a man be compofed, that will become a voluntary inform er agdnft another for a mere ex- p r e(lion, drawn from him when in liquor, that did not injure any one’s perfon or property, and hv that means ru n a man and dilbefs his family, tv ho # has unce publicly declared that he f'he Laid L ither) was a good citizen, an hum li man, a f i*»nd [° his cou! t’v, find; no harm in whn he i ti id ? Sarh in con fi (lender we will leave for the Public o rec> nc : ’?, for wc confefs them dark to us, LUTHER UA EDWIN, When wi heai l that Luther BiLwm w„s ind.acd for fedi we f u. poied tlutuc had ? n S u,|( y of fomethine crimi . His ‘Hal has developed e circumftances on which he as reen f oun d guilty, and fen . . d t 0 a heavy fine, £ " n e confefs ,h!t oul or, , ma ' ment has been exceffive « 'jP* ‘he peculiarity of the r t r ns - for which fo formal ttul laflim-ed. 1 This prnfecution cannot fad of cor vincing every republican of the extraordinary malignancy of the federal faction, when cog nizance is taken of lu.h a rid 1- j culoti' exprelfion, as that uttered jby Baldwin in the moment ol , intox’cation. Ihr poor trur jis confign d; prubablv* to ruin for what he (poke perhaps as a jefl. Tan the mod enthufiaftic fed era! ifS s or toii* s fu ppofc 1 hat thefe who a e oppofed to them would feel any giatiftcation in firing at fuch a dilgufling ta-rct o o 00 as the of ). A. but we c n recoiled the day when many of the gentry would have had no objefli n, but would have been pleafed could they have an opportunity topra&ife a little in that way, as the pop ping at lurh an obnoxious cha ra£ler wou’d have been thehigh -1 cfl recommendation for a forv to the favor of a Henry Clintuu or a Robin Ton. We feel the utrroff aukward nels in dwelling on luch an af- Tair, and we fuppofe that no court nor jurv would wifh to be ■trrubled with deciding upon j fuch a prosecution ; hut we view this trial in the mod leu jus point, a> it tends to exhibit a 1 melancholy fpecimen ot the rage of faction, . ud is an additional in (lance that America has but too many of thofe wretched tools who. for the fake of a lit tle patronage, we need not add ’a little pelf, would faenfice a neighbour, and at the fame time know him to be a good citizen, an honed man, and a frLnd to his country. What opinion will the people of Europe form on reading the particulars of this curious tiial in our pape»s ? Many rovalifts will be p. ea 1». * 1 at Cue citoua** dance, as evincing that the caufe might yet fucceed in this coun try. Many a Brhon will fay, f hat 1# believes that the prefident of lae Jnited Strips is treated with as much icfpefl as a king, and that perfons fpeaking con empruouily of him are punidicd in a fimilar way, as fuch peifons o o.fending againd the king would be in England. COMMUNICATION. As a number of your papers are circulated in this town, and are read with greater avidity, on account of the tiouble there is often to procure them at the pofl office. I beg leave through your medium to publifh a con veifation I inadvertently over heard at a tavern between two lot the inhabitants, concerning the mod eligible peifon f( r co roner, as the clcdlion is approach ' ,n g 1— One of the two. who was rather eldeily* piopofcd the dram-fdie r % the celehiated ohn burner, as a man who dclcrvecl any o' 7 re, which the people of jiliac iown could beUuw on him, I and he the?' pto r ourcfd the jfirongefl encomium on that uonhy zvight, the princip I fca jture of which was that he h d .the courage to become i n in -1 i i . * i r i• o• 11ic i, »*. tii e .cti u lays ( his eulogid, it icquiies no little courage to fucceed in fnch a I way, as in the firfl place, he had to overcome all his own feelings, ; and to turn a deaf ear to all the | tender hearted peifons, who | thought it a pity to punifh fnch lan aged man as Luther laid ,vvin, whole hoary bed would p°rhips excite compadion n the breads of thole p< ople ralhd phi'anthroDhifis; bi the nob y peifeve?ed in profecuting the old fellow for daring to utter Inch a contemptuous exprefhon ( f our beloved prefident, whom every one knows is one of the bell of men. and tfrrk God. wo have (i>cw n the cuilcu Ucmuciatr that we will Irf none of them Ipeak ddrelpedltully of any par* of that dear man. The old fellow ceaftd, and his friend replied that certainly the grog mccfiinr had done tht 'ede rahlls a gicat benefit by irdoim ing agamll Padwm and to tell the truth, he had rather Jack fhould have been the irfoimei than himfejf, as he would be lorry to be the caufe of di fit effing fuch an old man and his family. 1 ha.t many perlons wwc of the fame opinions, and th it until the afT ir was fo’xotieanother perfon ought to he pmpofc i as candidate, and then mentioned that John I (lord, the m"j\r bra vador was the fitted peifioi in the town (bin for that c! ice ; that no federa ifl whatfoner would take a gieater p ea'n e in fitting over th p bodv of adi mo cut, wJvm ihc fplinier of a piazza might have :na Je quiet. I hc old mm replied, tin t he had no objection to I (Ford, but as the one fie propofed had nfqued fo much for the f i j of i\ liial iic tu o .u iu Lc re warded. Oh ! N T ewarkes, veu may boafl of having dripped the dritiih crown of its American jetvels ; you may bo dl of your •iberty, but Lam th it a Jlnlifh fubjecl m v fpe k of the king's, head, and remember that a man is punifhed for fpeaking of the j prefideat’s a— ♦ 1 4. W • ; Britifh ! ! / It has been announced that I Janies v arper Tandy, the cclc : hiared Inlh patriot, has been ( delivered up by the fenate of ij I lain! u»gh, to his vinditlivc 1 1 enemy, the H itilb government, : We hu})e tire report is not true, hut we tear that the government _ o of that city has rot fufficicnt magnanimity to rrfift the im ponuidihs of (hat infamous, blood thri If v, and lavage tyran* ny, wh cli treads down the lnlii nrttion beneaih its feet. Kobdpierre, the cruel, tyran nicnl F old pie ne, Would appear amiable, when compared with the Bihifli government, Exe crable as that man's character was,- he* never pci Termed the emigrants or royahfls with that per leveling malice, with which aPi t has purfird the liifh re publicans. lie never requited i any government in Fu opc to 1 deliver up even the traitors who ( had betrayed their truths, nor lias any preccdir g or fable quenC admiral) ration in Trance de manded the (mrendering up tf the in/amous Dutumrier, It through die influence of France the emigrants were at . dillerent rirrus ordered by the • governments, where they rc Hdcd to remove from their teirilori s, ; V ct the perfons of none of them were ever demanded; but it remained for the B itifJi court, a« lifnal, to fhrw the rru fl de- I rc liable example of implacable revetge, which the blood of thoufands of victims could not , t latisly, but requires the further . | (aenfree ol an aped, rcfpt&ablo i man whole greatcll crime is jdr it he ioveci his country too j wed, for hi* own peace and h. p pinels. A ll ocious men may extirgu ilh a life wbic fi has been devoted lo the (civire cf his ccuntrv men, but they cannot rob him of his fame, of that veneration, love and rrfpcft whicli every honed jlrilhman and every friend to liberty throughout the globe wo I cherilh lor the mem' ry of tins | admirable man ; admirable, b* - caufe o d age could not cool his enthi.di dm nor prevent him from c deavoring to change tire de p orabie htuation of his coun try, a- dto ameliorate the woes and fullcrings of her opprcll d 1 cl ill l/en. Triumphant villainy '‘r.n ne ver forgive the honefl individual, who has fuffi CI ent v irti e to o?*- pofe irs nefarious dcflgn- ; and too of en arc we difgufleJ vvtt.'i iieeing the balcll minions of ar bitiary pjry.vcr immolating the 1 worthy and the brave to leone i their ufurpatioiis, but although